예제 #1
    def spin_once(self):
        def baroPressureToHeight(value):
            c1 = 44330.0
            c2 = 9.869232667160128300024673081668e-6
            c3 = 0.1901975534856
            intermediate = 1 - math.pow(c2 * value, c3)
            height = c1 * intermediate
            return height

        # get data
        data = self.mt.read_measurement()
        # common header
        h = Header()
        h.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        h.frame_id = self.frame_id

        # get data (None if not present)
        #temp = data.get('Temp')	# float
        orient_data = data.get('Orientation Data')
        velocity_data = data.get('Velocity')
        position_data = data.get('Latlon')
        altitude_data = data.get('Altitude')
        acc_data = data.get('Acceleration')
        gyr_data = data.get('Angular Velocity')
        mag_data = data.get('Magnetic')
        pressure_data = data.get('Pressure')
        time_data = data.get('Timestamp')
        gnss_data = data.get('Gnss PVT')
        status = data.get('Status')  # int

        # create messages and default values
        "Imu message supported with Modes 1 & 2"
        imu_msg = Imu()
        pub_imu = False
        "SensorSample message supported with Mode 2"
        ss_msg = sensorSample()
        pub_ss = False
        "Mag message supported with Modes 1 & 2"
        mag_msg = Vector3Stamped()
        pub_mag = False
        "Baro in meters"
        baro_msg = baroSample()
        pub_baro = False
        "GNSS message supported only with MTi-G-7xx devices"
        "Valid only for modes 1 and 2"
        gnssPvt_msg = gnssSample()
        pub_gnssPvt = False
        #gnssSatinfo_msg = GPSStatus()
        #pub_gnssSatinfo = False
        # All filter related outputs
        "Supported in mode 3"
        ori_msg = orientationEstimate()
        pub_ori = False
        "Supported in mode 3 for MTi-G-7xx devices"
        vel_msg = velocityEstimate()
        pub_vel = False
        "Supported in mode 3 for MTi-G-7xx devices"
        pos_msg = positionEstimate()
        pub_pos = False

        secs = 0
        nsecs = 0

        if time_data:
            # first getting the sampleTimeFine
            time = time_data['SampleTimeFine']
            secs = 100e-6 * time
            nsecs = 1e5 * time - 1e9 * math.floor(secs)

        if acc_data:
            if 'Delta v.x' in acc_data:  # found delta-v's
                pub_ss = True
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.x = acc_data['Delta v.x']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.y = acc_data['Delta v.y']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.z = acc_data['Delta v.z']
            elif 'accX' in acc_data:  # found acceleration
                pub_imu = True
                imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_data['accX']
                imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_data['accY']
                imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_data['accZ']
                raise MTException(
                    "Unsupported message in XDI_AccelerationGroup.")

        if gyr_data:
            if 'Delta q0' in gyr_data:  # found delta-q's
                pub_ss = True
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.w = gyr_data['Delta q0']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.x = gyr_data['Delta q1']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.y = gyr_data['Delta q2']
                ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.z = gyr_data['Delta q3']
            elif 'gyrX' in gyr_data:  # found rate of turn
                pub_imu = True
                imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = gyr_data['gyrX']
                imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = gyr_data['gyrY']
                imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = gyr_data['gyrZ']
                raise MTException(
                    "Unsupported message in XDI_AngularVelocityGroup.")

        if mag_data:
            # magfield
            ss_msg.internal.mag.x = mag_msg.vector.x = mag_data['magX']
            ss_msg.internal.mag.y = mag_msg.vector.y = mag_data['magY']
            ss_msg.internal.mag.z = mag_msg.vector.z = mag_data['magZ']
            pub_mag = True

        if pressure_data:
            pub_baro = True
            height = baroPressureToHeight(pressure_data['Pressure'])
            baro_msg.height = ss_msg.internal.baro.height = height

