tid_val = args.tid_val app_id = args.app_id app_secret = args.app_secret API = CyAPI(tid_val, app_id, app_secret, args.region) else: print("[-] Must provide valid token information") exit(-1) API.create_conn() # use-case it to import csv and add hashes to globalquarantinelist import pandas as pd #modify filename as needed df = pd.read_csv("GlobalQuarantine_20201203.csv") for index, row in df.iterrows(): #print content of each row in column "SHA256 HASH" print(row["SHA256 Hash"]) #edit comment as needed #edit column name according to csv API.add_to_global_list("quarantine", "import from old tenant", row["SHA256 Hash"], category="None")
elif args.tid_val and args.app_id and args.app_secret: tid_val = args.tid_val app_id = args.app_id app_secret = args.app_secret API = CyAPI(tid_val, app_id, app_secret, args.region) else: print("[-] Must provide valid token information") exit(-1) if not args.force: print("[+] Listing all Trusted Local threats in your environment") else: print( "[+] Globally Safelisting all Trusted Local threats in your environment" ) API.create_conn() threats = API.get_threats() tl_threats = [] for threat in threats: if "Trusted" == threat.get('classification') and "Local" == threat.get( 'sub_classification'): tl_threats.append(threat) for threat in tl_threats: if args.force: API.add_to_global_list("safe", "Trusted Local", threat.get('sha256')) else: pprint(threat)