예제 #1
def submit_task(request, mongo):
    #Retrieve reponse object
    data = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
    #! Need object validation
    #Remove CSRF token
    del data["csrfmiddlewaretoken"]

    result = models.logic.submit_task(data)
    if result:    
        #Return next document, game stats, and markup
        return helpers.gen_json_response({
            "status": "success",
            "msg": "Successfully submit the task",
            "next_document": result["next_document"],
            "game_stats": result["game_stats"],
            "codebook_markup": {}

    #If no documents are left in the batch
        #print "Congratulations! You have finished all the tasks!"
        #Return a success message and game stats
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "No next document in batch!", "game_stats": new_game_stats})
예제 #2
def update_permission(request):
    #Retreive user object
        user = User.objects.get(username=request.POST["username"])
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field 'username.'"})

    #Toggle 'active' status
    if "active" in request.POST:
        new_status = request.POST["active"] == 'true'
        if not new_status and user.is_superuser:
            return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Sorry, you can't deactivate a user with admin privileges."})
            user.is_active = new_status
            #When a user is reactivated, set his password to be the same as his username
            #! This behavior needs to change!
            if user.is_active:

    #Toggle admin status
    if "admin" in request.POST:
        new_status = request.POST["admin"] == 'true'
        if not new_status and User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True).count() < 2:
            return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Sorry, you can't remove admin privileges from the last administrator."})
        elif new_status and not user.is_active:
            return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Sorry, you can't grant admin privileges to an inactive user."})
            user.is_superuser = new_status
    #Write to database

    #Return success message
    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Successfully updated permissions.", "new_status": new_status})
예제 #3
def submit_task(request, mongo):
    #Retrieve reponse object
    data = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)

    #! Need object validation

    #Remove CSRF token
    del data["csrfmiddlewaretoken"]

    result = models.logic.submit_task(data)

    if result:
        #Return next document, game stats, and markup
        return helpers.gen_json_response({
            "Successfully submit the task",
            "codebook_markup": {}

    #If no documents are left in the batch
        #print "Congratulations! You have finished all the tasks!"
        #Return a success message and game stats
        return helpers.gen_json_response({
            "status": "failed",
            "msg": "No next document in batch!",
            "game_stats": new_game_stats
예제 #4
def create_collection(request, mongo):
    #Get name and description
        name = request.POST["name"]
        description = request.POST.get("description", '')

    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    #Retrieve codebooks
    #!? Why are we retrieving codebooks here?
    total_docs = 0
    collections = {}
    for field in request.POST:
        if re.match('codebook_', field):
                val = int(request.POST[field])
                collections[field[9:]] = val
                total_docs += val
            except ValueError:
                return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Invalid entry in one or more codebook field(s)."})

    #Validate name
    if len(name) == 0:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Name cannot be blank."})

    if total_docs == 0:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Total document count must be greater than zero."})

    J = models.create_collection_json(name, description, collections)


    #! Is this always the desired behavior?
    return redirect('/admin/collections/')
예제 #5
def update_account(request):
    #Validate response
    if len(request.POST["first_name"]) == 0:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "First name cannot be blank."})

    if len(request.POST["password"]) < 4:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Password must be at least 4 characters long."})

    #! More validation needed

    #Retrieve the user object
    user = request.user
    #Update fields from the request
        user.first_name = request.POST["first_name"]
        user.last_name = request.POST["last_name"]
        user.email = request.POST["email"]
        #Write to database
    #If a required field is missing...
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        #Return an error message
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    #Return a success message
    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Successfully updated account."})
예제 #6
def create_game_session(request, mongo):
    #Load the request and remove the CSRF middleware token
    J = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
    del J["csrfmiddlewaretoken"]

    #Retrieve the appropriate batch
    batch = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(J["batch_id"])})

    #For members: Check to see if a game session for this user/batch pair already exists
    if J["user"]["user_type"] == "member":
        gs_temp = mongo.get_collection("cvm_game_session").find_one({"batch_id": ObjectId(J["batch_id"]), "user.user_info.username": request.user.username})

    #If so, return the *old* batch session, so the user can continue.
    if gs_temp:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Return old game session.", "gs_id": gs_temp["_id"]})
    #If no old session exists...
        #For members, add username to the user_info field
        if J["user"]["user_type"] == "member":
            J["user"]["user_info"] = {'username': request.user.username}

        #Construct and insert game_session json object
        J = models.logic.gen_game_session(J["batch_id"], J["user"], batch["profile"]["replication"])
        gs_id = mongo.get_collection("cvm_game_session").insert(J)

