예제 #1
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: roxyboy/dask
def test_prefer_broker_nodes():

    b0    b1  b2
    |      \  /
    a0      a1

    a1 should be run before a0
    a, b, c = 'abc'
    dsk = {(a, 0): (f,), (a, 1): (f,),
           (b, 0): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 1))}

    dependencies, dependents = get_deps(dsk)
    nd = ndependents(dependencies, dependents)
    cm = child_max(dependencies, dependents, nd)
    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(a, 1)] < o[(a, 0)]

    # Switch name of 0, 1 to ensure that this isn't due to string comparison
    dsk = {(a, 0): (f,), (a, 1): (f,),
           (b, 0): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 0))}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(a, 1)] > o[(a, 0)]
예제 #2
def test_nearest_neighbor(abcde):

    a1  a2  a3  a4  a5  a6  a7 a8  a9
     \  |  /  \ |  /  \ |  / \ |  /
        b1      b2      b3     b4

    Want to finish off a local group before moving on.
    This is difficult because all groups are connected.
    a, b, c, _, _ = abcde
    a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 = [a + i for i in '123456789']
    b1, b2, b3, b4 = [b + i for i in '1234']

    dsk = {b1: (f,),
           b2: (f,),
           b3: (f,),
           b4: (f,),
           a1: (f, b1),
           a2: (f, b1),
           a3: (f, b1, b2),
           a4: (f, b2),
           a5: (f, b2, b3),
           a6: (f, b3),
           a7: (f, b3, b4),
           a8: (f, b4),
           a9: (f, b4)}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert 3 < sum(o[a + i] < len(o) / 2 for i in '123456789') < 7
    assert 1 < sum(o[b + i] < len(o) / 2 for i in '1234') < 4
    assert o[min([b1, b2, b3, b4])] == 0
예제 #3
파일: test_local.py 프로젝트: mmngreco/dask
def test_finish_task():
    dsk = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': (inc, 'x'), 'w': (add, 'z', 'y')}
    sortkey = order(dsk).get
    state = start_state_from_dask(dsk)
    state['running'] = set(['z', 'other-task'])
    task = 'z'
    result = 2

    state['cache']['z'] = result
    finish_task(dsk, task, state, set(), sortkey)

    assert state == {'cache': {'y': 2, 'z': 2},
                     'dependencies': {'w': set(['y', 'z']),
                                      'x': set([]),
                                      'y': set([]),
                                      'z': set(['x'])},
                     'finished': set(['z']),
                     'released': set(['x']),
                     'running': set(['other-task']),
                     'dependents': {'w': set([]),
                                    'x': set(['z']),
                                    'y': set(['w']),
                                    'z': set(['w'])},
                     'ready': ['w'],
                     'waiting': {},
                     'waiting_data': {'y': set(['w']),
                                      'z': set(['w'])}}
예제 #4
def test_base_of_reduce_preferred():
            a2 |
           /|  |
         a1 |  |
        /|  |  |
      a0 |  |  |
      |  |  |  |
      b0 b1 b2 b3
        \ \ / /

    We really want to run b0 quickly
    dsk = dict((('a', i), (f, ('a', i - 1), ('b', i))) for i in [1, 2, 3])
    dsk[('a', 0)] = (f, ('b', 0))
    dsk.update(dict((('b', i), (f, 'c', 1)) for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]))
    dsk['c'] = 1

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o == {('a', 3): 0,
                 ('a', 2): 1,
                 ('a', 1): 2,
                 ('a', 0): 3,
                 ('b', 0): 4,
                 'c': 5,
                 ('b', 1): 6,
                 ('b', 2): 7,
                 ('b', 3): 8}

