예제 #1
def Log_SVM(absDataOrigin, absLabels, cmpDataOrigin, cmpLabels, absWeight,
    # This function combined both logistic regression for absolute labels and SVM for comparison labels.
    # Parameter:
    # ------------
    # absDataOrigin : N by d numpy matrix where N the number of absolute label data and d is the dimension of data
    # abslabels : (N,) numpy array, +1 means positive label and -1 represents negative labels
    # lamda : weight on L1 penalty. Large lamda would have more zeros in beta.

    # Return:
    # ------------
    # beta : the logistic regression model parameter
    # const : the logistic regression global constant.
    cmpWeight = 1.0 - absWeight
    absN, d = np.shape(absDataOrigin)
    cmpN, _ = np.shape(cmpDataOrigin)
    beta = cp.Variable(d)
    const = cp.Variable(1)
    objective = absWeight*cp.sum_entries(cp.logistic(cp.mul_elemwise(absLabels, absDataOrigin*beta+const))\
                                         -cp.mul_elemwise(absLabels, absDataOrigin*beta+const))+ \
                cmpWeight * cp.sum_entries(cp.pos(1 - cp.mul_elemwise(cmpLabels, cmpDataOrigin * beta + const))) \
                + lamda * cp.norm(beta, 1)
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective))
    return beta.value, const.value
예제 #2
    def _constraints(self, X, S, error_tolerance):
        X : np.array
            Data matrix with missing values
        S : cvxpy.Variable
            Representation of solution variable
        missing_values = np.isnan(X)
        # copy the array before modifying it
        X = X.copy()
        # zero out the NaN values
        X[missing_values] = 0
        ok_mask = ~missing_values

        masked_X = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(ok_mask, X)
        masked_S = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(ok_mask, S)
        abs_diff = cvxpy.abs(masked_S - masked_X)
        close_to_data = abs_diff <= error_tolerance
        constraints = [close_to_data]
        if self.require_symmetric_solution:
            constraints.append(S == S.T)

        if self.min_value is not None:
            constraints.append(S >= self.min_value)

        if self.max_value is not None:
            constraints.append(S <= self.max_value)

        return constraints
예제 #3
def cvxpy_get_var_and_objective(mode,dim_v,sample_n,weight,Phi,Psi,y):
    if 'reg' in mode:
        alpha = get_key('alpha',mode,float)
        try: #version of cvxpy (no downward compatibility)
            var = cp.Variable(dim_v,sample_n)
            if weight.size != 0:
                objective = cp.Minimize( alpha * cp.norm(Phi*var-y) + cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(weight,cp.abs(Psi*var))))
                objective = cp.Minimize( alpha * cp.norm(Phi*var-y) + cp.norm(Psi*var,1))
            var = cp.Variable((dim_v,sample_n))
            if weight.size != 0:
                objective = cp.Minimize( alpha * cp.norm(Phi*var-y) + cp.sum(cp.multiply(weight,cp.abs(Psi*var))))    
                objective = cp.Minimize( alpha * cp.norm(Phi*var-y) + cp.norm(Psi*var,1))      
    elif 'bestkTermApprox' in mode:
        x = y
        objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(Psi*var-x)) 
        try: #version of cvxpy (no downward compatibility)
            var = cp.Variable(dim_v,sample_n)
            if weight.size != 0:
                objective = cp.Minimize( cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(weight,cp.abs(Psi*var))))
                objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(Psi*var,1))
            var = cp.Variable((dim_v,sample_n))
            if weight.size != 0:
                objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum(cp.multiply(weight,cp.abs(Psi*var))))    
                objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(Psi*var,1)) 
    return (var,objective)
예제 #4
    def _initialize_probs(self, A, k, missing_list, regX, regY):

        # useful parameters
        m = A[0].shape[0]
        ns = [a.shape[1] for a in A]
        if missing_list == None: missing_list = [[]] * len(self.L)

        # initialize A, X, Y
        B = self._initialize_A(A, missing_list)
        X0, Y0 = self._initialize_XY(B, k, missing_list)
        self.X0, self.Y0 = X0, Y0

        # cvxpy problems
        Xv, Yp = cp.Variable(m, k), [cp.Parameter(k + 1, ni) for ni in ns]
        Xp, Yv = cp.Parameter(m, k + 1), [cp.Variable(k + 1, ni) for ni in ns]
        Xp.value = copy(X0)
        for yj, yj0 in zip(Yp, Y0):
            yj.value = copy(yj0)
        onesM = cp.Constant(ones((m, 1)))

        obj = sum(L(Aj, cp.mul_elemwise(mask, Xv*yj[:-1,:] \
                + onesM*yj[-1:,:]) + offset) + ry(yj[:-1,:])\
                for L, Aj, yj, mask, offset, ry in \
                zip(self.L, A, Yp, self.masks, self.offsets, regY)) + regX(Xv)
        pX = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj))
        pY = [cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(\
                L(Aj, cp.mul_elemwise(mask, Xp*yj) + offset) \
                + ry(yj[:-1,:]) + regX(Xp))) \
                for L, Aj, yj, mask, offset, ry in zip(self.L, A, Yv, self.masks, self.offsets, regY)]

        self.probX = (Xv, Yp, pX)
        self.probY = (Xp, Yv, pY)
예제 #5
def image_inpainting_sparse(vu, depths, nH, nW):

    depth_map_sparse = np.zeros((nH, nW))

    vu_int = (vu + 0.5).astype(np.int32)
    vu_int[0] = np.maximum(np.minimum(vu_int[0], nH - 1), 0)
    vu_int[1] = np.maximum(np.minimum(vu_int[1], nW - 1), 0)

    depth_map_sparse[vu_int[0], vu_int[1]] = depths

    Known = np.zeros((nH, nW))
    Known[vu_int[0], vu_int[1]] = 1

    U = cp.Variable(nH, nW)
    obj = cp.Minimize(cp.tv(U))
    constraints = [
        cp.mul_elemwise(Known, U) == cp.mul_elemwise(Known, depth_map_sparse)
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
    # Use SCS to solve the problem.
    prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cp.SCS)

    depth_map = U.value

    return depth_map
    def _constraints(self, X, missing_mask, S, error_tolerance):
        X : np.array
            Data matrix with missing values filled in

        missing_mask : np.array
            Boolean array indicating where missing values were

        S : cvxpy.Variable
            Representation of solution variable
        ok_mask = ~missing_mask
        masked_X = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(ok_mask, X)
        masked_S = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(ok_mask, S)
        abs_diff = cvxpy.abs(masked_S - masked_X)
        close_to_data = abs_diff <= error_tolerance
        constraints = [close_to_data]
        if self.require_symmetric_solution:
            constraints.append(S == S.T)

        if self.min_value is not None:
            constraints.append(S >= self.min_value)

        if self.max_value is not None:
            constraints.append(S <= self.max_value)

        return constraints
예제 #7
 def fit(self, X, y, c=1, sigma=0.1, k_matrix=None):
     Train a SVM classifier using Dual problem and Gaussian Kernel.
     self.X_train = X
     self.y_train = y
     # parameters
     self.c = c
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.D = X.shape[1]  # number of features
     self.N = X.shape[0]  # number of samples
     # instantiate variables in cvxpy
     W = cvx.Variable(self.D)
     b = cvx.Variable()
     Delta = cvx.Variable(self.N)  # Lagrangian multipliers
     # Set up the dual problem
     if k_matrix is None:
         k_matrix = self.kernel_matrix(X, sigma)
     first_term = cvx.quad_form(cvx.mul_elemwise(y, Delta), k_matrix)
     second_term = cvx.sum_entries(Delta)
     loss = -0.5 * first_term + second_term
     # add constraints
     constraints = [Delta >= 0, Delta <= c]
     dual_sum = cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(y, Delta))
     constraints.append(dual_sum == 0)
     # instantiate the problem
     prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(loss), constraints)
     # prob.solve(solver='CVXOPT', kktsolver='ROBUST_KKTSOLVER')
     # find bias term
     self.Delta = Delta.value
     self.find_bias(Delta, X, y)
     return self.Delta, self.b
예제 #8
def set_objective(model, optvar, optpar):
    This function defines the objective function, which is a minimization of sum of the losses in the network (r*I) and
    a term representing the distance to the set-points, either with a L-1 or L-2 norm

