def write_analyzer_log(client, dep_id, message, status, write): ''' Wite analyzer log to server :param client: client ID :param dep_id: department ID :param message: string of log messages :param status: status code :param write: write log to server if True ''' if write: log_file_client = {'Date': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'H_Id': dep_id, 'Message': message, 'Status': status} log_file_client = [log_file_client] url = ANALYZER_LOG_LINK.format(client_id = client) post_api(link=url, json_data=log_file_client)"Writing Analyzer JSON log to API")
def upload_foodcost_database(client, upload_db): url = FOODCOST_POST_LINK.format(client_id = client) response = post_api(link=url, json_data = upload_db)"Writing Auto Purchase to API: %s" % response.status_code) return response
def upload_analyzer_database(client, upload_db): url = ANALYZER_POST_LINK.format(client_id = client) response = post_api(link=url, json_data = upload_db)"Writing Analyzer to API: %s" % response.status_code) return response
def generate_season_by_type(client, dep_list, years_back, revenue_type, labor_type, food_type, otb_type, write, df_error, validation): ''' Detect season and create json file based on type of season (revenue, labor, foodcost) :param client: client ID :param hotel: hotel ID (value '0' if running for dept) :param dep_list: list of departments :param years_back: number of years for getting data :param r_type: revenue information of department :param l_type: labor information of department :param f_type: foodcost information of department :param otb_type: otb information of department :param write: write log to API if True :param df_error: report status of season detection of each department :param validation: create or update validation file if True :returns: df_error: report status of season detection of each department after running json_upload: json file for uploading ''' start_time_all_dept = time.time() for dep_id in dep_list: try: Mydep = str(dep_id) try: #Get information of deparment season_dict = db_api.get_one_dept_info_in_hotel(client, dep_id) if season_dict['IsProperty'] is True: hotel = str(season_dict['H_Id']) else: hotel = str(season_dict['ParentId']) if len(season_dict) == 0: print( "DATABASE %s __ DEP ID %s __ No information of Hierarchy database" % (client, dep_id)) "DATABASE %s __ DEP ID %s __ No information of Hierarchy database" % (client, dep_id)) continue #sys.exit(0) except: print( "DATABASE %s __ DEP ID %s __ No information of Hierarchy database" % (client, dep_id)) "DATABASE %s __ DEP ID %s __ No information of Hierarchy database" % (client, dep_id)) continue #sys.exit(0) if (otb_type == 't') or (otb_type == 'true'): o_type = season_dict['Otb'] else: o_type = False if (revenue_type == 't') or (revenue_type == 'true'): r_type = season_dict["Revenue"] else: r_type = False if (labor_type == 't') or (labor_type == 'true'): l_type = season_dict["Labor"] else: l_type = False if (food_type == 't') or (food_type == 'true'): f_type = season_dict["FoodCost"] else: f_type = False print( '\nDATABASE %s __ DEP ID %s\nREVENUE TYPE %s __ LABOR TYPE %s __ FOODCOST TYPE %s' % (client, Mydep, r_type, l_type, f_type)) if r_type == True: # a = time.time() ss_type = 0 df_error, json_upload = generate_season( client, hotel, Mydep, years_back, ss_type, o_type, write, df_error) # print('RUNNING TIME __ ID {}: {} seconds'.format(hotel, time.time() - a)) if l_type == True: ss_type = 1 df_error, json_upload = generate_season( client, hotel, Mydep, years_back, ss_type, o_type, write, df_error) if f_type == True: ss_type = 2 df_error, json_upload = generate_season( client, hotel, Mydep, years_back, ss_type, o_type, write, df_error) except Exception as e: temp_df_error = pd.DataFrame() temp_df_error['Driver'] = ['{}_{}'.format(hotel, Mydep)] temp_df_error['Type'] = [ss_type] temp_df_error['Error'] = [e] df_error = df_error.append(temp_df_error, ignore_index=True)"DATABASE %s __ ID %s __ RUNNING TIME FOR THIS HOTEL __ %s" % (client, hotel, time.time() - start_time_all_dept)) print('RUNNING TIME FOR HOTEL __ ID {}: {} seconds'.format( hotel, time.time() - start_time_all_dept)) return df_error
def generate_season(client, hotel, Mydep, years_back, ss_type, otb_type, write, df_error, df, current_path): ''' Generate season and create json file for each type of season in a department :param client: client ID :param hotel: hotel ID (value '0' if running for dept) :param Mydep: department ID :param years_back: number of years for getting data :param ss_type: type of season :param otb_type: otb information of department :param write: write log to API if True :param df_error: report status of season detection of each department :returns: df_error: report status of season detection of each department after running json_upload: json file for uploading ''' frac = 0.05 lower_bound = 0 # Boundary of percentile to remove outliers upper_bound = 100 # Boundary of percentile to remove outliers # cruise_day_data = sslib.get_weekday_data_cruise(client, Mydep, years_back) cruise_day_data = None if cruise_day_data is None: mav_median_df, room_data, col_name, cycle_value, ending_date = sslib.get_data( client, Mydep, years_back, ss_type, write, df) cruise_flag = False else: mav_median_df, room_data, col_name, cycle_value, ending_date = sslib.get_data_cruise( client, Mydep, years_back, ss_type, write) cruise_flag = True if (mav_median_df is None) or ((cruise_flag == False) and (len(mav_median_df) < 364)):"DATABASE %s __ ID %s __ Insufficient data