def __findLocation(self, hsplSet, landscape): """ Finds a suitable plug-in and location for the HSPL refinement. @param hsplSet: The HSPL set to use. @param landscape: The landscape. @return: The plug-in and IT resource identifier, or [None, None] if nobody is useful. What a shame. """ plugins = set() identifiers = set() hsplAction = hsplSet.findtext("{%s}hspl/{%s}action" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) for i in self.pluginManager.getPluginsOfCategory("Action"): pluginAction = i.details.get("Core", "Action") pluginCapabilities = set( re.split("\s*,\s*", i.details.get("Core", "Capabilities"))) if hsplAction == pluginAction: for identifier, capabilities in landscape.items(): if pluginCapabilities.issubset(capabilities): plugins.add(i) identifiers.add(identifier) # Picks a random plug-in. if len(plugins) == 0: plugin = None else: plugin = random.sample(plugins, 1)[0] # Picks a random identifier. if len(identifiers) == 0: identifier = None else: identifier = random.sample(identifiers, 1)[0] return [plugin, identifier]
def __getHash(self, hspl): """ Retrieves the constant hash of an HSPL. @param hspls: The HSPL. @return: The constant hash of the HSPL. """ subject = hspl.find("{%s}subject" % getHSPLNamespace()) action = hspl.find("{%s}action" % getHSPLNamespace()) trafficConstraints = hspl.find("{%s}traffic-constraints" % getHSPLNamespace()) h = 1 h = 37 * h + hash(etree.tostring(subject)) h = 37 * h + hash(etree.tostring(action)) h = 37 * h + hash(etree.tostring(trafficConstraints)) return h
def remove(self, hspl): """ Removes an HSPL from the map. @param hspl: The HSPL to remove. """ hsplObject = hspl.findtext("{%s}object" % getHSPLNamespace()) m = re.match("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", hsplObject) if m: key = self.__getHash(hspl) address = ip_network( port = if port == "any": port = "*" prefixLength = address.prefixlen number = int(address.network_address) mapPrefixes = self.__map[key] for i in range(0, prefixLength + 1): if i in mapPrefixes: mapAddresses = mapPrefixes[i] n = (number >> (32 - i)) << (32 - i) if n in mapAddresses: mapPort = mapAddresses[n] if port in mapPort: mapPort[port].remove(hspl) if port != "*" and "*" in mapPort: mapPort["*"].remove(hspl) if hspl in self.__hspls: self.__hspls.remove(hspl)
def find(self, hspl, forcePrefixLength=None, forceAnyPort=False): """ Finds all the inclusions of a HSPLs. @param hspl: The HSPL to search for the inclusions. @param forcePrefixLength: The prefix length to use for the search or None to use the HSPL prefix length. @param forceAnyPort: A value stating if we want to force an any port address or keep the original value. @return: The set of HSPLs included by the passed HSPL. """ inclusions = set() hsplObject = hspl.findtext("{%s}object" % getHSPLNamespace()) m = re.match("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", hsplObject) if m: key = self.__getHash(hspl) address = ip_network( port = if port == "any" or forceAnyPort: port = "*" if forcePrefixLength is not None: prefixLength = forcePrefixLength else: prefixLength = address.prefixlen number = int(address.network_address) if key in self.__map: mapPrefixes = self.__map[key] mapAddresses = mapPrefixes[prefixLength] n = (number >> (32 - prefixLength)) << (32 - prefixLength) if n in mapAddresses: mapPort = mapAddresses[n] if port in mapPort: inclusions.update(mapPort[port]) return inclusions
def add(self, hspl): """ Adds a new HSPL to the map. @param hspl: The HSPL to add. """ hsplObject = hspl.findtext("{%s}object" % getHSPLNamespace()) m = re.match("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", hsplObject) if m: key = self.__getHash(hspl) address = ip_network( port = prefixLength = address.prefixlen number = int(address.network_address) if key not in self.__map: self.__map[key] = {} mapPrefixes = self.__map[key] for i in range(0, prefixLength + 1): if i not in mapPrefixes: mapPrefixes[i] = {} mapAddresses = mapPrefixes[i] n = (number >> (32 - i)) << (32 - i) if n not in mapAddresses: mapAddresses[n] = {} mapPort = mapAddresses[n] if "*" not in mapPort: mapPort["*"] = set() mapPort["*"].add(hspl) if port not in mapPort: mapPort[port] = set() mapPort[port].add(hspl) self.__hspls.add(hspl)
