예제 #1
def GroupGraphicLasso(X, rho, alpha ,groups):
        S is the empirical covariance matrix.
    S = np.cov(X.T)
    assert S.shape[0] == S.shape[1], "Matrix must be square"
    n = S.shape[0]

    #Phi = cvx.Variable(n, n)
    Phi = cvx.Semidef(n)
    rest = cvx.Semidef(n)
    for group in groups:
        non_index=nonGroupIndex(group, n)
    non_block = [i for i in range(n) if i not in A]
    if len(non_block) > 0:
        block_onenorm = cvx.norm(Phi[:,non_block],1)
        obj = cvx.Minimize(-(cvx.log_det(Phi) - cvx.trace(S*Phi) - rho*sum(group_pennal) - alpha * sum(non_one_pennal)-
                        alpha * block_onenorm))
        obj = cvx.Minimize(-(cvx.log_det(Phi) - cvx.trace(S*Phi) - rho*sum(group_pennal) - alpha * sum(non_one_pennal)))
    constraints = []

    prob = cvx.Problem(obj,constraints)
    prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, eps=1e-5)
    return Phi.value
    def test_problem_ubsdp(self):

        # test problem needs review
        print 'skipping, needs review'
        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize,
                           sum, abs, norm2, log, square, zeros, max,
                           hstack, vstack, eye, eq, trace, semidefinite_cone,
                           belongs, reshape)
        (m, n) = (self.m, self.n)
        c = matrix(self.c)
        A = matrix(self.A)
        B = matrix(self.B)
        Xubsdp = matrix(self.Xubsdp)
        tol_exp = 6

        # Use cvxpy to solve
        # minimize  tr(B * X)
        # s.t.      tr(Ai * X) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
        #           X + S = I
        #           X >= 0,  S >= 0.
        # c is an n-vector.
        # A is an m^2 x n-matrix.
        # B is an m x m-matrix.
        X = variable(m, n)
        S = variable(m, n)
        constr = [eq(trace(reshape(A[:,i], (m, m)) * X) + c[i,0], 0.0)
                  for i in range(n)]
        constr += [eq(X + S, eye(m))]
        constr += [belongs(X, semidefinite_cone),
                   belongs(S, semidefinite_cone)]
        p = program(minimize(trace(B * X)), constr)
            X.value, self.Xubsdp, tol_exp)

        # Use cvxpy to solve
        # minimize  tr(B * X)
        # s.t.      tr(Ai * X) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
        #           0 <= X <= I
        X2 = variable(m, n)
        constr = [eq(trace(reshape(A[:,i], (m, m)) * X2) + c[i,0], 0.0)
                  for i in range(n)]
        constr += [belongs(X2, semidefinite_cone),
                   belongs(eye(m) - X2, semidefinite_cone)]
        p = program(minimize(trace(B * X2)), constr)
            X2.value, X.value, tol_exp)
예제 #3
def sys_norm_h2_LMI(Acl, Bdisturbance, C):
    #doesn't work very well, if problem poorly scaled Riccati works better.
    #Dullerud p 210
    n = Acl.shape[0]
    X = cvxpy.Semidef(n)
    Y = cvxpy.Semidef(n)

    constraints = [ Acl*X + X*Acl.T + Bdisturbance*Bdisturbance.T == -Y,

    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.trace(Y))

    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
    eps = 1e-16
    if np.max(np.linalg.eigvals((-Acl*X - X*Acl.T - Bdisturbance*Bdisturbance.T).value)) > -eps:
        print('Acl*X + X*Acl.T +Bdisturbance*Bdisturbance.T is not neg def.')
        return np.Inf

    if np.min(np.linalg.eigvals(X.value)) < eps:
        print('X is not pos def.')
        return np.Inf

    return np.sqrt(np.trace(C*X.value*C.T))
예제 #4
    def test_key_error(self):
        """Test examples that caused key error.
        import cvxpy as cvx
        x = cvx.Variable()
        u = -cvx.exp(x)
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(u), [x == 1])
        prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)
        prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvx.CVXOPT)


        import numpy as np
        import cvxopt
        import cvxpy as cp


        print "second solve"
        prob.solve(verbose=False, solver=cp.CVXOPT)
예제 #5
def synth_h2_state_feedback_LMI(A, Binput, Bdist, C1, D12):
    #Dullerud p 217 (?)
    n = A.shape[0]  #num states
    m = Binput.shape[1]  #num control inputs
    q = C1.shape[0]  #num outputs to "be kept small"

    X = cvxpy.Variable(n,n)
    Y = cvxpy.Variable(m,n)
    Z = cvxpy.Variable(q,q)
    tmp1 = cvxpy.hstack(X, (C1*X+D12*Y).T)
    tmp2 = cvxpy.hstack((C1*X+D12*Y), Z)
    tmp  = cvxpy.vstack(tmp1, tmp2)

    constraints = [A*X + Binput*Y + X*A.T + Y.T*Binput.T + Bdist*Bdist.T == -cvxpy.Semidef(n),
                   tmp == cvxpy.Semidef(n+q),

    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.trace(Z))

    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
    prob.solve(solver='CVXOPT', kktsolver='robust')
    K = -Y.value*np.linalg.inv(X.value)
    return K
예제 #6
def basic_glasso(target_dim, cov_mat, reg=0.1, norm=1, return_inv=False, verbose=False):
    theta = cvx.Semidef(target_dim)
    objective = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.log_det(theta) + cvx.trace(cov_mat*theta) + reg*cvx.norm(theta, norm))
    problem = cvx.Problem(objective)
    out = theta.value
    if return_inv:
        out = np.linalg.inv(out)
    return out
예제 #7
    def test_sdp(self):
        n = 3
        p = 3
        C = cp.Parameter((n, n))
        As = [cp.Parameter((n, n)) for _ in range(p)]
        bs = [cp.Parameter((1, 1)) for _ in range(p)]

        C.value = np.random.randn(n, n)
        for A, b in zip(As, bs):
            A.value = np.random.randn(n, n)
            b.value = np.random.randn(1, 1)

        X = cp.Variable((n, n), PSD=True)
        constraints = [cp.trace(As[i] @ X) == bs[i] for i in range(p)]
        problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace(C @ X) + cp.sum_squares(X)),
        gradcheck(problem, atol=1e-3)
예제 #8
    def unentangled_value(self) -> float:
        Calculate the unentangled value of an extended nonlocal game.

        The *unentangled value* of an extended nonlocal game is the supremum
        value for Alice and Bob's winning probability in the game over all
        unentangled strategies. Due to convexity and compactness, it is possible
        to calculate the unentangled extended nonlocal game by:

        .. math::
            \omega(G) = \max_{f, g}
            \sum_{(x,y) \in \Sigma_A \times \Sigma_B} \pi(x,y)
            V(f(x), g(y)|x, y)

        where the maximum is over all functions :math:`f : \Sigma_A \rightarrow
        \Gamma_A` and :math:`g : \Sigma_B \rightarrow \Gamma_B`.