    # ('b', 0) is the most important out of ('b', i)
    assert min([('b', i) for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]], key=o.get) == ('b', 0)
예제 #5
def test_string_ordering():
    """ Prefer ordering tasks by name first """
    dsk = {('a', 1): (f,), ('a', 2): (f,), ('a', 3): (f,)}
    o = order(dsk)
    assert o == {('a', 1): 0,
                 ('a', 2): 1,
                 ('a', 3): 2}
예제 #6
def test_base_of_reduce_preferred(abcde):
            a2 |
           /|  |
         a1 |  |
        /|  |  |
      a0 |  |  |
      |  |  |  |
      b0 b1 b2 b3
        \ \ / /

    We really want to run b0 quickly
    a, b, c, d, e = abcde
    dsk = {(a, i): (f, (a, i - 1), (b, i)) for i in [1, 2, 3]}
    dsk[(a, 0)] = (f, (b, 0))
    dsk.update({(b, i): (f, c, 1) for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]})
    dsk[c] = 1

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(b, 0)] <= 4
    assert o[(b, 1)] <= 6
예제 #7
    def update_graph(self, dsk=None, keys=None, restrictions={}):
        update_state(self.dask, self.dependencies, self.dependents,
                self.held_data, self.who_has, self.in_play,
                self.waiting, self.waiting_data, dsk, keys)

        cover_aliases(self.dask, dsk)


        new_keyorder = order(dsk)  # TODO: define order wrt old graph
        for key in new_keyorder:
            if key not in self.keyorder:
                # TODO: add test for this
                self.keyorder[key] = (self.generation, new_keyorder[key]) # prefer old
        if len(dsk) > 1:
            self.generation += 1  # older graph generations take precedence

        for key in dsk:
            for dep in self.dependencies[key]:
                if dep in self.exceptions_blame:
                    self.mark_failed(key, self.exceptions_blame[dep])

        for key in keys:
            if self.who_has[key]:

        for plugin in self.plugins[:]:
                plugin.update_graph(self, dsk, keys, restrictions)
            except Exception as e:
예제 #8
def test_avoid_upwards_branching_complex(abcde):
    e2   a2  d2  d3
    |    |    \  /
    e1   a3    d1
     \  /  \  /
      b1    c1
      |     |
      b2    c2

    Prefer c1 over b1 because c1 will stay in memory less long while b1
    a, b, c, d, e = abcde
    dsk = {(a, 1): (f, (a, 2)),
           (a, 2): (f, (a, 3)),
           (a, 3): (f, (b, 1), (c, 1)),
           (b, 1): (f, (b, 2)),
           (b, 2): (f,),
           (c, 1): (f, (c, 2)),
           (c, 2): (f, (c, 3)),
           (c, 3): (f,),
           (d, 1): (f, (c, 1)),
           (d, 2): (f, (d, 1)),
           (d, 3): (f, (d, 1)),
           (e, 1): (f, (b, 1)),
           (e, 2): (f, (e, 1))}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(c, 1)] < o[(b, 1)]
예제 #9
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: fortizc/dask
def test_avoid_upwards_branching_complex():
    e2   a2  d2  d3
    |    |    \  /
    e1   a3    d1
     \  /  \  /
      b1    c1
      |     |
      b2    c2

    Prefer b1 over c1 because it will be easier to finish its dependents
    dsk = {(a, 1): (f, (a, 2)),
           (a, 2): (f, (a, 3)),
           (a, 3): (f, (b, 1), (c, 1)),
           (b, 1): (f, (b, 2)),
           (c, 1): (f, (c, 2)),
           (c, 2): (f, (c, 3)),
           (d, 1): (f, (c, 1)),
           (d, 2): (f, (d, 1)),
           (d, 3): (f, (d, 1)),
           (e, 1): (f, (b, 1)),
           (e, 2): (f, (e, 1))}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(b, 1)] < o[(c, 1)]
예제 #10
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: fortizc/dask
def test_avoid_upwards_branching():
         a3    d1
        /  \  /
      b1    c1
      |     |
      b2    c2

