def AugumentSequence():
    #Loading callibration matrix
    K = np.load('Results/PMatrix.npy') 
    #setting pattern size
    pattern_size = (9,6)
    #loading calibration images
    L_CP = cv2.imread('Results/L_CPSeq.jpg') #Frontal view
    #Getting cube points from
    cubePoints = cube.cube_points([0,0,0.1],0.1)
    #Getting chesscorners for frontal view
    Fgray = cv2.cvtColor(L_CP,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    Ffound, Fcorners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(Fgray, pattern_size)
    FchessCorners = [(Fcorners[0,0,0],Fcorners[0,0,1]),(Fcorners[8,0,0],Fcorners[8,0,1]),(Fcorners[45,0,0],Fcorners[45,0,1]),(Fcorners[53,0,0],Fcorners[53,0,1])]
    #To open CV format
    FchessCorners = np.array([[x,y] for (x,y) in FchessCorners])
    #Getting chesscorners for the sequence images
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    running, I =
    #Get camera model for first view 
    cam1 = SIGBTools.Camera(hstack((K,dot(K,array([[0],[0],[-1]])) )) )
    #imSize = np.shape(I)
    #videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter("sequence.mp4", cv.FOURCC('D','I','V','X'), 30,(imSize[1], imSize[0]),True)
        running, I =
        #converting to gray for better contrast
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(I,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        found, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, pattern_size)
        if (found):
        #picking utmost corners
            IchessCorners = [(corners[0,0,0],corners[0,0,1]),(corners[8,0,0],corners[8,0,1]),(corners[45,0,0],corners[45,0,1]),(corners[53,0,0],corners[53,0,1])]
            #To openCV format
            IchessCorners = np.array([[x,y] for (x,y) in IchessCorners])
            #Find homography between frontal image and current frame
            H,mask = cv2.findHomography(FchessCorners, IchessCorners)
            #Transofrm camera view
            camFrame = SIGBTools.Camera(dot(H,cam1.P))
            A = dot(linalg.inv(K),camFrame.P[:,:3])
            A = array([A[:,0],A[:,1],cross(A[:,0],A[:,1])]).T
            camFrame.P[:,:3] = dot(K,A)
            #Get cube projection points
            box_peojection = camFrame.project(SIGBTools.toHomogenious(cubePoints))
            #Draw  box
            p = box_peojection
            ''' Drawing the box manually '''
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][2]),int(p[1][2])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (int(p[0][3]),int(p[1][3])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (int(p[0][4]),int(p[1][4])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][4]),int(p[1][4])),(255,255,0),2)
            #connecting lines
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][4]), int(p[1][4])), (int(p[0][5]),int(p[1][5])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][6]),int(p[1][6])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (int(p[0][7]),int(p[1][7])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (int(p[0][8]),int(p[1][8])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][5]), int(p[1][5])), (int(p[0][6]),int(p[1][6])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][6]), int(p[1][6])), (int(p[0][7]),int(p[1][7])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][7]), int(p[1][7])), (int(p[0][8]),int(p[1][8])),(255,255,0),2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][8]), int(p[1][8])), (int(p[0][9]),int(p[1][9])),(255,255,0),2)
def AugumentImages():
    #Loading callibration matrix
    K = np.load('Results/PMatrix.npy') 
    #setting pattern size
    pattern_size = (9,6)
    #loading calibration images
    L_CP = cv2.imread('Results/L_CP.jpg') #Frontal view
    #Getting cube points from
    cubePoints = cube.cube_points([0,0,0.1],0.1)
    I1 = cv2.imread('Results/calibrationShoots1.jpg')
    I2 = cv2.imread('Results/calibrationShoots2.jpg')
    I3 = cv2.imread('Results/calibrationShoots3.jpg')
    I4 = cv2.imread('Results/calibrationShoots4.jpg')
    I5 = cv2.imread('Results/calibrationShoots5.jpg')
    Images = [I1, I2, I3, I4 ,I5]
    ImageH = [] #homographies from frontal view to H respectively
    #Getting chesscorners for frontal view
    Fgray = cv2.cvtColor(L_CP,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    Ffound, Fcorners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(Fgray, pattern_size)
    FchessCorners = [(Fcorners[0,0,0],Fcorners[0,0,1]),(Fcorners[8,0,0],Fcorners[8,0,1]),(Fcorners[45,0,0],Fcorners[45,0,1]),(Fcorners[53,0,0],Fcorners[53,0,1])]
    #To open CV format
    FchessCorners = np.array([[x,y] for (x,y) in FchessCorners])
    #Getting chesscorners for the rest of pics
    for I in Images:
        #converting to gray for better contrast
