예제 #1
    return testpreds, testgt

if __name__ == '__main__':
        config_dirs_file = sys.argv[1] # directories file
        config_file = sys.argv[2]      # main params file
        print("Config file names not specified, setting them to default namess")
        config_dirs_file = "config_dirs.json"
        config_file = "config760.json"
    print(f'USING CONFIG FILES: config dirs:{config_dirs_file}  main config:{config_file}')
    C = cs760.loadas_json(config_file)
    assert C["s2_classifier_type"] in ['softmax', 'sigmoid'], f"ERROR Invalid s2_classifier_type {C['s2_classifier_type']}. Must be one of 'softmax' or 'sigmoid'."
    if C["s2_classifier_type"] == 'sigmoid':
        pred_sign = sys.argv[3]     # sign to predict if binary classifier
        assert pred_sign in C["sign_classes"], "ERROR: Invalid sign to predict: {pred_sign}."
        C["curr_sign"] = pred_sign
        print(f"TRAINING BINARY CLASSIFIER for sign {C['curr_sign']}")
    print("Running with parameters:", C)
    Cdirs = cs760.loadas_json(config_dirs_file)
    print("Directories:", Cdirs)
    C['dirs'] = Cdirs
    classes_dict = {}
import copy
import shutil

import cs760    #opencv based utils for vid / image manipulation plus other utilities

    video_directory = sys.argv[1] # intput video files
    feature_directory = sys.argv[2] # output feature files
    print("Video and feature directories not specified, setting them to default locations")
    print("Video locations: ../dataset/videos")
    print("Feature locations: ../features")
    video_directory = "../dataset/videos"
    feature_directory = "../features"

C = cs760.loadas_json('config760.json')
print("Running with parameters:", C)

traindir = os.path.join(feature_directory, "train")
valdir = os.path.join(feature_directory, "val")
testdir = os.path.join(feature_directory, "test")

print(f'Creating TRAIN Dir: {traindir}')
os.makedirs(traindir, exist_ok=True)        #if dir already exists will continue and WILL NOT delete existing files in that directory

print(f'Creating VAL Dir: {valdir}')
os.makedirs(valdir, exist_ok=True)        #if dir already exists will continue and WILL NOT delete existing files in that directory

print(f'Creating TEST Dir: {testdir}')
os.makedirs(testdir, exist_ok=True)        #if dir already exists will continue and WILL NOT delete existing files in that directory

if __name__ == '__main__':

        config_dirs_file = sys.argv[1] # directories file
        config_file = sys.argv[2]      # main params file
        print("Config file names not specified, setting them to default namess")
        config_dirs_file = "config_dirs.json"
        config_file = "config760.json"
    print(f'USING CONFIG FILES: config dirs:{config_dirs_file}  main config:{config_file}')    
    C = cs760.loadas_json('config760.json')
    print("Running with parameters:", C)
    Cdirs = cs760.loadas_json(config_dirs_file)
    print("Directories:", Cdirs)
    C['dirs'] = Cdirs
    pkl_directory = C['dirs']['dict_pkls']
    #feature_directory = C['dirs']['dict_pkls']

    traindir = os.path.join(C['dirs']["dict_pkls"], "train")
    valdir = os.path.join(C['dirs']["dict_pkls"], "val")
    testdir = os.path.join(C['dirs']["dict_pkls"], "test")

def main():

        config_dirs_file = sys.argv[1] # directories file
        config_file = sys.argv[2]      # main params file
        print("Config file names not specified, setting them to default namess")
        config_dirs_file = "config_dirs.json"
        config_file = "config760.json"
    print(f'USING CONFIG FILES: config dirs:{config_dirs_file}  main config:{config_file}')    
    C = cs760.loadas_json('config760.json')
    print("Running with parameters:", C)
    Cdirs = cs760.loadas_json(config_dirs_file)
    print("Directories:", Cdirs)
    C['dirs'] = Cdirs
    video_directory = C['dirs']['indir']
    feature_directory = C['dirs']['outdir']
    print(f'Creating feature file Dir: {feature_directory}')
    os.makedirs(feature_directory, exist_ok=True)        #if dir already exists will continue and WILL NOT delete existing files in that directory