        #Return success message
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Added new game session.", "gs_id": gs_id})
예제 #7
def upload_document(request, mongo):
    #Get name and description
        #name = request.POST["name"]
        csv_file = request.FILES["fileInput"]
        filename = unicode(csv_file)
        #description = request.POST.get("description", '')

    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    #if len(name) == 0:
    #    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Name cannot be blank."})

    #Detect filetype
#    if re.search('\.csv$', filename.lower()):
    csv_text = csv_file.read()
    documents = models.convert_document_csv_to_bson(csv_text)

    for document in documents:
        J = models.get_new_document_json(document)
        #print json.dumps(J, cls=helpers.MongoEncoder, indent=2)

    return redirect('/admin/collections')
예제 #8
def import_collection(request, mongo):
    # Get name and description
        #name = request.POST["name"]
        #description = request.POST["description"]
        json_file = request.FILES["fileInput"]
        filename = unicode(json_file)

    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    text = json_file.read()
    print text
    print len(text)

    documents = json.loads(text, object_hook=json_util.object_hook)
    #contents = json.loads(file(f).read(), object_hook=json_util.object_hook)

    J = models.get_new_collection_json( name, description, documents )
    #J = bson.decode(json_file.read())
    #J = json.loads(json_file.read())
    #print contents
    print json.dumps(J, cls=helpers.MongoEncoder, indent=2)
    return redirect('/admin/collections/')
예제 #9
def query_count(request, mongo):
    start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    batch_id = request.POST["batch_id"]
    query_word = request.POST["query_word"]
    batch = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(batch_id)})

    if not batch:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Invalid batch_id."})
    if not query_word:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "No query_word found."})
    yes_count = 0
    no_count = 0

    for doc in batch["documents"]:
        collection_id = doc["collection_id"]
        collection_index = doc["collection_index"]

        collection = mongo.get_collection("cvm_collection").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(collection_id)})
        collection_content = collection["documents"][collection_index]["content"]

        if re.search( query_word, collection_content ):
            yes_count = yes_count + 1
            no_count = no_count + 1
#    end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    print "yes_count is ", yes_count
    print "no_count is ", no_count

    return helpers.gen_json_response({
        'status': "success",
        'msg': "Successfully finished the query-count",
        'query': {
            'query_type': "query-count",
            'batch_id': batch_id,
            'query_word': query_word,
            'query_started_at': start_time,
            'query_finished_at' : datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
        'result': {
            'yes_count' : yes_count,
            'no_count': no_count,
예제 #10
def upload_collection(request, mongo):
    #! This method assumes the file is a csv file

    #Get name, description, and file handle
        name = request.POST["name"]
        csv_file = request.FILES["fileInput"]
        filename = unicode(csv_file)
        description = request.POST.get("description", '')

    #If a required field is missing...
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        #Return an error message
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    #Validate the collection name
    if len(name) == 0:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Name cannot be blank."})

    #Read in the (full) contents of the csv file
    #! We could rewrite the whole document conversion process using an iterator
    csv_text = csv_file.read()
    #Convert csv_text to a bson object
    #! This is a legacy method from textbadger.
    documents = models.convert_document_csv_to_bson(csv_text)
    #Loop over documents
    doc_ids = []
    for document in documents:
        #! get_new_document_json could be consolidated with convert_document_csv_to_bson for greater clarity
        json_doc = models.gen.document(document)
        #Insert into DB
        doc_id = mongo.get_collection("cvm_document").insert(json_doc)
        #Add the document id to doc_ids

    #Build final collection object
    J = models.gen.collection( name, description, doc_ids )

    return redirect('/admin/collections/')
예제 #11
def create_game_session(request, mongo):
    #Load the request and remove the CSRF middleware token
    J = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
    del J["csrfmiddlewaretoken"]

    #Retrieve the appropriate batch
    batch = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch").find_one(
        {"_id": ObjectId(J["batch_id"])})

    #For members: Check to see if a game session for this user/batch pair already exists
    if J["user"]["user_type"] == "member":
        gs_temp = mongo.get_collection("cvm_game_session").find_one({

    #If so, return the *old* batch session, so the user can continue.
    if gs_temp:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({
            "status": "success",
            "msg": "Return old game session.",
            "gs_id": gs_temp["_id"]

    #If no old session exists...
        #For members, add username to the user_info field
        if J["user"]["user_type"] == "member":
            J["user"]["user_info"] = {'username': request.user.username}

        #Construct and insert game_session json object
        J = models.logic.gen_game_session(J["batch_id"], J["user"],
        gs_id = mongo.get_collection("cvm_game_session").insert(J)

        #Return success message
        return helpers.gen_json_response({
            "status": "success",
            "msg": "Added new game session.",
            "gs_id": gs_id
예제 #12
def create_account(request, mongo):
    #Validate first name
    if len(request.POST["first_name"]) == 0:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "First name cannot be blank."})

    #! Need more response validation!

