def get_item_hud(hud_title='LCL FORECAST ANALYSIS', hud_1_0='', hud_1_1='') \ -> Container: """ :param hud_title: str top of HUD :param hud_1_0: str Byline Position 1 :param hud_1_1: str Byline Position 2 :param hud_1_2: str :return: Container: 'item-hud-container' Row Container:'item-hud-title-container' Col H1: 'hud-title' Container: 'item-hud-byline-container' Row Navbar: item-hud-bar' NavItem: H2: 'hud-1-0' H2: hud-1-1' Row Tabs: 'table-tabs-nav' Tab: 'tab-all """ layout = Container( fluid=True, id='item-hud-container', children=[ Row( Container( id='item-hud-title-container', children=[Col(H1(id='hud-title', children=hud_title))])), Container( id='item-hud-byline-container', style=VISIBILITY_HIDDEN, children=[ Row([ Navbar(id='item-hud-bar', children=[ NavItem(H2(hud_1_0, id='hud-1-0')), NavItem(H2(hud_1_1, id='hud-1-1')) ]) ]), Row([ Tabs( id='table-tabs-nav', children=[Tab(tab_id='tab-all', label='All')], ) ], id='item-hub-tabs-row') ]), Div(id='datasource-1'), Div(id='datasource-2') ]) return layout
def get_html(self) -> List[ComponentMeta]: """Initializes the header dash html """ return [ H2(self.content["new-admissions-title"]), Markdown(self.content["new-admissions-text"]), Graph(id="new-admissions-graph"), Table(id="new-admissions-table"), H2(self.content["admitted-patients-title"]), Markdown(self.content["admitted-patients-text"]), Graph(id="admitted-patients-graph"), Table(id="admitted-patients-table"), ]
def _generate_body(asset_name="", files=[]): elements = [] elements.append(H2(" ".join(asset_name.split("-")).title())) df_records = groupby(get_dataframes(files), lambda x: ".".join(x["record_path"].split(".")[:-2])) for k, recs in df_records.items(): # Header if k == "period": continue elements.append(H3(k)) elements.append(Div(len(recs))) data = None if len(recs) == 1: # Data Vis: Chart or Table data = recs[0]["data"] elif len(recs) == 2: df_num_idx = 0 if _is_series_numeric(recs[0]["data"]["value"]) else 1 df_str_idx = 1 - df_num_idx df_num = recs[df_num_idx]["data"] df_str = _reshape_dataframe_narrow_to_wide(recs[df_str_idx]["data"]) join_keys = list(df_num.columns.intersection(df_str.columns)) data = df_str.join(df_num.set_index(join_keys), on=join_keys, how="outer") if data is not None: if "value" in data.columns and _is_series_numeric(data["value"]) and "period" in data.columns: elements.append(_generate_chart(data, asset_name + k)) else: elements.append(_generate_table(data)) return elements
def create_slide_0() -> Div: """Returns overview slide with agenda""" return dbc.Col([ H2("Agenda"), H5(Ol([ Li("Bullet Point 1", className="mt-5"), Li("Bullet Point 2"), Li("Bullet Point 3"), Li("Bullet Point 4"), ], className="mt-4 list-spacing")) ], width=12, className="p-5")
def create_slide_1() -> Div: """Returns overview slide with agenda""" return dbc.Col([ H2("Tabs example", className="mb-4"), dbc.Card([ dbc.CardHeader( dbc.Tabs([ dbc.Tab(label="Tab 1", tab_id="slide1-tab-1"), dbc.Tab(label="Tab 2", tab_id="slide1-tab-2"), dbc.Tab(label="Tab 3", tab_id="slide1-tab-3"), ], id="slide1-tabs", card=True, active_tab="slide1-tab-1")), dbc.CardBody(Loading(id="slide1-tab-content"), className="mt-2") ]), ], width=12, className="p-5")
def generate_layout(headers, reports, models): """Generates report table and returns it headers - texts in headers in format {metric_internal_name: metric_ui_name} reports - DB data in format [(id, {metric: value}) models - information about models in format [(id, name, type)]""" if not reports: return Div() return Div([ H2("Метрики"), Table( [Tr( [Th("Name")] + [Th(headers[metric]) for metric in reports[0][1]] )] + [Tr( [Td([m[1] for m in models if m[0] == report[0]][0])] + [Td(round(value,4)) for value in report[1].values()] ) for report in reports] ) ])
