예제 #1
def inverse_bwt(string, ind):
    # Перевод строки в список чисел по юникоду
    str_list = [ord(i) for i in string]

    # Переход к массиву на GPU
    # Массив с последовательностью введенной строки
    s_arr = cp.array(str_list)
    # отсортированная последовательность
    sorted_s = cp.array(sorted(str_list))
    # Просто слияние двух предыдущих массивов
    tab_s = cp.vstack((s_arr, sorted_s))
    for i in range(1, len(s_arr) - 1):
        # Сортировка, с получением индексов
        # массива tab_s для новой строки, хотя фактически - столбца
        # (метод .T меняет оси массива местами)
        j = cp.lexsort(
            cp.array([tab_s.T[:, i].tolist() for i in range(i, -1, -1)]))
        # Добавление отсортированной по j строки к массиву
        tab_s = cp.vstack((s_arr, tab_s.T[j].T))
    # Сортировка последней строки
    j = cp.lexsort(
            [tab_s.T[:, i].tolist() for i in range(len(s_arr) - 1, -1, -1)]))

    # Обратный перевод чисел в симвлы по юникоду
    str_list = [chr(i) for i in tab_s.T[j][ind]]
    return ''.join(str_list)
예제 #2
def __sort_pixels(values, shape, mask=None, return_fails=False, stable=False):
    Uses the values (pixels with extra data) to sort all of the pixels. If stable is True than a
    stable sort is performed, defaulting to False. However, if values represent 'tuples' of data
    per pixel than lexsort is used which is always stable. Additionally, 1D data is assumed to be
    already sorted in which case this simply calculates fails if requested (and likely to be 0) and
    applies the mask if necessary.

    Returns the indices of the sorted values and the number of fails (or None if not requested).
    from ..util import is_on_gpu

    ##### Check if the values already contain the failures #####
    fails = None
    if return_fails and isinstance(values, tuple):
        values, fails = values

    ##### Assign strict ordering #####
    if values.ndim == 1:
        # Already sorted
        from ..util import prod
        assert values.size == prod(shape)
        if mask is not None: values = values[mask.ravel()]
        idx = values
    elif values.shape == shape:
        # Single value per pixel
        values = values.ravel() if mask is None else values[mask]
        # Numpy now uses radix sort for integers which is much faster than quicksort
        kind = 'stable' if stable or values.dtype.kind not in 'fc' else 'quicksort'
        idx = values.argsort() if is_on_gpu(values) else values.argsort(
        # Tuple of values per pixel - need lexsort
        assert values.shape[1:] == shape
        values = values.reshape(values.shape[0],
                                -1) if mask is None else values[:, mask]
        if is_on_gpu(values):
            from cupy import lexsort  # pylint: disable=import-error
            idx = lexsort(values)
            from numpy import lexsort
            idx = lexsort(values, 0)

    # Done if not calculating failures
    if not return_fails or fails is not None: return idx, fails

    # Calculate the number of sort failures
    values = values.T  # for lexsorted values
    values_sorted = values[idx]
    not_equals = values_sorted[1:] != values_sorted[:-1]
    del values_sorted
    if not_equals.ndim == 2:
        not_equals = not_equals.any(1)  # for lexsorted values
    return idx, int(not_equals.size - not_equals.sum())
예제 #3
def group_max(data, groups):
    order = cp.lexsort(cp.vstack((data, groups)))
    groups = groups[order]  # this is only needed if groups is unsorted
    data = data[order]
    index = cp.empty(groups.shape[0], 'bool')
    index[-1] = True
    index[:-1] = groups[1:] != groups[:-1]
    return data[index], index
예제 #4
파일: coo.py 프로젝트: wotulong/cupy
    def sum_duplicates(self):
        """Eliminate duplicate matrix entries by adding them together.

