def kanban_list( _value, _status ): # _value is(urgent,imp,normal) and _status is (to do,progress,done) return dbc.ListGroup([ dbc.ListGroupItem(children=[ task_card(i, _value, _status) for i in range(len(df['to_do_task'])) ]) ])
def uploaded_dataset_list(self, *datasets): # # TODO: active can be set to True for highligthing selected File (however for the moment we limit to one # component) # TODO: write a callback for each entry # all_datasets = [dbc.ListGroup(self.dataset_list(*datasets))] return all_datasets
def twitter_feed(state=None) -> List[dbc.Card]: """Displays twitter feed on the left hand side of the display. TODO: Add callbacks based on state :params state: display twitter feed for a particular state. If None, display twitter feed for the whole US. :return cards: A list of dash boostrap Card components, where each card contains tweets for twitter feed. :rtype: list """ response = requests.get(NCOV19_API + "twitter").json() if response["success"] == True: data = response["message"] username = data["username"] full_name = data["full_name"] tweets = data["tweets"] else: username = "******" full_name = "John Cena" tweets = [{ "tweet_id": "0", "full_text": "John Cena to Corona Virus : You Can't See Me !", "created_at": "2020-03-25T22:05:24", }] # 2020-03-19 triage. lots of empty list at the end of tweets, filtering them out # tweet["full_text"][:100] cards = [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.A( html.P( tweet["full_text"][:100] + "...", className="tweet-text", ), href= f"{username}/status/{tweet['tweet_id']}", target="_blank", ), html.P( [ # html.Strong(f"- {full_name} (@{username})"), html.P( f"- @{username} {parse(tweet['created_at']).strftime('%a %d, %Y at %I: %M %p')}", className="tweet-dt", ), ], className="tweets-txt-by-dt", ), ], className="tweet-item", ) for tweet in tweets ] list_group = dbc.ListGroup(cards, flush=True) return list_group
def states_deaths_stats(state="US") -> dbc.ListGroup: """ :params state: display news feed for a particular state. If None, display news feed for the whole US :return list_group: A bootstramp ListGroup containing ListGroupItem returns news feeds. :rtype: dbc.ListGroup """ try: URL = config.NCOV19_API + config.COUNTY response = requests.get(URL).json() data = response["message"] data = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data) data["state_name"] = data["state_name"].str.title() if state == "US": deaths = data.groupby(["state_name"])["deaths"].sum() deaths = confirmed.sort_values(ascending=False).to_dict() else: deaths = data[data["state_name"] == state] confirmed = df[["County Name", "Confirmed"]] confirmed = dict( confirmed.sort_values(by="Confirmed", ascending=False).to_records(index=False)) del response, data except: print("[ERROR] states_confirmed_stats error accessing API") list_group = dbc.ListGroup( [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.P( [ html.Span( f"{value:,d}", className="states-stats-deaths-list-num", ), html.Span( f" {key}", className="states-stats-deaths-list-state", ), ], className="states-stats-deaths-list-txt", ), ], id=f"states-death-{key}", className="states-stats-deaths-list-item", ) for key, value in death.items() ], flush=True, className="states-stats-death-listgroup", ) return list_group
def news_feed(state="US") -> dbc.ListGroup: """Displays news feed on the right hand side of the display. Adjust the NewsAPI time time to Eastern Time (w/ DST). :params state: display news feed for a particular state. If None, display news feed for the whole US :return list_group: A bootstramp ListGroup containing ListGroupItem returns news feeds. :rtype: dbc.ListGroup """ URL = config.NCOV19_API + config.NEWS if state == "US": response = requests.get(URL) else: payload = {"state": state, "topic": "coronavirus"} payload = json.dumps(payload) response = + config.NEWS, data=payload) if response.status_code == 200: json_data = response.json() json_data = json_data["message"] df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(json_data) df = pd.DataFrame(df[["title", "url", "published"]]) max_rows = 50 list_group = dbc.ListGroup( [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.Div( [ html.H6( f"{df.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[0]}.", className="news-txt-headline", ), html.P( f"{df.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[1]} {df.iloc[i]['published']}", className="news-txt-by-dt", ), ], className="news-item-container", ) ], className="news-item", href=df.iloc[i]["url"], target="_blank", ) for i in range(min(len(df), max_rows)) ], flush=True, ) del response, json_data, df gc.collect() else: list_group = [] return list_group