    #Build the new user object from the response fields
        new_user = User.objects.create_user(
                request.POST["username"],   # Password
        new_user.first_name = request.POST["first_name"]
        new_user.last_name = request.POST["last_name"]
        new_user.is_staff = "admin" in request.POST
        new_user.is_superuser = "******" in request.POST
        #Save to database
    #If a required field is missing...
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        #Return an error message
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    #Construct the user_profile object, using new_user.username as the 1-to-1 key
    user_name = new_user.username
    lane_seed = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(10))
    #import cvm_app.models as models
    J = models.gen.user_profile( user_name, lane_seed )
    #Write to database

    #Return a success message
    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Successfully created account."})
예제 #13
def update_collection(request, mongo):
    #Validate name and description
        id_ = request.POST["id_"]
        name = request.POST["name"]
        if len(request.POST["name"]) == 0:
            return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Name cannot be blank."})

        description = request.POST.get("description", '')

    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    #Retrieve and update collection object
    coll = mongo.get_collection("cvm_collection")
    J = coll.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id_)})
    J["profile"]['name'] = name
    J["profile"]['description'] = description
    mongo.get_collection("cvm_collection").update({"_id": ObjectId(id_)}, J)

    #Return success message
    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Successfully updated collection."})
예제 #14
def get_collection_docs(request, mongo):
    #! Need to validate id field
    id_ = request.POST["id"]

        #Retrieve collection from database
        collection = mongo.get_collection("cvm_collection").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id_)})

    except InvalidId:
        #Unless the ID is invalid
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Not a valid collection ID."})

    #Retrieve document content
    documents = []
    for doc_id in collection["doc_ids"]:
        document = mongo.get_collection("cvm_document").find_one({"_id": doc_id})

    #Return result
    return helpers.gen_json_response({
            "status": "success",
            "msg": "Everything all good AFAICT.",
            "documents": documents,
예제 #15
def update_meta_data(request, mongo):
    #Updates collection meta data
    if request.method == 'POST':
            q = request.POST
            id_ = q.get("id_")
            doc_index = q.get("doc-index")
            keys = q.getlist("key")
            values = q.getlist("value")
        except MultiValueDictKeyError:
            return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

        coll = mongo.get_collection("cvm_collection")
        t_coll = coll.find_one({"id_": ObjectId(id_)}, {"documents.metadata": 1, "documents": {"$slice": [doc_index, 1]}})
        for key, value in zip(keys, values):
            t_coll["documents"][0]["metadata"][key] = value

        #coll.update({"id_": ObjectId(id_)}, {"documents.metadata": 1, "documents": {"$slice": [doc_index, 1]}}, {"documents.$.metadata": t_coll})
        {"_id": ObjectId(id_)},
        {"$set": {'documents.' + str(doc_index) + '.metadata': t_coll}}

        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Successfully updated collection."})
예제 #16
def get_first_task(request, mongo):
    #Retrieve game_session_id
    #! Need to add validation
    gs_id = request.POST['gs_id']

    result = models.logic.get_first_task(gs_id)

    # Return the document, game_stats, and game_setup
    #! Are we returning document old_labels, or just content?  It should only content.
    #! Game setup does not need to be returned here.
    return helpers.gen_json_response({
        "status": "success",
        "msg": "Here's the first task",
        "document": result["document"],
        "game_stats": result["game_stats"],
        "game_setup": result["game_setup"],
예제 #17
def get_first_task(request, mongo):
    #Retrieve game_session_id
    #! Need to add validation
    gs_id = request.POST['gs_id']

    result = models.logic.get_first_task(gs_id)

    # Return the document, game_stats, and game_setup
    #! Are we returning document old_labels, or just content?  It should only content.
    #! Game setup does not need to be returned here.
    return helpers.gen_json_response({
        "status": "success",
        "msg": "Here's the first task",
        "document": result["document"],
        "game_stats": result["game_stats"],
        "game_setup": result["game_setup"],
예제 #18
def import_codebook(request, mongo):
    #Import direct from json
        json_file = request.FILES["fileInput"]

    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    #Convert file contents to json
    J = json.loads(json_file.read(), object_hook=json_util.object_hook)
    #If the json object has an "_id", remove it.
    if "_id" in J:
        del J["_id"]

