예제 #1
            model.solution[basicVarInds[rowNumbers]] -= change

        changeObj = -np.dot(change, cost)
        objectiveChange[0] += changeObj

        return changeObj

def getMpsExample():
    import os
    import inspect
    import sys
    cylpDir = os.environ['CYLP_SOURCE_DIR']
    return os.path.join(cylpDir, 'cylp', 'input', 'p0033.mps')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        import doctest
        from cylp.cy import CyClpSimplex
        from cylp.py.pivots import DualDantzigPivot
        s = CyClpSimplex()
        s.readMps(sys.argv[1])  # Returns 0 if OK
        pivot = DualDantzigPivot(s)
예제 #2
파일: slp.py 프로젝트: kenjydem/SLP.py
class SLP(object):
    """"Sequential Linear Programming solver."""
    def __init__(self, model, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a SLP solver for a NLP model with `n` variables and `m` constraints.
            :model:                   a class 'NLPModel' instance


            :eta1:                   first prediction's state                                   (default: 1.0e-1)
            :eta2:                   second prediction's state                                  (default: 7.0e-1)

            :mu:                     penalty parameters for the measure of infeasability        (default: 1.0e+3)
            :minMu:                  maximum value of mu                                        (default: 1.0e+4)
            :maxMu:                  maximum value of mu                                        (default: 1.0e-1)

            :trustRadius:            initial radius of trust-region                             (default: all 5.)
            :trustRadiusIncrease:    coefficient of trust-region increasement                   (default: 10.)
            :trustRadiusDecrease:    coefficient of trust-region decreasement                   (default: 1./3)

            :major_iter:             maximum number of major iterations in SLP                  (default: max(1000,m))
            :minor_iter:             maximum number of minor iterations in LP solver            (default: max(500,3*m))
            :atol:                   stopping tolerance for Relative objective change (Rel_obj) (default: 1.0e-6)
            :nIterNoProgress:        maximum of iteration without satisfied Rel_obj<atol        (default: 10)
            :step_tol:               stopping tolerance for step norm                           (default: 1.0e-6)
            :opt_tol:                stopping tolerance for KKT                                 (default: 1.0-3)
            :feas_tol:              stopping tolerance for feasability error                    (default: 1.0-5)

            :verbose:                verbose solver                                             (default: False)
            :debug:                  Using logger                                               (default: False)

            :backtracking:           perform Armijio backtracting if step no accpeted           (default: False)
            :backtrackingSegments:   number of iteration during backtracking                    (default: 5)


        self.model = model

        self.eta1 = kwargs.get("eta1", 5.0e-1)
        self.eta2 = kwargs.get("eta2", 7.0e-1)

        self.mu = kwargs.get("mu", 1.)
        self.stored_mu_init = copy.copy(kwargs.get("mu", 1.))
        self.maxMu = kwargs.get("maxMu", 1.0e+3)

        self.trustRadius = kwargs.get("trustRadius", 10.)
        self.stored_trustradius_init = copy.copy(kwargs.get(
            "trustRadius", 10.))
        self.trustRadiusIncrease = kwargs.get("trustRadiusIncrease", 3.)
        self.trustRadiusDecrease = kwargs.get("trustRadiusDecrease", 1. / 3)

        self.major_iter = kwargs.get("major_iter", max(500, model.m))
        self.minor_iter = kwargs.get("minor_iter", max(500, 3 * model.m))

        self.feas_tol = kwargs.get(
            "feas_tol", 1.0e-6)  # Sum of violation at the optimality
        self.feas_accept = kwargs.get(
            "feas_accept", 10.0)  # Sum of violation accpetable during process
        self.step_tol = kwargs.get("step_tol",
                                   1.0e-5)  # tolerance of the step size

        self.relChange_tol = kwargs.get("relChange_tol", 1.0e-6)
        self.nIterNoProgress = kwargs.get("nIterNoProgress", 100)

        self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False)
        self.debug = kwargs.get("debug", False)

        self.backtracking = kwargs.get("backtracking", False)
        self.backtrackingSegments = kwargs.get("backtrackingSegments", 5)