def html_instruction_list(self) -> typing.List: return [ H1("BET ETF Calculator"), Ul( [ Li("Andrei Răduță"), Li("*****@*****.**"), Li( Link( children="", href="", ) ), ] ), H2("Instructions:"), Ol( [ Li("Set the size of the list of symbols."), Li("Set the sum you are going to invest."), Li("Set the specific transaction fee for your grid."), Li( [ "Set your current holdings for each symbol ", I("(no information is stored)."), ] ), Li( ( "The buying price is the last price (at the specified " "time). Feel free to change it." ) ), Li("Place your orders. The order values should be the same."), ] ), I(id="symbols_time"), ]
body = Div([ Div([ Div([ H1("Copy & Paste Word Cloud Generator", className='display-4'), Hr(), P('This is the copy & paste word cloud generator. Simply copy and paste the text into the box below.' ), ], className='container') ], className="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid"), Div([ Div([ Div('Text Field Wordcloud', className='card-header'), dcc.Loading(Div([ H2('', className='card-title'), Div([Img(src='', className='card-img-top', width='100%')], style={'height': 500}), ], className='card-body', id='text-field-wordcloud'), style={ 'paddingTop': 200, 'paddingBottom': 200 }, type='dot'), Div([ P('This is the text field word cloud generator. Simply copy and paste the text into the box below.' ), Div([ Div([
def get_html(self) -> List[ComponentMeta]: """Initializes the header dash html """ today =["date-format"]) return [ Container( className="mt-5", children=[ H2(self.content["new-admissions-title"]), Markdown(self.content["new-admissions-text"]), ] ), Container(fluid=True, children=Graph(id="new_admissions_graph")), Container([ A( self.content["download-text"], id="new_admissions_download", download="admissions_{}.csv".format(today), href="", target="_blank", className="btn btn-sm btn-info", ), Div( children=Button( "Lock Zoom", id="new_admissions_lock_zoom", color="info", outline=False, className="btn btn-sm" ), style={"display": "inline-block", "padding": 10} ), Div( className="row justify-content-center", children=Div( id="new_admissions_table_container", className="col-auto", children=Table( id="new_admissions_table", className="table-responsive mx-auto" ), ), ), ]), Container( className="mt-5", children=[ H2(self.content["admitted-patients-title"]), Markdown(self.content["admitted-patients-text"]), ], ), Container(fluid=True, children=Graph(id="admitted_patients_graph")), Container([ A( self.content["download-text"], id="admitted_patients_download", download="census_{}.csv".format(today), href="", target="_blank", className="btn btn-sm btn-info", ), Div( children=Button( "Lock Zoom", id="admitted_patients_lock_zoom", color="info", outline=False, className="btn btn-sm" ), style={"display": "inline-block", "padding": 10} ), Div( className="row justify-content-center", children=Div( id="admitted_patients_table_container", className="col-auto", children=Table( id="admitted_patients_table", className="table-responsive" ), ), ), ]), Container( className="mt-5", children=[ H2(self.content["SIR-title"]), Markdown(self.content["SIR-text"]), ], ), Container(fluid=True, children=Graph(id="SIR_graph")), Container([ A( self.content["download-text"], id="SIR_download", download="SIR_{}.csv".format(today), href="", target="_blank", className="btn btn-sm btn-info my-4", ), Div( children=Button( "Lock Zoom", id="SIR_lock_zoom", color="info", outline=False, className="btn btn-sm" ), style={"display": "inline-block", "padding": 10} ), Div( className="row justify-content-center", children=Div( id="SIR_table_container", className="col-auto", children=Table( id="SIR_table", className="table-responsive" ), ), ), ]) ]
