예제 #1
 def export_hessian_forshengbte_original(self, sc):
     from csld.util.tool import matrix2text
     na = self.prim.num_sites
     Nsc = sc.n_cell
     hmat = self.get_hessian(sc, True)
     hmat = hmat.reshape((na, Nsc, 3, na, Nsc, 3))
     with open('FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND', 'w') as f:
         f.write("%d \n" % (na * Nsc))
         index = np.arange(na * Nsc).reshape(
             (na, *(np.diag(sc.sc_mat)[::-1])))
         sort_idx = np.lexsort(
             [sc.ijk_ref[:, 0], sc.ijk_ref[:, 1], sc.ijk_ref[:, 2]])
         sc.ijk_ref = sc.ijk_ref[sort_idx]
         for ia1 in range(na):
             for scindex in range(Nsc):
                 scorder = sort_idx[scindex]
                 for ia2 in range(na):
                     for l, ls in zip(sort_idx, sc.ijk_ref):
                         if scindex == 0 and ia1 == 0 and ia2 == 0:
                             print("l = ", l, " ls =", ls)
                         f.write("%d %d\n%s\n" %
                                 (index[ia1, 0, 0, 0] + 1 + scindex,
                                  index[ia2, ls[2], ls[1], ls[0]] + 1,
                                  matrix2text(hmat[ia1, scorder, :, ia2,
                                                   l, :])))
예제 #2
 def export_hessian_forshengbte_original(self, sc):
     from csld.util.tool import matrix2text
     na = self.prim.num_sites
     Nsc = sc.n_cell
     hmat = self.get_hessian(sc, True)
     hmat = hmat.reshape((na, Nsc, 3, na, Nsc, 3))
     with open('FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND', 'w') as f:
         f.write("%d \n" % (na * Nsc))
         index = np.arange(na * Nsc).reshape(
             (na, *(np.diag(sc.sc_mat)[::-1])))
         for scindex in range(Nsc):
             for ia1 in range(na):
                 for ia2 in range(na):
                     for l, ls in enumerate(sc.ijk_ref):
                         f.write("%d %d\n%s\n" %
                                 (index[ia1, 0, 0, 0] + 1 + scindex,
                                  index[ia2, ls[2], ls[1], ls[0]] + 1,
                                  matrix2text(hmat[ia1, scindex, :, ia2,
                                                   l, :])))
예제 #3
 def export_hessian_forshengbte(self, sc):
     from csld.util.tool import matrix2text
     na = self.prim.num_sites
     Nsc = sc.n_cell
     hmat = self.get_hessian(sc, True)
     hmat = hmat.reshape((na, Nsc, 3, na, Nsc, 3))
     #with open('FORCE_CONSTANTS_2short', 'w') as f:
     #    for ia1 in range(na):
     #        for ia2 in range(na):
     #            for l,ls in enumerate(sc.ijk_ref):
     #                f.write("%d %d %d %d %d %s\n"%(ia1+1,ls[0]+1,ls[1]+1,ls[2]+1,ia2+1,matrix2text(hmat[ia1,0,:,ia2,l,:].reshape(-1))))
     # new compact format
     with open('FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND', 'w') as f:
         f.write("%d %d\n" % (na, na * Nsc))
         index = np.arange(na * Nsc).reshape(
             (na, *(np.diag(sc.sc_mat)[::-1])))
         for ia1 in range(na):
             for ia2 in range(na):
                 for l, ls in enumerate(sc.ijk_ref):
                     f.write("%d %d\n%s\n" %
                             (index[ia1, 0, 0, 0] + 1,
                              index[ia2, ls[2], ls[1], ls[0]] + 1,
                              matrix2text(hmat[ia1, 0, :, ia2, l, :])))