def add_operation(self, operation): # add the new operation after the selected workflow item or at the end # of the workflow if no wi is selected # make a new workflow item wi = WorkflowItem(operation = operation, deletable = ( != "")) # they say in Python you should ask for forgiveness instead of permission try: wi.default_view = operation.default_view() wi.views.append(wi.default_view) except AttributeError: pass if self.workflow and self.selected: idx = self.workflow.index(self.selected) + 1 elif self.workflow: idx = len(self.workflow) else: idx = 0 # the add_remove_items handler takes care of updating the linked list self.workflow.insert(idx, wi) # select (open) the new workflow item self.selected = wi if wi.default_view: wi.current_view = wi.default_view
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = ChannelStatisticPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() = "Count" = "Y2-A" op.statistic_name = "Count" = ['Dox', 'Well'] wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) plugin = TransformStatisticPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Mean" op.statistic = ("Count", "Count") op.statistic_name = "Count" = ["Dox"] op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=["A", "B"])) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.workflow.wi_waitfor(wi, 'status', "valid")
def activated(self): # add an import plugin plugin = ImportPlugin() wi = WorkflowItem(task = self) wi.operation = plugin.get_operation() self.model.workflow.append(wi) self.model.selected = wi # if we're debugging, add a few data bits if self.debug: from cytoflow import Tube wi.operation.conditions["Dox"] = "log" tube1 = Tube(file = "../cytoflow/tests/data/Plate01/CFP_Well_A4.fcs", conditions = {"Dox" : 0.1}) tube2 = Tube(file = "../cytoflow/tests/data/Plate01/RFP_Well_A3.fcs", conditions = {"Dox" : 1.0}) wi.operation.tubes.append(tube1) wi.operation.tubes.append(tube2) self.add_operation('') self.model.selected.operation.channels = ["V2-A", "Y2-A"] = "H" self.add_operation('') = "Y2-A" self.model.selected.operation.threshold = 2000 = "T"
def activated(self): # add an import plugin plugin = ImportPlugin() wi = WorkflowItem(task=self) wi.operation = plugin.get_operation() self.model.workflow.append(wi) self.model.selected = wi # if we're debugging, add a few data bits if self.debug: from cytoflow import Tube wi.operation.conditions["Dox"] = "log" tube1 = Tube(file="../cytoflow/tests/data/Plate01/CFP_Well_A4.fcs", conditions={"Dox": 0.1}) tube2 = Tube(file="../cytoflow/tests/data/Plate01/RFP_Well_A3.fcs", conditions={"Dox": 1.0}) wi.operation.tubes.append(tube1) wi.operation.tubes.append(tube2) self.add_operation( '') = "Y2-A" self.model.selected.operation.threshold = 2000 = "T"
def setUp(self): ImportedDataTest.setUp(self) plugin = ChannelStatisticPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() = "Count" = "Y2-A" op.statistic_name = "Count" = ['Dox', 'Well'] wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 30)) plugin = TransformStatisticPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Mean" op.statistic = ("Count", "Count") op.statistic_name = "Count" = ["Dox"] op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=["A", "B"])) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 30))
def setUp(self): TasbeTest.setUp(self) plugin = ThresholdPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() = "Morpho" = "FSC-A" op.threshold = 100000 wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 30)) plugin = AutofluorescencePlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) op.blank_file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/blank.fcs" op.channels = ["FITC-A", "Pacific Blue-A", "PE-Tx-Red-YG-A"] op.subset_list.append(BoolSubset(name="Morpho")) op.subset_list[0].selected_t = True self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) wi.default_view = self.op.default_view() wi.view_error = "Not yet plotted" wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = self.wi # run the estimate op.do_estimate = True self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 30))
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = ImportPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() from cytoflow import Tube self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) tube = Tube(file=self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/rby.fcs") op.tubes = [tube] wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status="waiting", view_error="Not yet plotted") self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) op.do_estimate = True self.workflow.wi_waitfor(wi, 'status', 'valid') self.assertTrue( self.workflow.remote_eval("self.workflow[0].result is not None")) plugin = ThresholdPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() = "Morpho" = "FSC-A" op.threshold = 100000 wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting') self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.wi_waitfor(wi, 'status', 'valid')