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(I,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        #finding all corners on chessboard
        found, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, pattern_size)
        #picking utmost corners
        IchessCorners = [(corners[0,0,0],corners[0,0,1]),(corners[8,0,0],corners[8,0,1]),(corners[45,0,0],corners[45,0,1]),(corners[53,0,0],corners[53,0,1])]
        #To openCV format
        IchessCorners = np.array([[x,y] for (x,y) in IchessCorners])
        H,mask = cv2.findHomography(FchessCorners, IchessCorners)
    cam1 = SIGBTools.Camera(hstack((K,dot(K,array([[0],[0],[-1]])) )) )
    box_cam1 = cam1.project(SIGBTools.toHomogenious(cubePoints[:,:5]))
    cam2 = SIGBTools.Camera(dot(ImageH[3],cam1.P))
    A = dot(linalg.inv(K),cam2.P[:,:3])
    A = array([A[:,0],A[:,1],cross(A[:,0],A[:,1])]).T
    cam2.P[:,:3] = dot(K,A)
    box_cam2 = cam2.project(SIGBTools.toHomogenious(cubePoints))
    print box_cam2
    ''' Drawing the box manually '''
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][2]),int(p[1][2])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (int(p[0][3]),int(p[1][3])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (int(p[0][4]),int(p[1][4])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][4]),int(p[1][4])),(255,255,0),2)
    #connecting lines
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][4]), int(p[1][4])), (int(p[0][5]),int(p[1][5])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][6]),int(p[1][6])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (int(p[0][7]),int(p[1][7])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (int(p[0][8]),int(p[1][8])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][5]), int(p[1][5])), (int(p[0][6]),int(p[1][6])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][6]), int(p[1][6])), (int(p[0][7]),int(p[1][7])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][7]), int(p[1][7])), (int(p[0][8]),int(p[1][8])),(255,255,0),2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][8]), int(p[1][8])), (int(p[0][9]),int(p[1][9])),(255,255,0),2)
예제 #3
def augmentImage(imagesNr):
    patternSize=(9,6)   #size of the calibration pattern
    camNum =0           # The number of the camera to calibrate
    camera_matrix = np.load('PMatrix.npy')
    dist_coefs = np.load('distCoef.npy')
    #loads the video
    capture = cv2.VideoCapture(camNum)
    running = True
    idx = np.array([1,7,37,43])
    #while the video is running
    while running:
        #Gets all calibrated images.
        for i in range(imagesNr):
        running, img
        imgGray=cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        #find chessBoardCorners
        found,corners=cv2.findChessboardCorners(imgGray, patternSize)
        if (found!=0): #if the corners are found.
            for i in idx:
                srcPoints.append(corners[i][0]) # store points
            for i in range(len(images)):
                imgGray=cv2.cvtColor(images[i], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                nothing,calCorners=cv2.findChessboardCorners(imgGray, patternSize) #for each calibration image find the corners and paint.
                for j in idx:
                ip1 = np.array([[x,y] for (x,y) in srcPoints])#convert points for both src and cal points to np.array().
                ip2 =np.array([[x,y] for (x,y) in calPoints])#convert points for both src and cal points to np.array().
                H, mask =cv2.findHomography(ip1, ip2)#finds the homography from the two point sets.
                cam1 = Camera( np.hstack((camera_matrix,,np.array([[0],[0],[-1]])))))
                cam2 = Camera(,cam1.P))
                A = dot(np.linalg.inv(camera_matrix),cam2.P[:,:3])
                A = array([A[:,0],A[:,1],cross(A[:,0],A[:,1])]).T
                cam2.P[:,:3] = dot(camera_matrix,A)
                for j in range(len(box_cam2[0])/2):
          ,p1 , 5, (0,0,255))
          [i],p1 , 5, (0,0,255))
                for j in range(len(linePoints)):
                    for k in range(len(linePoints)):
                        cv2.line(img, linePoints[j], linePoints[k], (0,0,255))
                        cv2.line(images[i], linePoints[j], linePoints[k], (0,0,255))
                fileName = 'ArgumentedCalibrationImage'+str(i+1)+".jpg"
                cv2.imwrite(fileName, images[i])
                #print("HOMOGRAPHY FOR IMAGE"+str(j)+": "+str(H))
        ch = cv2.waitKey(1)
        if(ch==27) or (ch==ord('q')): #ESC
            running = False
        cv2.namedWindow(str(i)+" Image")
        cv2.imshow(str(i)+" Image",img)
예제 #4
파일: 프로젝트: mirosval/SIGB2
def augmentImages():
    We augment arbitrary images with the chessboard with a cube
    using a two-camera approach
    # load calibration
    cam_calibration, distCoef = loadCameraCalibration()