        self.p_ind = np.intersect1d(model.nln, model.upperC)
        self.np_ind = len(self.p_ind)
        self.q_ind = np.intersect1d(model.nln, model.lowerC)
        self.nq_ind = len(self.q_ind)
        self.r_ind = np.intersect1d(model.nln, model.rangeC)
        self.nr_ind = len(self.r_ind)
        self.z_ind = np.intersect1d(model.nln, model.equalC)
        self.nz_ind = len(self.z_ind)

        self.nnlc = self.np_ind + self.nq_ind + self.nr_ind + self.nz_ind  # Number of elastic variables
        self.nlin = model.nlin  # Number of linear constraints

        self.header_fmt = '%3s  %12s  %7s %7s  %7s  %7s  %8s  %8s  %8s  %7s  %7s %7s %7s %7s'
        self.fmt = '%3d  %12.5e  %7.1e %7.1e  %7.1e  %7.1e  %8.1e  %8.1e  %8.1e  %7.1e  %7.1e  %7.1e %7.1e  %7.1e'

        # Setup the logger. Install a NullHandler if no output needed.
        logger_name = kwargs.get("logger_name", "slp")
        self.log = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
        self.log.propagate = False

        self.x_k = model.x0

    def initializeSubproblem(self):
        Initialize linearized subproblem

        We construct the problem such as the matrix constraints is

                                n     p    q   r   z  
        [-Lcon]               [  J    0    0   0   0 ] [x]    [Ucon]              } nlin
        [-infty]              [  J   -I    0   0   0 ] [p]    [Ucon -c(x)+J*x_k]  } np 
        [-infty]              [  -J   0   -I   0   0 ] [q]    [c(x) -Lcon- J*x_k] } nq 
        [-infty]           <= [  J    0    0   -I  0 ] [r] <= [Ucon -c(x)+J*x_k]  } nr 
        [-infty]              [  -J   0    0   -I  0 ] [z]    [c(x) -Lcon- J*x_k] } nr
        [Lcon + J*x_k -h(x)]  [  J    0    0   0   I]         [infty]             } nz 
        [- infty]             [  J    0    0   0  -I]         [Ucon + J*x_k -h(x)]} nz 

        model = self.model

        # Checking nonlinear constraints
        if model.nnln > 0:

            # Initialize coefficient objective
            pq_coefs = self.mu * np.ones(self.nnlc)
            c = np.concatenate((self.gFxk, pq_coefs))
            J_x_k = self.J_x_k

            # Initialize upper bound
            lower_bounds = np.concatenate((model.Lvar, np.zeros(self.nnlc)))

            # Initialize upper bound
            upper_bounds = np.concatenate(
                (model.Uvar, np.ones(self.nnlc) * np.inf))

            # Initialize sub-matrix constraint
            nonlinear_linearized_upper_coef = nonlinear_linearized_lower_coef = \
                nonlinear_linearized_range_coef = nonlinear_linearized_equal_coef = \
                linear_constraints = np.empty((0,model.n + self.nnlc))

            if self.np_ind > 0:
                # Initialize sub-matrix constraints for non linear upper constraints
                nonlinear_linearized_upper_coef = np.concatenate(
                    (J_x_k[self.p_ind, :], -np.eye(self.np_ind),
                               self.nq_ind + self.nr_ind + self.nz_ind))),

            if self.nq_ind > 0:
                # Initialize sub-matrix of constraints for non linear lower constraints
                nonlinear_linearized_lower_coef = np.concatenate(
                    (-J_x_k[self.q_ind, :], np.zeros(
                        (self.nq_ind, self.np_ind)), -np.eye(self.nq_ind),
                     np.zeros((self.nq_ind, self.nr_ind + self.nz_ind))),

            if self.nr_ind > 0:
                # Initialize sub-matrix of constraints for non linear range constraints
                nonlinear_linearized_range_coef = np.concatenate(
                        (J_x_k[self.r_ind, :],
                         np.zeros((self.nr_ind, self.np_ind + self.nq_ind)),
                         np.zeros((self.nr_ind, self.nz_ind))),
                         (-J_x_k[self.r_ind, :],
                          np.zeros((self.nr_ind, self.np_ind + self.nq_ind)),
                          np.zeros((self.nr_ind, self.nz_ind))),