def add_operation(self, op_id): # first, find the matching plugin plugin = next((x for x in self.op_plugins if == op_id)) # next, get an operation op = plugin.get_operation() # make a new workflow item wi = WorkflowItem(operation = op, deletable = (op_id != '')) # if the op has a default view, add it to the wi try: wi.default_view = op.default_view() wi.views.append(wi.default_view) wi.current_view = wi.default_view except AttributeError: pass # figure out where to add it if self.model.selected: idx = self.model.workflow.index(self.model.selected) + 1 else: idx = len(self.model.workflow) # the add_remove_items handler takes care of updating the linked list self.model.workflow.insert(idx, wi) # and make sure to actually select the new wi self.model.selected = wi
def setUp(self): TasbeTest.setUp(self) plugin = ThresholdPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() = "Morpho" = "FSC-A" op.threshold = 100000 wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 30)) plugin = TasbePlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) wi.default_view = self.op.default_view() wi.view_error = "Not yet plotted" wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = self.wi op.channels = ["FITC-A", "Pacific Blue-A", "PE-Tx-Red-YG-A"] op.blank_file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/blank.fcs" op.bleedthrough_list = [ _BleedthroughControl(channel="FITC-A", file=self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/eyfp.fcs"), _BleedthroughControl(channel="Pacific Blue-A", file=self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/ebfp.fcs"), _BleedthroughControl(channel="PE-Tx-Red-YG-A", file=self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/mkate.fcs") ] op.beads_name = "Spherotech RCP-30-5A Lot AG01, AF02, AD04 and AAE01" op.beads_file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/beads.fcs" op.beads_unit = "MEFL" op.to_channel = "FITC-A" self.op.translation_list[ 0].file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/rby.fcs" self.op.translation_list[ 1].file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/rby.fcs" op.subset_list.append(BoolSubset(name="Morpho")) op.subset_list[0].selected_t = True # run the estimate op.do_estimate = True self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 30))
def on_new(self): self.model.workflow = [] # add an import plugin plugin = ImportPlugin() wi = WorkflowItem(task = self) wi.operation = plugin.get_operation() self.model.workflow.append(wi) self.model.selected = wi
def on_new(self): self.model.workflow = [] # add an import plugin plugin = ImportPlugin() wi = WorkflowItem(task=self) wi.operation = plugin.get_operation() self.model.workflow.append(wi) self.model.selected = wi
def setUp(self): super().setUp() stats_plugin = ChannelStatisticPlugin() stats_op_3 = stats_plugin.get_operation() = "MeanByDoxIP2" = "B1-A" stats_op_3.statistic_name = "Geom.Mean" = ['Dox', 'IP'] stats_op_3.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name = "Well", values = ['A', 'B'])) stats_op_3.subset_list.append(RangeSubset(name = "Dox", values = [1.0, 10.0, 100.0])) stats_op_3.subset_list.append(RangeSubset(name = "IP", values = [1.0, 10.0])) stats_wi_3 = WorkflowItem(operation = stats_op_3, status = "waiting", view_error = "Not yet plotted") self.workflow.workflow.append(stats_wi_3) self.workflow.wi_waitfor(stats_wi_3, 'status', 'valid') stats_op_4 = stats_plugin.get_operation() = "SDByDoxIP2" = "B1-A" stats_op_4.statistic_name = "Geom.SD" = ['Dox', 'IP'] stats_op_4.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name = "Well", values = ['A', 'B'])) stats_op_4.subset_list.append(RangeSubset(name = "Dox", values = [1.0, 10.0, 100.0])) stats_op_4.subset_list.append(RangeSubset(name = "IP", values = [1.0, 10.0])) stats_wi_4 = WorkflowItem(operation = stats_op_4, status = "waiting", view_error = "Not yet plotted") self.workflow.workflow.append(stats_wi_4) self.workflow.wi_waitfor(stats_wi_4, 'status', 'valid') self.wi = wi = self.workflow.workflow[-1] plugin = Stats2DPlugin() self.view = view = plugin.get_view() wi.views.append(view) wi.current_view = view super().setUpView() self.workflow.selected = wi
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = BeadCalibrationPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) op.beads_name = "Spherotech RCP-30-5A Lot AG01, AF02, AD04 and AAE01" op.beads_file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/beads.fcs" op.units_list = [ _Unit(channel="FITC-A", unit="MEFL"), _Unit(channel="Pacific Blue-A", unit="MEBFP") ] self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") wi.default_view = self.op.default_view() wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = self.wi # run the estimate op.do_estimate = True self.workflow.wi_waitfor(wi, 'status', "valid")
