def fromFbxNode(self, node): lMesh = node.GetNodeAttribute() print "load:", node.GetName() controlPointsCount = lMesh.GetControlPointsCount() controlPoints = lMesh.GetControlPoints() indexCount = lMesh.GetPolygonVertexCount() indexData = lMesh.GetPolygonVertices() leNormals = lMesh.GetLayer(0).GetNormals() self.readTextures(lMesh) print len(indexData), indexData self.vertexData = [] for i in xrange(indexCount): index = indexData[i] position = controlPoints[index] normal = (0, 0, 0) if leNormals: if leNormals.GetMappingMode( ) == FbxLayerElement.eByPolygonVertex: if leNormals.GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement.eDirect: normal = leNormals.GetDirectArray().GetAt(i) color = (1, 1, 1, 1) vertexDef = [] for v in self.desc.vtdesc: if v[0] == 'POSITION': vertexDef += list(position) elif v[0] == 'NORMAL': vertexDef += list(normal) elif v[0] == 'COLOR': vertexDef += list(color) self.vertexData.append(vertexDef) print index, normal self.indexData = [(int(i), ) for i in indexData] self.indexCount = indexCount self.indexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer(indexLayoutDesc32, self.indexData, BIND_INDEX_BUFFER, USAGE_IMMUTABLE) self.vertexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer( self.vertexDesc, self.vertexData, # D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.BinadFlags USAGE_DYNAMIC, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.Usage CPU_ACCESS_WRITE, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.CPUAccessFlags )
def build(self): super(CubeMarker, self).build() vertex_list, index_list = mesh_builder.build_cube(1.0) vertexData = [] for v in vertex_list: vertexData.append((v[0], v[1], v[2], 1, 1, 1, 1)) indexData = [(int(i), ) for i in index_list] self.indexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer(g_indexLayoutDesc32, indexData, BIND_INDEX_BUFFER, USAGE_IMMUTABLE) self.vertexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer( g_vertexDesc, vertexData, # D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.BinadFlags USAGE_DYNAMIC, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.Usage CPU_ACCESS_WRITE, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.CPUAccessFlags ) print len(self.indexBuffer)
def build(self): effectName = self.effecName if not self.effecName: effectName = "marker.fx" effectPath = d3d11x.getResourceDir(".", "effects/marker.fx") self.effect = d3d11.Effect(effectPath) #Input layout for the effect. Valid when technique index == 0 and it's pass index == 0 or #the pass's input signature is compatible with that combination. self.inputLayout = d3d11.InputLayout(g_vertexDesc, self.effect, 0, 0) vertexData = [] for i in xrange(self.gridx + 1): if i % 2 == 0: vertexData.append((0, 0, i * self.gridsize, 1, 1, 1, 1)) vertexData.append( (self.width, 0, i * self.gridsize, 1, 1, 1, 1)) else: vertexData.append( (self.width, 0, i * self.gridsize, 1, 1, 1, 1)) vertexData.append((0, 0, i * self.gridsize, 1, 1, 1, 1)) for i in xrange(self.gridy + 1): if self.height % 2 == 0: if i % 2 == 0: vertexData.append( (i * self.gridsize, 0, self.height, 1, 1, 1, 1)) vertexData.append((i * self.gridsize, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)) else: vertexData.append((i * self.gridsize, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)) vertexData.append( (i * self.gridsize, 0, self.height, 1, 1, 1, 1)) else: if i % 2 == 0: vertexData.append(((self.width - i) * self.gridsize, 0, self.height, 1, 1, 1, 1)) vertexData.append( ((self.width - i) * self.gridsize, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)) else: vertexData.append( ((self.width - i) * self.gridsize, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)) vertexData.append(((self.width - i) * self.gridsize, 0, self.height, 1, 1, 1, 1)) self.vertexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer( g_vertexDesc, vertexData, # D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.BinadFlags USAGE_DYNAMIC, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.Usage CPU_ACCESS_WRITE, # D3D11_BUFFER_DESC.CPUAccessFlags )
