class ImageDetector(object): def __init__(self): self.detector = Detector(YOLO_DATA_PATH, YOLO_CFG_PATH, YOLO_WEIGHTS_PATH) # @pysnooper.snoop() def classify_image(self, image_path): print("Classfy : ", image_path) res = self.detector.detect(image_path) print(res) img = dr = ImageDraw.Draw(img) for data in res: class_name = data['class'] x, y, w, h = data['left'], data['top'], data['right'] - data[ 'left'], data['bottom'] - data['top'] # 画矩形框 dr.rectangle((x, y, x + w, y + h), outline=(46, 254, 46), width=3) # 写文字 # 设置字体和大小 # myfont = ImageFont.truetype("static/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf", 100) dr.text((data['left'], data['top']), class_name, font=myfont, fill='red') out_image_path = image_path[:image_path.rfind( '.')] + '_deect' + image_path[image_path.rfind('.'):] return out_image_path
class Yolo(): def __init__(self): abs_path = '/Users/woffee/www/language_design/yolo/' self.detector = Detector(abs_path + 'darknet/cfg/', abs_path + 'darknet/cfg/yolov3.cfg', abs_path + 'darknet/yolov3.weights') def detect(self, img_path): results = self.detector.detect(img_path) return results
class AutoLabeler: def __init__(self): self.current_directory = os.getcwd() self.class_list = np.loadtxt("class_list.txt", dtype=np.str) yolo_cfg_path_absolute = self.current_directory + YOLOCFGPATH self.detector = Detector( yolo_cfg_path_absolute + 'cfg/', yolo_cfg_path_absolute + 'cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg', yolo_cfg_path_absolute + 'yolov3-tiny_final.weights') if not os.path.isdir(LABEL_PATH): os.mkdir(LABEL_PATH) def label_images(self): files_to_label = glob.glob(IMAGES_TO_LABEL_GLOB) number_of_files = len(files_to_label) print(f"{number_of_files} to label in total") start_time = time.time() for index, file_path in enumerate(files_to_label): image = label_matrix = [] print(f"Labeling {index + 1}/{number_of_files}") results = self.detector.detect(file_path) is_first = True for result in results: if result["prob"] < 0.6: continue c = [ index for index, label in enumerate(self.class_list) if label == result["class"] ][0] width = result["right"] - result["left"] height = result["bottom"] - result["top"] x_coord = width / 2 + result["left"] y_coord = height / 2 + result["top"] width_relative = width / image.width height_relative = height / image.height x_coord_relative = x_coord / image.width y_coord_relative = y_coord / image.height label_matrix.append([ c, x_coord_relative, y_coord_relative, width_relative, height_relative ]) label_matrix_np = np.array(label_matrix) base_label_file_name = os.path.basename( file_path)[:os.path.basename(file_path).rfind('.')] + ".txt" label_file_name = f"{LABEL_PATH}/{base_label_file_name}" np.savetxt(label_file_name, label_matrix_np) time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time estimated_time_remaining = ((time_elapsed / (index + 1)) * (len(files_to_label) - (index + 1))) / 60 print( f"Saving file as {label_file_name} -- Est {estimated_time_remaining:.2f} mins remaining" )
class YOLOThreeObjectDetector(ObjectDetector): DARKNET_CFG_COCO_DATA = "./yolo_darknet_cfg/" DARKNET_CFG_YOLO_CFG = "./yolo_darknet_cfg/yolov3.cfg" YOLO_WEIGHTS = "./yolov3.weights" def __init__(self): self.detector = Detector(self.DARKNET_CFG_COCO_DATA, self.DARKNET_CFG_YOLO_CFG, self.YOLO_WEIGHTS) def detect_humans(self, img, img_path, logger): return self.detector.detect(img_path) def get_human_boxes(self, outputs, logger): boxes_list = [[b['left'], b['top'], b['right'], b['bottom']] for b in outputs if b['class'] == 'person' and b['prob'] >= 0.95] logger.log['detected_humans_per_frame'].append(len(boxes_list)) logger.log['boxes_per_frame'].append(boxes_list) return boxes_list
class Vision: def __init__(self): self.rs_pipeline = rs.pipeline() self.current_directory = os.getcwd() yolo_cfg_path_absolute = self.current_directory + YOLOCFGPATH self.image_path = self.current_directory + "/" + IMAGE_NAME self.detector = Detector(yolo_cfg_path_absolute + 'cfg/', yolo_cfg_path_absolute + 'cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg', yolo_cfg_path_absolute + 'yolov3-tiny_final.weights') self.counter = 0 self.first_run = True self.results = None self.orientationCNN = OrientationDetector(ORIENTATION_MODEL_PATH) def __del__(self): # Stop streaming self.rs_pipeline.stop() def capture_image(self): if self.first_run: cfg = rs.config() # cfg.enable_stream(, 1280, 720, realsense.format.z16, 30) cfg.enable_stream(, 1920, 1080, rs.format.rgb8, 30) profile = self.rs_pipeline.start(cfg) sensors = profile.get_device().query_sensors() rgb_camera = sensors[1] rgb_camera.set_option(rs.option.white_balance, 4600) rgb_camera.set_option(rs.option.exposure, 