    Args :
        | model : a Model object containing the data necessary for the simulation
        | optvar : a dictionary containing cvxpy Variable objects
        | optpar : a dictionary containing cvxpy Parameter objects
        | objtype : a string representing the type of objective (can take the values 'L1', 'L2' and 'Loss')

    Returns :
        A cvxpy Objective object

    objtype = 'L1'

    if objtype == 'L1':
        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(model.NetworkModel.resistance, optvar['I'])) +
                           cvx.norm(optvar['Ppv'] - optpar['pv_set_points'], 1) +
                           cvx.norm(optvar['Pst'] - optpar['storage_set_points'], 1))
    elif objtype == 'L2':
        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(model.NetworkModel.resistance, optvar['I'])) +
                           cvx.norm(optvar['Ppv'] - optpar['pv_set_points'], 2) +
                           cvx.norm(optvar['Pst'] - optpar['storage_set_points'], 2))
    elif objtype == 'Loss':
        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(model.NetworkModel.resistance, optvar['I'])))

        raise IOError("Invalid objtype parameter passed to opf_solve, choose between L1, L2 and Loss")

    return obj
예제 #9
파일: homework_3.py 프로젝트: XinSong/MOOC
def main():
    x = [[1,0],[0,1],[0,-1],[-1,0],[0,2],[0,-2],[-2,0]]
    y = [-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    Q = np.empty((7,7))
    for i in range(0,7):
        for j in range(0,7):
            Q[i,j] = y[i]*y[j]*K(x[i],x[j])

    p = np.array([-1] * 7)
    alpha = cp.Variable(7)
    objective = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.quad_form(alpha, Q) + cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(p, alpha)))
    constraints = [cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(y,alpha)) == 0]
    for i in range(0,7):
    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
    z = [[1,math.sqrt(2)*x1, math.sqrt(2)*x2, x1 ** 2, x2 ** 2] for (x1,x2) in x]
    w = [0] * 5
    for i in range(0,7):
        w += np.dot(float(alpha.value[i]) * y[i], z[i])
    print "w=",sum(w)
    #choose any support vector (z,y) to calculate the b
    print "b=",y[1] - np.dot(w, z[1])
    print "status:", prob.status
    print "optimal value", prob.value
    print alpha.value
    print sum(alpha.value)
예제 #10
    def updateEi2(self,sigmai,ei_):
        for i in range(I):
        objective = cvx.Minimize(-np.transpose(sigmai)*ei+self.omegadc*(slacost+watcost)+rho/2*cvx.sum_squares(ei-np.array(ei_)))
        prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
        result = prob.solve(solver=slv)

        #print ei.value.A1
        #print result
        for i in range(I):
            if self.e[i]<0:
                if self.e[i]>maxe[i]:
                    print('\nWarning: reducing si lower than minimum active server!!!!')

예제 #11
파일: homework_16.py 프로젝트: XinSong/MOOC
def main():
    TARGET = 0
    y = []
    x = []
    for line in open("features.train"):
        vec = line.strip().split()
        if int(float(vec[0])) == TARGET:
    Q = np.empty((len(x),len(x)))
    p = [-1] * len(x)
    for i in range(0,len(x)):
        for j in range(0,len(x)):
            Q[i,j] = y[i]*y[j] * K(x[i],x[j])

    alpha = cp.Variable(len(x))
    C = 0.01
    objective = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.quad_form(alpha,Q) + cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(p,alpha)))
    constraints = [cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(y,alpha)) == 0]
    for i in range(0,len(x)):
    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
    print "sum(alpha)=",sum(alpha.value)
    #choose any support vector (z,y) to calculate the b
    print "status:", prob.status
    print "optimal value", prob.value
예제 #12
    def fit(self, X, Y, sample_weights=None, verbose=False):

        assert (X.shape[0] == Y.shape[0])
        if sample_weights is not None:
            assert (len(sample_weights.shape) == 1)
            assert (len(sample_weights) == X.shape[0])

        n = X.shape[0]
        d = X.shape[1]
        self.cvx_w = cvx.Variable(d)
        self.cvx_b = cvx.Variable(1)
        self.cvx_hinge_losses = cvx.Variable(n)

        if sample_weights is None:
            sample_weights = np.ones(n)

        total_sample_weights = np.sum(sample_weights)

        self.objective = cvx.Minimize(
                cvx.mul_elemwise(sample_weights, self.cvx_hinge_losses)) /
            total_sample_weights +
            0.5 * self.weight_decay * cvx.sum_squares(self.cvx_w))
        self.constraints = [
            cvx.mul_elemwise(Y, X * self.cvx_w + self.cvx_b) >=
            1 - self.cvx_hinge_losses, self.cvx_hinge_losses >= 0

        self.prob = cvx.Problem(self.objective, self.constraints)
        self.prob.solve(verbose=verbose, solver=cvx.GUROBI)

        self.coef_ = np.array(self.cvx_w.value).reshape(-1)
        self.intercept_ = self.cvx_b.value
예제 #13
def create(**kwargs):
    # m>k
    k = kwargs['k']  #class
    m = kwargs['m']  #instance
    n = kwargs['n']  #dim
    p = 5  #p-largest
    X = problem_util.normalized_data_matrix(m, n, 1)
    Y = np.random.randint(0, k, m)

    Theta = cp.Variable(n, k)
    t = cp.Variable(1)
    texp = cp.Variable(m)
    f = t + cp.sum_largest(texp, p) + cp.sum_squares(Theta)
    C = []
    C.append(cp.log_sum_exp(X * Theta, axis=1) <= texp)
    Yi = one_hot(Y, k)
    C.append(-cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(X.T.dot(Yi), Theta)) == t)

    t_eval = lambda: \
        -cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(X.T.dot(one_hot(Y, k)), Theta)).value
    f_eval = lambda: t_eval() \
        + cp.sum_largest(cp.log_sum_exp(X*Theta, axis=1), p).value \
        + cp.sum_squares(Theta).value

    return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), C), f_eval
예제 #14
파일: qcqp.py 프로젝트: msimozar/qcqp
def solve_spectral(prob, *args, **kwargs):
    """Solve the spectral relaxation with lambda = 1.

    # TODO: do this efficiently without SDP lifting

    # lifted variables and semidefinite constraint
    X = cvx.Semidef(prob.n + 1)

    W = prob.f0.homogeneous_form()
    rel_obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(W, X)))

    W1 = sum([f.homogeneous_form() for f in prob.fs if f.relop == '<='])
    W2 = sum([f.homogeneous_form() for f in prob.fs if f.relop == '=='])

    rel_prob = cvx.Problem(
            cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(W1, X)) <= 0,
            cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(W2, X)) == 0,
            X[-1, -1] == 1
    rel_prob.solve(*args, **kwargs)

    if rel_prob.status not in [cvx.OPTIMAL, cvx.OPTIMAL_INACCURATE]:
        raise Exception("Relaxation problem status: %s" % rel_prob.status)

    (w, v) = LA.eig(X.value)
    return np.sqrt(np.max(w))*np.asarray(v[:-1, np.argmax(w)]).flatten(), rel_prob.value
예제 #15
    def _estimate(self, t, w_plus, z, value):
        """Estimate holding costs.