    Prefer b1 over c1 because it won't stick around waiting for d1 to complete
    dsk = {(a, 1): (f, (a, 2)),
           (a, 2): (f, (a, 3)),
           (a, 3): (f, (b, 1), (c, 1)),
           (b, 1): (f, (b, 2)),
           (c, 1): (f, (c, 2)),
           (c, 2): (f, (c, 3)),
           (d, 1): (f, (c, 1))}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(b, 1)] < o[(c, 1)]
예제 #11
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: JDWarner/dask
def test_ordering_prefers_tasks_that_release_data():
    a, b, c = 'abc'
    f = lambda *args: None
    d = {(a, 0): (f,), (a, 1): (f,),
         (b, 0): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 1))}

    o = order(d)

    assert o[(a, 1)] > o[(a, 0)]

    d = {(a, 0): (f,), (a, 1): (f,),
         (b, 0): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 0))}

    o = order(d)

    assert o[(a, 1)] < o[(a, 0)]
예제 #12
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: fortizc/dask
def test_ordering_keeps_groups_together():
    d = dict(((a, i), (f,)) for i in range(4))
    d.update({(b, 0): (f, (a, 0), (a, 1)),
              (b, 1): (f, (a, 2), (a, 3))})
    o = order(d)

    assert abs(o[(a, 0)] - o[(a, 1)]) == 1
    assert abs(o[(a, 2)] - o[(a, 3)]) == 1

    d = dict(((a, i), (f,)) for i in range(4))
    d.update({(b, 0): (f, (a, 0), (a, 2)),
              (b, 1): (f, (a, 1), (a, 3))})
    o = order(d)

    assert abs(o[(a, 0)] - o[(a, 2)]) == 1
    assert abs(o[(a, 1)] - o[(a, 3)]) == 1
예제 #13
def test_local_parents_of_reduction(abcde):

        b1  c2
        |  /|
    a1  b2  c3
    |  /|
    a2  b3

    Prefer to finish a1 stack before proceding to b2
    a, b, c, d, e = abcde
    a1, a2, a3 = [a + i for i in '123']
    b1, b2, b3 = [b + i for i in '123']
    c1, c2, c3 = [c + i for i in '123']

    expected = [a3, a2, a1,
                b3, b2, b1,
                c3, c2, c1]

    log = []

    def f(x):
        def _(*args):
        return _

    dsk = {a3: (f(a3),),
           a2: (f(a2), a3),
           a1: (f(a1), a2),
           b3: (f(b3),),
           b2: (f(b2), b3, a2),
           b1: (f(b1), b2),
           c3: (f(c3),),
           c2: (f(c2), c3, b2),
           c1: (f(c1), c2)}

    dask.get(dsk, [a1, b1, c1])  # trigger computation

    assert log == expected
예제 #14
def test_string_ordering_dependents():
    """ Prefer ordering tasks by name first even when in dependencies """
    dsk = {('a', 1): (f, 'b'), ('a', 2): (f, 'b'), ('a', 3): (f, 'b'),
           'b': (f,)}
    o = order(dsk)
    assert o == {'b': 0,
                 ('a', 1): 1,
                 ('a', 2): 2,
                 ('a', 3): 3}
예제 #15
def test_prefer_short_ancestor(abcde):
    From https://github.com/dask/dask-ml/issues/206#issuecomment-395869929

    Two cases, one where chunks of an array are independent, and one where the
    chunks of an array have a shared source. We handled the independent one
    "well" earlier.