        if gnss_data:
            pub_gnssPvt = True
            gnssPvt_msg.itow = gnss_data['iTOW']
            gnssPvt_msg.fix = gnss_data['fix']
            gnssPvt_msg.latitude = gnss_data['lat']
            gnssPvt_msg.longitude = gnss_data['lon']
            gnssPvt_msg.hEll = gnss_data['hEll']
            gnssPvt_msg.hMsl = gnss_data['hMsl']
            gnssPvt_msg.vel.x = gnss_data['velE']
            gnssPvt_msg.vel.y = gnss_data['velN']
            gnssPvt_msg.vel.z = -gnss_data['velD']
            gnssPvt_msg.hAcc = gnss_data['horzAcc']
            gnssPvt_msg.vAcc = gnss_data['vertAcc']
            gnssPvt_msg.sAcc = gnss_data['speedAcc']
            gnssPvt_msg.pDop = gnss_data['PDOP']
            gnssPvt_msg.hDop = gnss_data['HDOP']
            gnssPvt_msg.vDop = gnss_data['VDOP']
            gnssPvt_msg.numSat = gnss_data['nSat']
            gnssPvt_msg.heading = gnss_data['heading']
            gnssPvt_msg.headingAcc = gnss_data['headingAcc']

        if orient_data:
            if 'Q0' in orient_data:
                pub_imu = True
                imu_msg.orientation.w = orient_data['Q0']
                imu_msg.orientation.x = orient_data['Q1']
                imu_msg.orientation.y = orient_data['Q2']
                imu_msg.orientation.z = orient_data['Q3']
            elif 'Roll' in orient_data:
                pub_ori = True
                ori_msg.roll = orient_data['Roll']
                ori_msg.pitch = orient_data['Pitch']
                ori_msg.yaw = orient_data['Yaw']
                raise MTException(
                    'Unsupported message in XDI_OrientationGroup')

        if velocity_data:
            pub_vel = True
            vel_msg.velE = velocity_data['velX']
            vel_msg.velN = velocity_data['velY']
            vel_msg.velU = velocity_data['velZ']

        if position_data:
            pub_pos = True
            pos_msg.latitude = position_data['lat']
            pos_msg.longitude = position_data['lon']

        if altitude_data:
            pub_pos = True
            tempData = altitude_data['ellipsoid']
            pos_msg.hEll = tempData[0]

        #if status is not None:
        #	if status & 0b0001:
        #		self.stest_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
        #		self.stest_stat.message = "Ok"
        #	else:
        #		self.stest_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.ERROR
        # 		self.stest_stat.message = "Failed"
        #	if status & 0b0010:
        #		self.xkf_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
        #		self.xkf_stat.message = "Valid"
        #	else:
        #		self.xkf_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.WARN
        #		self.xkf_stat.message = "Invalid"
        #	if status & 0b0100:
        #		self.gps_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
        #		self.gps_stat.message = "Ok"
        #	else:
        #		self.gps_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.WARN
        #		self.gps_stat.message = "No fix"
        #	self.diag_msg.header = h
        #	self.diag_pub.publish(self.diag_msg)

        # publish available information
        if pub_imu:
            imu_msg.header = h
            #all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
            # Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
            #imu_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
            #imu_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs
        #if pub_gps:
        #	xgps_msg.header = gps_msg.header = h
        #	self.gps_pub.publish(gps_msg)
        #	self.xgps_pub.publish(xgps_msg)
        if pub_mag:
            mag_msg.header = h
        #if pub_temp:
        #	self.temp_pub.publish(temp_msg)
        if pub_ss:
            ss_msg.header = h
            #all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
            # Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
            #ss_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
            #ss_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs
        if pub_baro:
            baro_msg.header = h
            #all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
            # Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
            #baro_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
            #baro_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs
        if pub_gnssPvt:
            gnssPvt_msg.header = h
            #all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
            # Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
            #baro_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
            #baro_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs
        if pub_ori:
            ori_msg.header = h
            #all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
            # Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
            #ori_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
            #ori_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs
        if pub_vel:
            vel_msg.header = h
            #all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
            # Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
            #vel_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
            #vel_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs
        if pub_pos:
            pos_msg.header = h
            #all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
            # Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
            #pos_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
            #pos_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs
예제 #2
	def spin_once(self):
		def baroPressureToHeight(value):
			c1 = 44330.0
			c2 = 9.869232667160128300024673081668e-6
			c3 = 0.1901975534856
			intermediate = 1-math.pow(c2*value, c3)
			height = c1*intermediate
			return height
		# get data
		data = self.mt.read_measurement()
		# common header
		h = Header()
		h.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
		h.frame_id = self.frame_id

