def query_specified_student_abstract_info(self, sid): """ :param sid: :return: """ try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE sid={}".format(sid) cursor.execute(sql) row = cursor.fetchall() if len(row) == 0: return None row = row[0] stu = Student() stu.sid = row[0] stu.sname = row[1] = row[2] stu.age = row[3] stu.year = row[4] stu.gpa = row[5] return stu except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return None
def query_specified_student_enrolls(self, sid) -> list: """ 查询某个学生的所选的所有课 :param sid: :return: """ try: enrolls = set() with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "SELECT stu.sid,stu.sname,,stu.age,stu.year,stu.gpa,m.dname,e.dname,e.cno,e.sectno,e.grade,s.pname,c.cname,c.dname " \ "FROM student stu,enroll e,section s,course c,major m " \ "WHERE stu.sid=m.sid AND stu.sid=e.sid AND e.dname=s.dname AND e.cno=s.cno AND e.sectno=s.sectno AND s.dname=c.dname AND s.cno=c.cno AND stu.sid=" + str( sid) result_set = cursor.execute(sql) for row in result_set: c = Course() c.cname = row[13] sect = Section() sect.pname = row[11] e = Enroll() e.dname = row[7] e.cno = row[8] e.sectno = row[9] e.grade = row[10] e.section = sect sect.course = c enrolls.add(e) return list(enrolls) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return []
def delete_specifide_section(self, section): """ 删除某门课的所有信息(级联) :param section: :return: """ try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "DELETE FROM section WHERE dname=? and cno=? and sectno=?" result = cursor.execute(sql, section.dname, section.cno, section.sectno) return result.rowcount except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return 0
def delete_specified_student(self, sid): """ 删除某个学生的全部信息(级联) :param sid: :return: """ try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "DELETE FROM student WHERE sid=?" result = cursor.execute(sql, sid) return result.rowcount except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return 0
def revise_password(self, username, password) -> int: """ 修改用户密码 :param username: 用户名 :param password: 新密码 :return: 0为失败,1为修改成功 """ try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "UPDATE userinfo SET password=? WHERE username=?" result = cursor.execute(sql, password, username) return result.rowcount except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return 0
def update_specified_student_info(self, sid, field, value): """ 更新某个学生的基本信息 :param sid: :param field: :param value: :return: """ try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "UPDATE student SET {}=? WHERE sid=?".format(field) result = cursor.execute(sql, value, sid) return result.rowcount except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return 0
def add_enroll_to_specified_student(self, sid, grade, section) -> int: """ 添加某个学生的某门选课 :param sid: :param grade: :param section: :return: """ try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "INSERT INTO enroll (sid,grade,dname,cno,sectno)VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)" result = cursor.execute(sql, sid, grade, section.dname, section.cno, section.sectno) return result.rowcount except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return 0
def delete_enroll_of_specified_student(self, sid, grade, enroll) -> int: """ 删除某个学生的某门选课 :param sid: :param grade: :param enroll: :return: """ try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "DELETE FROM enroll WHERE sid=? AND grade=? AND dname=? AND cno=? AND sectno=?" result = cursor.execute(sql, sid, grade, enroll.dname, enroll.cno, enroll.sectno) return result.rowcount except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return 0
def query_specified_student_major(self, sid) -> list: """ 查询某个学生的主修专业 :param sid: :return: """ major = list() try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "SELECT m.dname,m.sid FROM major m WHERE m.sid={}".format( sid) for row in cursor.execute(sql): m = Major() m.sid = row[1] m.dname = row[0] major.append(m) return major except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return []
def login(self, username, password) -> int: """ 用户登陆 :param username:用户名 :param password:密码 :return:-1为密码错误,-2为用户名不存在,0为管理员权限,1为教师权限,2为学生权限 """ try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = r"SELECT password,auth FROM userinfo WHERE username=?" cursor.execute(sql, username) result = cursor.fetchall() if len(result) == 0 or len(result) != 1: return -2 # 用户名不存在 elif result[0].password != password: return -1 # 密码错误 else: return result[0].auth except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return -1
def query_all_student_abstract_info(self): """ 查询所有学生的基本信息 :return: """ result = [] try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "SELECT * FROM student" for row in cursor.execute(sql): stu = Student() stu.sid = row[0] stu.sname = row[1] = row[2] stu.age = row[3] stu.year = row[4] stu.gpa = row[5] result.append(stu) return result except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return None
def query_all_sections(self) -> list: """ 查询所有开的课程 :return: """ try: sections = list() with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "SELECT s.sectno,s.dname,s.cno,c.cname,s.pname FROM section s,course c WHERE s.dname=c.dname AND s.cno=c.cno" for row in cursor.execute(sql): c = Course() s = Section() s.sectno = row[0] s.dname = row[1] s.cno = row[2] s.pname = row[4] c.cname = row[3] s.course = c sections.append(s) return sections except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return None
def query_ambiguous_student_abstract_info(self, sname): """ :param sname: :return: """ result = [] try: with database.cursor() as cursor: sql = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE sname LIKE ? " for row in cursor.execute(sql, "%{}%".format(sname)).fetchall(): stu = Student() stu.sid = row[0] stu.sname = row[1] = row[2] stu.age = row[3] stu.year = row[4] stu.gpa = row[5] result.append(stu) return result except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return []