예제 #1
def get_filtered_CSF_img(img_in):
    img_dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img_in), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(img_dft)
    height = img_dft.shape[0]
    weight = img_dft.shape[1]
    M = weight / 2
    N = height / 2
    H_matrix = np.zeros((height, weight))

    for h_idx in range(height):
        for w_idx in range(weight):
            m = -M + w_idx + 0.5
            n = -N + h_idx + 0.5
            freq, theta = get_freq_dirc(m, n, weight, height)
            multiVal = freq_trans_func(freq, theta)
            H_matrix[h_idx][w_idx] = multiVal

    img_magi = cv2.magnitude(img_dft[:, :, 0], img_dft[:, :, 1])
    img_magi *= H_matrix
    img_phase = cv2.phase(img_dft[:, :, 0], img_dft[:, :, 1])

    img_re = img_magi * np.cos(img_phase)
    img_im = img_magi * (np.sin(img_phase))

    img_dft2 = np.dstack((img_re, img_im))

    imgback = cv2.idft(img_dft2)
    imgback = cv2.magnitude(imgback[:, :, 0], imgback[:, :, 1])

    return imgback
예제 #2
def doDFT():
	# read as gray image.
	img = cv2.imread('1.jpg', 0)
	# cv2.imwrite('gray.jpg', img)

	# t1 = dct(dct(img.T, norm='ortho').T, norm='ortho')
	dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
	dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

	magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:,:,0],dft_shift[:,:,1]))

	rows, cols = img.shape
	crow,ccol = rows/2 , cols/2

	# create a mask first, center square is 1, remaining all zeros
	mask = np.zeros((rows,cols,2),np.uint8)
	mask[crow-5:crow+5, ccol-5:ccol+5] = 1

	# apply mask and inverse DFT
	fshift = dft_shift*mask
	print fshift[:, :, 0]
	print fshift[:, :, 0].shape
	f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
	img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
	img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:,:,0],img_back[:,:,1])

	plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray')
	plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
	plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(img_back, cmap = 'gray')
	plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
예제 #3
    def test_dft(self):

        img = self.get_sample('samples/data/rubberwhale1.png', 0)
        eps = 0.001

        #test direct transform
        refDft = np.fft.fft2(img)
        refDftShift = np.fft.fftshift(refDft)
        refMagnitide = np.log(1.0 + np.abs(refDftShift))

        testDft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
        testDftShift = np.fft.fftshift(testDft)
        testMagnitude = np.log(1.0 + cv2.magnitude(testDftShift[:,:,0], testDftShift[:,:,1]))

        refMagnitide = cv2.normalize(refMagnitide, 0.0, 1.0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
        testMagnitude = cv2.normalize(testMagnitude, 0.0, 1.0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)

        self.assertLess(cv2.norm(refMagnitide - testMagnitude), eps)

        #test inverse transform
        img_back = np.fft.ifft2(refDft)
        img_back = np.abs(img_back)

        img_backTest = cv2.idft(testDft)
        img_backTest = cv2.magnitude(img_backTest[:,:,0], img_backTest[:,:,1])

        img_backTest = cv2.normalize(img_backTest, 0.0, 1.0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
        img_back = cv2.normalize(img_back, 0.0, 1.0, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)

        self.assertLess(cv2.norm(img_back - img_backTest), eps)
예제 #4
def fft(img,x,y,w,h):
	rows, cols = img.shape
	crow,ccol = rows/2 , cols/2
	dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
	dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
	magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:,:,0],dft_shift[:,:,1]))
	mask = np.zeros((rows,cols,2),np.uint8)
	mask[crow-x:crow+w, ccol-y:ccol+h] = 1

	mag_mask = copy.copy(magnitude_spectrum)
	mag_mask[crow-x:crow+w, ccol-y:ccol+h] = 0

	fshift = dft_shift*mask
	f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
	img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
	img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:,:,0],img_back[:,:,1])
	plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray')
	plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
	plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap = 'gray')
	plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])

	plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(img_back, cmap = 'gray')
	plt.title('Output Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
	plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(mag_mask, cmap = 'gray')
	plt.title('Cut Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
예제 #5
 def inverse_fourier_transform(spectral_image):
         Method computes the inverse Fourier transform of a given image
     f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(spectral_image)
     img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
     return cv2.magnitude(img_back[:, :, 0], img_back[:, :, 1])
예제 #6
def measure_blurriness_DFT(img):
    """ More complex blurriness measure averaging top 90% of frequencies in image
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    blur_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (3, 3), 0)
    dftHeight = cv2.getOptimalDFTSize(blur_img.shape[0])
    dftWidth = cv2.getOptimalDFTSize(blur_img.shape[1])
    complexImg = np.zeros([dftHeight, dftWidth, 2], dtype=float)
    complexImg[0:img.shape[0], 0:img.shape[1], 0] = img / 255.0
    dft_img = cv2.dft(complexImg)
    dft_img = cv2.magnitude(dft_img[:, :, 0], dft_img[:, :, 1])
    dft_img = cv2.log(dft_img + 1)
    cv2.normalize(dft_img, dft_img, 0, 1, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
    dft_img_h, dft_img_w = dft_img.shape[:2]
    win_size = dft_img_w * 0.55
    window = dft_img[dft_img_h / 2 - win_size:dft_img_h / 2 + win_size,
                     dft_img_w / 2 - win_size:dft_img_w / 2 + win_size]
    return np.mean(np.abs(window))
예제 #7
def phaseCorrelation(img_orig, img_transformed):
    # Step 3.1 - Initialize complex conjugates for original image and magnitudes
    orig_conj = np.copy(img_orig)
    orig_conj[:,:,IM_IDX] = -orig_conj[:,:,IM_IDX]
    orig_mags = cv2.magnitude(img_orig[:,:,RE_IDX],img_orig[:,:,IM_IDX])
    img_trans_mags = cv2.magnitude(img_transformed[:,:,RE_IDX],img_transformed[:,:,IM_IDX])
    # Step 3.2 - Do deconvolution
    # multiplication compex numbers ===> (x + yi) * (u + vi) = (xu - yv) + (xv + yu)i
    # deconvolution ( H* x G ) / |H x G|
    realPart = (orig_conj[:,:,RE_IDX] * img_transformed[:,:,RE_IDX] - orig_conj[:,:,IM_IDX] * img_transformed[:,:,IM_IDX]) / (orig_mags * img_trans_mags)
    imaginaryPart = (orig_conj[:,:,RE_IDX] * img_transformed[:,:,IM_IDX] + orig_conj[:,:,IM_IDX] * img_transformed[:,:,RE_IDX]) / ( orig_mags * img_trans_mags)
    result = np.dstack((realPart, imaginaryPart))
    result_idft = cv2.idft(result)
    # Step 3.3 - Find Max value (angle and scaling factor)
    result_mags = cv2.magnitude(result_idft[:,:,RE_IDX],result_idft[:,:,IM_IDX])
    return np.unravel_index( np.argmax(result_mags), result_mags.shape)
예제 #8
def maxdouble_sobel(image):
        gx = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0)
        gy = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1)

        #dnorm = numpy.sqrt(gx**2 + gy**2)
        dm = cv2.magnitude(gx, gy)
        return numpy.average(dm)
def get_center_map(eye_img):

    f_x, f_y, f_xy, f_xx, f_yy = get_gradients(eye_img)

