예제 #1
파일: coo.py 프로젝트: viantirreau/cupy
    def setdiag(self, values, k=0):
        """Set diagonal or off-diagonal elements of the array.

            values (ndarray): New values of the diagonal elements. Values may
                have any length. If the diagonal is longer than values, then
                the remaining diagonal entries will not be set. If values are
                longer than the diagonal, then the remaining values are
                ignored. If a scalar value is given, all of the diagonal is set
                to it.
            k (int, optional): Which off-diagonal to set, corresponding to
                elements a[i,i+k]. Default: 0 (the main diagonal).

        M, N = self.shape
        if (k > 0 and k >= N) or (k < 0 and -k >= M):
            raise ValueError("k exceeds matrix dimensions")
        if values.ndim and not len(values):
        idx_dtype = self.row.dtype

        # Determine which triples to keep and where to put the new ones.
        full_keep = self.col - self.row != k
        if k < 0:
            max_index = min(M + k, N)
            if values.ndim:
                max_index = min(max_index, len(values))
            keep = cupy.logical_or(full_keep, self.col >= max_index)
            new_row = cupy.arange(-k, -k + max_index, dtype=idx_dtype)
            new_col = cupy.arange(max_index, dtype=idx_dtype)
            max_index = min(M, N - k)
            if values.ndim:
                max_index = min(max_index, len(values))
            keep = cupy.logical_or(full_keep, self.row >= max_index)
            new_row = cupy.arange(max_index, dtype=idx_dtype)
            new_col = cupy.arange(k, k + max_index, dtype=idx_dtype)

        # Define the array of data consisting of the entries to be added.
        if values.ndim:
            new_data = values[:max_index]
            new_data = cupy.empty(max_index, dtype=self.dtype)
            new_data[:] = values

        # Update the internal structure.
        self.row = cupy.concatenate((self.row[keep], new_row))
        self.col = cupy.concatenate((self.col[keep], new_col))
        self.data = cupy.concatenate((self.data[keep], new_data))
        self.has_canonical_format = False
예제 #2
def MWU_game_algorithm(payoff_mat, phi=1 / 2, steps_number=10000):
    payoff_mat = np.array(payoff_mat)
    rows_number = payoff_mat.shape[0]
    cols_number = payoff_mat.shape[1]
    p_0 = np.ones((1, rows_number))
    p_0 = p_0 / rows_number
    p_t = p_0
    j_sumed = np.zeros((cols_number, 1))
    smallest_column_payoff = 1
    p_best = p_0
    p_t_sum = np.zeros((1, rows_number))
    for i in range(steps_number):
        payoffs = np.matmul(p_t, payoff_mat)
        j_best_response = np.argmax(payoffs)
        if (payoffs[0, j_best_response] < smallest_column_payoff):
            smallest_column_payoff = payoffs[0, j_best_response]
            p_best = p_t
        j_sumed[j_best_response] += 1
        m_t = payoff_mat[:, j_best_response]
        m_t_negative = (m_t < 0)
        p_t_significant = (p_t > SIGNIFICANCE_CONST)
        to_update = np.logical_or(m_t_negative, p_t_significant[0])
        m_t_updating = np.where(to_update, m_t, 0)
        p_t_updating = np.where(to_update, p_t, 0)
        p_t = np.multiply((1 - phi * m_t_updating), p_t_updating)
        p_t = p_t / p_t.sum()
        p_t_sum = p_t_sum + p_t
    j_distribution = j_sumed / j_sumed.sum()
    game_value = np.matmul(np.matmul(p_best, payoff_mat), j_distribution)[0][0]
    return p_best, j_distribution, -game_value, game_value
예제 #3
def _masked_column_median(arr, masked_value):
    """Compute the median of each column in the 2D array arr, ignoring any
    instances of masked_value"""
    mask = _get_mask(arr, masked_value)
    if arr.size == 0:
        return cp.full(arr.shape[1], cp.nan)
    arr_sorted = arr.copy()
    if not cp.isnan(masked_value):
        # If nan is not the missing value, any column with nans should
        # have a median of nan
        nan_cols = cp.any(cp.isnan(arr), axis=0)
        arr_sorted[mask] = cp.nan
        nan_cols = cp.full(arr.shape[1], False)
    # nans are always sorted to end of array
    arr_sorted = cp.sort(arr_sorted, axis=0)

    count_missing_values = mask.sum(axis=0)
    # Ignore missing values in determining "halfway" index of sorted
    # array
    n_elems = arr.shape[0] - count_missing_values

