예제 #1
 def construct_model(self, X, Y):
     self.logger.info('Creating model_args config {}'.format(
     with pm.Model() as self.model:
         self.Xt = theano.shared(X)
         self.Yt = theano.shared(Y)
         shapes = {'weights': self.n_object_features}
         # shapes = {'weights': (self.n_object_features, 3)}
         weights_dict = create_weight_dictionary(self.model_args, shapes)
         intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', mu=0, sd=10)
         utility = tt.dot(self.Xt, weights_dict['weights']) + intercept
         self.p = ttu.sigmoid(utility)
         yl = BinaryCrossEntropyLikelihood('yl', p=self.p, observed=self.Yt)
     self.logger.info("Model construction completed")
예제 #2
    def construct_model(self, X, Y):
            Constructs the linear logit model which evaluated the utility score as :math:`U(x) = w \\cdot x`, where
            :math:`w` is the weight vector. The probability of choosing the object :math:`x_i` from the query set
            :math:`Q = \\{x_1, \\ldots ,x_n\\}` is:

            .. math::

                P_i =  P(x_i \\lvert Q) = \\frac{1}{1+exp(-U(x_i))}

            X : numpy array
                (n_instances, n_objects, n_features)
                Feature vectors of the objects
            Y : numpy array
                (n_instances, n_objects)
                Preferences in form of Choices for given objects

             model : pymc3 Model :class:`pm.Model`
            "Creating model_args config {}".format(
        self.trace_ = None
        self.trace_vi_ = None
        with pm.Model() as self.model:
            self.Xt_ = theano.shared(X)
            self.Yt_ = theano.shared(Y)
            shapes = {"weights": self.n_object_features_fit_}
            # shapes = {'weights': (self.n_object_features_fit_, 3)}
            weights_dict = create_weight_dictionary(self.model_configuration, shapes)
            intercept = pm.Normal("intercept", mu=0, sd=10)
            utility = tt.dot(self.Xt_, weights_dict["weights"]) + intercept
            self.p_ = ttu.sigmoid(utility)
            BinaryCrossEntropyLikelihood("yl", p=self.p_, observed=self.Yt_)
        logger.info("Model construction completed")