          t: time of estimate
          wplus: holdings
          tau: time to estimate (default=t)
            w_plus = w_plus[w_plus.index != self.cash_key]
            w_plus = w_plus.values
        except AttributeError:
            w_plus = w_plus[:-1]  # TODO fix when cvxpy pandas ready

            self.expression = cvx.mul_elemwise(
                time_locator(self.borrow_costs, t), cvx.neg(w_plus))
        except TypeError:
            self.expression = cvx.mul_elemwise(
                time_locator(self.borrow_costs, t).values, cvx.neg(w_plus))
            self.expression -= cvx.mul_elemwise(
                time_locator(self.dividends, t), w_plus)
        except TypeError:
            self.expression -= cvx.mul_elemwise(
                time_locator(self.dividends, t).values, w_plus)

        return cvx.sum_entries(self.expression), []
예제 #16
파일: glrm.py 프로젝트: wlattner/GLRM
    def _initialize_probs(self, A, k, missing_list, regX, regY):
        # useful parameters
        m = A[0].shape[0]
        ns = [a.shape[1] for a in A]
        if missing_list == None: missing_list = [[]]*len(self.L)

        # initialize A, X, Y
        B = self._initialize_A(A, missing_list)
        X0, Y0 = self._initialize_XY(B, k, missing_list)
        self.X0, self.Y0 = X0, Y0

        # cvxpy problems
        Xv, Yp = cp.Variable(m,k), [cp.Parameter(k+1,ni) for ni in ns]
        Xp, Yv = cp.Parameter(m,k+1), [cp.Variable(k+1,ni) for ni in ns]
        Xp.value = copy(X0)
        for yj, yj0 in zip(Yp, Y0): yj.value = copy(yj0)
        onesM = cp.Constant(ones((m,1)))

        obj = sum(L(Aj, cp.mul_elemwise(mask, Xv*yj[:-1,:] \
                + onesM*yj[-1:,:]) + offset) + ry(yj[:-1,:])\
                for L, Aj, yj, mask, offset, ry in \
                zip(self.L, A, Yp, self.masks, self.offsets, regY)) + regX(Xv)
        pX = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj))
        pY = [cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(\
                L(Aj, cp.mul_elemwise(mask, Xp*yj) + offset) \
                + ry(yj[:-1,:]) + regX(Xp))) \
                for L, Aj, yj, mask, offset, ry in zip(self.L, A, Yv, self.masks, self.offsets, regY)]

        self.probX = (Xv, Yp, pX)
        self.probY = (Xp, Yv, pY)
예제 #17
파일: qcqp.py 프로젝트: msimozar/qcqp
def solve_sdr(prob, *args, **kwargs):
    """Solve the SDP relaxation.

    # lifted variables and semidefinite constraint
    X = cvx.Semidef(prob.n + 1)

    W = prob.f0.homogeneous_form()
    rel_obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(W, X)))
    rel_constr = [X[-1, -1] == 1]

    for f in prob.fs:
        W = f.homogeneous_form()
        lhs = cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(W, X))
        if f.relop == '==':
            rel_constr.append(lhs == 0)
            rel_constr.append(lhs <= 0)

    rel_prob = cvx.Problem(rel_obj, rel_constr)
    rel_prob.solve(*args, **kwargs)

    if rel_prob.status not in [cvx.OPTIMAL, cvx.OPTIMAL_INACCURATE]:
        raise Exception("Relaxation problem status: %s" % rel_prob.status)

    return X.value, rel_prob.value
예제 #18
def create(**kwargs):
    # m>k
    k = kwargs['k']  #class
    m = kwargs['m']  #instance
    n = kwargs['n']  #dim
    p = 5   #p-largest
    q = 10
    X = problem_util.normalized_data_matrix(m,n,1)
    Y = np.random.randint(0, k-1, (q,m))

    Theta = cp.Variable(n,k)
    t = cp.Variable(q)
    texp = cp.Variable(m)
    f = cp.sum_largest(t, p)+cp.sum_entries(texp) + cp.sum_squares(Theta)
    C = []
    C.append(cp.log_sum_exp(X*Theta, axis=1) <= texp)
    for i in range(q):
        Yi = one_hot(Y[i], k)
        C.append(-cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(X.T.dot(Yi), Theta)) == t[i])

    t_eval = lambda: np.array([
        -cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(X.T.dot(one_hot(Y[i], k)), Theta)).value for i in range(q)])
    f_eval = lambda: cp.sum_largest(t_eval(), p).value \
        + cp.sum_entries(cp.log_sum_exp(X*Theta, axis=1)).value \
        + cp.sum_squares(Theta).value
    return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f), C), f_val
    def _constraints(self, X, missing_mask, S, error_tolerance):
        X : np.array
            Data matrix with missing values filled in

        missing_mask : np.array
            Boolean array indicating where missing values were

        S : cvxpy.Variable
            Representation of solution variable
        ok_mask = ~missing_mask
        masked_X = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(ok_mask, X)
        masked_S = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(ok_mask, S)
        abs_diff = cvxpy.abs(masked_S - masked_X)
        close_to_data = abs_diff <= error_tolerance
        constraints = [close_to_data]
        if self.require_symmetric_solution:
            constraints.append(S == S.T)

        if self.min_value is not None:
            constraints.append(S >= self.min_value)

        if self.max_value is not None:
            constraints.append(S <= self.max_value)

        return constraints
예제 #20
def f_quantile_elemwise():
    m = 4
    k = 2
    alphas = rand(k)
    A = np.tile(alphas, (m, 1))
    X = cp.Variable(m, k)
    return cp.sum_entries(
        cp.max_elemwise(cp.mul_elemwise(-A, X), cp.mul_elemwise(1 - A, X)))
예제 #21
파일: prox_test.py 프로젝트: silky/epsilon
def f_quantile_elemwise():
    m = 4
    k = 2
    alphas = rand(k)
    A = np.tile(alphas, (m, 1))
    X = cp.Variable(m, k)
    return cp.sum_entries(cp.max_elemwise(
        cp.mul_elemwise( -A, X),
        cp.mul_elemwise(1-A, X)))
예제 #22
def quantile_loss(alphas, Theta, X, y):
    m, n = X.shape
    k = len(alphas)
    Y = np.tile(y, (k, 1)).T
    A = np.tile(alphas, (m, 1))
    Z = X*Theta - Y
    return cp.sum_entries(
            cp.mul_elemwise( -A, Z),
            cp.mul_elemwise(1-A, Z)))
예제 #23
파일: functions.py 프로젝트: mfouda/epsilon
def quantile_loss(alphas, Theta, X, y):
    m, n = X.shape
    k = len(alphas)
    Y = np.tile(y.flatten(), (k, 1)).T
    A = np.tile(alphas, (m, 1))
    Z = X*Theta - Y
    return cp.sum_entries(
            cp.mul_elemwise( -A, Z),
            cp.mul_elemwise(1-A, Z)))
예제 #24
    def marginal_optimization(self, seed = None):
        logging.debug("Starting to merge marginals")
        # get number of cliques: n
        node_card = self.node_card; cliques = self.cliques
        d = self.nodes_num; n = self.cliques_num; m = self.clusters_num
        # get the junction tree matrix representation: O
        O = self.jt_rep()
        # get log_p is the array of numbers of sum(log(attribute's domain))
        log_p = self.log_p_func()
        # get log_node_card: log(C1), log(C2), ..., log(Cd)
        log_node_card = np.log(node_card)
        # get value of sum_log_node_card: log(C1 * C2 *...* Cd)
        sum_log_node_card = sum(log_node_card)
        # get the difference operator M on cluster number: m
        M = self.construct_difference()
        # initial a seed Z
        prev_Z = seed
        if prev_Z is None:
            prev_Z = np.random.rand(n,m)        
        # run the convex optimization for max_iter times
        logging.debug("Optimization starting...")
        for i in range(self.max_iter):
            logging.debug("The optimization iteration: "+str(i+1))
            # sum of row of prev_Z
            tmp1 = cvx.sum_entries(prev_Z, axis=0).value
            # tmp2 = math.log(tmp1)-1+sum_log_node_card
            tmp2 = np.log(tmp1)-1+sum_log_node_card