def make_word_cloud(imagemaskurl, relative_scaling, nwords, text, title, customstopwords, width, height, color, colormap, maxfont, minfont, scale): if imagemaskurl is not None and imagemaskurl != '': # imgstr ='base64,(.*)', imagemask).group(1) try: if imagemaskurl.startswith('data:image'): imgstr ='base64,(.*)', imagemask).group(1) b = base64.b64decode(imgstr) else: r = requests.get(imagemaskurl) b = r.content image_bytes = io.BytesIO(b) im ='RGBA') canvas ='RGBA', im.size, (255, 255, 255, 255)) canvas.paste(im, mask=im) mask = np.array(canvas) width, height = im.size except: mask = None text = 'Invalid Image Mask!' else: mask = None from wordcloud import STOPWORDS STOPWORDS = list(STOPWORDS) for word in customstopwords: STOPWORDS.append(word) STOPWORDS.append(word + 's') STOPWORDS.append(word + "'s") if color == '': color = None cloud = WordCloud(width=width, height=height, mask=mask, background_color=color, stopwords=STOPWORDS, max_words=nwords, colormap=colormap, max_font_size=maxfont, min_font_size=minfont, random_state=42, scale=scale, mode='RGBA', relative_scaling=relative_scaling).generate(text) try: coloring = ImageColorGenerator(mask) cloud.recolor(color_func=coloring) except: pass image = cloud.to_image() byte_io = io.BytesIO(), 'PNG') data_uri = base64.b64encode(byte_io.getvalue()).decode('utf-8').replace('\n', '') src = 'data:image/png;base64,{0}'.format(data_uri) x = np.array(list(cloud.words_.keys())) y = np.array(list(cloud.words_.values())) order = np.argsort(y)[::-1] x = x[order] y = y[order] trace = go.Bar(x=x, y=y) layout = go.Layout(margin=go.Margin(l=10, r=00), title='Relative frequency of words/bigrams') fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout) children = [ H2(title, className='card-title'), Img(src=src, width=image.size[0], height=image.size[1], style={'maxWidth': '100%', 'height': 'auto', 'margin': '0 auto', 'display': 'block'}), # Details([ # Summary('View Frequency Plot'), # dcc.Graph(id='word-freq', figure=fig, config={'displayModeBar': False}) # ]) ] return children
def get_layout(app): row_0 = Div([ H2("Upload to Database (excel file)", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), Upload( id='upload-data', children=Div(['Drag and Drop or ', A('Select Files')]), style={ 'width': '100%', 'height': '60px', 'lineHeight': '60px', 'borderWidth': '1px', 'borderStyle': 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '5px', 'textAlign': 'center', 'margin': '10px' }, # Allow multiple files to be uploaded multiple=False), Loading( id="loading", children=[Div(id='output-data-upload')], type="default", ), ]) row_1 = Div([ Div([ H2("Text input", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), RadioItems(id='radio1', options=[{ 'label': 'Partial match', 'value': 'PMATCH' }, { 'label': 'Exact match', 'value': 'EMATCH' }], value='EMATCH', labelStyle={ 'display': 'inline-block', }), Input(id="input1", type="text", placeholder="Query"), Br(), Button('Start text search', id='button') ], className='col-6'), Div([ H2("Search field", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), RadioItems(id='radio2', options=[{ 'label': 'Chemical name', 'value': 'NAME' }, { 'label': 'CAS Number', 'value': 'CAS' }, { 'label': 'IASO Barcode No.', 'value': 'BAR' }], value='NAME', labelStyle={ 'display': 'inline-block', }), ], className='col-6') ], className='row') row_2 = Div([ Div([ H2("Graphical search type", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), RadioItems(id='radio3', options=[{ 'label': 'Similarity ', 'value': 'SIM' }, { 'label': 'Substructural ', 'value': 'SUB' }, { 'label': 'Exact ', 'value': 'EX' }], value='SIM', labelStyle={ 'display': 