    # If no elements remain after removing missing value, median for
    # that colum is nan
    nan_cols = cp.logical_or(nan_cols, n_elems <= 0)

    col_index = cp.arange(arr_sorted.shape[1])
    median = (arr_sorted[cp.floor_divide(n_elems - 1, 2), col_index] +
              arr_sorted[cp.floor_divide(n_elems, 2), col_index]) / 2

    median[nan_cols] = cp.nan
    return median
예제 #4
    def forward(self,
        if input_masks is not None:
            input_masks = F.expand_dims(input_masks, -2)

        mask_shape = list(output_units.shape)
        mask_shape[-1] = mask_shape[-2]
        mask = xp.triu(xp.ones(mask_shape, dtype=xp.bool), k=1)

        if output_masks is not None:
            output_masks = F.expand_dims(output_masks, -2)
            mask = xp.logical_or(mask, output_masks.array)

        x1 = F.dropout(
            self.mmha(output_units, output_units, output_units, mask=mask),
        x2 = self.lnorm1(output_units + x1)
        x3 = F.dropout(
            self.mha(x2, input_encodings, input_encodings, mask=input_masks),
        x4 = self.lnorm2(x2 + x3)
        x5 = F.dropout(self.ff(x4), self.p_drop)
        x6 = self.lnorm3(x4 + x5)
        return x6
예제 #5
def FSITM(HDR, LDR, alpha=None):

    NumPixels = LDR.size

    if alpha is None:
        r = cp.floor(NumPixels / (2.**18))
        if r > 1.:
            alpha = 1. - (1. / r)
            alpha = 0.

    minNonzero = cp.min(HDR[HDR > 0])
    LogH = cp.log(cp.maximum(HDR, minNonzero))

    # float is needed for further calculation
    LogH = cp.around((LogH - LogH.min()) * 255. /
                     (LogH.max() - LogH.min())).astype(cp.float)

    if alpha > 0.:
        PhaseHDR_CH = phasecong100(HDR, 2, 2, 8, 8)
        PhaseLDR_CH8 = phasecong100(LDR, 2, 2, 8, 8)
    else:  # so, if image size is smaller than 512x512?
        PhaseHDR_CH = 0
        PhaseLDR_CH8 = 0

    PhaseLogH = phasecong100(LogH, 2, 2, 2, 2)
    PhaseH = alpha * PhaseHDR_CH + (1 - alpha) * PhaseLogH

    PhaseLDR_CH2 = phasecong100(LDR, 2, 2, 2, 2)
    PhaseL = alpha * PhaseLDR_CH8 + (1 - alpha) * PhaseLDR_CH2
    Q = cp.sum(
        cp.logical_or(cp.logical_and(PhaseL <= 0, PhaseH <= 0),
                      cp.logical_and(PhaseL > 0, PhaseH > 0))) / NumPixels
    return Q
예제 #6
 def updateSublattice(self, sublattice):
     boltzmanFactor = np.exp(2 * self.interactionEnergies /
                             (self.k * self.t))
     evenDist = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=self.spec)
     temp1 = np.greater(self.interactionEnergies, self.ground)
     temp2 = np.greater(boltzmanFactor, evenDist)
     criteria = np.logical_and(sublattice, np.logical_or(temp1, temp2))
     self.system = np.where(criteria, -self.system, self.system)
예제 #7
def logical_or(x1: Array, x2: Array, /) -> Array:
    Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.logical_or <numpy.logical_or>`.

    See its docstring for more information.
    if x1.dtype not in _boolean_dtypes or x2.dtype not in _boolean_dtypes:
        raise TypeError("Only boolean dtypes are allowed in logical_or")
    # Call result type here just to raise on disallowed type combinations
    _result_type(x1.dtype, x2.dtype)
    x1, x2 = Array._normalize_two_args(x1, x2)
    return Array._new(np.logical_or(x1._array, x2._array))
예제 #8
def MWU_game_algorithm_experiment(payoff_mat, phi=1/2, steps_number=10000):
    payoff_mat = np.array(payoff_mat)
    rows_number = payoff_mat.shape[0]
    cols_number = payoff_mat.shape[1]
    p_0 = np.ones((1, rows_number))
    p_0 = p_0/rows_number
    p_t = p_0
    j_sumed = np.zeros((cols_number, 1))
    smallest_column_payoff = 1
    p_best = p_0
    p_t_sum = np.zeros((1, rows_number))