    # choose points on the chessboard pattern
    idx = np.array([1, 7, 37, 43])

    # load calibration pattern and transform the image
    calibration_pattern = cv2.imread("Images/CalibrationPattern.png")
    calibration_pattern = cv2.resize(calibration_pattern, (640, 480))
    calibration_pattern = cv2.cvtColor(calibration_pattern, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # get corners from the calibration pattern
    found, calibrationCorners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(calibration_pattern, (9, 6))

    # load images to be augmented
    images = []
    for i in range(1, 8):

    # augment the images one by one
    for image_id, image in enumerate(images):

        # find the same corners as we had found previously in the
        # chessboard pattern itself, only this one is in the video
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        found, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (9, 6))

        if not found:

        # load up coords in the respective images
        imagePoints = []
        calibrationPoints = []
        for i in idx:
            p = corners[i][0]
            cp = calibrationCorners[i][0]

        imagePoints = np.array(imagePoints)
        calibrationPoints = np.array(calibrationPoints)

#         cv2.imshow('calibration image', calibration_pattern)

        # Create 1st camera, this one is looking at the pattern image
        cam1 = Camera(hstack((cam_calibration, dot(cam_calibration, np.array([[0], [0], [-1]])))))

        # Create the cube
        cube = cube_points([0, 0, 0.1], 0.3)

        # Project the bottom square of the cube, this will transform
        # point coordinates from the object space to the calibration
        # world space where the camera looks
        calibration_rect = cam1.project(SIGBTools.toHomogenious(cube[:, :5]))

        # Calculate the homography from the corners in the calibration image
        # to the same points in the image that we want to project the cube to
        homography = SIGBTools.estimateHomography(calibrationPoints, imagePoints)

        # Transform the rect from the calibration image world space to the final
        # image world space
        transRect = SIGBTools.normalizeHomogenious(dot(homography, calibration_rect))

        # Create the second camera, looking into the world of the final image
        cam2 = Camera(dot(homography, cam1.P))

        # Recalculate the projection matrix
        calibrationInverse = np.linalg.inv(cam_calibration)
        rot = dot(calibrationInverse, cam2.P[:, :3])

        # reassemble the rotation translation matrix
        r1, r2, t = tuple(np.hsplit(rot, 3))
        r3 = cross(r1.T, r2.T).T
        rotationTranslationMatrix = np.hstack((r1, r2, r3, t))