            if self.nz_ind > 0:
                # Initialize sub-matrix of constraints for non linear equality constraints
                nonlinear_linearized_equal_coef = np.concatenate(
                        (J_x_k[self.z_ind, :],
                         np.zeros((self.nz_ind, self.np_ind + self.nq_ind +
                                   self.nr_ind)), np.eye(self.nz_ind)),
                         (J_x_k[self.z_ind, :],
                          np.zeros((self.nz_ind, self.np_ind + self.nq_ind +
                                    self.nr_ind)), -np.eye(self.nz_ind)),

            if model.nlin > 0:
                # Initialize sub-matrix for linear constraints
                linear_constraints = np.concatenate(
                    (self.J_L, np.zeros((model.nlin, self.nnlc))), axis=1)
                linear_comp = np.dot(J_x_k[model.lin, :],
                                     self.x_k) - self.cons_xk[model.lin]

            A = np.concatenate(
                (linear_constraints, nonlinear_linearized_upper_coef,

            Lcon_lin = np.concatenate(
                (model.Lcon[model.lin] + linear_comp,
                 -np.ones(self.np_ind) * np.inf, -np.ones(self.nq_ind) *
                 np.inf, -np.ones(2 * self.nr_ind) * np.inf,
                 np.zeros(self.nz_ind), -np.ones(self.nz_ind) * np.inf))

            Ucon_lin = np.concatenate(
                (model.Ucon[model.lin] + linear_comp,
                 np.zeros(self.np_ind + self.nq_ind + 2 * self.nr_ind),
                 np.ones(self.nz_ind) * np.inf, np.zeros(self.nz_ind)))

            # Problem has only linear constraint
            A = self.J_x_k
            c = self.gFxk
            linear_comp = np.dot(A, self.x_k) - self.cons_xk
            Lcon_lin = model.Lcon + linear_comp
            Ucon_lin = model.Ucon + linear_comp
            lower_bounds = model.Lvar.copy()
            upper_bounds = model.Uvar.copy()

        self.LinearModel = LPModel(c.copy(),

        self.LinearModel.Asparse = coo_matrix(A)


    def initializeSolver(self):
        Initialize linear solver to compute the step and the projection

        self.LP_solver = CyClpSimplex()
        self.LP_solver.logLevel = 0
        self.LP_solver.maxNumIteration = self.minor_iter

        A = CyCoinPackedMatrix(colOrdered=True,

        self.LP_solver.loadProblem(A, self.LinearModel.Lvar,
                                   self.LinearModel.Uvar, self.LinearModel.c,

        # Initialisation de la projection
        self.proj = CyClpSimplex()
        self.proj.logLevel = 0

        ci = np.concatenate((np.ones(self.model.n), np.zeros(self.model.n)))
        I = np.eye(self.model.n)

        if self.nlin > 0:
            A = np.vstack((np.hstack((-I, I)), np.hstack(
                (-I, -I)), np.hstack((np.zeros(self.J_L.shape), self.J_L))))

            Lcon = np.hstack((-np.inf * np.ones(2 * self.model.n),
            Ucon = np.hstack(
                (self.x_k, -self.x_k, self.model.Ucon[self.model.lin]))
            A = np.vstack((np.hstack((-I, I)), np.hstack((-I, -I))))

            Lcon = -np.inf * np.ones(2 * self.model.n)
            Ucon = np.hstack((self.x_k, -self.x_k))

        Asparse = coo_matrix(A)

        Ai = CyCoinPackedMatrix(colOrdered=True,

            Ai, np.hstack((np.zeros(self.model.n), self.model.Lvar)),
            np.hstack((np.inf * np.ones(self.model.n), self.model.Uvar)), ci,
            Lcon, Ucon)

    def updateSubproblem(self):
        Update linearized subproblem.
        Only nonlinear-constraints are updated.
        model = self.model
        x_k = self.x_k

        if model.nnln > 0:
            # Update objective subproblem
            pq_coefs = self.mu * np.ones(self.nnlc)
            self.LinearModel.c = np.concatenate((self.gFxk, pq_coefs))

            if self.np_ind > 0:
                J_x_k = self.J_x_k[self.p_ind]

