예제 #1
 async def fetch_one(self, url):
     headers = {'X-TBA-App-Id': self.settings.app_id}
     #async with curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
     async with sema, curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
         response = await session.get(url, headers=headers)
         content = await response.json()
         return response, content
예제 #2
async def send_push_async(conditions, content):
    Send data to sashido API.
        conditions: conditions used to send the message
        content: data that the message will have
    valid message format:
            "notifications_enabled": true,
            "channel": "osa"
            "title": "prueba push desde sqs para python, mensaje 3",
            "alert": "Nuevo Mensaje SQS", "status": "Nuevo Mensaje SQS"
    # async with sema, ...
    async with curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
        head = {
            "X-Parse-Application-Id": APPLICATION_ID,
            "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": REST_API_KEY,
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body = dumps({"where": conditions, "data": content})
        response = await session.post(PARSE_URL, headers=head, data=body)
        content = await response.json()
        return response.status_code, content
    async def fetch_one(self, url):
        headers = {'X-TBA-App-Id': os.environ['tba']}

        async with sema, curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
            response = await session.get(url, headers=headers)
            content = await response.json()
            return response, content
예제 #4
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: scribu/curio-http
async def request(*args, out=None, **kwargs):
    async with curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
        response = await session.request(*args, **kwargs)
        if out:
            data = await getattr(response, out)()
            return response, data

    return response
예제 #5
async def main():
    async with curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
        response = await session.get('https://httpbin.org/get')

        print('Status code: ', response.status_code)

        content = await response.json()

        print('Content: ', content)
예제 #6
async def fetch(url, track_id: str):
        async with curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
            response = await session.get(
                url, headers={"WAF-BENCHMARK-TRACK-ID": track_id})
            return response.status_code, track_id

    except Exception as e:
        log.info(f"ERROR :: {e} :: {url}")
        print(f"ERROR :: {e} :: {url}")
        raise WAFBenchmark(e)
async def fetch_one(node_id, url):
    async with curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
        status = ""
        error = ""
        content = ""
            response = await session.get(url)
            status = response.status_code
            content = await response.json()
        except Exception as e:
            status = -1
            error = e
        return node_id, status, content, error
예제 #8
async def fetch_one(url):
    async with curio_http.ClientSession() as session:
        response = await session.get(url)
        content = await response.json()
        return response, content