        :return: The unentangled value of the extended nonlocal game.
        dim_x, dim_y, alice_out, bob_out, alice_in, bob_in = self.pred_mat.shape

        max_unent_val = float("-inf")
        for a_out in range(alice_out):
            for b_out in range(bob_out):
                p_win = np.zeros([dim_x, dim_y], dtype=complex)
                for x_in in range(alice_in):
                    for y_in in range(bob_in):
                        p_win += (
                            self.prob_mat[x_in, y_in] *
                            self.pred_mat[:, :, a_out, b_out, x_in, y_in])

                rho = cvxpy.Variable((dim_x, dim_y), hermitian=True)

                objective = cvxpy.Maximize(
                    cvxpy.real(cvxpy.trace(p_win.conj().T @ rho)))

                constraints = [cvxpy.trace(rho) == 1, rho >> 0]
                problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
                unent_val = problem.solve()
                max_unent_val = max(max_unent_val, unent_val)
        return max_unent_val
예제 #9
파일: semidefinite.py 프로젝트: yinxx/qutip
def dnorm_problem(dim):
    X, constraints = initialize_constraints_on_dnorm_problem(dim)
    Jr = cvxpy.Parameter((dim**2, dim**2))
    Ji = cvxpy.Parameter((dim**2, dim**2))
    # The objective, however, depends on J.
    objective = cvxpy.Maximize(cvxpy.trace(
        Jr.T @ X.re + Ji.T @ X.im
    problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
    return problem, Jr, Ji
예제 #10
    def optimize_L_primal(Y):
        L = cp.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True)

        obj = cp.Minimize(alpha * cp.trace(Y.T @ L @ Y) + beta *
                          (cp.norm(L, p='fro')**2))

        constraints = [cp.trace(L) == n]
        constraints += [L >> 0]
        constraints += [L @ np.ones((n)) == np.zeros((n))]
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                constraints += [L[i, j] <= 0]

        prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)

        p_star = prob.solve()
        print(f"primal value is {p_star}")
        L_opt = L.value
        return L_opt
예제 #11
def sdr_problem(objective, constraints, minimize=True, unit_ball=False):
    """Creates a semidefinite relaxation (SDR) problem for the
    quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) given in the
    objective and constraints.

    objective : QuadraticForm
        A quadratic expression for the objective function.
    constraints: set or list of QuadraticForm
        The constraints of the type x'Qx + 2x'b + c <= 0.
    minimize: bool, optional
        Whether the problem is of minimization (true, default) or of
    unit_ball : bool, optional
        Add the SDR of the constraint x'T @ x == 1, restraining the
        problem to the unit ball. The default is false.

        The SDR problem

    See Also
    QuadraticForm.sdr_expression : SDR relaxation of a quadratic expression.

    if objective:
        n = objective.n
        for con in constraints:
        n = con.n
        objective = QuadraticForm(np.zeros((n, n)))

    # Create variables and build SDR problem
    X = cvx.Variable((n, n), PSD=True)
    if objective.b is None and all(Q.b is None for Q in constraints):
        obj = objective.sdr_expression(X)
        con = [Q.sdr_expression(X) <= 0 for Q in constraints]
        x = cvx.Variable((n, 1))
        obj = objective.sdr_expression(X, x)
        con = [Q.sdr_expression(X, x) <= 0 for Q in constraints]
        # Below: [X x; x' 1] >= 0
        con.append(cvx.bmat([[X, x], [x.T, np.array([[1]])]]) >> 0)

    if unit_ball:
        con.append(cvx.trace(X) == 1)

    if minimize:
        return cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(obj), con)
        return cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(obj), con)
예제 #12
def test_family(A, M, constraints):

    objective = cvx.Maximize(cvx.trace(A * M))

    problem = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

    if problem.status == 'optimal':
        return problem.value
        return np.nan
예제 #13
def variable_UNF_state(da, db, hermitian=True):
    Creates a bipartite state as a variable, with the constraints for it to be unfaithful
    da, db:         Dimensions of the two subsystems
    hermitian       If True, rho and constraints are complex, if false, only real
    constraints:    list of SDP constraints for cvxpy
    rho:            cvxpy variable matrix that, when optimised over the constraints, is the state
    This is equivalent to variable_D_UNF_state(da, db, D, hermitian), but faster.
    rho = _make_cp_matrix((da * db, da * db), hermitian)
    Na = _make_cp_matrix((da, da), hermitian)
    Nb = _make_cp_matrix((db, db), hermitian)

    constraints = [rho >> 0, cp.trace(rho) == 1, Na >> 0, Nb >> 0]
    constraints += [tensor(Na, np.eye(db)) + tensor(np.eye(da), Nb) >> rho]
    constraints += [cp.trace(Na) + cp.trace(Nb) == 1]

    return constraints, rho
예제 #14
def admm(X, Lt, gradient, Htp1, taut, dt, beta, verbose):
    S = len(taut)
    # variable
    L = cp.Variable(Lt.shape)
    N = Lt.shape[0]
    # constraints
    constraints = [
        cp.trace(L) == N, L.T == L, L @ np.ones((N, 1)) == np.zeros((N, 1))
    for i in range(N - 1):
        constraints += [L[i][i + 1:] <= 0]
    # objective
    obj = cp.Minimize(cp.trace(gradient.T@(L-Lt)) \
                      + dt/2*(cp.norm(L-Lt, 'fro')**2) + beta*(cp.norm(L, 'fro')**2))
    # solve problem
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
    prob.solve(verbose=verbose, solver=cp.SCS, scale=1000, use_indirect=False)
    if L.value is None:
        prob.solve(verbose=verbose, solver=cp.MOSEK)
    return L.value
예제 #15
def main(n=3, p=3):
    # Generate problem data
    C = randn_psd(n)
    As = [randn_symm(n) for _ in range(p)]
    Bs = np.random.randn(p)

    # Extract problem data using cvxpy
    X = cp.Variable((n, n), PSD=True)
    objective = cp.trace(C @ X)
    constraints = [cp.trace(As[i] @ X) == Bs[i] for i in range(p)]
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints)
    A, b, c, cone_dims = scs_data_from_cvxpy_problem(prob)

    # Print problem size
    mn_plus_m_plus_n = A.size + b.size + c.size
    n_plus_2n = c.size + 2 * b.size
    entries_in_derivative = mn_plus_m_plus_n * n_plus_2n
        f"""n={n}, p={p}, A.shape={A.shape}, nnz in A={A.nnz}, derivative={mn_plus_m_plus_n}x{n_plus_2n} ({entries_in_derivative} entries)"""