    # Calculate the curved-ness and weighting function
    curvedness = np.sqrt(f_xx ** 2 + 2 * f_xy ** 2 + f_yy ** 2)
    curvedness_norm = cv2.normalize(curvedness, 0, 255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX).astype(np.uint8)
    cv2.imshow("curvedness", curvedness_norm)
    weight_edge = cv2.normalize(curvedness, 0, 255 * __weight_ratio_edge, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)               # higher weight to stronger edges
    weight_middle = cv2.normalize((255 - eye_img), 0, 255 * __weight_ratio_darkness, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)       # higher center weight to darker areas
    # Calculate the displacement vectors
    temp_top = f_x ** 2 + f_y ** 2
    temp_bot = ((f_y ** 2) * f_xx) - (2 * f_x * f_xy * f_y) + ((f_x ** 2) * f_yy) + 0.0001      # hack to offset against division by 0
    d_vec_mul = -temp_top / temp_bot
    d_vec_x = d_vec_mul * f_x
    d_vec_y = d_vec_mul * f_y
    # Remove infinite displacements for straight lines
    d_vec_x = np.nan_to_num(d_vec_x)
    d_vec_y = np.nan_to_num(d_vec_y)
    mag_d_vec = cv2.magnitude(d_vec_x, d_vec_y)
    # Prevent using weights with bad radius sizes
    weight_edge[mag_d_vec < __min_rad] = 0
    weight_edge[mag_d_vec > __max_rad] = 0
    # Calculate curvature to ensure we use gradients which point in right direction
    curvature = temp_bot / (0.0001 + (temp_top ** 1.5))
    weight_edge[curvature < 0] = 0
    weight_edge[curvedness_norm < 20] = 0
    # Make indexes into accumulator using basic grid and vector offsets
    grid = np.indices(eye_img.shape[:2], np.uint8)
    acc_inds_x = grid[1] + d_vec_x.astype(int)
    acc_inds_y = grid[0] + d_vec_y.astype(int)
    # Prevent indexing outside of accumulator
    acc_inds_x[acc_inds_x < 0] = 0
    acc_inds_y[acc_inds_y < 0] = 0
    acc_inds_x[acc_inds_x >= eye_img.shape[1]] = 0
    acc_inds_y[acc_inds_y >= eye_img.shape[0]] = 0
    # Make center map accumulator
    accumulator = np.zeros(eye_img.shape[:2])
    # Use numpy fancy indexing to add weights in one go
    # (This is fast as it avoids python loops)
    accumulator[acc_inds_y, acc_inds_x] += weight_edge
    accumulator += weight_middle
    # Post-processing
    morph_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3))
    accumulator = cv2.morphologyEx(accumulator, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, morph_kernel)
    # accumulator = cv2.blur(accumulator, (10, 10))
    accumulator = cv2.GaussianBlur(accumulator, (13, 13), 0)
    return accumulator
예제 #10
def main():
    displayer = Displayer()

    orig = cv2.cvtColor(fetch_image(sys.argv[1]), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    displayer.add_image(orig, 'Original')

    img = cv2.bilateralFilter(np.float32(orig), 9, 75, 75)

    x_kernel = np.array([[-1, 0, 1],
                         [-2, 0, 2],
                         [-1, 0, 1]])

    y_kernel = np.array([[ 1,  2,  1],
                         [ 0,  0,  0],
                         [-1, -2, -1]])
    x_kernel = np.array([[3, 10, 3],
                         [0, 0, 0],
                         [-3, -10, -3]])

    y_kernel = np.array([[ -3,  -0,  3],
                         [ -10,  0,  10],
                         [ -3, -0, 3]])

    y_kernel = x_kernel = np.array([[ 0.5, 1, 0.5],
                                    [ 1, -6, 1],
                                    [ 0.5, 1, 0.5]])

    x_gradient = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, x_kernel)
    abs_x = np.absolute(x_gradient)
    x_grad_u8 = np.uint8(abs_x)
    displayer.add_image(x_grad_u8, 'manual x gradient')

    y_gradient = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, y_kernel)
    abs_y = np.absolute(y_gradient)
    y_grad_u8 = np.uint8(abs_y)
    displayer.add_image(y_grad_u8, 'manual y gradient')

    magnitude = cv2.magnitude(abs_x, abs_y)
    magnitude_u8 = np.uint8(magnitude)
    displayer.add_image(magnitude_u8, 'magnitude')
    lap = cv2.Laplacian(orig, -1, cv2.CV_64F)
    displayer.add_image(np.uint8(lap), 'laplacian')
    canny = cv2.Canny(orig, 100, 200)
    displayer.add_image(np.uint8(canny), 'Canny')

예제 #11
    def plot_mag(self):
        magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(self.dft_shift[:,:,0],self.dft_shift[:,:,1]))

        # Displays frequency domain view of image - DC centered
        plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(self.img, cmap = 'gray')
        plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
        plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap = 'gray')
        plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
예제 #12
def run(in_file, out_file):
	img = cv2.imread(in_file)
	gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
	rows, cols = gray.shape

	dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(gray),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
	dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

	magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:,:,0],dft_shift[:,:,1]))

	(_, thresh) = cv2.threshold(magnitude_spectrum, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

	thresh = np.uint8(thresh)

	lines = cv2.HoughLines(thresh,1,np.pi/180,30)
	magnitude_spectrum_lines = np.copy(magnitude_spectrum)
	for rho,theta in lines[0]:
		a = np.cos(theta)
		b = np.sin(theta)
		x0 = a*rho
		y0 = b*rho
		x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
		y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))
		x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
		y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))

		m_numerator = y2 - y1
		m_denominator = x2 - x1

		angle = np.rad2deg(math.atan2(m_numerator, m_denominator))

		M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols/2, rows/2), angle, 1)

		if cols > rows:
			out_dims = (cols, cols)
			out_dims = (rows, rows)

		rotated_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, out_dims)


	b,g,r = cv2.split(rotated_img)
	rotated_img = cv2.merge([r,g,b])  
	rotated_img = Image.fromarray(rotated_img)

	magnitude_spectrum = Image.fromarray(magnitude_spectrum).convert('RGB')

	magnitude_spectrum_lines = Image.fromarray(magnitude_spectrum_lines).convert('RGB')

예제 #13
 def flow_magnitude(self, prev_frame, frame):
     '''Calculates the magnitude of the Farneback Optical flow vectors.
     Both frames are greyscale.'''
     flow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prev_frame, frame,
     return cv2.magnitude(flow[..., 0], flow[..., 1])
예제 #14
def spectrum(img):
    """Calcula y muestra el módulo logartímico de la DFT de img."""
    modulo = np.log(cv.magnitude(imgf[:,:,0],imgf[:,:,1])+1)
    modulo = np.fft.fftshift(modulo) 
    modulo=cv.normalize(modulo, modulo, 0, 1, cv.NORM_MINMAX)

예제 #15
 def HPF(self,im_source,im_mask):
     if len(im_source.shape) == 3:
         return None
     im_float32 = np.float32(im_source)
     dft = cv2.dft(im_float32, flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
     dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
     fshift = dft_shift*im_mask
     f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
     im_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
     im_back = cv2.magnitude(im_back[:,:,0],im_back[:,:,1])
     Pmax = np.max(im_back)
     im_pow = im_back/Pmax*255
     return np.uint8(im_pow)
예제 #16
    def GET(self):
        image_path = os.getcwd() + '/images/'
        img_list = os.listdir(image_path)
        img = cv2.imread(image_path + img_list[0], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
        dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
        dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

        magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:,:,0],dft_shift[:,:,1]))

        _, data = cv2.imencode('.jpg', magnitude_spectrum)
        jpeg_base64 = base64.b64encode(data.tostring())

        return jpeg_base64
예제 #17
    def gradient_map(self, images):
        gmaps = []
        for i, image in enumerate(images):
            sx = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0, ksize=-1)
            sy = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1, ksize=-1)

            mag = cv2.magnitude(sx, sy)
            ori = cv2.phase(sx, sy, angleInDegrees=True)

            gmaps.append((ori, mag))

