예제 #1
def testUnitsParser():
    daetools define a large number of units:
    - all base and derived SI units
    - All of these with prefixes tera(T), giga(G), mega(M), kilo(k), hecto(h), deka(da),
    deci(d), centi(c), mili(m), micro(u), nano(n), pico(p)
    All are imported into the pyUnits module. Here we filter those symbols and add them
    to the dictionary that will be used to evaluate the AST after the parsing phase.
    dictIdentifiers = {"": pyUnits.unit()}  # Non-dimensional
    for attr in dir(pyUnits):
        obj = getattr(pyUnits, attr)
        if isinstance(obj, pyUnits.unit):
            dictIdentifiers[attr] = obj

    print("Supported units: %s" % sorted(dictIdentifiers))
    parser = UnitsParser(dictIdentifiers)

    print("          testUnitsParser")
    testExpression(parser, "kg")
    testExpression(parser, "kg m")
    testExpression(parser, "s kg^-1 m^-2")
    testExpression(parser, "s kg^-1 mm^2")
예제 #2
def testUnitsParser():
    daetools define a large number of units:
    - all base and derived SI units
    - All of these with prefixes tera(T), giga(G), mega(M), kilo(k), hecto(h), deka(da),
    deci(d), centi(c), mili(m), micro(u), nano(n), pico(p)
    All are imported into the pyUnits module. Here we filter those symbols and add them
    to the dictionary that will be used to evaluate the AST after the parsing phase.
    dictIdentifiers = {
        '': pyUnits.unit()  # Non-dimensional
    for attr in dir(pyUnits):
        obj = getattr(pyUnits, attr)
        if isinstance(obj, pyUnits.unit):
            dictIdentifiers[attr] = obj

    print('Supported units: %s' % sorted(dictIdentifiers))
    parser = UnitsParser(dictIdentifiers)

    print('          testUnitsParser')
    testExpression(parser, 'kg')
    testExpression(parser, 'kg m')
    testExpression(parser, 's kg^-1 m^-2')
    testExpression(parser, 's kg^-1 mm^2')
예제 #3
def testQuantityParser():
    dictIdentifiers = {"": pyUnits.unit()}  # Non-dimensional
    for attr in dir(pyUnits):
        obj = getattr(pyUnits, attr)
        if isinstance(obj, pyUnits.unit):
            dictIdentifiers[attr] = obj

    # print('Supported units: %s' % sorted(dictIdentifiers))

    dictFunctions = {"__create_quantity__": pyUnits.quantity}

    parser = QuantityParser(dictIdentifiers, dictFunctions)

    print("          testQuantityParser")

    testExpression(parser, ".1 kg")
    testExpression(parser, "-1.067e-09 s kg^-1 m^-2")
    testExpression(parser, "-1.067")
    testExpression(parser, "-1.067E-07 s kg^-1 m^-2")
예제 #4
def testQuantityParser():
    dictIdentifiers = {
        '': pyUnits.unit()  # Non-dimensional
    for attr in dir(pyUnits):
        obj = getattr(pyUnits, attr)
        if isinstance(obj, pyUnits.unit):
            dictIdentifiers[attr] = obj

    #print('Supported units: %s' % sorted(dictIdentifiers))

    dictFunctions = {'__create_quantity__': pyUnits.quantity}

    parser = QuantityParser(dictIdentifiers, dictFunctions)

    print('          testQuantityParser')

    testExpression(parser, '.1 kg')
    testExpression(parser, '-1.067e-09 s kg^-1 m^-2')
    testExpression(parser, '-1.067')
    testExpression(parser, '-1.067E-07 s kg^-1 m^-2')
예제 #5
def testUnitsConsistency():
    dictIdentifiers = {}
    dictFunctions = {}

    # Define some 'quantity' objects (they have 'value' and 'units')
    y = 15 * pyUnits.mm
    x1 = 1.0 * pyUnits.m
    x2 = 0.2 * pyUnits.km
    x3 = 15 * pyUnits.N
    x4 = 1.25 * pyUnits.kJ
    print("y  = {0} ({1} {2})".format(y, y.valueInSIUnits, y.units.baseUnit))
    print("x1 = {0} ({1} {2})".format(x1, x1.valueInSIUnits, x1.units.baseUnit))
    print("x2 = {0} ({1} {2})".format(x2, x2.valueInSIUnits, x2.units.baseUnit))
    print("x3 = {0} ({1} {2})".format(x3, x3.valueInSIUnits, x3.units.baseUnit))
    print("x4 = {0} ({1} {2})".format(x4, x4.valueInSIUnits, x4.units.baseUnit))

    # print('x1({0}) == x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 == x2))
    # print('x1({0}) != x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 != x2))
    # print('x1({0}) > x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 > x2))
    # print('x1({0}) >= x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 >= x2))
    # print('x1({0}) < x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 < x2))
    # print('x1({0}) <= x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 <= x2))

    # quantity in [m]
    z = 1 * pyUnits.m
    z.value = 12.4 * pyUnits.mm  # set a new value given in [mm]
    z.value = 0.32 * pyUnits.km  # set a new value given in [km]
    z.value = 1  # set a new value in units in the quantity object, here in [m]

    # Define identifiers for the parser
    dictIdentifiers["pi"] = math.pi
    dictIdentifiers["e"] = math.e
    dictIdentifiers["y"] = y
    dictIdentifiers["x1"] = x1
    dictIdentifiers["x2"] = x2
    dictIdentifiers["x3"] = x3
    dictIdentifiers["x4"] = x4

