예제 #1
    def test_airline(self):
        # Create problem data.
        E = 6
        C = 2
        P = 6

        u = numpy.random.randint(10, 20, E)
        p = numpy.random.rand(P)

        d_mu = 100 * numpy.ones(P)  # Not used
        d_Sigma = 0.01 * numpy.eye(P)  # Not used

        m = 10  # Num samples

        A = [self.get_A(i, E, P) for i in range(C)]

        # Create optimization variables.
        x = [NonNegative(E) for i in range(C)]
        y = NonNegative(P)

        # Create second stage problem.
        capacity = [A[i] * y <= x[i] for i in range(C)]
        d = RandomVariable(pymc.Lognormal(name="d", mu=0, tau=1, size=P))
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(-y.T * p), [y <= d] + capacity)
        Q = partial_optimize(p2, [y], [x[0], x[1]])

        # Create and solve first stage problem.
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(expectation(Q, m)), [sum(x) <= u])

예제 #2
    def test_variable_repr(self):
        x = Variable(name='x')
        y = NonNegative(name='y')

        self.assertEqual(repr(x), "Variable(1, 1, 'x')")
        self.assertEqual(repr(y), "NonNegative(1, 1, 'y')")

        x = Variable()
        y = NonNegative()

        self.assertEqual(repr(x), "Variable(1, 1)")
        self.assertEqual(repr(y), "NonNegative(1, 1)")
예제 #3
    def test_assign_var_value(self):
        """Test assigning a value to a variable.
        # Scalar variable.
        a = Variable()
        a.value = 1
        self.assertEqual(a.value, 1)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            a.value = [2, 1]
        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Invalid dimensions (2, 1) for Variable value.")

        # Test assigning None.
        a.value = 1
        a.value = None
        assert a.value is None

        # Vector variable.
        x = Variable(2)
        x.value = [2, 1]
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x.value, [2, 1])
        # Matrix variable.
        A = Variable(3, 2)
        A.value = np.ones((3, 2))
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(A.value, np.ones((3, 2)))

        # Test assigning negative val to nonnegative variable.
        x = NonNegative()
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            x.value = -2
        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Invalid sign for NonNegative value.")

        # Small negative values are rounded to 0.
        x.value = -1e-8
        self.assertEqual(x.value, 0)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, constr, num_samples, phi=Phi.HINGE):
        self.constr = constr
        self.num_samples = num_samples
        self.phi = phi

        if self.phi == Phi.HINGE:
            self.alpha = NonNegative(1)
예제 #5
    def test_news_vendor(self):
        # Create problem data.
        c, s, r, b = 10, 25, 5, 150
        d_probs = [0.5, 0.5]
        d_vals = [55, 139]
        d = CategoricalRandomVariable(d_vals, d_probs)

        # Create optimization variables.
        x = NonNegative()
        y, z = NonNegative(), NonNegative()

        # Create second stage problem.
        obj = -s * y - r * z
        constrs = [y + z <= x,
                   z <= d]  # Putting these constrs in breaks the test:
        # y<=d, z<=d
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(obj), constrs)
        Q = partial_optimize(p2, [y, z], [x])

        # Create and solve first stage problem
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(c * x + expectation(Q, want_de=True)), [x <= b])

        # Solve problem the old way (i.e., deterministic equivalent) as a check.
        x = Variable()

        y1 = Variable()
        y2 = Variable()

        z1 = Variable()
        z2 = Variable()

        p3 = Problem(
            Minimize(c * x + 0.5 * (-r * y1 - s * z1) + 0.5 *
                     (-r * y2 - s * z2)), [
                         0 <= x, x <= b, 0 <= y1, 0 <= z1, 0 <= y2, 0 <= z2,
                         y1 + z1 <= x, y2 + z2 <= x
                     ])  # Putting these constrs in breaks the test:
        # y1 <= 55, y2 <= 139, z1 <= 55, z2 <= 139

        self.assertAlmostEqual(p1.value, p3.value, 4)
예제 #6
    def test_robust_svm(self):
        # Create problem data.
        m = 100  # num train points
        m_pos = math.floor(m / 2)
        m_neg = m - m_pos

        n = 2  # num dimensions
        mu_pos = 2 * numpy.ones(n)
        mu_neg = -2 * numpy.ones(n)
        sigma = 1
        X = numpy.matrix(
            numpy.vstack((mu_pos + sigma * numpy.random.randn(m_pos, n),
                          mu_neg + sigma * numpy.random.randn(m_neg, n))))

        y = numpy.hstack((numpy.ones(m_pos), -1 * numpy.ones(m_neg)))

