def calculate_lake_ids(fldirs, lkfract, lkout): current_id = 1 lkfr_limit = 0.6 cmanager = CellManager(fldirs) iout_list, jout_list = np.where(lkout > 0.5) lkids = np.zeros_like(fldirs) lkid_to_mask = {} lkid_to_npoints_upstream = {} for i, j in zip(iout_list, jout_list): the_mask = cmanager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices( i, j) > 0.5 the_mask = the_mask & ((lkfract >= lkfr_limit) | (lkout > 0.5)) lkid_to_mask[current_id] = the_mask lkid_to_npoints_upstream[current_id] = the_mask.sum() current_id += 1 for the_id in sorted(lkid_to_mask, key=lambda xx: lkid_to_npoints_upstream[xx], reverse=True): lkids[lkid_to_mask[the_id]] = the_id return lkids
def point_comparisons_at_outlets(hdf_folder="/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/hdf_store"): start_year = 1979 end_year = 1981 sim_name_to_file_name = { # "CRCM5-R": "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-r_spinup.hdf", # "CRCM5-HCD-R": "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-r_spinup2.hdf", "CRCM5-HCD-RL": "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl_spinup.hdf", "CRCM5-HCD-RL-INTFL": "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_do_not_discard_small.hdf", # "SANI=10000, ignore THFC": # "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_sani-10000_not_care_about_thfc.hdf", # "CRCM5-HCD-RL-ERA075": "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_spinup_ecoclimap_era075.hdf", "SANI=10000": "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_sani-10000.hdf" # "CRCM5-HCD-RL-ECOCLIMAP": "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_spinup_ecoclimap.hdf" } path0 = os.path.join(hdf_folder, list(sim_name_to_file_name.items())[0][1]) path1 = os.path.join(hdf_folder, list(sim_name_to_file_name.items())[1][1]) flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) lake_fraction = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_LAKE_FRACTION_NAME) slope = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_SLOPE_NAME) lons2d, lats2d, _ = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(file_path=path0) cell_manager = CellManager(flow_directions, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d) mp_list = cell_manager.get_model_points_of_outlets(lower_accumulation_index_limit=10) assert len(mp_list) > 0 # Get the accumulation indices so that the most important outlets can be identified acc_ind_list = [np.sum(cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices(mp.ix, mp.jy)) for mp in mp_list] for mp, acc_ind in zip(mp_list, acc_ind_list): mp.acc_index = acc_ind mp_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.acc_index) # do not take global lake cells into consideration, and discard points with slopes 0 or less mp_list = [mp for mp in mp_list if lake_fraction[mp.ix, mp.jy] < 0.6 and slope[mp.ix, mp.jy] >= 0] mp_list = mp_list[-12:] # get 12 most important outlets print("The following outlets were chosen for analysis") pattern = "({0}, {1}): acc_index = {2} cells; fldr = {3}; lake_fraction = {4}" for mp in mp_list: print(pattern.format(mp.ix, mp.jy, mp.acc_index, cell_manager.flow_directions[mp.ix, mp.jy], lake_fraction[mp.ix, mp.jy])) draw_model_comparison(model_points=mp_list, sim_name_to_file_name=sim_name_to_file_name, hdf_folder=hdf_folder, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, cell_manager=cell_manager)
def get_mask_of_non_contrib_area(grid_config, dir_file): """ :param grid_config: :param dir_file: :return: 2d numpy array with 1 for non-contributing cells and 0 otherwize """ assert isinstance(grid_config, GridConfig) with Dataset(str(dir_file)) as ds: lons, lats, fldr, faa, cell_area = [ ds.variables[k][:] for k in [ "lon", "lat", "flow_direction_value", "accumulation_area", "cell_area" ] ] the_mask = np.zeros_like(lons) the_mask1 = maskoceans(lons, lats, the_mask, resolution="i", inlands=False) suspicious_internal_draining = (~the_mask1.mask) & ((fldr <= 0) | (fldr >= 256)) i_list, j_list = np.where(suspicious_internal_draining) print("retained {} gridcells".format(suspicious_internal_draining.sum())) # Remove the points close to the coasts for i, j in zip(i_list, j_list): if is_point_ocean_outlet(i, j, the_mask1.mask): suspicious_internal_draining[i, j] = False the_mask1[i, j] = print("retained {} gridcells".format(suspicious_internal_draining.sum())) # Now get the mask upstream of the internal draining outlets cell_manager = CellManager(flow_dirs=fldr, lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats, accumulation_area_km2=faa) i_list, j_list = np.where(suspicious_internal_draining) for i, j in zip(i_list, j_list): amask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices( i, j) suspicious_internal_draining |= amask > 0 return suspicious_internal_draining