    # Define math. functions for the parser
    dictFunctions["__create_constant__"] = float
    dictFunctions["sin"] = pyCore.Sin
    dictFunctions["cos"] = pyCore.Cos
    dictFunctions["tan"] = pyCore.Tan
    dictFunctions["asin"] = pyCore.ASin
    dictFunctions["acos"] = pyCore.ACos
    dictFunctions["atan"] = pyCore.ATan
    dictFunctions["sinh"] = pyCore.Sinh
    dictFunctions["cosh"] = pyCore.Cosh
    dictFunctions["tanh"] = pyCore.Tanh
    dictFunctions["asinh"] = pyCore.ASinh
    dictFunctions["acosh"] = pyCore.Cosh
    dictFunctions["atanh"] = pyCore.ATanh
    dictFunctions["log10"] = pyCore.Log10
    dictFunctions["log"] = pyCore.Log
    dictFunctions["sqrt"] = pyCore.Sqrt
    dictFunctions["exp"] = pyCore.Exp
    dictFunctions["floor"] = pyCore.Floor
    dictFunctions["ceil"] = pyCore.Ceil
    dictFunctions["abs"] = pyCore.Abs

    # print('Identifiers:\n', dictIdentifiers, '\n')
    # print('Functions:\n', dictFunctions, '\n')

    parser = ExpressionParser(dictIdentifiers, dictFunctions)

    testConsistency(parser, "x1 * x3", pyUnits.kJ)  # OK
    testConsistency(parser, "x1 - x3", None)  # Fail
    testConsistency(parser, "x1 * y", pyUnits.m ** 2)  # OK
    testConsistency(parser, "1 + x1/x2 + x1*x3/x4", pyUnits.unit())  # OK
예제 #6
def testUnitsConsistency():
    dictIdentifiers = {}
    dictFunctions = {}

    # Define some 'quantity' objects (they have 'value' and 'units')
    y = 15 * pyUnits.mm
    x1 = 1.0 * pyUnits.m
    x2 = 0.2 * pyUnits.km
    x3 = 15 * pyUnits.N
    x4 = 1.25 * pyUnits.kJ
    print('y  = {0} ({1} {2})'.format(y, y.valueInSIUnits, y.units.baseUnit))
    print('x1 = {0} ({1} {2})'.format(x1, x1.valueInSIUnits,
    print('x2 = {0} ({1} {2})'.format(x2, x2.valueInSIUnits,
    print('x3 = {0} ({1} {2})'.format(x3, x3.valueInSIUnits,
    print('x4 = {0} ({1} {2})'.format(x4, x4.valueInSIUnits,

    #print('x1({0}) == x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 == x2))
    #print('x1({0}) != x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 != x2))
    #print('x1({0}) > x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 > x2))
    #print('x1({0}) >= x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 >= x2))
    #print('x1({0}) < x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 < x2))
    #print('x1({0}) <= x2({1}) ({2})'.format(x1, x2, x1 <= x2))

    # quantity in [m]
    z = 1 * pyUnits.m
    z.value = 12.4 * pyUnits.mm  # set a new value given in [mm]
    z.value = 0.32 * pyUnits.km  # set a new value given in [km]
    z.value = 1  # set a new value in units in the quantity object, here in [m]

    # Define identifiers for the parser
    dictIdentifiers['pi'] = math.pi
    dictIdentifiers['e'] = math.e
    dictIdentifiers['y'] = y
    dictIdentifiers['x1'] = x1
    dictIdentifiers['x2'] = x2
    dictIdentifiers['x3'] = x3
    dictIdentifiers['x4'] = x4

    # Define math. functions for the parser
    dictFunctions['__create_constant__'] = float
    dictFunctions['sin'] = pyCore.Sin
    dictFunctions['cos'] = pyCore.Cos
    dictFunctions['tan'] = pyCore.Tan
    dictFunctions['asin'] = pyCore.ASin
    dictFunctions['acos'] = pyCore.ACos
    dictFunctions['atan'] = pyCore.ATan
    dictFunctions['sinh'] = pyCore.Sinh
    dictFunctions['cosh'] = pyCore.Cosh
    dictFunctions['tanh'] = pyCore.Tanh
    dictFunctions['asinh'] = pyCore.ASinh
    dictFunctions['acosh'] = pyCore.Cosh
    dictFunctions['atanh'] = pyCore.ATanh
    dictFunctions['log10'] = pyCore.Log10
    dictFunctions['log'] = pyCore.Log
    dictFunctions['sqrt'] = pyCore.Sqrt
    dictFunctions['exp'] = pyCore.Exp
    dictFunctions['floor'] = pyCore.Floor
    dictFunctions['ceil'] = pyCore.Ceil
    dictFunctions['abs'] = pyCore.Abs

    #print('Identifiers:\n', dictIdentifiers, '\n')
    #print('Functions:\n', dictFunctions, '\n')

    parser = ExpressionParser(dictIdentifiers, dictFunctions)

    testConsistency(parser, 'x1 * x3', pyUnits.kJ)  # OK
    testConsistency(parser, 'x1 - x3', None)  # Fail
    testConsistency(parser, 'x1 * y', pyUnits.m**2)  # OK
    testConsistency(parser, '1 + x1/x2 + x1*x3/x4', pyUnits.unit())  # OK