def twitter_feed(state=None) -> List[dbc.Card]: """Displays twitter feed on the left hand side of the display. TODO: TODO: Add callbacks based on state :params state: display twitter feed for a particular state. If None, display twitter feed for the whole US. :return cards: A list of dash boostrap Card components, where each cahrd contains tweets for twitter feed. :rtype: list """ if state is None: doc = tm.get_tweet_by_state("US") cards = [ # dbc.Card( # dbc.CardHeader([html.I(className="fab fa-twitter mr-1"), "Twitter Feed"]) # ) ] username = doc["username"] full_name = doc["full_name"] tweets = doc["tweets"] # 2020-03-19 triage. lots of empty list at the end of tweets, filtering them out tweets = [*filter(None, tweets)] tweets = sorted(tweets, key=lambda i: i["created_at"], reverse=True) # print(tweets) cards += [ # dbc.Card( # dbc.CardBody( dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.A( html.P(tweet["full_text"][:100] + "...", ), href= f"{username}/status/{tweet['tweet_id']}", target="_blank", ), html.P( [ html.Strong(f"- {full_name} (@{username})"), html.P( f"{tweet['created_at'].strftime('%a %d, %Y at %I: %M %p')}", className="tweet-dt", ), ], className="tweets-txt-by-dt", ), ], className="tweet-item", # ), ) for tweet in tweets ] list_group = dbc.ListGroup(cards, flush=True) # return cards return list_group
def news_feed(state=None) -> dbc.ListGroup: """Displays news feed on the right hand side of the display. Adjust the NewsAPI time time to Eastern Time (w/ DST). TODO: Add callbacks to fetch local state news, if none get entire US news :params state: display news feed for a particular state. If None, display news feed for the whole US :return list_group: A bootstramp ListGroup containing ListGroupItem returns news feeds. :rtype: dbc.ListGroup """ news_requests = requests.get(NEWS_API_URL) json_data = news_requests.json()["articles"] df = pd.DataFrame(json_data) df = pd.DataFrame(df[["title", "url", "publishedAt"]]) # Infer datetime df["publishedAt"] = pd.to_datetime(df["publishedAt"], infer_datetime_format=True) # Assuming timedelta of 5 hours based on what i compared from CNN articles from API. df["publishedAt"] = df["publishedAt"] - pd.Timedelta("5 hours") """ # Format date time way you want to display, """ def dt_fmt(val): return val.strftime("%a %d, %Y, %I: %M %p ET") # Apply pandas function to format news published date df["publishedAt"] = df["publishedAt"].apply(dt_fmt) max_rows = 50 list_group = dbc.ListGroup( [ # dbc.Card( # dbc.CardHeader([html.I(className="fas fa-newspaper mr-1"), "News Feed"]) # ) ] + [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.H6( f"{df.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[0]}.", className="news-txt-headline", ), html.P( f"by {df.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[1]} {df.iloc[i]['publishedAt']}", className="news-txt-by-dt", ), ], className="news-item", href=df.iloc[i]["url"], target="_blank", ) for i in range(min(len(df), max_rows)) ], flush=True, ) return list_group
def init_dashboard(server): """Create a Plotly Dash dashboard.""" dash_app = dash.Dash( server=server, routes_pathname_prefix="/dashapp/", external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.MATERIA], ) dash_app.layout = dbc.Container( dbc.Row( dbc.Col( [ html. H4("Change the value in the text box to see callbacks in action!" ), html.Div([ dbc.Input( id="my-input", value="initial value", type="text", autoFocus=True, ), ]), html.Br(), dbc.Card(id="my-output", body=True), dbc.ListGroup( [ dbc.ListGroupItem( dbc.NavLink( "Home", href="/", external_link=True)), dbc.ListGroupItem( dbc.NavLink("About", href="/about", external_link=True)), dbc.ListGroupItem( dbc.NavLink("Internal Link — Dash App 2", href="/dashapp2")), dbc.ListGroupItem( dbc.NavLink( "External Link — Dash App 2", href="/dashapp2", external_link=True, )), ], className="mt-4", ), ], className="mt-5", ))) @dash_app.callback( Output(component_id="my-output", component_property="children"), Input(component_id="my-input", component_property="value"), ) def update_output_div(input_value): return f"Output: {input_value}" return dash_app.server