    # Compute solution and derivative maps
    start = time.perf_counter()
    x, y, s, derivative, adjoint_derivative = diffcp.solve_and_derivative(
        A, b, c, cone_dims, eps=1e-5)
    end = time.perf_counter()
    print("Compute solution and set up derivative: %.2f s." % (end - start))

    # Derivative
    lsqr_args = dict(atol=1e-5, btol=1e-5)
    start = time.perf_counter()
    dA, db, dc = adjoint_derivative(diffcp.cones.vec_symm(C), np.zeros(y.size),
                                    np.zeros(s.size), **lsqr_args)
    end = time.perf_counter()
    print("Evaluate derivative: %.2f s." % (end - start))

    # Adjoint of derivative
    start = time.perf_counter()
    dx, dy, ds = derivative(A, b, c, **lsqr_args)
    end = time.perf_counter()
    print("Evaluate adjoint of derivative: %.2f s." % (end - start))
예제 #16
def norm_trace_dist(rho, sigma, sdp=False, dual=False, display=False):
    Calculates the normalized trace distance (1/2)*||rho-sigma||_1 using an SDP,
    where rho and sigma are quantum states. More generally, they can be Hermitian

    if sdp:
        if not dual:

            dim = rho.shape[0]

            L1 = cvx.Variable((dim, dim), hermitian=True)
            L2 = cvx.Variable((dim, dim), hermitian=True)

            c = [L1 >> 0, L2 >> 0, eye(dim) - L1 >> 0, eye(dim) - L2 >> 0]

            obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.real(cvx.trace((L1 - L2) @ (rho - sigma))))
            prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints=c)

            prob.solve(verbose=display, eps=1e-7)

            return (1 / 2) * prob.value

        elif dual:

            dim = rho.shape[0]

            Y1 = cvx.Variable((dim, dim), hermitian=True)
            Y2 = cvx.Variable((dim, dim), hermitian=True)

            c = [Y1 >> 0, Y2 >> 0, Y1 >> rho - sigma, Y2 >> -(rho - sigma)]

            obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.real(cvx.trace(Y1 + Y2)))

            prob = cvx.Problem(obj, c)
            prob.solve(verbose=display, eps=1e-7)

            return (1 / 2) * prob.value
        return (1 / 2) * trace_norm(rho - sigma)
예제 #17
def bregman_map_cvx(s_mat, Wk_plus_value, Wk_minus_value,
                    gamma, l1_pen, dagness_pen, dagness_exp):
    """ Solves argmin g(W) + <grad f (Wk), W-Wk> + 1/gamma * Dh(W, Wk)
        with CVX
        this is only implemented for a specific penalty and kernel

            s_mat (np.array): data matrix
            Wk_plus_value (np.array): current iterate value for W+
            Wk_minus_value (np.array): current iterate value for W-
            gamma (float): Bregman iteration map param
            l1_pen (float): lambda in paper
            dagness_pen (float): mu in paper
            dagness_exp (float): alpha in paper

    n = s_mat.shape[1]

    W_plus = cp.Variable((n, n), nonneg=True)
    W_plus.value = Wk_plus_value
    W_minus = cp.Variable((n, n), nonneg=True)
    W_minus.value = Wk_minus_value
    sum_W = W_plus + W_minus  # sum variable

    obj_ll = cp.norm(s_mat @ (np.eye(n) - W_plus + W_minus), "fro") ** 2
    obj_spars = l1_pen * cp.sum(W_plus + W_minus)

    # Compute C
    sum_Wk = Wk_plus_value + Wk_minus_value
    C = compute_C(n, sum_Wk, dagness_pen, dagness_exp, 1/gamma)

    obj_trace = cp.trace(C @ sum_W)
    obj_kernel = 1 / gamma * dagness_pen * (n - 1) * (1 + dagness_exp * cp.norm(sum_W, "fro"))**n

    obj = obj_ll + obj_spars + obj_trace + obj_kernel
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), [cp.sum(W_plus) + cp.sum(W_minus) >= n/((n-2)*dagness_exp)])

    if prob.status != "optimal":

    next_W_plus, next_W_minus = W_plus.value, W_minus.value

    tilde_W_plus = np.maximum(next_W_plus - next_W_minus, 0.0)
    tilde_W_minus = np.maximum(next_W_minus - next_W_plus, 0.0)
    tilde_sum = tilde_W_plus + tilde_W_minus
    if np.sum(tilde_sum) >= n / ((n - 2) * dagness_exp):
        return tilde_W_plus, tilde_W_minus
        return next_W_plus, next_W_minus
예제 #18
def costL1(K, X, S, lam):
    # print(type(K))
    loss = 0.
    for q in S:
        i, j, k = q
        # should this be Mt^T * K??
        Mt = (2. * np.outer(X[i], X[j]) - 2. * np.outer(X[i], X[k]) -
              np.outer(X[j], X[j]) + np.outer(X[k], X[k]))
        score = cvx.trace(Mt.T * K)
        loss = loss + cvx.logistic(-score)
    loss = loss / len(S) + lam * cvx.norm(K, 1)  # add L1 penalty
    return loss
예제 #19
def variable_max_rank_D_state(da, db, D, hermitian=True):
    Creates a bipartite state as a variable, with the constraints for it to have Schmidt Rank <= D
    da, db:         Dimensions of the two subsystems
    D:              Maximum Schmidt rank imposed by the constrints
    hermitian       If True, rho and constraints are complex, if false, only real
    constraints:    list of SDP constraints for cvxpy
    rho:            cvxpy variable matrix that, when optimised over the constraints, is the state
    dT = da * D * D * db
    proj = tensor(np.eye(da), np.sqrt(D) * max_entangled_ket(D), np.eye(db))
    rho = _make_cp_matrix((da * db, da * db), hermitian)
    sigma = _make_cp_matrix((dT, dT), hermitian)

    constraints = [rho >> 0, sigma >> 0]
    constraints += [cp.trace(rho) == 1, cp.trace(sigma) == D]
    constraints += [proj @ sigma @ proj.T == rho]
    constraints += [partial_transpose(sigma, [0], [da * D, D * db]) >> 0]
    return constraints, rho
예제 #20
def main(n=3, p=3):
    # Generate problem data
    C = randn_psd(n)
    As = [randn_symm(n) for _ in range(p)]
    Bs = np.random.randn(p)

    # Extract problem data using cvxpy
    X = cp.Variable((n, n), PSD=True)
    objective = cp.trace(C @ X)
    constraints = [cp.trace(As[i] @ X) == Bs[i] for i in range(p)]
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints)
    A, b, c, cone_dims = scs_data_from_cvxpy_problem(prob)
    cone_dims = {'f': 25, 's': [50]}

