def calculate_sharpness_video_capture( self, cv_video_capture: CVVideoCapture, frame_start=0, frame_end=None, batch_size=200, gray_scale_conversion_code=cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY, progress_tracker: CVProgressTracker = None): frame_count = int(cv_video_capture.get_frame_count()) if frame_end: cv_video_capture.set_position_frame(frame_start) frame_count = min(frame_end - frame_start, frame_count) frame_count = max(frame_count, 0) if progress_tracker: progress_tracker.running = True frame_sharpness_ctype = multiprocessing.Array('d', frame_count) progress_value = multiprocessing.Value('d') progress_value.value = 0 lock_video_capture = RLock() worker_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() task_per_worker = int(frame_count / worker_count) args_list = [ (task_per_worker * i, task_per_worker * (i + 1), frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, self.kernel_x, self.kernel_y, frame_sharpness_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code) for i in range(0, worker_count - 1) ] args_list.append( (task_per_worker * (worker_count - 1), frame_count, frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, self.kernel_x, self.kernel_y, frame_sharpness_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code)) processes = [ Process(target=_calculate_sharpness_video_capture_worker, args=arg_tuple) for arg_tuple in args_list ] def update_progress_tracker(): progress_tracker.progress = progress_value.value progress_timer = RepeatingTimer(0.5, update_progress_tracker) if progress_tracker: progress_timer.start() if progress_tracker: progress_tracker.running = True for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() if progress_tracker: progress_timer.cancel() progress_tracker.complete() return np.array(frame_sharpness_ctype)
def pushButton_load_clicked(self): filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Open video file', os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), )[0] # type: str if not filename: return if not os.path.exists(filename): return self.show_error('File does not exists') if filename in self.opened_videos: print('Video file %s -> already loaded' % filename) widget = self.opened_videos[filename][1] # type: FilterWidget if widget.windowState() == QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized: widget.setWindowState(QtCore.Qt.WindowNoState) widget.activateWindow() widget.raise_() return cv_video_cap = CVVideoCapture(filename) if not cv_video_cap.is_open: return self.show_error('Unable to open file\n%s' % filename) else: print('Video file %s loaded -> new widget' % filename) widget = FilterWidget(cv_video_cap) self.opened_videos[filename] = (cv_video_cap, widget) widget.closed.connect(self.filter_widget_closed) self.closed.connect(widget.close)
def _calculate_sharpness_video_capture_worker( worker_frame_start, worker_frame_end, frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, kernel_x, kernel_y, frame_sharpness_ctype, file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code): video_capture = CVVideoCapture(file_handle) total_frame = worker_frame_end - worker_frame_start while total_frame != 0: if total_frame > batch_size: with lock_video_capture: #'Process %d - Reading %d frames from ' # '%d', os.getpid(), batch_size, # worker_frame_start) print('[Sharpness] Process %d - Reading %d frames from ' '%d' % (os.getpid(), batch_size, worker_frame_start)) video_capture.set_position_frame(worker_frame_start) frame_list = [ for i in range(0, batch_size) ] worker_frame_start += batch_size total_frame -= batch_size else: with lock_video_capture: #'Process %d - Reading %d frames from ' # '%d, last batch', os.getpid(), # total_frame, worker_frame_start) # print('Process %d - Reading %d frames from ' # '%d, last batch', os.getpid(), # total_frame, worker_frame_start) video_capture.set_position_frame(worker_frame_start) frame_list = [ for i in range(0, total_frame) ] total_frame = 0 for frame in frame_list: frame_sharpness_ctype[int(frame.position_frame - frame_start)] = \ _calculate_sharpness_cvmat( frame.get_cv_mat_grayscale(gray_scale_conversion_code), kernel_x, kernel_y) with progress_value.get_lock(): progress_value.value += len(frame_list) / frame_count video_capture.release()'test') multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') app = QApplication(sys.argv) # ex = SharpnessViewer(app) # # filename = select_file()[0] # filename = 'C:/Users/Yifei/unixhome/develop/sealab/keyframe/data/GP017728.MP4' # filename_out = 