        C = 1  # regularization trade-off parameter
        ns = 50
        eta = 0.1

        # Create and solve optimization problem.
        w, b, xi = Variable(n), Variable(), NonNegative(m)

        constr = []
        Sigma = 0.1 * numpy.eye(n)
        for i in range(m):
            mu = numpy.array(X[i])[0]
            x = NormalRandomVariable(mu, Sigma)
            chance = prob(-y[i] * (w.T * x + b) >= (xi[i] - 1), ns)
            constr += [chance <= eta]

        p = Problem(Minimize(norm(w, 2) + C * sum_entries(xi)), constr)

        w_new = w.value
        b_new = b.value

        # Create and solve the canonical SVM problem.
        constr = []
        for i in range(m):
            constr += [y[i] * (X[i] * w + b) >= (1 - xi[i])]

        p2 = Problem(Minimize(norm(w, 2) + C * sum_entries(xi)), constr)

        w_old = w.value
        b_old = b.value

예제 #7
    def test_cvar(self):
        # Create problem data.
        n = 10
        pbar, Sigma = numpy.random.randn(n), numpy.eye(n)
        p = RandomVariableFactory().create_normal_rv(pbar, Sigma)
        u, eta, m = numpy.random.rand(), 0.95, 100

        # Create optimization variables.
        x, beta = NonNegative(n), Variable()

        # Create and solve optimization problem.
        cvar = expectation(pos(-x.T * p - beta), m)
        cvar = beta + 1 / (1 - eta) * cvar
        prob = Problem(Minimize(expectation(-x.T * p, m)),
                       [x.T * numpy.ones((n, 1)) == 1, cvar <= u])

예제 #8
 def test_nonnegative_variable(self):
     x = NonNegative()
     p = Problem(Minimize(5+x),[x>=3])
예제 #9
    def test_dc_power(self):
        # Load problem data.
        fp = "pf_dc/pf_dc.mat"
        data = scipy.io.loadmat(fp)

        A = data.get("A")
        n, E = A.shape

        gen_idxes = data.get("gen_idxes")
        wind_idxes = data.get("wind_idxes")
        load_idxes = data.get("load_idxes")

        num_gens = gen_idxes.size
        num_winds = wind_idxes.size
        num_loads = load_idxes.size

        gen_idxes = gen_idxes.reshape(
            num_gens) - 1  # "-1" to switch from Matlab to Python indexing
        wind_idxes = wind_idxes.reshape(num_winds) - 1
        load_idxes = load_idxes.reshape(num_loads) - 1

        c_g = data.get("c_g")
        temp = c_g[0]
        c_g[0] = c_g[1]
        c_g[1] = temp

        c_w = data.get("c_w")

        p = data.get("p").reshape(n)
        p_orig = p

        u_lines = 1  # Note: depending on the choice of this
        # (and the realizations of p_w below, the
        # problem may or may not be feasible, so be
        # careful
        u_gens = 1

        m = 100  # Num samples

        # Create optimization variables.
        p_g1, p_g2 = NonNegative(), NonNegative()
        z = NonNegative(num_winds)
        p_lines = Variable(E)
        p_w = RandomVariable(
            pymc.Lognormal(name="p_w", mu=1, tau=1, size=num_winds))

        # Create second stage problem.
        p_g = vstack(p_g1, p_g2)
        p = vstack(p_g1, p_g2, p[load_idxes[:-1]], p_w - z, p[load_idxes[-1]])
        p2 = Problem(Minimize(p_g.T * c_g + z.T * c_w), [
            A * p_lines == p, p_g <= u_gens, z <= p_w,
            abs(p_lines) <= u_lines
        Q = partial_optimize(p2, [p_g2, z, p_lines], [p_g1])

        # Create and solve first stage problem.
        p1 = Problem(Minimize(expectation(Q, m)))

        # Plot results.
        B_binary = data.get("B_binary")

        coords = data.get("coords")
        coords[0, 0] += 0.1  # Drawing was getting clipped in Python...

        # Draw edges between vertices.
        fig = pyplot.figure()

        for i in range(n - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                if B_binary[i, j] == 1:
                    pyplot.plot((coords[i, 0], coords[j, 0]),
                                (coords[i, 1], coords[j, 1]), '-k')

        # Draw symbols and power generation/consumption for each vertex.
        lognorm_mean = math.exp(1 + pow(1, 2) / 2.0)

        fs = 16
        shift_x = 0
        shift_y = 0.125
        for i in range(n):

            if i in gen_idxes:
                pyplot.plot(coords[i, 0],
                            coords[i, 1],

                if i == 0:
                    pyplot.text(coords[i, 0] + shift_x,
                                coords[i, 1] + shift_y,
                    pyplot.text(coords[i, 0] + shift_x,
                                coords[i, 1] + shift_y,
                                "sec. stg.",

            elif i in wind_idxes:
                pyplot.plot(coords[i, 0],
                            coords[i, 1],
                pyplot.text(coords[i, 0] + shift_x,
                            coords[i, 1] + shift_y,

                pyplot.plot(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], 'ko')
                pyplot.text(coords[i, 0] + shift_x,
                            coords[i, 1] + shift_y,

        # pyplot.axis([0, 4, 0, 3])
        fig.savefig("grid.png", bbox_inches="tight")

        # Check results.