def __init__(self): """ Initialize the management daemon. """ GeventDaemon.__init__(self) # WSGI configuration from /etc/<name>.conf host = self.config("server", "host", "", str) port = self.config("server", "port", 80, int) # Set up logging log_level = self.config("logging", "level", 10, int) self.logger.setLevel(log_level) # Create WSGI server self.application = WsgiApplication(self.logger, self.config)
def __init__(self): """ Initialize the management daemon. """ GeventDaemon.__init__(self) # WSGI configuration from daemon config host = self.config("wsgi-server", "host", "", str) port = self.config("wsgi-server", "port", 80, int) debug = self.config("wsgi-server", "debug", True, bool) # Get reference to the database we're using base = self.config("storage", "base", "/srv/imagerack", str) self.img_path = "%s/%s" % (base, self.config("storage", "img", "images", str)) self.web_path = "%s/%s" % (base, self.config("storage", "web", "web", str)) # Create WSGI server self.server = pywsgi.WSGIServer((host, port)) self.server.application = WsgiHandler(self.logger, self.img_path, self.web_path)