    start = time.time()
    row_row = []
    col_col = []
    row_col = []
    times = []
    curr_index = 125

    for i in range (1, steps_number + 1):
        payoffs = np.matmul(p_t, payoff_mat)
        j_best_response = np.argmax(payoffs)
        if(payoffs[0, j_best_response] < smallest_column_payoff):
            smallest_column_payoff = payoffs[0, j_best_response]
            p_best = p_t
        j_sumed[j_best_response] += 1
        m_t = payoff_mat[:,j_best_response]
        m_t_negative = (m_t < 0)
        p_t_significant = (p_t > SIGNIFICANCE_CONST)
        to_update = np.logical_or(m_t_negative, p_t_significant[0])
        m_t_updating = np.where(to_update,m_t,0)
        p_t_updating = np.where(to_update,p_t,0)
        p_t = np.multiply((1 - phi * m_t_updating), p_t_updating)
        p_t = p_t/p_t.sum()
        p_t_sum = p_t_sum + p_t
        if(i == curr_index):
            j_distribution = j_sumed / j_sumed.sum()
            now = time.time()
            times.append(now - start)
            row_row.append(max(epsilon_value(p_best, np.transpose(p_best), payoff_mat)))
            col_col.append(max(epsilon_value(np.transpose(j_distribution), j_distribution, payoff_mat)))
            row_col.append(max(epsilon_value(p_best, j_distribution, payoff_mat)))
            start -= (time.time() - now)
            curr_index *= 2
    # game_value = np.matmul(np.matmul(p_best, payoff_mat), j_distribution)[0][0]
    # print()
    return times, row_row, col_col, row_col
예제 #9
 def createWedge(self, subunit_num=0):
     ###Initialize the location of the protofilament to remove
     theta0=np.arctan2(self.com[0], self.com[1])+\
     ###Define the length along the protofilament in terms of subunits 
     ###Define the angle of the center of the protofilament along the length of the segment
     ###Initialize the wedge mask
     ###Define the size of the wedgemask
     ###Generate the wedge mask
     for i in range(len(theta)):
         angles=[temp1, temp2]
         if max(angles)-min(angles)>2*fudge+.2:
     return wedge
예제 #10
    def _zdivide(x, y):
        """Patched version of :func:`sporco.linalg.zdivide`."""

        div = x / y
        div[cp.logical_or(cp.isnan(div), cp.isinf(div))] = 0
        return div
예제 #11
파일: generate.py 프로젝트: zivzone/cupy
def ravel_multi_index(multi_index, dims, mode='wrap', order='C'):
    Converts a tuple of index arrays into an array of flat indices, applying
    boundary modes to the multi-index.

        multi_index (tuple of cupy.ndarray) : A tuple of integer arrays, one
            array for each dimension.
        dims (tuple of ints): The shape of array into which the indices from
            ``multi_index`` apply.
        mode ('raise', 'wrap' or 'clip'), optional: Specifies how out-of-bounds
            indices are handled.  Can specify either one mode or a tuple of
            modes, one mode per index:

            - *'raise'* -- raise an error
            - *'wrap'* -- wrap around (default)
            - *'clip'* -- clip to the range

            In 'clip' mode, a negative index which would normally wrap will
            clip to 0 instead.
        order ('C' or 'F'), optional: Determines whether the multi-index should
            be viewed as indexing in row-major (C-style) or column-major
            (Fortran-style) order.

        raveled_indices (cupy.ndarray): An array of indices into the flattened
            version of an array of dimensions ``dims``.

    .. warning::

        This function may synchronize the device when ``mode == 'raise'``.

    Note that the default `mode` (``'wrap'``) is different than in NumPy. This
    is done to avoid potential device synchronization.

