예제 #1
 def test_histogram_weights_basic(self):
     v = cupy.random.rand(100)
     w = cupy.ones(100) * 5
     a, b = cupy.histogram(v)
     na, nb = cupy.histogram(v, density=True)
     wa, wb = cupy.histogram(v, weights=w)
     nwa, nwb = cupy.histogram(v, weights=w, density=True)
     testing.assert_array_almost_equal(a * 5, wa)
     testing.assert_array_almost_equal(na, nwa)
예제 #2
    def fit(self, train_data):
        Fit training data and construct histograms.

        :param train_data: NxD training sample
        :type train_data: cupy.ndarray

        >>> from clx.analytics.loda import Loda
        >>> import cupy as cp
        >>> x = cp.random.randn(100,5) # 5-D multivariate synthetic dataset
        >>> loda_ad = Loda(n_bins=None, n_random_cuts=100)
        >>> loda_ad.fit(x)
        nrows, n_components = train_data.shape
        if not self._n_bins:
            self._n_bins = int(1 * (nrows**1) * (cp.log(nrows)**-1))
        n_nonzero_components = cp.sqrt(n_components)
        n_zero_components = n_components - cp.int(n_nonzero_components)

        self._projections = cp.random.randn(self._n_random_cuts, n_components)
        self._histograms = cp.zeros([self._n_random_cuts, self._n_bins])
        self._limits = cp.zeros((self._n_random_cuts, self._n_bins + 1))
        for i in range(self._n_random_cuts):
            rands = cp.random.permutation(n_components)[:n_zero_components]
            self._projections[i, rands] = 0.
            projected_data = self._projections[i, :].dot(train_data.T)
            self._histograms[i, :], self._limits[i, :] = cp.histogram(
                projected_data, bins=self._n_bins, density=False)
            self._histograms[i, :] += 1e-12
            self._histograms[i, :] /= cp.sum(self._histograms[i, :])
예제 #3
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        """Fit training data and  construct histogram.
        The type of histogram is 'regular', and right-open
        Note: If n_bins=None, the number of breaks is being computed as in:
        L. Birge, Y. Rozenholc, How many bins should be put in a regular
        histogram? 2006.
        X (cupy.ndarray) : NxD training sample. 
        nrows, n_components = X.shape
        if not self.n_bins:
            self.n_bins = int(1 * (nrows ** 1) * (cp.log(nrows) ** -1))
        n_nonzero_components = cp.sqrt(n_components)
        n_zero_components = n_components - cp.int(n_nonzero_components)

        self.projections = cp.random.randn(self.n_random_cuts, n_components)
        self.histograms = cp.zeros([self.n_random_cuts, self.n_bins])
        self.limits = cp.zeros((self.n_random_cuts, self.n_bins + 1))
        for i in range(self.n_random_cuts):
            rands = cp.random.permutation(n_components)[:n_zero_components]
            self.projections[i, rands] = 0.
            projected_data = self.projections[i, :].dot(X.T)
            self.histograms[i, :], self.limits[i, :] = cp.histogram(
                projected_data, bins=self.n_bins, density=False)
            self.histograms[i, :] += 1e-12
            self.histograms[i, :] /= cp.sum(self.histograms[i, :])
        return self
예제 #4
        def bhist(image):
            # calculate Bhist(T) in the original paper
            ps = Patches(image, self.filter_shape_pooling,

            H = [xp.histogram(p.flatten(), bins)[0] for p in ps]
            return xp.concatenate(H)
예제 #5
def rayleighmode(data, nbins=50):
    Computes mode of a vector/matrix of data that is assumed to come from a
    Rayleigh distribution.

    usage:  rmode = rayleighmode(data, nbins)

    where:  data    data assumed to come from a Rayleigh distribution
            nbins   optional number of bins to use when forming histogram
                    of the data to determine the mode.