                   / \ \
                  /   \ \
                c1     \ \
              / | \     \ \
            c0  a0 b0   a1 b1


                   / \ \
                  /   \ \
                c1     \ \
              / | \     \ \
            c0  a0 b0   a1 b1
                   \ \   / /
                    \ \ / /

    The difference is that all the `a` and `b` tasks now have a common

    We would like to choose c1 *before* a1, and b1 because

    * we can release a0 and b0 once c1 is done
    * we don't need a1 and b1 to compute c1.
    a, b, c, _, _ = abcde
    ab = a + b

    dsk = {
        ab: 0,
        (a, 0): (f, ab, 0, 0),
        (b, 0): (f, ab, 0, 1),
        (c, 0): 0,
        (c, 1): (f, (c, 0), (a, 0), (b, 0)),
        (a, 1): (f, ab, 1, 0),
        (b, 1): (f, ab, 1, 1),
        (c, 2): (f, (c, 1), (a, 1), (b, 1)),
    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(b, 0)] < o[(b, 1)]
    assert o[(b, 0)] < o[(c, 2)]
    assert o[(c, 1)] < o[(c, 2)]
    assert o[(c, 1)] < o[(a, 1)]
예제 #16
def test_break_ties_by_str():
    dsk = {('x', i): (inc, i) for i in range(10)}
    x_keys = sorted(dsk)
    dsk['y'] = list(x_keys)

    o = order(dsk)
    expected = {'y': 0}
    expected.update({k: i + 1 for i, k in enumerate(x_keys)})

    assert o == expected
예제 #17
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: JDWarner/dask
def test_ordering_prefers_depth_first():
    a, b, c = 'abc'
    f = lambda *args: None
    d = {(a, 0): (f,), (b, 0): 0, (c, 0): (f,),
         (a, 1): (f,), (b, 1): (f, (a, 0), (b, 0), (c, 0)), (c, 1): (f,),
         (a, 2): (f,), (b, 2): (f, (a, 1), (b, 1), (c, 1)), (c, 2): (f,),
         (a, 3): (f,), (b, 3): (f, (a, 2), (b, 2), (c, 2)), (c, 3): (f,)}

    o = order(d)

    assert issorted(list(map(o.get, [(a, i) for i in range(4)])), reverse=True)
    assert issorted(list(map(o.get, [(c, i) for i in range(4)])), reverse=True)
예제 #18
    def update_graph(self, dsk=None, keys=None, restrictions=None, loose_restrictions=None):
        """ Add new computations to the internal dask graph

        This happens whenever the Executor calls submit, map, get, or compute.
        for k in list(dsk):
            if dsk[k] is k:
                del dsk[k]


        cover_aliases(self.dask, dsk)

        if restrictions:
            restrictions = {k: set(map(ensure_ip, v)) for k, v in restrictions.items()}
        if loose_restrictions:
            self.loose_restrictions |= loose_restrictions

        new_keyorder = order(dsk)  # TODO: define order wrt old graph
        for key in new_keyorder:
            if key not in self.keyorder:
                # TODO: add test for this
                self.keyorder[key] = (self.generation, new_keyorder[key])  # prefer old
        if len(dsk) > 1:
            self.generation += 1  # older graph generations take precedence

        for key in dsk:
            for dep in self.dependencies[key]:
                if dep in self.exceptions_blame:
                    self.mark_failed(key, self.exceptions_blame[dep])

        for key in keys:
            if self.who_has[key]:

        for plugin in self.plugins[:]:
                plugin.update_graph(self, dsk, keys, restrictions or {})
            except Exception as e:
예제 #19
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: mmngreco/dask
def test_gh_3055():
    da = pytest.importorskip('dask.array')
    A, B = 20, 99
    x = da.random.normal(size=(A, B), chunks=(1, None))
    for _ in range(2):
        y = (x[:, None, :] * x[:, :, None]).cumsum(axis=0)
        x = x.cumsum(axis=0)
    w = (y * x[:, None]).sum(axis=(1,2))

    dsk = dict(w.__dask_graph__())
    o = order(dsk)
    L = [o[k] for k in w.__dask_keys__()]
    assert sorted(L) == L
예제 #20
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: fortizc/dask
def test_prefer_deep():
    y   b
    |   |
    x   a