		# get data (None if not present)
		#temp = data.get('Temp')	# float
		orient_data = data.get('Orientation Data')
		velocity_data = data.get('Velocity')
		position_data = data.get('Latlon')
		altitude_data = data.get('Altitude')
		acc_data = data.get('Acceleration')
		gyr_data = data.get('Angular Velocity')
		mag_data = data.get('Magnetic')
		pressure_data = data.get('Pressure')
		time_data = data.get('Timestamp')
		gnss_data = data.get('Gnss PVT')
		status = data.get('Status')	# int

		# create messages and default values
		"Imu message supported with Modes 1 & 2"
		imu_msg = Imu()
		pub_imu = False
		"SensorSample message supported with Mode 2"
		ss_msg = sensorSample()
		pub_ss = False
		"Mag message supported with Modes 1 & 2"
		mag_msg = Vector3Stamped()
		pub_mag = False
		"Baro in meters"
		baro_msg = baroSample()
		pub_baro = False
		"GNSS message supported only with MTi-G-7xx devices"
		"Valid only for modes 1 and 2"
		gnssPvt_msg = gnssSample()
		pub_gnssPvt = False
		#gnssSatinfo_msg = GPSStatus()
		#pub_gnssSatinfo = False		
		# All filter related outputs
		"Supported in mode 3"
		ori_msg = orientationEstimate()
		pub_ori = False
		"Supported in mode 3 for MTi-G-7xx devices"
		vel_msg = velocityEstimate()
		pub_vel = False
		"Supported in mode 3 for MTi-G-7xx devices"
		pos_msg = positionEstimate()
		pub_pos = False
		secs = 0
		nsecs = 0
		if time_data:
			# first getting the sampleTimeFine
			time = time_data['SampleTimeFine']
			secs = 100e-6*time
			nsecs = 1e5*time - 1e9*math.floor(secs)							
		if acc_data:
			if 'Delta v.x' in acc_data: # found delta-v's
				pub_ss = True
				ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.x = acc_data['Delta v.x']
				ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.y = acc_data['Delta v.y']
				ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.z = acc_data['Delta v.z']											
			elif 'accX' in acc_data: # found acceleration
				pub_imu = True
				imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_data['accX']
				imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_data['accY']
				imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_data['accZ']						
				raise MTException("Unsupported message in XDI_AccelerationGroup.")	
		if gyr_data:
			if 'Delta q0' in gyr_data: # found delta-q's
				pub_ss = True
				ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.w = gyr_data['Delta q0']
				ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.x = gyr_data['Delta q1']
				ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.y = gyr_data['Delta q2']
				ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.z = gyr_data['Delta q3']
			elif 'gyrX' in gyr_data: # found rate of turn
				pub_imu = True
				imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = gyr_data['gyrX']
				imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = gyr_data['gyrY']
				imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = gyr_data['gyrZ']
				raise MTException("Unsupported message in XDI_AngularVelocityGroup.")
		if mag_data:
			# magfield
			ss_msg.internal.mag.x = mag_msg.vector.x = mag_data['magX']
			ss_msg.internal.mag.y = mag_msg.vector.y = mag_data['magY']
			ss_msg.internal.mag.z = mag_msg.vector.z = mag_data['magZ']
			pub_mag = True
		if pressure_data:
			pub_baro = True
			height = baroPressureToHeight(pressure_data['Pressure'])
			baro_msg.height = ss_msg.internal.baro.height = height
		if gnss_data:
			pub_gnssPvt = True
			gnssPvt_msg.itow = gnss_data['iTOW']
			gnssPvt_msg.fix = gnss_data['fix']			
			gnssPvt_msg.latitude = gnss_data['lat']
			gnssPvt_msg.longitude = gnss_data['lon']
			gnssPvt_msg.hEll = gnss_data['hEll']
			gnssPvt_msg.hMsl = gnss_data['hMsl']
			gnssPvt_msg.vel.x = gnss_data['velE']
			gnssPvt_msg.vel.y = gnss_data['velN']
			gnssPvt_msg.vel.z = -gnss_data['velD']
			gnssPvt_msg.hAcc = gnss_data['horzAcc']
			gnssPvt_msg.vAcc = gnss_data['vertAcc']
			gnssPvt_msg.sAcc = gnss_data['speedAcc']
			gnssPvt_msg.pDop = gnss_data['PDOP']
			gnssPvt_msg.hDop = gnss_data['HDOP']
			gnssPvt_msg.vDop = gnss_data['VDOP']
			gnssPvt_msg.numSat = gnss_data['nSat']
			gnssPvt_msg.heading = gnss_data['heading']
			gnssPvt_msg.headingAcc = gnss_data['headingAcc']