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = PolygonPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Poly" op.xchannel = "Y2-A" op.xscale = "logicle" op.ychannel = "V2-A" op.yscale = "logicle" op.vertices = [(23.411982294776319, 5158.7027015021222), (102.22182270573683, 23124.0588433874530), (510.94519955277201, 23124.0588433874530), (1089.5215641232173, 3800.3424832180476), (340.56382570202402, 801.98947404942271), (65.42597937575897, 1119.3133482602157)] self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation = op, status = 'waiting', view_error = "Not yet plotted") self.view = view = wi.default_view = op.default_view() view.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name = "Well", values = ["A", "B"])) wi.view_error = "Not yet plotted" wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.wi.current_view = self.wi.default_view self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.workflow.wi_waitfor(self.wi, 'status', 'valid')
def setUp(self): super().setUp() stats_plugin = ChannelStatisticPlugin() stats_op = stats_plugin.get_operation() = "MeanByDoxWell" = "Y2-A" stats_op.statistic_name = "Geom.Mean" = ['Dox', 'Well'] stats_op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name = "Well", values = ['A', 'B'])) stats_op.subset_list.append(RangeSubset(name = "Dox", values = [1.0, 10.0, 100.0])) stats_op.subset_list.append(RangeSubset(name = "IP", values = [1.0, 10.0])) stats_wi = WorkflowItem(operation = stats_op, status = "waiting", view_error = "Not yet plotted") self.workflow.workflow.append(stats_wi) self.workflow.wi_waitfor(stats_wi, 'status', 'valid') self.wi = wi = self.workflow.workflow[-1] self.op = self.wi.operation self.workflow.selected = wi
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = Range2DPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Range2D" op.xchannel = "Y2-A" op.xlow = 100 op.xhigh = 1000 op.ychannel = "V2-A" op.ylow = 1000 op.yhigh = 10000 self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation = op, status = 'waiting', view_error = "Not yet plotted") self.view = wi.default_view = op.default_view() wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.wi.current_view = self.wi.default_view self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.workflow.wi_waitfor(self.wi, 'status', 'valid')
def setUp(self): ImportedDataTest.setUp(self) plugin = PCAPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "PCA" op.channels_list = [ _Channel(channel="V2-A", scale="log"), _Channel(channel="V2-H", scale="log"), _Channel(channel="Y2-A", scale="log"), _Channel(channel="Y2-H", scale="log") ] op.num_components = 2 op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=["A", "B"])) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi # run estimate op.do_estimate = True self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 30))
def setUp(self): ImportedDataTest.setUp(self) plugin = FlowPeaksPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "FP" op.xchannel = "V2-A" op.ychannel = "Y2-A" op.xscale = "logicle" op.yscale = "logicle" op.h0 = 0.5 op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=["A", "B"])) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) wi.default_view = op.default_view() wi.view_error = "Not yet plotted" wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi # run estimate op.do_estimate = True self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 120))
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = KMeansPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "KM" op.xchannel = "V2-A" op.ychannel = "Y2-A" op.xscale = "logicle" op.yscale = "logicle" op.num_clusters = 2 op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=['A', 'B'])) op.subset_list.append( RangeSubset(name="Dox", values=[0.0, 10.0, 100.0])) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") wi.default_view = op.default_view() wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi # run estimate op.do_estimate = True self.workflow.wi_waitfor(self.wi, 'status', 'valid')
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = ColorTranslationPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.rby_file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/rby.fcs" op.controls_list = [ _Control(from_channel="Pacific Blue-A", to_channel="FITC-A", file=self.rby_file) ] # op.channels = ["FITC-A", "Pacific Blue-A", "PE-Tx-Red-YG-A"] op.subset_list.append(BoolSubset(name="Morpho")) op.subset_list[0].selected_t = True self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") wi.default_view = self.op.default_view() wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = self.wi # run the estimate op.do_estimate = True self.workflow.wi_waitfor(self.wi, 'status', 'valid')
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = BleedthroughLinearPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) op.controls_list = [ _Control(channel="FITC-A", file=self.cwd + '/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/eyfp.fcs'), _Control(channel="PE-Tx-Red-YG-A", file=self.cwd + '/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/mkate.fcs'), _Control(channel="Pacific Blue-A", file=self.cwd + '/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/ebfp.fcs') ] op.subset_list.append(BoolSubset(name="Morpho")) op.subset_list[0].selected_t = True self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") wi.default_view = self.op.default_view() wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = self.wi # run the estimate op.do_estimate = True self.workflow.wi_waitfor(self.wi, 'status', 'valid')
