def test_should_not_raise_error_if_absolute_path(self): base_path = self.get_testapp_static_path() src_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'css', 'test_simple.css') dst_filename = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'cubane', 'testapp', 'css', 'test_simple.css') dst_path = os.path.dirname(dst_filename) if not os.path.exists(dst_path): os.makedirs(dst_path) shutil.copyfile(src_filename, dst_filename) self.assertEqual('html{color:red;}', get_resource('cubane/testapp/css/test_simple.css')) os.remove(dst_filename)
def get_combined_svg_for_resources(resources, with_style=False): """ Combine the given list of resources. """ markup = '' for filename in resources: try: file_content = get_resource(filename) except: raise ValueError('Unable to read svg icon file \'%s\'.' % filename) name = get_svg_name_from_file(filename) viewbox, svg_content = get_svg_content(name, file_content, with_style) markup += '<symbol id="svgicon-%(name)s" viewBox="%(viewbox)s">' % { 'name': name, 'viewbox': viewbox } markup += svg_content markup += '</symbol>' return markup
def test_should_return_resources_for_debug_mode(self): self.assertEqual('html{color:red;}', get_resource('cubane/testapp/css/test_simple.css'))
def render(self, context): """ Render resource tag. """ target = value_or_literal(, context) css_media = value_or_literal(self.css_media, context) # async if self.is_async is not None: is_async = value_or_literal(self.is_async, context) elif self.ext == 'js': is_async = True else: is_async = False # additonal_data if self.additional_data is not None: additional_data = value_or_literal(self.additional_data, context) else: additional_data = None if css_media and css_media not in settings.CSS_MEDIA: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError( ("'resources' only accepts the following values for css_media argument: " + "%s." ) % settings.CSS_MEDIA ) # if target is not defined, just ignore it. if target not in get_resource_target_definition(): return '' if self.inline: if not settings.MINIFY_RESOURCES: resources = get_resources(target, self.ext) content = '\n'.join([get_resource(url) for url in resources]) else: content = get_resource( get_minified_filename( target, self.ext, 'screen' if self.ext == 'css' else None, self.get_identifier() ) ) return self.inline_include(content, additional_data, css_media) else: if not settings.MINIFY_RESOURCES: resources = get_resources(target, self.ext, css_media) return ''.join([ self.include(url, css_media, is_async, additional_data) for url in resources ]) else: return self.include( get_minified_filename( target, self.ext, css_media, self.get_identifier() ), css_media, is_async, additional_data )