def __cleanAndMerge(self, recommendations): """ Polish an HSPL set by removing the duplicate HSPLs and merging them together, if needed. We only work on the objects. @param recommendations: The HSPL recommendations set to use. @return: The cleaned HSPL set. """ hsplMergeInclusions = int( self.configParser.getboolean("global", "hsplMergeInclusions")) hsplMergeWithAnyPorts = int( self.configParser.getboolean("global", "hsplMergeWithAnyPorts")) hsplMergeWithSubnets = int( self.configParser.getboolean("global", "hsplMergeWithSubnets")) if not hsplMergeInclusions and not hsplMergeWithAnyPorts and not hsplMergeWithSubnets: return recommendations count = 0 for hsplSet in recommendations: # Pass 0: create the map. hsplMap = HSPLMap() for i in hsplSet: if i.tag == "{%s}hspl" % getHSPLNamespace(): hsplMap.add(i) # Pass 1: removes the included HSPLs. if hsplMergeInclusions: includedHSPLs = self.__mergeInclusions(hsplSet, hsplMap) if includedHSPLs > 1: LOG.debug("%d included HSPLs removed for the HSPL set %d.", includedHSPLs, count) else: LOG.debug("%d included HSPL removed for the HSPL set %d.", includedHSPLs, count) # Pass 2: merges the IP address using * as the port number. if hsplMergeWithAnyPorts: mergedHSPLs = self.__mergeWithAnyPorts(hsplSet, hsplMap) if mergedHSPLs > 1: LOG.debug( "%d HSPLs merged using any ports for the HSPL set %d.", mergedHSPLs, count) else: LOG.debug( "%d HSPL merged using any port for the HSPL set %d.", mergedHSPLs, count) # Pass 3: merges the HSPLs, if needed. if hsplMergeWithSubnets: mergedHSPLs = self.__mergeWithSubnets(hsplSet, hsplMap) if mergedHSPLs > 1: LOG.debug( "%d HSPLs merged using subnets for the HSPL set %d.", mergedHSPLs, count) else: LOG.debug( "%d HSPL merged using subnets for the HSPL set %d.", mergedHSPLs, count) return recommendations
def _doObjectTest(self, attackFile, landscapeFile, maximumHSPLs, expectedObjects): """ Tests the HSPL generation. @param attackFile: The attack file to read. @param maximumHSPLs: The maximum number of HSPLs. @param landscapeFile: The CSF file to read. @param expectedObjects: The list of expected objects. """ cyberTop = CyberTop(getTestFilePath("cybertop.cfg"), getTestFilePath("logging.ini")) r = cyberTop.getMSPLsFromFile(getTestFilePath(attackFile), getTestFilePath(landscapeFile)) self.assertIsNotNone(r) [recommendation, _] = r for hsplSet in recommendation: objects = hsplSet.findall("{%s}hspl/{%s}object" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) self.assertLessEqual(len(objects), maximumHSPLs) for i in range(len(objects)): self.assertIn(objects[i].text, expectedObjects)
def __mergeWithSubnets(self, hsplSet, hsplMap): """ Merges together several HSPLs by using subnets. @param hsplSet: The HSPL set to edit. @return: The number of merged HSPLs removed. """ hsplMergingThreshold = int( self.configParser.get("global", "hsplMergingThreshold")) hsplMergingMinBits = int( self.configParser.get("global", "hsplMergingMinBits")) hsplMergingMaxBits = int( self.configParser.get("global", "hsplMergingMaxBits")) bits = hsplMergingMinBits merged = set() while len(hsplMap.getHSPLs() ) > hsplMergingThreshold and bits >= hsplMergingMaxBits: hspls = set() mergedHSPLs = [] for i in hsplMap.getHSPLs(): if i not in hspls: inclusions = hsplMap.find(i, bits, True) if len(inclusions) > 1: mergedHSPLs.append(inclusions) hspls.update(inclusions) for i in mergedHSPLs: s = set(i) first = s.pop() firstObject = first.find("{%s}object" % getHSPLNamespace()) m = re.match("((\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", firstObject.text) address = ip_address( number = int(address) n = (number >> (32 - bits)) << (32 - bits) firstObject.text = "%s/%d:*" % (ip_address(n), bits) for j in s: hsplMap.remove(j) hsplSet.remove(j) merged.update(s) bits -= 1 return len(merged)