def __init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size=(800, 600)): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size) self.mainpanel = wx.Panel(self, -1, size=(800, 600)) self.mainpanel.SetAutoLayout(True) self.leftwindow = wx.Panel(self.mainpanel, -1, (10, 10), (380, 450)) self.leftwindow.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.leftwindow.SetConstraints( anchors.LayoutAnchors(self.leftwindow, True, True, True, True)) self.rightwindow = wx.Panel(self.mainpanel, -1, (400, 10), (380, 450)) self.rightwindow.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.rightwindow.SetConstraints( anchors.LayoutAnchors(self.rightwindow, False, True, True, True)) playvideo = wx.Button(self.mainpanel, -1, "Play media on this window...", (500, 500)) playvideo.SetConstraints( anchors.LayoutAnchors(playvideo, False, False, True, True)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.playVideo, playvideo) #Create a DirectPython window from an existing wxPython window. tempWindow = d3d11.Window(handle=self.leftwindow.GetHandle()) #Create our resources. Note that if the size of the window #changes, you should call self.device.reset(). self.device = d3d11.Device(tempWindow, DRIVER_TYPE_WARP) self.effect = d3d11.Effect( d3d11x.getResourceDir("Effects", "Tutorial2.fx")) self.inputLayout = d3d11.InputLayout(vertexDesc, self.effect, 0, 0) self.vertexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer(vertexDesc, triangle, BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER) #We need to detach() the window. This means that it is up to #us (or wxPython) to mange the window from now on. tempWindow.detach() = None self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onTimer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.onIdle) self.leftwindow.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onSize) #Use a timer for rendering. It is not a very smooth #solution, you might want to tweak the time interval #or do something else, now it is jerky. self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.timer.Start(10)
def load(self, res): self.res = res import resmgrdll import ResMgr print 'load primitive:', res noff = self.res.find('.primitives/') if noff < 0: raise Exception noff += 11 fileName = self.res[:noff] tagName = self.res[noff + 1:] primFile = ResMgr.openSection(fileName) print 'open primitive', fileName if not primFile: raise Exception, 'load indices failed, %s' % fileName print 'read indices:', tagName indices = primFile.openSection(tagName) indices = indices.asBinary if indices: ih = IndexHeader() seg0 = 0 seg1 = IndexHeader.SIZE print struct.calcsize(IndexHeader.FORMAT), IndexHeader.SIZE ih.indexFormat, ih.nIndices, ih.nTriangleGroups = struct.unpack( IndexHeader.FORMAT, indices[seg0:seg1]) ih.indexFormat = ih.indexFormat.split('\0')[0] print ih.indexFormat, ih.nIndices, ih.nTriangleGroups if ih.indexFormat == 'list' or ih.indexFormat == 'list32': indexDesc = indexLayoutDesc16 if ih.indexFormat == 'list' else indexLayoutDesc32 if ih.indexFormat == 'list32': raise Exception, 'not considered index format:', ih.indexFormat self.primitiveType = PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST seg0, seg1 = seg1, seg1 + ih.nIndices * self.indexSize self.indices = struct.unpack('%dH' % ih.nIndices, indices[seg0:seg1]) self.nIndices = ih.nIndices #create index buffer tmpindices = [(int(v), ) for v in self.indices] self.indexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer(indexLayoutDesc16, tmpindices, BIND_INDEX_BUFFER, USAGE_DYNAMIC, CPU_ACCESS_WRITE)