        .. seealso::

        if self._has_canonical_format:
        if self.data.size == 0:
            self._has_canonical_format = True
        keys = cupy.stack([self.row, self.col])
        order = cupy.lexsort(keys)
        src_data = self.data[order]
        src_row = self.row[order]
        src_col = self.col[order]
        diff = cupy.ElementwiseKernel(
            'raw int32 row, raw int32 col',
            'int32 diff',
            int index;
            if (i == 0 || row[i - 1] == row[i] && col[i - 1] == col[i]) {
              diff = 0;
            } else {
              diff = 1;
        )(src_row, src_col, size=self.row.size)

        if diff[1:].all():
            # All elements have different indices.
            data = src_data
            row = src_row
            col = src_col
            index = cupy.cumsum(diff, dtype='i')
            size = int(index[-1]) + 1
            data = cupy.zeros(size, dtype=self.data.dtype)
            row = cupy.empty(size, dtype='i')
            col = cupy.empty(size, dtype='i')
                'T src_data, int32 src_row, int32 src_col, int32 index',
                'raw T data, raw int32 row, raw int32 col',
                atomicAdd(&data[index], src_data);
                row[index] = src_row;
                col[index] = src_col;
            )(src_data, src_row, src_col, index, data, row, col)

        self.data = data
        self.row = row
        self.col = col
        self._has_canonical_format = True
예제 #5
def cupy_unique_axis0(array):
    # axis is still not supported for cupy.unique, this
    # is a workaround
    if len(array.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Input array must be 2D.")
    sortarr     = array[cp.lexsort(array.T[::-1])]
    mask        = cp.empty(array.shape[0], dtype=cp.bool_)
    mask[0]     = True
    mask[1:]    = cp.any(sortarr[1:] != sortarr[:-1], axis=1)
    return sortarr[mask]
예제 #6
def _select_last_indices(i, j, x, idx_dtype):
    """Find the unique indices for each row and keep only the last"""
    i = cupy.asarray(i, dtype=idx_dtype)
    j = cupy.asarray(j, dtype=idx_dtype)

    stacked = cupy.stack([j, i])
    order = cupy.lexsort(stacked).astype(idx_dtype)

    indptr_inserts = i[order]
    indices_inserts = j[order]
    data_inserts = x[order]

    mask = cupy.ones(indptr_inserts.size, dtype='bool')
    _unique_mask_kern(indptr_inserts, indices_inserts, order, mask,

    return indptr_inserts[mask], indices_inserts[mask], data_inserts[mask]
예제 #7
def __sort_pixels_gpu(values,
    ##### Check if the values already contain the failures #####
    fails = None
    if return_fails and isinstance(values, tuple):
        values, fails = values

    ##### Assign strict ordering #####
    if values.ndim == 1:
        # Already sorted
        from hist.util import prod
        assert values.size == prod(shape)
        idx = values
    elif values.shape == shape:
        # Single value per pixel
        values = values.ravel()
        idx = values.argsort()
        # Tuple of values per pixel - need lexsort
        from cupy import lexsort
        assert values.shape[1:] == shape
        values = values.reshape(values.shape[0], -1)
        idx = lexsort(values)

    # Done if not calculating failures
    if not return_fails or fails is not None: return idx, fails

    # Calculate the number of sort failures
    values = values.T  # for lexsorted values
    values_sorted = values[idx]
    not_equals = values_sorted[1:] != values_sorted[:-1]
    del values_sorted
    if not_equals.ndim == 2:
        not_equals = not_equals.any(1)  # for lexsorted values
    return idx, int(not_equals.size - not_equals.sum())
예제 #8
    def cupy_unique_axis0(array, return_counts=False):
        Support method as cupy currently doesn't support .unique + axis
        :param array:
        :param return_counts:
        if len(array.shape) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Input array must be 2D.")

        sortarr = array[np.lexsort(array.T[::-1])]
        mask = np.empty(array.shape[0], dtype=np.bool_)
        mask[0] = True
        mask[1:] = np.any(sortarr[1:] != sortarr[:-1], axis=1)

        if return_counts:
            nonzero = np.nonzero(mask)[0]  # may synchronize
            idx = np.empty((nonzero.size + 1, ), nonzero.dtype)
            idx[:-1] = nonzero
            idx[-1] = mask.size
            return sortarr[mask], idx[1:] - idx[:-1]
            return sortarr[mask]
예제 #9
def sort_states(states,state_count):
    """Sort the states to place identical states next to each other
    This function sorts the states stored in a 2d numpy.ndarray so that
    identical states are placed next to each other. To increase speed, the
    states are not actually sorted since moving data around in memory can be
    time consuming, and usually not useful. What is returned is a sorted index
    and the location of unique states in the sorted index.