    # Compute solution and derivative maps
    print(A.shape, b.shape, c.shape, cone_dims)
    x, y, s, derivative, adjoint_derivative = diffcp.solve_and_derivative(
        A, b, c, cone_dims, eps=1e-5)

    return dict(A=A, b=b, c=c), cone_dims
예제 #21
    def state_constraint(self):

        # a) The trace of the sum of variables is 1
                for i in map(self.StI, self.indices_A1Q1A2Q2_ext)
            ]) - 1 == 0)

        # b) Each variable is a positive semidefinite matrix
        for i in map(self.StI, self.indices_A1Q1A2Q2_ext):
            self.constraints.append(self.rho_variable[i] >> 0)
예제 #22
def min_dop_same(filename, eps_guess, fig_num):
    Function to maximize DOP within an error tolerance
    Each rho has its own optimal epsilon in this function -- maybe a problem?
    :param filename: the name of the file to maximize dop on
    :param eps: the initial error bound
    :param fig_num: the number of the figure to be plotted on
    #Read in calculated coherency matrix elements and reconstruct matrices
    data = pd.read_excel(filename, sheet_name='calculated')
    size = data.values.shape[0]
    J_elems = [data.values[i][1:5] for i in range(size)]

    dop = []
    epsilons = []

    for i in range(size):
        J = np.array([[J_elems[i][0], J_elems[i][2] + 1j * J_elems[i][3]],
                      [J_elems[i][2] - 1j * J_elems[i][3], J_elems[i][1]]])

        epsilons.append(adaptive_step(J, eps_guess)[1])

    #opt_eps = max(epsilons)
    opt_eps = 3.2

    for i in range(size):
        J = np.array([[J_elems[i][0], J_elems[i][2] + 1j * J_elems[i][3]],
                      [J_elems[i][2] - 1j * J_elems[i][3], J_elems[i][1]]])

        rho = cp.Variable((2, 2), PSD=True)
        cost = cp.norm(J - rho)**2
        constraints = [cp.trace(rho) == 1, cp.norm(J - rho) <= opt_eps]
        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), constraints)

        temp = rho.value
        s0 = temp[0][0] + temp[1][1]
        s1 = temp[0][0] - temp[1][1]
        s2 = 2 * np.real(temp[0][1])
        s3 = 2 * np.imag(temp[0][1])

        dop.append(np.sqrt(s1**2 + s2**2 + s3**2) / s0)

    theta = [data.values[i][0] for i in range(size)]
    fig = plt.figure(fig_num)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_title("Max DOP for " + filename)
    ax.plot(theta, dop, label='Worst Same')
예제 #23
def compute_rho(filename):
    Least squares minimize the calculated coherency matrix
    :param filename: the name of the data file (should be an excel file)

    #Construct the dataframe from the file
    wb = pd.read_excel(filename, sheet_name=None)
    data = wb['calculated']
    size = data.values.shape[0]
    columns = ['theta', 'Jxx', 'Jyy', 'beta', 'gamma', 'trace_sq']

    #Slice coherency matrix elements from the data
    J_elems = [data.values[i][1:5] for i in range(size)]

    #Set up list for storing rhos
    rho_list = []
    temp = []

    for i in range(size):
        #Use J_elems to construct matrix
        J = np.array([[J_elems[i][0], J_elems[i][2] + 1j * J_elems[i][3]],
                      [J_elems[i][2] - 1j * J_elems[i][3], J_elems[i][1]]])

        #Construct variable to be minimized
        rho = cp.Variable((2, 2), PSD=True)

        #Construct constraint(s)
        constraints = [cp.trace(rho) == 1]

        #Construct cost function
        cost = cp.norm(J - rho)**2

        #Construct problem
        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), constraints)


        #Construct a temporary list to be added to the excel file
            data.values[i][0], rho.value[0][0], rho.value[1][1],
            np.sum(rho.value.T * rho.value)

    #Construct the new dataframe and write to the file
    results = pd.DataFrame(np.array(temp), columns=columns)
    wb['rho'] = results
    with pd.ExcelWriter(filename) as writer:
        for key in wb:
            wb[key].to_excel(writer, sheet_name=key, index=False)
예제 #24
    def generate_single(self, s):
        n = 3
        p = 3
        C = np.random.randn(n, n)
        A = []
        b = []
        for i in range(p):
            A.append(np.random.randn(n, n))

        # Define and solve the CVXPY problem.
        # Create a symmetric matrix variable.
        self.X[s] = cp.Variable((n,n), symmetric=True)
        # The operator >> denotes matrix inequality.
        constraints = [self.X[s] >> 0]
        constraints += [
            cp.trace(A[i]@self.X[s]) == b[i] for i in range(p)
        self.prob[s] = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace([email protected][s])),
예제 #25
def cvxpy_density_matrix_feasibility_sdp_routine(D_matrix,E_matrix,R_matrices,F_matrices,gammas,sdp_tolerance_bound, verbose = True,additionalbetaconstraints=None,betainitialpoint=None):#additional beta constraints comes in list of list , [[matrix,value],[matrix,value]]
    numstate = len(D_matrix)
    D_matrix_np = np.array(D_matrix)
    #D_matrix_np = 0.5*(D_matrix_np + np.conjugate(np.transpose(D_matrix_np)))
    E_matrix_np = np.array(E_matrix)
    #E_matrix_np = 0.5*(E_matrix_np + np.conjugate(np.transpose(E_matrix_np)))
    R_matrices_np = []
    F_matrices_np = []
    for r in R_matrices:
    for f in F_matrices:
    beta = cp.Variable((numstate,numstate),complex=True)
    constraints = [beta >> 0]
    #constraints += [cp.trace(E_matrix_np @ beta) == 1]
    constraints += [beta.H == beta]
    if additionalbetaconstraints != None:
        for con,value in additionalbetaconstraints:
            constraints += [cp.trace(con@beta)==value]

