def add_username(conn, name, username, password, favoriteDH, classYear): curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs2 = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute( 'INSERT INTO student(username, name, favoriteDH, favoriteFood, classYear, password) \ VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);', [username, name, favoriteDH, 1, classYear, password]) conn.commit()
def getPeople(conn): '''Returns the name and birthdate of all the entries in the person table, as a list of dictionaries. ''' curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('select name,birthdate from person') return curs.fetchall()
def insertCustomer(cname,conn): curs=dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''insert into parents(p_name) values(%s)''',cname) conn.commit() searched="%"+cname+"%" curs.execute('''select person_id from parents where p_name like %s''',searched) return curs.fetchone()
def getRecommended(): conn = dbi.connect() curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''SELECT course.cid, course.title FROM course LIMIT 3''') results = curs.fetchall() return results
def addtolist(conn,username,person_id): curs=dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select name from politicians where person_id=%s''',(person_id)) name=curs.fetchone() name=name['name'] curs.execute('''insert into user_favs(username,person_id,name,feeling) values (%s,%s,%s,%s)''', (username,person_id,name,'null')) conn.commit()
def addpos(info,conn): curs=dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select * from offices where heldby=%s''',(info["person_id"])) temp = curs.fetchone() info['offname'] = temp['oname'] info['offlink'] = url_for('office', num = temp['o_id']) return info
def getByCompany(conn, compName): '''Returns the link, cid, uid, role, season, experience, city, state, and country of all applications for a specified company, as a list of dictionaries.''' curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select * from application where compName = %s;''', [compName]) return curs.fetchall()
def loginA(): try: username = request.form['username'] passwd = request.form['password'] conn = dbi.connect() curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''SELECT username,password FROM admin WHERE username = %s''', [username]) row = curs.fetchone() if row is None: # Same response as wrong password, # so no information about what went wrong flash('login incorrect. Try again or join') return redirect(url_for('index')) hashed = row['password'] hashed2 = bcrypt.hashpw(passwd.encode('utf-8'), hashed.encode('utf-8')) hashed2_str = hashed2.decode('utf-8') if hashed2_str == hashed: flash('successfully logged in as ' + username) session['username'] = username session['logged_in'] = True session['visits'] = 1 return redirect(url_for('user', username=username)) else: flash('login incorrect. Try again or join') return redirect(url_for('index')) except Exception as err: flash('form submission error ' + str(err)) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def upload(): if request.method == 'POST': #if they are uploading a new picture try: username2 = session['username'] f = request.files['pic'] user_filename = f.filename ext = user_filename.split('.')[-1] filename = secure_filename('{}.{}'.format(username2, ext)) pathname = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOADS'], filename) curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''insert into picfile1(username,filename) values (%s,%s) on duplicate key update filename = %s''', [username2, filename, filename]) conn.commit() flash('Upload successful') return redirect(url_for('profile')) except Exception as err: flash('Upload failed {why}'.format(why=err)) return render_template('profile.html', src='', nm='', title="Profile")
def getFavorites(conn, uid): # Gets list of all favorited internships curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) sql = '''select link,compName,role,season,yr,experience from application inner join favorites using (link) where favorites.uid = %s;''' curs.execute(sql, [uid]) return curs.fetchall()
def lookupShift(conn, shift_id): curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) sql = 'select * from shift1 where shift_id = %s' vals = [shift_id] curs.execute(sql, vals) info = curs.fetchone() return info
def commit_transaction(conn): ''' End the transaction :param conn: connection to database ''' curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('commit')
def shiftExists(conn, permanent, day, time, endtime, employee): curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''select * from shift1 where day = %s and time = %s and endtime = %s and employee = %s''', (day, time, endtime, employee)) data = curs.fetchall() return data
def start_transaction(conn): ''' Begin the transaction to ensure thread safety :param conn: connection to database ''' curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('start transaction')
def getAllWeapons(conn): ''' Returns the wid, type, and condition of all weapons ''' curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select wid,type,`condition` from weapons''') return curs.fetchall()
def getByExperience(conn, exp): # Returns the link, cid, uid, role, season, experience, city, state, and country # of all applications needing specified experience/year, as a list of dictionaries. curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select * from application where experience like %s;''', ['%' + exp+ '%']) return curs.fetchall()
def getByRole(conn, role): # Returns the link, cid, uid, role, season, experience, city, state, and country # of all applications for a specified role, as a list of dictionaries. curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select * from application where role = %s;''', [role]) return curs.fetchall()