'C:/Users/Yifei/unixhome/develop/sealab/keyframe/data' \ # '/GP017728_out.avi' # filename = '/home/yifei/develop/sealab/keyframe/data/GP017728.MP4' # filename_out = '/home/yifei/develop/sealab/keyframe/data/GP017728_out.avi' filename = '/home/yifei/develop/sealab/keyframe/data/GOPR7728.MP4' filename_out = '/home/yifei/develop/sealab/keyframe/data/GOPR7728_out_200.avi' video_cap = CVVideoCapture(filename) frame_rate = video_cap.get_frame_rate() start_time = def callback(arg): print(arg.progress) progress_tracker = CVProgressTracker(callback) # num_frames = 1000 num_frames = int(video_cap.get_frame_count()) print('frame count = ' + str(video_cap.get_frame_count())) cvsharpness = CVSharpness() sharpness_measure = cvsharpness.calculate_sharpness_video_capture( frame_start=0,
def test_optical_flow_video_capture( self, cv_video_capture: CVVideoCapture, distance_limit, frame_acceptance_np: np.ndarray, frame_start=0, frame_end=None, batch_size=200, gray_scale_conversion_code=cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY, progress_tracker: CVProgressTracker = None): frame_count = int(cv_video_capture.get_frame_count()) if frame_end: cv_video_capture.set_position_frame(frame_start) frame_count = min(frame_end - frame_start, frame_count) frame_count = max(frame_count, 0) if progress_tracker: progress_tracker.running = True frame_acceptance_ctype = \ multiprocessing.Array('b', frame_acceptance_np.tolist()) progress_value = multiprocessing.Value('d') progress_value.value = 0 lock_video_capture = multiprocessing.RLock() skip_window_both_end = int(cv_video_capture.get_frame_rate()) # worker_count = 1 worker_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() task_per_worker = int(frame_count / worker_count) args_list = [ (task_per_worker * i, task_per_worker * (i + 1), frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, distance_limit, self.feature_params, self.lucas_kanade_params, frame_acceptance_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code, skip_window_both_end) for i in range(0, worker_count - 1) ] args_list.append( (task_per_worker * (worker_count - 1), frame_count, frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, distance_limit, self.feature_params, self.lucas_kanade_params, frame_acceptance_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code, skip_window_both_end)) processes = [ Process(target=_test_optical_flow_capture_worker, args=arg_tuple) for arg_tuple in args_list ] def update_progress_tracker(): progress_tracker.progress = progress_value.value / worker_count * 0.7 progress_timer = RepeatingTimer(0.1, update_progress_tracker) if progress_tracker: progress_timer.start() if progress_tracker: progress_tracker.running = True for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() print('[OpticalFlow] final pass') final_pass_ranges = generate_multiprocessing_final_pass_ranges \ (frame_acceptance_ctype, frame_count, task_per_worker, worker_count, skip_window_both_end) final_pass_arg_list = [ (range_i[0], range_i[1], frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, distance_limit, self.feature_params, self.lucas_kanade_params, frame_acceptance_ctype, cv_video_capture.file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code) for range_i in final_pass_ranges ] final_pass_processes = [ Process(target=_test_optical_flow_capture_worker, args=arg_tuple) for arg_tuple in final_pass_arg_list ] def update_progress_tracker_final_pass(): progress_tracker.progress = 0.7 + progress_value.value / worker_count * 0.3 progress_value.value = 0 if progress_tracker: progress_timer.function = update_progress_tracker_final_pass for p in final_pass_processes: p.start() # for p in final_pass_processes: p.join() if progress_tracker: progress_timer.cancel() progress_tracker.complete() return np.array(frame_acceptance_ctype, dtype=np.bool_).copy() pass
def _test_optical_flow_capture_worker(worker_frame_start, worker_frame_end, frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, distance_limit, feature_params, lucas_kanade_params, frame_acceptance_ctype, file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code, skip_window_both_end=0): if worker_frame_start > worker_frame_end: return video_capture = CVVideoCapture(file_handle) video_capture.set_position_frame(worker_frame_start) buffer = deque() current_frame = worker_frame_start need_more_frame = True worker_last_candidate = None while True: if need_more_frame: # read in until the end if current_frame < worker_frame_end: amount_load = int( min(batch_size, worker_frame_end - current_frame)) with lock_video_capture: print('[OpticalFlow] Process %d - Reading %d frames from ' '%d' % (os.getpid(), amount_load, current_frame)) buffer += [ for i in range(0, amount_load) ] current_frame += amount_load need_more_frame = False else: # no more frame break # purge buffer until we find a possible list while True: if len(buffer) == 0: need_more_frame = True break if frame_acceptance_ctype[int(buffer[0].position_frame - frame_start)]: worker_last_candidate = buffer[0] break else: buffer.popleft() if need_more_frame: continue # greedy iter_buffer = iter(buffer) frame_initial = next(iter_buffer) # type: CVFrame frame_initial_gray = frame_initial.get_cv_mat_grayscale( gray_scale_conversion_code) previous_frame_gray = frame_initial_gray.copy() previous_frame_features = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(previous_frame_gray, mask=None, **feature_params) integral_mean_distance = 0 frame_candidate = None frame_candidate_distance = None frame_last_candidate = frame_initial frame_last_candidate_distance = 0 for frame_i in iter_buffer: # type: CVFrame frame_i_gray = frame_i.get_cv_mat_grayscale( gray_scale_conversion_code) frame_i_features, feature_status, err = \ cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(previous_frame_gray, frame_i_gray, previous_frame_features, None, **lucas_kanade_params) num_features_left = feature_status.sum() if num_features_left == 0: # we are lost # set the last accept frame to get maximum distance frame_candidate = frame_last_candidate break good_previous_features = previous_frame_features[feature_status == 1] good_i_features = frame_i_features[feature_status == 1] immediate_displacement = (good_i_features - good_previous_features)**2 immediate_distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(immediate_displacement, axis=1)) mean_immediate_distance = stats.trimboth(immediate_distance, 0.1).mean() integral_mean_distance += mean_immediate_distance # print('optical flow process [%d] matching %d[%d] -> %d[%d], int distance ' # '= %d' % # (os.getpid(), # int(frame_initial.position_frame), # frame_acceptance_ctype[int(frame_initial.position_frame - frame_start)], # int(frame_i.position_frame), # frame_acceptance_ctype[int(frame_i.position_frame - frame_start)], # integral_mean_distance)) if frame_acceptance_ctype[int(frame_i.position_frame - frame_start)]: # we need to maintain the last accepted one as candidate # and the corresponding skip count till that candidate # skipped_frame_count += int(frame_i.position_frame - frame_last_candidate.position_frame) frame_last_candidate = frame_i frame_last_candidate_distance = integral_mean_distance previous_frame_gray = frame_i_gray.copy() previous_frame_features = good_i_features.reshape(-1, 1, 2) if integral_mean_distance < distance_limit: continue if not frame_acceptance_ctype[int(frame_i.position_frame - frame_start)]: # only select accepted ones as candidate frame_candidate = frame_last_candidate frame_candidate_distance = frame_last_candidate_distance else: frame_candidate = frame_i frame_candidate_distance = integral_mean_distance break # found the frame? if frame_candidate is None: need_more_frame = True continue worker_last_candidate = frame_candidate skipped_count = int(frame_candidate.position_frame - frame_initial.position_frame) # matched #'proc [%d] matched %d -> %d' % # (os.getpid(), int(template.position_frame), int(image.position_frame))) print( 'optical flow process [%d] matched %d -> %d, skipped %d, int distance = %d' % (os.getpid(), int(frame_initial.position_frame), int(frame_candidate.position_frame), skipped_count, frame_candidate_distance)) # we don't want to reject the initial frame buffer.popleft() # remove unmatched for i in range(0, skipped_count - 1): f = buffer.popleft() # type: CVFrame # special handling for greedy algorithm if (f.position_frame < (worker_frame_start + skip_window_both_end)) or \ (f.position_frame > (worker_frame_end - skip_window_both_end)): # skip first and last frame_rate frames on each worker continue frame_acceptance_ctype[int(f.position_frame) - frame_start] = False with progress_value.get_lock(): progress_value.value += skipped_count / (worker_frame_end - worker_frame_start) # purge the last bit of the acceptance array print('last candidate %d' % worker_last_candidate.position_frame) for i in range(int(worker_last_candidate.position_frame + 1), worker_frame_end - skip_window_both_end): # since we are not able to find a matching frame with last candidate # among this range, these frames are not possible for a valid candidate # hence, no need to check frame_acceptance_ctype[i - frame_start] = False with lock_video_capture: video_capture.release()