        # Create the projection matrix
        cam2.P = dot(cam_calibration, rotationTranslationMatrix)

        # project the cube using the 2nd camera
        cube = cube_points([0, 0, 0.1], 0.3)
        box = cam2.project(SIGBTools.toHomogenious(cube))

        for i in range(1, 17):
            x1 = box[0, i - 1]
            y1 = box[1, i - 1]
            x2 = box[0, i]
            y2 = box[1, i]
            cv2.line(image, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (0, 0, 255), 2)

        # save image
        cv2.imwrite("Solutions/augmentation{}.png".format(image_id), image)

        cv2.imshow("Test", image)
def AugumentSequence():
    # Loading callibration matrix
    K = np.load("Results/PMatrix.npy")
    # setting pattern size
    pattern_size = (9, 6)
    # loading calibration images
    L_CP = cv2.imread("Results/L_CPSeq.jpg")  # Frontal view
    # Getting cube points from
    cubePoints = cube.cube_points([0, 0, 0.1], 0.1)
    # Getting chesscorners for frontal view
    Fgray = cv2.cvtColor(L_CP, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    Ffound, Fcorners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(Fgray, pattern_size)
    FchessCorners = [
        (Fcorners[0, 0, 0], Fcorners[0, 0, 1]),
        (Fcorners[8, 0, 0], Fcorners[8, 0, 1]),
        (Fcorners[45, 0, 0], Fcorners[45, 0, 1]),
        (Fcorners[53, 0, 0], Fcorners[53, 0, 1]),
    # To open CV format
    FchessCorners = np.array([[x, y] for (x, y) in FchessCorners])
    # Getting chesscorners for the sequence images
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    running, I =
    # Get camera model for first view
    cam1 = SIGBTools.Camera(hstack((K, dot(K, array([[0], [0], [-1]])))))

    # imSize = np.shape(I)
    # videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter("sequence.mp4", cv.FOURCC('D','I','V','X'), 30,(imSize[1], imSize[0]),True)

    while running:
        running, I =
        # converting to gray for better contrast
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(I, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        found, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, pattern_size)

        if found:
            # picking utmost corners
            IchessCorners = [
                (corners[0, 0, 0], corners[0, 0, 1]),
                (corners[8, 0, 0], corners[8, 0, 1]),
                (corners[45, 0, 0], corners[45, 0, 1]),
                (corners[53, 0, 0], corners[53, 0, 1]),
            # To openCV format
            IchessCorners = np.array([[x, y] for (x, y) in IchessCorners])
            # Find homography between frontal image and current frame
            H, mask = cv2.findHomography(FchessCorners, IchessCorners)
            # Transofrm camera view
            camFrame = SIGBTools.Camera(dot(H, cam1.P))
            A = dot(linalg.inv(K), camFrame.P[:, :3])
            A = array([A[:, 0], A[:, 1], cross(A[:, 0], A[:, 1])]).T
            camFrame.P[:, :3] = dot(K, A)
            # Get cube projection points
            box_peojection = camFrame.project(SIGBTools.toHomogenious(cubePoints))
            # Draw  box
            p = box_peojection
            """ Drawing the box manually """
            # bottom
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (int(p[0][4]), int(p[1][4])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][4]), int(p[1][4])), (255, 255, 0), 2)

            # connecting lines
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][4]), int(p[1][4])), (int(p[0][5]), int(p[1][5])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][6]), int(p[1][6])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (int(p[0][7]), int(p[1][7])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (int(p[0][8]), int(p[1][8])), (255, 255, 0), 2)

            # top
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][5]), int(p[1][5])), (int(p[0][6]), int(p[1][6])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][6]), int(p[1][6])), (int(p[0][7]), int(p[1][7])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][7]), int(p[1][7])), (int(p[0][8]), int(p[1][8])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.line(I, (int(p[0][8]), int(p[1][8])), (int(p[0][9]), int(p[1][9])), (255, 255, 0), 2)

            cv2.imshow("Augumentation", I)

def AugumentImages():
    # Loading callibration matrix
    K = np.load("Results/PMatrix.npy")
    # setting pattern size
    pattern_size = (9, 6)
    # loading calibration images
    L_CP = cv2.imread("Results/L_CP.jpg")  # Frontal view
    # Getting cube points from
    cubePoints = cube.cube_points([0, 0, 0.1], 0.1)