    sometimes = lambda aug: iaa.Sometimes(C["augmentation_chance"][0], aug)
    sequential_list = [iaa.Sequential([sometimes(iaa.Fliplr(1.0))]), # horizontal flip
    iaa.Sequential([sometimes(iaa.Rotate(-5, 5))]), # rotate 5 degrees +/-
    iaa.Sequential([sometimes(iaa.MultiplyBrightness((2.0, 2.0)))]), # increase brightness
    iaa.Sequential([sometimes(iaa.MultiplyHue((0.5, 1.5)))]), # change hue random
    iaa.Sequential([sometimes(iaa.RemoveSaturation(1.0))]), # effectively greyscale
    iaa.Sequential([sometimes(iaa.pillike.FilterContour())]), # edge detection
    iaa.Sequential([sometimes(iaa.AdditiveLaplaceNoise(scale=0.05*255, per_channel=True))]), # add colourful noise
    iaa.Sequential([sometimes(iaa.Invert(1))]) # invert colours

    print("Reading videos from " + video_directory)
    print("Outputting features to " + feature_directory)

    print("Loading pretrained CNN...")
    model = hub.KerasLayer(C["module_url"])  # can be used like any other kera layer including in other layers...
    print("Pretrained CNN Loaded OK")

    vids = cs760.list_files_pattern(video_directory, C["vid_type"])
    print(f'Processing {len(vids)} videos...')

    for i, vid in enumerate(vids):
        print(f'{i} Processing: {vid}')    
        vid_np = cs760.get_vid_frames(vid, 
        (framecount, frameheight, framewidth, channels) = vid_np.shape
        res_key = str(frameheight) + "-" + str(framewidth)
        #print(vid, vid_np.shape)
        outfile = os.path.splitext(vid)[0]
        print(f"Vid frames, h, w, c = {(framecount, frameheight, framewidth, channels)}")
        if C["crop_by_res"].get(res_key) is not None:
            vid_np_top = cs760.crop_image(vid_np, C["crop_by_res"][res_key])
            print(f"Cropped by resolution to {C['crop_by_res'][res_key]}")
            vid_np_top = cs760.crop_image(vid_np, C["crop_top"])
            print(f"Cropped by default to {C['crop_top']}")

        outfile_top = outfile + "__TOP.pkl"

        for n in range((len(sequential_list) + 1)):
            if n != 0:
                vid_aug = sequential_list[n - 1](images=vid_np_top) # augments frames
                if type(vid_aug) is list:
                    vid_aug = np.asarray(vid_aug)
                batch = cs760.resize_batch(vid_aug, width=C["expect_img_size"], height=C["expect_img_size"], pad_type='L',
                            inter=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, BGRtoRGB=False, 
                temp_outfile = outfile_top[:-4] + C["augmentation_type"][n - 1] + ".pkl"
                features = extract(C, model, batch)
                cs760.saveas_pickle(features, os.path.join(feature_directory, temp_outfile))
                batch = cs760.resize_batch(vid_np_top, width=C["expect_img_size"], height=C["expect_img_size"], pad_type='L',
                                inter=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, BGRtoRGB=False, 
                features = extract(C, model, batch)
                cs760.saveas_pickle(features, os.path.join(feature_directory, outfile_top))
                print(f'Features output shape: {features.shape}')
        if C["crop_type"] == 'B':  # only for boston vids
            vid_np_bot = cs760.crop_image(vid_np, C["crop_bottom"])
            outfile_bot = outfile + "__BOT.pkl"  
            batch = cs760.resize_batch(vid_np_bot, width=C["expect_img_size"], height=C["expect_img_size"], pad_type='L',
                        inter=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, BGRtoRGB=False, 
            features = extract(C, model, batch)
            cs760.saveas_pickle(features, os.path.join(feature_directory, outfile_bot))

    print('Finished outputting features!!')