def health_check(client, **kwargs): """ This function calls and, based on the args provided, will return `True` or `False` depending on whether that particular keyword appears in the output, and has the expected value. If multiple keys are provided, all must match for a `True` response. :arg client: An :class:`elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` client object """ logger.debug('KWARGS= "{0}"'.format(kwargs)) klist = list(kwargs.keys()) if len(klist) < 1: raise MissingArgument('Must provide at least one keyword argument') hc_data = response = True for k in klist: # First, verify that all kwargs are in the list if not k in list(hc_data.keys()): raise ConfigurationError('Key "{0}" not in cluster health output') if not hc_data[k] == kwargs[k]: logger.debug('NO MATCH: Value for key "{0}", health check data: ' '{1}'.format(kwargs[k], hc_data[k])) response = False else: logger.debug('MATCH: Value for key "{0}", health check data: ' '{1}'.format(kwargs[k], hc_data[k])) if response:'Health Check for all provided keys passed.') return response
def safe_to_snap(client, repository=None, retry_interval=120, retry_count=3): """ Ensure there are no snapshots in progress. Pause and retry accordingly :arg client: An :class:`elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` client object :arg repository: The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use :arg retry_interval: Number of seconds to delay betwen retries. Default: 120 (seconds) :arg retry_count: Number of attempts to make. Default: 3 :rtype: bool """ if not repository: raise MissingArgument('No value for "repository" provided') for count in range(1, retry_count+1): in_progress = snapshot_in_progress( client, repository=repository ) ongoing_task = find_snapshot_tasks(client) if in_progress or ongoing_task: if in_progress: 'Snapshot already in progress: {0}'.format(in_progress)) elif ongoing_task:'Snapshot activity detected in Tasks API') 'Pausing {0} seconds before retrying...'.format(retry_interval)) sleep(retry_interval)'Retry {0} of {1}'.format(count, retry_count)) else: return True return False
def get_snapshot_data(client, repository=None): """ Get ``_all`` snapshots from repository and return a list. :arg client: An :class:`elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` client object :arg repository: The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use :rtype: list """ if not repository: raise MissingArgument('No value for "repository" provided') try: return client.snapshot.get( repository=repository, snapshot="_all")['snapshots'] except (TransportError, NotFoundError) as e: raise FailedExecution( 'Unable to get snapshot information from repository: {0}. ' 'Error: {1}'.format(repository, e) )
def get_snapshot(client, repository=None, snapshot=''): """ Return information about a snapshot (or a comma-separated list of snapshots) If no snapshot specified, it will return all snapshots. If none exist, an empty dictionary will be returned. :arg client: An :class:`elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` client object :arg repository: The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use :arg snapshot: The snapshot name, or a comma-separated list of snapshots :rtype: dict """ if not repository: raise MissingArgument('No value for "repository" provided') snapname = '_all' if snapshot == '' else snapshot try: return client.snapshot.get(repository=repository, snapshot=snapname) except (TransportError, NotFoundError) as e: raise FailedExecution( 'Unable to get information about snapshot {0} from repository: ' '{1}. Error: {2}'.format(snapname, repository, e) )
def repository_exists(client, repository=None): """ Verify the existence of a repository :arg client: An :class:`elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` client object :arg repository: The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use :rtype: bool """ if not repository: raise MissingArgument('No value for "repository" provided') try: test_result = get_repository(client, repository) if repository in test_result: logger.debug("Repository {0} exists.".format(repository)) return True else: logger.debug("Repository {0} not found...".format(repository)) return False except Exception as e: logger.debug( 'Unable to find repository "{0}": Error: ' '{1}'.format(repository, e) ) return False