    Mode is computed by forming a histogram of the data over 50 bins and then
    finding the maximum value in the histogram. Mean and standard deviation
    can then be calculated from the mode as they are related by fixed

        mean = mode * sqrt(pi/2)
        std dev = mode * sqrt((4-pi)/2)

    n, edges = np.histogram(data, nbins)
    ind = np.argmax(n)
    return (edges[ind] + edges[ind + 1]) / 2.
예제 #6
def _cross_entropy(image, threshold, bins=_DEFAULT_ENTROPY_BINS):
    """Compute cross-entropy between distributions above and below a threshold.

    image : array
        The input array of values.
    threshold : float
        The value dividing the foreground and background in ``image``.
    bins : int or array of float, optional
        The number of bins or the bin edges. (Any valid value to the ``bins``
        argument of ``cp.histogram`` will work here.) For an exact calculation,
        each unique value should have its own bin. The default value for bins
        ensures exact handling of uint8 images: ``bins=256`` results in
        aliasing problems due to bin width not being equal to 1.

    nu : float
        The cross-entropy target value as defined in [1]_.

    See Li and Lee, 1993 [1]_; this is the objective function ``threshold_li``
    minimizes. This function can be improved but this implementation most
    closely matches equation 8 in [1]_ and equations 1-3 in [2]_.

    .. [1] Li C.H. and Lee C.K. (1993) "Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding"
           Pattern Recognition, 26(4): 617-625
    .. [2] Li C.H. and Tam P.K.S. (1998) "An Iterative Algorithm for Minimum
           Cross Entropy Thresholding" Pattern Recognition Letters, 18(8): 771-776
    bins = cp.asarray(bins)  # required for _DEFAULT_ENTROPY_BINS tuple
        # use CuPy's implementation when available
        histogram, bin_edges = cp.histogram(image, bins=bins, density=True)
    except TypeError:
        histogram, bin_edges = cnp.histogram(image, bins=bins, density=True)
        # use CuPy's implementation when available
        bin_centers = cp.convolve(bin_edges, [0.5, 0.5], mode="valid")
    except AttributeError:
        bin_centers = cnp.convolve(bin_edges, [0.5, 0.5], mode="valid")
    t = cp.flatnonzero(bin_centers > threshold)[0]
    m0a = cp.sum(histogram[:t])  # 0th moment, background
    m0b = cp.sum(histogram[t:])
    m1a = cp.sum(histogram[:t] * bin_centers[:t])  # 1st moment, background
    m1b = cp.sum(histogram[t:] * bin_centers[t:])
    mua = m1a / m0a  # mean value, background
    mub = m1b / m0b
    nu = -m1a * cp.log(mua) - m1b * cp.log(mub)
    return nu
예제 #7
    def __call__(self, data):
        # histogram
        hist, edges = cp.histogram(data, bins=self.n_bins)
        # recenter
        hist, edges = cp.asnumpy(hist), cp.asnumpy(edges)
        edges = ((edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2).astype(data.dtype)

        nelem = data.size
        limit, threshold = nelem / 10, nelem / self.auto_threshold

        # minimum
        hmin = -1
        for i, cnt in enumerate(hist):
            if cnt > limit:
            if cnt > threshold:
                hmin = i

        # maximum
        hmax = -1
        for i, cnt in reversed(list(enumerate(hist))):
            if cnt > limit:
            if cnt > threshold:
                hmax = i

        vmin, vmax = edges[hmin], edges[hmax]
        logger.info(f"auto adjust contrast to [{vmin}, {vmax}]")