for this ID" % (client, Mydep)) start_time_mydep = time.time() log_file_client = { 'Date': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(start_time_mydep)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'H_Id': Mydep, 'Message': 'Insufficient data', 'Status': 0 } sslib.log_json_upload(client, log_file_client) json_default = sslib.write_to_database(client, Mydep, ss_type, write, json_upload=None, default=True) temp_df_error = pd.DataFrame() temp_df_error['Driver'] = ['{}_{}'.format(hotel, Mydep)] temp_df_error['Type'] = [ss_type] temp_df_error['Error'] = ['Insufficient data for this ID'] df_error = df_error.append(temp_df_error, ignore_index=True) return df_error, json_default #Transform data to dict year if cruise_flag == False: dict_index, dict_year, dict_tf, df_date = sslib.transform_data_to_1year( mav_median_df, col_name) #Evaluate data quality df_index, df_year, df_tf, nb_years = sslib.compute_data_quality( dict_index, dict_year, dict_tf, frac) else: #Evaluate data quality df_index, df_year, nb_years = sslib.transform_data_to_1year_cruise( mav_median_df, cruise_day_data) from_date = min(df_year['Date']) to_date = max(df_year['Date']) if sslib.has_data(df_year, col_name) is False:"DATABASE %s __ ID %s __ Insufficient data for this ID" % (client, Mydep)) print('Insufficient data after computing data quality for this ID') json_default = sslib.write_to_database(client, Mydep, ss_type, write, json_upload=None, default=True) temp_df_error = pd.DataFrame() temp_df_error['Driver'] = ['{}_{}'.format(hotel, Mydep)] temp_df_error['Type'] = [ss_type] temp_df_error['Error'] = [ 'Insufficient data after computing data quality' ] df_error = df_error.append(temp_df_error, ignore_index=True) return df_error, json_default #Adding otb data years_temp = int(round(len(df_year) / 365)) + 1 if years_temp == 1 and otb_type == True: try: otb_data = sslib.get_otb_data(client, Mydep, years_temp, df_year) df_year = df_year.merge(otb_data, on='Date') except: print('no_otb') df_year = df_year.set_index('Date') #Do PCA data = sslib.get_PC1(df_index, df_year, col_name) #Clustering data_grouped = sslib.group_season_pc1(data, col_name, lower_bound, upper_bound, cruise_flag) #Re-grouping & naming data_conv_pv, out_level = sslib.regroup_and_set_name(data_grouped, Mydep) #Generating data 3 previous years and 2 future years if cruise_flag == False: full_df, lackdate_df = sslib.generate_6years_df( data_conv_pv, cycle_value) df_weekday = pd.DataFrame() else: full_df, df_weekday, cruise_lack_date = sslib.generate_6year_df_cruise( data_conv_pv, client, Mydep, cycle_value) #Adding outlier date outlier_date, weekday_begin, weekday_end = sslib.outlier_detection( room_data, full_df, col_name, df_weekday, cruise_flag) #Adding holidays print( '########################################begin - holiday######################' ) event_date = sslib.get_event_data(client, Mydep) holiday_data, list_holiday = sslib.get_holiday_data( room_data, event_date, col_name, client, Mydep, weekday_begin, weekday_end, cycle_value, df_weekday) # list_holiday = [] #Adding back lack dates into full_df if cruise_flag == False: full_df = full_df[~full_df['From'].isin(lackdate_df['From'])] full_df = pd.concat([full_df, lackdate_df ]).sort_values('From').reset_index(drop=True) #TN 09182018: remove special dates from normal periods # full_df = full_df[~(full_df['From'].isin(pd.Series(list_holiday)))].reset_index(drop=True) #Creating json upload # Define json json_upload = { 'H_Id': int(Mydep), 'ValidHistoryFrom': from_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'Type': int(ss_type), 'Periods': [] } for i in range(full_df['Group'].nunique()): data_filter = full_df[full_df['Group'] == i] period_sample = sslib.period_sample_func() period_sample['Value1'] = int(out_level.loc[out_level['Group'] == i, 'rev_level'].values[0]) period_sample['Value2'] = int(out_level.loc[out_level['Group'] == i, 'vol_level'].values[0]) for j in data_filter.index: period_sample['Dates'].append({ 'From': data_filter['From'][j].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'To': data_filter['To'][j].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }) json_upload['Periods'].append(period_sample) json_upload = sslib.save_outlier_json(outlier_date, json_upload) json_upload = sslib.save_holiday_json(holiday_data, json_upload, int(Mydep)) if cruise_flag == True: json_upload = sslib.save_cruise_json(cruise_lack_date, json_upload) # link = os.path.join(current_path,'out_put','json_season_{}.json'.format(Mydep)) link = current_path + '/out_put/json_season_{}.json'.format(Mydep) with open(link, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(json_upload, outfile) time_end_write_todb = time.time() log_file_client = { 'Date': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time_end_write_todb)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'H_Id': Mydep, 'Message': 'Compiling Results (v.2)', 'Status': 40 } # sslib.log_json_upload(client, log_file_client) # json_upload = sslib.write_to_database(client, Mydep, ss_type, write, json_upload, default=False) # if validation == 1: # data_df = vlib.get_data_validation(client, hotel, Mydep, from_date, to_date) # try: # if ss_type == 0: # vlib.make_validation_file_revenue(client, hotel, Mydep, ss_type, data_conv_pv, nb_years, data_df, ending_date) # elif ss_type == 1: # vlib.make_validation_file_labor(client, hotel, Mydep, ss_type, data_conv_pv, nb_years, data_df, ending_date) # except Exception as e: # print(e) return df_error, json_upload