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = ThresholdPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Thresh" = "Y2-A" op.threshold = 1000 self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") self.view = view = wi.default_view = op.default_view() view.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=["A", "B"])) wi.view_error = "Not yet plotted" wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.wi.current_view = self.wi.default_view self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.workflow.wi_waitfor(wi, 'view_error', "") self.workflow.wi_waitfor(wi, 'status', "valid")
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = GaussianMixture1DPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Gauss" = "V2-A" op.channel_scale = "logicle" op.num_components = 2 op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=["A", "B"])) op.subset_list.append( RangeSubset(name="Dox", values=[0.0, 10.0, 100.0])) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") wi.default_view = op.default_view() wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi # run estimate op.do_estimate = True self.workflow.wi_waitfor(self.wi, 'status', 'valid')
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = PCAPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "PCA" op.channels_list = [_Channel(channel = "V2-A", scale = "log"), _Channel(channel = "V2-H", scale = "log"), _Channel(channel = "Y2-A", scale = "log"), _Channel(channel = "Y2-H", scale = "log")] op.num_components = 2 op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name = "Well", values = ['A', 'B'])) op.subset_list.append(RangeSubset(name = "Dox", values = [0.0, 10.0, 100.0])) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation = op, status = 'waiting', view_error = "Not yet plotted") self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi # run estimate op.do_estimate = True self.workflow.wi_waitfor(self.wi, 'status', 'valid')
def setUp(self): ImportedDataTest.setUp(self) plugin = Range2DPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Range2D" op.xchannel = "Y2-A" op.xlow = 100 op.xhigh = 1000 op.ychannel = "V2-A" op.ylow = 1000 op.yhigh = 10000 self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.view = view = wi.default_view = op.default_view() view.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=["A", "B"])) wi.view_error = "Not yet plotted" wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.wi.current_view = self.wi.default_view self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.assertTrue(wait_for(self.wi, 'view_error', lambda v: v == "", 30)) self.assertTrue( wait_for(self.wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 130))
def setUp(self): ImportedDataTest.setUp(self) plugin = ChannelStatisticPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() = "MeanByDox" = "Y2-A" op.statistic_name = "Geom.SD" = ['Dox'] wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) op = plugin.get_operation() = "MeanByDoxAndWell" = "Y2-A" op.statistic_name = "Geom.SD" = ['Dox', 'Well'] wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) op = plugin.get_operation() = "MeanByDox" = "Y2-A" op.statistic_name = "Geom.Mean" = ['Dox'] self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) op = plugin.get_operation() = "MeanByDoxAndWell" = "Y2-A" op.statistic_name = "Geom.Mean" = ['Dox', 'Well'] self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 10)) plugin = TablePlugin() self.view = view = plugin.get_view() view.statistic = ("MeanByDox", "Geom.Mean") view.row_facet = "Dox" self.workflow.remote_exec("self.workflow[-1].view_error = 'waiting'") self.assertTrue( wait_for(self.wi, 'view_error', lambda v: v == "waiting", 30)) wi.views.append(view) wi.current_view = view self.workflow.selected = wi self.assertTrue(wait_for(self.wi, 'view_error', lambda v: v == "", 30))
def activated(self): self.model.backup_workflow = self.model.workflow self.model.workflow = [] self.model.modified = False # add the op self.op = TasbeCalibrationOp() # make a new workflow item wi = WorkflowItem(operation=self.op, deletable=False) wi.default_view = self.op.default_view() wi.views.append(wi.default_view) wi.current_view = wi.default_view self.model.workflow.append(wi) self.model.selected = wi self.help_pane.html = self.op.get_help()
def setUp(self): ImportedDataTest.setUp(self) plugin = ChannelStatisticPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() = "MeanByDox" = "Y2-A" op.statistic_name = "Geom.SD" = ['Dox', 'Well'] wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) op = plugin.get_operation() = "MeanByDox" = "Y2-A" op.statistic_name = "Geom.Mean" = ['Dox', 'Well'] op.subset_list.append(CategorySubset(name="Well", values=["A", "B"])) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 10)) plugin = Stats1DPlugin() self.view = view = plugin.get_view() view.statistic = ("MeanByDox", "Geom.Mean") view.variable = "Dox" view.huefacet = "Well" self.workflow.remote_exec("self.workflow[-1].view_error = 'waiting'") self.assertTrue( wait_for(self.wi, 'view_error', lambda v: v == "waiting", 5)) wi.views.append(view) wi.current_view = view self.workflow.selected = wi self.assertTrue(wait_for(self.wi, 'view_error', lambda v: v == "", 5))