        (gmap, weight) = self.calc_gradient_map(gmaps)
        return (gmap, weight)
예제 #18
def apply_mask(mask, img):
    # apply mask and inverse DFTrum
    dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
    rows, cols = img.shape
    crow,ccol = rows/2 , cols/2
    # fshift = dft_shift*mask # for low pass filter
    dft_shift[crow-30:crow+30, ccol-30:ccol+30] = 0 #for high pass filter
    #f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift) #fshift for low pass code
    f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_shift)
    img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
    img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:,:,0],img_back[:,:,1])
    return img_back
예제 #19
 def frequency_filtering(self, **kwargs):
     #title = kwargs.get('title', 'Freuency filtering')
     img = kwargs.get('img', None)
     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 5))
     fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.03, wspace=.03)
     #fig.suptitle( title, fontsize=24, y=1)
     img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
     img = self._optimize_shape(img)
     dft = cv2.dft( np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
     dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
     magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:,:,0],dft_shift[:,:,1]))
     _mask = kwargs.get('mask', self.squre_mask(img, 0.05))
     fshift = dft_shift*_mask
     f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
     img_idft = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
     img_idft = cv2.magnitude( img_idft[:,:,0], img_idft[:,:,1])
     self._plot3(fig, 1, 'Original', img)
     self._plot3(fig, 2, 'Frequency Spectrum', magnitude_spectrum)
     self._plot3(fig, 3, 'Mask', 1- _mask[:,:,0])
     self._plot3(fig, 4, 'Result', img_idft)
     return fig
예제 #20
def run(in_file, n=2):
    Computes a inclination correction process with DFT
    transformation and Hough lines.
            in_file: RGB Image input path.
            n: Process iterations. Default: 2.
            Corrected image.

    image = cv2.imread(in_file)
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    result = np.copy(image)
    angle = -1
    for i in range(0, n):

        dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(result), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
        dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

        magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0],
                                                     dft_shift[:, :, 1]))

        (_, thresh) = cv2.threshold(
            magnitude_spectrum, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

        thresh = np.uint8(thresh)

        lines = cv2.HoughLines(thresh, 1, np.pi / 180, 30)

        if lines is None or angle == 0:

        for rho, theta in lines[0]:
            a = np.cos(theta)
            b = np.sin(theta)
            x0 = a * rho
            y0 = b * rho
            x1 = int(x0 + 1000 * (-b))
            y1 = int(y0 + 1000 * (a))
            x2 = int(x0 - 1000 * (-b))
            y2 = int(y0 - 1000 * (a))

            m_numerator = y2 - y1
            m_denominator = x2 - x1

            angle = np.rad2deg(math.atan2(m_numerator, m_denominator))
            result = functions.rotate_about_center(result, angle)

    return result
예제 #21
    def to_image(self,filename,color=True):
        #convert back into image
        f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(self.unreshape_arr)
        img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
        img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:,:,0],img_back[:,:,1])

        # plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(img_back, cmap = 'gray')
        # plt.title('Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
        # plt.show()

        #save images with pyplot
        if color:
            plt.imsave(filename + "_color.png", img_back)
        plt.imsave(filename + "_gray.png",img_back,cmap='gray')
예제 #22
파일: features.py 프로젝트: Mirann/Genetic
def fourier_back_transfrom(img, dft_shift):
    rows, cols, dim = img.shape
    crow,ccol = rows/2 , cols/2

    # create a mask first, center square is 1, remaining all zeros
    mask = np.zeros((rows,cols,2),np.uint8)
    mask[crow-30:crow+30, ccol-30:ccol+30] = 1

    # apply mask and inverse DFT
    fshift = dft_shift*mask
    f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
    img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
    img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:,:,0],img_back[:,:,1])
    return img_back
예제 #23
def __main__():
    img = cv2.imread('test.png',0)
    dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    dft2d_img = dft2d(np.float32(img), flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    dft_img = splitComplex(dft2d_img)

    dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft_img)
    dft_ishift = LPF(dft_shift,img)
    #print dft_ishift
    dft_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_ishift)
    img_back = cv2.idft(dft_ishift)

    magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:,:,0],dft_shift[:,:,1]))
    img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:,:,0],img_back[:,:,1])

    # use plt show result

    plt.subplot(131),plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray')
    plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
    plt.subplot(132),plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap = 'gray')
    plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
    plt.subplot(133),plt.imshow(img_back, cmap = 'gray')
    plt.title('Inverse DFT Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
예제 #24
파일: finder.py 프로젝트: celiacintas/aampy
 def preprocess_image(self, img, rect):
     offset = 50
     # x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2  rect
     #TODO check if its needed to add a try except env
     x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2 = abs(rect[0] - offset), abs(rect[1] - offset), rect[2] + offset, rect[3] + offset  
     tmp = img[y_1 :y_2, x_1: x_2]
     norm = cv2.normalize(tmp, tmp, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX , cv2.CV_8UC1)
     cv2.imwrite('/tmp/tpm_{}.jpg'.format("lero"), norm)
     grad_y = cv2.Sobel(norm, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1, ksize=3)
     grad_x = cv2.Sobel(norm, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0, ksize=3)
     mag = cv2.magnitude(grad_x, grad_y)
     #print np.max(mag), mag.argmax(axis=0)
     return mag, [x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2]
예제 #25
def cv_fft(img):

    OpenCV provides the functions cv2.dft() and cv2.idft()
    It returns the same result as numpy, but with two channels. 
    First channel will have the real part of the result and 
    second channel will have the imaginary part of the result. 
    The input image should be converted to np.float32 first.

    dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
    a = dft_shift[:,:,0]
    b = dft_shift[:,:,1]
    magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(a, b))
    return magnitude_spectrum
 def update_butterworth_win(self, dummy=None):
     Update Butterworth filter param and the result image.
     sb = cv2.getTrackbarPos("stopband**2",
     if sb == 0:
         sb = 1
         print "Stopband should be more than 0. Reset to 1."
     bw_filter = self.get_butterworth_filter(stopband2=sb, showdft=True)
     dst_complex = bw_filter * self.dft4img#cv2.multiply(self.dft4img, bw_filter)
     dst_complex = cv2.idft(np.fft.ifftshift(dst_complex))
     dst = np.uint8(cv2.magnitude(dst_complex[:,:,0], dst_complex[:,:,1]))
     self.tmp = dst
     self.get_dft(self.tmp, showdft=True)
     self.hist_lines(dst, showhist=True)
     cv2.imshow(self.test_winname, dst)
 def get_butterworth_filter(self, stopband2=10, order=3, showdft=False):
     Get Butterworth filter in frequency domain.
     h, w = self.dft4img.shape[0], self.dft4img.shape[1]
     P = h/2
     Q = w/2
     dst = np.zeros((h, w, 2), np.float64)
     for i in range(h):
         for j in range(w):
             r2 = float((i-P)**2+(j-Q)**2)
             if r2 == 0:
                 r2 = 1.0
             dst[i,j] = 1/(1+(r2/stopband2)**order)
     dst = np.float64(dst)
     if showdft:
         cv2.imshow("butterworth", cv2.magnitude(dst[:,:,0], dst[:,:,1]))
     return dst
예제 #28
def getOrientationAndMagnitude(image, show=False):
    Calculate orientation and magnitude of the gradient image
    and return it as vector arrays
    Uses cv2.fastAtan2 for fast orientation calc, cv2.magnitude
    for fast magnitude calculation
        image (numpy array): grayscale image to compute this on
        show (bool): show intermediate steps
        (orientation, magnitude): numpy arrays
    sobelHorizontal = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0)
    sobelVertical = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1)

    h = sobelHorizontal
    v = sobelVertical

    orientation = np.empty(image.shape)
    magnitude = np.empty(image.shape)

    height, width = h.shape
    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            orientation[y][x] = cv2.fastAtan2(h[y][x], v[y][x])

    magnitude = cv2.magnitude(h, v)

