예제 #1
def cura_app_mock():
    # Taken from cura_app.py
    import Arcus
    import Savitar

    if Platform.isLinux():
            import ctypes
            from ctypes.util import find_library
            libGL = find_library("GL")
            ctypes.CDLL(libGL, ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)

    if Platform.isLinux() and getattr(sys, "frozen", False):
        old_env = os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")
        # This is where libopenctm.so is in the AppImage.
        search_path = os.path.join(CuraApplication.getInstallPrefix(), "bin")
        path_list = old_env.split(":")
        if search_path not in path_list:
        os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join(path_list)
        import trimesh.exchange.load
        os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = old_env


    return CuraApplication()
예제 #2
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # Find out where the engine is located, and how it is called.
        # This depends on how Cura is packaged and which OS we are running on.
        executable_name = "CuraEngine"
        if Platform.isWindows():
            executable_name += ".exe"
        default_engine_location = executable_name
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CuraApplication.getInstallPrefix(), "bin", executable_name)):
            default_engine_location = os.path.join(CuraApplication.getInstallPrefix(), "bin", executable_name)
        if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
            default_engine_location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.executable)), executable_name)
        if Platform.isLinux() and not default_engine_location:
            if not os.getenv("PATH"):
                raise OSError("There is something wrong with your Linux installation.")
            for pathdir in cast(str, os.getenv("PATH")).split(os.pathsep):
                execpath = os.path.join(pathdir, executable_name)
                if os.path.exists(execpath):
                    default_engine_location = execpath

        self._application = CuraApplication.getInstance() #type: CuraApplication
        self._multi_build_plate_model = None #type: Optional[MultiBuildPlateModel]
        self._machine_error_checker = None #type: Optional[MachineErrorChecker]

        if not default_engine_location:
            raise EnvironmentError("Could not find CuraEngine")

        Logger.log("i", "Found CuraEngine at: %s", default_engine_location)

        default_engine_location = os.path.abspath(default_engine_location)
        self._application.getPreferences().addPreference("backend/location", default_engine_location)

        # Workaround to disable layer view processing if layer view is not active.
        self._layer_view_active = False #type: bool

        self._stored_layer_data = []  # type: List[Arcus.PythonMessage]
        self._stored_optimized_layer_data = {}  # type: Dict[int, List[Arcus.PythonMessage]] # key is build plate number, then arrays are stored until they go to the ProcessSlicesLayersJob

        self._scene = self._application.getController().getScene() #type: Scene

        # Triggers for auto-slicing. Auto-slicing is triggered as follows:
        #  - auto-slicing is started with a timer
        #  - whenever there is a value change, we start the timer
        #  - sometimes an error check can get scheduled for a value change, in that case, we ONLY want to start the
        #    auto-slicing timer when that error check is finished
        # If there is an error check, stop the auto-slicing timer, and only wait for the error check to be finished
        # to start the auto-slicing timer again.
        self._global_container_stack = None #type: Optional[ContainerStack]

        # Listeners for receiving messages from the back-end.
        self._message_handlers["cura.proto.Layer"] = self._onLayerMessage
        self._message_handlers["cura.proto.LayerOptimized"] = self._onOptimizedLayerMessage
        self._message_handlers["cura.proto.Progress"] = self._onProgressMessage
        self._message_handlers["cura.proto.GCodeLayer"] = self._onGCodeLayerMessage
        self._message_handlers["cura.proto.GCodePrefix"] = self._onGCodePrefixMessage
        self._message_handlers["cura.proto.PrintTimeMaterialEstimates"] = self._onPrintTimeMaterialEstimates
        self._message_handlers["cura.proto.SlicingFinished"] = self._onSlicingFinishedMessage

        self._start_slice_job = None #type: Optional[StartSliceJob]
        self._start_slice_job_build_plate = None #type: Optional[int]
        self._slicing = False #type: bool # Are we currently slicing?
        self._restart = False #type: bool # Back-end is currently restarting?
        self._tool_active = False #type: bool # If a tool is active, some tasks do not have to do anything
        self._always_restart = True #type: bool # Always restart the engine when starting a new slice. Don't keep the process running. TODO: Fix engine statelessness.
        self._process_layers_job = None #type: Optional[ProcessSlicedLayersJob] # The currently active job to process layers, or None if it is not processing layers.
        self._build_plates_to_be_sliced = [] #type: List[int] # what needs slicing?
        self._engine_is_fresh = True #type: bool # Is the newly started engine used before or not?

        self._backend_log_max_lines = 20000 #type: int # Maximum number of lines to buffer
        self._error_message = None #type: Optional[Message] # Pop-up message that shows errors.
        self._last_num_objects = defaultdict(int) #type: Dict[int, int] # Count number of objects to see if there is something changed
        self._postponed_scene_change_sources = [] #type: List[SceneNode] # scene change is postponed (by a tool)

        self._slice_start_time = None #type: Optional[float]
        self._is_disabled = False #type: bool

        self._application.getPreferences().addPreference("general/auto_slice", False)

        self._use_timer = False #type: bool
        # When you update a setting and other settings get changed through inheritance, many propertyChanged signals are fired.
        # This timer will group them up, and only slice for the last setting changed signal.
        # TODO: Properly group propertyChanged signals by whether they are triggered by the same user interaction.
        self._change_timer = QTimer() #type: QTimer

예제 #3
파일: cura_app.py 프로젝트: kontikiki/Cura
# first seems to prevent Sip from going into a state where it
# tries to create PyQt objects on a non-main thread.
import Arcus  #@UnusedImport
import Savitar  #@UnusedImport

from cura.CuraApplication import CuraApplication

# The CTM file loading module in Trimesh requires the OpenCTM library to be dynamically loaded. It uses
# ctypes.util.find_library() to find libopenctm.dylib, but this doesn't seem to look in the ".app" application folder
# on Mac OS X. Adding the search path to environment variables such as DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH
# makes it work. The workaround here uses DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH.
if Platform.isOSX() and getattr(sys, "frozen", False):
    old_env = os.environ.get("DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH", "")
    # This is where libopenctm.so is in the .app folder.
    search_path = os.path.join(CuraApplication.getInstallPrefix(), "MacOS")
    path_list = old_env.split(":")
    if search_path not in path_list:
    os.environ["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join(path_list)
    import trimesh.exchange.load
    os.environ["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = old_env

# Similar CTM file loading fix for Linux, but NOTE THAT this doesn't work directly with Python 3.5.7. There's a fix
# for ctypes.util.find_library() in Python 3.6 and 3.7. That fix makes sure that find_library() will check
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH. With Python 3.5, that fix needs to be backported to make this workaround work.
if Platform.isLinux() and getattr(sys, "frozen", False):
    old_env = os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")
    # This is where libopenctm.so is in the AppImage.
    search_path = os.path.join(CuraApplication.getInstallPrefix(), "bin")