        states ([numpy.ndarray]): A 2d array of compressed states.
            See ``compress_states`` function.
        state_count ([int]): The number of states (or number of rows to sort).
        edges ([np.ndarray]): Bin edges, or locations of unique states
        index ([np.ndarray]): Sorted index. This output can be used to actually
            sort the input states by doing ``states[index]``
    if has_cupy:
        logger.debug('sort_states: cupy.lexsort')
        states = cupy.asarray(states[:state_count]).T
        index = cupy.lexsort(states)
        states = states[:,index]
        uniques = cupy.argwhere(cupy.any(states[:,:-1] != states[:,1:],axis=0)) + 1
        bin_edges = cupy.zeros((uniques.size+2,),dtype=np.int64)
        bin_edges[1:-1] = uniques.squeeze()
        bin_edges[-1] = states.shape[1]
        bin_edges = cupy.asnumpy(bin_edges)
        index = cupy.asnumpy(index)
        logger.debug('sort_states: tensorstate._lex_sort')
        bin_edges,index = ts._lex_sort(states,state_count)
    return bin_edges,index
예제 #10
def direct_bwt(string):
    # Перевод строки в список чисел по юникоду
    str_list = [ord(i) for i in string]

    # Переход к массиву на GPU
    s_arr = cp.array(str_list)
    # Создание матрицы со сдвигом
    # Пояснение:
    # сдвиг матрицы происходит на устройстве, потом переводится в список на
    # хост и затем снова в массив на устройстве (делается из-за проблем с
    # отсутствием поддержки типа списков с нечисловыми элементами)
    s_mat = cp.array(
        [cp.roll(s_arr, i).tolist() for i in range(0, len(s_arr))])
    # Сортировка по индексам столбцов
    # Пояснение: аналогично вышенаписанному
    i = cp.lexsort(
        cp.array([s_mat[:, i].tolist()
                  for i in range(len(s_arr) - 1, -1, -1)]))
    s_mat = s_mat[i]

    # Обратный перевод чисел в симвлы по юникоду
    str_list = [chr(i) for i in s_mat[:, -1].tolist()]
    return (''.join(str_list), cp.where(cp.all(s_arr == s_mat,
예제 #11
    def sum_duplicates(self):
        """Eliminate duplicate matrix entries by adding them together.

        .. warning::
            When sorting the indices, CuPy follows the convention of cuSPARSE,
            which is different from that of SciPy. Therefore, the order of the
            output indices may differ:

            .. code-block:: python

                >>> #     1 0 0
                >>> # A = 1 1 0
                >>> #     1 1 1
                >>> data = cupy.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'f')
                >>> row = cupy.array([0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], 'i')
                >>> col = cupy.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2], 'i')
                >>> A = cupyx.scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)),
                ...                                   shape=(3, 3))
                >>> a = A.get()
                >>> A.sum_duplicates()
                >>> a.sum_duplicates()  # a is scipy.sparse.coo_matrix
                >>> A.row
                array([0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], dtype=int32)
                >>> a.row
                array([0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2], dtype=int32)
                >>> A.col
                array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2], dtype=int32)
                >>> a.col
                array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2], dtype=int32)

        .. warning::
            Calling this function might synchronize the device.

        .. seealso::

        if self.has_canonical_format:
        # Note: The sorting order below follows the cuSPARSE convention (first
        # row then col, so-called row-major) and differs from that of SciPy, as
        # the cuSPARSE functions such as cusparseSpMV() assume this sorting
        # order.
        # See https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cusparse/index.html#coo-format
        keys = cupy.stack([self.col, self.row])
        order = cupy.lexsort(keys)
        src_data = self.data[order]
        src_row = self.row[order]
        src_col = self.col[order]
        diff = self._sum_duplicates_diff(src_row, src_col, size=self.row.size)

        if diff[1:].all():
            # All elements have different indices.
            data = src_data
            row = src_row
            col = src_col
            # TODO(leofang): move the kernels outside this method
            index = cupy.cumsum(diff, dtype='i')
            size = int(index[-1]) + 1
            data = cupy.zeros(size, dtype=self.data.dtype)
            row = cupy.empty(size, dtype='i')
            col = cupy.empty(size, dtype='i')
            if self.data.dtype.kind == 'f':
                    'T src_data, int32 src_row, int32 src_col, int32 index',
                    'raw T data, raw int32 row, raw int32 col', '''
                    atomicAdd(&data[index], src_data);
                    row[index] = src_row;
                    col[index] = src_col;
                    ''', 'sum_duplicates_assign')(src_data, src_row, src_col,
                                                  index, data, row, col)
            elif self.data.dtype.kind == 'c':
                    'T src_real, T src_imag, int32 src_row, int32 src_col, '
                    'int32 index',
                    'raw T real, raw T imag, raw int32 row, raw int32 col', '''
                    atomicAdd(&real[index], src_real);
                    atomicAdd(&imag[index], src_imag);
                    row[index] = src_row;
                    col[index] = src_col;
                                                     src_data.imag, src_row,
                                                     src_col, index, data.real,
                                                     data.imag, row, col)