        # create adaptive lookup kernel
            dtype_max = np.iinfo(data.dtype).max
        except ValueError:
            # floating point data type, normalize
            dtype_max = 1
                "found floating data type, data will normalize to [0, 1]")
        lookup_kernel = cp.ElementwiseKernel(
            "T in",
            "T out",
            float fin = ((float)in - {vmin}) / ({vmax} - {vmin});
            if (fin < 0) {{ fin = 0; }}
            else if (fin > 1) {{ fin = 1; }}
            out = (T)(fin * {dtype_max});

        return lookup_kernel(data)
 def _update_hist(self, new_input):
     range_ext = cp.around(new_input.min() - self.bin_size / 2, 1), \
                 cp.around(new_input.max() + self.bin_size / 2, 1)
     bins_array = cp.arange(range_ext[0], range_ext[1] + self.bin_size,
     weights, bins = cp.histogram(new_input, bins_array)
     if self._empty:
         self.weights, self.bins = weights, bins[:-1]
         self._empty = False
     else:  #  update the hist
         self.weights, self.bins = concat_hists(self.weights, self.bins,
                                                weights, bins[:-1],
                                                self.bin_size, self._rd)
예제 #9
파일: toolbox.py 프로젝트: 3d-pli/SLIX
def background_mask(image, return_numpy=True):
    Creates a background mask by setting all image pixels with low scattering
    signals to zero. As all background pixels are near zero for all images in
    the SLI image stack, this method should remove most of the background
    allowing for better approximations using the available features.
    It is advised to use this function.


        image: Complete SLI measurement image stack as a 2D/3D Numpy array

        threshold: Threshhold for mask creation (default: 10)

        return_numpy: Necessary if using `use_gpu`. Specifies if a CuPy or
                      Numpy array will be returned.


        numpy.array: 1D/2D-image which masks the background as True and
                     foreground as False
    gpu_image = cupy.array(image, dtype='float32')
    gpu_average = cupy.average(gpu_image, axis=-1)

    # Set histogram to a range of 0 to 1 ignoring any outliers.
    hist_avg_image = gpu_average / cupy.percentile(gpu_image, 99)
    # Generate histogram in range of 0 to 1 to ignore outliers again. We search for values at the beginning anyway.
    avg_hist, avg_bins = cupy.histogram(hist_avg_image, bins=256, range=(0, 1))
    # Use SLIX to search for significant peaks in the histogram
    avg_hist = avg_hist[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, ...]
    peaks = SLIX.toolbox.significant_peaks(image=avg_hist).flatten()
    # Reverse the histogram to search for minimal values with SLIX (again)
    avg_hist = -avg_hist
    reversed_peaks = SLIX.toolbox.significant_peaks(image=avg_hist).flatten()
    # We can now calculate the index of our background threshold using the reversed_peaks
    index = numpy.argmax(peaks) + numpy.argmax(reversed_peaks[numpy.argmax(peaks):])
    # Reverse from 0 to 1 to original image scale and calculate the threshold position
    threshold = avg_bins[index] * numpy.percentile(gpu_average, 99)
    # Return a mask with the calculated background image
    gpu_mask = gpu_average < threshold

    if return_numpy:
        cpu_mask = cupy.asnumpy(gpu_mask)
        del gpu_image
        del gpu_mask
        return cpu_mask
        return gpu_mask
예제 #10
def stretchImage(data, s=0.005, bins=2000, gpu_id=0):
    with cp.cuda.Device(gpu_id):
        ht = cp.histogram(data, bins)
        d = cp.cumsum(ht[0]) / float(data.size)
        lmin = 0
        lmax = bins - 1
        while lmin < bins:
            if d[lmin] >= s:
            lmin += 1
        while lmax >= 0:
            if d[lmax] <= 1 - s:
            lmax -= 1
        return cp.clip((data - ht[1][lmin]) / (ht[1][lmax] - ht[1][lmin]), 0,
예제 #11
def compute_ccg_overall(
    spike_times, spike_units, normalize="geom_mean", include_acg=True, lag=50
    # determine bins, lags and units
    lags = np.arange(-lag, lag + 1)
    bins = cp.arange(spike_times.min(), spike_times.max())
    units = np.unique(spike_units)
    n_units, n_bins = units.size, bins.size - 1
    unitidx = np.arange(n_units)