def render(title, courses: CourseList): element = dbc.Card([ dbc.CardBody([ html.H4(title, className="card-title text-white mb-0"), ]), dbc.ListGroup([CourseInput.render(course[0], course[1]) for course in courses], flush=True) ], color="primary text-primary mt-3") return element
def macro_component(): """ The main macro panel :return: """ title = "Macro Data" output_row = dbc.Row( dbc.Tabs( id="macro-tab-selector", active_tab="ust-curve", children=[ dbc.Tab(label="US Treasury Curve", tab_id="ust-curve", children=[subpanel.usd_treasury_curve()]), dbc.Tab( label="USD Swap Curve", tab_id="usd-swap-curve", children=[ subpanel.usd_swap_curve(), dbc.Col([ html.A( dbc.Button("Data Citations", className="mr-1", id="usd-swap-citations-button")) ], width=4), dbc.Popover( [ dbc.PopoverHeader("USD Swap Citations"), dbc.PopoverBody([ dbc.ListGroup([ dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItemHeading( f"ICE USD Swap {yr} Yr"), dbc.ListGroupItemText( dl.macro.get_usd_swap_citation( yr)) ]) for yr in dl.macro.maturities ]) ]) ], id="usd-swap-citations", is_open=False, target="usd-swap-citations-button", ) ]), dbc.Tab(label="Coming Soon...", tab_id="coming-soon", disabled=True) ])) obj = panel_template(title, output_row) return obj
def make_activity_info_header(activity: Activity): if activity.type == ('Run' or 'Walk'): return html.Div([]) metrics = ActivityMetrics(activity=activity, config={'ftp': 290}) line1 = dbc.ListGroup( [ dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItem(, style={'font-size': '0.7rem'}), dbc.ListGroupItem(, dbc.ListGroupItem(""), ], style={ 'font-size': '0.6rem', 'line-height': '0.1em' }), dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItem("Power", style={'font-size': '0.7rem'}), dbc.ListGroupItem(f"{metrics.average_power}"), dbc.ListGroupItem(f"{metrics.normalized}"), dbc.ListGroupItem(f"{}"), ], style={ 'font-size': '0.6rem', 'line-height': '0.1em' }), dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItem("HR", style={'font-size': '0.7rem'}), dbc.ListGroupItem(f"{metrics.average_hr}"), dbc.ListGroupItem(f"{metrics.max_hr}"), ], style={ 'font-size': '0.6rem', 'line-height': '0.1em' }), ], flush=True, horizontal=True, className="mb-1", style={'font-size': '0.8rem'}, ) # line2 = dbc.ListGroup( # [ # # ], # flush=True, # ) list_group = html.Div( [ line1, # line2, ], ) return list_group
def daily_stats_mobile(state="US") -> List[dbc.Row]: """Returns a top bar as a list of Plotly dash components displaying tested, confirmed , and death cases for the top row. TODO: move to internal API. :param none: none :return cols: A list of plotly dash boostrap components Card objects displaying tested, confirmed, deaths. :rtype: list of plotly dash bootstrap coomponent Col objects. """ # 1. Fetch Stats # print(f"daily_stats_mobile for state {STATES_COORD[state]['stateAbbr']}") stats = get_daily_stats_mobile(STATES_COORD[state]['stateAbbr']) # print("Mobile Site ---> ", stats) # 2. Dynamically generate list of dbc Cols. Each Col contains a single Card. Each card displays # items and values of the stats pulled from the API. cards = [] for key, value in stats.items(): if key == "Tested": card = dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.P(" .", className=f"mobile-top-bar-perc-change-{key.lower()}"), html.H1(value, className=f"mobile-top-bar-value-{key.lower()}"), html.P(f"{key}", className="mobile-card-text"), ], className=f"mobile-top-bar-card-{key.lower()}", ) elif key == "Death Rate": card = dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.P( f" {float(value[1]):+0.2f}% change", className=f"mobile-top-bar-perc-change-{key.lower()}", ), html.H1(f"{value[0]}%", className=f"mobile-top-bar-value-{key.lower()}"), html.P(f"{key}", className="mobile-card-text"), ], className=f"mobile-top-bar-card-{key.lower()}", ) else: card = dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.P( f"+ {value[1]} new", className=f"mobile-top-bar-perc-change-{key.lower()}", ), html.H1(value[0], className=f"mobile-top-bar-value-{key.lower()}"), html.P(f"{key}", className="mobile-card-text"), ], className=f"mobile-top-bar-card-{key.lower()}", ) cards.append(card) cards = dbc.ListGroup(cards) return cards
