예제 #1
파일: SLR2.py 프로젝트: Rtasseff/SLR2
def fitSamplingNull(response,nSamp, method='cv', 
		memlimit=None, largest=None, **kwargs):
	nObs = len(response)
	# lets partition the data via our sampling method
	if method=='cv':
		t,v = st.kFoldCV(range(nObs),nSamp,randomise=True)
	elif (method=='bs') or (method=='bs632'):
		t,v = st.kRoundBS(range(nObs),nSamp)
		raise ValueError('Sampling method not correct')

	smse = 0
	sSqmse = 0

	for i in range(nSamp):
		# get the training values
		y = response[t[i]]
		Yval = response[v[i]]
		nVal = float(len(Yval))
		mse = np.sum((Yval-np.mean(y))**2)/nVal
		# sum the rows (errors for given model)
		smse = smse + mse
		sSqmse = sSqmse + mse**2
	# now it is time to average and send back
	# I am putting the errors in a container 
	nSampFlt = float(nSamp)
	meanmse = smse/nSampFlt
	varmse = sSqmse/nSampFlt - meanmse**2
	if method=='bs632':
		yhat = fullEnm.predict(regressors)
		resubmse = np.sum((yhat.T-response)**2,1)/float(nObs)
		meanmse = 0.632*meanmse+(1-0.632)*resubmse
	return meanmse, varmse
예제 #2
파일: SLR2.py 프로젝트: Rtasseff/SLR2
def fitSampling(regressors, response, alpha, nSamp, method='cv', 
		memlimit=None, largest=None, **kwargs):
	"""Performs an elastic net constrained linear regression,
	see fit, with selected sampleing method to estimate errors
	using nSamp number of sampleings.
	'cv'	cross validation with nSamp number of folds
	'bs'	bootstrap 
	'bs632'	boostrap 632 (weighted average of bs and training error)
	Returns a TrainingError object (cvTools) and an 
	ENetModel object for the full fit (err,enm).
	Function requires cvTools
	nObs,nRegs = regressors.shape
	# get the full model fit 
	fullEnm = enet.fit(regressors, response, alpha, memlimit,
                largest, **kwargs)
	# get the lambda values determined in the full fit (going to force these lambdas for all cv's)
	lam = fullEnm.lambdas
	# the lambdas may have been user defined, don't want it defined twice 
	if kwargs.has_key('lambdas'):
		del kwargs['lambdas']

	# lets partition the data via our sampling method
	if method=='cv':
		t,v = st.kFoldCV(range(nObs),nSamp,randomise=True)
	elif (method=='bs') or (method=='bs632'):
		t,v = st.kRoundBS(range(nObs),nSamp)
		raise ValueError('Sampling method not correct')

	# lets consider many versions of errors
	# with our error being mean squared error
	# we want the epected mean squared error
	# and the corisponding variance over the diffrent versions
	nModels = len(lam)
	smse = np.zeros(nModels)
	sSqmse = np.zeros(nModels)
	allVals = np.zeros((nModels,nSamp))

		# loop through the folds
	for i in range(nSamp):
		# get the training values
		X = regressors[t[i]]
		y = response[t[i]]
		enm =  enet.fit(X, y, alpha, memlimit,
                	largest, lambdas=lam, **kwargs)
			# get the validation values
		Xval = regressors[v[i]]
		Yval = response[v[i]]
		nVal = float(len(Yval))
		# get the predicted responses from validation regressors
		Yhat = enm.predict(Xval)
				# what is the mean squared error?
		# notice the T was necassary to do the subtraction
		# the rows are the models and the cols are the observations
		mse = np.sum((Yhat.T-Yval)**2,1)/nVal
		# sum the rows (errors for given model)
		smse = smse + mse
		sSqmse = sSqmse + mse**2
		allVals[:,i] = mse
	# now it is time to average and send back
	# I am putting the errors in a container 
	nSampFlt = float(nSamp)
	meanmse = smse/nSampFlt
	varmse = sSqmse/nSampFlt - meanmse**2
	if method=='bs632':
		yhat = fullEnm.predict(regressors)
		resubmse = np.sum((yhat.T-response)**2,1)/float(nObs)
		meanmse = 0.632*meanmse+(1-0.632)*resubmse
	err = enet.ENetTrainError(lam,nSamp,meanmse,varmse,[0],[0],alpha)

	return err, fullEnm, allVals