                # Update constraint Matrix
                self.LinearModel.A[self.nlin:self.nlin +
                                   self.np_ind, :model.n] = J_x_k
                # Update nonlinear linearized right hand side
                self.LinearModel.Ucon[self.nlin : self.nlin + self.np_ind] = \
                            -self.cons_xk[self.p_ind] + np.dot(J_x_k,x_k) + model.Ucon[self.p_ind]

            if self.nq_ind > 0:
                J_x_k = self.J_x_k[self.q_ind]

                # Update constraint Matrix
                self.LinearModel.A[self.nlin + self.np_ind:self.nlin +
                                   self.np_ind +
                                   self.nq_ind, :model.n] = -J_x_k
                # Update nonlinear linearized right hand side
                self.LinearModel.Ucon[self.nlin+self.np_ind:self.nlin+self.np_ind+self.nq_ind] = \
                            self.cons_xk[self.q_ind] - np.dot(J_x_k,x_k) - model.Lcon[self.q_ind]

            if self.nr_ind > 0:
                J_x_k = self.J_x_k[self.r_ind]

                # Update constraint Matrix
                self.LinearModel.A[self.nlin + self.np_ind +
                                   self.nq_ind:self.nlin + self.np_ind +
                                   self.nq_ind + self.nr_ind, :model.n] = J_x_k

                self.LinearModel.A[self.nlin + self.np_ind + self.nq_ind +
                                   self.nr_ind:self.nlin + self.np_ind +
                                   self.nq_ind +
                                   2 * self.nr_ind, :model.n] = -J_x_k

                # Update nonlinear linearized right hand side
                self.LinearModel.Ucon[self.nlin+self.np_ind+self.nq_ind:self.nlin+self.np_ind+self.nq_ind+self.nr_ind] = \
                        -self.cons_xk[self.r_ind] + np.dot(J_x_k,x_k) + model.Ucon[self.r_ind]

                self.LinearModel.Ucon[self.nlin+self.np_ind+self.nq_ind+self.nr_ind:self.nlin+self.np_ind+self.nq_ind+2*self.nr_ind] = \
                        self.cons_xk[self.r_ind] - np.dot(J_x_k,x_k) - model.Lcon[self.r_ind]

            if self.nz_ind > 0:
                J_x_k = self.J_x_k[self.z_ind]

                # Update constraint Matrix
                self.LinearModel.A[self.nlin + self.np_ind + self.nq_ind +
                                   2 * self.nr_ind:self.nlin + self.np_ind +
                                   self.nq_ind + 2 * self.nr_ind +
                                   2 * self.nz_ind, :model.n] = np.concatenate(
                                       (J_x_k, J_x_k))

                # Update nonlinear linearized right hand side
                rhs = np.dot(
                    x_k) - self.cons_xk[self.z_ind] + model.Lcon[self.z_ind]

                self.LinearModel.Lcon[self.nlin + self.np_ind + self.nq_ind +
                                      2 * self.nr_ind:self.nlin + self.np_ind +
                                      self.nq_ind + 2 * self.nr_ind +
                                      self.nz_ind] = rhs
                self.LinearModel.Ucon[self.nlin + self.np_ind + self.nq_ind +
                                      2 * self.nr_ind + self.nz_ind:self.nlin +
                                      self.np_ind + self.nq_ind +
                                      2 * self.nr_ind + 2 * self.nz_ind] = rhs

            # Update sparse matrix
            self.LP_solver.coefMatrix = csc_matrix(self.LinearModel.A)

            # Only linear constraint
            self.LinearModel.c = self.gFxk

        # Update bound constraints (commun for all configuration)
        self.LinearModel.Lvar[:model.n] = np.maximum(model.Lvar,
                                                     x_k - self.trustRadius)
        self.LinearModel.Uvar[:model.n] = np.minimum(model.Uvar,
                                                     x_k + self.trustRadius)


    def findStep(self):
        Solve subproblem linearized and return the potential solution x_trial
        with CyLP

        returnMessage = self.LP_solver.dual(startFinishOptions='x')
        if returnMessage not in ['optimal']:
            return self.x_k

        if self.model.nnln > 0:
            self.elastic_sol = self.LP_solver.primalVariableSolution[self.