    if show:

        fig = figure()

        fig2 = figure()
        res = 7
        quiver(h[::res, ::res], -v[::res, ::res])
        imshow(image[::res, ::res], cmap=gray())

    return orientation, magnitude
예제 #29
 def __getGradientImageInfo(self, I):
     # Use sobel on the x and y axis
     sobelX = cv2.Sobel(I, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0)
     sobelY = cv2.Sobel(I, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1)        
     # Arrays for holding information about orientation and magnitude og each gradient
     #orientation = np.zeros(I.shape)
     #magnitude = np.zeros(I.shape)
     # Calculate orientation and magnitude of each gradient
     #for x in range(I.shape[0]):
         #for y in range(I.shape[1]):
             #orientation[x][y] = np.arctan2(sobelY[x][y], sobelX[x][y]) * (180 / m.pi)
             #magnitude[x][y] = m.sqrt(sobelY[x][y] ** 2 + sobelX[x][y] ** 2)
     magnitude = cv2.magnitude(sobelX, sobelY)
     orientation = cv2.phase(sobelX, sobelY)        
     return sobelX, sobelY, magnitude, orientation
예제 #30
 def _fft(self, batch):
     for i in range(len(batch)):
         temp = batch[i]
         temp = temp[ :, :, 0]
         x = len(temp[0])
         dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(temp),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
         dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
         rows, cols = temp.shape
         crow,ccol = rows/2 , cols/2
         crow = int(crow)
         ccol = int(ccol)
         mask = np.zeros((rows,cols,2),np.uint8)
         mask[crow-30:crow+30, ccol-30:ccol+30] = 1
         fshift = dft_shift*mask
         f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
         a = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
         a = cv2.magnitude(a[:,:,0],a[:,:,1])
         batch[i] = a.reshape([x, x, 1])
     return batch
예제 #31
def complex_abs(spectrum):
    return cv2.magnitude(spectrum[:, :, 0], spectrum[:, :, 1])
예제 #32
# 0709.py

import cv2
import numpy as np

src = np.zeros(shape=(512, 512), dtype=np.uint8)
cv2.rectangle(src, (50, 200), (450, 300), (255, 255, 255), -1)

dist = cv2.distanceTransform(src, distanceType=cv2.DIST_L1, maskSize=3)
minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(dist)
print('src:', minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc)

dst = cv2.normalize(dist, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)
ret, dst2 = cv2.threshold(dist, maxVal - 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

gx = cv2.Sobel(dist, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0, ksize=3)
gy = cv2.Sobel(dist, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1, ksize=3)
mag = cv2.magnitude(gx, gy)
minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(mag)
print('src:', minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc)
ret, dst3 = cv2.threshold(mag, maxVal - 2, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)

cv2.imshow('src', src)
cv2.imshow('dst', dst)
cv2.imshow('dst2', dst2)
cv2.imshow('dst3', dst3)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Ref:
# Org: http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/doc/py_tutorials/py_imgproc/py_transforms/py_fourier_transform/py_fourier_transform.html
# JPN: http://lang.sist.chukyo-u.ac.jp/classes/OpenCV/py_tutorials/py_imgproc/py_transforms/py_fourier_transform/py_fourier_transform.html

import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

img = cv2.imread('data/baboon.jpg', 0)

dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(
    cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))

rows, cols = img.shape
crow, ccol = int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2)

isize = 10  # マスクの半分のサイズ

# ローパスフィルタ用マスクの作成,中心正方領域は1,それ以外は0
mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)
mask[crow - isize:crow + isize, ccol - isize:ccol + isize] = 1
# apply mask and inverse DFT
fshift = dft_shift * mask
f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
img_back1 = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
img_back1 = cv2.magnitude(img_back1[:, :, 0], img_back1[:, :, 1])
예제 #34
ax[0].axis("off"), ax[1].axis("off")

# plt.savefig("result.jpg", dpi = 300, bbox_inches = "tight")
plt.show() """

import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

img = cv2.imread(
    "C:\\Users\\mnicd\\Documents\\CellDetectionSystem\\dgp\\2.15.png", 0)

dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dftshift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
# result = 20 * np.log(cv2.magnitude(dftshift[:,:, 0], dftshift[:, :, 1]))

idftshift = np.fft.ifftshift(dftshift)
idft = cv2.idft(idftshift)  #idft:二维复数数组
i_img = cv2.magnitude(idft[:, :, 0], idft[:, :, 1])  #转换到[0, 255]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)  #row = 1, col = 2

ax[0].imshow(img, cmap="gray")
ax[1].imshow(i_img, cmap="gray")

ax[0].set_title("original"), ax[1].set_title("i_img")

ax[0].axis("off"), ax[1].axis("off")

# plt.savefig("result.jpg", dpi = 300, bbox_inches = "tight")
예제 #35
def question1(path):
    # Gaussian blurring :
    image = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

    blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, ((2 * 10) + 1, (2 * 10) + 1), 0)
    plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(image), plt.title('Original Image')
    plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(blur), plt.title('Gaussian blurred image')

    # Gradient of an image :
    sobelX = cv2.Sobel(blur, cv2.CV_64F, ksize=2 * 3 + 1, dx=1, dy=0)
    sobelY = cv2.Sobel(blur, cv2.CV_64F, ksize=2 * 3 + 1, dx=0, dy=1)

    plt.subplot(321), plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray'), plt.title(' image')
    plt.subplot(322), plt.imshow(sobelX, cmap='gray'), plt.title('XGradient')
    plt.subplot(323), plt.imshow(sobelY, cmap='gray'), plt.title('YGradient')

    combinedimage = cv2.addWeighted(sobelX, .5, sobelY, .5, 0)
    plt.subplot(324), plt.imshow(combinedimage,
                                 cmap='gray'), plt.title('combined edges')

    magnitude = cv2.magnitude(sobelX, sobelY)
    plt.subplot(325), plt.imshow(magnitude,
                                 cmap='gray'), plt.title('magnitude')
    print("Magnitude is : \n")
    edges = np.argwhere(magnitude[:, :])

    length, width = image.shape
    # size of radius starts at 10 pixels and goes upto quarter the image size in width or length, whichever is greater
    Rmax = max((length / 4), (width / 4))
    Rmin = 60
    RangeR = int(Rmax - Rmin)
    # create accumulator
    accumulator = np.zeros((length, width, int(Rmax)), dtype=np.uint64)
    accumdict = {}
    for rowval in range(len(magnitude)):
        for colval in range(len(magnitude[rowval])):
            if magnitude[rowval][colval] > 0:
                radius = int(Rmin)
                while radius < int(Rmax):
                    a, b = find_ab(radius, rowval, colval)
                    print("a and b  returned are : ", a, b)
                    if a and b > 0:
                        accumulator[int(a), int(b),
                                    int(radius)] += magnitude[rowval][colval]
                        if (int(a), int(b), int(radius)) in accumdict.keys():
                                int(a), int(b),
                                int(radius))] += magnitude[rowval][colval]
                            accumdict[(int(a), int(b), int(radius))] = 1
                    radius += 10
    img2 = ndimage.maximum_filter(accumulator, size=(5, 5, 5))
    img_thresh = img2.mean() + img2.std() * 6
    labels, num_labels = ndimage.label(accumulator > img_thresh)
    coords = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(accumulator,
                                                     1, num_labels + 1))[:5]

    sortedpeaks = sorted(accumdict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1],
    print("Printing sorted peaks")

    for tupleinstance in coords:
        x, y, radius = tupleinstance
        print("the x, y, radius values are : ", x, y, radius)
        image = cv2.circle(image, (int(x), int(y)), int(radius), (0, 0, 255),

    cv2.imshow('Final_circles', image)

    plt.subplot(111), plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray'), plt.title('circles')
예제 #36
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

img = cv2.imread('Na.png', 0)

dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
fshift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

rows, cols = img.shape
crow, ccol = int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2)  #中心位置
mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)
mask[crow - 30:crow + 30, ccol - 30:ccol + 30] = 1

f = fshift * mask
print(f.shape, fshift.shape, mask.shape)

ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(f)
iimg = cv2.idft(ishift)
res = cv2.magnitude(iimg[:, :, 0], iimg[:, :, 1])

plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(img, 'gray'), plt.title('Original Image')
plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(res, 'gray'), plt.title('Result Image')
예제 #37
def dft2d(img):
    dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
    magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(
        cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))
    return dft_shift, magnitude_spectrum
예제 #38
    magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(
        cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))
    return dft_shift, magnitude_spectrum

img = cv2.imread('fractal.png', 0)
dft_shift, magnitude_spectrum = dft2d(img)
rows, cols = img.shape

mask_r5 = generateMask(cols, rows, 5)
mask_r50 = generateMask(cols, rows, 50)
mask_r100 = generateMask(cols, rows, 100)
mask_blur = generateGaussianMask(cols, rows, 10)
mask_sharpen = generateSharpenMask(cols, rows, 50)

mask_r5_magnitude = (cv2.magnitude(mask_r5[:, :, 0], mask_r5[:, :, 1]))
mask_r50_magnitude = (cv2.magnitude(mask_r50[:, :, 0], mask_r50[:, :, 1]))
mask_r100_magnitude = (cv2.magnitude(mask_r100[:, :, 0], mask_r100[:, :, 1]))
mask_blur_magnitude = (cv2.magnitude(mask_blur[:, :, 0], mask_blur[:, :, 1]))
mask_sharpen_magnitude = (cv2.magnitude(mask_sharpen[:, :, 0],
                                        mask_sharpen[:, :, 1]))

img_r5 = applyFilter(dft_shift, mask_r5)
img_r50 = applyFilter(dft_shift, mask_r50)
img_r100 = applyFilter(dft_shift, mask_r100)
img_blur = applyFilter(dft_shift, mask_blur)
img_sharpen = applyFilter(dft_shift, mask_sharpen)

plt.subplot(241), plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.subplot(242), plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap='gray')
예제 #39
import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import csv

img = cv2.imread(
    r'C:\ADITYA\Computervision\UCF50_videos\BaseballPitch_roi\file_79.jpg', 0)

dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

mag_spectrum = 20 * np.log(
    cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))
A = cv2.cartToPolar(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1])
magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(A[0])
Phase_spectrum = A[1]
print('phase spectrum')
plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap='gray')
plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(Phase_spectrum, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])

with open('vid_fft1.csv', 'w') as out:
    csv_out = csv.writer(out)
    #for row in A:
    #   csv_out.writerow(row)
예제 #40
def ContrastMeasure(image):
    img = cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_64F)
    sobelx = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=5)
    sobely = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5)
    mag = cv2.magnitude(sobelx, sobely)
    return cv2.sumElems(mag)[0] / img.shape[0] / img.shape[1]
예제 #41
# 在前面的部分我们实现了一个 HPF(高通滤波),
# 现在我们来做 LPF(低通滤波)将高频部分去除。
# 其实就是对图像进行模糊操作。
# 首先我们需要构建一个掩模,
# 与低频区域对应的地方设置为 1,
# 与高频区域 对应的地方设置为 0。

import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

img_rd = cv2.imread("../../photos/people_1.jpg", 0)

rows, cols = img_rd.shape
crow, ccol = int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2)

dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img_rd), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

# create a mask with center square=1 and remaining all zeros
mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)
mask[crow - 30:crow + 30, ccol - 30:ccol + 30] = 1

# apply mask and inverse DFT
fshift = dft_shift * mask
f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:, :, 0], img_back[:, :, 1])

예제 #42
파일: foye_2.py 프로젝트: maulvialf/PCD
# read image
img = cv2.imread('tomat-single.jpg', 0)

# ukuran filter
size = 30

# change image to discrete fourier transform
dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
# shift hasil shifting
dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
print dft, dft_shift

# perhitungan spectrum
magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(
    cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))

# draw image awal
plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
# labelling
plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
# draw magnitude spectrum
plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])

rows, cols = img.shape
crow, ccol = rows / 2, cols / 2

# create a mask first, center square is 1, remaining all zeros
mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)
def main(argv):


    filename = argv[0] if len(argv) > 0 else "data/lena.jpg"

    I = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    if I is None:
        print('Error opening image')
        return -1
    ## [expand]
    rows, cols = I.shape
    m = cv2.getOptimalDFTSize(rows)
    n = cv2.getOptimalDFTSize(cols)
    padded = cv2.copyMakeBorder(I,
                                m - rows,
                                n - cols,
                                value=[0, 0, 0])
    ## [expand]
    ## [complex_and_real]
    planes = [np.float32(padded), np.zeros(padded.shape, np.float32)]
    complexI = cv2.merge(
        planes)  # Add to the expanded another plane with zeros
    ## [complex_and_real]
    ## [dft]
            complexI)  # this way the result may fit in the source matrix
    ## [dft]
    # compute the magnitude and switch to logarithmic scale
    # = > log(1 + sqrt(Re(DFT(I)) ^ 2 + Im(DFT(I)) ^ 2))
    ## [magnitude]
              planes)  # planes[0] = Re(DFT(I), planes[1] = Im(DFT(I))
    cv2.magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0])  # planes[0] = magnitude
    magI = planes[0]
    ## [magnitude]
    ## [log]
    matOfOnes = np.ones(magI.shape, dtype=magI.dtype)
    cv2.add(matOfOnes, magI, magI)  #  switch to logarithmic scale
    cv2.log(magI, magI)
    ## [log]
    ## [crop_rearrange]
    magI_rows, magI_cols = magI.shape
    # crop the spectrum, if it has an odd number of rows or columns
    magI = magI[0:(magI_rows & -2), 0:(magI_cols & -2)]
    cx = int(magI_rows / 2)
    cy = int(magI_cols / 2)

    q0 = magI[0:cx, 0:cy]  # Top-Left - Create a ROI per quadrant
    q1 = magI[cx:cx + cx, 0:cy]  # Top-Right
    q2 = magI[0:cx, cy:cy + cy]  # Bottom-Left
    q3 = magI[cx:cx + cx, cy:cy + cy]  # Bottom-Right

    tmp = np.copy(q0)  # swap quadrants (Top-Left with Bottom-Right)
    magI[0:cx, 0:cy] = q3
    magI[cx:cx + cx, cy:cy + cy] = tmp

    tmp = np.copy(q1)  # swap quadrant (Top-Right with Bottom-Left)
    magI[cx:cx + cx, 0:cy] = q2
    magI[0:cx, cy:cy + cy] = tmp
    ## [crop_rearrange]
    ## [normalize]
        magI, magI, 0, 1,
        cv2.NORM_MINMAX)  # Transform the matrix with float values into a
    ## viewable image form(float between values 0 and 1).
    ## [normalize]
    cv2.imshow("Input Image", I)  # Show the result
    cv2.imshow("spectrum magnitude", magI)
예제 #44
def Tag_using_FFT(im_org):
    Find a tag from a imageframe using FFT pattern noise removal methods.
    # convert to grayscale and blur
    im = cv2.cvtColor(im_org, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    im = cv2.GaussianBlur(im,(3,3),0.2)
    # find FFT of the image and shift it.
    dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(im),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
    # find the magnitude spectrum to visualise it.
    magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:,:,0],dft_shift[:,:,1]))
    # get a circular mask to remove the central spot 
    mask = getCircularMask(dft_shift.shape, radius=30)
    # apply the mask on FFT 
    fshift = dft_shift*mask
    # find the magnitude spectrum to visualise masked FFT.
    magnitude_spectrum_lp = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(fshift[:,:,0],fshift[:,:,1]))
    # inverse shift the FFT
    f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
    # find magnitude of inverse FFT
    im_ = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
    im_ = cv2.magnitude(im_[:,:,0],im_[:,:,1])
    # scale the inverse FFT to 0-255 to reconstruct the filtered output
    im_ = cv2.normalize(im_, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX).astype(np.uint8)
    # perform thresholding to obtain binary map of the image
    _, binary = cv2.threshold(im_, 20, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) 
    kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.uint8)
    binary = cv2.morphologyEx(binary, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
    # find the contour of the largest area in the image and extract the region where White space of Tag is present. 
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(binary, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

