예제 #1
class DailyChumpCmd(Cmd):
    def __init__(self, directory, user):
        self.chump = DailyChump(directory)
        self.user = user

    def start(self):
        self.prompt = "dc> "
        self.cmdloop("Welcome to the Daily Chump")

    def do_quit(self,cmd):

    def do_database(self,cmd):
        print self.chump.get_database()

    def default(self,line):
        msg = string.rstrip(line)
        output = self.chump.process_input(self.user,msg)
        if output != None:
            print output
예제 #2
class DailyChumpCmd(Cmd):
    def __init__(self, directory, user):
        self.chump = DailyChump(directory)
        self.user = user

    def start(self):
        self.prompt = "dc> "
        self.cmdloop("Welcome to the Daily Chump")

    def do_quit(self, cmd):

    def do_database(self, cmd):
        print self.chump.get_database()

    def default(self, line):
        msg = string.rstrip(line)
        output = self.chump.process_input(self.user, msg)
        if output != None:
            print output
예제 #3
class DailyChumpBot(SingleServerIRCBot):
    def __init__(self, directory, channel, nickname,
                 server, port=6667, sheet=None):
        SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname)
        self.nickname = nickname
        self.channel = channel
        self.foocount = 0
        self.chump = DailyChump(directory)
        if sheet!=None:

    def on_topic(self,c,e):
        if e.arguments()[0] == self.channel:
            topic = e.arguments()[1]
            topic = e.arguments()[0]

    def on_welcome(self, c, e):

    def on_privmsg(self, c, e):
        nick = nm_to_n(e.source())
        output = self.do_command(nick, e.arguments()[0])
        if output != None:

    def on_pubmsg(self, c, e):
        msg = e.arguments()[0]
        nick = nm_to_n(e.source())

        a = string.split(msg, ":", 1)

        if len(a) > 1 and irc_lower(a[0]) == irc_lower(self.connection.get_nickname()):
            output = self.do_command(nick, string.strip(a[1]))
            output = self.chump.process_input(nick, msg)

        if output != None:

    def notice_multiline(self,c,msg):
        for x in string.split(msg,"\n"):
            c.notice(self.channel, x)

    def privmsg_multiline(self,c,nick,msg):
        for x in string.split(msg,"\n"):
            c.privmsg(nick, x)

    def do_command(self, nick, cmd):
        c = self.connection

        if cmd == "database":
            data = self.chump.get_database()
            return data 
        elif cmd == "disconnect":
        elif cmd == "help":
            return "Post a URL by saying it on a line on its own\n"+ "To post an item without a URL, say BLURB:This is the title\n"+ "I will reply with a label, for example A\n"+ "You can then append comments by saying A:This is a comment\n"+ "To title a link, use a pipe as the first character of the comment\n"+ "Eg. A:|This is the title\n"+ "To see the last 5 links posted, say "+self.nickname+":view\n" "For more features, say "+self.nickname+":morehelp\n"
        elif cmd == "morehelp":
            return "Put emphasis in a comment by using *asterisks*\n"+ "To create an inline link in a comment, say:\n"+ "A:Look at [this thing here|http://pants.heddley.com]\n"+ "You can also link to inline images in a comment:\n"+ "A:Chump logo +[alt-text|http://pants.heddley.com/chump.png]\n"+ "To see the last n links, say "+self.nickname+":view n (where n is a number)\n"+ "To see the details of a link labelled A, say A: on a line on its own\n"+ "To view a particular comment, say An:, where n is the number of the comment\n" + "To replace, say, the second comment on a link labelled A, say A2:replacement_text\n" + "To delete the second comment on a link labelled A, say A2:\"\"\n" + "To set keywords for a link labelled A, say A:->keyword1 keyword2 etc.\n" + "Send any comments or questions to [email protected]\n"
        elif cmd == "foo":
            c.action(self.channel,"falls down a well.")
            self.foocount = self.foocount + 1
        elif cmd == "unfoo":
            if self.foocount > 0:
                c.action(self.channel,"clambers out of a well.")
                self.foocount = self.foocount - 1
                c.action(self.channel,"is not in a well, silly.")
        elif string.find(cmd,"view") == 0:
            viewmatch = re.compile("view\s+(\d+)")
            vm = viewmatch.match(cmd)
            if vm != None:
                count = string.atoi(vm.group(1))
                return self.chump.view_recent_items(count)
                return self.chump.view_recent_items()
        elif cmd == "die" or cmd == "depart" or cmd == "leave":
            #c.notice(nick, "Not understood: " + cmd)
            return "Not understood: " + cmd