        return self.LP_solver.primalVariableSolution[:self.model.n]

    def projection(self):
        Solve projection to find feasible solution in linear constraints

        if self.nlin > 0:

            Lcon = np.hstack((-np.inf * np.ones(2 * self.model.n),
            Ucon = np.hstack(
                (self.x_k, -self.x_k, self.model.Ucon[self.model.lin]))

            self.proj.setRowUpperArray(np.hstack((self.x_k, -self.x_k)))

        returnMessage = self.proj.dual(startFinishOptions='x')
        self.x_k = self.proj.primalVariableSolution[self.model.n:]


    def evaluateFunction(self, x):
        Compute the penality function at x

        if x is self.x_k:
            ret = self.Fxk
            ret = self.Fx_trial
        if self.model.nnln > 0:
            ret += self.mu * self.getInfeasibility(x)
        return ret

    def originalFunctionChange(self):
        Compute the difference of penality function between x_k and x_trial

        ret = self.Fxk - self.Fx_trial
        if self.model.nnln > 0:
            self.infeasibilityChange = self.inf_x_k - self.inf_x_trial
            ret += self.mu * self.infeasibilityChange
        return ret

    def getInfeasibility(self, x):
        Return the sum of infeasibilities in the nonlinear constraints
        if x is self.x_k:
            c = self.cons_xk
            c = self.cons_x_trial

        zeros = np.zeros(self.model.m)

        return np.sum(
            np.maximum(zeros, c - self.model.Ucon) +
            np.maximum(zeros, self.model.Lcon - c))

    def getLinearInfeasibility(self, x):
        Return the sum of infeasibilities in the linear constraints and bounds
        # Compute infeasibilities from the bounds
        zeros = np.zeros(self.model.n)
        inf_bounds = np.sum(
            np.maximum(zeros, x - self.model.Uvar) +
            np.maximum(zeros, self.model.Lvar - x))

        # Compute infeasibilities from the linear constraints
        if self.model.nlin > 0:
            zeros = np.zeros(self.model.nlin)
            if x is self.x_k:
                c = self.cons_xk
                c = self.cons_x_trial

            inf_linear = np.sum(np.maximum(zeros, c[self.model.lin] - self.model.Ucon[self.model.lin]) + \
                         np.maximum(zeros, self.model.Lcon[self.model.lin] - c[self.model.lin]))

            inf_linear = 0.
        return inf_bounds + inf_linear

    def modelChange(self):
        Compute the difference of linearized function between x_k and x_trial
        ret = -np.dot(self.gFxk, self.step)
        if self.model.nnln > 0:
            ret += self.mu * self.inf_x_k
            ret -= self.mu * (np.sum(self.elastic_sol))
        return ret

    def computeOptimalitygap(self):
        Compute Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions representing
        the first order optimality conditions for nonlinear problem constrained .

        Return the maximum infinity norm of the KKT

        # Initialize constraints and variables dual
        self.stored_cons_dual_xtrial = np.zeros(self.model.m)
        self.stored_var_dual_xtrial = np.zeros(self.model.n)

        # Get the constraints value at x_trial
        cons = self.cons_x_trial

        # Get active constraints in NLP
        Ucons_actives = np.isclose(cons, self.model.Ucon)
        Lcons_actives = np.isclose(cons, self.model.Lcon)

        # Get active boundaries in NLP
        Uvar_actives = np.isclose(self.x_trial, self.model.Uvar)
        Lvar_actives = np.isclose(self.x_trial, self.model.Lvar)

        if np.all(
                np.concatenate((Ucons_actives, Lcons_actives, Uvar_actives,
                                Lvar_actives)) == False):
            return norm(self.gFx_trial, np.inf)

            # Indice of constraints and bound actives
            cons_actives = np.arange(self.model.m)[Ucons_actives +
            var_indice = np.arange(self.model.n)

            # Create the matrix to compute the multipliers
            A = np.concatenate((self.J_x_trial[cons_actives, :],
                                np.eye(self.model.n)[Uvar_actives, :],
                                -np.eye(self.model.n)[Lvar_actives, :]))

            # solve the equation ax = b to estimate the multipliers
            self.pi = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T, -self.gFx_trial)[0]

