예제 #1
def test_ei_marrs():
    """ based on Marrs experimental EI CSs
    # reference EI cross section represented as
    # [charge state, electron energy, reference cross section cm2]"""
    ei_reference = {
        'Mo': [[41, 31500, 15.9E-24], [41, 36100, 21.2E-24],
               [41, 64800, 30.8E-24], [41, 95600, 34.7E-24]]

    error_list = []
    elem = csd.get_element_data('Mo')
    error_list = [
        abs(csd.ei_lotz_cs(elem, case[0], case[1]) - case[2]) / case[2]
        for case in ei_reference['Mo']
예제 #2
def test_rr_trzhaskovskaya():
    based on Trzhaskovskaya calculated RR CSs
    reference RR cross section represented as
    [charge state, electron energy, reference cross section cm2]"""
    rr_reference = {
        'Fe': [[8, 2964.00, 1.040E-23], [8, 9645.96, 1.1780E-24],
               [8, 15464.38, 4.797E-25], [8, 31391.56, 1.2E-25],
               [8, 50326.87, 4.632E-26], [16, 2964.00, 5.267E-23],
               [16, 9645.96, 6.551E-24], [16, 15464.38, 2.698E-24],
               [16, 31391.56, 6.786E-25], [16, 50326.87, 2.622E-25],
               [24, 2964.00, 2.304E-22], [24, 9645.96, 3.022E-23],
               [24, 15464.38, 1.268E-23], [24, 31391.56, 3.261E-24],
               [24, 50326.87, 1.272E-24], [26, 2964.00, 7.076E-22],
               [26, 9645.96, 1.291E-22], [26, 15464.38, 6.088E-23],
               [26, 31391.56, 1.790E-23], [26, 50326.87, 7.427E-24]]
    elem = csd.get_element_data('Fe')
    error_list = [
        abs(csd.rr_pk_cs(elem, case[0], case[1]) - case[2]) / case[2]
        for case in rr_reference['Fe']
예제 #3
파일: simulation.py 프로젝트: AndyShor/PyCB
import numpy as np
from bokeh.palettes import Category20_20 as palette   # import bokeh palette for
from bokeh.plotting import show
from scipy.integrate import odeint         # import odeint to integrate system of ODE
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Label, LabelSet
import numba
import csd

#uncommet for Jupyter notebook use
#from bokeh.io import push_notebook, show, output_notebook

# -----------------------define simulation variables
startTime = datetime.now()
ELEM = csd.get_element_data(ELEMENT_NAME)
ch_states = np.linspace(0, len(ELEM), len(ELEM) + 1)  # define charge states

ENERGY = 32500  # electron energy eV
IP = 13.6  # ionization potential of rest gas
P_VAC = 1E-10  # vacuum pressure mbar
J = 5000  # A/cm2
T_ion = 300  # ion temperature in eV

# ------------------ define time independent reaction rates-----------------

rates = csd.get_reaction_rates(elem=ELEM, j_e=J, e_e=ENERGY, t_ion=T_ion, p_vac=P_VAC, ip=IP, ch_states=ch_states)

#--------------- define initial conditions and time frame----------------
예제 #4
def test_element_stat():
    based on Watanabe and Marrs papers on H-like Molybdenum"""
    elem = csd.get_element_data('Ar')
    shell_data = csd.shell_stat(elem, 0)
    assert shell_data == [3, 18, 8]
예제 #5
def test_hydrogen():
    """test importing data from elements.json"""
    elem = csd.get_element_data('H')
    assert elem[0]['1s']['E'] == pytest.approx(13.5984487)