    unita, unitb = np.array(list(combinations(unitidx, 2))).T
    if include_acg:
        unita = np.concatenate([unita, unitidx])
        unitb = np.concatenate([unitb, unitidx])
    # compute rasters
    spike_times = cp.asarray(spike_times)
    raster = cp.zeros((n_units, n_bins), dtype=bool)
    for idx, unit in enumerate(units):
        unit_spikes = spike_times[spike_units == unit]
        raster[idx, :] = cp.histogram(unit_spikes, bins)[0].astype(bool)

    window_size = n_bins - 2 * lag
    ccg_all = cp.zeros((unita.size, lags.size))
    for idx, (unita_, unitb_) in tqdm(enumerate(zip(unita, unitb)), total=unita.size):
        raster_a = cp.expand_dims(raster[unita_, lag:-lag], 0)
        raster_b = view_as_windows(raster[unitb_, :], window_size)
        ccg_all[idx, :] = ccg = (raster_a * raster_b).sum(1)
        if normalize == "geom_mean":
            fr_geom_mean = cp.sqrt(cp.sum(raster_a, 1) * cp.sum(raster_b, 1))
            ccg = ccg / fr_geom_mean

    # construct dataframe and return
    mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
        [units[unita], units[unitb]], names=["unita", "unitb"]
    lags = pd.Index(lags, name="lag")
    ccg = pd.DataFrame(ccg_all.get(), index=mi, columns=lags)
    return ccg
예제 #12
 def get_spacings(self,types):
     eigenvalues = self.make_eigenvalues()
     if types=='all':
         for i in range(len(eigenvalues[0])):
             for j in range(len(eigenvalues[0][0])-1):
         counts, binedges = cp.histogram(allspacings)
         return [counts, allspacings]
         for frame in range(len(self.elec_adjacency_graphs)):
             for i in range(len(eigenvalues[frame])):
                 #Calculating medians and converting eigenvalue array to 1xn list:
                 if len(eigenvalues[frame][i])%2==0:
             #Calculating median and median+1 spacings, along with spacing standard deviation:
             for i in range(len(medians)):
         return allframes_spacing
예제 #13
 def _hist(vals):
     return cupy.histogram(vals, _bins)[0]
예제 #14
 def time_full_coverage(self):
     np.histogram(self.d, 200, (0, 100))
예제 #15
def histogram(image, nbins=256, source_range="image", normalize=False):
    """Return histogram of image.

    Unlike `numpy.histogram`, this function returns the centers of bins and
    does not rebin integer arrays. For integer arrays, each integer value has
    its own bin, which improves speed and intensity-resolution.

    The histogram is computed on the flattened image: for color images, the
    function should be used separately on each channel to obtain a histogram
    for each color channel.

    image : array
        Input image.
    nbins : int, optional
        Number of bins used to calculate histogram. This value is ignored for
        integer arrays.
    source_range : string, optional
        'image' (default) determines the range from the input image.
        'dtype' determines the range from the expected range of the images
        of that data type.
    normalize : bool, optional
        If True, normalize the histogram by the sum of its values.

    hist : array
        The values of the histogram.
    bin_centers : array
        The values at the center of the bins.

    See Also

    >>> import cupy as cp
    >>> from skimage import data, exposure, img_as_float
    >>> image = img_as_float(data.camera())
    >>> cp.histogram(image, bins=2)
    (array([107432, 154712]), array([0. , 0.5, 1. ]))
    >>> exposure.histogram(image, nbins=2)
    (array([107432, 154712]), array([0.25, 0.75]))
    sh = image.shape
    if len(sh) == 3 and sh[-1] < 4:
            "This might be a color image. The histogram will be "
            "computed on the flattened image. You can instead "
            "apply this function to each color channel."