        self.data = data
        self.row = row
        self.col = col
        self.has_canonical_format = True
예제 #12
def _select(input, labels=None, index=None, find_min=False, find_max=False,
            find_min_positions=False, find_max_positions=False,
    """Return one or more of: min, max, min position, max position, median.

    If neither `labels` or `index` is provided, these are the global values
    in `input`. If `index` is None, but `labels` is provided, a global value
    across all non-zero labels is given. When both `labels` and `index` are
    provided, lists of values are provided for each labeled region specified
    in `index`. See further details in :func:`cupyx.scipy.ndimage.minimum`,

    Used by minimum, maximum, minimum_position, maximum_position, extrema.
    find_positions = find_min_positions or find_max_positions
    positions = None
    if find_positions:
        positions = cupy.arange(input.size).reshape(input.shape)

    def single_group(vals, positions):
        result = []
        if find_min:
            result += [vals.min()]
        if find_min_positions:
            result += [positions[vals == vals.min()][0]]
        if find_max:
            result += [vals.max()]
        if find_max_positions:
            result += [positions[vals == vals.max()][0]]
        if find_median:
            result += [cupy.median(vals)]
        return result

    if labels is None:
        return single_group(input, positions)

    # ensure input and labels match sizes
    input, labels = cupy.broadcast_arrays(input, labels)

    if index is None:
        mask = labels > 0
        masked_positions = None
        if find_positions:
            masked_positions = positions[mask]
        return single_group(input[mask], masked_positions)

    if cupy.isscalar(index):
        mask = labels == index
        masked_positions = None
        if find_positions:
            masked_positions = positions[mask]
        return single_group(input[mask], masked_positions)

    index = cupy.asarray(index)

    safe_int = _safely_castable_to_int(labels.dtype)
    min_label = labels.min()
    max_label = labels.max()

    # Remap labels to unique integers if necessary, or if the largest label is
    # larger than the number of values.
    if (not safe_int or min_label < 0 or max_label > labels.size):
        # Remap labels, and indexes
        unique_labels, labels = cupy.unique(labels, return_inverse=True)
        idxs = cupy.searchsorted(unique_labels, index)

        # Make all of idxs valid
        idxs[idxs >= unique_labels.size] = 0
        found = unique_labels[idxs] == index
        # Labels are an integer type, and there aren't too many
        idxs = cupy.asanyarray(index, int).copy()
        found = (idxs >= 0) & (idxs <= max_label)

    idxs[~found] = max_label + 1

    input = input.ravel()
    labels = labels.ravel()
    if find_positions:
        positions = positions.ravel()

    using_cub = _core._accelerator.ACCELERATOR_CUB in \

    if using_cub:
        # Cutoff values below were determined empirically for relatively large
        # input arrays.
        if find_positions or find_median:
            n_label_cutoff = 15
            n_label_cutoff = 30
        n_label_cutoff = 0

    if n_label_cutoff and len(idxs) <= n_label_cutoff:
        return _select_via_looping(
            input, labels, idxs, positions, find_min, find_min_positions,
            find_max, find_max_positions, find_median

    order = cupy.lexsort(cupy.stack((input.ravel(), labels.ravel())))
    input = input[order]
    labels = labels[order]
    if find_positions:
        positions = positions[order]