def __checkIncludedHSPLs(self, hspl1, hspl2): """ Checks if the first HSPLs includes the second one. @param hspl1: The first HSPL. @param hspl2: The second HSPL. @return: True if the two HSPLs are equivalent or the first HSPL include the second one, False otherwise. """ subject1 = hspl1.findtext("{%s}subject" % getHSPLNamespace()) subject2 = hspl2.findtext("{%s}subject" % getHSPLNamespace()) action1 = hspl1.findtext("{%s}action" % getHSPLNamespace()) action2 = hspl2.findtext("{%s}action" % getHSPLNamespace()) object1 = hspl1.findtext("{%s}object" % getHSPLNamespace()) object2 = hspl2.findtext("{%s}object" % getHSPLNamespace()) trafficConstraints1 = hspl1.find("{%s}traffic-constraints" % getHSPLNamespace()) trafficConstraints2 = hspl2.find("{%s}traffic-constraints" % getHSPLNamespace()) m1 = re.match("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", object1) m2 = re.match("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", object2) objectCheck = False if m1 and m2: address1 = ip_network( address2 = ip_network( n1 = int(address1.network_address) >> (32 - address1.prefixlen) n2 = int(address2.network_address) >> (32 - address1.prefixlen) port1 = port2 = if n1 == n2 and (port1 == port2 or port1 == "*" or port1 == "any"): objectCheck = True if subject1 == subject2 and action1 == action2 and objectCheck and self.__checkEqualXML( trafficConstraints1, trafficConstraints2): return True return False
def __mergeWithAnyPorts(self, hsplSet, hsplMap): """ Merges together several HSPLs by using * as a port. @param hsplSet: The HSPL set to edit. @return: The number of merged HSPLs removed. """ hsplMergingThreshold = int( self.configParser.get("global", "hsplMergingThreshold")) if len(hsplSet) <= hsplMergingThreshold: return 0 hspls = set() mergedHSPLs = [] for i in hsplMap.getHSPLs(): if i not in hspls: inclusions = hsplMap.find(i, None, True) if len(inclusions) > 1: mergedHSPLs.append(inclusions) hspls.update(inclusions) for i in mergedHSPLs: s = set(i) first = s.pop() firstObject = first.find("{%s}object" % getHSPLNamespace()) m = re.match("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", firstObject.text) address = firstObject.text = "%s:*" % address for j in s: hsplMap.remove(j) if j in hsplSet: hsplSet.remove(j) return len(hspls) - len(mergedHSPLs)
def _doHSPLTest(self, attackFile, landscapeFile, expectedCount, expectedProtocols, expectedActions, expectedSubjects=None, expectedObjectPorts=None): """ Tests the HSPL generation. @param attackFile: The attack file to read. @param landscapeFile: The CSF file to read. @param expectedCount: The number of expected recommendation. @param expectedProtocols: The expected protocol list. @param expectedActions: The expected actions list. @param expectedSubjects: The expected subject list or None if this test must be skipped. @param expectedObjectPorts: The expected object port list or None if this test must be skipped. """ cyberTop = CyberTop(getTestFilePath("cybertop.cfg"), getTestFilePath("logging.ini")) r = cyberTop.getMSPLsFromFile(getTestFilePath(attackFile), getTestFilePath(landscapeFile)) self.assertIsNotNone(r) [recommendation, _] = r self.assertEqual(expectedCount, len(recommendation)) for hsplSet in recommendation: good = True protocols = hsplSet.findall( "{%s}hspl/{%s}traffic-constraints/{%s}type" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) if len(protocols) != len(expectedProtocols): good = False continue p1 = [] for i in protocols: p1.append(i.text) p1 = sorted(p1) p2 = sorted(expectedProtocols) for i in range(len(protocols)): if p1[i] != p2[i]: good = False actions = hsplSet.findall("{%s}hspl/{%s}action" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) objects = hsplSet.findall("{%s}hspl/{%s}object" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) subjects = hsplSet.findall( "{%s}hspl/{%s}subject" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) self.assertEqual(len(actions), len(expectedActions)) for i in range(len(actions)): if actions[i].text != expectedActions[i]: good = False if expectedSubjects is not None: if len(subjects) != len(expectedSubjects): good = False for i in range(0, len(subjects)): if subjects[i].text != expectedSubjects[i]: good = False if expectedObjectPorts is not None: if len(objects) != len(expectedObjectPorts): good = False for i in range(0, len(objects)): parts = objects[i].text.split(":") if len(parts) != 2: good = False if parts[1] != expectedObjectPorts[i]: good = False if good: return"No HSPL set respect the expectations!")