def state_info(state, data): if not state: return dbc.Col("") state_info, state_current = data.get_state_data(state) state_grade = data.get_state_grade(state) last_update = data.state_last_update(state) return [ dbc.Col([graph_tabs(id="state-graph")]), dbc.Col( dbc.Card([ dbc.CardHeader( dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(html.H3(state_info['name'])), dbc.Col(grade_card(state_grade), align='center') ], justify='between')), dbc.CardBody([ dbc.Row( dbc.Col([ html.H5("Current Totals"), html.Small(f"Last updated - {last_update}"), build_table(state_current, id='state-data') ])), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.H5("State Links"), dbc.ListGroup([ dbc.ListGroupItem( "Covid Site", href=state_info['covid19Site'], target="_blank"), dbc.ListGroupItem( "Secondary Covid Site", href=state_info['covid19SiteSecondary'], target="_blank"), dbc.ListGroupItem( "Twitter", href= f"{state_info['twitter']}", target="_blank") ]) ], width=4), dbc.Col([ html.H5("Data notes"), dcc.Markdown(state_info.get('notes', "")) ]) ]) ]) ])) ]
def news_feed(state="US") -> dbc.ListGroup: """Displays news feed on the right hand side of the display. Adjust the NewsAPI time time to Eastern Time (w/ DST). TODO: Add callbacks to fetch local state news, if none get entire US news :params state: display news feed for a particular state. If None, display news feed for the whole US :return list_group: A bootstramp ListGroup containing ListGroupItem returns news feeds. :rtype: dbc.ListGroup """ if state == "US": json_data = requests.get(NCOV19_API + "news").json() else: payload = { "state": STATES_COORD[state]["stateAbbr"], "topic": "coronavirus" } payload = json.dumps(payload) json_data = + "news", data=payload).json() if json_data["success"] == True: json_data = json_data["message"] df = pd.read_json(json_data) df = pd.DataFrame(df[["title", "url", "published"]]) max_rows = 50 list_group = dbc.ListGroup( [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.H6( f"{df.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[0]}.", className="news-txt-headline", ), html.P( f"{df.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[1]} {df.iloc[i]['published']}", className="news-txt-by-dt", ), ], className="news-item", href=df.iloc[i]["url"], target="_blank", ) for i in range(min(len(df), max_rows)) ], flush=True, ) else: list_group = [] return list_group
def display_click_data(clickData): #print(1) url_text = "" url_link = "" jobs_text = "" jobs_link = "" contact_text = "" contact_link = "" if not clickData: return "" item_id = clickData["points"][0]["id"] item_name = clickData["points"][0]["label"] item_desc = clickData["points"][0]["customdata"] listGroup = "" #print(companies_dict[item_name]) if len(companies_dict[item_name]) > 2: url_text = companies_dict[item_name] url_link = companies_dict[item_name] jobs_text = "Jobs at " + item_name jobs_link = "" + item_name contact_text = "Get in touch with us about " + item_name contact_link = "" "" + item_name listGroup = dbc.ListGroup([ dbc.ListGroupItem(html.A(url_text, target='_blank', href=url_link)), dbc.ListGroupItem( html.A(jobs_text, target='_blank', href=jobs_link)), dbc.ListGroupItem( html.A(contact_text, target='_blank', href=contact_link)), ]) return_card = dbc.Card( [ dbc.CardBody([ html.H4(item_name, className="card-title"), html.P( item_desc, className="card-text", ), html.Br(), listGroup, ]), ], body=True, ) #print(item_name) #print(clickData) return return_card