    Prefer longer chains first so we should start with c
    dsk = {a: 1, b: (f, a), c: (f, b),
           'x': 1, 'y': (f, 'x')}

    o = order(dsk)
    assert o == {c: 0, b: 1, a: 2, 'y': 3, 'x': 4}
예제 #21
def test_avoid_broker_nodes(abcde):

    b0    b1  b2
    |      \  /
    a0      a1

    a0 should be run before a1
    a, b, c, d, e = abcde
    dsk = {(a, 0): (f,), (a, 1): (f,),
           (b, 0): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 1))}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(a, 0)] < o[(a, 1)]

    # Switch name of 0, 1 to ensure that this isn't due to string comparison
    dsk = {(a, 1): (f,), (a, 0): (f,),
           (b, 0): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 0))}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(a, 0)] > o[(a, 1)]
예제 #22
def test_prefer_broker_nodes():

    b0    b1  b2
    |      \  /
    a0      a1

    a1 should be run before a0
    a, b, c = 'abc'
    dsk = {(a, 0): (f,), (a, 1): (f,),
           (b, 0): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 1))}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(a, 1)] < o[(a, 0)]

    # Switch name of 0, 1 to ensure that this isn't due to string comparison
    dsk = {(a, 0): (f,), (a, 1): (f,),
           (b, 0): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 0))}

    o = order(dsk)

    assert o[(a, 1)] > o[(a, 0)]
예제 #23
def test_prefer_deep():
    y   b
    |   |
    x   a

    Prefer longer chains first so we should start with c
    dsk = {'a': 1, 'b': (f, 'a'), 'c': (f, 'b'),
           'x': 1, 'y': (f, 'x')}

    o = order(dsk)
    assert o == {'c': 0, 'b': 1, 'a': 2, 'y': 3, 'x': 4}
예제 #24
def test_prefer_short_narrow(abcde):
    # See test_prefer_short_ancestor for a fail case.
    a, b, c, _, _ = abcde
    dsk = {
        (a, 0): 0,
        (b, 0): 0,
        (c, 0): 0,
        (c, 1): (f, (c, 0), (a, 0), (b, 0)),
        (a, 1): 1,
        (b, 1): 1,
        (c, 2): (f, (c, 1), (a, 1), (b, 1)),
    o = order(dsk)
    assert o[(b, 0)] < o[(b, 1)]
    assert o[(b, 0)] < o[(c, 2)]
    assert o[(c, 1)] < o[(c, 2)]
예제 #25
def test_deep_bases_win_over_dependents():
    d should come before e and probably before one of b and c

          / | \   .
         b  c |
        / \ | /
       e    d
    dsk = {'a': (f, 'b', 'c', 'd'), 'b': (f, 'd', 'e'), 'c': (f, 'd'), 'd': 1,
           'e': 2}

    o = order(dsk)
    assert o['d'] < o['e']
    assert o['d'] < o['b'] or o['d'] < o['c']
예제 #26
def test_prefer_deep(abcde):
    e   b
    |   |
    d   a

    Prefer longer chains first so we should start with c
    a, b, c, d, e = abcde
    dsk = {a: 1, b: (f, a), c: (f, b),
           d: 1, e: (f, d)}

    o = order(dsk)
    assert o[a] < o[d]
    assert o[b] < o[d]
예제 #27
def test_gh_3055():
    da = pytest.importorskip('dask.array')
    A, B = 20, 99
    orig = x = da.random.normal(size=(A, B), chunks=(1, None))
    for _ in range(2):
        y = (x[:, None, :] * x[:, :, None]).cumsum(axis=0)
        x = x.cumsum(axis=0)
    w = (y * x[:, None]).sum(axis=(1,2))

    dsk = dict(w.__dask_graph__())
    o = order(dsk)
    L = [o[k] for k in w.__dask_keys__()]
    assert sum(x < len(o) / 2 for x in L) > len(L) / 3  # some complete quickly