            Uvar_actives = var_indice[Uvar_actives]
            Lvar_actives = var_indice[Lvar_actives]

            self.stored_cons_dual_xtrial[cons_actives] = self.pi[:cons_actives.
            self.stored_var_dual_xtrial[Uvar_actives] = self.pi[
                cons_actives.size:cons_actives.size + Uvar_actives.size]
            self.stored_var_dual_xtrial[Lvar_actives] = self.pi[
                cons_actives.size + Uvar_actives.size:]

            return norm(
                np.concatenate((np.dot(self.pi, A) + self.gFx_trial,
                                self.stored_cons_dual_xtrial * cons)), np.inf)

    def solve(self, model=None):
        Solve method.

        if model is not None:
            self.model = model
        self.x_k = self.model.x0

        # Check if the solution is feasible in linear constraints
        if self.getLinearInfeasibility(self.x_k) >= self.feas_tol:

        if self.debug:
            self.log.debug("initial point =")
            self.log.debug("initial obj = %f", self.Fxk)

            # Check derivative
            dcheck = DerivativeChecker(self.model, self.x_k)
            dcheck.check(hess=False, chess=False)

            self.log.debug("error(grad) =")
            self.log.debug("error(jac)  =")

        returnMessage = 'maximum iterations'

        while self.iteration < self.major_iter:

            if self.verbose and self.iteration % 10 == 0:
                len_info = 127
                header = [
                    'It', 'Obj   ', 'KKT  ', '|x|', '|y|', '|z|', 'Ared',
                    'Pred', 'Ratio', 'Step', 'Radius', 'nlpInf', 'lpInf', 'mu'
                print len_info * '-'
                print self.header_fmt % tuple(header)
                print len_info * '-'

            self.iteration += 1


            self.x_trial = self.findStep()

            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug(70 * '-')
                self.log.debug('Iteration %d:', self.iteration)
                self.log.debug("f(x_k):%f", self.Fxk)
                self.log.debug("inf_xk:%f", self.inf_x_k)
                self.log.debug("f(x_trial):%f", self.Fx_trial)
                self.log.debug("inf_x_trial:%f", self.inf_x_trial)

            stepNorm = norm(self.step, ord=np.inf)

            # Compute ratio
            pred = self.modelChange()
            ared = self.originalFunctionChange()
            ratio = ared / pred

            # Perform backtracking linesearch, if not succesful, reject the step
            if not (ratio > self.eta1 and self.inf_x_trial <= self.feas_accept
                    ) and self.backtracking:
                slope = np.dot(self.step, self.gFxk)
                bk = 0
                alpha = 1.
                qk = self.l1_Fxk
                qk1 = self.l1_Fx_trial
                original_step = self.step
                while bk < self.backtrackingSegments and qk1 >= qk + 1.0e-4 * alpha * slope:
                    bk += 1
                    alpha /= self.backtrackingMultiplier
                    self.x_trial = self.x_k + alpha * original_step
                    qk1 = self.l1_Fx_trial

                stepNorm *= alpha

            if ratio > self.eta1 and self.inf_x_trial <= self.feas_accept:
                # Check benefice
                if self.l1_Fxk - self.l1_Fx_trial > self.relChange_tol:
                    self.countNotProgressing = 0

                # Step accpeted
                self.x_k = self.x_trial

                if self.debug:
                    self.log.debug("step accepted")

                if ratio > self.eta2:
                    # Increase trust region
                    self.trustRadius *= max(self.trustRadiusIncrease, stepNorm)

                    if self.debug:
                        self.log.debug("Trust-radius increased")

                # Step rejected, decrease trust region radius
                self.trustRadius = stepNorm * self.trustRadiusDecrease

                if self.backtracking and self.last_unsuccessful_bt_iter == self.iteration - 1:
                    self.consecutive_unsuccessful_bt_count += 1
                    if self.consecutive_unsuccessful_bt_count == 5:
                        self.backtrackingSegments = max(
                            self.backtrackingSegments + 5, 20)
                        self.consecutive_unsuccessful_bt_count = 0
                self.last_unsuccessful_bt_iter = self.iteration

                if self.debug:
                    self.log.debug("backtrack UNsuccessful")
                    self.log.debug("step rejected, trust radius decreased")