def display_rebalance_output(n_clicks, text_area: str, results): if not n_clicks: raise PreventUpdate if not text_area: raise PreventUpdate if not results: raise PreventUpdate try: portfolio = json.loads(text_area) except (Exception): return dbc.Alert("Invalid JSON format", color="danger"), min_vol = results[MIN_VOL]['Expected Weights'] max_sharpe = results[MAX_SHARPE]['Expected Weights'] symbols = portfolio.keys() with open('config.json', 'r') as file: config = json.load(file)['crypto'] api_key = config['crypto_compare_api_key'] url = '' params = {"fsyms": ','.join(symbols), "tsyms": "USD", "api_key": api_key} exchange_rate = requests.get(url, params=params).json() usd_price = {key: value['USD'] for key, value in exchange_rate.items()} display_result = {} results = pd.DataFrame({"a": portfolio, 'usd_price': usd_price}) results['holding'] = results['a'] * results['usd_price'] results['w'] = results['holding'] / results['holding'].sum() total_asset_value = results['holding'].sum() for entry in [('Maximmum Sharpe Ratio', max_sharpe), ('Minimmum Volatitly', min_vol)]: results['ew'] = pd.Series(entry[1]) results['ew_r'] = results['ew'] - results['w'] results['ew_usd'] = results['ew_r'] * \ results['holding'].sum() results['ew_a'] = results['ew_usd'] / results['usd_price'] display_result[entry[0]] = results['ew_a'].to_dict() return [html.H4(f'Total Asset Value: ${total_asset_value:.4f}'), html.Hr()] +\ [dbc.Row(dbc.Col([ html.H5(name), dbc.ListGroup([ dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItemHeading(f"{value:.5f} {key}"), dbc.ListGroupItemText(f"{value*usd_price[key]:=.2f} USD"), ]) for key, value in ew.items() ], horizontal=True), html.Hr() ]), align='center', justify='center' ) for name, ew in display_result.items()] +\ [dbc.Label("* positive value is for buy" + " and negative value is for sell")]
def make_emission_nav(current_page): df = predict_emissions() target_year = get_variable('target_year') ts = df.sort_index().drop(columns='Forecast', level=0).loc[target_year] items = [] current_sector = current_page.emission_sector if current_page and current_page.emission_sector else None # Sort sectors based on the target year emissions sector_emissions = ts.sum(level=0).sort_values(ascending=False) def render_sector(s, sector_path, level): sector_emissions = s.sum(level=0).sort_values(ascending=False) for subsector_name, emissions in sector_emissions.iteritems(): if not subsector_name: continue subsector_path = tuple([*sector_path, subsector_name]) next_metadata = SECTORS for sp in subsector_path: metadata = next_metadata[sp] next_metadata = metadata.get('subsectors', {}) if current_sector == subsector_path: active = True else: active = False page = get_page_for_emission_sector(*subsector_path) item = _make_nav_item(metadata['name'], emissions, level, page, active=active) items.append(item) ss = s[subsector_name] if isinstance(ss, pd.Series): render_sector(ss, subsector_path, level + 1) render_sector(ts, tuple(), 0) items.append( _make_nav_item('Yhteensä', sector_emissions.sum(), 0, None, bold=True)) return html.Div([ html.H6('Päästöt vuonna %s' % target_year), dbc.ListGroup(children=items) ])
def PaletteList(): return dbc.Row(dbc.ListGroup([ PaletteItem(idx=1, name='Contact Density'), PaletteItem(idx=2, name='Conservation'), PaletteItem(idx=3, name='Custom files'), PaletteItem(idx=4, name='Disorder'), PaletteItem(idx=5, name='Membrane Topology'), PaletteItem(idx=6, name='MSA Coverage'), PaletteItem(idx=7, name='Secondary Structure'), PaletteItem(idx=8, name='Hydrophobicity'), PaletteItem(idx=9, name='Heatmap'), ], style={'width': '75%'}), justify='center', align='center')
def update_userid(value): reviews = get_reviewed_restaurants(value) n = len(reviews) recs = get_n_preds(value, n) htmls = [ dbc.ListGroupItem(reviews[i][0] + ': ' + reviews[i][1]) for i in range(n) ] urls = [ '' + str(recs[i][2]) + ',' + str(recs[i][3]) for i in range(n) ] preds = [ dbc.ListGroupItem([ recs[i][0] + ': ' + str(round(recs[i][1], 2)) + ' ', html.A('(map)', href=urls[i]) ]) for i in range(n) ] return [ html.Div(children=[ dbc.Card( dbc.CardBody([ html.H4("{0} User Reviews".format(value)), dbc.ListGroup(htmls) ]), ) ], className="col-md-6"), html.Div(children=[ dbc.Card( dbc.CardBody([ html.H4('Recommendations {0} User'.format(value)), dbc.ListGroup(preds) ]), ) ], className="col-md-6") ]
