예제 #1
def forward_model ( mcmc_results, parameter_names, \
        observations="sim04_obs_l10_g6_n58.csv", \
    from dalec import dalec
    meteo_data = np.loadtxt( meteo_drivers, delimiter="," )
    obs_nee = np.loadtxt ( observations, delimiter="," )
    missing_obs = obs_nee[ :, 1] < -9998
    nsamples = mcmc_results.shape[1]/2
    parameters = mcmc_results[:, :nsamples]
    sel = np.random.randint ( 0, nsamples-1, size=500 )
    #x_init = np.array ( [ 0.513303, 4891.44, 134.927, 82.27539, \
    #    74.74379, 12526.28 ] )
    i = 0
    model_nee = np.zeros ( ( 500, meteo_data.shape[0] ) )
    for params in sel:
        if parameters.shape[0] == 23:
            retval = dalec ( parameters[17:, params], \
            parameters[:17, params], meteo_data, \
            -2, 1, 60, 42.2, 2.7)
            #self.psid, self.rtot, self.lma, self.lat, self.nit )
        elif parameters.shape[0] == 24:
            retval = dalec ( parameters[18:, params], \
                parameters[1:18, params], meteo_data, \
                -2, 1, 60, 42.2, 2.7)
                #self.psid, self.rtot, self.lma, self.lat, self.nit )
            print ">>>>>> Something fishy"
        model_nee[ i, : ] =  retval[ :, -4 ]
        i = i + 1
    #plt.plot ( meteo_data[~missing_obs,0], obs_nee[~missing_obs,1], 'ro' )
    return (model_nee, meteo_data[:,0], obs_nee[:,1], missing_obs, meteo_data )
예제 #2
    def likelihood_function ( self, theta ):
        This calculates the likelihood function. It first transforms the
        theta vector into a parameters per grid cell that are then passed on to
        the model object.
        # Load the parameters into a dictionary indexed by grid_ids
        parameters = self._transform_variables_lognorm ( theta )
        if self.truncate:
            if np.any ( parameters > self.hi_val ) or \
                        np.any ( parameters < self.lo_val ):
                return -np.inf
        # Parameter have been loaded nto parameter_list for all grid cells
        # All that needs doing now is to run the model forward for each
        # grid cell and calculate the likelihood function
        retval = dalec ( parameters[17:], parameters[:17], self.meteo_data, \
            self.psid, self.rtot, self.lma, self.lat, self.nit )
        model_nee =  retval[ :, -4 ]
        delta = (self.obs_nee[~self.missing_obs, 1] - \
                    model_nee[~self.missing_obs] )**2
        delta = delta / (self.flux_unc**2 )            
        delta = delta[::self.obs_thin]
        p = -0.5*np.sum ( delta )

        p -= delta.shape[0]*( np.log ( np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*self.flux_unc ))
        self.it += 1
        if self.it%500 == 0:
            print self.it, np.sum(delta), p
            self._plot_fit ( model_nee, p )
        return p
예제 #3
    def likelihood_function ( self, theta ):
        This calculates the likelihood function. It first transforms the
        theta vector into a parameters per grid cell that are then passed on to
        the model object.
        # Load the parameters into a dictionary indexed by grid_ids
        tau = theta[0]
        #parameters = self._transform_variables_lognorm ( theta[1:] )
        parameters = theta[1:]
        if self.truncate:
            if np.any ( parameters > self.hi_val ) or \
                    np.any ( parameters < self.lo_val ):
                return -np.inf
        #print tau
        # Parameter have been loaded nto parameter_list for all grid cells
        # All that needs doing now is to run the model forward for each
        # grid cell and calculate the likelihood function
        retval = dalec ( parameters[17:], parameters[:17], self.meteo_data, \
                self.psid, self.rtot, self.lma, self.lat, self.nit )
        model_nee =  retval[ :, -4 ]
        first = True
        p = 0.0
        n_obs = self.missing_obs.shape[0]
        for isample in np.arange ( self.missing_obs.shape[0] ):
            if not self.missing_obs [ isample ]:
                if first:
                    # First observation, edge condition, so asymptotic behaviour
                    first = False
                    t_prev = self.meteo_data[ isample, 0 ]

