예제 #1
    def __format(self):
        """Internal version of format with cached results.

            (equality constraints, inequality constraints)
        upper_tri = lu.upper_tri(self.A)
        lower_tri = lu.upper_tri(lu.transpose(self.A))
        eq_constr = lu.create_eq(upper_tri, lower_tri)
        leq_constr = lu.create_geq(self.A)
        return ([eq_constr], [leq_constr])
예제 #2
    def __format(self):
        """Internal version of format with cached results.

            (equality constraints, inequality constraints)
        upper_tri = lu.upper_tri(self.A)
        lower_tri = lu.upper_tri(lu.transpose(self.A))
        eq_constr = lu.create_eq(upper_tri, lower_tri)
        leq_constr = lu.create_geq(self.A)
        return ([eq_constr], [leq_constr])
예제 #3
파일: upper_tri.py 프로젝트: tozammel/cvxpy
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Vectorized strictly upper triagonal entries.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        return (lu.upper_tri(arg_objs[0]), [])
예제 #4
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Vectorized strictly upper triagonal entries.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        return (lu.upper_tri(arg_objs[0]), [])
예제 #5
파일: log_det.py 프로젝트: rtruxal/cvxpy
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        Creates the equivalent problem::

           maximize    sum(log(D[i, i]))
           subject to: D diagonal
                       diag(D) = diag(Z)
                       Z is upper triangular.
                       [D Z; Z.T A] is positive semidefinite

        The problem computes the LDL factorization:

        .. math::

           A = (Z^TD^{-1})D(D^{-1}Z)

        This follows from the inequality:

        .. math::

           \det(A) >= \det(D) + \det([D, Z; Z^T, A])/\det(D)
                   >= \det(D)

        because (Z^TD^{-1})D(D^{-1}Z) is a feasible D, Z that achieves
        det(A) = det(D) and the objective maximizes det(D).

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        A = arg_objs[0]  # n by n matrix.
        n, _ = A.size
        X = lu.create_var((2 * n, 2 * n))
        X, constraints = Semidef(2 * n).canonical_form
        Z = lu.create_var((n, n))
        D = lu.create_var((n, 1))
        # Require that X and A are PSD.
        constraints += [SDP(A)]
        # Fix Z as upper triangular, D as diagonal,
        # and diag(D) as diag(Z).
        Z_lower_tri = lu.upper_tri(lu.transpose(Z))
        # D[i, i] = Z[i, i]
        constraints.append(lu.create_eq(D, lu.diag_mat(Z)))
        # Fix X using the fact that A must be affine by the DCP rules.
        # X[0:n, 0:n] == D
        index.block_eq(X, lu.diag_vec(D), constraints, 0, n, 0, n)
        # X[0:n, n:2*n] == Z,
        index.block_eq(X, Z, constraints, 0, n, n, 2 * n)
        # X[n:2*n, n:2*n] == A
        index.block_eq(X, A, constraints, n, 2 * n, n, 2 * n)
        # Add the objective sum(log(D[i, i])
        obj, constr = log.graph_implementation([D], (n, 1))
        return (lu.sum_entries(obj), constraints + constr)
예제 #6
 def _get_eq_constr(self):
     """Returns the equality constraints for the SDP constraint.
     upper_tri = lu.upper_tri(self.A)
     lower_tri = lu.upper_tri(lu.transpose(self.A))
     return lu.create_eq(upper_tri, lower_tri)
예제 #7
파일: log_det.py 프로젝트: gvanzin/cvxpy
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        Creates the equivalent problem::

           maximize    sum(log(D[i, i]))
           subject to: D diagonal
                       diag(D) = diag(Z)
                       Z is upper triangular.
                       [D Z; Z.T A] is positive semidefinite

        The problem computes the LDL factorization:

        .. math::

           A = (Z^TD^{-1})D(D^{-1}Z)

        This follows from the inequality:

        .. math::

           \det(A) >= \det(D) + \det([D, Z; Z^T, A])/\det(D)
                   >= \det(D)

        because (Z^TD^{-1})D(D^{-1}Z) is a feasible D, Z that achieves
        det(A) = det(D) and the objective maximizes det(D).

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        A = arg_objs[0] # n by n matrix.
        n, _ = A.size
        X = lu.create_var((2*n, 2*n))
        Z = lu.create_var((n, n))
        D = lu.create_var((n, 1))
        # Require that X and A are PSD.
        constraints = [SDP(X), SDP(A)]
        # Fix Z as upper triangular, D as diagonal,
        # and diag(D) as diag(Z).
        Z_lower_tri = lu.upper_tri(lu.transpose(Z))
        # D[i, i] = Z[i, i]
        constraints.append(lu.create_eq(D, lu.diag_mat(Z)))
        # Fix X using the fact that A must be affine by the DCP rules.
        # X[0:n, 0:n] == D
        index.block_eq(X, lu.diag_vec(D), constraints, 0, n, 0, n)
        # X[0:n, n:2*n] == Z,
        index.block_eq(X, Z, constraints, 0, n, n, 2*n)
        # X[n:2*n, n:2*n] == A
        index.block_eq(X, A, constraints, n, 2*n, n, 2*n)
        # Add the objective sum(log(D[i, i])
        obj, constr = log.graph_implementation([D], (n, 1))
        return (lu.sum_entries(obj), constraints + constr)