    #Insert the new codebook
    #Redirect to /admin/codebooks/
    #! Is this always the desired behavior?
    return redirect('/admin/codebooks/')
예제 #19
def mapreduce_query(request, mongo):
    #Unpack request parameters
    #Authenticate user
    #Construct mongo query
    map_func = Code("""
function() {
    date = ISODate(this.metadata.timestamp)

//    group = date; //by day
//    group = new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) }; //by month
    group = new Date( date.getFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) }; //by year
    emit( group, {avg : this.civility_labels.divisiveness.score, count: 1} )

    reduce_func = Code("""
function(key, values) {
   var sum = 0;
   var count = 0;
   values.forEach(function(doc) {
     sum += doc.avg * doc.count;
     count += doc.count;
   return {avg: sum/count, n: count};

    #Execute mongo query
    mr_result = mongo.get_collection("cvm_document").inline_map_reduce(map_func, reduce_func)
    result = {
        "status" : "success",
        "results" : mr_result,

    #Unpack result
    return helpers.gen_json_response(result)
예제 #20
def gen_batch_responses_json(mongo, pct_overlap, replication, batch, new_collection = None):
    old_batch_id = batch["profile"]["parent_batch_id"]
    old_batch = old_batch = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(old_batch_id)})
    new_batch_id = batch["_id"]

    #print "old_batch is ", old_batch
    #Add docs (and old_labels) from old_batch, if applicable
    responses = []
    if old_batch:
        #print responses
        responses = list(mongo.get_collection("cvm_response").find({"batch_id": ObjectId(old_batch_id)}))
        #print responses

        for r in responses:
            r["old_responses"], r["lanes"] = r["_id"], {}
            r["batch_id"] = new_batch_id
            del r["_id"]
    #Add docs from new_collection, if applicable
    if new_collection:
        k = len(new_collection["doc_ids"])

        more_responses = [{} for i in range(k)]

        for i in range(k):
            more_responses[i] = {
#                "index": i+len(docs),
                "document_id": new_collection["doc_ids"][i],
                "batch_id": new_batch_id,
                "lanes": {},
#                "old_labels": {},
        responses = responses + more_responses

    size = len(responses)
    overlap = int((size * pct_overlap) / 100)

    shared = responses[:overlap]
    unique = responses[overlap:]

    #Construct documents object

    for response in shared:
        response['lanes'] = dict( (str(j),{"game_session_id": "", "created_at": "", "finished_at": "", "labels": {}}) for j in range(replication) )

    for response in unique:
        response['lanes'] = { "any":{"game_session_id": "", "created_at": "", "finished_at": "", "labels": {}} }

    #print json.dumps(responses, indent=2, cls=cvm_app.models.helpers.MongoEncoder)
#    random.shuffle(docs)
#    assert False

    for response in responses:
        response_id = mongo.get_collection("cvm_response").insert(response)

    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Successfully generate new responses."})
예제 #21
def compile_batch(request, mongo):
    #Validate batch_id field
        batch_id = request.POST["compile_batch_id"]

    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})

    #Get a handle to the cvm_batch collection
    batch_db = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch")

    #Count total batches
    count = batch_db.find().count()

    #Retrieve the batch
    current_batch = batch_db.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(str(batch_id))})
    index_compiled_batch = current_batch["profile"]["index"]
    codebook_id = current_batch["profile"]["codebook_id"]
    collection_ids = current_batch["profile"]["collection_ids"]
    doc_size = current_batch["profile"]["doc_size"]

    #Walk back up the batch inheritance tree to get all ancestor batches
    batch_list = []
    while current_batch["profile"]["parent_batch_id"]:
        current_batch = batch_db.find_one({"_id": current_batch["profile"]["parent_batch_id"]})

    #Compile all documents to a dictionary
    doc_dict = {}
    #Loop over batches
    for i,b in enumerate(batch_list):
        #Loop over documents within batches
        for d in b["documents"]:
            #Use the doc id as a  key
            key = str(d["document_id"])

            #For new keys, add the doc data structure
            #! Need testing here!
            if not key in doc_dict:
                doc_dict[key] = {
                    "document_id" : d["document_id"],
                    "labels" : {},

            #Loop over labels
            for l in d["labels"]:
                #Generate a unique batch label
                label_key = str(i)+"_"+l#str(int(random.uniform(0,1)*10000))
                doc_dict[key]["labels"][label_key] = d["labels"][l]