def calculate_lake_ids(fldirs, lkfract, lkout): current_id = 1 lkfr_limit = 0.6 cmanager = CellManager(fldirs) iout_list, jout_list = np.where(lkout > 0.5) lkids = np.zeros_like(fldirs) lkid_to_mask = {} lkid_to_npoints_upstream = {} for i, j in zip(iout_list, jout_list): the_mask = cmanager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices(i, j) > 0.5 the_mask = the_mask & ((lkfract >= lkfr_limit) | (lkout > 0.5)) lkid_to_mask[current_id] = the_mask lkid_to_npoints_upstream[current_id] = the_mask.sum() current_id += 1 for the_id in sorted(lkid_to_mask, key=lambda xx: lkid_to_npoints_upstream[xx], reverse=True): lkids[lkid_to_mask[the_id]] = the_id return lkids
def get_cell_manager_from_directions_file(path="/home/san/Downloads/", margin=20): ds = Dataset(path) dirs = ds.variables["flow_direction_value"] lons = ds.variables["lon"] lats = ds.variables["lat"] acc_area = ds.variables["accumulation_area"] nc_vars = [dirs, lons, lats, acc_area] nc_data = [] for i, v in enumerate(nc_vars): if margin is not None and margin > 0: nc_data.append(v[margin:-margin, margin:-margin]) else: nc_data.append(v[:]) print(type(nc_vars[i])) return CellManager(nc_data[0], lons2d=nc_data[1], lats2d=nc_data[2], accumulation_area_km2=nc_data[3])
def get_basin_to_outlet_indices_map(shape_file=BASIN_BOUNDARIES_FILE, bmp_info=None, directions=None, accumulation_areas=None, lake_fraction_field=None): assert isinstance(bmp_info, BasemapInfo) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") print(driver) ds = driver.Open(shape_file, 0) assert isinstance(ds, ogr.DataSource) layer = ds.GetLayer() assert isinstance(layer, ogr.Layer) print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) latlong_proj = osr.SpatialReference() latlong_proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) utm_proj = layer.GetSpatialRef() # create Coordinate Transformation coord_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(latlong_proj, utm_proj) utm_coords = coord_transform.TransformPoints( list(zip(bmp_info.lons.flatten(), bmp_info.lats.flatten()))) utm_coords = np.asarray(utm_coords) x_utm = utm_coords[:, 0].reshape(bmp_info.lons.shape) y_utm = utm_coords[:, 1].reshape(bmp_info.lons.shape) basin_mask = np.zeros_like(bmp_info.lons) cell_manager = CellManager(directions, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_areas, lons2d=bmp_info.lons, lats2d=bmp_info.lats) index = 1 basins = [] basin_names = [] basin_name_to_mask = {} for feature in layer: assert isinstance(feature, ogr.Feature) # print feature["FID"] geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() assert isinstance(geom, ogr.Geometry) basins.append(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(geom.ExportToWkb())) basin_names.append(feature["abr"]) accumulation_areas_temp = accumulation_areas[:, :] lons_out, lats_out = [], [] basin_names_out = [] name_to_ij_out = {} min_basin_area = min(b.GetArea() * 1.0e-6 for b in basins) while len(basins): fm = np.max(accumulation_areas_temp) i, j = np.where(fm == accumulation_areas_temp) i, j = i[0], j[0] p = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT ({} {})".format( x_utm[i, j], y_utm[i, j])) b_selected = None name_selected = None for name, b in zip(basin_names, basins): assert isinstance(b, ogr.Geometry) assert isinstance(p, ogr.Geometry) if b.Contains(p.Buffer(2000 * 2**0.5)): # Check if there is an upstream cell from the same basin the_mask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices( i, j) # Save the mask of the basin for future use basin_name_to_mask[name] = the_mask # if is_part_of_points_in(b, x_utm[the_mask == 1], y_utm[the_mask == 1]): # continue b_selected = b name_selected = name # basin_names_out.append(name) lons_out.append(bmp_info.lons[i, j]) lats_out.append(bmp_info.lats[i, j]) name_to_ij_out[name] = (i, j) basin_mask[the_mask == 1] = index index += 1 break if b_selected is not None: basins.remove(b_selected) basin_names.remove(name_selected) outlet_index_in_basin = 1 current_basin_name = name_selected while current_basin_name in basin_names_out: current_basin_name = name_selected + str(outlet_index_in_basin) outlet_index_in_basin += 1 basin_names_out.append(current_basin_name) print(len(basins), basin_names_out) accumulation_areas_temp[i, j] = -1 plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=10, width_pt=None, width_cm=20, height_cm=12) gs = GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1.0, 0.5], wspace=0.01) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) xx, yy = bmp_info.get_proj_xy() # im = bmp.pcolormesh(xx, yy, basin_mask.reshape(xx.shape)) bmp_info.basemap.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, ax=ax) bmp_info.basemap.drawrivers(zorder=5, color="0.5", ax=ax) bmp_info.basemap.