    image = image.flatten()
    # For integer types, histogramming with bincount is more efficient.
    if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer):
        hist, bin_centers = _bincount_histogram(image, source_range)
        if source_range == "image":
            hist_range = None
        elif source_range == "dtype":
            hist_range = dtype_limits(image, clip_negative=False)
            ValueError("Wrong value for the `source_range` argument")
            # use upstream version if range argument is available
            hist, bin_edges = cp.histogram(image, bins=nbins, range=hist_range)
        except TypeError:
            # fall back to the version in this library
            hist, bin_edges = cnp.histogram(image, bins=nbins, range=hist_range)
        bin_centers = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2.0

    if normalize:
        hist = hist / cp.sum(hist)
    return hist, bin_centers
예제 #16
 def updateHistogram(self):
     binEdges = cupy.arange(2**self.bitDepth + 1)
     self._histogram = cupy.histogram(self._image, bins=binEdges)
예제 #17
 def time_small_coverage(self):
     np.histogram(self.d, 200, (50, 51))
예제 #18
 def time_fine_binning(self):
     np.histogram(self.d, 10000, (0, 100))
예제 #19
def get_good_channels(raw_data=None, probe=None, params=None):
    of the channels indicated by the user as good (chanMap)
    further subset those that have a mean firing rate above a certain value
    (default is ops.minfr_goodchannels = 0.1Hz)
    needs the same filtering parameters in ops as usual
    also needs to know where to start processing batches (twind)
    and how many channels there are in total (NchanTOT)
    fs = params.fs
    fshigh = params.fshigh
    fslow = params.fslow
    Nbatch = get_Nbatch(raw_data, params)
    NT = params.NT
    spkTh = params.spkTh
    nt0 = params.nt0
    minfr_goodchannels = params.minfr_goodchannels
    car_first = params.car_first
    car_type = params.car_type

    chanMap = probe.chanMap
    NchanTOT = len(chanMap)

    ich = []
    k = 0
    ttime = 0

    # skip every 100 batches
    # TODO: move_to_config - every N batches
    for ibatch in tqdm(range(0, Nbatch, int(ceil(Nbatch / 100))),
                       desc="Finding good channels"):
        i = NT * ibatch
        if (i + NT) > raw_data.shape[0]:
        buff = raw_data[i:i + NT]
        # buff = _make_fortran(buff)
        # NOTE: using C order now
        assert buff.shape[0] > buff.shape[1]
        assert buff.flags.c_contiguous
        if buff.size == 0:

        # Put on GPU.
        buff = cp.asarray(buff, dtype=np.float32)
        assert buff.flags.c_contiguous
        datr = gpufilter(buff,
        assert datr.shape[0] > datr.shape[1]

        # very basic threshold crossings calculation
        s = cp.std(datr, axis=0)
        datr = datr / s  # standardize each channel ( but don't whiten)
        # TODO: move_to_config (30 sample range)
        mdat = my_min(
            datr, 30,
            0)  # get local minima as min value in +/- 30-sample range

        # take local minima that cross the negative threshold
        xi, xj = cp.nonzero((datr < mdat + 1e-3) & (datr < spkTh))

        # filtering may create transients at beginning or end. Remove those.
        xj = xj[(xi >= nt0) & (xi <= NT - nt0)]

        # collect the channel identities for the detected spikes
        k += xj.size

        # keep track of total time where we took spikes from
        ttime += datr.shape[0] / fs

    ich = cp.concatenate(ich)

    # count how many spikes each channel got
    nc, _ = cp.histogram(ich, cp.arange(NchanTOT + 1))

    # divide by total time to get firing rate
    nc = nc / ttime

    # keep only those channels above the preset mean firing rate
    igood = cp.asnumpy(nc >= minfr_goodchannels)

    if len(igood) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "No good channels found! Verify your raw data and parameters.")
    if np.sum(igood) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "No good channels found! Verify your raw data and parameters.")

    logger.info('Found %d threshold crossings in %2.2f seconds of data.' %
                (k, ttime))
    logger.info('Found %d/%d bad channels.' % (np.sum(~igood), len(igood)))

    return igood
예제 #20
def gpu2():
    import cupy as cp
    h, _ = cp.histogram(cp.asarray(array), n_bins)
    return cp.asnumpy(h)