def test_curvature(self) -> None: x = cp.Variable(3) expr = cp.length(x) self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.QUASICONVEX) expr = -cp.length(x) self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.QUASICONCAVE) expr = cp.ceil(x) self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.QUASILINEAR) self.assertTrue(expr.is_quasilinear())
def test_min(self) -> None: x = cp.Variable(2) expr = cp.min(cp.ceil(x)) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(expr), [x[0] >= 11.9, x[0] <= 15.8, x[1] >= 17.4]) self.assertTrue(problem.is_dqcp()) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(problem.objective.value, 16.0) self.assertLess(x[0].value, 16.0) self.assertGreater(x[0].value, 14.9) self.assertGreater(x[1].value, 17.3)
def test_flip_bounds(self) -> None: x = cp.Variable(pos=True) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.ceil(x)), [x <= 1]) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True, low=0, high=0.5) self.assertGreater(x.value, 0) self.assertLessEqual(x.value, 1) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True, low=0, high=None) self.assertGreater(x.value, 0) self.assertLessEqual(x.value, 1) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True, low=None, high=0.5) self.assertGreater(x.value, 0) self.assertLessEqual(x.value, 1)
def test_tutorial_dqcp(self): # The sign of variables affects curvature analysis. x = cp.Variable(nonneg=True) concave_frac = x * cp.sqrt(x) constraint = [cp.ceil(x) <= 10] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(concave_frac), constraint) self.assertTrue(concave_frac.is_quasiconcave()) self.assertTrue(constraint[0].is_dqcp()) self.assertTrue(problem.is_dqcp()) w = cp.Variable() fn = w * cp.sqrt(w) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(fn)) self.assertFalse(fn.is_dqcp()) self.assertFalse(problem.is_dqcp())
def test_basic_maximization_with_interval(self): x = cp.Variable() expr = cp.ceil(x) self.assertTrue(expr.is_dqcp()) self.assertTrue(expr.is_quasiconvex()) self.assertTrue(expr.is_quasiconcave()) self.assertFalse(expr.is_convex()) self.assertFalse(expr.is_concave()) self.assertFalse(expr.is_dcp()) self.assertFalse(expr.is_dgp()) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(expr), [x >= 12, x <= 17]) self.assertTrue(problem.is_dqcp()) self.assertFalse(problem.is_dcp()) self.assertFalse(problem.is_dgp()) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 17.0, places=3)
def test_basic_solve(self): x = cp.Variable() expr = cp.ceil(x) self.assertTrue(expr.is_dqcp()) self.assertTrue(expr.is_quasiconvex()) self.assertTrue(expr.is_quasiconcave()) self.assertFalse(expr.is_convex()) self.assertFalse(expr.is_concave()) self.assertFalse(expr.is_dcp()) self.assertFalse(expr.is_dgp()) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(expr), [x >= 12, x <= 17]) self.assertTrue(problem.is_dqcp()) self.assertFalse(problem.is_dcp()) self.assertFalse(problem.is_dgp()) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True, low=12, high=17) self.assertAlmostEqual(problem.value, 12.0, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 12.0, places=3) problem._clear_solution() problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(problem.value, 12.0, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 12.0, places=3) problem._clear_solution() problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True, high=17) self.assertAlmostEqual(problem.value, 12.0, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 12.0, places=3) problem._clear_solution() problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True, low=12) self.assertAlmostEqual(problem.value, 12.0, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 12.0, places=3) problem._clear_solution() problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True, low=0, high=100) self.assertAlmostEqual(problem.value, 12.0, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 12.0, places=3)
