def test_dumpcmd(): assert dumpcmd(None, "/tmp") == ( ["sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump"], {} ) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:///db/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == ( ["sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump"], {} ) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:////tmp/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == ( ["sqlite3", "/tmp/cuckoo.db", ".dump"], {} ) if not is_macosx(): assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localh0st/baz", "/tmp") == ( ["mysqldump", "-u", "foo", "-pbar", "-h", "localh0st", "baz"], {} ) assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localhost/cuckoo", "/tmp") == ( ["mysqldump", "-u", "cuckoo", "-prandom!", "cuckoo"], {} ) if not is_macosx(): assert dumpcmd("postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == ( ["pg_dump", "-U", "user", "baz"], {"PGPASSWORD": "******"} ) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://u n!:bar@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == ( ["pg_dump", "-U", "u n!", "baz"], {"PGPASSWORD": "******"} ) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://:b@c/d", "/tmp") == ( ["pg_dump", "-h", "c", "d"], {"PGPASSWORD": "******"} ) with pytest.raises(CuckooOperationalError) as e: dumpcmd("notadatabaseuri", "/tmp") e.match("URI wasn't understood") with pytest.raises(CuckooOperationalError) as e: dumpcmd("notadatabase://*****:*****@c/d", "/tmp") e.match("URI wasn't understood")
def test_dumpcmd(): assert dumpcmd(None, "/tmp") == ([ "sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:///db/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == ([ "sqlite3", os.path.join("/tmp", "db/cuckoo.db"), ".dump" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("sqlite:////tmp/cuckoo.db", "/tmp") == (["sqlite3", "/tmp/cuckoo.db", ".dump"], {}) if not is_macosx(): assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localh0st/baz", "/tmp") == ([ "mysqldump", "-u", "foo", "-pbar", "-h", "localh0st", "baz" ], {}) assert dumpcmd("mysql://*****:*****@localhost/cuckoo", "/tmp") == ([ "mysqldump", "-u", "cuckoo", "-prandom!", "cuckoo" ], {}) if not is_macosx(): assert dumpcmd("postgresql://*****:*****@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == (["pg_dump", "-U", "user", "baz"], { "PGPASSWORD": "******" }) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://u n!:bar@localhost/baz", "/tmp") == (["pg_dump", "-U", "u n!", "baz"], { "PGPASSWORD": "******" }) assert dumpcmd("postgresql://:b@c/d", "/tmp") == (["pg_dump", "-h", "c", "d"], { "PGPASSWORD": "******" }) with pytest.raises(CuckooOperationalError) as e: dumpcmd("notadatabaseuri", "/tmp") e.match("URI wasn't understood") with pytest.raises(CuckooOperationalError) as e: dumpcmd("notadatabase://*****:*****@c/d", "/tmp") e.match("URI wasn't understood")
def test_is_macosx(): assert is_windows() is False assert is_linux() is False assert is_macosx() is True
from cuckoo.misc import is_windows, is_linux, is_macosx, getuser, mkdir # Note that collect_ignore is a parameter for pytest so that it knows which # unit tests to skip etc. In other words, perform platform-specific unit tests # (in terms of the Cuckoo Analyzer) depending on the current host machine. collect_ignore = [] if is_windows(): sys.path.insert(0, "cuckoo/data/analyzer/windows") collect_ignore.append("tests/linux") collect_ignore.append("tests/darwin") # Copy over the monitoring binaries as if we were in a real analysis. monitor = open("cuckoo/data/monitor/latest", "rb").read().strip() for filename in os.listdir("cuckoo/data/monitor/%s" % monitor): shutil.copy("cuckoo/data/monitor/%s/%s" % (monitor, filename), "cuckoo/data/analyzer/windows/bin/%s" % filename) if is_linux(): sys.path.insert(0, "cuckoo/data/analyzer/linux") collect_ignore.append("tests/windows") collect_ignore.append("tests/darwin") if is_macosx(): sys.path.insert(0, "cuckoo/data/analyzer/darwin") collect_ignore.append("tests/windows") collect_ignore.append("tests/linux") # Ensure the Cuckoo TMP dir exists, as some tests rely on it. mkdir(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "cuckoo-tmp-%s" % getuser()))
# Copyright (C) 2017 Cuckoo Foundation. # This file is part of Cuckoo Sandbox - # See the file 'docs/LICENSE' for copying permission. import sys from cuckoo.misc import is_windows, is_linux, is_macosx # Note that collect_ignore is a parameter for pytest so that it knows which # unit tests to skip etc. In other words, perform platform-specific unit tests # (in terms of the Cuckoo Analyzer) depending on the current host machine. collect_ignore = [] if is_windows(): sys.path.insert(0, "cuckoo/data/analyzer/windows") collect_ignore.append("tests/linux") collect_ignore.append("tests/darwin") if is_linux(): sys.path.insert(0, "cuckoo/data/analyzer/linux") collect_ignore.append("tests/windows") collect_ignore.append("tests/darwin") if is_macosx(): sys.path.insert(0, "cuckoo/data/analyzer/darwin") collect_ignore.append("tests/windows") collect_ignore.append("tests/linux")