    L = [o[k] for kk in orig.__dask_keys__() for k in kk]
    assert sum(x > len(o) / 2 for x in L) > len(L) / 3  # some start later

    assert sorted(L) == L  # operate in order
예제 #28
def test_prefer_short_dependents(abcde):

      d  b  e
       \ | /

    Prefer to finish d and e before starting b.  That way c can be released
    during the long computations.
    a, b, c, d, e = abcde
    dsk = {c: (f,), d: (f, c), e: (f, c), b: (f, c), a: (f, b)}

    o = order(dsk)
    assert o[d] < o[b]
    assert o[e] < o[b]
예제 #29
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: fortizc/dask
def test_deep_bases_win_over_dependents():
    It's not clear who should run first, e or d

    1.  d is nicer because it exposes parallelism
    2.  e is nicer (hypothetically) because it will be sooner released
        (though in this we need d to run first regardless)

          / | \   .
         b  c |
        / \ | /
       e    d
    dsk = {a: (f, b, c, d), b: (f, d, e), c: (f, d), d: 1, e: 2}

    o = order(dsk)
    assert o[e] < o[d]
    assert o[d] < o[b] or o[d] < o[c]
예제 #30
파일: test_order.py 프로젝트: roxyboy/dask
def test_deep_bases_win_over_dependents():
    d should come before e and probably before one of b and c

          / | \   .
         b  c |
        / \ | /
       e    d
    dsk = {'a': (f, 'b', 'c', 'd'), 'b': (f, 'd', 'e'), 'c': (f, 'd'), 'd': 1,
            'e': 2}

    dependencies, dependents = get_deps(dsk)
    nd = ndependents(dependencies, dependents)
    cm = child_max(dependencies, dependents, nd)

    o = order(dsk)
    assert o['d'] < o['e']
    assert o['d'] < o['b'] or o['d'] < o['c']
예제 #31
def test_order_doesnt_fail_on_mixed_type_keys(abcde):
    order({"x": (inc, 1), ("y", 0): (inc, 2), "z": (add, "x", ("y", 0))})
예제 #32
def test_order_with_equal_dependents(abcde):
    """From https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/5859#issuecomment-608422198

    See the visualization of `(maxima, argmax)` example from the above comment.

    This DAG has enough structure to exercise more parts of `order`

    a, b, c, d, e = abcde
    dsk = {}
    abc = [a, b, c, d]
    for x in abc:
            (x, 0): 0,
            (x, 1): (f, (x, 0)),
            (x, 2, 0): (f, (x, 0)),
            (x, 2, 1): (f, (x, 1)),
        for i, y in enumerate(abc):
                (x, 3, i): (f, (x, 2, 0), (y, 2, 1)),  # cross x and y
                (x, 4, i): (f, (x, 3, i)),
                (x, 5, i, 0): (f, (x, 4, i)),
                (x, 5, i, 1): (f, (x, 4, i)),
                (x, 6, i, 0): (f, (x, 5, i, 0)),
                (x, 6, i, 1): (f, (x, 5, i, 1)),
    o = order(dsk)
    total = 0
    for x in abc:
        for i in range(len(abc)):
            val = o[(x, 6, i, 1)] - o[(x, 6, i, 0)]
            assert val > 0  # ideally, val == 2
            total += val
    assert total <= 32  # ideally, this should be 2 * 16 = 32

    # Add one to the end of the nine bundles
    dsk2 = dict(dsk)
    for x in abc:
        for i in range(len(abc)):
            dsk2[(x, 7, i, 0)] = (f, (x, 6, i, 0))
    o = order(dsk2)
    total = 0
    for x in abc:
        for i in range(len(abc)):
            val = o[(x, 7, i, 0)] - o[(x, 6, i, 1)]
            assert val > 0  # ideally, val == 3
            total += val
    assert total <= 165  # ideally, this should be 3 * 16 == 48