def getMSPLs(self, hsplRecommendations, landscape, anomaly_name): """ Retrieve the HSPLs that can be used to mitigate an attack. @param recommendations: The HSPL recommendations to use. @param landscape: The landscape. @return: The XML MSPL set that can mitigate the attack. It is None if no HSPL is available. @raise SyntaxError: When the generated XML is not valid. """ if hsplRecommendations is None: return None schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(getMSPLXSDFile())) recommendations = etree.Element("{%s}recommendations" % getMSPLNamespace(), nsmap={ None: getMSPLNamespace(), "xsi": getXSINamespace() }) for hsplSet in hsplRecommendations: msplSet = etree.SubElement(recommendations, "{%s}mspl-set" % getMSPLNamespace(), nsmap={ None: getMSPLNamespace(), "xsi": getXSINamespace() }) # Gather some data about the recipe. msplSeverity = hsplSet.findtext( "{%s}context/{%s}severity" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) msplType = hsplSet.findtext( "{%s}context/{%s}type" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) msplTimestamp = hsplSet.findtext( "{%s}context/{%s}timestamp" % (getHSPLNamespace(), getHSPLNamespace())) # Adds the context. context = etree.SubElement(msplSet, "{%s}context" % getMSPLNamespace()) etree.SubElement(context, "{%s}severity" % getMSPLNamespace()).text = msplSeverity #etree.SubElement(context, "{%s}type" % getMSPLNamespace()).text = msplType etree.SubElement(context, "{%s}type" % getMSPLNamespace()).text = anomaly_name etree.SubElement(context, "{%s}timestamp" % getMSPLNamespace()).text = msplTimestamp # Finds a plug-in that can create a configured IT resource. [plugin, identifier] = self.__findLocation(hsplSet, landscape) plugin.plugin_object.setup(self.configParser)"Check if VNSFO API call (experimental) is enabled") # Check if VNSFO is integrated to recommendations engine vnsfo_integration = self.configParser.getboolean( "vnsfo", "enable_vnsfo_api_call") if vnsfo_integration: # Creates the IT resource."Experimental: contact vNSFO API") vnsfo_base_url = self.configParser.get("vnsfo", "vnsfo_base_url") vnsfo_timeout = int( self.configParser.get("vnsfo", "vnsfo_timeout")) if not vnsfo_base_url:"VNSFO base URL empty. Fallback to stable.") else:"Retrieving VNSF running ID for: " + identifier) vnfr_id = retrieve_vnsfr_id(vnsfo_base_url, identifier, anomaly_name, vnsfo_timeout) if vnfr_id:"VNSF running ID is: " + vnfr_id) identifier = vnfr_id else:"Stable solution selected.") itResource = etree.SubElement( msplSet, "{%s}it-resource" % getMSPLNamespace(), {"id": identifier}) # Calls the plug-in to configure the IT resource. plugin.plugin_object.configureITResource(itResource, hsplSet) if schema.validate(recommendations): LOG.debug( etree.tostring(recommendations, pretty_print=True).decode()) return recommendations else: LOG.critical("Invalid MSPL recommendations generated.") raise SyntaxError("Invalid MSPL recommendations generated.")
def getHSPLs(self, attack, recipes, landscape): """ Retrieve the HSPLs that can be used to mitigate an attack. @param attack: The attack to mitigate. @param recipes: The recipes to use. @param landscape: The landscape. @return: The XML HSPL set that can mitigate the attack. It is None if no recipe is available. @raise SyntaxError: When the generated XML is not valid. """ if recipes is None: return None schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(getHSPLXSDFile())) recommendations = etree.Element("{%s}recommendations" % getHSPLNamespace(), nsmap={ None: getHSPLNamespace(), "xsi": getXSINamespace() }) for recipe in recipes: hsplSet = etree.SubElement(recommendations, "{%s}hspl-set" % getHSPLNamespace(), nsmap={ None: getHSPLNamespace(), "xsi": getXSINamespace() }) # Gather some data about the recipe. recipeName = recipe.findtext("{%s}name" % getRecipeNamespace()) recipeAction = recipe.findtext("{%s}action" % getRecipeNamespace()) recipeSubjectAnyAddress = recipe.findtext( "{%s}subject-constraints/{%s}any-address" % (getRecipeNamespace(), getRecipeNamespace())) recipeSubjectAnyPort = recipe.findtext( "{%s}subject-constraints/{%s}any-port" % (getRecipeNamespace(), getRecipeNamespace())) recipeObjectAnyAddress = recipe.findtext( "{%s}object-constraints/{%s}any-address" % (getRecipeNamespace(), getRecipeNamespace())) recipeObjectAnyPort = recipe.findtext( "{%s}object-constraints/{%s}any-port" % (getRecipeNamespace(), getRecipeNamespace())) recipeType = recipe.findtext( "{%s}traffic-constraints/{%s}type" % (getRecipeNamespace(), getRecipeNamespace())) recipeMaxConnections = recipe.findtext( "{%s}traffic-constraints/{%s}max-connections" % (getRecipeNamespace(), getRecipeNamespace())) recipeRateLimit = recipe.findtext( "{%s}traffic-constraints/{%s}rate-limit" % (getRecipeNamespace(), getRecipeNamespace())) # Adds the context. context = etree.SubElement(hsplSet, "{%s}context" % getHSPLNamespace()) etree.SubElement(context, "{%s}severity" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = str(attack.severity) etree.SubElement(context, "{%s}type" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = attack.type etree.SubElement( context, "{%s}timestamp" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = attack.getTimestamp().isoformat() # Filters the events. events = [] recipeFilters = recipe.find("{%s}filters" % getRecipeNamespace()) evaluation = "or" if recipeFilters is None: events = else: if "evaluation" in recipeFilters.attrib.keys(): evaluation = recipeFilters.attrib["evaluation"] for i in if evaluation == "or": test = False else: test = True for j in self.pluginManager.getPluginsOfCategory("Filter"): pluginTag = j.details.get("Core", "Tag") filterValues = recipeFilters.findall( "{%s}%s" % (getRecipeNamespace(), pluginTag)) for k in filterValues: t = j.plugin_object.filter(k.text, i) if evaluation == "or": test = test or t else: test = test and t if not test: events.append(i) # Adds an HSPL for each event. count = 0 for i in events: count += 1 hspl = etree.SubElement(hsplSet, "{%s}hspl" % getHSPLNamespace()) etree.SubElement( hspl, "{%s}name" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = "%s #%d" % (recipeName, count) m = re.match("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", targetAddress = targetPort = if recipeSubjectAnyAddress is not None: targetAddress = "*" if recipeSubjectAnyPort is not None: targetPort = "*" etree.SubElement( hspl, "{%s}subject" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = "%s:%s" % (targetAddress, targetPort) etree.SubElement(hspl, "{%s}action" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = recipeAction m = re.match("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?)(:(\d+|\*|any))?", i.attacker) attackerAddress = attackerPort = if recipeObjectAnyAddress is not None: attackerAddress = "*" if recipeObjectAnyPort is not None: attackerPort = "*" etree.SubElement( hspl, "{%s}object" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = "%s:%s" % (attackerAddress, attackerPort) trafficConstraints = etree.SubElement( hspl, "{%s}traffic-constraints" % getHSPLNamespace()) if recipeType is not None: eventType = recipeType else: eventType = i.fields["protocol"] etree.SubElement(trafficConstraints, "{%s}type" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = eventType if eventType == "TCP" and recipeMaxConnections is not None: etree.SubElement( trafficConstraints, "{%s}max-connections" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = recipeMaxConnections if recipeRateLimit is not None: etree.SubElement(trafficConstraints, "{%s}rate-limit" % getHSPLNamespace()).text = recipeRateLimit LOG.debug(etree.tostring(recommendations, pretty_print=True).decode()) if schema.validate(recommendations): return self.__cleanAndMerge(recommendations) else: LOG.critical("Invalid HSPL recommendations generated.") raise SyntaxError("Invalid HSPL recommendations generated.")