예제 #1
파일: maorder.py 프로젝트: caoba1/hopcs
def pcs_cx(pcs, testing_order, winsize, r, slicing, snr, noise_type):
    if snr > 100:
        f = open(
            "result/cx_testorder%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_snr%d.csv" %
            (testing_order, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr), 'w')
        for i in range(r):
            receive = np.load("temp/data_%d.npy" % (i))[:slicing]
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), testing_order, winsize)
            f.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "snr=+inf, ", temp
    elif noise_type == "white":
        f = open(
            "result/cx_testorder%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_white_snr%d.csv" %
            (testing_order, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr), 'w')
        for i in range(r):
            receive = np.load("temp/data_white_%d_%d.npy" % (snr, i))[:slicing]
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), testing_order, winsize)
            f.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "white noise, snr=%d, " % (snr), temp
    elif noise_type == "color":
        f = open(
            "result/cx_testorder%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_color_snr%d.csv" %
            (testing_order, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr), 'w')
        for i in range(r):
            receive = np.load("temp/data_color_%d_%d.npy" % (snr, i))[:slicing]
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), testing_order, winsize)
            f.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "color noise, snr=%d, " % (snr), temp
        print "ERROR: the noise type is wrong!!"
예제 #2
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: creasyw/hopcs
def task_cx(pcs, testing_order, winsize, r, slicing, snr, noise_type):
    if snr > 100:
        f = open("result/cx_testorder%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_snr%d.csv"%(testing_order, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr), 'w')
        for i in range(r):
            receive = np.load("temp/data_%d.npy"%(i))[:slicing]
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), testing_order, winsize)
            f.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "snr=+inf, ", temp
    elif noise_type=="white":
        f = open("result/cx_testorder%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_white_snr%d.csv"%(testing_order, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr), 'w')
        for i in range(r):
            receive = np.load("temp/data_white_%d_%d.npy"%(snr, i))[:slicing]
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), testing_order, winsize)
            f.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "white noise, snr=%d, "%(snr), temp
    elif noise_type=="color":
        f = open("result/cx_testorder%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_color_snr%d.csv"%(testing_order, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr), 'w')
        for i in range(r):
            receive = np.load("temp/data_color_%d_%d.npy"%(snr, i))[:slicing]
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), testing_order, winsize)
            f.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "color noise, snr=%d, "%(snr), temp
        print "ERROR: the noise type is wrong!!"
예제 #3
def maestx(y, pcs, q, norder=3, samp_seg=1, overlap=0):
    MAEST  MA parameter estimation via the GM-RCLS algorithm, with Tugnait's fix
        y  - time-series (vector or matrix)
        q  - MA order
        norder - cumulant-order to use  [default = 3]
        samp_seg - samples per segment for cumulant estimation
                  [default: length of y]
        overlap - percentage overlap of segments  [default = 0]
        flag - 'biased' or 'unbiased'          [default = 'biased']
        Return: estimated MA parameter vector
    assert norder >= 2 and norder <= 4, "Cumulant order must be 2, 3, or 4!"
    nsamp = len(y)
    overlap = max(0, min(overlap, 99))

    c2 = cumx(y, pcs, 2, q, samp_seg, overlap)
    c2 = np.hstack((c2, np.zeros(q)))
    cumd = cumx(y, pcs, norder, q, samp_seg, overlap, 0, 0)[::-1]
    cumq = cumx(y, pcs, norder, q, samp_seg, overlap, q, q)
    cumd = np.hstack((cumd, np.zeros(q)))
    cumq[:q] = np.zeros(q)

    cmat = toeplitz(cumd, np.hstack((cumd[0], np.zeros(q))))
    rmat = toeplitz(c2, np.hstack((c2[0], np.zeros(q))))
    amat0 = np.hstack((cmat, -rmat[:, 1:q + 1]))
    rvec0 = c2

    cumq = np.hstack((cumq[2 * q:q - 1:-1], np.zeros(q)))
    cmat4 = toeplitz(cumq, np.hstack((cumq[0], np.zeros(q))))
    c3 = cumd[:2 * q + 1]
    amat0 = np.vstack((np.hstack((amat0, np.zeros((3*q+1,1)))), \
            np.hstack((np.hstack((np.zeros((2*q+1,q+1)), cmat4[:,1:q+1])), \
    rvec0 = np.hstack((rvec0, -cmat4[:, 0]))

    row_sel = range(q) + range(2 * q + 1, 3 * q + 1) + range(
        3 * q + 1, 4 * q + 1) + range(4 * q + 2, 5 * q + 2)
    amat0 = amat0[row_sel, :]
    rvec0 = rvec0[row_sel]

    bvec = lstsq(amat0, rvec0)[0]
    b1 = bvec[1:q + 1] / bvec[0]
    b2 = bvec[q + 1:2 * q + 1]
    if norder == 3:
        if all(b2 > 0):
            b1 = np.sign(b1) * np.sqrt(0.5 * (b1**2 + b2))
            print 'MAEST: alternative solution b1 used'
        b1 = np.sign(b2) * (abs(b1) + abs(b2)**(1. / 3)) / 2