            # tmp3: difference of pairwise columns = prev_Z * M
            tmp3 = np.dot(prev_Z,M)
            # convex optimization
            Z = cvx.Variable(n,m)
            t = cvx.Variable(1,m)
            r = cvx.Variable()
            objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.log_sum_exp(t)-self._lambda*r)
            constraints = [
                Z >= 0,
                Z*np.ones((m,1),dtype=int) == np.ones((n,1), dtype=int),
                r*np.ones((1,m*(m-1)/2), dtype=int) - 2*np.ones((1,n), dtype=int)*(cvx.mul_elemwise(tmp3, (Z*M))) + cvx.sum_entries(tmp3 * tmp3, axis=0) <= 0,
                np.ones((1,n),dtype=int)*Z >= 1,
                log_p*Z-t-np.dot(log_node_card,O)*Z+tmp2+cvx.mul_elemwise(np.power(tmp1,-1), np.ones((1,n), dtype = int)*Z) == 0
            prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
            result = prob.solve(solver='SCS',verbose=False)
            prev_Z[0:n,0:m] = Z.value

        return prev_Z, O
예제 #25
	def solve(self):
		dim = self.X.shape[1]
		w = cvx.Variable(dim)
		num_nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(self.temp)
		b = cvx.Variable(num_nodes)
		loss = cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(np.array(self.pos_node),cvx.logistic(-cvx.mul_elemwise(self.y, self.X*w+b)))) + self.Lambda*cvx.quad_form(b,self.P)
		problem = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(loss))
		opt = problem.value
		self.W = w.value
		self.b = b.value
		self.value = opt
예제 #26
    def max_request_forwarded(self):
        objective  = cp.Maximize(cp.sum_entries(cp.sum_entries(np.sum(map(lambda i:cp.mul_elemwise(self.A[i].T,self.x_bar[i]),range(self.S))), axis=0),axis=1))

        capacityConstrain  = cp.sum_entries(np.sum(map(lambda i:cp.mul_elemwise(self.A[i],self.x_bar[i].T),range(self.S))), axis=1)<=self.C #row_sums, if axis=0 it would be a column sum
        constraints  = [capacityConstrain]
        for i in range(self.S):
            r1          = cp.sum_entries(self.x_bar[i],axis=1)<= self.avg_D[i]
            r2          = self.x_bar[i]>=0.0
        lp1 = cp.Problem(objective,constraints)
        result = lp1.solve()
예제 #27
    def _estimate(self, t, w_plus, z, value):
        """Estimate tcosts given trades.

          t: time of estimate
          z: trades
          value: portfolio value

          An expression for the tcosts.

            z = z[z.index != self.cash_key]
            z = z.values
        except AttributeError:
            z = z[:-1]  # TODO fix when cvxpy pandas ready

        constr = []

        second_term = time_locator(self.nonlin_coeff, t) * \
            time_locator(self.sigma, t) * \
            (value / time_locator(self.volume, t))**(self.power - 1)

        # no trade conditions
        if np.isscalar(second_term):
            if np.isnan(second_term):
                constr += [z == 0]
                second_term = 0
        else:  # it is a pd series
            no_trade = second_term.index[second_term.isnull()]
            second_term[no_trade] = 0
            constr += [
                z[second_term.index.get_loc(tick)] == 0 for tick in no_trade

            self.expression = cvx.mul_elemwise(
                time_locator(self.half_spread, t), cvx.abs(z))
        except TypeError:
            self.expression = cvx.mul_elemwise(
                time_locator(self.half_spread, t).values, cvx.abs(z))
            self.expression += cvx.mul_elemwise(second_term,
        except TypeError:
            self.expression += cvx.mul_elemwise(second_term.values,

        return cvx.sum_entries(self.expression), constr
예제 #28
def optimal_power(n, a_val, b_val, P_tot=1.0, W_tot=1.0):
Boyd and Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, exercise 4.62 page 210
Optimal power and bandwidth allocation in a Gaussian broadcast channel.

We consider a communication system in which a central node transmits messages
to n receivers. Each receiver channel is characterized by its (transmit) power
level Pi ≥ 0 and its bandwidth Wi ≥ 0. The power and bandwidth of a receiver
channel determine its bit rate Ri (the rate at which information can be sent)
   Ri=αiWi log(1 + βiPi/Wi),
where αi and βi are known positive constants. For Wi=0, we take Ri=0 (which
is what you get if you take the limit as Wi → 0).  The powers must satisfy a
total power constraint, which has the form
P1 + · · · + Pn = Ptot,
where Ptot > 0 is a given total power available to allocate among the channels.
Similarly, the bandwidths must satisfy
W1 + · · · +Wn = Wtot,
where Wtot > 0 is the (given) total available bandwidth. The optimization
variables in this problem are the powers and bandwidths, i.e.,
P1, . . . , Pn, W1, . . . ,Wn.
The objective is to maximize the total utility, sum(ui(Ri),i=1..n)
where ui: R → R is the utility function associated with the ith receiver.
    # Input parameters: alpha and beta are constants from R_i equation
    n = len(a_val)
    if n != len(b_val):
        print('alpha and beta vectors must have same length!')
        return 'failed', np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
    P = cvx.Variable(n)
    W = cvx.Variable(n)
    alpha = cvx.Parameter(n)
    beta = cvx.Parameter(n)
    alpha.value = np.array(a_val)
    beta.value = np.array(b_val)
    # This function will be used as the objective so must be DCP; i.e. element-wise multiplication must occur inside kl_div, not outside otherwise the solver does not know if it is DCP...
    R=cvx.kl_div(cvx.mul_elemwise(alpha, W),
                 cvx.mul_elemwise(alpha, W + cvx.mul_elemwise(beta, P))) - \
      cvx.mul_elemwise(alpha, cvx.mul_elemwise(beta, P))
    objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(R))
    constraints = [
        P >= 0.0, W >= 0.0,
        cvx.sum_entries(P) - P_tot == 0.0,
        cvx.sum_entries(W) - W_tot == 0.0
    prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
    return prob.status, -prob.value, P.value, W.value
예제 #29
 def fit(self, X, y, c=1):
     Train a SVM classifier using data (using Primal problem).
     self.X = X
     self.y = y
     # parameters
     D = X.shape[1]  # number of features
     N = X.shape[0]  # number of samples
     # instantiate variables in cvxpy
     W = cvx.Variable(D)
     b = cvx.Variable()
     # loss function of the primal SVM
     loss = (
         0.5 * cvx.sum_squares(W) +
         c * cvx.sum_entries(cvx.pos(1 - cvx.mul_elemwise(y, X * W + b))))
     # define loss function manually
     # loss = 0.5 * cvx.sum_squares(W)
     # for i in range(N):
     # loss += c * cvx.pos(1 - y[i] * (X[i]*W+b))
     # need to minimize loss/N to avoid error
     prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(loss / N))
     # save results
     self.W = W.value
     self.b = b.value
     return self.W, self.b
예제 #30
def policy_unU2(G, R, L, d, x_prev, un_U, gamma):
    # a greedy policy that max next step return using un_U 

    Q = cvxpy.Variable(n,A)
    M = cvxpy.Variable(n,n)
    x = cvxpy.Variable(n,1)

    Kr = cvxpy.kron(np.ones((A,1)),np.eye(n))

    # Create two constraints.
    constraints = [-M + cvxpy.mul_elemwise(G,(np.ones((n, 1)) * cvxpy.vec(Q).T)) * Kr == 0,
                   L * x -  d <= 0,
                   x - M * x_prev == 0,
                   Q * np.ones((A, 1)) - np.ones((n, 1)) == 0,
                   Q >= 0, 
                   x >= 0,
                   x.T * np.ones((n, 1)) - 1 == 0