    # Determine indices corresponding to the min or max value for each label
    label_change_index = cupy.searchsorted(labels,
                                           cupy.arange(1, max_label + 2))
    if find_min or find_min_positions or find_median:
        # index corresponding to the minimum value at each label
        min_index = label_change_index[:-1]
    if find_max or find_max_positions or find_median:
        # index corresponding to the maximum value at each label
        max_index = label_change_index[1:] - 1

    result = []
    # the order below matches the order expected by cupy.ndimage.extrema
    if find_min:
        mins = cupy.zeros(int(labels.max()) + 2, input.dtype)
        mins[labels[min_index]] = input[min_index]
        result += [mins[idxs]]
    if find_min_positions:
        minpos = cupy.zeros(labels.max().item() + 2, int)
        minpos[labels[min_index]] = positions[min_index]
        result += [minpos[idxs]]
    if find_max:
        maxs = cupy.zeros(int(labels.max()) + 2, input.dtype)
        maxs[labels[max_index]] = input[max_index]
        result += [maxs[idxs]]
    if find_max_positions:
        maxpos = cupy.zeros(labels.max().item() + 2, int)
        maxpos[labels[max_index]] = positions[max_index]
        result += [maxpos[idxs]]
    if find_median:
        locs = cupy.arange(len(labels))
        lo = cupy.zeros(int(labels.max()) + 2, int)
        lo[labels[min_index]] = locs[min_index]
        hi = cupy.zeros(int(labels.max()) + 2, int)
        hi[labels[max_index]] = locs[max_index]
        lo = lo[idxs]
        hi = hi[idxs]
        # lo is an index to the lowest value in input for each label,
        # hi is an index to the largest value.
        # move them to be either the same ((hi - lo) % 2 == 0) or next
        # to each other ((hi - lo) % 2 == 1), then average.
        step = (hi - lo) // 2
        lo += step
        hi -= step
        if input.dtype.kind in 'iub':
            # fix for https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/12836
            result += [(input[lo].astype(float) + input[hi].astype(float)) /
            result += [(input[lo] + input[hi]) / 2.0]

    return result
예제 #13
파일: test_sort.py 프로젝트: suryadwar/cupy
 def test_lexsort_unsupported_dtype(self, dtype):
     a = testing.shaped_random((2, 10), cupy, dtype)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         return cupy.lexsort(a)
예제 #14
파일: test_sort.py 프로젝트: suryadwar/cupy
 def test_lexsort_three_or_more_dim(self):
     a = testing.shaped_random((2, 10, 10), cupy)
     with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
         return cupy.lexsort(a)
예제 #15
파일: coo.py 프로젝트: mattkinsey/cupy
    def sum_duplicates(self):
        """Eliminate duplicate matrix entries by adding them together.

        .. warning::
            Calling this function might synchronize the device.

        .. seealso::

        if self.has_canonical_format:
        # Note: it is unclear how the sorting order would matter. However, this
        # is what SciPy performs in sum_duplicates(). Although this order is
        # different from cuSPARSE convention (first row then col), we are not
        # calling coosort here so it should be alright.
        keys = cupy.stack([self.row, self.col])
        order = cupy.lexsort(keys)
        src_data = self.data[order]
        src_row = self.row[order]
        src_col = self.col[order]
        diff = self._sum_duplicates_diff(src_row, src_col, size=self.row.size)

        if diff[1:].all():
            # All elements have different indices.
            data = src_data
            row = src_row
            col = src_col
            # TODO(leofang): move the kernels outside this method
            index = cupy.cumsum(diff, dtype='i')
            size = int(index[-1]) + 1
            data = cupy.zeros(size, dtype=self.data.dtype)
            row = cupy.empty(size, dtype='i')
            col = cupy.empty(size, dtype='i')
            if self.data.dtype.kind == 'f':
                    'T src_data, int32 src_row, int32 src_col, int32 index',
                    'raw T data, raw int32 row, raw int32 col', '''
                    atomicAdd(&data[index], src_data);
                    row[index] = src_row;
                    col[index] = src_col;
                    ''', 'sum_duplicates_assign')(src_data, src_row, src_col,
                                                  index, data, row, col)
            elif self.data.dtype.kind == 'c':
                    'T src_real, T src_imag, int32 src_row, int32 src_col, '
                    'int32 index',
                    'raw T real, raw T imag, raw int32 row, raw int32 col', '''
                    atomicAdd(&real[index], src_real);
                    atomicAdd(&imag[index], src_imag);
                    row[index] = src_row;
                    col[index] = src_col;
                                                     src_data.imag, src_row,
                                                     src_col, index, data.real,
                                                     data.imag, row, col)

        self.data = data
        self.row = row
        self.col = col
        self.has_canonical_format = True