def test_stock_on_hand_overstocked(self): with localize('sw'): reminder_trans = unicode(REMINDER_TRANS) soh_overstocked = unicode(SOH_OVERSTOCKED) script = """ 5551234 > Hmk Id 400 Dp 900 Ip 678 5551234 < %(reminder_trans)s """ % { "reminder_trans": reminder_trans } self.run_script(script) stock_state = overstocked_products(self.facility.sql_location) self.assertListEqual([(u'dp', 900, 600), (u'ip', 678, 600)], stock_state) script = """ 5551234 > Hmk Id 400 Dp 900 Ip 678 5551234 < %(reminder_trans)s 5551234 < %(soh_overstocked)s """ % { "reminder_trans": reminder_trans, "soh_overstocked": soh_overstocked % { 'overstocked_list': 'dp: 900 ip: 678', 'products_list': 'dp: 600 ip: 600' } } self.run_script(script)
def send(self): for sql_location in self.get_sql_locations(): stockedout_products_set = set(stockedout_products(sql_location)) slab_config = SLABConfig.objects.get(sql_location=sql_location) overstocked_str = "" for closest_sql_location in slab_config.closest_supply_points.all( ): overstocked_products_set = set([ overstock[0] for overstock in overstocked_products(closest_sql_location) ]) intersection = stockedout_products_set.intersection( overstocked_products_set) if intersection: overstocked_str += "%s (%s)" % (, ', '.join( sorted(intersection))) if not overstocked_str: continue for user in self.get_location_users(sql_location): send_translated_message( user, REMINDER_STOCKOUT % { 'products_list': ', '.join( sorted(stockedout_products_set)), 'overstocked_list': overstocked_str })
def get_message(self, data): if not self._is_pilot_location(): return SOH_CONFIRM else: overstocked_msg = "" products_msg = "" for product_code, stock_on_hand, six_month_consumption in overstocked_products(self.sql_location): overstocked_msg += "%s: %s " % (product_code, stock_on_hand) products_msg += "%s: %s " % (product_code, six_month_consumption) if overstocked_msg and products_msg: self.respond( SOH_OVERSTOCKED, overstocked_list=overstocked_msg.strip(), products_list=products_msg.strip() ) return REMINDER_TRANS
def test_stock_on_hand_overstocked(self): with localize('sw'): reminder_trans = unicode(REMINDER_TRANS) soh_overstocked = unicode(SOH_OVERSTOCKED) script = """ 5551234 > Hmk Id 400 Dp 900 Ip 678 5551234 < %(reminder_trans)s """ % {"reminder_trans": reminder_trans} self.run_script(script) stock_state = overstocked_products(self.facility.sql_location) self.assertListEqual([(u'dp', 900, 600), (u'ip', 678, 600)], stock_state) script = """ 5551234 > Hmk Id 400 Dp 900 Ip 678 5551234 < %(reminder_trans)s 5551234 < %(soh_overstocked)s """ % {"reminder_trans": reminder_trans, "soh_overstocked": soh_overstocked % {'overstocked_list': 'dp: 900 ip: 678', 'products_list': 'dp: 600 ip: 600'}} self.run_script(script)
def send(self): for sql_location in self.get_sql_locations(): stockedout_products_set = set(stockedout_products(sql_location)) slab_config = SLABConfig.objects.get(sql_location=sql_location) overstocked_str = "" for closest_sql_location in slab_config.closest_supply_points.all(): overstocked_products_set = set( [overstock[0] for overstock in overstocked_products(closest_sql_location)] ) intersection = stockedout_products_set.intersection(overstocked_products_set) if intersection: overstocked_str += "%s (%s)" % (, ', '.join(sorted(intersection))) if not overstocked_str: continue for user in self.get_location_users(sql_location): send_translated_message(user, REMINDER_STOCKOUT % { 'products_list': ', '.join(sorted(stockedout_products_set)), 'overstocked_list': overstocked_str })