                # Count number of non-progress
                if self.l1_Fxk - self.l1_Fx_trial <= self.relChange_tol:
                    self.countNotProgressing += 1
                    if self.countNotProgressing >= self.nIterNoProgress:
                        returnMessage = 'Stopped on lack of progress (too many iteration without progress).'

            if stepNorm < self.step_tol and self.inf_x_trial <= self.feas_tol:
                # Optimality condition KKT
                # See Bazaraa, Sherali, Shetty
                returnMessage = 'Optimal'


            if self.verbose:

                # Print information every iteration
                info_line = [
                    self.iteration, self.Fxk, self.optimalityGap_xk,
                    norm(self.var_dual), ared, pred, ratio, stepNorm,
                    self.trustRadius, self.inf_x_k,
                    np.sum(self.elastic_sol), self.mu

                print self.fmt % tuple(info_line)

        return returnMessage

    def updateMu(self):
        Update the penalty parameter, mu with dual constraint from LP Model
         Do nothing if no nonlinear constraints present
        if self.model.nnln == 0:
            self.mu = 0.
        if np.isclose(np.sum(self.elastic_sol), 0):
        dual_infinity_norm = norm(self.LP_solver.dualConstraintSolution,
        self.mu = min(3 * dual_infinity_norm, self.maxMu)


    def resetStoredValues(self):
        self.x_trial = None
        self.x_k = None
        self.stored_step = None
        self.stored_optimalityGap = None
        self.stored_Fxk = None
        self.stored_l1_Fxk = None
        self.stored_gFxk = None
        self.stored_Fx_trial = None
        self.stored_l1_Fx_trial = None
        self.stored_cons_xk = None
        self.stored_inf_x_k = None
        self.stored_inf_x_trial = None
        self.stored_cons_dual = np.inf
        self.stored_var_dual = np.inf
        self.stored_cons_dual_xtrial = None
        self.stored_var_dual_xtrial = None
        self.stored_J_x_k = None
        self.stored_J_x_trial = None
        self.stored_J_L = None
        self.iteration = 0
        self.elastic_sol = np.zeros(1)
        self.countNotProgressing = 0
        self.last_unsuccessful_bt_iter = -1
        self.consecutive_unsuccessful_bt_count = 0
        self.trustRadius = self.stored_trustradius_init
        self.mu = self.stored_mu_init

    def x_k(self):
        return self._x_k

    def x_k(self, value):
        self._x_k = value
        self.stored_step = None
        self.stored_J_L = None
        if value is self._x_trial and self._x_trial is not None:
            self.stored_Fxk = self.stored_Fx_trial.copy()
            self.stored_l1_Fxk = self.stored_l1_Fx_trial.copy()
            self.stored_inf_x_k = copy.copy(self.stored_inf_x_trial)
            self.stored_cons_xk = np.copy(self.stored_cons_x_trial)
            self.stored_J_x_k = np.copy(self.J_x_trial)
            self.stored_gFxk = np.copy(self.gFx_trial)

            if self.verbose:
                # Compute dual informations
                self.stored_var_dual = np.copy(self.stored_var_dual_xtrial)
                self.stored_cons_dual = np.copy(self.stored_cons_dual_xtrial)
                self.stored_optimalityGap_xk = self.stored_optimalityGap.copy()

            self.stored_cons_xk = None
            self.stored_Fxk = None
            self.stored_l1_Fxk = None
            self.stored_gFxk = None
            self.stored_J_x_k = None
            self.stored_inf_x_k = None
            self.stored_optimalityGap_xk = np.inf
            self.stored_cons_dual = np.inf
            self.stored_var_dual = np.inf

    def x_trial(self):
        return self._x_trial

    def x_trial(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            self._x_trial = value.copy()
            self._x_trial = None
        self.stored_step = None
        self.stored_Fx_trial = None
        self.stored_l1_Fx_trial = None
        self.stored_cons_x_trial = None
        self.stored_gFx_trial = None
        self.stored_J_x_trial = None
        self.stored_optimalityGap = None
        self.stored_inf_x_trial = None
        self.stored_cons_dual_xtrial = None
        self.stored_var_dual_xtrial = None
        if self.model.nnln == 0:
            self.stored_inf_x_trial = np.zeros(1)