                    p -= np.sum ( np.log ( 2.*np.pi*self.flux_unc ))
                    delta = (self.obs_nee[isample, 1] - \
                            model_nee[isample] )
                    p -= 0.5*(delta**2)/self.flux_unc**2
                    delta_prev = delta
                    # Remember to store t_prev and  delta_prev
                    # Autoregressive part
                    t_curr = self.meteo_data [isample, 0]
                    # sigma temperated by the temporal correlation
                    sigma_dash = self.flux_unc * np.sqrt ( \
                        (1. - np.exp (-2.*(t_curr-t_prev)/tau))  )
                    delta = (self.obs_nee[isample, 1] - \
                            model_nee[isample] )
                    arf = delta - np.exp (-(t_curr-t_prev)/tau)*delta_prev
                    arf2 = arf*arf 
                    p -= np.log ( np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*sigma_dash )
                    p -= 0.5*arf2/(sigma_dash*sigma_dash)
                    t_prev = t_curr
                    delta_prev = delta
        self.it += 1
        if self.it % 500 == 0:
            self._plot_fit ( model_nee, p, flag="arf" )
        return p
예제 #4
    def run_model(self, x, i, store=False):
        """Runs the model forward to ``i+1`` using input state ``x``, 
        assuming parameter vectors stored in the class. The output
        is returned to the user, but also stored in ``self.previous_state``,
        if you told the method to store the data. This is an option as
        one might be using this code within an ensemble.
        Not all fluxes are returned! For example, respiration and litter
        fluxes are ignored. Feel free to add them in.
        x: iter
            The state, defined as Cf, Cr, Cw, C**t, Csom
        i: int
            The time step
        nee, gpp, Cf, Cr, Cw, C**t, Csom 
            A tuple containing the updated state, as well as the fluxes
        # Extract drivers...

        doy, temp, tmx, tmn, irad, psid, ca, rtot, nitro = self.drivers[i, :]
        tmp = 0.5 * (tmx - tmn)

        # Extract the state components from the input
        Cf, Cr, Cw, C**t, Csom = x
        # Run DALEC
        ( nee, gpp, Ra, Rh1, Rh2, Af, Ar, Aw, Lw, Lr, D, \
            Cf, Cr, Cw, C**t, Csom, lai ) = dalec ( doy, \
            tmn, tmp, tmx, irad, ca, nitro, \
            self.model_params[0], self.model_params[1], \
            self.model_params[2:], \
            Cf, Cr, Cw, C**t, Csom, psid=psid, rtot=rtot )
        # Do we store the output?
        if store:
            self.previous_state.append ( [  nee, gpp, Ra, Rh1, Rh2, Af, Ar, Aw, Lw, Lr, D, \
            Cf, Cr, Cw, C**t, Csom, lai  ] )

        return ( nee, gpp, Ra, Rh1, Rh2, Af, Ar, Aw, Lw, Lr, D, \
            Cf, Cr, Cw, C**t, Csom )
예제 #5
 def likelihood_function ( self, theta ):
     This calculates the likelihood function. It first transforms the
     theta vector into a parameters per grid cell that are then passed on to
     the model object.
     # Load the parameters into a dictionary indexed by grid_ids
     parameters = self._transform_variables_uniform ( theta )
     # Parameter have been loaded nto parameter_list for all grid cells
     # All that needs doing now is to run the model forward for each
     # grid cell and calculate the likelihood function
     retval = dalec ( self.x_init, parameters, self.meteo_data )
     model_nee =  retval[ :, -4 ]
     delta = (self.obs_nee[~self.missing_obs, 1] - \
     model_nee[~self.missing_obs] )**2
     p = 0.5*np.sum ( delta[::10] ) / (self.flux_unc**2 )
     p -= np.sum ( np.log ( 2.*np.pi*self.flux_unc ))
     return p