80) #rgb_camera.set_option(rs.option.saturation, 65) #rgb_camera.set_option(rs.option.contrast, 50) frames = None # wait for autoexposure to catch up for i in range(90): frames = self.rs_pipeline.wait_for_frames() self.first_run = False frames = self.rs_pipeline.wait_for_frames() color_frame = frames.get_color_frame() # Convert images to numpy arrays color_image = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data()) color_image_ready_to_save = pimg.fromarray(color_image, 'RGB') return color_image def find_parts(self, class_id, fuse_index=-1): class_id1, class_id2 = class_id part = (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1) # result is an array of dictionaries found_class_index = 0 for i in range(len(self.results)): d = self.results[i] if (d['class'] == class_id1 or d['class'] == class_id2) and d['prob'] > 0.6: if fuse_index > -1 and fuse_index != found_class_index: found_class_index += 1 continue part_class = d['class'] prob = d['prob'] width = d['right'] - d['left'] height = d['bottom'] - d['top'] x_coord = width / 2 + d['left'] y_coord = height / 2 + d['top'] if height > width: orientation = OrientationEnum.VERTICAL.value grip_width = width * 0.58 elif width > height: orientation = OrientationEnum.HORIZONTAL.value grip_width = height * 0.58 else: orientation = OrientationEnum.HORIZONTAL.value grip_width = height * 0.58 print("[W] Could not determine orientation, using 1 as default") new_part_id = convert_to_part_id(part_class) part = (new_part_id, x_coord, y_coord, orientation, grip_width) break print(part) return part def detect_object(self): self.results = self.detector.detect(self.image_path) self.draw_boxes(self.results) def draw_boxes(self, results): source_img ="RGBA") for i in range(len(results)): d = results[i] if d['prob'] > 0.6: classify = d['class'] prob = d['prob'] width = d['right'] - d['left'] height = d['bottom'] - d['top'] x_coord = width / 2 + d['left'] y_coord = height / 2 + d['top'] draw = ImageDraw.Draw(source_img) draw.rectangle(((d['left'], d['top']), (d['right'], d['bottom'])), fill=None, outline=(200, 0, 150), width=6) draw.text((x_coord, y_coord), d['class'])'boundingboxes.png') def is_facing_right(self, np_image): result = self.orientationCNN.is_facing_right(np_image) print("[INFO] Part is facing right. {}".format(result)) return result def get_image_path(self): return self.image_path
from darknetpy.detector import Detector detector = Detector('/Users/daniel/Workspace/darknet', '/Users/daniel/Workspace/darknet/cfg/', '/Users/daniel/Workspace/darknet/cfg/yolo.cfg', '/Users/daniel/Workspace/darknet/yolo.weights') results = detector.detect('/Users/daniel/Workspace/darknet/data/dog.jpg') print(results)
jsonfile = open('/FilepathHere/blob.json', 'a+') filenum = 0 if os.path.isfile(index): filename = open(index, 'r') if filename: filenum = filename.close() #darknetpy detector = Detector('/FilepathHere/darknet', '/FilepathHere/darknet/cfg/', '/FilepathHere/darknet/cfg/yolov2.cfg', '/FilepathHere/darknet/yolov2.weights') #Define array to hold results results = {} #JSON output = {} output['ImageID'] = '' output['YOLOOutputString'] = results for i in range(int(filenum), len(file_list) - 1): results[i] = detector.detect(img_path + file_list[i]) output['ImageID'] = file_list[i] output['YOLOOutputString'] = results[i] json_blob = json.dumps(output) print(file_list[i] + ' ###COMPLETE###' + '\n') print(i, file=open('/FilepathHere/index.txt', 'w')) jsonfile.write(json_blob + '\n') print(results) #print (json.loads(stdout_json)['ImageID'])
import cv2 prototxt = "/media/victor/57a90e07-058d-429d-a357-e755d0820324/Projects/Tiny-yolo/yolo_tiny_deploy.prototxt" model = "/media/victor/57a90e07-058d-429d-a357-e755d0820324/Projects/Tiny-yolo/yolo_tiny.caffemodel" darknet = "/media/victor/57a90e07-058d-429d-a357-e755d0820324/Projects/darknet" image = "/home/victor/Projects/Thesis/Testimages/test1.jpg" conf = 0.1 from darknetpy.detector import Detector detector = Detector(darknet, '%s/cfg/' % darknet, '%s/cfg/tiny-yolo.cfg' % darknet, '%s/tiny-yolo.weights' % darknet) start = time.time() results = detector.detect(image) end = time.time() print("[INFO] it took %s seconds." % (end - start)) print(results) # image = cv2.imread(image) # (h, w) = image.shape[:2] # # # blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(cv2.resize(image, (448, 448)), 1, (448, 448), (104, 117, 123)) # # # cv2.imshow("Output", image) # # cv2.waitKey(0) # # # # load our serialized model from disk
# need to pip3 install darknetpy # run on python3 from darknetpy.detector import Detector detector = Detector('dev/darknet', 'ds/', 'ds/swx-yolo-voc.2.0.cfg', 'swx-yolo-voc_18000.weights') results = detector.detect('data/gun.jpg') print(results)