def make_transaction_group(df: pd.DataFrame): """Create a group of transactions""" list_items = [] for idx, transaction in df.iterrows(): list_items.append( dbc.ListGroupItem( [ dbc.ListGroupItemHeading(html.H6(transaction.payee)), dbc.ListGroupItemText([ html.P(transaction.display_name), html.P(f"$ {}") ]), ], action=True, )) return dbc.ListGroup(list_items)
def _update_project_options(n_clicks): """Use the Rubicon client to load the available projects.""" app._rubicon_model.update_projects() return dbc.ListGroup(children=[ dbc.ListGroupItem( id={ "type": "project-selection--project", "index": project["value"] }, className="project-selection--project", children=project["value"], n_clicks=0, action=True, ) for project in app._rubicon_model.project_options ])
def daily_stats_mobile() -> List[dbc.Row]: """Returns a top bar as a list of Plotly dash components displaying tested, confirmed , and death cases for the top row. TODO: move to internal API. :param none: none :return cols: A list of plotly dash boostrap components Card objects displaying tested, confirmed, deaths. :rtype: list of plotly dash bootstrap coomponent Col objects. """ # 1. Fetch Stats stats = get_daily_stats() # print("Mobile Site ---> ", stats) # 2. Dynamically generate list of dbc Cols. Each Col contains a single Card. Each card displays # items and values of the stats pulled from the API. cards = [] for key, value in stats.items(): if key not in ["Tested", "Recovered"]: card = dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.P( f"+ {value[1]} in past 24h", className=f"mobile-top-bar-perc-change-{key.lower()}", ), html.H1(value[0], className=f"mobile-top-bar-value-{key.lower()}"), html.P(f"{key}", className="mobile-card-text"), ], className=f"mobile-top-bar-card-{key.lower()}", ) else: # card = dbc.Row( card = dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.P( " .", className=f"mobile-top-bar-perc-change-{key.lower()}"), html.H1(value, className=f"mobile-top-bar-value-{key.lower()}"), html.P(f"{key}", className="mobile-card-text"), ], className=f"mobile-top-bar-card-{key.lower()}", ) cards.append(card) cards = dbc.ListGroup(cards) return cards
def TutorialList(): return dbc.Row( dbc.ListGroup( [ TutorialItem(idx=1, name='Creating your first plot'), TutorialItem( idx=2, name='Compare a contact prediction with a PDB file'), TutorialItem(idx=3, name='Storing, loading and sharing a session'), TutorialItem(idx=4, name='Residue-Residue distance predictions'), # TutorialItem(idx=5, name='Video tutorial') ], style={'width': '75%'}), justify='center', align='center')
def news_feed(state=None) -> dbc.ListGroup: """Displays news feed on the right hand side of the display. Adjust the NewsAPI time time to Eastern Time (w/ DST). TODO: Add callbacks to fetch local state news, if none get entire US news :params state: display news feed for a particular state. If None, display news feed for the whole US :return list_group: A bootstramp ListGroup containing ListGroupItem returns news feeds. :rtype: dbc.ListGroup """ json_data = requests.get(NCOV19_API + "news").json() if json_data["success"] == True: json_data = json_data["message"] df = pd.read_json(json_data) df = pd.DataFrame(df[["title", "url", "publishedAt"]]) max_rows = 50 list_group = dbc.ListGroup( [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.H6( f"{df.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[0]}.", className="news-txt-headline", ), html.P( f"by {df.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[1]} {df.iloc[i]['publishedAt']}", className="news-txt-by-dt", ), ], className="news-item", href=df.iloc[i]["url"], target="_blank", ) for i in range(min(len(df), max_rows)) ], flush=True, ) else: print("getting executed for no reason") list_group = [] return list_group