'inline-block', }), DashMarvinJS(id='editor', marvin_url=app.get_asset_url('mjs/editor.html'), marvin_width='100%') ], className='col-6'), Div([ H2("Search results", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), DataTable( id='table', columns=fields1, fixed_rows={ 'headers': True, 'data': 0 }, row_selectable='single', style_data={ 'whiteSpace': 'normal', 'height': 'auto', 'width': 'auto' }, style_table={ 'overflowY': 'hidden', 'overflowX': 'hidden', 'margin-left': '0px' }, style_cell={ 'textAlign': 'left', 'padding': '5px', 'height': 'auto', 'padding-left': '17px', 'whiteSpace': 'normal', 'minWidth': '10px', 'maxWidth': '150px' }, style_as_list_view=True, style_cell_conditional=[ { 'if': { 'column_id': 'Picture' }, 'width': '60%' }, { 'if': { 'column_id': 'Brutto formula' }, 'width': '10%' }, { 'if': { 'column_id': 'Chemical name' }, 'width': '15%' }, { 'if': { 'column_id': 'CAS No.' }, 'width': '10%' }, ], ) ], className='col-6') ], className='row') row_3 = DataTable( id='table2', columns=fields2, fixed_rows={ 'headers': True, 'data': 0 }, #row_selectable='single', editable=True, row_deletable=True, style_data={ 'whiteSpace': 'normal', 'height': 'auto' }, style_table={ 'maxHeight': '500px', 'overflowY': 'hidden', 'overflowX': 'hidden', 'margin-left': '0px' }, style_cell={ 'textAlign': 'left', 'padding': '10px', 'padding-left': '20px', 'height': 'auto', 'whiteSpace': 'normal', 'minWidth': '120px', 'width': '150px' }, #style_cell_conditional=[ # {'if': {'column_id': 'Quantity'}, # 'width': '150px'}, # {'if': {'column_id': 'Quantity unit'}, # 'width': '150px'}, #], style_as_list_view=True) row_4 = Div([ Button('Add Row', id='addrow', n_clicks=0), Button('Submit changes', id='submit', n_clicks=0), ConfirmDialog( id='confirm', message= 'All changes will be applied from now! Are you sure you want to continue?', ) ]) layout = Div([ H1("Chemicals Storage", style={'textAlign': 'center'}), row_0, Hr(), row_1, Hr(), row_2, Hr(), row_3, Hr(), row_4 ]) return layout
def create_slide_2() -> Div: """Returns overview slide with agenda""" return dbc.Col([ H2("Plot example", className="mb-4"), Div(id="slide2-plot"), ], width=12, className="p-5")
def get_html(self) -> List[ComponentMeta]: """Initializes the header dash html """ today =["date-format"]) return [ H2(self.content["new-admissions-title"]), Markdown(self.content["new-admissions-text"]), Graph(id="new_admissions_graph"), A( self.content["download-text"], id="new_admissions_download", download="admissions_{}.csv".format(today), href="", target="_blank", className="btn btn-sm btn-info my-2", ), Div( className="row justify-content-center", children=Div( id="new_admissions_table_container", className="col-auto", children=[ Table(id="new_admissions_table", className="table-responsive"), ], ), ), H2(self.content["admitted-patients-title"]), Markdown(self.content["admitted-patients-text"]), Graph(id="admitted_patients_graph"), A( self.content["download-text"], id="admitted_patients_download", download="census_{}.csv".format(today), href="", target="_blank", className="btn btn-sm btn-info my-4", ), Div( className="row justify-content-center", children=Div( id="admitted_patients_table_container", className="col-auto", children=[ Table(id="admitted_patients_table", className="table-responsive"), ], ), ), H2(self.content["SIR-title"]), Markdown(self.content["SIR-text"]), Graph(id="SIR_graph"), A( self.content["download-text"], id="SIR_download", download="SIR_{}.csv".format(today), href="", target="_blank", className="btn btn-sm btn-info my-4", ), Div( className="row justify-content-center", children=Div( id="SIR_table_container", className="col-auto", children=[ Table(id="SIR_table", className="table-responsive"), ], ), ), ]