def findAllAvailabilities(conn): curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''select * from person_availability order by day asc, time asc, endtime desc''' ) info = curs.fetchall() return info
def login(): try: username = request.form['username'] passwd = request.form['password'] conn = dbi.connect() curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''SELECT uid,hashed FROM userpass WHERE username = %s''', [username]) row = curs.fetchone() if row is None: # Same response as wrong password, # so no information about what went wrong flash('Login incorrect. Try again or create account') return redirect(url_for('index')) hashed = row['hashed'] print('database has hashed: {} {}'.format(hashed, type(hashed))) print('form supplied passwd: {} {}'.format(passwd, type(passwd))) hashed2 = bcrypt.hashpw(passwd.encode('utf-8'), hashed.encode('utf-8')) hashed2_str = hashed2.decode('utf-8') print('rehash is: {} {}'.format(hashed2_str, type(hashed2_str))) if hashed2_str == hashed: print('Passwords match!') flash('Successfully logged in as ' + username) session['username'] = username session['uid'] = row['uid'] session['logged_in'] = True return redirect(url_for('user', username=username)) else: flash('Login incorrect. Try again or join') return redirect(url_for('index')) except Exception as err: flash('Form submission error ' + str(err)) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def deletePost(conn, postID): '''Deletes post with specified postID.''' curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute(''' DELETE from post WHERE postID=%s ''', [postID]) conn.commit()
def getSpecEmployeeShifts(conn, employee_id): curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''select * from shift1 where employee = %s order by day asc, time asc, endtime''', [employee_id]) info = curs.fetchall() return info
def lookupEmployee(conn, username): curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) sql = 'select * from employee1 where username = %s' vals = [username] curs.execute(sql, vals) info = curs.fetchone() return info
def get_genres(conn): ''' Gets all the genres (for both songs and playlists). :param conn: connection to database :returns: a list of all the genres in the database ''' curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select distinct genre from coda_song union ( select distinct playlist_genre from coda_playlist)''') genreDictList = curs.fetchall() genresDB = [ genreDict['genre'] for genreDict in genreDictList if genreDict['genre'].strip() != '' ] # don't include empty genres # collect distinct genre names genres = [] for genre in genresDB: # some songs/playlists have multiple genres, separated by | or , # separate genres and strip any leading/trailing whitespace genres += [ oneGenre.strip().lower() for oneGenre in re.split('\||,', genre) if oneGenre.strip().lower() not in genres ] return sorted(genres)
def login(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template( 'create.html' ) # form gets user inputs and stores into variables else: username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] conn = dbi.connect() # helper function checks to make sure username exists in database if query.username_exists(conn, username): curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) # query finds password saved in database to compare with user input curs.execute ('''select username, password from student where username = %s''', [username]) user = curs.fetchone() # checks if user input matches password on file check_pass = user['password'] if check_pass == password: flash('Successfully logged in.') # print(check_pass, password) return redirect(url_for('profile', username=username)) else: flash('Incorrect login. Please try again.') return redirect(url_for('login')) # if username doesn't exist in database, user is let known else: flash('This username does not exist. Please create an account.') return redirect(url_for('create'))
def available(conn): curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''select coverage.request_id, coverage.req_employee, shift1.time,, shift1.endtime, coverage.shift from coverage, shift1 where coverage.shift = shift1.shift_id AND coverage.covered = 0''') info = curs.fetchall() return info
def lookupFoodItem(fid): ''' return dictionary of a food's name, type, description, preference, label given an id ''' conn = dbi.connect() curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute("select name, ingredients, preference, allergen, type from food inner join labels using (fid) where fid = %s;", [fid]) return curs.fetchone()
def addFavorite(conn, bNum, cid): '''adds a course to a students "favorites"''' curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) query = curs.execute( ''' INSERT INTO favorites(bNum, cid) VALUES (%s, %s)''', [bNum, cid]) conn.commit()
def updateFoodItem(fid, ingredients): ''' edit food item and commit changes ''' conn = dbi.connect() curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute("update labels set ingredients = %s where fid = %s;", [ingredients, fid]) conn.commit()
def getRecommended(): '''Gets recommended courses to display on the home page''' conn = dbi.connect() curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute('''SELECT course.cid, course.title FROM course LIMIT 3''') results = curs.fetchall() return results
def lookupComments(fid): ''' return a list of dictionaries for each comment for a given food item and with the comment's rating and user ''' conn = dbi.connect() curs = dbi.dict_cursor(conn) curs.execute("select username, rating, comment from feedback where fid = %s;", [fid]) return curs.fetchall()