def onCreate(self): self.renderTarget = None self.renderTargetView = None meshPath = d3d11x.getResourceDir("Mesh", "barrel.obj") self.mesh = d3d11x.Mesh(self.device, meshPath) self.mesh.textureView = self.loadTextureView("") self.skyBox = d3d11x.SkyBox(self.device) self.skyBox.textureView = self.loadTextureView("") effectPath = d3d11x.getResourceDir("Effects", "SamplePostProcess.fx") self.postEffect = d3d11.Effect(effectPath) self.postInputLayout = d3d11.InputLayout(vertexLayoutDesc, self.postEffect, 0, 0) #Vertex buffer for 2D stuff. self.vertexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer(vertexLayoutDesc, 32, BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, USAGE_DYNAMIC, CPU_ACCESS_WRITE)
def onCreate(self): self.heightmap = d3d11x.HeightMap(self.device, None, (32, 32), heightFunc, (2, 1, 2), (10, 10), False) self.heightmap.textureView = self.loadTextureView("") effectPath = d3d11x.getResourceDir("Effects", "SampleSprites.fx") self.spriteEffect = d3d11.Effect(effectPath) self.spriteInputLayout = d3d11.InputLayout(spriteLayoutDesc, self.spriteEffect, 0, 0) self.spriteTexture = self.loadTextureView("") = d3d11x.Camera() #Create a dynamic vertex buffer for our sprites. Double the #size for shadow sprites. self.spriteBuffer = d3d11.Buffer(spriteLayoutDesc, POINT_COUNT * 2, BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, USAGE_DYNAMIC, CPU_ACCESS_WRITE) self.points = []
(5, 0, 0) + (0, 0, 1, 1), #Blue vertex. ] vertices = [] for p in cdata.Box: vertices.append((p[0], p[1], p[2], 1, 1, 1, 1)) #Effect for rendering. The file contains trivial vertex- and pixel-shader. effect = d3d11.Effect(d3d11x.getResourceDir("Effects", "simple.fx")) #Input layout for the effect. Valid when technique index == 0 and it's pass index == 0 or #the pass's input signature is compatible with that combination. inputLayout = d3d11.InputLayout(vertexDesc, effect, 0, 0) #Create a hardware buffer to hold our triangle. vertexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer(vertexDesc, vertices, BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER) #Precalculate view matrix. Eye position is (0, 5, -15) and it is looking at (0, 5, 0). (0, 1, 0) points up. viewMatrix = d3d11.Matrix() viewMatrix.lookAt((0, 5, -15), (0, 5, 0), (0, 1, 0)) def mainloop(): while 1: #Check all new messages. for msg in window.getMessages(): if msg.code == WM_DESTROY: #Close the application. return #Set default render targets.
def createStagingBuffer(init, access): return d3d11.Buffer(layoutDesc, init, 0, USAGE_STAGING, access)
def createBufferAndView(): buffer = d3d11.Buffer(layoutDesc, NUMITEMS, BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS | BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE, USAGE_DEFAULT, 0, RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED) return buffer, d3d11.View(buffer)
#Our triangle - three vertices with position and color. The layout must match 'vertexDesc'. triangle = [ (-5, 0, 0) + (1, 0, 0, 1), #Red vertex. (0, 10, 0) + (0, 1, 0, 1), #Green vertex. (5, 0, 0) + (0, 0, 1, 1), #Blue vertex. ] #Effect for rendering. The file contains trivial vertex- and pixel-shader. effect = d3d11.Effect(d3d11x.getResourceDir("Effects", "Tutorial2.fx")) #Input layout for the effect. Valid when technique index == 0 and it's pass index == 0 or #the pass's input signature is compatible with that combination. inputLayout = d3d11.InputLayout(vertexDesc, effect, 0, 0) #Create a hardware buffer to hold our triangle. vertexBuffer = d3d11.Buffer(vertexDesc, triangle, BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER) #Precalculate view matrix. Eye position is (0, 5, -15) and it is looking at (0, 5, 0). (0, 1, 0) points up. viewMatrix = d3d11.Matrix() viewMatrix.lookAt((0, 5, -15), (0, 5, 0), (0, 1, 0)) def mainloop(): while 1: #Check all new messages. for msg in window.getMessages(): if msg.code == WM_DESTROY: #Close the application. return #Set default render targets.