    a = -1j*(D_matrix_np@beta@E_matrix_np-E_matrix_np@beta@D_matrix_np)
    #finalconstraints = []
    for i in range(len(gammas)):
        a = a + gammas[i]*(R_matrices_np[i]@[email protected](np.conjugate(R_matrices_np[i]))-0.5*F_matrices_np[i]@beta@E_matrix_np-0.5*E_matrix_np@beta@F_matrices_np[i])
    #a = -1j*(D_matrix_np@beta@E_matrix_np-E_matrix_np@beta@D_matrix_np)+gammas[0]*(R_matrices_np[0]@[email protected](np.conjugate(R_matrices_np[0]))-0.5*F_matrices_np[0]@beta@E_matrix_np-0.5*E_matrix_np@beta@F_matrices_np[0])
    #constraints += [cp.trace(E_matrix_np @ beta) == 1]
    #constraints += [cp.trace(a@(a.H))<=sdp_tolerance_bound]
    #constraints += [cp.trace(a@(a.H))>=-sdp_tolerance_bound]
    if sdp_tolerance_bound == 0:
        if verbose:
            print('Feasibility SDP is set up with hard equality constraints')
        #constraints += [a == 0]
        constraints += [a == 0]
        # constraints += [cp.trace(E_matrix_np @ beta) == 1] #try not enforcing the trace condition
        print('Feasibility SDP is set up with interval constraint <'+str(sdp_tolerance_bound)+ ' & >-'+str(sdp_tolerance_bound))
        raise(RuntimeError("Not implemented yet"))
        #constraints += [cp.abs(cp.trace(a@(a.H)))<=sdp_tolerance_bound]
        #constraints += [cp.abs(cp.trace(a@(a.H)))>=-sdp_tolerance_bound]
        # constraints += [cp.real(cp.trace(E_matrix_np @ beta)) <= 1+sdp_tolerance_bound]
        # constraints += [cp.real(cp.trace(E_matrix_np @ beta)) >= 1-sdp_tolerance_bound]
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(0),constraints)
    if type(betainitialpoint)!=type(None):
        beta.value = betainitialpoint
    denmat = beta.value
    denmat = denmat / np.trace(E_matrix_np @ denmat) 
    if type(denmat) == type(None):
        return None,None
        minval = np.trace(denmat@D_matrix_np)
        return denmat,minval
예제 #26
def main(X):
    # Initialise

    # Variables
    # x = cp.Variable((4))
    idx = np.where(X > 0)
    m, n = X.shape
    r = cp.Variable()
    X_hat = cp.Variable((m, n))
    Y = cp.Variable((m, m), PSD=True)
    Z = cp.Variable((n, n), PSD=True)
    A = cp.bmat([[Y, X_hat], [X_hat.T, Z]])

    # Problem Setup
    obj = cp.Minimize(r)
    constraints = [
        X_hat[idx] == X[idx],
        cp.trace(Y) + cp.trace(Z) <= 2 * r, X_hat >= 0, A >> 0
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)

    # Inference
    _, s, _ = np.linalg.svd(X_hat.value)
    print(f"Status: {prob.status}")
    print(f"Value of r: {prob.value}")
        f"Actual rank (via np.linalg): {np.linalg.matrix_rank(X_hat.value, tol=1e-6)}"
    print(f"Singular values {s}")
예제 #27
def sdp(rho0, rho1):
    n = len(rho0)

    # A and B are positive semidefinite matrices. B is an invertible matrix.
    A = rho0
    B = rho0 + rho1
    # Define and solve the CVXPY problem.
    # Create a symmetric matrix variable.
    P = cp.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True)
    x = fractional_matrix_power(B, -0.5)
    y = fractional_matrix_power(B, 0.5)
    gamma = y @ P @ y
    # The operator << denotes matrix inequality.
    # constraints = [cp.trace(B @ P) <= 1]
    # constraints += [P >> 0]
    # constraints += [P << np.eye(2)]
    constraints = [gamma << B]
    constraints += [P >> 0]
    constraints += [cp.trace(gamma) <= 1]
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.trace(x @ A @ x @ gamma)), constraints)

    # Print result.
    # print("Input rho_0 is:")
    # print(rho0)
    # print("Input rho_1 is:")
    # print(rho1)
    Change desired decimal places for solution here
    value = round(prob.value, ndigits=5)
    # solution = np.around(P.value, decimals=3)
    # gammaResult = np.around(y @ P.value @ y, decimals=3)
    # print("The optimal value is", value)
    # print("A solution P is")
    # print(solution)
    # print("Gamma result is")
    # print(gammaResult)

    return value
예제 #28
def solve(W):
    print("problem size:", W.shape[0])

    #dual of original:
    print("dual of original:")
    dim = W.shape[0]
    v = cp.Variable((dim, 1))
    constraints = [W + cp.diag(v) >> 0]
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(-cp.sum(v)), constraints)

    # print("prob.status:", prob.status)

    lower_bound = 0

    if prob.status not in ["infeasible", "unbounded"]:
        print("Optimal value: %s" % prob.value)
        lower_bound = prob.value

    print("lower_bound: ", lower_bound)

    #dual of relaxed:

    #restrict to PSD for randomized sampling
    #on proper covariance matrix later
    X = cp.Variable((dim, dim))

    constraints = [X >> 0, cp.diag(X) == np.ones((dim, ))]
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace(cp.matmul(W, X))), constraints)
    prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS, max_iters=4000, eps=1e-11, warm_start=True)

    # print("prob.status:", prob.status)

    if prob.status not in ["infeasible", "unbounded"]:
        print("Optimal value: %s" % prob.value)

    ret = prob.variables()[0].value

    K = 100  #number of samples
    xs_approx = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros((dim, )), ret, size=(K))
    xs_approx = np.sign(xs_approx)  #shape: (K,dim)

    p_best = math.inf
    for i in range(0, K):
        p = (xs_approx[i, :].dot(W)).dot(xs_approx[i, :].T)
        if p < p_best:
            p_best = p

    print("best objective (randomized): ", p_best, "size: ", K)

    return p_best, xs_approx
예제 #29
def information_transfer(phiphiT, dqn_feat, target_dqn_feat, replay_buffer,
                         batch_size, num_actions, feat_dim):
    d = [[] for i in range(num_actions)]
    phi = [[] for i in range(num_actions)]
    n = [0 for i in range(num_actions)]
    print("transforming information")
    from datetime import datetime
    fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    d1 = datetime.strptime('2010-01-01 17:31:22', fmt)
    for j in range(batch_size):
        obs_t, action, reward, obs_tp1, done = replay_buffer.sample(1)

        # confidence scores for old data
        c = target_dqn_feat(obs_tp1).reshape((feat_dim, 1))

        d[int(action)].append(np.dot(np.dot(c.T, phiphiT[int(action)]), c))

        # new data correlations
        c = dqn_feat(obs_tp1).reshape((feat_dim, 1))
        phi[int(action)].append(np.outer(c, c))
        n[int(action)] += 1
    print(n, sum(n))
    precisions_return = []
    cov = []
    prior = (0.001) * np.eye(feat_dim)
    print("solving optimization")
    for a in range(num_actions):
        print("for action {}".format(a))
        if d[a] != []:
            X = cvx.Variable((feat_dim, feat_dim), PSD=True)
            # Form objective.
            obj = cvx.Minimize(
                sum([(cvx.trace(X * phi[a][i]) - np.squeeze(d[a][i]))**2
                     for i in range(len(d[a]))]))
            prob = cvx.Problem(obj)
            if X.value is None:
                print("failed - cvxpy couldn't solve for action {}".format(a))
                precisions_return.append(np.linalg.inv(X.value + prior))
                cov.append(X.value + prior)
            print("failed - no samples for this action - {}".format(a))
    d2 = datetime.strptime('2010-01-03 17:31:22', fmt)
    print("total time for information transfer:")
    print(d2.minute - d1.minute + (d2.hour - d1.hour) * 60)
    print(d2.minute - d1.minute + (d2.hour - d1.hour) * 60)
    return precisions_return, cov
예제 #30
def dilat_lvggm_ccg_cvx_sub(S, alpha, beta, covariance_h, precision_h, max_iter_in=1000, threshold_in=1e-3, verbose=False):
         A cvx implementation of the Decayed-influence Latent variable Gaussian Graphial Model