    I1 = cv2.imread("Results/calibrationShoots1.jpg")
    I2 = cv2.imread("Results/calibrationShoots2.jpg")
    I3 = cv2.imread("Results/calibrationShoots3.jpg")
    I4 = cv2.imread("Results/calibrationShoots4.jpg")
    I5 = cv2.imread("Results/calibrationShoots5.jpg")

    Images = [I1, I2, I3, I4, I5]
    ImageH = []  # homographies from frontal view to H respectively

    # Getting chesscorners for frontal view
    Fgray = cv2.cvtColor(L_CP, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    Ffound, Fcorners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(Fgray, pattern_size)
    FchessCorners = [
        (Fcorners[0, 0, 0], Fcorners[0, 0, 1]),
        (Fcorners[8, 0, 0], Fcorners[8, 0, 1]),
        (Fcorners[45, 0, 0], Fcorners[45, 0, 1]),
        (Fcorners[53, 0, 0], Fcorners[53, 0, 1]),
    # To open CV format
    FchessCorners = np.array([[x, y] for (x, y) in FchessCorners])

    # Getting chesscorners for the rest of pics
    for I in Images:
        # converting to gray for better contrast
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(I, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        # finding all corners on chessboard
        found, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, pattern_size)
        # picking utmost corners
        IchessCorners = [
            (corners[0, 0, 0], corners[0, 0, 1]),
            (corners[8, 0, 0], corners[8, 0, 1]),
            (corners[45, 0, 0], corners[45, 0, 1]),
            (corners[53, 0, 0], corners[53, 0, 1]),
        # To openCV format
        IchessCorners = np.array([[x, y] for (x, y) in IchessCorners])
        H, mask = cv2.findHomography(FchessCorners, IchessCorners)

    cam1 = SIGBTools.Camera(hstack((K, dot(K, array([[0], [0], [-1]])))))
    box_cam1 = cam1.project(SIGBTools.toHomogenious(cubePoints[:, :5]))

    cam2 = SIGBTools.Camera(dot(ImageH[3], cam1.P))
    A = dot(linalg.inv(K), cam2.P[:, :3])
    A = array([A[:, 0], A[:, 1], cross(A[:, 0], A[:, 1])]).T
    cam2.P[:, :3] = dot(K, A)
    box_cam2 = cam2.project(SIGBTools.toHomogenious(cubePoints))
    print box_cam2
    # figure()
    # imshow(I4)
    # plot(box_cam2[0,:],box_cam2[1,:],linewidth=3)
    # show()
    p = box_cam2

    """ Drawing the box manually """
    # bottom
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (int(p[0][4]), int(p[1][4])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][4]), int(p[1][4])), (255, 255, 0), 2)

    # connecting lines
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][4]), int(p[1][4])), (int(p[0][5]), int(p[1][5])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][1]), int(p[1][1])), (int(p[0][6]), int(p[1][6])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][2]), int(p[1][2])), (int(p[0][7]), int(p[1][7])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][3]), int(p[1][3])), (int(p[0][8]), int(p[1][8])), (255, 255, 0), 2)

    # top
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][5]), int(p[1][5])), (int(p[0][6]), int(p[1][6])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][6]), int(p[1][6])), (int(p[0][7]), int(p[1][7])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][7]), int(p[1][7])), (int(p[0][8]), int(p[1][8])), (255, 255, 0), 2)
    cv2.line(I4, (int(p[0][8]), int(p[1][8])), (int(p[0][9]), int(p[1][9])), (255, 255, 0), 2)

    cv2.imshow("Dupa", I4)