def create_repo_body(repo_type=None, compress=True, chunk_size=None, max_restore_bytes_per_sec=None, max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec=None, location=None, bucket=None, region=None, base_path=None, access_key=None, secret_key=None, **kwargs): """ Build the 'body' portion for use in creating a repository. :arg repo_type: The type of repository (presently only `fs` and `s3`) :arg compress: Turn on compression of the snapshot files. Compression is applied only to metadata files (index mapping and settings). Data files are not compressed. (Default: `True`) :arg chunk_size: The chunk size can be specified in bytes or by using size value notation, i.e. 1g, 10m, 5k. Defaults to `null` (unlimited chunk size). :arg max_restore_bytes_per_sec: Throttles per node restore rate. Defaults to ``20mb`` per second. :arg max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec: Throttles per node snapshot rate. Defaults to ``20mb`` per second. :arg location: Location of the snapshots. Required. :arg bucket: `S3 only.` The name of the bucket to be used for snapshots. Required. :arg region: `S3 only.` The region where bucket is located. Defaults to `US Standard` :arg base_path: `S3 only.` Specifies the path within bucket to repository data. Defaults to value of ``repositories.s3.base_path`` or to root directory if not set. :arg access_key: `S3 only.` The access key to use for authentication. Defaults to value of ````. :arg secret_key: `S3 only.` The secret key to use for authentication. Defaults to value of ````. :returns: A dictionary suitable for creating a repository from the provided arguments. :rtype: dict """ # This shouldn't happen, but just in case... if not repo_type: raise MissingArgument('Missing required parameter --repo_type') argdict = locals() body = {} body['type'] = argdict['repo_type'] body['settings'] = {} settingz = [] # Differentiate from module settings maybes = [ 'compress', 'chunk_size', 'max_restore_bytes_per_sec', 'max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec' ] s3 = ['bucket', 'region', 'base_path', 'access_key', 'secret_key'] settingz += [i for i in maybes if argdict[i]] # Type 'fs' if argdict['repo_type'] == 'fs': settingz.append('location') # Type 's3' if argdict['repo_type'] == 's3': settingz += [i for i in s3 if argdict[i]] for k in settingz: body['settings'][k] = argdict[k] return body
def create_repository(client, **kwargs): """ Create repository with repository and body settings :arg client: An :class:`elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` client object :arg repository: The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use :arg repo_type: The type of repository (presently only `fs` and `s3`) :arg compress: Turn on compression of the snapshot files. Compression is applied only to metadata files (index mapping and settings). Data files are not compressed. (Default: `True`) :arg chunk_size: The chunk size can be specified in bytes or by using size value notation, i.e. 1g, 10m, 5k. Defaults to `null` (unlimited chunk size). :arg max_restore_bytes_per_sec: Throttles per node restore rate. Defaults to ``20mb`` per second. :arg max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec: Throttles per node snapshot rate. Defaults to ``20mb`` per second. :arg location: Location of the snapshots. Required. :arg bucket: `S3 only.` The name of the bucket to be used for snapshots. Required. :arg region: `S3 only.` The region where bucket is located. Defaults to `US Standard` :arg base_path: `S3 only.` Specifies the path within bucket to repository data. Defaults to value of ``repositories.s3.base_path`` or to root directory if not set. :arg access_key: `S3 only.` The access key to use for authentication. Defaults to value of ````. :arg secret_key: `S3 only.` The secret key to use for authentication. Defaults to value of ````. :arg skip_repo_fs_check: Skip verifying the repo after creation. :returns: A boolean value indicating success or failure. :rtype: bool """ if not 'repository' in kwargs: raise MissingArgument('Missing required parameter "repository"') else: repository = kwargs['repository'] skip_repo_fs_check = kwargs.pop('skip_repo_fs_check', False) params = {'verify': 'false' if skip_repo_fs_check else 'true'} try: body = create_repo_body(**kwargs) logger.debug( 'Checking if repository {0} already exists...'