    def step(self):
        if self.stored_step is None:
            self.stored_step = self.x_trial - self.x_k
        return self.stored_step

    def optimalityGap_xk(self):
        return self.stored_optimalityGap_xk

    def optimalityGap(self):
        if self.stored_optimalityGap is None:
            self.stored_optimalityGap = self.computeOptimalitygap()
        return self.stored_optimalityGap

    def Fxk(self):
        if self.stored_Fxk is None:
            self.stored_Fxk = self.model.obj(self.x_k)
        return self.stored_Fxk

    def l1_Fxk(self):
        if self.stored_l1_Fxk is None:
            self.stored_l1_Fxk = self.evaluateFunction(self.x_k)
        return self.stored_l1_Fxk

    def gFxk(self):

        if self.stored_gFxk is None:
            self.stored_gFxk = self.model.grad(self.x_k)
        return self.stored_gFxk

    def cons_xk(self):
        if self.stored_cons_xk is None:
            self.stored_cons_xk = self.model.cons(self.x_k)
        return self.stored_cons_xk

    def cons_x_trial(self):
        if self.stored_cons_x_trial is None:
            self.stored_cons_x_trial = self.model.cons(self.x_trial)
        return self.stored_cons_x_trial

    def Fx_trial(self):
        if self.stored_Fx_trial is None:
            self.stored_Fx_trial = self.model.obj(self.x_trial)
        return self.stored_Fx_trial

    def l1_Fx_trial(self):
        if self.stored_l1_Fx_trial is None:
            self.stored_l1_Fx_trial = self.evaluateFunction(self.x_trial)
        return self.stored_l1_Fx_trial

    def gFx_trial(self):
        if self.stored_gFx_trial is None:
            self.stored_gFx_trial = self.model.grad(self.x_trial)
        return self.stored_gFx_trial

    def inf_x_k(self):
        if self.stored_inf_x_k is None:
            self.stored_inf_x_k = self.getInfeasibility(self.x_k)
        return self.stored_inf_x_k

    def inf_x_trial(self):
        if self.stored_inf_x_trial is None:
            self.stored_inf_x_trial = self.getInfeasibility(self.x_trial)
        return self.stored_inf_x_trial

    def cons_dual(self):
        return self.stored_cons_dual

    def var_dual(self):
        return self.stored_var_dual

    def cons_dual_xtrial(self):
        return self.stored_cons_dual_xtrial

    def var_dual_xtrial(self):
        return self.stored_var_dual_xtrial

    def J_x_k(self):
        if self.stored_J_x_k is None:
            self.stored_J_x_k = self.model.jac(self.x_k)
        return self.stored_J_x_k

    def J_x_trial(self):
        if self.stored_J_x_trial is None:
            self.stored_J_x_trial = self.model.jac(self.x_trial)
        return self.stored_J_x_trial

    def J_L(self):
        if self.stored_J_L is None:
            lci = self.model.lin
            if self.stored_J_x_k is None:
                self.stored_J_x_k = self.model.jac(self.x_k)
            self.stored_J_L = self.stored_J_x_k[lci, :]
        return self.stored_J_L

    def backtrackingSegments(self):
        return self._backtrackingSegments

    def backtrackingSegments(self, value):
        self._backtrackingSegments = value
        self.backtrackingMultiplier = 1 + 1. / value
예제 #3
            model.solution[basicVarInds[rowNumbers]] -= change

        changeObj = -np.dot(change, cost)
        objectiveChange[0] += changeObj

        return changeObj

def getMpsExample():
    import os
    import inspect
    import sys
    cylpDir = os.environ['CYLP_SOURCE_DIR']
    return os.path.join(cylpDir, 'cylp', 'input', 'p0033.mps')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print sys.argv
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        import doctest
        from cylp.cy import CyClpSimplex
        from cylp.py.pivots import DualDantzigPivot
        s = CyClpSimplex()
        s.readMps(sys.argv[1])  # Returns 0 if OK
        pivot = DualDantzigPivot(s)