    # Remove one from each of the nine bundles
    dsk3 = dict(dsk)
    for x in abc:
        for i in range(len(abc)):
            del dsk3[(x, 6, i, 1)]
    o = order(dsk3)
    total = 0
    for x in abc:
        for i in range(len(abc)):
            val = o[(x, 6, i, 0)] - o[(x, 5, i, 1)]
            assert val > 0  # ideally, val == 2
            total += val
    assert total <= 119  # ideally, this should be 2 * 16 == 32

    # Remove another one from each of the nine bundles
    dsk4 = dict(dsk3)
    for x in abc:
        for i in range(len(abc)):
            del dsk4[(x, 6, i, 0)]
    o = order(dsk4)
    total = 0
    for x in abc:
        for i in range(len(abc)):
            assert o[(x, 5, i, 1)] - o[(x, 5, i, 0)] == 1
예제 #33
def test_order_empty():
    assert order({}) == {}
예제 #34
def test_type_comparisions_ok(abcde):
    a, b, c, d, e = abcde
    dsk = {a: 1, (a, 1): 2, (a, b, 1): 3}
    order(dsk)  # this doesn't err
예제 #35
def test_string_ordering():
    """ Prefer ordering tasks by name first """
    dsk = {("a", 1): (f, ), ("a", 2): (f, ), ("a", 3): (f, )}
    o = order(dsk)
    assert o == {("a", 1): 0, ("a", 2): 1, ("a", 3): 2}
예제 #36
def scheduler(scheduler_queue,
    """ The scheduler coroutine for dask scheduling

    This coroutine manages interactions with all worker cores and with the
    delete coroutine through queues.

    scheduler_queue: tornado.queues.Queue
        Get information from outside
    report_queue: tornado.queues.Queue
        Report tasks done
    worker_queues: dict {worker: tornado.queues.Queue}
        One queue per worker node.
        Each queue is listened to by several worker_core coroutiens.
    delete_queue: tornado.queues.Queue
        One queue listened to by ``delete`` which connects to the
        center to delete unnecessary intermediate data
    who_has: dict {key: set}
        Mapping key to {set of worker-identities}
    has_what: dict {worker: set}
        Mapping worker-identity to {set of keys}
    ncores: dict {worker: int}
        Mapping worker-identity to number-of-cores
    held_data = set()
    if dsk is None:
        dsk = dict()
    if restrictions is None:
        restrictions = dict()
    if waiting is None:
        waiting = dict()
    if stacks is None:
        stacks = dict()
    stacks.update({worker: list() for worker in ncores})
    if processing is None:
        processing = dict()
    processing.update({worker: set() for worker in ncores})

    dependencies = dict()
    dependents = dict()
    waiting_data = dict()
    in_play = set(who_has)  # keys in memory, stacks, processing, or waiting
    released = set()
    keyorder = dict()
    generation = 0

    def cleanup():
        """ Clean up queues and coroutines, prepare to stop """
        n = 0
        delete_queue.put_nowait({'op': 'close'})
        n += 1
        for w, nc in ncores.items():
            for i in range(nc):
                worker_queues[w].put_nowait({'op': 'close'})
                n += 1

        for i in range(n):
            yield scheduler_queue.get()

    def mark_ready_to_run(key):
        """ Send task to an appropriate worker, trigger worker if idle """
        if key in waiting:
            del waiting[key]

        new_worker = decide_worker(dependencies, stacks, who_has, restrictions,

    def ensure_occupied(worker):
        """ If worker is free, spin up a task on that worker """
        logger.debug('Ensure worker is occupied: %s', worker)
        while stacks[worker] and ncores[worker] > len(processing[worker]):
            key = stacks[worker].pop()
            logger.debug("Send job to worker: %s, %s, %s", worker, key,
                'op': 'compute-task',
                'key': key,
                'task': dsk[key],
                'needed': dependencies[key]

    def seed_ready_tasks():
        """ Distribute leaves among workers """
        new_stacks = assign_many_tasks(
            dependencies, waiting, keyorder, who_has, stacks, restrictions,
            [k for k, deps in waiting.items() if not deps])
        logger.debug("Seed ready tasks: %s", new_stacks)
        for worker, stack in new_stacks.items():
            if stack:

    def release_key(key):
        if key not in held_data and not waiting_data.get(key):
            delete_queue.put_nowait({'op': 'delete-task', 'key': key})
            for w in who_has[key]:
            del who_has[key]
            if key in waiting_data:
                del waiting_data[key]
            if key in in_play:

    def debug_state(msg=None):
        if msg:
            '\n\nwaiting: %s\n\nstacks: %s\n\nprocessing: %s\n\n'
            'in_play: %s\n\n', waiting, stacks, processing, in_play)

    my_heal_missing_data = partial(heal_missing_data, dsk, dependencies,
                                   dependents, held_data, who_has, in_play,
                                   waiting, waiting_data)

    while True:
        msg = yield scheduler_queue.get()
        if msg['op'] == 'close':
        elif msg['op'] == 'update-graph':
            new_dsk = msg['dsk']
            new_keys = msg['keys']
            update_state(dsk, dependencies, dependents, held_data, who_has,
                         in_play, waiting, waiting_data, new_dsk, new_keys)

            restrictions.update(msg.get('restrictions', {}))

            new_keyorder = order(new_dsk)
            for key in new_keyorder:
                if key not in keyorder:
                    # TODO: add test for this
                    keyorder[key] = (generation, new_keyorder[key]
                                     )  # prefer old
            if len(new_dsk) > 1:
                generation += 1  # older graph generations take precedence

            for key in new_keys:
                if who_has[key]:
                        'op': 'task-finished',
                        'worker': first(who_has[key]),
                        'key': key

        elif msg['op'] == 'task-finished':
            key = msg['key']
            worker = msg['worker']
            logger.debug("task finished: %s, %s", key, worker)
            with ignoring(KeyError):

            for dep in sorted(dependents[key], key=keyorder.get, reverse=True):
                if dep in waiting:
                    s = waiting[dep]
                    with ignoring(KeyError):
                    if not s:  # new task ready to run

            for dep in dependencies[key]:
                if dep in waiting_data:
                    s = waiting_data[dep]
                    with ignoring(KeyError):
                    if not s and dep:


        elif msg['op'] == 'task-erred':

        elif msg['op'] in ('missing-data', 'task-missing-data'):
            missing = set(msg['missing'])
            logger.debug("Recovering missing data: %s", missing)
            for k in missing:
                with ignoring(KeyError):
                    workers = who_has.pop(k)
                    for worker in workers:

            if msg['op'] == 'task-missing-data':
                key = msg['key']
                with ignoring(KeyError):
                waiting[key] = missing
                logger.info('task missing data, %s, %s', key, waiting)
                with ignoring(KeyError):



        elif msg['op'] == 'worker-failed':
            worker = msg['worker']
            keys = has_what.pop(worker)
            del worker_queues[worker]
            del ncores[worker]
            del stacks[worker]
            del processing[worker]
            missing_keys = set()
            for key in keys:
                if not who_has[key]:
            gone_data = {k for k, v in who_has.items() if not v}
            in_play -= missing_keys
            for k in gone_data:
                del who_has[k]

            state = heal(dependencies, dependents, set(who_has), stacks,
                         processing, waiting, waiting_data)
            waiting_data = state['waiting_data']
            waiting = state['waiting']
            released = state['released']
            in_play = state['in_play']
            add_keys = {k for k, v in waiting.items() if not v}
            for key in held_data & released:
                report_queue.put_nowait({'op': 'lost-key', 'key': key})
            for key in add_keys:
            for key in set(who_has) & released - held_data:
                delete_queue.put_nowait({'op': 'delete-task', 'key': key})

        elif msg['op'] == 'release-held-data':
            if msg['key'] in held_data:
                logger.debug("Release key: %s", msg['key'])

            logger.warn("Bad message: %s", msg)

    logger.debug('Finished scheduling')
    yield cleanup()