    >>> cupy.ravel_multi_index(cupy.asarray([[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]), (7,6))
    array([22, 41, 37])
    >>> cupy.ravel_multi_index(cupy.asarray([[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]), (7,6),
    ...                        order='F')
    array([31, 41, 13])
    >>> cupy.ravel_multi_index(cupy.asarray([[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]), (4,6),
    ...                        mode='clip')
    array([22, 23, 19])
    >>> cupy.ravel_multi_index(cupy.asarray([[3,6,6],[4,5,1]]), (4,4),
    ...                        mode=('clip', 'wrap'))
    array([12, 13, 13])
    >>> cupy.ravel_multi_index(cupy.asarray((3,1,4,1)), (6,7,8,9))

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.ravel_multi_index`, :func:`unravel_index`

    ndim = len(dims)
    if len(multi_index) != ndim:
        raise ValueError(
            "parameter multi_index must be a sequence of "
            "length {}".format(ndim))

    for d in dims:
        if not isinstance(d, numbers.Integral):
            raise TypeError(
                "{} object cannot be interpreted as an integer".format(

    if isinstance(mode, str):
        mode = (mode, ) * ndim

    if functools.reduce(operator.mul, dims) > cupy.iinfo(cupy.int64).max:
        raise ValueError("invalid dims: array size defined by dims is larger "
                         "than the maximum possible size")

    s = 1
    ravel_strides = [1] * ndim
    if order is None:
        order = "C"
    if order == "C":
        for i in range(ndim - 2, -1, -1):
            s = s * dims[i + 1]
            ravel_strides[i] = s
    elif order == "F":
        for i in range(1, ndim):
            s = s * dims[i - 1]
            ravel_strides[i] = s
        raise TypeError("order not understood")

    multi_index = cupy.broadcast_arrays(*multi_index)
    raveled_indices = cupy.zeros(multi_index[0].shape, dtype=cupy.int64)
    for d, stride, idx, _mode in zip(dims, ravel_strides, multi_index, mode):

        if not isinstance(idx, cupy.ndarray):
            raise TypeError("elements of multi_index must be cupy arrays")
        if not cupy.can_cast(idx, cupy.int64, 'same_kind'):
            raise TypeError(
                'multi_index entries could not be cast from dtype(\'{}\') to '
                'dtype(\'{}\') according to the rule \'same_kind\''.format(
                    idx.dtype, cupy.int64().dtype))
        idx = idx.astype(cupy.int64, copy=False)

        if _mode == "raise":
            if cupy.any(cupy.logical_or(idx >= d, idx < 0)):
                raise ValueError("invalid entry in coordinates array")
        elif _mode == "clip":
            idx = cupy.clip(idx, 0, d - 1)
        elif _mode == 'wrap':
            idx = idx % d
            raise TypeError("Unrecognized mode: {}".format(_mode))
        raveled_indices += stride * idx
    return raveled_indices
예제 #12
def evaluate_chunks(
        results: [cp.ndarray, cp.ndarray,
                  cp.ndarray],  # closest triangle, distance, projection
        all_pts: cp.ndarray = None,
        vertices: cp.ndarray = None,
        edges: cp.ndarray = None,
        edge_norms: cp.ndarray = None,
        edge_normssq: cp.ndarray = None,
        normals: cp.ndarray = None,
        norms: cp.ndarray = None,
        normssq: cp.ndarray = None,
        zero_tensor: cp.ndarray = None,
        one_tensor: cp.ndarray = None,
        tris: cp.ndarray = None,
        vertex_normals: cp.ndarray = None,
        bounding_box: dict = None,
        chunk_size: int = None,
        num_verts: int = None) -> None:

    # Expand vertex normals if non empty
    if vertex_normals is not None:
        vertex_normals = vertex_normals[tris]
        vertex_normals = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(vertex_normals, axis=2),
                                 (1, 1, chunk_size, 1))

    # begin = time.time()
    # Load and extend the batch
    num_chunks = all_pts.shape[0] // chunk_size
    for i in range(num_chunks):
        # Get subset of the query points
        start_index = i * chunk_size
        end_index = (i + 1) * chunk_size
        pts = all_pts[start_index:end_index, :]

        # Match the dimensions to those assumed above.
        #    REPEATED       REPEATED
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        pts = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(pts, axis=(0, 1)), (num_verts, 3, 1, 1))

        # Compute the differences between
        # vertices on each triangle and the
        # points of interest
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        # ===================
        # [:,0,:,:] = p - p1
        # [:,1,:,:] = p - p2
        # [:,2,:,:] = p - p3
        diff_vectors = pts - vertices