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 10), labels=[False, True, False, False]) # bmp.colorbar(im) xs, ys = bmp_info.basemap(lons_out, lats_out) bmp_info.basemap.scatter(xs, ys, c="0.75", s=30, zorder=10) cmap = cm.get_cmap("rainbow", index - 1) bn = BoundaryNorm(list(range(index + 1)), index - 1) # Do not color the basins # basin_mask = < 0.5, basin_mask) # bmp_info.basemap.pcolormesh(xx, yy, basin_mask, norm=bn, cmap=cmap, ax=ax) for name, xa, ya, lona, lata in zip(basin_names_out, xs, ys, lons_out, lats_out): text_offset = (-20, 20) if name not in [ "GEO", ] else (30, 20) if name in ["ARN"]: text_offset = (-10, 30) if name in ["FEU"]: text_offset = (5, 50) if name in ["CAN"]: text_offset = (-75, 50) if name in ["MEL"]: text_offset = (20, 40) if name in ["PYR"]: text_offset = (60, 60) if name in [ "BAL", ]: text_offset = (50, 30) if name in ["BEL"]: text_offset = (-20, -10) if name in [ "RDO", "STM", "SAG", ]: text_offset = (50, -50) if name in [ "BOM", ]: text_offset = (20, -20) if name in [ "MOI", ]: text_offset = (30, -20) if name in [ "ROM", ]: text_offset = (40, -20) if name in [ "RDO", ]: text_offset = (30, -30) if name in ["CHU", "NAT"]: text_offset = (40, 40) if name in [ "MAN", ]: text_offset = (55, -45) ax.annotate(name, xy=(xa, ya), xytext=text_offset, textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc='white'), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0'), font_properties=FontProperties(size=8), zorder=20) # bmp_info.basemap.readshapefile(".".join(BASIN_BOUNDARIES_FILE.split(".")[:-1]).replace("utm18", "latlon"), "basin", # linewidth=1.2, ax=ax, zorder=9) # Plot zonally averaged lake fraction ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) ydata = range(lake_fraction_field.shape[1]) ax.plot(lake_fraction_field.mean(axis=0) * 100, ydata, lw=2) ax.fill_betweenx(ydata, lake_fraction_field.mean(axis=0) * 100, alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel("Lake fraction (%)") ax.set_ylim(min(ydata), max(ydata)) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(direction='out', width=1) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(direction='out', width=1) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("none") ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) for tl in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(): tl.set_visible(False) fig.savefig("qc_basin_outlets_points.png", bbox_inches="tight") # plt.close(fig) return name_to_ij_out, basin_name_to_mask
def main(): start_year = 1980 end_year = 2010 start_date = datetime(start_year, 1, 1) end_date = datetime(end_year, 12, 31) ids_with_lakes_upstream = [ "104001", "093806", "093801", "081002", "081007", "080718" ] selected_station_ids = [ "092715", "074903", "080104", "081007", "061905", "093806", "090613", "081002", "093801", "080718", "104001" ] selected_station_ids = ids_with_lakes_upstream # Get the list of stations to do the comparison with stations = cehq_station.read_station_data( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, selected_ids=selected_station_ids) # add hydat stations # province = "QC" # min_drainage_area_km2 = 10000.0 # stations_hd = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, # province=province, min_drainage_area_km2=min_drainage_area_km2) # if not len(stations_hd): # print "No hydat stations satisying the conditions: period {0}-{1}, province {2}".format( # str(start_date), str(end_date), province # ) # stations.extend(stations_hd) # brewer2mpl.get_map args: set name set type number of colors bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map("Set1", "qualitative", 9) path1 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-r.hdf5" label1 = "CRCM5-L1" path2 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl.hdf5" label2 = "CRCM5-L2" color2, color1 = bmap.mpl_colors[:2] fldirs = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(path1) lake_fractions = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_LAKE_FRACTION_NAME) # cell_areas = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME) acc_area = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(fldirs, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d, accumulation_area_km2=acc_area) station_to_mp = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations( station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fractions, drainaige_area_reldiff_limit=0.3) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw=dict(top=0.80, wspace=0.4)) q90_obs_list = [] q90_mod1_list = [] q90_mod2_list = [] q10_obs_list = [] q10_mod1_list = [] q10_mod2_list = [] for the_station, the_mp in station_to_mp.items(): assert isinstance(the_station, Station) compl_years = the_station.get_list_of_complete_years() if len(compl_years) < 3: continue t, stfl1 = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point( path=path1, years_of_interest=compl_years, i_index=the_mp.ix, j_index=the_mp.jy, var_name="STFA") _, stfl2 = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point( path=path2, years_of_interest=compl_years, i_index=the_mp.ix, j_index=the_mp.jy, var_name="STFA") _, stfl_obs = the_station.