#        if all(np.sign(b2) == np.sign(b1)):
#            b1 = np.sign(b1)* (abs(b1) + abs(b2)**(1./3))/2
#        else:
#            print 'MAEST: alternative solution b1 used'
    return np.hstack(([1], b1))
예제 #4
파일: armaorder.py 프로젝트: creasyw/hopcs
def arma(pcs, ar, ma, winsize, mc_round, slicing, snr, noise_type):
    Input variables:
        pcs: array-like pcs choices
        ar, ma: order for the ar and ma models
        winsize: length of processing segmentation
        mc_round: number of monte carlo simulations
        slicing: length of slicing for the generated data
        snr: snr level for specific data file (larger than 100 for noise free
        noice_type: white or color.
    if snr > 100:
        f1 = open("result/ar%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_snr%d_pcs%s.csv"%(ar, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join([str(k) for k in pcs]) ), 'w')
        f2 = open("result/ma%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_snr%d_pcs%s.csv"%(ma, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join([str(k) for k in pcs]) ), 'w')
        for i in range(mc_round):
            receive = np.load("temp/arma_data_%d.npy"%(i))[:slicing]
            temp = ar_estimate(receive, pcs, ar, ma, winsize)
            f1.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "AR - snr=+inf, ", temp
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), ma, winsize)
            f2.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "MA - snr=+inf, ", temp

    elif noise_type=="white":
        f1 = open("result/ar%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_white_snr%d_pcs%s.csv"%(ar, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join([str(k) for k in pcs]) ), 'w')
        f2 = open("result/ma%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_white_snr%d_pcs%s.csv"%(ma, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join([str(k) for k in pcs]) ), 'w')
        for i in range(mc_round):
            receive = np.load("temp/arma_data_white_%d_%d.npy"%(snr, i))[:slicing]
            temp = ar_estimate(receive, pcs, ar, ma, winsize)
            f1.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "AR - white noise, snr=%d, "%(snr), temp
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), ma, winsize)
            f2.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "MA - white noise, snr=%d, "%(snr), temp

    elif noise_type=="color":
        f1 = open("result/ar%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_color_snr%d_pcs%s.csv"%(ar, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join([str(k) for k in pcs]) ), 'w')
        f2 = open("result/ma%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_color_snr%d_pcs%s.csv"%(ma, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join([str(k) for k in pcs]) ), 'w')
        for i in range(mc_round):
            receive = np.load("temp/arma_data_color_%d_%d.npy"%(snr, i))[:slicing]
            temp = ar_estimate(receive, pcs, ar, ma, winsize)
            f1.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "AR - color noise, snr=%d, "%(snr), temp
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), ma, winsize)
            f2.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "MA - color noise, snr=%d, "%(snr), temp

        print "ERROR: the noise type is wrong!!"
예제 #5
def task_cx(pcs, taps, winsize, r, slicing):
  if len(taps) <= 3:
    file_tag = "short"
    file_tag = "long"

  f = open("cumulant_test_%s_cx%d_%d_%d_slice%d.csv"%(file_tag, len(pcs), winsize, int(''.join(map(str,pcs))), slicing), 'w')
  for i in range(r):
    signal = np.load("/home/work/rsls/data/exp_deviate_one_%d.npy"%(i))[:slicing]
    receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
    temp = cx.cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), len(taps)-1, winsize)
    f.write('%s\n' % temp)
    print temp
예제 #6
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: creasyw/hopcs
def ar_estimate(sig, pcs, ar, ma, winsize):
    if len(pcs) != 3:
        raise ValueError("The ar estimate could only handle 3rd-order cumulant")
    rb = ma+ar+1
    m = np.zeros((rb, 2*ar+ma))
    for p in range(rb):
        temp = cumx(sig, pcs, 3, 2*ar+ma-1, winsize, 0, p-ar)
        m[p,0] = temp[len(temp)/2]
        m[p,1:] = (temp[:len(temp)/2][::-1]+temp[len(temp)/2+1:])/2
    m = m.T
    # put the cumulants into algo. matrix
    result = np.zeros((ar*rb, ar))
    for i in range(ar*rb):
        for j in range(ar):
            result[i,j] = m[ma+j+1+i/rb, ar-i%rb]
    _, s, _ = np.linalg.svd(result)
    return s/s[0]
예제 #7
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: caoba1/hopcs
def ar_estimate(sig, pcs, ar, ma, winsize):
    if len(pcs) != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "The ar estimate could only handle 3rd-order cumulant")
    rb = ma + ar + 1
    m = np.zeros((rb, 2 * ar + ma))
    for p in range(rb):
        temp = cumx(sig, pcs, 3, 2 * ar + ma - 1, winsize, 0, p - ar)
        m[p, 0] = temp[len(temp) / 2]
        m[p, 1:] = (temp[:len(temp) / 2][::-1] + temp[len(temp) / 2 + 1:]) / 2
    m = m.T
    # put the cumulants into algo. matrix
    result = np.zeros((ar * rb, ar))
    for i in range(ar * rb):
        for j in range(ar):
            result[i, j] = m[ma + j + 1 + i / rb, ar - i % rb]
    _, s, _ = np.linalg.svd(result)
    return s / s[0]
예제 #8
파일: validation.py 프로젝트: caoba1/hopcs
import maest as ma
import impulse_response as ir