        # Compute alpha, beta, gamma
        barycentric = cp.empty(diff_vectors.shape)

        # gamma = u x (p - p1)
        barycentric[:, 2, :, :] = cp.cross(edges[:, 0, :, :],
                                           diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :])
        # beta = (p - p1) x v
        barycentric[:, 1, :, :] = cp.cross(diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :],
                                           edges[:, 1, :, :])
        # alpha = w x (p - p2)
        barycentric[:, 0, :, :] = cp.cross(edges[:, 2, :, :],
                                           diff_vectors[:, 1, :, :])
        barycentric = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(barycentric, normals), axis=3), normssq)

        # Test conditions
        less_than_one = cp.less_equal(barycentric, one_tensor)
        more_than_zero = cp.greater_equal(barycentric, zero_tensor)

        #     if 0 <= gamma and gamma <= 1
        #    and 0 <= beta and beta <= 1
        #    and 0 <= alpha and alpha <= 1:
        cond1 = cp.logical_and(less_than_one, more_than_zero)

        #     if gamma <= 0:
        cond2 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 2, :])
        cond2 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond2, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        #     if beta <= 0:
        cond3 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 1, :])
        cond3 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond3, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        #     if alpha <= 0:
        cond4 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 0, :])
        cond4 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond4, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        # Get the projections for each case
        xi = cp.empty(barycentric.shape)
        barycentric_ext = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(barycentric, axis=3),
                                  (1, 1, 1, 3))
        proj = cp.sum(cp.multiply(barycentric_ext, vertices), axis=1)
        #     if 0 <= gamma and gamma <= 1
        #    and 0 <= beta and beta <= 1
        #    and 0 <= alpha and alpha <= 1:
        xi[cond1] = barycentric[cond1]

        # if gamma <= 0:
        #  x = p - p1
        #  u = p2 - p1
        #  a = p1
        #  b = p2
        t2 = cp.divide(
            # u.dot(x)
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 0, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 0])
        xi2 = cp.zeros((t2.shape[0], 3, t2.shape[1]))
        xi2[:, 0, :] = -t2 + 1
        xi2[:, 1, :] = t2
        t2 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t2, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t2, cp.zeros(t2.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t2, cp.ones(t2.shape))
        proj2 = vertices[:, 0, :, :] + cp.multiply(t2, edges[:, 0, :, :])
        proj2[lz] = vertices[:, 0, :, :][lz]
        proj2[go] = vertices[:, 1, :, :][go]
        xi[cond2] = xi2[cond2]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond2, 1, 2)] = proj2[cp.swapaxes(cond2, 1, 2)]

        # if beta <= 0:
        #  x = p - p1
        #  v = p3 - p1
        #  a = p1
        #  b = p3
        t3 = cp.divide(
            # v.dot(x)
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 1, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 1])
        xi3 = cp.zeros((t3.shape[0], 3, t3.shape[1]))
        xi3[:, 0, :] = -t3 + 1
        xi3[:, 2, :] = t3
        t3 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t3, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t3, cp.zeros(t3.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t3, cp.ones(t3.shape))
        proj3 = vertices[:, 0, :, :] + cp.multiply(t3, edges[:, 1, :, :])
        proj3[lz] = vertices[:, 0, :, :][lz]
        proj3[go] = vertices[:, 2, :, :][go]
        xi[cond3] = xi3[cond3]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond3, 1, 2)] = proj3[cp.swapaxes(cond3, 1, 2)]

        #     if alpha <= 0:
        #  y = p - p2
        #  w = p3 - p2
        #  a = p2
        #  b = p3
        t4 = cp.divide(
            # w.dot(y)
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 2, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 1, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 2])
        xi4 = cp.zeros((t4.shape[0], 3, t4.shape[1]))
        xi4[:, 1, :] = -t4 + 1
        xi4[:, 2, :] = t4
        t4 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t4, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t4, cp.zeros(t4.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t4, cp.ones(t4.shape))
        proj4 = vertices[:, 1, :, :] + cp.multiply(t4, edges[:, 2, :, :])
        proj4[lz] = vertices[:, 1, :, :][lz]
        proj4[go] = vertices[:, 2, :, :][go]
        xi[cond4] = xi4[cond4]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond4, 1, 2)] = proj4[cp.swapaxes(cond4, 1, 2)]

        vec_to_point = pts[:, 0, :, :] - proj
        distances = cp.linalg.norm(vec_to_point, axis=2)