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years( stamp_dates=t, years=compl_years) # Q90 q90_obs = np.percentile(stfl_obs, 90) q90_mod1 = np.percentile(stfl1, 90) q90_mod2 = np.percentile(stfl2, 90) # Q10 q10_obs = np.percentile(stfl_obs, 10) q10_mod1 = np.percentile(stfl1, 10) q10_mod2 = np.percentile(stfl2, 10) # save quantiles to lists for correlation calculation q90_obs_list.append(q90_obs) q90_mod1_list.append(q90_mod1) q90_mod2_list.append(q90_mod2) q10_mod1_list.append(q10_mod1) q10_mod2_list.append(q10_mod2) q10_obs_list.append(q10_obs) # axes[0].annotate(, (q90_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 90))) # axes[1].annotate(, (q10_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 10))) # Plot scatter plot of Q90 the_ax = axes[0] # the_ax.annotate(, (q90_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 90))) the_ax.scatter(q90_obs_list, q90_mod1_list, label=label1, c=color1) the_ax.scatter(q90_obs_list, q90_mod2_list, label=label2, c=color2) # plot scatter plot of Q10 the_ax = axes[1] # the_ax.annotate(, (q10_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 10))) h1 = the_ax.scatter(q10_obs_list, q10_mod1_list, label=label1, c=color1) h2 = the_ax.scatter(q10_obs_list, q10_mod2_list, label=label2, c=color2) # Add correlation coefficients to the axes fp = FontProperties(size=14, weight="bold") axes[0].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format( np.corrcoef(q90_mod1_list, q90_obs_list)[0, 1]**2), (0.1, 0.85), color=color1, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[0].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format( np.corrcoef(q90_mod2_list, q90_obs_list)[0, 1]**2), (0.1, 0.70), color=color2, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[1].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format( np.corrcoef(q10_mod1_list, q10_obs_list)[0, 1]**2), (0.1, 0.85), color=color1, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[1].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format( np.corrcoef(q10_mod2_list, q10_obs_list)[0, 1]**2), (0.1, 0.70), color=color2, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) sf = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sf.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) for ind, the_ax in enumerate(axes): plot_one_to_one_line(the_ax) if ind == 0: the_ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed $\left({\rm m^3/s} \right)$") the_ax.set_ylabel(r"Modelled $\left({\rm m^3/s} \right)$") the_ax.annotate(r"$Q_{90}$" if ind == 0 else r"$Q_{10}$", (0.95, 0.95), xycoords="axes fraction", bbox=dict(facecolor="white"), va="top", ha="right") the_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sf) the_ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(sf) locator = MaxNLocator(nbins=5) the_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) the_ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locator) x1, x2 = the_ax.get_xlim() # Since streamflow percentiles can only be positive the_ax.set_xlim(0, x2) the_ax.set_ylim(0, x2) fig.legend([h1, h2], [label1, label2], loc="upper center", ncol=2) figpath = os.path.join(images_folder, "percentiles_comparison.png") # plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(figpath, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight")
def main(): # Define the simulations to be validated r_config = RunConfig( data_path= "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-r.hdf5", start_year=1990, end_year=2010, label="CRCM5-L1") r_config_list = [r_config] r_config = RunConfig( data_path= "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-r.hdf5", start_year=1990, end_year=2010, label="CRCM5-NL") r_config_list.append(r_config) bmp_info = analysis.get_basemap_info_from_hdf(file_path=r_config.data_path) bmp_info.should_draw_grey_map_background = True bmp_info.should_draw_basin_boundaries = False bmp_info.map_bg_color = "0.75" station_ids = ["104001", "093806", "093801", "081002", "081007", "080718"] # get river network information used in the model flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file( r_config.data_path, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) accumulation_area_km2 = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=r_config.data_path, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(flow_dirs=flow_directions, lons2d=bmp_info.lons, lats2d=bmp_info.lats, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_area_km2) # Get the list of stations to indicate on the bias map stations = cehq_station.read_station_data(start_date=None, end_date=None, selected_ids=station_ids) """:type : list[Station]""" xx, yy = bmp_info.get_proj_xy() station_to_modelpoint = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations( station_list=stations) upstream_edges = cell_manager.get_upstream_polygons_for_points( model_point_list=station_to_modelpoint.values(), xx=xx, yy=yy) bmp_info.draw_colorbar_for_each_subplot = True # Validate temperature, precip and swe obs_path_anusplin = "/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/anusplin_links" obs_path_swe = "data/swe_ross_brown/" model_var_to_obs_path = OrderedDict([("TT", obs_path_anusplin), ("I5", obs_path_swe)]) model_var_to_season = OrderedDict([ ("TT", OrderedDict([("Spring", range(3, 6))])), ("I5", OrderedDict([("Winter", [1, 2, 12])])) ]) vname_to_obs_data = {} # parameters that won't change in the loop over variable names params_const = dict(rconfig=r_config, bmp_info=bmp_info) for vname, obs_path in model_var_to_obs_path.items(): season_to_obs_data = get_seasonal_clim_obs_data( vname=vname, obs_path=obs_path, season_to_months=model_var_to_season[vname], **params_const) # Comment swe over lakes, since I5 calculated only for land if vname in [ "I5", ]: for season in season_to_obs_data: season_to_obs_data[season] = maskoceans( bmp_info.lons, bmp_info.lats, season_to_obs_data[season], inlands=True) vname_to_obs_data[vname] = season_to_obs_data # Plotting plot_all_vars_in_one_fig = True fig = None gs = None if plot_all_vars_in_one_fig: plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=12, width_pt=None, width_cm=25, height_cm=20) fig = plt.figure() ncols = len(model_var_to_obs_path) + 1 gs = GridSpec(len(r_config_list), ncols, width_ratios=(ncols - 1) * [ 1., ] + [ 0.05, ]) else: plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=12, width_pt=None, width_cm=25, height_cm=25) station_x_list = [] station_y_list = [] mvarname_to_cs = {} for row, r_config in enumerate(r_config_list): for col, mname in enumerate(model_var_to_obs_path): row_axes = [ fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]), ] mvarname_to_cs[mname] = compare_vars( vname_model=mname, vname_to_obs=vname_to_obs_data, r_config=r_config, season_to_months=model_var_to_season[mname], bmp_info_agg=bmp_info, axes_list=row_axes) # -1 in order to exclude colorbars for the_ax in row_axes: the_ax.set_title(the_ax.get_title() + ", {}".format( infovar.get_long_display_label_for_var(mname))) # Need titles only for the first row if row > 0: the_ax.set_title("") if col == 0: the_ax.set_ylabel(r_config.label) else: the_ax.set_ylabel("") draw_upstream_area_bounds(the_ax, upstream_edges, color="g") if len(station_x_list) == 0: for the_station in stations: xst, yst = bmp_info.basemap(the_station.longitude, the_station.latitude) station_x_list.append(xst) station_y_list.append(yst) bmp_info.basemap.scatter(station_x_list, station_y_list, c="g", ax=the_ax, s=20, zorder=10, alpha=0.5) # Save the figure if necessary if plot_all_vars_in_one_fig: if not img_folder.is_dir(): img_folder.mkdir(parents=True) fig_path = img_folder.joinpath("{}.png".format( "_".join(model_var_to_obs_path))) with"wb") as figfile: fig.savefig(figfile, format="png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig)
def main(): model_data_path = Path("/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Diagnostics") # model_data_path = Path("/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Samples") static_data_file = "/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Samples/bc_mh_044deg_198001/pm1980010100_00000000p" r = RPN(static_data_file) fldir = r.get_first_record_for_name("FLDR") faa = r.get_first_record_for_name("FAA") lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_for_the_last_read_rec() gc = default_domains.bc_mh_044 cell_manager = CellManager(fldir, nx=fldir.shape[0], ny=fldir.shape[1], lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats, accumulation_area_km2=faa) selected_station_ids = ["06EA002", ] stations = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(province="SK", selected_ids=selected_station_ids, natural=None) # (06EA002): CHURCHILL RIVER AT SANDY BAY at (-102.31832885742188,55.52333068847656), accum. area is 212000.0 km**2 # TODO: plot where is this station, compare modelled and observed hydrographs # for s in stations: # assert isinstance(s, cehq_station.Station) # s.latitude += 0.9 # s.longitude -= 0.2 # print(s) station_to_model_point = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(stations, drainaige_area_reldiff_limit=0.8, nneighbours=1) print(station_to_model_point[stations[0]]) station = stations[0] assert isinstance(station, cehq_station.Station) obs_not_corrected = pd.Series(index=station.dates, data=station.values).groupby( by=lambda d: d.replace(day=15)).mean() obs_corrected = pd.read_csv("mh/obs_data/Churchill Historic Monthly Apportionable Flow_06EA002.csv.bak.original", skiprows=2) print(obs_corrected.head()) print(obs_corrected.year.iloc[0], obs_corrected.year.iloc[-1]) date_index = pd.date_range(start=datetime(obs_corrected.year.iloc[0] - 1, 12, 15), end=datetime(obs_corrected.year.iloc[-1], 12, 15), freq="M") date_index = date_index.shift(15, print(date_index) data = np.concatenate([r for r in obs_corrected.values[:, 1:-1]]) factor = d: 1000 / (calendar.monthrange(d.year, d.month)[1] * 24 * 3600)) print(factor[:10]) obs_corrected = pd.Series(index=date_index, data=data * factor) station_to_modelled_data = get_model_data(station_to_model_point, output_path=model_data_path, grid_config=gc, basins_of_interest_shp=default_domains.MH_BASINS_PATH, cell_manager=cell_manager, vname="STFL") modelled_data = station_to_modelled_data[station] fig = plt.figure() ax = obs_corrected.plot(label="obs corrected") obs_not_corrected.plot(label="obs not corrected", ax=ax, color="k") modelled_data.plot(label="CRCM5", ax=ax, color="r") ax.legend(loc="upper left") img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}_validation_monthly.png".format( fig.savefig(str(img_file)) plt.close(fig) # climatology start_year = 1980 end_year = 2010 date_selector = lambda d: (start_year <= d.year <= end_year) and not ((d.month == 2) and ( == 29)) fig = plt.figure() ax = d: d.replace(year=2001)).mean().plot(label="obs corrected") d: d.replace(year=2001)).mean().plot( label="obs not corrected", ax=ax, color="k") d: d.replace(year=2001)).mean().plot(label="CRCM5", ax=ax, color="r") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%b")) ax.legend(loc="upper left") img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}_validation_clim.png".format( fig.savefig(str(img_file)) plt.close(fig) # Interannual variability fig = plt.figure() obs_corrected = d: start_year <= d.year <= end_year) modelled_data = d: start_year <= d.year <= end_year) corr_list = [] for m in range(1, 13): obs = d: d.month == m) mod = d: d.month == m) print(obs.head()) obs.index = d: d.year) mod.index = d: d.year) corr_list.append(obs.corr(mod)) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(range(1, 13), corr_list) ax.set_xlabel("Month") ax.set_title("Inter-annual variability") img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}_interannual.png".format( fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(str(img_file), bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig)
def main(): model_data_path = Path("/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Diagnostics") # model_data_path = Path("/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Samples") static_data_file = "/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Samples/bc_mh_044deg_198001/pm1980010100_00000000p" r = RPN(static_data_file) fldir = r.get_first_record_for_name("FLDR") faa = r.get_first_record_for_name("FAA") lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_for_the_last_read_rec() gc = default_domains.bc_mh_044 cell_manager = CellManager( fldir, nx=fldir.shape[0], ny=fldir.shape[1], lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats, accumulation_area_km2=faa ) selected_station_ids = ["06EA002"] stations = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(province="SK", selected_ids=selected_station_ids, natural=None) # (06EA002): CHURCHILL RIVER AT SANDY BAY at (-102.31832885742188,55.52333068847656), accum. area is 212000.0 km**2 # TODO: plot where is this station, compare modelled and observed hydrographs # for s in stations: # assert isinstance(s, cehq_station.Station) # s.latitude += 0.9 # s.longitude -= 0.2 # print(s) station_to_model_point = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations( stations, drainaige_area_reldiff_limit=0.8, nneighbours=1 ) print(station_to_model_point[stations[0]]) station = stations[0] assert isinstance(station, cehq_station.Station) obs_not_corrected = ( pd.Series(index=station.dates, data=station.values).groupby(by=lambda d: d.replace(day=15)).mean() ) obs_corrected = pd.read_csv( "mh/obs_data/Churchill Historic Monthly Apportionable Flow_06EA002.csv.bak.original", skiprows=2 ) print(obs_corrected.head()) print(obs_corrected.year.iloc[0], obs_corrected.year.iloc[-1]) date_index = pd.date_range( start=datetime(obs_corrected.year.iloc[0] - 1, 12, 15), end=datetime(obs_corrected.year.iloc[-1], 