def _test_correlation_capture_worker(worker_frame_start, worker_frame_end, frame_start, frame_count, batch_size, correlation_limit, frame_acceptance_ctype, file_handle, progress_value, lock_video_capture, gray_scale_conversion_code, skip_window_both_end=0): if worker_frame_start > worker_frame_end: return video_capture = CVVideoCapture(file_handle) video_capture.set_position_frame(worker_frame_start) buffer = deque() current_frame = worker_frame_start need_more_frame = True worker_last_candidate = None while True: if need_more_frame: # read in until the end if current_frame < worker_frame_end: amount_load = int( min(batch_size, worker_frame_end - current_frame)) with lock_video_capture: print('[Correlation] Process %d - Reading %d frames from ' '%d' % (os.getpid(), amount_load, current_frame)) buffer += [ for i in range(0, amount_load) ] current_frame += amount_load need_more_frame = False else: # no more frame? break # purge buffer until we find a possible list while True: if len(buffer) == 0: need_more_frame = True break if frame_acceptance_ctype[int(buffer[0].position_frame - frame_start)]: worker_last_candidate = buffer[0] break else: buffer.popleft() if need_more_frame: continue # greedy, find correlation match for first one iter_buffer = iter(buffer) template = next(iter_buffer) template_gray = template.get_cv_mat_grayscale( gray_scale_conversion_code) frame_final = None skipped_frame_count = 0 for frame_i in iter_buffer: # type: CVFrame if (frame_i.position_frame < worker_frame_start + skip_window_both_end) or \ (frame_i.position_frame > worker_frame_end - skip_window_both_end): # skip first and last frame_rate frames on each worker skipped_frame_count += 1 continue if not frame_acceptance_ctype[int(frame_i.position_frame - frame_start)]: # skip rejected ones skipped_frame_count += 1 continue frame_i_gray = frame_i.get_cv_mat_grayscale( gray_scale_conversion_code) corr = _calculate_correlation_cvmat(frame_i_gray, template_gray) if corr > correlation_limit: skipped_frame_count += 1 continue frame_final = frame_i break # found the frame if frame_final is None: need_more_frame = True continue else: worker_last_candidate = frame_final # matched #'proc [%d] matched %d -> %d' % # (os.getpid(), int(template.position_frame), int(frame.position_frame))) # print('correlation process [%d] matched %d -> %d' % # (os.getpid(), # int(template.position_frame), # int(frame_final.position_frame))) # remove unmatched buffer.popleft() for i in range(0, skipped_frame_count): f = buffer.popleft() # type: CVFrame # special handling for greedy algorithm if (f.position_frame < worker_frame_start + skip_window_both_end) or \ (f.position_frame > worker_frame_end - skip_window_both_end): # skip first and last frame_rate frames on each worker continue frame_acceptance_ctype[int(f.position_frame) - frame_start] = False with progress_value.get_lock(): progress_value.value += (skipped_frame_count + 1) / ( worker_frame_end - worker_frame_start) # purge the last bit of the acceptance array for i in range(int(worker_last_candidate.position_frame + 1), worker_frame_end - skip_window_both_end): # since we are not able to find a matching frame with last candidate # among this range, these frames are not possible for a valid candidate # hence, no need to check frame_acceptance_ctype[i - frame_start] = False with lock_video_capture: video_capture.release()
from cvutils.cvprogresstracker import CVProgressTracker from cvutils.cvsharpness import CVSharpness from sfmkeyframe.view.VideoPlaybackControlWidget import \ VideoPlaybackControlWidget from sfmkeyframe.view.VideoPlaybackWidget import VideoPlaybackWidget if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)'test') app = QApplication(sys.argv) # ex = SharpnessViewer(app) # # filename = select_file()[0] filename = 'C:/Users/Yifei/unixhome/develop/sealab/keyframe/data/GP017728.MP4' # filename = '/home/yifei/develop/sealab/keyframe/data/GP017728.MP4' video_cap = CVVideoCapture(filename) frame_rate = video_cap.get_frame_rate() def callback(arg): print(arg.progress) progress_tracker = CVProgressTracker(callback) # cvsharpness = CVSharpness() # sharpness_measure = cvsharpness.calculate_sharpness_video_capture( # frame_start=0, frame_end=1000, # batch_size=300, # cv_video_capture=video_cap, # progress_tracker=progress_tracker # ) # print('frame count = ' + str(video_cap.get_frame_count()))