        # n = "\n"
        # print(f"{pts[:,0,:,:]=}")
        # print(f"{proj=}")
        # print(f"{pts[:,0,:,:] - proj=}")
        # print(f"{distances=}")

        min_distances = cp.min(distances, axis=0)

        closest_triangles = cp.argmin(distances, axis=0)

        projections = proj[closest_triangles, np.arange(chunk_size), :]

        # Distinguish close triangles
        is_close = cp.isclose(distances, min_distances)

        # Determine sign
        signed_normal = normals[:, 0, :, :]
        if vertex_normals is not None:
            signed_normal = cp.sum(vertex_normals.transpose() * xi.transpose(),

        is_negative = cp.less_equal(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(vec_to_point, signed_normal), axis=2), 0.)

        # Combine
        is_close_and_negative = cp.logical_and(is_close, is_negative)

        # Determine if inside
        is_inside = cp.all(cp.logical_or(is_close_and_negative,

        # Overwrite the signs of points
        # that are outside of the box
        if bounding_box is not None:
            # Extract
            rotation_matrix = cp.asarray(bounding_box['rotation_matrix'])
            translation_vector = cp.asarray(bounding_box['translation_vector'])
            size = cp.asarray(bounding_box['size'])
            # Transform
            transformed_pts = cp.dot(
                all_pts[start_index:end_index, :] - translation_vector,

            # Determine if outside bbox
            inside_bbox = cp.all(cp.logical_and(
                cp.less_equal(0., transformed_pts),
                cp.less_equal(transformed_pts, size)),

            # Treat points outside bbox as
            # being outside of lumen
            is_inside = cp.logical_and(is_inside, inside_bbox)

        # Apply sign to indicate whether the distance is
        # inside or outside the mesh.
        min_distances[is_inside] = -1 * min_distances[is_inside]

        # Emplace results
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        results[0][start_index:end_index] = closest_triangles
        results[1][start_index:end_index] = min_distances
        results[2][start_index:end_index, :] = projections
예제 #13
    def _zdivide(x, y):
        """Patched version of :func:`sporco.linalg.zdivide`."""

        div = x / y
        div[cp.logical_or(cp.isnan(div), cp.isinf(div))] = 0
        return div
예제 #14
                for num in cp.arange(0, 11, 1):

                    #move camera position 6 entries forward in y-direction
                    qli += num

                    # make dem labels
                        ql_ray = ql[qlk, qli, qlj]

                    # if any entry in qlk, qli, qlj outside respective
                    # array dimension sizes, get rid of those entries.
                        getbad_k = qlk > dimk
                        getbad_i = qli > dimi
                        getbad_j = qlj > dimj
                        bad_ki = cp.logical_or(getbad_k, getbad_i)
                        bad_kij = cp.logical_or(bad_ki, getbad_j)
                        qlk = qlk[~bad_kij]
                        qli = qli[~bad_kij]
                        qlj = qlj[~bad_kij]

                        # Then make labels
                        ql_ray = ql[qlk, qli, qlj]
                        if ql_ray.size == 0:
                            labels[i, j, num] = cp.nan

                        elif cp.all(~ql_ray) == True:
                            labels[i, j, num] = 1

                            idx = cp.argmax(ql_ray)
예제 #15
    def _cuda_bccg(f: typing.Callable, b: typing.Sequence, tol: float, max_it: int, x0: typing.Sequence,
                   min_pressure: float = 0.0, max_pressure: typing.Union[float, typing.Sequence] = cp.inf,
                   k_inn=1) -> typing.Tuple[cp.ndarray, bool]:
        The Bound-Constrained Conjugate Gradient Method for Non-negative Matrices
        CUDA implementation

        f: Callable
            A function equivalent to multiplication by a non negative n by n matrix must work with cupy arrays.
            Typically this function will be generated by slippy.contact.plan_convolve, this will guarantee
            compatibility with different versions of this function (FFTW and CUDA).
        b: array
            1 by n array of displacements
        tol: float
            The tolerance on the result
        max_it: int
            The maximum number of iterations used
        x0: array
            An initial guess of the solution
        min_pressure: float, optional (0)
            The minimum allowable pressure at each node, defaults to 0
        max_pressure: float, optional (inf)
            The maximum allowable pressure at each node, defaults to inf, for purely elastic contacts
        k_inn: int

        x: cp.array
            The solution to the system f(x)-b = 0 with the constraints applied.