    Area_List = []
    for c in contours:
    i = np.argmax(np.array(Area_List))
    rect = cv2.boundingRect(contours[i])
    x,y,w,h = rect
    margin = 10
    # get the AR Tag with white space with 10pixel pad margin
    AR_tag = im_org[y-margin:y+h+margin,x-margin:x+w+margin]  
    # find the contour of the AR block inside the Tag with  white space 
    _, binary = cv2.threshold(cv2.cvtColor(AR_tag, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), 240, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(binary, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

    AR_contour = contours[1] # get the AR's contour
    # get the corresponding corner.
    AR_corners = cv2.approxPolyDP(AR_contour,0.11*cv2.arcLength(AR_contour,True),True)

    size = 20
    reference_corners = np.array([[0,0],[size,0],[size,size],[0,size]]).reshape(-1,1,2)
    H = Homography(np.float32(AR_corners), np.float32(reference_corners))
    # warp the AR from the ground to an arbitrarily chosen plane of dimensions size x size 
    imOut = np.zeros((size,size,3),dtype = np.uint8)
    warped_AR_tag = Warp(AR_tag, H, imOut)
    warped_AR_tag  = cv2.resize(warped_AR_tag, (128,128)) # resizing to larger size to perform interpolation  
    warped_AR_tag = warped_AR_tag[margin:-margin,margin:-margin]
    return magnitude_spectrum, magnitude_spectrum_lp, im_, AR_tag, warped_AR_tag
예제 #45
#Output is a 2D complex array. 1st channel real and 2nd imaginary
#For fft in opencv input image needs to be converted to float32
dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)

#Rearranges a Fourier transform X by shifting the zero-frequency
#component to the center of the array.
#Otherwise it starts at the tope left corenr of the image (array)
dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

#FFT of image
##Magnitude of the function is 20.log(abs(f))
#For values that are 0 we may end up with indeterminate values for log.
#So we can add 1 to the array to avoid seeing a warning.
magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(
    cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))

# Circular HPF mask, center circle is 0, remaining all ones
#Can be used for edge detection because low frequencies at center are blocked
#and only high frequencies are allowed. Edges are high frequency components.
#Amplifies noise.

rows, cols = img.shape
crow, ccol = int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2)  #Center point

mask = np.ones((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)  #Crate mask fo 2 channels

r = 80  # Radius of circular mask
center = [crow, ccol]
x, y = np.ogrid[:rows, :cols]
mask_area = (x - center[0])**2 + (y - center[1])**2 <= r * r
예제 #46
import os

if __name__ == '__main__':

    path = '../../img/aerials/2.2.02.tiff'
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
        print("[INFO] Image has been read successfully...")
        print("[INFO] The file '" + path + "' does not exist.")

    dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
    magnitudeSpectrum = 20 * np.log(
        cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))

    rows, cols = img.shape
    crow, ccol = int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2)
    # create a mask first, center square is 1, remaining all zeros
    mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)

    outputImgArr = [img, magnitudeSpectrum]
    maskSize = [5, 15, 25, 35, 50, 80]
    titles = ['Input Image', "Magnitude Spectrum"
              ] + ['Mask Size: ' + str(i) for i in maskSize]

    for n in maskSize:
        mask[crow - n:crow + n, ccol - n:ccol + n] = 1
        # apply mask and inverse DFT
        fshift = dft_shift * mask
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jul 17 18:04:55 2018


import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img = cv2.imread(r'../image/lena.bmp',0)
dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(img),flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dftShift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
rows, cols = img.shape
crow,ccol = int(rows/2) , int(cols/2)
mask = np.zeros((rows,cols,2),np.uint8)
mask[crow-30:crow+30, ccol-30:ccol+30] = 1
fShift = dftShift*mask
ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fShift)
iImg = cv2.idft(ishift)
iImg= cv2.magnitude(iImg[:,:,0],iImg[:,:,1])
plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(img, cmap = 'gray')
plt.title('original'), plt.axis('off')
plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(iImg, cmap = 'gray')
plt.title('result'), plt.axis('off')
예제 #48
sharp = cv2.addWeighted(gray, 1, mask, 0.03,
                        0)  #ajoute l'original avec le mask pondéré

#laplacian shapening
laplacien = cv2.Laplacian(sharp, cv2.CV_64F)
laplacienScaled = cv2.convertScaleAbs(laplacien)
image = cv2.addWeighted(sharp, 1, laplacienScaled, -0.2, 0)

#changer a true pour afficher le spectre frequenciel
if (False):
    #transformation en fréquence
    dft = cv2.dft(np.float32(image),
                  flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)  #transforme en fréquence
    dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)
    magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(
        cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))

    #filtrage des frequences
    rows, cols = image.shape
    crow, ccol = math.floor(rows / 2), math.floor(cols / 2)
    mask = np.ones((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)
    mask[crow - 500:crow + 500, ccol - 100:ccol + 100] = 0
    fshift = dft_shift * mask
    magnitude_spectrum2 = 20 * np.log(
        cv2.magnitude(fshift[:, :, 0], fshift[:, :, 1]))

    #reconstruction de l'image
    f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift)
    img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
    img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:, :, 0], img_back[:, :, 1])
def OverLayFFT(img1, img2):
    global ang1, ang2, img1DFT, img2DFT, DFTShift1, DFTShift2, img1_magnitudeSpectrum, img2_magnitudeSpectrum, overlayFFT_mag, img1_LPF_iFFT_mag, img2_LPF_iFFT_mag, img1_HPF_iFFT_mag, img2_HPF_iFFT_mag, overlayFFT_phase, overlayFFT_phase2, CartDiff, overlayFFT, overlayiFFT_mag, overlayiFFT, img2Corrected, img2PhaseCorrected

    row1, col1 = img1.shape
    row2, col2 = img2.shape

    centerRow1, centerCol1 = row1 / 2, col1 / 2
    centerRow2, centerCol2 = row2 / 2, col2 / 2

    centerRectangle = 15

    # Calculating 2D FFT
    img1FFT2 = np.fft.fft2(img1)
    img2FFT2 = np.fft.fft2(img2)


    CartDiff = img2FFT2 - img1FFT2
    # print ("Cart Diff: ", CartDiff)
    img2FFT2 = img1FFT2 - CartDiff

    # shifting the DC component to the center of the image
    FFT2Shift1 = np.fft.fftshift(img1FFT2)
    FFT2Shift2 = np.fft.fftshift(img2FFT2)
    # Need to verify DFTShift1[:,:,1] is angle or DFTShift1[:,:,0]? DFTShift1[:,:,1] is the angle

    ang1 = np.angle(img1FFT2)
    ang2 = np.angle(img2FFT2)

    overlayFFT_phase = np.angle(img1FFT2) - np.angle(img2FFT2)
    # print("overlay FFT phase shift", overlayFFT_phase)

    img2PhaseCorrected = np.angle(FFT2Shift2) - overlayFFT_phase

    # ang1 = cv2.phase(img1DFT[:,:,0], img1DFT[:,:,1])
    # ang2 = cv2.phase(img2DFT[:,:,0], img2DFT[:,:,1])

    # overlayFFT_phase2

    # m,n = overlayFFT_phase2.shape
    # print(m,n)

    # calculating the magnitute of the complex numbers of DFTShift
    img1_magnitudeSpectrum = 20 * np.log(np.abs(FFT2Shift1))
    img2_magnitudeSpectrum = 20 * np.log(np.abs(FFT2Shift2))