def test_basic_composition(self): x, y = cp.Variable(2) expr = cp.maximum(cp.ceil(cp.ceil(x)), cp.ceil(cp.ceil(y))) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(expr), [x >= 12, x <= 17, y >= 17.4]) self.assertTrue(problem.is_dqcp()) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertEqual(problem.objective.value, 18.0) self.assertLess(x.value, 17.1) self.assertGreater(x.value, 11.9) self.assertGreater(y.value, 17.3) # This problem should have the same solution. expr = cp.maximum(cp.floor(cp.ceil(x)), cp.floor(cp.ceil(y))) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(expr), [x >= 12, x <= 17, y >= 17.4]) self.assertTrue(problem.is_dqcp()) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertEqual(problem.objective.value, 18.0) self.assertLess(x.value, 17.1) self.assertGreater(x.value, 11.9) self.assertGreater(y.value, 17.3)
def test_noop_logistic_constr(self): x = cp.Variable(nonneg=True) constr = [cp.logistic(cp.ceil(x)) >= -5] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(0), constr) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertEqual(problem.status, s.OPTIMAL)
def test_noop_inv_pos_constr(self): x = cp.Variable() constr = [cp.inv_pos(cp.ceil(x)) >= -5] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(0), constr) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertEqual(problem.status, s.OPTIMAL)
def test_infeasible_logistic_constr(self): x = cp.Variable(nonneg=True) constr = [cp.logistic(cp.ceil(x)) <= -5] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(0), constr) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertEqual(problem.status, s.INFEASIBLE)
def test_infeasible(self): x = cp.Variable(2) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.length(x)), [x == -1, cp.ceil(x) >= 1]) problem.solve(SOLVER, qcp=True) self.assertIn(problem.status, (s.INFEASIBLE, s.INFEASIBLE_INACCURATE))
def solve_problem_func(env, alpha_parameter): # ----------parameters---------- I = env["I"] M = env["M"] h_ul = env["h_ul"] bandwidth_max = env["bandwidth_max"] tx_power_m_max = env["tx_power_m_max"] comp_bs = env["comp_bs"] comp_m = env["comp_m"] task = env["task"] data = env["data"] M_list = env["M_list"] time_scale = env["time_scale"] rate_m_itr = bandwidth_max * np.log2(1 + tx_power_m_max * h_ul) average_rate = bandwidth_max * np.log2(1 + tx_power_m_max * h_ul) / M alpha_v = alpha_parameter # ----------itration variable parameter---------- # this part is defined to use the iteration variable in the subproblem # ----------variables---------- # define the variables # bandwidth allocation factor w omega = cp.Variable([M, I]) # offloading factor alpha alpha = cp.Variable([M, I]) # bs sever allocation factor beta beta = cp.Variable([M, I]) eta = cp.Variable([M, I]) mu = cp.Variable([M, I]) # max delay T T = cp.Variable() # additional variables t1 = cp.Variable() t2 = cp.Variable() t3 = cp.Variable() # ----------problem formulation---------- # --------objective function-------- objective_func = T objective1 = cp.Minimize(objective_func) # --------constraints-------- # offloading constraints c1 = [alpha >= 0, alpha <= 1] # bandwidth allocation constraints c4_5 = [cp.sum(omega) <= 1, omega >= (1e-7)] # bs server allocation constraints c2_3 = [cp.sum(beta) <= 1, beta >= (1e-7)] c6 = [cp.multiply(1 - alpha, task) / comp_m * time_scale <= t1] c7b = [ -cp.log(t3) - cp.log(beta) + np.log2(alpha_v) + cp.multiply(1 / alpha_v / np.log(2), (alpha - alpha_v)) + np.log2(task / comp_bs * time_scale) <= 0 ] c8b = [ -cp.log(t2) - cp.log(omega) + np.log2(alpha_v) + cp.multiply( 1 / alpha_v / np.log(2), (alpha - alpha_v)) + np.log2(data / rate_m_itr * time_scale) <= 0 ] #c8 = [cp.multiply(eta,task/comp_bs)*time_scale<=t3] #c7 = [cp.multiply ( mu, data / rate_m_itr)*time_scale<=t2] R1a2 = [] for i in range(0, M): for j in range(0, I): R1a2 = R1a2 + [ cp.norm(cp.vstack([2 * (alpha[i, j]), eta[i, j] - beta[i, j]]), 2) <= eta[i, j] + beta[i, j] ] #assert R1a2[0].is_dqcp() R1a3 = [alpha <= 1e7 * beta + (1e-7) * eta - 1, alpha <= eta] R2a3 = [alpha <= 1e7 * omega + (1e-7) * mu - 1, alpha <= mu] R2a4 = [eta <= 1e7, mu <= 1e7] # local computing constraints R1 #R1 = [cp.ceil(cp.multiply(alpha, task)/comp_m) <= T] R1 = [cp.ceil(cp.multiply(1 - alpha, task) / comp_m) - T <= 0] #R1 = [cp.ceil(alpha) - 10 <= 0] #assert R1[0].is_dqcp () # offloading constraints R2 R2a = cp.ceil( cp.multiply(cp.multiply(alpha, task / comp_bs), cp.inv_pos(beta))) R2b = cp.ceil( cp.multiply( cp.multiply( alpha, data / bandwidth_max * np.log2(1 + tx_power_m_max * h_ul)), cp.inv_pos(omega))) R2 = [R2a + R2b <= T] R2a1 = cp.ceil((cp.multiply(eta, task / comp_bs))) objective2 = cp.Minimize( 1 / 2 * cp.max(cp.ceil(cp.multiply(alpha, task) / comp_m))) objective2 = cp.Minimize( cp.max(cp.ceil(cp.multiply(1 - alpha, task / beta / comp_bs)))) obj3_part1 = 1 / 2 * cp.max(cp.ceil(cp.multiply(1 - alpha, task / comp_m))) obj3_part1 = 1 / 2 * cp.ceil(cp.max(cp.multiply(1 - alpha, task / comp_m))) obj3_part2 = 1 / 2 * cp.max( cp.ceil(cp.multiply(eta, task / comp_bs)) + cp.ceil(cp.multiply(mu, data / rate_m_itr))) obj3_part2 = 1 / 2 * cp.ceil(cp.max(cp.multiply( eta, task / comp_bs))) + 1 / 2 * cp.ceil( cp.max(cp.multiply(mu, data / rate_m_itr))) obj3_part3 = cp.abs(obj3_part1 - obj3_part2) objective3 = cp.Minimize(obj3_part1 + obj3_part2 + obj3_part3) #assert obj3_part1.is_dqcp () #assert obj3_part1.is_dcp() #assert (cp.max(cp.ceil(cp.multiply(eta,task/comp_bs)))).is_dqcp() #assert (cp.max(cp.ceil(cp.multiply(eta,task/comp_bs)))).is_dcp() #assert (cp.ceil(cp.multiply(mu,data/rate_m_itr))).is_dqcp #assert (cp.ceil(alpha)+cp.ceil(beta)).is_dqcp() #assert obj3_part2.is_dqcp () #assert obj3_part3.is_dqcp () #assert objective3.is_dqcp () t = cp.Variable([M, I]) objective2 = cp.Minimize(cp.max(cp.ceil(cp.multiply(t, task / comp_bs)))) c4 = [(1 - alpha) / beta <= t] objective6 = cp.Minimize(1 / 2 * cp.ceil(t1 + t2 + t3 + cp.abs(t1 - t2 - t3)) + 3 / 2) rho = 1 upsilon = 1 varsigma = 1e-27 obj7_func1 = 1 / 2 * cp.ceil(t1 + t2 + t3 + cp.abs(t1 - t2 - t3)) + 3 / 2 obj7_func1 = 1 / 2 * (t1 + t2 + t3 + cp.abs(t1 - t2 - t3)) obj7_func2 = cp.sum( cp.multiply(1 - alpha, varsigma * task * np.square(comp_m))) + cp.sum( tx_power_m_max * cp.multiply(mu, data / rate_m_itr)) objective7 = cp.Minimize(rho * obj7_func1 + upsilon * obj7_func2) try: # ----------probalem solve and results---------- # problem6 = cp.Problem(objective6, c1+c2_3+c4_5+c6+c7+c8+R1a3+R2a3+R2a4) problem6 = cp.Problem(objective6, c1 + c2_3 + c4_5 + c6 + c7b + c8b) problem6.solve(qcp=True, verbose=True, solver=cp.ECOS) print() print("problem1 solve: ", problem6.value) print("alpha.value", alpha.value) print("beta.value", beta.value) print("omega.value", omega.value) np.ceil(data / rate_m_itr * M * time_scale) # ----------data collection and depict----------- plt.clf() plt.subplot(441) plt.title("user_rate in M/s") #, height=(average_rate/1e6).reshape(M), width=1) plt.plot(M_list, omega.value * rate_m_itr / 1e6, '-*', color='b', label="optimized rate") plt.plot(M_list, average_rate / 1e6, '-o', color='r', label="average bandwidth allocation rate") plt.legend() plt.subplot(442) plt.title("data transmitting delay") plt.plot( M_list, data / average_rate * time_scale, '-*', color='b', label= "full date transmitting delay with average bandwidth allocation") plt.plot(M_list, (alpha.value * data) / (omega.value * rate_m_itr) * time_scale, '-o', color='r', label="optimized transmitting delay") #, height=np.ceil(data / average_rate*time_scale).reshape(M), width=1) plt.legend(fontsize='xx-small') plt.subplot(443) plt.title("local_computing_delay") bar_width = 0.3, height=np.ceil(time_scale * task / comp_m).reshape(M), width=bar_width, label='full local computing delay') + bar_width, height=np.ceil(time_scale * (1 - alpha.value) * task / comp_m).reshape(M), width=bar_width, label='remain local computing delay') plt.plot(M_list, problem6.value * np.ones(M), 'o', color='m', label="optimized delay") plt.legend(fontsize='xx-small') # 显示图例,即label plt.xticks(x=M_list + bar_width / 2) # 显示x坐标轴的标签,即tick_label,调整位置,使其落在两个直方图中间位置 plt.subplot(444) plt.title("offloading_computing_delay") bar_width = 0.3 # 设置柱状图的宽度, height=(np.ceil(task / (comp_bs / M)) * time_scale).reshape(M), width=bar_width, label='average full offloading computing delay') + bar_width, height=(np.ceil(task * alpha.value / (beta.value * comp_bs) * time_scale)).reshape(M), width=bar_width, label='optimized offloading computing delay') # 绘制并列柱状图 plt.legend() # 显示图例,即label plt.xticks(x=M_list + bar_width / 2) # 显示x坐标轴的标签,即tick_label,调整位置,使其落在两个直方图中间位置 plt.subplot(445) plt.title("optimized local computing_delay gain") plt.plot(M_list, (problem6.value - np.ceil(task / comp_m * time_scale)).reshape(M), 'x', color='r') plt.plot(M_list, problem6.value * np.ones(M), 'o', color='m', label="optimized delay") plt.plot(M_list, t1.value * np.ones(M), 'v', color='g', label="local computing delay t1") plt.plot(M_list, t3.value * np.ones(M), '^', color='k', label="offloading computing delay t3") plt.plot(M_list, t2.value * np.ones(M), '*', color='b', label="transmitting delay t2") plt.legend(fontsize='xx-small') plt.subplot(446) plt.title("optimized alpha beta") plt.plot(M_list, alpha.value, '-v', label='alpha') plt.plot(M_list, beta.value, '-x', label='beta') plt.plot(M_list, omega.value, '^', label='omega') plt.legend() plt.subplot(447) plt.title("optimized omega") plt.plot(M_list, omega.value, '-^') plt.subplot(448) plt.title("optimized beta") plt.plot(M_list, beta.value, '-^') ''' plt.subplot(449) plt.title("optimized eta") plt.plot(M_list, eta.value,'-^') plt.subplot(4,4,10) plt.title("optimized mu") plt.plot(M_list, mu.value,'-^') plt.subplot(4,4,11) plt.title("recalculated omega") plt.plot(M_list, alpha.value/eta.value,'-^') plt.subplot(4,4,12) plt.title("recalculated beta") plt.plot(M_list, alpha.value/mu.value,'-^') ''' print("func1.value", obj7_func1.value) print( "local computing energy", cp.sum(cp.multiply(1 - alpha, varsigma * task * np.square(comp_m))).value) print( "offloading energy", cp.sum(tx_power_m_max * cp.multiply(mu, data / rate_m_itr)).value) print("func2.value", obj7_func2.value) problem_result = { "problem6.value": problem6.value, "alpha.value": alpha.value } return problem_result except SolverError: problem6.value = 0 problem_result = { "problem6.value": problem6.value, "alpha.value": alpha_v } return problem_result pass
def test_infeasible_exp_constr(self): x = cp.Variable() constr = [cp.exp(cp.ceil(x)) <= -5] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(0), constr) problem.solve(qcp=True) self.assertEqual(problem.status, s.INFEASIBLE)
import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np import mosek, sys env = mosek.Env() env.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, lambda x: sys.stdout.write(x)) env.echointro(1) x = cp.Variable () y = cp.Variable () t = cp.Variable(pos=True) objective_fn = cp.ceil ( x + y + cp.abs(x-y)) objective = cp.Minimize ( objective_fn+1 ) #constraint = cp.ceil ( x + y) <= t print((cp.ceil ( x + y + cp.abs(x-y))+1).curvature) problem = cp.Problem ( objective, [x<=2,y<=3,x>=0.5,y>=0.5] ) problem.solve ( qcp=True ) print ( "Optimal value: ", problem.value ) print ( "x: ", x.value ) print ( "y: ", y.value ) # Generate a random problem