winsize = 512
taps = [1, -2.333, 0.667]

signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
nl = [4, 3, 4]
print "With nested sampling:", ncx.cumx(receive, nl, len(nl),
                                        len(taps) - 1, winsize)

signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
pcs = [2, 3, 5]
print "Without downsampling:", cx.cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs),
                                       len(taps) - 1, winsize)

signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
pcs = [1, 1, 1]
print "With PCS downsampling:", cx.cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs),
                                        len(taps) - 1, winsize)


signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
pcs = [4, 3, 4]
print "With nested sampling:", nma.maestx(receive, pcs,
                                          len(taps) - 1, len(pcs), winsize)
예제 #9
def arma(pcs, ar, ma, winsize, mc_round, slicing, snr, noise_type):
    Input variables:
        pcs: array-like pcs choices
        ar, ma: order for the ar and ma models
        winsize: length of processing segmentation
        mc_round: number of monte carlo simulations
        slicing: length of slicing for the generated data
        snr: snr level for specific data file (larger than 100 for noise free
        noice_type: white or color.
    if snr > 100:
        f1 = open(
            "result/ar%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_snr%d_pcs%s.csv" %
            (ar, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join(
                [str(k) for k in pcs])), 'w')
        f2 = open(
            "result/ma%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_snr%d_pcs%s.csv" %
            (ma, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join(
                [str(k) for k in pcs])), 'w')
        for i in range(mc_round):
            receive = np.load("temp/arma_data_%d.npy" % (i))[:slicing]
            temp = ar_estimate(receive, pcs, ar, ma, winsize)
            f1.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "AR - snr=+inf, ", temp
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), ma, winsize)
            f2.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "MA - snr=+inf, ", temp

    elif noise_type == "white":
        f1 = open(
            "result/ar%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_white_snr%d_pcs%s.csv" %
            (ar, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join(
                [str(k) for k in pcs])), 'w')
        f2 = open(
            "result/ma%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_white_snr%d_pcs%s.csv" %
            (ma, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join(
                [str(k) for k in pcs])), 'w')
        for i in range(mc_round):
            receive = np.load("temp/arma_data_white_%d_%d.npy" %
                              (snr, i))[:slicing]
            temp = ar_estimate(receive, pcs, ar, ma, winsize)
            f1.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "AR - white noise, snr=%d, " % (snr), temp
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), ma, winsize)
            f2.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "MA - white noise, snr=%d, " % (snr), temp

    elif noise_type == "color":
        f1 = open(
            "result/ar%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_color_snr%d_pcs%s.csv" %
            (ar, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join(
                [str(k) for k in pcs])), 'w')
        f2 = open(
            "result/ma%s_hos%d_winsize%d_slice%d_color_snr%d_pcs%s.csv" %
            (ma, len(pcs), winsize, slicing, snr, ''.join(
                [str(k) for k in pcs])), 'w')
        for i in range(mc_round):
            receive = np.load("temp/arma_data_color_%d_%d.npy" %
                              (snr, i))[:slicing]
            temp = ar_estimate(receive, pcs, ar, ma, winsize)
            f1.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "AR - color noise, snr=%d, " % (snr), temp
            temp = cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), ma, winsize)
            f2.write('%s\n' % temp)
            print "MA - color noise, snr=%d, " % (snr), temp

        print "ERROR: the noise type is wrong!!"

예제 #10
파일: validation.py 프로젝트: creasyw/hopcs
import nested_maest as nma
import maest as ma
import impulse_response as ir

winsize = 512
taps = [1, -2.333, 0.667]

signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
nl = [4,3,4]
print "With nested sampling:", ncx.cumx(receive, nl, len(nl), len(taps)-1, winsize)

signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
pcs = [2,3,5]
print "Without downsampling:", cx.cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), len(taps)-1, winsize)

signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
pcs = [1,1,1]
print "With PCS downsampling:", cx.cumx(receive, pcs, len(pcs), len(taps)-1, winsize)


signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)
pcs = [4,3,4]
print "With nested sampling:", nma.maestx (receive, pcs, len(taps)-1, len(pcs), winsize)

signal = np.load("../data/exp_deviate_one_0.npy")[:10000]
receive = ir.moving_average(taps, signal)