#            doc_dict[key].values().append(d["labels"])

    #Fetch the values list from doc_dict
    docs = doc_dict.values()

    # index the docs
    for i,d in enumerate(docs):
        d["index"] = i

    #Generate compiled batch object and insert into database
    compiled_batch = models.generate_compiled_batch(count, index_compiled_batch, codebook_id, collection_ids, doc_size, docs)

    #Return success message
    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "Successfully compiled the batch."})
예제 #22
def update_batch_reliability(request):
    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Nope.  You can't do this yet."})
예제 #23
def start_batch(request, mongo):
    #Validate form fields
        codebook_id = request.POST["codebook_id"]
        collection_id = request.POST.get("collection_id", None)
        pct_overlap = float(request.POST["pct_overlap"])
        replication = int(request.POST["replication"])
        old_batch_id = request.POST.get("comparison_batch_id", None)
    except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Missing field."})
    except ValueError:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "You have an improperly formatted number."})

    if not collection_id and not old_batch_id:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Collection_id and batch_id cannot both be NULL."})

        pct_overlap = float(pct_overlap)
        assert pct_overlap >= 0
        assert pct_overlap <= 100
    except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e:
        return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "failed", "msg": "Overlap must be a percentage between 0 and 100."})

    #Get a handle to the batch collection in mongo
    coll = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch")

    #Count existing batches
    count = coll.find().count()

    #Retrieve the codebook and collection
    #! Pythonic coding: We can probably remove the "else: collection = None" clause
    codebook = mongo.get_collection("cvm_codebook").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(codebook_id)})
    if collection_id:
        collection = mongo.get_collection("cvm_collection").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(collection_id)})
        collection = None

    #! Pythonic coding: We can probably remove the "else: old_batch = None" clause
    if old_batch_id:
        old_batch = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(old_batch_id)})
        old_batch = None

    #Construct and save batch json object
    batch = models.logic.get_new_batch_json(count, pct_overlap, replication, codebook, collection, old_batch)
    add_new_collection = batch["add_new_collection"]
    del batch["add_new_collection"]
    batch_id = coll.save(batch)

    #print "batch_id is ", batch_id
    new_batch = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch").find_one({"_id": ObjectId(batch_id)})
    #print json.dumps(new_batch, cls=helpers.MongoEncoder, indent=2)
    if new_batch:
        #print "add_new_collection is ", add_new_collection
        if add_new_collection == "yes":
            models.logic.gen_batch_responses_json(pct_overlap, replication, new_batch, collection)
            models.logic.gen_batch_responses_json(pct_overlap, replication, new_batch, None)

    #Return success message
    return helpers.gen_json_response({"status": "success", "msg": "New batch created."})
예제 #24
def gen_batch_responses_json(mongo,
    old_batch_id = batch["profile"]["parent_batch_id"]
    old_batch = old_batch = mongo.get_collection("cvm_batch").find_one(
        {"_id": ObjectId(old_batch_id)})
    new_batch_id = batch["_id"]

    #print "old_batch is ", old_batch

    #Add docs (and old_labels) from old_batch, if applicable
    responses = []
    if old_batch:
        #print responses
        responses = list(
                {"batch_id": ObjectId(old_batch_id)}))
        #print responses

        for r in responses:
            r["old_responses"], r["lanes"] = r["_id"], {}
            r["batch_id"] = new_batch_id
            del r["_id"]

    #Add docs from new_collection, if applicable
    if new_collection:
        k = len(new_collection["doc_ids"])

        more_responses = [{} for i in range(k)]

        for i in range(k):
            more_responses[i] = {
                #                "index": i+len(docs),
                "document_id": new_collection["doc_ids"][i],
                "batch_id": new_batch_id,
                "lanes": {},
                #                "old_labels": {},

        responses = responses + more_responses

    size = len(responses)
    overlap = int((size * pct_overlap) / 100)


    shared = responses[:overlap]
    unique = responses[overlap:]

    #Construct documents object

    for response in shared:
        response['lanes'] = dict((str(j), {
            "game_session_id": "",
            "created_at": "",
            "finished_at": "",
            "labels": {}
        }) for j in range(replication))

    for response in unique:
        response['lanes'] = {
            "any": {
                "game_session_id": "",
                "created_at": "",
                "finished_at": "",
                "labels": {}

    #print json.dumps(responses, indent=2, cls=cvm_app.models.helpers.MongoEncoder)
#    random.shuffle(docs)
#    assert False

    for response in responses:
        response_id = mongo.get_collection("cvm_response").insert(response)

    return helpers.gen_json_response({
        "Successfully generate new responses."