        The subproblem in Convex-Concave Procedure

            min_{R} -log det(R) + trace(R*S_t) + alpha*||[1,0]*R*[1;0]||_1 + gamma*||[0, Theta]*R*[1;0]||_{1,2} 

                s.t.   [0,1]*R*[0;1] = Theta^{-1}

                       R >= 0 

            S_t = [Cov(X), -Cov*B*Theta; -Theta*B'*Cov, beta I]

    if np.linalg.norm(S-S.T) > 1e-3:
        raise ValueError("Covariance matrix should be symmetric.")

    n = S.shape[0]
    #n1 = covariance.shape[0]
    n2 = covariance_h.shape[0]
    n1 = n - n2
    #if n != (n1+n2):
    if n1 < 0:
        raise ValueError("dimension mismatch n=%d, n1=%d, n2=%d" % (n,n1,n2))
    mask = np.zeros((n,n))
    mask[np.ix_(np.arange(n1), np.arange(n1))]
    J1 = np.zeros((n, n1))
    J1[np.arange(n1),:] = np.eye(n1)
    J2 = np.zeros((n, n2))
    J2[np.arange(n1,n), :] = np.eye(n2)
    Q = np.zeros((n,n2))
    Q[np.arange(n1,n),:] = precision_h
    #Q  = np.zeros((n, n1))
    #Q[np.arange(n1),:] = -covariance

    J1 = np.asmatrix(J1)
    J2 = np.asmatrix(J2)
    Q = np.asmatrix(Q)
    S - np.asmatrix(S)
    R = cvx.Semidef(n)
    # define the SDP problem 
    objective = cvx.Minimize(-cvx.log_det(R) + cvx.trace(S*R) + alpha*(cvx.norm((J1.T*R*J1), 1) + beta*cvx.mixed_norm((J1.T*R*Q).T, 2, 1)  ))#beta*cvx.norm( (J1.T*R*Q), 1)) )
    constraints = [J2.T*R*J2 ==  covariance_h]
    # solve the problem
    problem = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
    problem.solve(verbose = verbose)

    return np.asarray(R.value)
예제 #31
def costL12(K, X, S, lam):
    # compute log loss
    loss = 0.
    for q in S:
        i, j, k = q
        # should this be Mt^T * K??
        Mt = (2. * np.outer(X[i], X[j]) - 2. * np.outer(X[i], X[k]) -
              np.outer(X[j], X[j]) + np.outer(X[k], X[k]))
        score = cvx.trace(Mt.T * K)
        loss = loss + cvx.logistic(-score)
    # regularize with the 1,2 norm
    loss = loss / len(S) + lam * cvx.mixed_norm(K, 2, 1)
    return loss
예제 #32
def findPSDlincomb(mats, nullity, **kwdargs):
    adim = len(mats)
    (dim, dim2) = np.shape(mats[0])
    assert dim == dim2, "Matrices are not square; shape of first matrix in list is: " + str(
        (dim, dim2))
    X = cvx.Variable((dim, dim), PSD=True)
    a = cvx.Variable((adim))
    rhs = sum(a[j] * mats[j] for j in range(adim))
    con = [X == rhs, cvx.trace(X) == 1]
    obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.lambda_sum_smallest(X, nullity + 1))
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj, con)
    return X, a, prob
예제 #33
def cvx_solve(x, y, z):
    Using mosek to update t,r.
    :param x: The centroids.                           [n,m] array
    :param y: The grids.                               [t,m] array
    :param z: The samples.                             [k,m] array
    :return: !) t: The new t.                          [t,n] array
             2) r: The new r.                          [k,n] array
    num_centers = np.size(x, 0)
    num_grids = np.size(y, 0)
    size = int(sqrt(num_grids))
    num_samples = np.size(z, 0)

    yyt = y.dot(y.T)
    xxt = x.dot(x.T)
    xyt = x.dot(y.T)
    m   = np.kron(np.ones(num_centers), np.sum(np.mat(np.power(z, 2)), 1)) + \
    np.kron(np.ones([num_samples, 1]), np.sum(np.mat(np.power(x, 2)), 1).T) - 2 * z.dot(x.T)

    t = cvx.Variable((num_grids, num_centers))
    r = cvx.Variable((num_samples, num_centers))

    constraints = [
        t * np.ones([num_centers, 1]) == np.ones([num_grids, 1]),
        r * np.ones([num_centers, 1]) == np.ones([num_samples, 1]),
        t.T * np.ones([num_grids, 1]) / num_grids == r.T *
        np.ones([num_samples, 1]) / num_samples, t >= 0, r >= 0
    err = np.trace(yyt) - 2 * cvx.trace(t * xyt)
    for i in range(num_grids):
        err += cvx.quad_form(t[i], xxt)
    # for i in range(num_centers):
    #     err += cvx.tv(t[:,i].reshape([size,size]))
    err += cvx.trace(r * m.T)
    prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(err), constraints)

    return t.value, r.value
 def solve_relaxed_SDP(self):
     """Solve the Semi Deifnite Program and save the optimal solution."""
     density = 2 * np.sum(self.X) / (self.n * (self.n - 1))
     #alpha = min(1, (self.K**3/self.n)*np.exp(2*self.n*density))
     alpha = 1 / min(list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, self.effectifs)))
     B = cp.Variable((self.n, self.n))
     constraints = [B >> 0]
     constraints += [B == B.T]
     ones = np.ones(self.n)
     constraints += [B @ ones == ones]
     constraints += [cp.trace(B) == self.K]
     constraints += [
         B[i // self.n, i % self.n] >= 0 for i in range(self.n * self.n)
     constraints += [
         alpha - B[i // self.n, i % self.n] >= 0
         for i in range(self.n * self.n)
     prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(-cp.trace(self.X @ (self.X).T @ B)),
     self.B_relaxed = B.value
예제 #35
def variable_D_UNF_state(da, db, D, hermitian=True):
    creates a bipartite state as a variable, with the constraints for it to be D-unfaithful
    da, db:         Dimensions of the two subsystems
    D:              Dimension of unfaithfulness to satisfy
    hermitian       If True, rho and constraints are complex, if false, only real
    constraints:    list of SDP constraints for cvxpy
    rho:            cvxpy variable matrix that, when optimised over the constraints, is the state
    rho = _make_cp_matrix((da * db, da * db), hermitian)
    Na = _make_cp_matrix((da, da), hermitian)
    Nb = _make_cp_matrix((db, db), hermitian)