    #TODO: try adding the manitudes of the two image in freq domain for overlay FFT
    overlayFFT_mag = img2_magnitudeSpectrum - img1_magnitudeSpectrum

    # img2MagCorrected = img1_magnitudeSpectrum + overlayFFT_mag

    # print(overlayFFT_phase)

    # Convert back to space domain and then graph the overlay diff

    # cv2.determinant(ang1) - cv2.determinant(ang2)

    overlayFFT = [img2_magnitudeSpectrum + img2PhaseCorrected * j]
    # print("overlay FFT: ", overlayFFT)

    overlayFFT_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(overlayFFT)
    # overlayiFFT = np.fft.ifft2(overlayFFT_ishift)
    overlayiFFT = np.fft.ifft2(img2FFT2)

    img2Corrected = np.abs(overlayiFFT)
    # print("image 2 corrected: ", img2Corrected.shape, img2Corrected[:,:])

    # x,y = cv2.polarToCart(overlayFFT_ishift[0,:,:],overlayFFT_ishift[1,:,:])

    # overlayiFFT_mag = np.abs(overlayiFFT[0,:,:])
    # row4, col4 =overlayiFFT_mag.shape
    # print(row4, col4)

    # print("overlay iFFT Mag: ", overlayiFFT_mag)
    # print (overlayFFT_phase)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Low pass filtering: creating a mask with high value of 1 at low freq and
    # 0 at high freq
    freqMask1_LPF = np.zeros((row1, col1, 2), np.float32)
    freqMask2_LPF = np.zeros((row2, col2, 2), np.float32)
    freqMask1_LPF[centerRow1 - centerRectangle:centerRow1 + centerRectangle,
                  centerCol1 - centerRectangle:centerCol1 +
                  centerRectangle] = 1
    freqMask2_LPF[centerRow2 - centerRectangle:centerRow2 + centerRectangle,
                  centerCol2 - centerRectangle:centerCol2 +
                  centerRectangle] = 1

    img1DFT = cv2.dft(np.float32(img1), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
    img2DFT = cv2.dft(np.float32(img2), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)

    DFTShift1 = np.fft.fftshift(img1DFT)
    DFTShift2 = np.fft.fftshift(img2DFT)
    #applying the mask for LPF
    DFTShift1_LPF_Masked = DFTShift1 * freqMask1_LPF
    DFTShift2_LPF_Masked = DFTShift2 * freqMask2_LPF

    #Inverse FFT
    img1_LPF_iFFT_shift = np.fft.ifftshift(DFTShift1_LPF_Masked)
    img2_LPF_iFFT_shift = np.fft.ifftshift(DFTShift2_LPF_Masked)

    img1_LPF_iFFT = cv2.idft(img1_LPF_iFFT_shift)
    img2_LPF_iFFT = cv2.idft(img2_LPF_iFFT_shift)
    img1_LPF_iFFT_mag = cv2.magnitude(img1_LPF_iFFT[:, :, 0],
                                      img1_LPF_iFFT[:, :, 1])
    img2_LPF_iFFT_mag = cv2.magnitude(img2_LPF_iFFT[:, :, 0],
                                      img2_LPF_iFFT[:, :, 1])

    # High Pass filtering: setting a 15x15 center rectangle to block low freq

    DFTShift1[centerRow1 - centerRectangle:centerRow1 + centerRectangle,
              centerCol1 - centerRectangle:centerCol1 + centerRectangle] = 0
    DFTShift2[centerRow2 - centerRectangle:centerRow2 + centerRectangle,
              centerCol2 - centerRectangle:centerCol2 + centerRectangle] = 0

    #inverse FFT
    img1_HPF_iFFT_shift = np.fft.ifftshift(DFTShift1)
    img2_HPF_iFFT_shift = np.fft.ifftshift(DFTShift2)

    img1_HPF_iFFT = cv2.idft(img1_HPF_iFFT_shift)
    img2_HPF_iFFT = cv2.idft(img2_HPF_iFFT_shift)

    img1_HPF_iFFT_mag = cv2.magnitude(img1_HPF_iFFT[:, :, 0],
                                      img1_HPF_iFFT[:, :, 1])
    img2_HPF_iFFT_mag = cv2.magnitude(img2_HPF_iFFT[:, :, 0],
                                      img2_HPF_iFFT[:, :, 1])

    return ang1, ang2, img1DFT, img2DFT, DFTShift1, DFTShift2, img1_magnitudeSpectrum, img2_magnitudeSpectrum, overlayFFT_mag, img1_LPF_iFFT_mag, img2_LPF_iFFT_mag, img1_HPF_iFFT_mag, img2_HPF_iFFT_mag, overlayFFT_phase, CartDiff, overlayFFT, overlayiFFT, img2Corrected, img2PhaseCorrected
def get_center_map(eye_img):

    f_x, f_y, f_xy, f_xx, f_yy = get_gradients(eye_img)

    # Calculate the curved-ness and weighting function
    curvedness = np.sqrt(f_xx**2 + 2 * f_xy**2 + f_yy**2)
    curvedness_norm = cv2.normalize(curvedness,
    cv2.imshow("curvedness", curvedness_norm)
    weight_edge = cv2.normalize(
        curvedness, 0, 255 * __weight_ratio_edge,
        norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)  # higher weight to stronger edges
    weight_middle = cv2.normalize(
        (255 - eye_img),
        255 * __weight_ratio_darkness,
        norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)  # higher center weight to darker areas

    # Calculate the displacement vectors
    temp_top = f_x**2 + f_y**2
    temp_bot = ((f_y**2) * f_xx) - (2 * f_x * f_xy * f_y) + (
        (f_x**2) * f_yy) + 0.0001  # hack to offset against division by 0
    d_vec_mul = -temp_top / temp_bot
    d_vec_x = d_vec_mul * f_x
    d_vec_y = d_vec_mul * f_y

    # Remove infinite displacements for straight lines
    d_vec_x = np.nan_to_num(d_vec_x)
    d_vec_y = np.nan_to_num(d_vec_y)
    mag_d_vec = cv2.magnitude(d_vec_x, d_vec_y)

    # Prevent using weights with bad radius sizes
    weight_edge[mag_d_vec < __min_rad] = 0
    weight_edge[mag_d_vec > __max_rad] = 0

    # Calculate curvature to ensure we use gradients which point in right direction
    curvature = temp_bot / (0.0001 + (temp_top**1.5))
    weight_edge[curvature < 0] = 0
    weight_edge[curvedness_norm < 20] = 0

    # Make indexes into accumulator using basic grid and vector offsets
    grid = np.indices(eye_img.shape[:2], np.uint8)
    acc_inds_x = grid[1] + d_vec_x.astype(int)
    acc_inds_y = grid[0] + d_vec_y.astype(int)

    # Prevent indexing outside of accumulator
    acc_inds_x[acc_inds_x < 0] = 0
    acc_inds_y[acc_inds_y < 0] = 0
    acc_inds_x[acc_inds_x >= eye_img.shape[1]] = 0
    acc_inds_y[acc_inds_y >= eye_img.shape[0]] = 0

    # Make center map accumulator
    accumulator = np.zeros(eye_img.shape[:2])

    # Use numpy fancy indexing to add weights in one go
    # (This is fast as it avoids python loops)
    accumulator[acc_inds_y, acc_inds_x] += weight_edge
    accumulator += weight_middle