    # Form objective.
    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(-(x.T) * un_U)

    # Form and solve problem.
    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.ECOS, verbose = False,  max_iters = 5000)
#    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.SCS, verbose = False) 

    return Q.value, M.value, x.value
예제 #31
 def M_step(self):
     expected_LL = 0
     for k in range(self.num_classes):
         w = cvx.Variable(self.dim)
         b = cvx.Variable(1)
         loss = cvx.sum_entries(
                 np.array(self.posterior_mat[:, k]),
                     self.Y, self.X * w + np.ones(self.num_nodes) * b))))
         problem = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(loss))
         problem.solve(verbose=False, solver='SCS')
         expected_LL -= problem.value
         self.W[:, k] = np.array(w.value).flatten()
         self.B[k] = b.value
     self.expected_LL = expected_LL
def q3():
    def K(x1,x2):
        return (1+ np.inner(x1[:-1],x2[:-1]))**2
    Q = np.zeros((len(data),len(data)))
    for i in range(len(data)):
        for j in range(len(data)):
            Q[i,j]= data[i,-1]*data[j,-1]*K(data[i],data[j])
    alpha = cvx.Variable(len(data))
    obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5*cvx.quad_form(alpha,Q)-cvx.sum_entries(alpha))
    constraint = [cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(data[:,-1],alpha)) == 0, alpha>=0]
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj,constraint)
    ret = alpha.value
    svid = next(i for i,x in enumerate(ret) if x>1e-5)    
    b = data[svid,-1] - sum(ret[i,0]*data[i,-1]*K(data[i],data[svid]) for i in range(len(data)) if ret[i,0]>1e-5)
    def getvalue(X):
        XX = np.append(X,[-1])
        return sum(ret[i,0]*data[i,-1]*K(XX,data[i]) for i in range(len(data))) + b
    ks = [(i,j,i**2,j**2) for j in range(10) for i in range(10)]
    vs = [getvalue(k[:2]) for k in ks]
    lr = lm.LinearRegression()
    print ret
    print lr.coef_*9,lr.intercept_*9
예제 #33
def sdp_partition(graph, constraints, k):
    if k != 2: raise Exception('SDP only applicable for 2 partitions')
    adjmat = nx.to_numpy_matrix(graph, weight='weight')
    n = nx.number_of_nodes(graph)
    Y = cvx.Semidef(n)
    obj = cvx.Maximize(
        cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(np.tril(adjmat), (1 - Y))))
    consts = [Y == Y.T]
    for i in range(n):
        consts.append(Y[i, i] == 1)
    for c1 in constraints.keys():
        for c2 in constraints.keys():
            if constraints[c1] != constraints[c2]:
                consts.append(Y[c1, c2] <= math.cos(2 * math.pi / k))
                consts.append(Y[c1, c2] == 1)
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj, consts)
    vecs = Y.value
    random_cut = sample_spherical(1, ndim=n)
    partition = {}
    signs = []
    for i in range(n):
        signs.append(np.sign(np.dot(vecs[i, :], random_cut)))
    for con in constraints:
        for i in range(n):
            if signs[con] == signs[i]:
                partition[i] = constraints[con]
    return partition
예제 #34
def cvxinnerprod(oper1, oper2):
    """Computes the inner product between two CVXPY operators in dyads form.

    oper1, oper2 : DyadsOperator
        DyadsOperators whose factors are CVXPY expressions.

    return sum([
            cvxpy.mul_elemwise(oper1.lfactors[r1], oper2.lfactors[r2])) *
            cvxpy.mul_elemwise(oper1.rfactors[r1], oper2.rfactors[r2]))
        for r1 in range(oper1.nfactors) for r2 in range(oper2.nfactors)
예제 #35
def _matinnerprod(mat1, mat2):
    """Computes inner product between two matrices."""
    if isinstance(mat1, (cvxpy.Variable, cvxpy.Parameter)) or isinstance(
            mat2, (cvxpy.Variable, cvxpy.Parameter)):
        return cvxpy.sum_entries(cvxpy.mul_elemwise(mat1, mat2))
        return np.sum(np.multiply(mat1, mat2))
예제 #36
    def _train(self, data, label, delta):
        pos_idx = label == 1
        neg_idx = label == -1
        pos_num = sum(pos_idx)

        P_data_size = 0
        for i in range(self.s, self.chunk_count - 1):
            P_data_size += sum(self.stored_label[i] == 1)

        if pos_num + P_data_size > delta:
            self.s += 1

        P_data = array([]).reshape(-1, self.fea_num)
        ts = array([])

        for i in range(self.s, self.chunk_count):
            P_data = r_[P_data, self.stored_data[i][self.stored_label[i] == 1]]
            ts = r_[ts, i * ones(sum(self.stored_label[i] == 1))]

        N_data = data[neg_idx]

        pos_num = P_data.shape[0]
        neg_num = N_data.shape[0]
        rand_idx = random.permutation(pos_num)
        P_data = P_data[rand_idx]
        ts = ts[rand_idx].astype(int)
        N_data = N_data[random.permutation(neg_num)]

        pos_train_num = int(self.train_ratio * pos_num)
        neg_train_num = int(self.train_ratio * neg_num)
        train_data = r_[P_data[:pos_train_num], N_data[:neg_train_num]]
        train_label = r_[ones(pos_train_num), -ones(neg_train_num)]
        train_ts = ts[:pos_train_num]
        hold_data = r_[P_data[pos_train_num:], N_data[neg_train_num:]]
        hold_label = r_[ones(pos_num - pos_train_num),
                        -ones(neg_num - neg_train_num)]

        hold_pred = zeros([hold_label.size, self.fea_group_num])
        self.ensemble = list()
        for fea_comb_i in range(self.fea_group_num):
            self._learnH(train_data[:, self.fea_comb[fea_comb_i]], train_label,
        hold_pred = self._predict_base(hold_data)

        # solve convex optimization problem
        c = ones_like(hold_label)
        c[hold_label == 1] = sum(hold_label == -1) / sum(hold_label == 1)

        w = cvxpy.Variable(self.fea_group_num)
        obj = cvxpy.Minimize(
            c.T *
            cvxpy.logistic(-cvxpy.mul_elemwise(hold_label, hold_pred * w)))
        constraints = [cvxpy.sum_entries(w) == 1, w >= 0]

        prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
        except (cvxpy.error.SolverError):
        self.wd = array(w.value).squeeze()
예제 #37
    def weight_expr(self, t, wplus, z=None, v=None):
        """Returns the estimated alpha.

          t: time estimate is made.
          wplus: An expression for holdings.
          tau: time of alpha being estimated.

          An expression for the alpha.
        alpha = cvx.mul_elemwise(time_locator(self.returns, t, as_numpy=True),
        alpha -= cvx.mul_elemwise(time_locator(self.delta, t, as_numpy=True),
        return cvx.sum_entries(alpha)
예제 #38
파일: functions.py 프로젝트: silky/epsilon
def softmax_loss(Theta, X, y):
    m = len(y)
    n, k = Theta.size
    Y = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(m), (np.arange(m), y)), shape=(m, k))
    print cp.__file__
    return (cp.sum_entries(cp.log_sum_exp(X*Theta, axis=1)) -
            cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(Y, X*Theta)))
예제 #39
def lqr_cp(C, c, F, f, x_init, T, n_state, n_ctrl, u_lower, u_upper):
    """Solve min_{tau={x,u}} sum_t 0.5 tau_t^T C_t tau_t + c_t^T tau_t
                        s.t. x_{t+1} = A_t x_t + B_t u_t + f_t
                             x_0 = x_init
                             u_lower <= u <= u_upper
    tau = cp.Variable(n_state + n_ctrl, T)
    assert (u_lower is None) == (u_upper is None)