def news_feed(country): newsapi = NewsApiClient(api_key='6c7bb4a85ec049b3b9459379a35a36fa') q = 'corona' json_data = newsapi.get_top_headlines(q=q, language='en', country='us') # country_name_code_dict.get(str(country) data = pd.DataFrame(json_data['articles']) source = data['source'][0].get('name') source = [] for i in range(data.shape[0]): news = data['source'][i].get('name') source.append(news) news_data = pd.DataFrame(data[["title", "url"]]) news_data['source'] = source max_rows = 50 list_group = dbc.ListGroup( [ dbc.ListGroupItem( [ html.Div( [ html.H6( f"{news_data.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[0]}.", className="news-txt-headline", ), html.P( f"{news_data.iloc[i]['title'].split(' - ')[1]}" f" {news_data.iloc[i]['source']}", className="news-txt-by-dt", ), ], className="news-item-container", ) ], className="news-item", href=news_data.iloc[i]["url"], target="_blank", ) for i in range(min(len(news_data), max_rows)) ], flush=True, ) return list_group
def poledir(lat, lon, dec, inc, a95): if lat and lon and dec and inc and a95: PLat, PLon, dp, dm, PaleoLat = paleo_pole(lat, lon, dec, inc, a95) return (dbc.ListGroup([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.ListGroupItemText("PLat", style={ "margin-bottom": "-2px", }), dbc.ListGroupItem(PLat), ], width=3), dbc.Col([ dbc.ListGroupItemText("PLon", style={ "margin-bottom": "-2px", }), dbc.ListGroupItem(PLon), ], width=3), dbc.Col([ dbc.ListGroupItemText("dp/dm", style={ "margin-bottom": "-2px", }), dbc.ListGroupItem(str(dp) + "/" + str(dm)), ], width=3), dbc.Col([ dbc.ListGroupItemText("PaleoLat", style={ "margin-bottom": "-2px", }), dbc.ListGroupItem(PaleoLat), ], width=3) ]) ]) # html.P( # "PLat: " + str(PLat) + " PLon: " + str(PLon) + # " dp/dm: " + str(dp)+"/"+str(dm) + " PaleoLat: " + str(PaleoLat), # className="text-center" # ), )
def generate_list(tellers): teller_list = [] for i in tellers: credit = get_teller_credits(i) debit = get_teller_debits(i) teller_list.append( dbc.Row(dbc.ListGroup([ dbc.ListGroupItem(i), dbc.ListGroupItem("Credit: {}".format(credit)), dbc.ListGroupItem("Debit: {}".format(debit)), ])) ) return teller_list
def get_link_list(link_list, name): list_group = dbc.ListGroup(children=[]) if len(link_list)==0: list_group.children.append( dbc.ListGroupItem( "No " + name + " available" ) ) return list_group else: for i in range(len(link_list)): list_group.children.append( dbc.ListGroupItem( name + " #" + str(i+1), href=link_list[i], target='_blank' ) ) return list_group
def _show_metadata_from_graphs(passed_data: dict, duration_data: dict) -> tuple: """ """ if not (passed_data or duration_data): raise PreventUpdate metadata = no_update open_canvas = False title = "Job Statistics" trigger_id = callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0] if trigger_id == "graph-passed": graph_data = passed_data["points"][0].get("hovertext", "") elif trigger_id == "graph-duration": graph_data = duration_data["points"][0].get("text", "") if graph_data: metadata = [ dbc.Card( class_name="gy-2 p-0", children=[ dbc.CardHeader(children=[ dcc.Clipboard( target_id="metadata", title="Copy", style={"display": "inline-block"}), title ]), dbc.CardBody( id="metadata", class_name="p-0", children=[ dbc.ListGroup(children=[ dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.Badge(x.split(":")[0]), x.split(": ")[1] ]) for x in graph_data.split("<br>") ], flush=True), ]) ]) ] open_canvas = True return metadata, open_canvas
def update_meta_data_list(series_data_dict, **kwargs): model_name = kwargs["model_selector"] model_description = series_data_dict["all_forecasts"][model_name][ "model_description"] if model_description == model_name: model_description = "" model_cv_score = series_data_dict["all_forecasts"][model_name][ "cv_score"] return dbc.ListGroup([ dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItemHeading("Model Details"), dbc.ListGroupItemText([ html.P(model_name), html.P(model_description), html.P("CV score: %f" % model_cv_score), ]), ]), dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItemHeading("Forecast Updated At"), dbc.ListGroupItemText( series_data_dict["forecasted_at"].strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), ]), dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItemHeading("Data Collected At"), dbc.ListGroupItemText( series_data_dict["downloaded_dict"] ["downloaded_at"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), ]), dbc.ListGroupItem([ dbc.ListGroupItemHeading("Data Source"), dbc.ListGroupItemText([ html.A( series_data_dict["data_source_dict"]["url"], href=series_data_dict["data_source_dict"]["url"], ) ]), ]), ])