.format(repository) ) result = repository_exists(client, repository=repository) logger.debug("Result = {0}".format(result)) if not result: logger.debug( 'Repository {0} not in Elasticsearch. Continuing...'.format( repository ) ) client.snapshot.create_repository(repository=repository, body=body, params=params) else: raise FailedExecution( 'Unable to create repository {0}. A repository with that name ' 'already exists.'.format(repository) ) except TransportError as e: raise FailedExecution( """ Unable to create repository {0}. Response Code: {1}. Error: {2}. Check curator and elasticsearch logs for more information. """.format( repository, e.status_code, e.error ) ) logger.debug("Repository {0} creation initiated...".format(repository)) return True
def wait_for_it(client, action, task_id=None, snapshot=None, repository=None, index=None, index_list=None, wait_interval=9, max_wait=-1): """ This function becomes one place to do all wait_for_completion type behaviors :arg client: An :class:`elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` client object :arg action: The action name that will identify how to wait :arg task_id: If the action provided a task_id, this is where it must be declared. :arg snapshot: The name of the snapshot. :arg repository: The Elasticsearch snapshot repository to use :arg wait_interval: How frequently the specified "wait" behavior will be polled to check for completion. :arg max_wait: Number of seconds will the "wait" behavior persist before giving up and raising an Exception. The default is -1, meaning it will try forever. """ action_map = { 'allocation': { 'function': health_check, 'args': { 'relocating_shards': 0 }, }, 'replicas': { 'function': health_check, 'args': { 'status': 'green' }, }, 'cluster_routing': { 'function': health_check, 'args': { 'relocating_shards': 0 }, }, 'snapshot': { 'function': snapshot_check, 'args': { 'snapshot': snapshot, 'repository': repository }, }, 'restore': { 'function': restore_check, 'args': { 'index_list': index_list }, }, 'reindex': { 'function': task_check, 'args': { 'task_id': task_id }, }, 'shrink': { 'function': health_check, 'args': { 'status': 'green' }, }, 'relocate': { 'function': relocate_check, 'args': { 'index': index } }, } wait_actions = list(action_map.keys()) if action not in wait_actions: raise ConfigurationError( '"action" must be one of {0}'.format(wait_actions)) if action == 'reindex' and task_id == None: raise MissingArgument( 'A task_id must accompany "action" {0}'.format(action)) if action == 'snapshot' and ((snapshot == None) or (repository == None)): raise MissingArgument( 'A snapshot and repository must accompany "action" {0}. snapshot: ' '{1}, repository: {2}'.format(action, snapshot, repository)) if action == 'restore' and index_list == None: raise MissingArgument( 'An index_list must accompany "action" {0}'.format(action)) elif action == 'reindex': try: _ = client.tasks.get(task_id=task_id) except Exception as e: # This exception should only exist in API usage. It should never # occur in regular Curator usage. raise CuratorException( 'Unable to find task_id {0}. Exception: {1}'.format( task_id, e)) # Now with this mapped, we can perform the wait as indicated. start_time = result = False while True: elapsed = int(( - start_time).total_seconds()) logger.debug('Elapsed time: {0} seconds'.format(elapsed)) response = action_map[action]['function'](client, **action_map[action]['args']) logger.debug('Response: {0}'.format(response)) # Success if response: logger.debug( 'Action "{0}" finished executing (may or may not have been ' 'successful)'.format(action)) result = True break # Not success, and reached maximum wait (if defined) elif (max_wait != -1) and (elapsed >= max_wait): logger.error( 'Unable to complete action "{0}" within max_wait ({1}) ' 'seconds.'.format(action, max_wait)) break # Not success, so we wait. else: logger.debug( 'Action "{0}" not yet complete, {1} total seconds elapsed. ' 'Waiting {2} seconds before checking ' 'again.'.format(action, elapsed, wait_interval)) time.sleep(wait_interval) logger.debug('Result: {0}'.format(result)) if result == False: raise ActionTimeout( 'Action "{0}" failed to complete in the max_wait period of ' '{1} seconds'.format(action, max_wait))