예제 #1
def Handshake(password, reader, writer):
    myPrivateKey = Private()
    myNonce = os.urandom(32)

    WriteBin(writer, myPrivateKey.get_public().serialize())
    WriteBin(writer, myNonce)

    theirPublicKey = ReadBin(reader)
    theirNonce = ReadBin(reader)

    if myNonce == theirNonce:
        return None
    if theirPublicKey in (b'\x00' * 32, b'\x01' + (b'\x00' * 31)):
        return None

    theirPublicKey = Public(theirPublicKey)

    sharedKey = myPrivateKey.get_shared_key(theirPublicKey)
    myProof = ComputeProof(sharedKey, theirNonce + password)

    WriteBin(writer, myProof)
    theirProof = ReadBin(reader)

    if not VerifyProof(sharedKey, myNonce + password, theirProof):
        return None

    return sharedKey
    def test_hashfunc(self):
        priv1 = Private(seed=b"abc")
        priv2 = Private(seed=b"def")
        shared_sha256 = priv1.get_shared_key(priv2.get_public())
        e = b"da959ffe77ebeb4757fe5ba310e28ede425ae0d0ff5ec9c884e2d08f311cf5e5"
        self.assertEqual(hexlify(shared_sha256), e)

        # confirm the hash function remains what we think it is
        def myhash(shared_key):
            return sha256(b"curve25519-shared:"+shared_key).digest()
        shared_myhash = priv1.get_shared_key(priv2.get_public(), myhash)
        self.assertEqual(hexlify(shared_myhash), e)

        def hexhash(shared_key):
            return sha1(shared_key).hexdigest().encode()
        shared_hexhash = priv1.get_shared_key(priv2.get_public(), hexhash)
예제 #3
    def test_basic(self):
        secret1 = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456"
        self.assertEqual(len(secret1), 32)

        secret2 = b"654321zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
        self.assertEqual(len(secret2), 32)
        priv1 = Private(secret=secret1)
        pub1 = priv1.get_public()
        priv2 = Private(secret=secret2)
        pub2 = priv2.get_public()
        shared12 = priv1.get_shared_key(pub2)
        e = b"b0818125eab42a8ac1af5e8b9b9c15ed2605c2bbe9675de89e5e6e7f442b9598"
        self.assertEqual(hexlify(shared12), e)
        shared21 = priv2.get_shared_key(pub1)
        self.assertEqual(shared12, shared21)

        pub2a = Public(pub2.serialize())
        shared12a = priv1.get_shared_key(pub2a)
        self.assertEqual(hexlify(shared12a), e)
    def test_basic(self):
        secret1 = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456"
        self.assertEqual(len(secret1), 32)

        secret2 = b"654321zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
        self.assertEqual(len(secret2), 32)
        priv1 = Private(secret=secret1)
        pub1 = priv1.get_public()
        priv2 = Private(secret=secret2)
        pub2 = priv2.get_public()
        shared12 = priv1.get_shared_key(pub2)
        e = b"b0818125eab42a8ac1af5e8b9b9c15ed2605c2bbe9675de89e5e6e7f442b9598"
        self.assertEqual(hexlify(shared12), e)
        shared21 = priv2.get_shared_key(pub1)
        self.assertEqual(shared12, shared21)

        pub2a = Public(pub2.serialize())
        shared12a = priv1.get_shared_key(pub2a)
        self.assertEqual(hexlify(shared12a), e)
예제 #5
    def test_hashfunc(self):
        priv1 = Private(seed=b"abc")
        priv2 = Private(seed=b"def")
        shared_sha256 = priv1.get_shared_key(priv2.get_public())
        e = b"da959ffe77ebeb4757fe5ba310e28ede425ae0d0ff5ec9c884e2d08f311cf5e5"
        self.assertEqual(hexlify(shared_sha256), e)

        # confirm the hash function remains what we think it is
        def myhash(shared_key):
            return sha256(b"curve25519-shared:" + shared_key).digest()

        shared_myhash = priv1.get_shared_key(priv2.get_public(), myhash)
        self.assertEqual(hexlify(shared_myhash), e)

        def hexhash(shared_key):
            return sha1(shared_key).hexdigest().encode()

        shared_hexhash = priv1.get_shared_key(priv2.get_public(), hexhash)
예제 #6
        return "%d" % s
    if s >= 1.0:
        return "%.2fs" % s
    if s >= 0.01:
        return "%dms" % (1000*s)
    if s >= 0.001:
        return "%.1fms" % (1000*s)
    if s >= 0.000001:
        return "%.1fus" % (1000000*s)
    return "%dns" % (1000000000*s)

def nohash(key): return key

for i in range(count):
    p = Private()
    start = time()
    pub = p.get_public()
    elapsed_get_public += time() - start
    pub2 = Private().get_public()
    start = time()
    shared = p.get_shared_key(pub2) #, hashfunc=nohash)
    elapsed_get_shared += time() - start

print("get_public: %s" % abbreviate_time(elapsed_get_public / count))
print("get_shared: %s" % abbreviate_time(elapsed_get_shared / count))

# these take about 560us-570us each (with the default compiler settings, -Os)
# on my laptop, same with -O2
#  of which the python overhead is about 5us
#  and the get_shared_key() hash step adds about 5us
예제 #7
# drop argv[0] (script file name) and join rest with spaces
del sys.argv[0];
passphrase = " ".join(sys.argv);

# print passphrase inside double quotes
print("Passphrase = \"%s\""%(passphrase));

###### get long id for account

# private key from passphrase
private = sha256(passphrase.encode('utf-8')).digest();

# public key from curve25519
curve = Private(secret=private);
public = curve.get_public();

# hash public key
hashdress = sha256(public.serialize()).digest();

# create long id from hash
address = long(0);
i = 7;
while i>=0:
    placevalue = pow(256,i);
    try: # python 2 give character
        bytesum = ord(hashdress[i]) * placevalue;
    except TypeError: # python 3 gives int
        bytesum = hashdress[i] * placevalue;
    address += bytesum;