    constraints = [rho >> 0, cp.trace(rho) == 1, Na >> 0, Nb >> 0]
    constraints += [tensor(Na, np.eye(db)) + tensor(np.eye(da), Nb) >> rho]
    constraints += [cp.trace(Na) * np.eye(da) >> (D - 1) * Na]
    constraints += [cp.trace(Nb) * np.eye(db) >> (D - 1) * Nb]
    constraints += [cp.trace(Na) + cp.trace(Nb) == D - 1]

    return constraints, rho
예제 #36
 def test_simpler_eye_minus_inv(self):
     X = cvxpy.Variable((2, 2), pos=True)
     obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.trace(cvxpy.eye_minus_inv(X)))
     constr = [
         cvxpy.diag(X) == 0.1,
         cvxpy.hstack([X[0, 1], X[1, 0]]) == 0.1
     problem = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constr)
     problem.solve(gp=True, solver="ECOS")
                                    0.1 * np.ones((2, 2)),
     self.assertAlmostEqual(problem.value, 2.25)
예제 #37
def dnorm_problem(dim):
    # Start assembling constraints and variables.
    constraints = []
    # Make a complex variable for X.
    X = complex_var(dim ** 2, dim ** 2, "X")
    # Make complex variables for rho0 and rho1.
    rho0 = complex_var(dim, dim, "rho0")
    rho1 = complex_var(dim, dim, "rho1")
    constraints += dens(rho0, rho1)
    # Finally, add the tricky positive semidefinite constraint.
    # Since we're using column-stacking, but Watrous used row-stacking,
    # we need to swap the order in Rho0 and Rho1. This is not straightforward,
    # as CVXPY requires that the constant be the first argument. To solve this,
    # We conjugate by SWAP.
    W = qudit_swap(dim).data.todense()
    W = Complex(re=W.real, im=W.imag)
    Rho0 = conj(W, kron(np.eye(dim), rho0))
    Rho1 = conj(W, kron(np.eye(dim), rho1))
    Y = cvxpy.bmat([
        [Rho0.re, X.re,      -Rho0.im, -X.im],
        [X.re.T, Rho1.re,    X.im.T, -Rho1.im],
        [Rho0.im, X.im,      Rho0.re, X.re],
        [-X.im.T, Rho1.im,   X.re.T, Rho1.re],
    constraints += [Y >> 0]

    logger.debug("Using {} constraints.".format(len(constraints)))
    Jr = cvxpy.Parameter(dim ** 2, dim ** 2)
    Ji = cvxpy.Parameter(dim ** 2, dim ** 2)
    # The objective, however, depends on J.
    objective = cvxpy.Maximize(cvxpy.trace(
        Jr.T * X.re + Ji.T * X.im
    problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
    return problem, Jr, Ji, X, rho0, rho1
예제 #38
파일: 123.py 프로젝트: Lolik111/MyRepo
n = 20
N = 1000

C = np.random.random_sample((n, n))
C = - C.dot(C.T) + 1000 * np.eye(n)
# print(np.linalg.eigvals(C))

import cvxpy as cp

mX = cp.Symmetric(n, n)
constraints = [cp.lambda_min(mX) >= 0, cp.diag(mX) == 1]

obj = cp.Maximize(cp.trace(C * mX))
maxcut = cp.Problem(obj, constraints).solve()

# print(mX.value)

data = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N):
    X = np.matrix(np.random.randint(0, 2, n) * 2 - 1).T
    data[i] = X.T.dot(C).dot(X)[0][0]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 5])

plt.plot(data, 'bo', markersize=1)
plt.plot([maxcut], 'ro')
plt.plot([maxcut for i in range(N)], 'ro', markersize=0.2)

예제 #39
파일: gatetools.py 프로젝트: pyGSTio/pyGSTi
def diamonddist(A, B, mxBasis='gm', dimOrStateSpaceDims=None):
    Returns the approximate diamond norm describing the difference between gate
    matrices A and B given by :

      D = ||A - B ||_diamond = sup_rho || AxI(rho) - BxI(rho) ||_1

    A, B : numpy array
        The *gate* matrices to use when computing the diamond norm.

    mxBasis : {"std","gm","pp"}, optional
        the basis of the gate matrices A and B : standard (matrix units),
        Gell-Mann, or Pauli-product, respectively.

    dimOrStateSpaceDims : int or list of ints, optional
        Structure of the density-matrix space, which further specifies the basis
        of gateMx (see BasisTools).

       Diamond norm

    #currently cvxpy is only needed for this function, so don't import until here
    import cvxpy as _cvxpy

    # This SDP implementation is a modified version of Kevin's code

    #Compute the diamond norm

    #Uses the primal SDP from arXiv:1207.5726v2, Sec 3.2

    #Maximize 1/2 ( < J(phi), X > + < J(phi).dag, X.dag > )
    #Subject to  [[ I otimes rho0, X],
    #            [X.dag, I otimes rho1]] >> 0
    #              rho0, rho1 are density matrices
    #              X is linear operator

    #Jamiolkowski representation of the process
    #  J(phi) = sum_ij Phi(Eij) otimes Eij

    #< A, B > = Tr(A.dag B)

    #def vec(matrix_in):
    #    # Stack the columns of a matrix to return a vector
    #    return _np.transpose(matrix_in).flatten()
    #def unvec(vector_in):
    #    # Slice a vector into columns of a matrix
    #    d = int(_np.sqrt(vector_in.size))
    #    return _np.transpose(vector_in.reshape( (d,d) ))

    dim = A.shape[0]
    smallDim = int(_np.sqrt(dim))
    assert(dim == A.shape[1] == B.shape[0] == B.shape[1])

    #Code below assumes *un-normalized* Jamiol-isomorphism, so multiply by density mx dimension
    JAstd = smallDim * _jam.jamiolkowski_iso(A, mxBasis, "std", dimOrStateSpaceDims)
    JBstd = smallDim * _jam.jamiolkowski_iso(B, mxBasis, "std", dimOrStateSpaceDims)

    #CHECK: Kevin's jamiolowski, which implements the un-normalized isomorphism:
    #  smallDim * _jam.jamiolkowski_iso(M, "std", "std")
    #def kevins_jamiolkowski(process, representation = 'superoperator'):
    #    # Return the Choi-Jamiolkowski representation of a quantum process
    #    # Add methods as necessary to accept different representations
    #    process = _np.array(process)
    #    if representation == 'superoperator':
    #        # Superoperator is the linear operator acting on vec(rho)
    #        dimension = int(_np.sqrt(process.shape[0]))
    #        print "dim = ",dimension
    #        jamiolkowski_matrix = _np.zeros([dimension**2, dimension**2], dtype='complex')
    #        for i in range(dimension**2):
    #            Ei_vec= _np.zeros(dimension**2)
    #            Ei_vec[i] = 1
    #            output = unvec(_np.dot(process,Ei_vec))
    #            tmp = _np.kron(output, unvec(Ei_vec))
    #            print "E%d = \n" % i,unvec(Ei_vec)
    #            #print "contrib =",_np.kron(output, unvec(Ei_vec))
    #            jamiolkowski_matrix += tmp
    #        return jamiolkowski_matrix
    #JAstd_kev = jamiolkowski(A)
    #JBstd_kev = jamiolkowski(B)
    #print "diff A = ",_np.linalg.norm(JAstd_kev/2.0-JAstd)
    #print "diff B = ",_np.linalg.norm(JBstd_kev/2.0-JBstd)

    #Kevin's function: def diamondnorm( jamiolkowski_matrix ):
    jamiolkowski_matrix = JBstd-JAstd

    # Here we define a bunch of auxiliary matrices because CVXPY doesn't use complex numbers

    K = jamiolkowski_matrix.real # J.real
    L = jamiolkowski_matrix.imag # J.imag

    Y = _cvxpy.Variable(dim, dim) # X.real
    Z = _cvxpy.Variable(dim, dim) # X.imag

    sig0 = _cvxpy.Variable(smallDim,smallDim) # rho0.real
    sig1 = _cvxpy.Variable(smallDim,smallDim) # rho1.real
    tau0 = _cvxpy.Variable(smallDim,smallDim) # rho1.imag
    tau1 = _cvxpy.Variable(smallDim,smallDim) # rho1.imag

    ident = _np.identity(smallDim, 'd')

    objective = _cvxpy.Maximize( _cvxpy.trace( K.T * Y + L.T * Z) )
    constraints = [ _cvxpy.bmat( [
                        [ _cvxpy.kron(ident, sig0), Y, -_cvxpy.kron(ident, tau0), -Z],
                        [ Y.T, _cvxpy.kron(ident, sig1), Z.T, -_cvxpy.kron(ident, tau1)],
                        [ _cvxpy.kron(ident, tau0), Z, _cvxpy.kron(ident, sig0), Y],
                        [ -Z.T, _cvxpy.kron(ident, tau1), Y.T, _cvxpy.kron(ident, sig1)]] ) >> 0,
                    _cvxpy.bmat( [[sig0, -tau0],
                           [tau0,  sig0]] ) >> 0,
                    _cvxpy.bmat( [[sig1, -tau1],
                           [tau1,  sig1]] ) >> 0,
                    sig0 == sig0.T,
                    sig1 == sig1.T,
                    tau0 == -tau0.T,
                    tau1 == -tau1.T,
                    _cvxpy.trace(sig0) == 1.,
                    _cvxpy.trace(sig1) == 1. ]

    prob = _cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
#    try:
#        prob.solve(solver="ECOS")
#       prob.solve(solver="SCS")#This always fails
#    except:
#        return -1
    return prob.value
예제 #40
def dens(*rhos):
    return pos(*rhos) + [
        cvxpy.trace(rho.re) == 1
        for rho in rhos
예제 #41
    def test_admm(self):
        """Test ADMM algorithm.
        X = Variable((10,5))
        B = np.reshape(np.arange(50), (10,5))*1.
        prox_fns = [sum_squares(X, b=B)]
        sltn = admm.solve(prox_fns, [], 1.0, eps_abs=1e-4, eps_rel=1e-4)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, B, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn, 0)

        prox_fns = [norm1(X, b=B, beta=2)]
        sltn = admm.solve(prox_fns, [], 1.0)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, B/2., places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn, 0)

        prox_fns = [norm1(X), sum_squares(X, b=B)]
        sltn = admm.solve(prox_fns, [], 1.0, eps_rel=1e-5, eps_abs=1e-5)

        cvx_X = cvx.Variable(10, 5)
        cost = cvx.sum_squares(cvx_X - B) + cvx.norm(cvx_X, 1)
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cost))
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn, prob.value)

        psi_fns, omega_fns = admm.partition(prox_fns)
        sltn = admm.solve(psi_fns, omega_fns, 1.0, eps_rel=1e-5, eps_abs=1e-5)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn, prob.value)

        prox_fns = [norm1(X)]
        quad_funcs = [sum_squares(X, b=B)]
        sltn = admm.solve(prox_fns, quad_funcs, 1.0, eps_rel=1e-5, eps_abs=1e-5)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn, prob.value)

        # With parameters for sum_squares
        prox_fns = [norm1(X)]
        quad_funcs = [sum_squares(X, b=B, alpha=0.1, beta=2., gamma=1, c=B)]
        sltn = admm.solve(prox_fns, quad_funcs, 1.0, eps_rel=1e-5, eps_abs=1e-5)

        cvx_X = cvx.Variable(10, 5)
        cost = 0.1*cvx.sum_squares(2*cvx_X - B) + cvx.sum_squares(cvx_X) + \
               cvx.norm(cvx_X, 1) + cvx.trace(B.T*cvx_X)
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cost))
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn, prob.value, places=3)

        prox_fns = [norm1(X)]
        quad_funcs = [sum_squares(X - B, alpha=0.1, beta=2., gamma=1, c=B)]
        quad_funcs[0] = absorb_offset(quad_funcs[0])
        sltn = admm.solve(prox_fns, quad_funcs, 1.0, eps_rel=1e-5, eps_abs=1e-5)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sltn, prob.value, places=3)

        prox_fns = [norm1(X)]
        cvx_X = cvx.Variable(10, 5)
        # With linear operators.
        kernel = np.array([1,2,3])
        x = Variable(3)
        b = np.array([-41,413,2])
        prox_fns = [nonneg(x), sum_squares(conv(kernel, x), b=b)]
        sltn = admm.solve(prox_fns, [], 1.0, eps_abs=1e-5, eps_rel=1e-5)

        kernel_mat = np.matrix("2 1 3; 3 2 1; 1 3 2")
        cvx_X = cvx.Variable(3)
        cost = cvx.norm(kernel_mat*cvx_X - b)
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cost), [cvx_X >= 0])
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sqrt(sltn), prob.value, places=2)

        prox_fns = [nonneg(x)]
        quad_funcs = [sum_squares(conv(kernel, x), b=b)]
        sltn = admm.solve(prox_fns, quad_funcs, 1.0, eps_abs=1e-5, eps_rel=1e-5)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x.value, cvx_X.value, places=2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sqrt(sltn), prob.value, places=2)