def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.op = op = TasbeCalibrationOp() self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") wi.default_view = self.op.default_view() wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = self.wi op.blank_file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/blank.fcs" op.fsc_channel = "FSC-A" op.ssc_channel = "SSC-A" op._polygon_op.vertices = [(72417, 499), (74598, 1499), (118743, 3376), (216547, 6166), (246258, 4543), (237880, 1973), (139102, 872), (87822, 519)] op.channels = ["FITC-A", "Pacific Blue-A", "PE-Tx-Red-YG-A"] op.bleedthrough_list = [ _BleedthroughControl(channel="FITC-A", file=self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/eyfp.fcs"), _BleedthroughControl(channel="Pacific Blue-A", file=self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/ebfp.fcs"), _BleedthroughControl(channel="PE-Tx-Red-YG-A", file=self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/mkate.fcs") ] op.beads_name = "Spherotech RCP-30-5A Lot AG01, AF02, AD04 and AAE01" op.beads_file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/beads.fcs" op.units_list = [ _Unit(channel="FITC-A", unit="MEFL"), _Unit(channel="Pacific Blue-A", unit="MEBFP"), _Unit(channel="PE-Tx-Red-YG-A", unit="MEPTR") ] op.do_color_translation = False op.output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() # run the estimate self.workflow.remote_exec("pass") op.valid_model = False op.do_estimate = True wait_for_condition(lambda v: v.valid_model == True, self.op, 'valid_model', 30)
def add_operation(self, op_id): # first, find the matching plugin plugin = next((x for x in self.op_plugins if == op_id)) # default to inserting at the end of the list if none selected after = self.model.selected if after is None: after = self.model.workflow[-1] idx = self.model.workflow.index(after) wi = WorkflowItem(task = self) wi.operation = plugin.get_operation() = = wi wi.previous = after if = wi self.model.workflow.insert(idx+1, wi) # set up the default view wi.default_view = plugin.get_default_view(wi.operation) if wi.default_view is not None: wi.default_view.handler = \ wi.default_view.handler_factory(model = wi.default_view, wi = wi.previous) wi.views.append(wi.default_view) # select (open) the new workflow item self.model.selected = wi if wi.default_view: wi.current_view = wi.default_view # invalidate everything following self.operation_parameters_updated()
def setUp(self): TasbeTest.setUp(self) plugin = ThresholdPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() = "Morpho" = "FSC-A" op.threshold = 100000 wi = WorkflowItem(operation = op) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 5)) plugin = BleedthroughLinearPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) op.controls_list = [_Control(channel = "FITC-A", file = self.cwd + '/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/eyfp.fcs'), _Control(channel = "PE-Tx-Red-YG-A", file = self.cwd + '/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/mkate.fcs'), _Control(channel = "Pacific Blue-A", file = self.cwd + '/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/ebfp.fcs')] op.subset_list.append(BoolSubset(name = "Morpho")) op.subset_list[0].selected_t = True self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation = op) wi.default_view = self.op.default_view() wi.view_error = "Not yet plotted" wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = self.wi # run the estimate op.do_estimate = True self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 30))
def setUp(self): WorkflowTest.setUp(self) plugin = ImportPlugin() op = plugin.get_operation() from cytoflow import Tube self.cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) tube = Tube(file = self.cwd + "/../../cytoflow/tests/data/tasbe/rby.fcs") op.tubes = [tube] wi = WorkflowItem(operation = op, view_error = "Not yet plotted") self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 5)) self.assertTrue(self.workflow.remote_eval("self.workflow[0].result is not None"))
def setUp(self): ImportedDataTest.setUp(self) plugin = BinningPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Bin" = "V2-A" op.scale = "log" op.bin_width = 0.2 self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op) wi.default_view = op.default_view() wi.view_error = "Not yet plotted" wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.assertTrue(wait_for(wi, 'status', lambda v: v == 'valid', 10))
def setUp(self): super().setUp() plugin = BinningPlugin() self.op = op = plugin.get_operation() = "Bin" = "V2-A" op.scale = "log" op.bin_width = 0.2 self.wi = wi = WorkflowItem(operation=op, status='waiting', view_error="Not yet plotted") self.view = wi.default_view = op.default_view() wi.views.append(self.wi.default_view) self.workflow.workflow.append(wi) self.workflow.selected = wi self.workflow.wi_waitfor(wi, 'status', "valid")