    objs = []
    x0 = tau[:n_state, 0]
    u0 = tau[n_state:, 0]
    cons = [x0 == x_init]
    for t in range(T):
        xt = tau[:n_state, t]
        ut = tau[n_state:, t]
        objs.append(0.5 * cp.quad_form(tau[:, t], C[t]) +
                    cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(c[t], tau[:, t])))
        if u_lower is not None:
            cons += [u_lower[t] <= ut, ut <= u_upper[t]]
        if t + 1 < T:
            xtp1 = tau[:n_state, t + 1]
            cons.append(xtp1 == F[t] * tau[:, t] + f[t])
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(sum(objs)), cons)
    # prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS, verbose=True)
    assert 'optimal' in prob.status
    return np.array(tau.value), np.array([obj_t.value for obj_t in objs])
예제 #40
    def solve(self, verbose=False, solver=None, **kwargs):
        params = {**self.params, **kwargs}
        u = params['u']
        λ = params['λ']

            train = params['train']
        except KeyError:
            train = self.train

        r = train.r.values
            K = params['kernel']
            X = K(train.X, train.X)
        except KeyError:
            X = train.X.values

        n, p = X.shape
        q = cvx.Variable(p)

        objective = cvx.Maximize(
            1 / n * cvx.sum_entries(u.cvx_util(cvx.mul_elemwise(r, X * q))) -
            λ * cvx.norm(q)**2)

        problem = cvx.Problem(objective)
        problem.solve(solver=solver, verbose=verbose)

        if p == 1:  # q is a scalar
            self.q = np.array([q.value])
        if p > 1:  # q is a vector
            self.q = q.value.A1
        self.params['q'] = self.q
        return self.q
def WMD(wvs1, wvs2, d1, d2):
    n1 = d1.shape[0]
    n2 = d2.shape[0]

    assert wvs1.shape[0] == n1
    assert wvs2.shape[0] == n2
    assert wvs1.shape[1] == wvs2.shape[2]

    wwdist = np.zeros((n1, n2))
    for i in range(n1):
        for j in range(n2):
            wwdist[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(wvs1[i] - wvs2[j], ord=2)

    T = cvx.Variable(n1, n2)

    obj = cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(wwdist, T))

    cons = [
        cvx.sum_entries(T, axis=1) == d1,
        cvx.sum_entries(T, axis=0) >= d2, 0 <= T

    prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(obj), cons)

    # Solve
    prob.solve(solver=cvx.ECOS)  # , mi_max_iters=100
    Topt = T.value
    senDiff = prob.value

    return senDiff, Topt, prob.status
예제 #42
파일: experiment.py 프로젝트: kmdalton/pixi
def kevin_scaling(cryst):
    minspots = 100
    g = None
    for im in cryst:
        num = sum([
            im[i].hkl for i in im if 'on' in i and im[i].hkl is not None
            and len(im[i].hkl.data) > minspots
        den = sum([
            im[i].hkl for i in im if 'off' in i and im[i].hkl is not None
            and len(im[i].hkl.data) > minspots
        a = cvx.Variable()
        if isinstance(num, xds.uncorrectedhkl) and isinstance(
                den, xds.uncorrectedhkl):
            idx = num.data.index.intersection(den.data.index)
            if len(idx) > 0.:
                w = (num + den).data.loc[idx]['SIGMA(IOBS)']
                n, d = num.data.loc[idx]['IOBS'], den.data.loc[idx]['IOBS']
                n, d, w = np.array(n), np.array(d), np.array(w)
                loss = cvx.norm1(cvx.mul_elemwise(1. / w, a * n - d))
                p = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(loss))
                g = pd.concat((g, (a.value * num / den).data))
    return g
def optimal_power(n, a_val, b_val, P_tot=1.0, W_tot=1.0):
Boyd and Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, exercise 4.62 page 210
Optimal power and bandwidth allocation in a Gaussian broadcast channel.

We consider a communication system in which a central node transmits messages
to n receivers. Each receiver channel is characterized by its (transmit) power
level Pi ≥ 0 and its bandwidth Wi ≥ 0. The power and bandwidth of a receiver
channel determine its bit rate Ri (the rate at which information can be sent)
   Ri=αiWi log(1 + βiPi/Wi),
where αi and βi are known positive constants. For Wi=0, we take Ri=0 (which
is what you get if you take the limit as Wi → 0).  The powers must satisfy a
total power constraint, which has the form
P1 + · · · + Pn = Ptot,
where Ptot > 0 is a given total power available to allocate among the channels.
Similarly, the bandwidths must satisfy
W1 + · · · +Wn = Wtot,
where Wtot > 0 is the (given) total available bandwidth. The optimization
variables in this problem are the powers and bandwidths, i.e.,
P1, . . . , Pn, W1, . . . ,Wn.
The objective is to maximize the total utility, sum(ui(Ri),i=1..n)
where ui: R → R is the utility function associated with the ith receiver.
  # Input parameters: alpha and beta are constants from R_i equation
  if n!=len(b_val):
    print('alpha and beta vectors must have same length!')
    return 'failed',np.nan,np.nan,np.nan
  beta =cvx.Parameter(n)
  beta.value =np.array(b_val)
  # This function will be used as the objective so must be DCP; i.e. element-wise multiplication must occur inside kl_div, not outside otherwise the solver does not know if it is DCP...
  R=cvx.kl_div(cvx.mul_elemwise(alpha, W),
               cvx.mul_elemwise(alpha, W + cvx.mul_elemwise(beta, P))) - \
    cvx.mul_elemwise(alpha, cvx.mul_elemwise(beta, P))
  prob=cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
  return prob.status,-prob.value,P.value,W.value
예제 #44
    def test_problem(self):
        """Test problem object.
        X = Variable((4, 2))
        B = np.reshape(np.arange(8), (4, 2)) * 1.
        prox_fns = [norm1(X), sum_squares(X, b=B)]
        prob = Problem(prox_fns)
        # prob.partition(quad_funcs = [prox_fns[0], prox_fns[1]])

        true_X = norm1(X).prox(2, B.copy())
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, true_X, places=2)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, true_X, places=2)
        prob.solve(solver="hqs", eps_rel=1e-6,
                   rho_0=1.0, rho_scale=np.sqrt(2.0) * 2.0, rho_max=2**16,
                   max_iters=20, max_inner_iters=500, verbose=False)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, true_X, places=2)

        # CG
        prob = Problem(prox_fns)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, true_X, places=2)
        prob.solve(solver="hqs", eps_rel=1e-6,
                   rho_0=1.0, rho_scale=np.sqrt(2.0) * 2.0, rho_max=2**16,
                   max_iters=20, max_inner_iters=500, verbose=False)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, true_X, places=2)

        # Quad funcs.
        prob = Problem(prox_fns)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, true_X, places=2)

        # Absorbing lin ops.
        prox_fns = [norm1(5 * mul_elemwise(B, X)), sum_squares(-2 * X, b=B)]
        prob = Problem(prox_fns)
        prob.solve(solver="admm", eps_rel=1e-6, eps_abs=1e-6)

        cvx_X = cvx.Variable(4, 2)
        cost = cvx.sum_squares(-2 * cvx_X - B) + cvx.norm(5 * cvx.mul_elemwise(B, cvx_X), 1)
        cvx_prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cost))
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)

        prob.solve(solver="admm", eps_rel=1e-6, eps_abs=1e-6)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)

        # Constant offsets.
        prox_fns = [norm1(5 * mul_elemwise(B, X)), sum_squares(-2 * X - B)]
        prob = Problem(prox_fns)
        prob.solve(solver="admm", eps_rel=1e-6, eps_abs=1e-6)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)
예제 #45
def policy(G, R, L, d, un_Q, un_M, un_U, U_next, U_ref, opt_ref, gamma):

    Q = cvxpy.Variable(n,A)
    M = cvxpy.Variable(n,n)
    S = cvxpy.Variable(m,n)
    K = cvxpy.Variable(m,m)
    U = cvxpy.Variable(n,1)
    y = cvxpy.Variable(m,1)
    r = cvxpy.Variable(n,1)
    xi = cvxpy.Variable(m,1)
    z = cvxpy.Variable(1,1)

    Kr = cvxpy.kron(np.ones((A,1)),np.eye(n))