		if orient_data:
			if 'Q0' in orient_data:
				pub_imu = True
				imu_msg.orientation.x = orient_data['Q0']
				imu_msg.orientation.y = orient_data['Q1']
				imu_msg.orientation.z = orient_data['Q2']
				imu_msg.orientation.w = orient_data['Q3']
			elif 'Roll' in orient_data:
				pub_ori = True
				ori_msg.roll = orient_data['Roll']
				ori_msg.pitch = orient_data['Pitch']
				ori_msg.yaw = orient_data['Yaw']				
				raise MTException('Unsupported message in XDI_OrientationGroup')

		if velocity_data:
			pub_vel = True
			vel_msg.velE = velocity_data['velX']
			vel_msg.velN = velocity_data['velY']
			vel_msg.velU = velocity_data['velZ']
		if position_data:
			pub_pos = True
			pos_msg.latitude = position_data['lat']
			pos_msg.longitude = position_data['lon']
		if altitude_data:
			pub_pos = True	
			tempData = altitude_data['ellipsoid']
			pos_msg.hEll = tempData[0]
		#if status is not None:
		#	if status & 0b0001:
		#		self.stest_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
		#		self.stest_stat.message = "Ok"
		#	else:
		#		self.stest_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.ERROR
		# 		self.stest_stat.message = "Failed"
		#	if status & 0b0010:
		#		self.xkf_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
		#		self.xkf_stat.message = "Valid"
		#	else:
		#		self.xkf_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.WARN
		#		self.xkf_stat.message = "Invalid"
		#	if status & 0b0100:
		#		self.gps_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK
		#		self.gps_stat.message = "Ok"
		#	else:
		#		self.gps_stat.level = DiagnosticStatus.WARN
		#		self.gps_stat.message = "No fix"
		#	self.diag_msg.header = h
		#	self.diag_pub.publish(self.diag_msg)

		# publish available information
		if pub_imu:
			imu_msg.header = h
			#all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
			# Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
			imu_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
			imu_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs	
		#if pub_gps:
		#	xgps_msg.header = gps_msg.header = h
		#	self.gps_pub.publish(gps_msg)
		#	self.xgps_pub.publish(xgps_msg)
		if pub_mag:
			mag_msg.header = h
		#if pub_temp:
		#	self.temp_pub.publish(temp_msg)
		if pub_ss:
			ss_msg.header = h
			#all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
			# Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
			ss_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
			ss_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs	
		if pub_baro:
			baro_msg.header = h
			#all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
			# Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
			baro_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
			baro_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs	
		if pub_gnssPvt:
			gnssPvt_msg.header = h
			#all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
			# Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
			baro_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
			baro_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs	
		if pub_ori:
			ori_msg.header = h
			#all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
			# Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
			ori_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
			ori_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs	
		if pub_vel:
			vel_msg.header = h
			#all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
			# Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
			vel_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
			vel_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs	
		if pub_pos:
			pos_msg.header = h
			#all time assignments (overwriting ROS time)
			# Comment the two lines below if you need ROS time
			pos_msg.header.stamp.secs = secs
			pos_msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs	