def test_rose_fileinstall_exception(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    def broken():
        raise FileNotFoundError('Any Old Error')

    import os
    monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'getcwd', broken)
    (tmp_path / 'rose-suite.conf').touch()
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        rose_fileinstall(srcdir=tmp_path, rundir=tmp_path)
def test_functional_rose_database_dumped_correctly(tmp_path):
    srcdir = (tmp_path / 'srcdir')
    rundir = (tmp_path / 'rundir')
    for dir_ in [srcdir, rundir]:
    (srcdir / 'rose-suite.conf').touch()  # sidestep test for conf existance
    (rundir / 'nicest_work_of.nature').touch()
    (rundir /
    (rundir / 'cylc.flow').touch()
    rose_fileinstall(srcdir=srcdir, rundir=rundir)

    assert (rundir / '.rose-config_processors-file.db').is_file()
def test_functional_rose_database_dumped_errors(tmp_path):
    srcdir = (tmp_path / 'srcdir')
    (srcdir / 'nicest_work_of.nature').touch()
    (srcdir /
    (srcdir / 'cylc.flow').touch()
    assert rose_fileinstall(srcdir=Path('/this/path/goes/nowhere')) is False
def test_functional_record_cylc_install_options(monkeypatch, tmp_path, opts,
                                                files, env_inserts):
    """It works the way the proposal says it should.

    TODO: Once the the dump of the final rose-suite.conf is done then this
    should be expanded to test that too.

    # Pin down the results of the function used to provide a timestamp.
    def fake(*arg, **kwargs):
        return '18151210T0000Z'

    monkeypatch.setattr(DateTimeOperator, 'process_time_point_str', fake)

    testdir = tmp_path / 'test'
    refdir = tmp_path / 'ref'
    # Set up existing files, should these exist:
    for fname, content in files.items():
        path = tmp_path / fname
        path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # Set any environment variables we require:
    for envvar, val in env_inserts.items():
        monkeypatch.setenv(envvar, val)
    loader = ConfigLoader()

    # Run the entry point top-level function:
    rose_suite_cylc_install_node, rose_suite_opts_node = \
            rundir=testdir, opts=opts, srcdir=testdir
    rose_fileinstall(rundir=testdir, opts=opts, srcdir=testdir)
    ritems = sorted([i.relative_to(refdir) for i in refdir.rglob('*')])
    titems = sorted([i.relative_to(testdir) for i in testdir.rglob('*')])
    assert titems == ritems
    for counter, item in enumerate(titems):
        output = testdir / item
        reference = refdir / ritems[counter]
        if output.is_file():
def test_rose_fileinstall_uses_suite_defines(tmp_path):
    # Setup source and destination dirs, including the file ``installme``:
    srcdir = tmp_path / 'source'
    destdir = tmp_path / 'dest'
    [dir_.mkdir() for dir_ in [srcdir, destdir]]
    (destdir / 'rose-suite.conf').touch()
    (srcdir / 'rose-suite.conf').touch()
    (srcdir / 'installme').write_text('Galileo No! We will not let you go.')

    # Create an SimpleNamespace pretending to be the options:
    opts = SimpleNamespace(

    # Run both record_cylc_install options and fileinstall.
    record_cylc_install_options(opts=opts, rundir=destdir)
    rose_fileinstall(srcdir, opts, destdir)
    assert (destdir / 'installedme').read_text() == \
        'Galileo No! We will not let you go.'
def test_rose_fileinstall_no_config_in_folder():
    # It returns false if no rose-suite.conf
    assert rose_fileinstall(Path('/dev/null')) is False