        This function uses the method described in the reference below, with some modification.
        Firstly, this method allows both a minimum and maximum force to be set simulating quasi plastic regimes. The
        code has also been optimised in several places and importantly this version has also been modified to run
        on a GPU through cupy.

        If you do not have a CUDA compatible GPU, slippy can be imported while falling back to the fftw version
        by first importing slippy then patching the CUDA variable to False:

        >>> import slippy
        >>> slippy.CUDA = False
        >>> import slippy.contact
        >>> ...

        Though this should happen automatically if you don't have cupy installed.

        Vollebregt, E.A.H. The Bound-Constrained Conjugate Gradient Method for Non-negative Matrices. J Optim
        Theory Appl 162, 931–953 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-013-0499-x


        # if you use np or most built ins in this function at all it will slow it down a lot!
            max_is_float = True
        except TypeError:
            max_is_float = False
            max_pressure = cp.array(max_pressure)

        # initialize
        b = cp.asarray(b)
        x = cp.clip(cp.asarray(x0), min_pressure, max_pressure)
        g = f(x) - b
        msk_bnd_0 = cp.logical_and(x <= 0, g >= 0)
        msk_bnd_max = cp.logical_and(x >= max_pressure, g <= 0)
        n_bound = cp.sum(msk_bnd_0) + cp.sum(msk_bnd_max)
        n = b.size
        n_free = n - n_bound
        small = 1e-14
        it = 0
        it_inn = 0
        rho_prev = cp.nan
        rho = 0.0
        r, p, r_prev = 0, 0, 0
        failed = False

        while True:
            it += 1
            it_inn += 1
            x_prev = x
            if it > 1:
                r_prev = r
                rho_prev = rho
            r = -g
            r[msk_bnd_0] = 0
            r[msk_bnd_max] = 0
            rho = cp.dot(r, r)
            if it > 1:
                beta_pr = (rho - cp.dot(r, r_prev)) / rho_prev
                p = r + max([beta_pr, 0])*p
                p = r
            p[msk_bnd_0] = 0
            p[msk_bnd_max] = 0
            # compute tildex optimisation ignoring the bounds
            q = f(p)
            if it_inn < k_inn:
                q[msk_bnd_0] = cp.nan
                q[msk_bnd_max] = cp.nan
            alpha = cp.dot(r, p) / cp.dot(p, q)
            x = x + alpha * p

            rms_xk = cp.linalg.norm(x) / cp.sqrt(n_free)
            rms_upd = cp.linalg.norm(x - x_prev) / cp.sqrt(n_free)
            upd = rms_upd / rms_xk

            # project onto feasible domain
            changed = False
            outer_it = it_inn >= k_inn or upd < tol

            if outer_it:
                msk_prj_0 = x < -small
                if cp.any(msk_prj_0):
                    x[msk_prj_0] = 0
                    msk_bnd_0[msk_prj_0] = True
                    changed = True
                msk_prj_max = x >= max_pressure * (1 + small)
                if cp.any(msk_prj_max):
                    if max_is_float:
                        x[msk_prj_max] = max_pressure
                        x[msk_prj_max] = max_pressure[msk_prj_max]
                    msk_bnd_max[msk_prj_max] = True
                    changed = True

            if changed or (outer_it and k_inn > 1):
                g = f(x) - b
                g = g + alpha * q

            check_grad = outer_it

            if check_grad:
                msk_rel = cp.logical_or(cp.logical_and(msk_bnd_0, g < -small), cp.logical_and(msk_bnd_max, g > small))
                if cp.any(msk_rel):
                    msk_bnd_0[msk_rel] = False
                    msk_bnd_max[msk_rel] = False
                    changed = True

            if changed:
                n_free = n - cp.sum(msk_bnd_0) - cp.sum(msk_bnd_max)

            if not n_free:
                print("No free nodes")
                warnings.warn("No free nodes for BCCG iterations")
                failed = True

            if outer_it:
                it_inn = 0

            if it > max_it:
                print("Max iterations")
                warnings.warn("Bound constrained conjugate gradient iterations failed to converge")
                failed = True

            if outer_it and (not changed) and upd < tol:

        return x, bool(failed)