    # Post-processing
    morph_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3))
    accumulator = cv2.morphologyEx(accumulator, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, morph_kernel)
    # accumulator = cv2.blur(accumulator, (10, 10))
    accumulator = cv2.GaussianBlur(accumulator, (13, 13), 0)

    return accumulator
예제 #51
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

image = cv2.imread('./Lena.png', 0).astype(np.float32) / 255

fft = cv2.dft(image, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)

shifted = np.fft.fftshift(fft, axes=[0, 1])
magnitude = cv2.magnitude(shifted[:, :, 0], shifted[:, :, 1])
magnitude = np.log(magnitude)

plt.imshow(magnitude, cmap='gray')

restored = cv2.idft(fft, flags=cv2.DFT_SCALE | cv2.DFT_REAL_OUTPUT)

cv2.imshow('restored', restored)
예제 #52
gaussian_noise_sigma15 = img+np.uint8(np.random.normal(mean,sigma15,(row,col)))

sigma30 = 30
gaussian_noise_sigma30 = img+np.uint8(np.random.normal(mean,sigma30,(row,col)))

sigma45 = 45
gaussian_noise_sigma45 = img+np.uint8(np.random.normal(mean,sigma45,(row,col)))

img_float32_sigma15 = np.float32(gaussian_noise_sigma15)
img_float32_sigma30 = np.float32(gaussian_noise_sigma30)
img_float32_sigma45 = np.float32(gaussian_noise_sigma45)

# DFT, shift and magnitude spectrum at sigma equals 15
dft_sigma15 = cv2.dft(img_float32_sigma15, flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dft_shift_sigma15 = np.fft.fftshift(dft_sigma15)
magnitude_spectrum_sigma15 = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift_sigma15[:,:,0],dft_shift_sigma15[:,:,1]))

# DFT, shift and magnitude spectrum at sigma equals 30
dft_sigma30 = cv2.dft(img_float32_sigma30, flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dft_shift_sigma30 = np.fft.fftshift(dft_sigma30)
magnitude_spectrum_sigma30 = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift_sigma30[:,:,0],dft_shift_sigma30[:,:,1]))

# DFT, shift and magnitude spectrum at sigma equals 45
dft_sigma45 = cv2.dft(img_float32_sigma45, flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dft_shift_sigma45 = np.fft.fftshift(dft_sigma45)
magnitude_spectrum_sigma45 = 20*np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift_sigma45[:,:,0],dft_shift_sigma45[:,:,1]))


rows, cols =img.shape
crow,ccol = int(rows/2), int(cols/2)   # Center
예제 #53
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

img = cv.imread("riya.jpg", 0)

f = cv.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f)

magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(cv.magnitude(fshift[:, :, 0], fshift[:, :,

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.subplot(221), plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray")
plt.title('Input Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.subplot(222), plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap='gray')
plt.title("Magnitude Image"), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])

# 去掉高频信号
row, col = img.shape
cx, cy = col // 2, row // 2
zeros = np.zeros((row, col, 2))
zeros[cy - 30:cy + 30, cx - 30:cy + 30] = fshift[cy - 30:cy + 30,
                                                 cx - 30:cy + 30]

# 傅里叶逆变换
fshift_b = np.fft.ifftshift(zeros)
f_b = cv.idft(np.float32(fshift_b), flags=cv.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
img_back = cv.magnitude(f_b[:, :, 0], f_b[:, :, 1])
        filtered_img = cv2.dft(dft, flags=cv2.DFT_INVERSE)

        # normalized the filtered image into 0 -> 255 (8-bit grayscale) so we
        # can see the output

        min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = \
            cv2.minMaxLoc(filtered_img[:, :, 0])
        filtered_img_normalized = filtered_img[:, :, 0] * (
            1.0 / (max_val - min_val)) + ((-min_val) / (max_val - min_val))
        filtered_img_normalized = np.uint8(filtered_img_normalized * 255)

        # calculate the magnitude spectrum and log transform + scale it for
        # visualization

        magnitude_spectrum = np.log(cv2.magnitude(
            dft_filtered[:, :, 0], dft_filtered[:, :, 1]))

        # create a 8-bit image to put the magnitude spectrum into

        magnitude_spectrum_normalized = np.zeros(
            (nheight, nwidth, 1), np.uint8)

        # normalized the magnitude spectrum into 0 -> 255 (8-bit grayscale) so
        # we can see the output

예제 #55
        # recover the original image via the inverse DFT

        filtered_img = cv2.dft(dft, flags=cv2.DFT_INVERSE)

        # normalized the filtered image into 0 -> 255 (8-bit grayscale) so we can see the output

        minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(filtered_img[:, :, 0])
        filtered_img_normalized = filtered_img[:, :, 0] * (
            1.0 / (maxVal - minVal)) + ((-minVal) / (maxVal - minVal))
        filtered_img_normalized = np.uint8(filtered_img_normalized * 255)

        # calculate the magnitude spectrum and log transform + scale it for visualization

        magnitude_spectrum = np.log(
            cv2.magnitude(dft_filtered[:, :, 0], dft_filtered[:, :, 1]))

        # create a 8-bit image to put the magnitude spectrum into

        magnitude_spectrum_normalized = np.zeros((nheight, nwidth, 1),

        # normalized the magnitude spectrum into 0 -> 255 (8-bit grayscale) so we can see the output


        # display images
예제 #56
파일: restore.py 프로젝트: ajdroid/DIP15
print dft1.shape
dft_shift1 = np.fft.fftshift(dft1)
dftmag1, dftphase1 = cv2.cartToPolar(dft_shift1[:, :, 0], dft_shift1[:, :, 1])
invdftmag = np.ones(dftmag1.shape)
invdftphase = np.zeros(dftphase1.shape)

for i in range(-240, 241):
    for j in range(-240, 241):
        if np.exp(-0.0025 * (i * i + j * j)**(5 / 6)) >= 0.01:
            invdftmag[i, j] = np.exp(0.0025 * (i * i + j * j)**(5 / 6))

print invdftmag
dftmag2 = invdftmag * dftmag1
dftphase2 = dftphase1 - invdftphase

dft_shift1[:, :, 0], dft_shift1[:, :, 1] = cv2.polarToCart(dftmag2, dftphase2)

f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_shift1)
img2 = cv2.idft(f_ishift)
img2 = cv2.magnitude(img2[:, :, 0], img2[:, :, 1])
print img1
print img2 / np.max(img2) * 255

plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(img1, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Input'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(np.uint8(img2 / np.max(img2) * 255), cmap='gray')
plt.title('Restored'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])

예제 #57
plt.imshow(img_back, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Image after HPF')
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])

plt.title('Result in JET')
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])


dft = cv.dft(np.float32(img), flags=cv.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)

magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(cv.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1]))

plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Input Image')
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])

plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Magnitude Spectrum')
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])


mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)
def kspace_to_image(kspace):
    assert(len(kspace.shape) == 3 and kspace.shape[-1] == 2)
    fft = cv.idft(kspace, flags=cv.DFT_SCALE)
    img = cv.magnitude(fft[:,:,0], fft[:,:,1])
    return cv.normalize(img, dst=None, alpha=255, beta=0, norm_type=cv.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv.CV_8U)
import sys
import numpy as np
import cv2

src = cv2.imread('.\\ch06\\lenna.bmp', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

if src is None:
    print('Image load failed!')

dx = cv2.Sobel(src, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0)
dy = cv2.Sobel(src, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1)

mag = cv2.magnitude(dx, dy)
mag = np.clip(mag, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)

dst = np.zeros(src.shape[:2], np.uint8)
dst[mag > 120] = 255
#_, dst = cv2.threshold(mag, 120, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

cv2.imshow('src', src)
cv2.imshow('mag', mag)
cv2.imshow('dst', dst)

예제 #60
def magnitude(i, j):
    return cv2.magnitude(i, j)