    # Create two constraints.
    constraints = [(d.T) * y - z <= opt_ref,
                   -M + cvxpy.mul_elemwise(G,(np.ones((n, 1)) * cvxpy.vec(Q).T)) * Kr == 0,
                   -r + cvxpy.mul_elemwise(R,Q) * np.ones((A, 1)) == 0,
                   -L.T * y + z * np.ones((n, 1)) - U_ref <= 0,
                   -U + r + gamma * M.T * U_next == 0,
                   -K * L + L * M + S + xi * np.ones((1, n)) == 0,
                   xi + d - K * d >= 0,
                   Q * np.ones((A, 1)) - np.ones((n, 1)) == 0,
                   Q >= np.zeros((n, A)),
                   y >= np.zeros((m, 1)),
                   S >= np.zeros((m, n)),
                   K >= np.zeros((m, m)),
                   M >= np.zeros((n, n))

    # Form objective.
    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.norm((Q - un_Q), 'fro'))
#    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.norm((M - un_M), 'fro'))
#    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.norm((U - un_U)))

    # Form and solve problem.
    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.ECOS, verbose = False, max_iters = 2000, feastol = 1e-4, reltol = 1e-4, abstol = 1e-4)
#    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.CVXOPT, verbose = True)

    return U.value, Q.value, M.value
예제 #46
def create(m, n, lam):

    m = int(n)
    n = int(n)
    lam = float(lam)

    A = sp.rand(n,n, 0.01)
    A = np.asarray(A.T.dot(A).todense() + 0.1*np.eye(n))
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv(A))
    X = np.random.randn(m,n).dot(L.T)
    S = X.T.dot(X)/m
    W = np.ones((n,n)) - np.eye(n)

    Theta = cp.Variable(n,n)
    return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(
        lam*cp.norm1(cp.mul_elemwise(W,Theta)) +
        cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(S,Theta)) -
예제 #47
def policy(G, R, L, d, U_next, gamma):

    Q = cvxpy.Variable(n,A)
    M = cvxpy.Variable(n,n)
    S = cvxpy.Variable(m,n)
    K = cvxpy.Variable(m,m)
    U = cvxpy.Variable(n,1)
    y = cvxpy.Variable(m,1)
    r = cvxpy.Variable(n,1)
    xi = cvxpy.Variable(m,1)
    z = cvxpy.Variable(1,1)

    Kr = cvxpy.kron(np.ones((A,1)),np.eye(n))

    # Create two constraints.
    constraints = [-M + cvxpy.mul_elemwise(G, (np.ones((n, 1)) * cvxpy.vec(Q).T)) * Kr == 0,
                   -r + cvxpy.mul_elemwise(R,Q) * np.ones((A, 1)) == 0,
                   -L.T * y + z * np.ones((n, 1)) - U <= 0,
                   -U + r + gamma * M.T * U_next == 0,
                   -K * L + L * M + xi * np.ones((1, n)) <= 0,
                   xi + d - K * d >= 0,
                   Q * np.ones((A, 1)) - np.ones((n, 1)) == 0,
                   Q >= 0, #np.zeros((n, A)),
                   y >= 0, #np.zeros((m, 1)),
                   K >= 0, #np.zeros((m, m)),

    # Form objective.
    obj = cvxpy.Minimize((d.T) * y - z)

    # Form and solve problem.
    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
#    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.MOSEK, verbose = True)
#    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.CVXOPT, verbose = True)
    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.ECOS, verbose = True, max_iters = 2000, feastol = 1e-4, reltol = 1e-4, abstol = 1e-4)
#    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.SCS, verbose = False)

    return U.value, Q.value, M.value, ((d.T) * y - z).value
def create_matrix_completion_convex_problem(

    A = cvxpy.Variable(n_alleles, n_peptides, name="A")
    # nuclear norm minimization should create a low-rank matrix
    objective = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.norm(A, "nuc"))

    masked_A = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(known_mask, A)
    masked_known = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(known_mask, known_values)
    diff = masked_A - masked_known
    close_to_data = diff ** 2 <= tolerance
    lower_bound = (A >= 0)
    upper_bound = (A <= 1)
    constraints = [close_to_data, lower_bound, upper_bound]
    problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
    return A, problem
예제 #49
 def test_conv_prob(self):
     """Test a problem with convolution.
     import cvxpy as cvx
     import numpy as np
     N = 5
     y = np.asmatrix(np.random.randn(N, 1))
     h = np.asmatrix(np.random.randn(2, 1))
     x = cvx.Variable(N)
     v = cvx.conv(h, x)
     obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(y, v[0:N])))
     print(cvx.Problem(obj, []).solve())
예제 #50
def create(m, n, density=0.1):

    mu = np.exp(0.01*np.random.randn(n))-1  # returns
    D = np.random.rand(n)/10;               # idiosyncratic risk
    F = sp.rand(n,m,density)                # factor model
    F.data = np.random.randn(len(F.data))/10
    gamma = 1
    B = 1

    x = cp.Variable(n)
    f = mu.T*x - gamma*(cp.sum_squares(F.T.dot(x)) +
                        cp.sum_squares(cp.mul_elemwise(D, x)))
    C = [cp.sum_entries(x) == B,
         x >= 0]

    return cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(f), C)
예제 #51
def policy_unU(G, R, L, d, x_prev, un_U, gamma):

    Q = cvxpy.Variable(n,A)
    M = cvxpy.Variable(n,n)
    S = cvxpy.Variable(m,n)
    K = cvxpy.Variable(m,m)
#    U = cvxpy.Variable(n,1)
#    y = cvxpy.Variable(m,1)
#    r = cvxpy.Variable(n,1)
    xi = cvxpy.Variable(m,1)
#    z = cvxpy.Variable(1,1)
    x = cvxpy.Variable(n,1)

    Kr = cvxpy.kron(np.ones((A,1)),np.eye(n))

    # Create two constraints.
    constraints = [#(d.T) * y - z <= opt_ref,
             -M + cvxpy.mul_elemwise(G,(np.ones((n, 1)) * cvxpy.vec(Q).T)) * Kr == 0,
#                   -r + cvxpy.mul_elemwise(R,Q) * np.ones((A, 1)) == 0,
#                   -L.T * y + z * np.ones((n, 1)) - U_ref <= 0,
#                   -U + r + gamma * M.T * U_next == 0,
                   -K * L + L * M  + xi * np.ones((1, n)) <= 0,
                   xi + d - K * d >= 0,
                   x - M * x_prev == 0,
                   Q * np.ones((A, 1)) - np.ones((n, 1)) == 0,
                   Q >= 0, #np.zeros((n, A)),
 #                  y >= 0, # np.zeros((m, 1)),
                   K >= 0, #np.zeros((m, m)),
                   x >= 0,
                   x.T * np.ones((n, 1)) - 1 == 0

    # Form objective.
    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(-(x.T) * un_U)

    # Form and solve problem.
    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
#    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.MOSEK, verbose = True)
    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.ECOS, verbose = False,  max_iters = 1000)
#    prob.solve(solver = cvxpy.SCS, verbose = False) 

    return Q.value, M.value, x.value
예제 #52
 def loss(self, A, U): return cp.sum_entries(cp.pos(ones(A.shape)-cp.mul_elemwise(cp.Constant(A), U)))
 def decode(self, A): return sign(A) # return back to Boolean
예제 #53
파일: pA5.2.py 프로젝트: mrclueless/EE364A
k = 201
t = np.asmatrix(np.linspace(-3,3,k)).T
y = np.exp(t)
one = np.asmatrix(np.ones((k,1)))
Tpow = cvx.hstack(one, t, cvx.square(t))
u = np.exp(3)
l = 0
tol = 1e-3

while u-l >= tol:
    mid = (l+u)/2
    a = cvx.Variable(3)
    b = cvx.Variable(2)
    obj = cvx.Minimize(0)
    constraints = [cvx.abs(Tpow*a - cvx.mul_elemwise(y, Tpow*cvx.vstack(1, b)))
                    <= mid * Tpow*cvx.vstack(1, b)]          
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)
    sol = prob.solve(solver=cvx.CVXOPT)
    if prob.status == cvx.OPTIMAL:
        print('gamma = {}', format(mid))
        u = mid
        a_opt = a
        b_opt = b
        objval_opt = mid
        l = mid
y_fit = cvx.mul_elemwise(Tpow*a_opt.value,
                         cvx.inv_pos(Tpow*cvx.vstack(1, b_opt.value)))
예제 #54
 def loss(self, A, U):
     return cp.sum_entries(sum(cp.mul_elemwise(1*(b >= A),\
             cp.pos(U-b*ones(A.shape))) + cp.mul_elemwise(1*(b < A), \
             cp.pos(-U + (b+1)*ones(A.shape))) for b in range(int(self.Amin), int(self.Amax))))
예제 #55
def multiclass_hinge_loss(Theta, X, y):
    k = Theta.size[1]
    Y = one_hot(y, k)
    return (cp.sum_entries(cp.max_entries(X*Theta + 1 - Y, axis=1)) -
            cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(X.T.dot(Y), Theta)))
예제 #56
def softmax_loss(Theta, X, y):
    k = Theta.size[1]
    Y = one_hot(y, k)
    return (cp.sum_entries(cp.log_sum_exp(X*Theta, axis=1)) -
            cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(X.T.dot(Y), Theta)))
예제 #57
    def test_absorb_lin_op(self):
        """Test absorb lin op operator.
        # norm1.
        tmp = Variable(10)
        v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 - 5.0

        fn = norm1(mul_elemwise(-v, tmp), alpha=5.)
        rho = 2
        new_prox = absorb_lin_op(fn)[0]
        x = new_prox.prox(rho, v.copy())
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, np.sign(v) * np.maximum(np.abs(v) - 5. *
                                                               np.abs(v) / rho, 0))

        fn = norm1(mul_elemwise(-v, mul_elemwise(2 * v, tmp)), alpha=5.)
        rho = 2
        new_prox = absorb_lin_op(fn)[0]
        x = new_prox.prox(rho, v.copy())
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, np.sign(v) * np.maximum(np.abs(v) - 5. *
                                                               np.abs(v) / rho, 0))
        new_prox = absorb_lin_op(new_prox)[0]
        x = new_prox.prox(rho, v.copy())
        new_v = 2 * v * v
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, np.sign(new_v) *
                                    np.maximum(np.abs(new_v) - 5. * np.abs(new_v) / rho, 0))

        # nonneg.
        tmp = Variable(10)
        v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 - 5.0

        fn = nonneg(mul_elemwise(-v, tmp), alpha=5.)
        rho = 2
        new_prox = absorb_lin_op(fn)[0]
        x = new_prox.prox(rho, v.copy())
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, fn.prox(rho, -np.abs(v)))

        # sum_squares.
        tmp = Variable(10)
        v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 - 5.0

        alpha = 5.
        val = np.arange(10)
        fn = sum_squares(mul_elemwise(-v, tmp), alpha=alpha, c=val)
        rho = 2
        new_prox = absorb_lin_op(fn)[0]
        x = new_prox.prox(rho, v.copy())

        cvx_x = cvx.Variable(10)
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(cvx_x - v) * (rho / 2) +
                                        5 * cvx.sum_squares(cvx.mul_elemwise(-v,
                                                            cvx_x)) + (val * -v).T * cvx_x
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, cvx_x.value, places=3)

        # Test scale.
        tmp = Variable(10)
        v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 - 5.0

        fn = norm1(10 * tmp)
        rho = 2
        new_prox = absorb_lin_op(fn)[0]
        x = new_prox.prox(rho, v.copy())
        cvx_x = cvx.Variable(10)
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(cvx_x - v) + cvx.norm(10 * cvx_x, 1)))
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, cvx_x.value, places=3)

        val = np.arange(10)
        fn = norm1(10 * tmp, c=val, b=val, gamma=0.01)
        rho = 2
        new_prox = absorb_lin_op(fn)[0]
        x = new_prox.prox(rho, v.copy())
        cvx_x = cvx.Variable(10)
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(cvx_x - v) +
                                        cvx.norm(10 * cvx_x - val, 1) + 10 * val.T * \
                                                 cvx_x + cvx.sum_squares(cvx_x)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, cvx_x.value, places=2)

        # sum_entries
        tmp = Variable(10)
        v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 - 5.0

        fn = sum_entries(sum([10 * tmp, mul_elemwise(v, tmp)]))

        funcs = absorb.absorb_all_lin_ops([fn])
        c = __builtins__['sum']([func.c for func in funcs])
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(c, v + 10, places=3)
예제 #58
    def train(self, ct=0.01, theta=1, p=2):

        :param ct: 松弛变量正则化系数
        :param theta: 高斯核函数参数
        :param p: 多项式核函数参数
        :return: None
        def kg(a, b, value_theta=theta):  # 高斯核函数
            sim = np.exp( -1 * (a - b).dot(a - b) / (2 * value_theta ** 2))
            # sim = np.dot(a, b)
            return sim

        def kp(a, b, value_p=p):  # 多项式核函数
            sim = (np.dot(a, b) + 1) ** value_p
            return sim

        def k_mat(x, k_func=kg):  # 核矩阵生成函数
            m = x.shape[0]
            mat = np.zeros((m, m))
            for i in range(m):
                for j in range(m):
                    mat[i, j] = k_func(x[i, :], x[j, :])
            return mat

        if self.kernel == "linear":  # 线性核
            w = cvx.Variable(self.n)
            e = cvx.Variable(self.m)
            b = cvx.Variable()
            c = cvx.Parameter(sign="positive")
            c.value = ct

            obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.norm(w,2) + c * cvx.sum_entries(e))
            constraints = [e >= 0,
                           cvx.mul_elemwise(self.y, self.x * w + b) - 1 + e >= 0]
            prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)

            self.w = np.array(w.value)
            self.b = b.value
            return None

        elif self.kernel == "gaussian":  # 高斯核
            self.k = k_mat(self.x, k_func=kg)
            self.k_func = kg
        else:  # 多项式核
            self.k = k_mat(self.x, k_func=kp)
            self.k_func = kp

        a = cvx.Variable(self.m)
        b = cvx.Variable()
        e = cvx.Variable(self.m)
        c = cvx.Parameter(sign="positive")
        c.value = ct

        obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.quad_form(a, self.k) + c * cvx.sum_entries(e))
        constraints = [e >= 0,
                       self.y * b + cvx.mul_elemwise(self.y, self.k * a) - 1 + e >= 0]
        prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)  # quadratic programming 二次规划
        self.a = np.array(a.value)
        self.b = b.value
        return None
예제 #59
    cvx.sum_entries(N[:,j]) == I[j] )
prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)

s1 = cvx.pos(q-cvx.diag(Acontr.T*N*Tcontr));
optimal_net_profit = prob.value
optimal_penalty = p.T*s1
optimal_revenue = optimal_penalty + optimal_net_profit
print "status:", prob.status
print "optimal net profit:", optimal_net_profit
print "optimal penalty:", prob.value
print "optimal revenue:", prob+p.T*prob.value
# Greedy Aproach displaying without contracts
Nignore = cvx.Variable(n,T)
obj2 = cvx.Maximize(cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(R, Nignore))) #np.reshape(R,n*T).T *Nignore[:,:])
constraints2 = [Nignore >= 0]
for j in range(T):
    cvx.sum_entries(Nignore[:,j]) == I[j] )
prob2 = cvx.Problem(obj2, constraints2)

s2 = cvx.pos(q-cvx.diag(Acontr.T*Nignore*Tcontr))
greedy_net_profit = prob2.value - p.T*s2
greedy_penalty =  p.T*s2
print "greedy status:", prob2.status
print "greedy net_profit:", greedy_net_profit.value
print "greedy penalty:", greedy_penalty.value
print "greedy revenue:", prob2.value