예제 #1
 def forward_propagate_dropout(self, inputBatch, upToLayer = None ):
     Perform a (possibly partial) forward pass through the
     network. Updates self.state which, on a full forward pass,
     holds the input followed by each hidden layer's activation and
     finally the net input incident on the output layer. For a full
     forward pass, we return the actual output unit activations. In
     a partial forward pass we return None.
     if upToLayer == None: #work through all layers
         upToLayer = len(self.weights)
     self.state = [inputBatch]
     for i in range(min(len(self.weights) - 1, upToLayer)):            
         if self.dropouts[i] > 0: 
             mask = gp.rand(*self.weights[i].shape) > self.dropouts[i]
             dropoutMultiplier = 1.0/(1.0-self.dropouts[i])
             curActs = self.hidden_activation_functions[i].activate(gp.dot(dropoutMultiplier*self.state[-1], mask * self.weights[i]) + self.biases[i])
             curActs = self.hidden_activation_functions[i].activate(gp.dot(self.state[-1], self.weights[i]) + self.biases[i])
         #apply dropout on hidden units
         #if self.dropouts[i+1] > 0: curActs = curActs * (gp.rand(*curActs.shape) > self.dropouts[i+1])             
     if upToLayer >= len(self.weights):
         self.state.append(gp.dot(self.state[-1], self.weights[-1]) + self.biases[-1])
         self.acts = self.output_activation_function.activate(self.state[-1])            
         return self.acts
     #we didn't reach the output units
     # To return the first set of hidden activations, we would set
     # upToLayer to 1.
     return self.state[upToLayer]
예제 #2
파일: rbm.py 프로젝트: gomyway/deeplink
def CD1(visiable, weights, visible_bias, hidden_bias, visible_unit = Binary(), hidden_unit = Binary(), dropout=None):
    Using Gaussian hidden units hasn't been tested. By assuming the
    visible units are Binary, ReLU, or Gaussian and the hidden units
    are Binary or ReLU this function becomes quite simple.
    #Positive phase    
    hidden = hidden_unit.activate(gp.dot(visiable, weights) + hidden_bias)    
    hidden_sampled = hidden_unit.sampleStates(hidden)

    #Negative phase
    v2 = visible_unit.activate(gp.dot(hidden_sampled, weights.T) + visible_bias)
    h2 = hidden_unit.activate(gp.dot(v2, weights) + hidden_bias)
    #calculate gradients
    gw = gp.dot(visiable.T, hidden) - gp.dot(v2.T, h2)
    gv = visiable.sum(axis=0) - v2.sum(axis=0)
    gh = hidden.sum(axis=0) - h2.sum(axis=0)

    return gw, gh, gv, v2
예제 #3
 def gradients(self, forward_propagateState, errSignals):
     Lazily generate (negative) gradients for the weights and biases given
     the result of forward_propagate (forward_propagateState) and the result of backward_propagate
     assert(len(forward_propagateState) == len(self.weights)+1)
     assert(len(errSignals) == len(self.weights) == len(self.biases))
     for i in range(len(self.weights)):
         yield gp.dot(forward_propagateState[i].T, errSignals[i]), errSignals[i].sum(axis=0)   
예제 #4
파일: rbm.py 프로젝트: gomyway/deeplink
def CD1_dropout(visiable, weights, visible_bias, hidden_bias, visible_unit = Binary(), hidden_unit = Binary(),dropout=0.0):
    Using Gaussian hidden units hasn't been tested. By assuming the
    visible units are Binary, ReLU, or Gaussian and the hidden units
    are Binary or ReLU this function becomes quite simple.
    #Positive phase    
    if(dropout == 0):
        hidden = hidden_unit.activate(gp.dot(visiable, weights) + hidden_bias)
        mask = gp.rand(*weights.shape) > dropout
        dropoutMultiplier = 1.0/(1.0-dropout)
        hidden = hidden_unit.activate(gp.dot(dropoutMultiplier*visiable, mask * weights) + hidden_bias)
    hidden_sampled = hidden_unit.sampleStates(hidden)

    #Negative phase
    v2 = visible_unit.activate(gp.dot(hidden_sampled, weights.T) + visible_bias)
    h2 = hidden_unit.activate(gp.dot(v2, weights) + hidden_bias)
    #calculate gradients
    gw = gp.dot(visiable.T, hidden) - gp.dot(v2.T, h2)
    gv = visiable.sum(axis=0) - v2.sum(axis=0)
    gh = hidden.sum(axis=0) - h2.sum(axis=0)

    return gw, gh, gv, v2
예제 #5
 def forward_propagate(self, inputBatch, upToLayer = None ):
     Perform a (possibly partial) forward pass through the
     network. Updates self.state which, on a full forward pass,
     holds the input followed by each hidden layer's activation and
     finally the net input incident on the output layer. For a full
     forward pass, we return the actual output unit activations. In
     a partial forward pass we return None.
     if upToLayer == None: #work through all layers
         upToLayer = len(self.weights)
     #self.state holds everything before the output nonlinearity, including the net input to the output units
     self.state = [inputBatch]
     for i in range(min(len(self.weights) - 1, upToLayer)):
         curActs = self.hidden_activation_functions[i].activate(gp.dot(self.state[-1], self.weights[i]) + self.biases[i])
     if upToLayer >= len(self.weights):
         self.state.append(gp.dot(self.state[-1], self.weights[-1]) + self.biases[-1])
         self.acts = self.output_activation_function.activate(self.state[-1])
         return self.acts
     #we didn't reach the output units
     # To return the first set of hidden activations, we would set
     # upToLayer to 1.
     return self.state[upToLayer]
예제 #6
    def backward_propagate(self, outputErrSignal, forward_propagateState = None):
        Perform a backward pass through the network. forward_propagateState
        defaults to self.state (set during forward_propagate) and outputErrSignal
        should be self.output_activation_function.dErrordNetInput(...).
        if forward_propagateState == None:
            forward_propagateState = self.state
        assert(len(forward_propagateState) == len(self.weights) + 1)

        errSignals = [None for i in range(len(self.weights))]
        errSignals[-1] = outputErrSignal
        for i in reversed(range(len(self.weights) - 1)):
            errSignals[i] = gp.dot(errSignals[i+1], self.weights[i+1].T)*self.hidden_activation_functions[i].dEdNetInput(forward_propagateState[i+1])
        return errSignals
예제 #7
파일: rbm.py 프로젝트: gomyway/deeplink
 def visible_expectation(self, hidden, bias=0.):
     '''Given hidden states, return the expected visible unit values.'''
     visible = gp.dot(hidden, self.weights.T) + self.visible_bias + bias        
     return self.visible_unittype.activate(visible)
예제 #8
파일: rbm.py 프로젝트: gomyway/deeplink
 def hidden_expectation(self, visible, bias=0.):
     '''Given visible data, return the expected hidden unit values.'''
     hidden = gp.dot(visible, self.weights) + self.hidden_bias + bias
     return self.hidden_unittype.activate(hidden)