12, 15), freq="M", ) date_index = date_index.shift(15, print(date_index) data = np.concatenate([r for r in obs_corrected.values[:, 1:-1]]) factor = d: 1000 / (calendar.monthrange(d.year, d.month)[1] * 24 * 3600)) print(factor[:10]) obs_corrected = pd.Series(index=date_index, data=data * factor) station_to_modelled_data = get_model_data( station_to_model_point, output_path=model_data_path, grid_config=gc, basins_of_interest_shp=default_domains.MH_BASINS_PATH, cell_manager=cell_manager, vname="STFL", ) modelled_data = station_to_modelled_data[station] fig = plt.figure() ax = obs_corrected.plot(label="obs corrected") obs_not_corrected.plot(label="obs not corrected", ax=ax, color="k") modelled_data.plot(label="CRCM5", ax=ax, color="r") ax.legend(loc="upper left") img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}_validation_monthly.png".format( fig.savefig(str(img_file)) plt.close(fig) # climatology start_year = 1980 end_year = 2010 date_selector = lambda d: (start_year <= d.year <= end_year) and not ((d.month == 2) and ( == 29)) fig = plt.figure() ax = d: d.replace(year=2001)).mean().plot(label="obs corrected") d: d.replace(year=2001)).mean().plot( label="obs not corrected", ax=ax, color="k" ) d: d.replace(year=2001)).mean().plot( label="CRCM5", ax=ax, color="r" ) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%b")) ax.legend(loc="upper left") img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}_validation_clim.png".format( fig.savefig(str(img_file)) plt.close(fig) # Interannual variability fig = plt.figure() obs_corrected = d: start_year <= d.year <= end_year) modelled_data = d: start_year <= d.year <= end_year) corr_list = [] for m in range(1, 13): obs = d: d.month == m) mod = d: d.month == m) print(obs.head()) obs.index = d: d.year) mod.index = d: d.year) corr_list.append(obs.corr(mod)) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(range(1, 13), corr_list) ax.set_xlabel("Month") ax.set_title("Inter-annual variability") img_file = img_folder.joinpath("{}_interannual.png".format( fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(str(img_file), bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig)
def main(start_year = 1980, end_year = 1989): soil_layer_widths = infovar.soil_layer_widths_26_to_60 soil_tops = np.cumsum(soil_layer_widths).tolist()[:-1] soil_tops = [0, ] + soil_tops selected_station_ids = [ "061905", "074903", "090613", "092715", "093801", "093806" ] # path1 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl_spinup.hdf" # label1 = "CRCM5-HCD-RL" path1 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_spinup_ITFS.hdf5" label1 = "CRCM5-HCD-RL-INTFL" path2 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_ITFS_avoid_truncation1979-1989.hdf5" label2 = "CRCM5-HCD-RL-INTFL-improved" ############ images_folder = "images_for_lake-river_paper/comp_soil_profiles" if not os.path.isdir(images_folder): os.mkdir(images_folder) fldirs = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(path1) lake_fractions = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_LAKE_FRACTION_NAME) cell_areas = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME_M2) acc_areakm2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) depth_to_bedrock = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_DEPTH_TO_BEDROCK_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(fldirs, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d, accumulation_area_km2=acc_areakm2) #get climatologic liquid soil moisture and convert fractions to mm t0 = time.clock() daily_dates, levels, i1_nointfl = analysis.get_daily_climatology_of_3d_field( path_to_hdf_file=path1, var_name="I1", start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year ) print("read I1 - 1") print("Spent {0} seconds ".format(time.clock() - t0)) _, _, i1_intfl = analysis.get_daily_climatology_of_3d_field( path_to_hdf_file=path2, var_name="I1", start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year ) print("read I1 - 2") #get climatologic frozen soil moisture and convert fractions to mm _, _, i2_nointfl = analysis.get_daily_climatology_of_3d_field( path_to_hdf_file=path1, var_name="I2", start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year ) print("read I2 - 1") _, _, i2_intfl = analysis.get_daily_climatology_of_3d_field( path_to_hdf_file=path2, var_name="I2", start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year ) print("read I2 - 2") # sm_intfl = i1_intfl + i2_intfl sm_nointfl = i1_nointfl + i2_nointfl #Get the list of stations to do the comparison with stations = cehq_station.read_station_data( start_date=datetime(start_year, 1, 1), end_date=datetime(end_year, 12, 31), selected_ids=selected_station_ids ) print("sm_noinfl, min, max = {0}, {1}".format(sm_nointfl.min(), sm_nointfl.max())) print("sm_infl, min, max = {0}, {1}".format(sm_intfl.min(), sm_intfl.max())) diff = (sm_intfl - sm_nointfl) #diff *= soil_layer_widths[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * 1000 # to convert in mm #print "number of nans", np.isnan(diff).astype(int).sum() print("cell area min,max = {0}, {1}".format(cell_areas.min(), cell_areas.max())) print("acc area min,max = {0}, {1}".format(acc_areakm2.min(), acc_areakm2.max())) assert np.all(lake_fractions >= 0) print("lake fractions (min, max): ", lake_fractions.min(), lake_fractions.max()) #Non need to go very deep nlayers = 3 z, t = np.meshgrid(soil_tops[:nlayers], date2num(daily_dates)) station_to_mp = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(stations) plotted_global = False for the_station, mp in station_to_mp.items(): assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint) assert isinstance(the_station, Station) fig = plt.figure() umask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices(mp.ix, mp.jy) #exclude lake cells from the profiles sel = (umask == 1) & (depth_to_bedrock > 3) & (acc_areakm2 >= 0) umaskf = umask.astype(float) umaskf *= (1.0 - lake_fractions) * cell_areas umaskf[~sel] = 0.0 profiles = np.tensordot(diff, umaskf) / umaskf.sum() print(profiles.shape, profiles.min(), profiles.max(), umaskf.sum(), umaskf.min(), umaskf.max()) d = np.abs(profiles).max() print("d = {0}".format(d)) clevs = np.round(np.linspace(-d, d, 12), decimals=5) diff_cmap = cm.get_cmap("RdBu_r", lut=len(clevs) - 1) bn = BoundaryNorm(clevs, len(clevs) - 1) plt.title("({})-({})".format(label2, label2)) img = plt.contourf(t, z, profiles[:, :nlayers], cmap = diff_cmap, levels = clevs, norm = bn) plt.colorbar(img, ticks = clevs) ax = plt.gca() assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%b")) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) fig.savefig(os.path.join(images_folder, "{0}_{1}_{2}.jpeg".format(, label1, label2)), dpi = cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches = "tight") print("processed: {0}".format(the_station)) if not plotted_global: plotted_global = True fig = plt.figure() sel = (depth_to_bedrock >= 0.1) & (acc_areakm2 >= 0) umaskf = (1.0 - lake_fractions) * cell_areas umaskf[~sel] = 0.0 profiles = np.tensordot(diff, umaskf) / umaskf.sum() print(profiles.shape, profiles.min(), profiles.max(), umaskf.sum(), umaskf.min(), umaskf.max()) d = np.abs(profiles).max() print("d = {0}".format(d)) clevs = np.round(np.linspace(-d, d, 12), decimals=5) diff_cmap = cm.get_cmap("RdBu_r", lut=len(clevs) - 1) bn = BoundaryNorm(clevs, len(clevs) - 1) img = plt.contourf(t, z, profiles[:, :nlayers], cmap = diff_cmap, levels = clevs, norm = bn) plt.colorbar(img, ticks = clevs) ax = plt.gca() assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%b")) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) fig.savefig(os.path.join(images_folder, "global_mean.jpeg"), dpi = cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches = "tight") pass
def main(): # stations = cehq_station.read_grdc_stations(st_id_list=["2903430", "2909150", "2912600", "4208025"]) selected_station_ids = [ "05LM006", "05BN012", "05AK001", "05QB003", "06EA002" ] stations = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db( natural=None, province=None, selected_ids=selected_station_ids, skip_data_checks=True) stations_mh = cehq_station.get_manitoba_hydro_stations() # copy metadata from the corresponding hydat stations for s in stations: assert isinstance(s, Station) for s_mh in stations_mh: assert isinstance(s_mh, Station) if s == s_mh: s_mh.copy_metadata(s) break stations = [ s for s in stations_mh if in selected_station_ids and s.longitude is not None ] stations_to_mp = None import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # labels = ["CanESM", "MPI"] # paths = ["/skynet3_rech1/huziy/offline_stfl/canesm/", # "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/offline_stfl/mpi/"] # # colors = ["r", "b"] # labels = ["ERA", ] # colors = ["r", ] # paths = ["/skynet3_rech1/huziy/arctic_routing/era40/"] labels = [ "Model", ] colors = [ "r", ] paths = [ "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/water_route_mh_bc_011deg_wc/" ] infocell_path = "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/water_route_mh_bc_011deg_wc/" start_year = 1980 end_year = 2014 stations_filtered = [] for s in stations: # Also filter out stations with small accumulation areas # if s.drainage_km2 is not None and s.drainage_km2 < 100: # continue # Filter stations with data out of the required time frame year_list = s.get_list_of_complete_years() print("Complete years for {}: {}".format(, year_list)) stations_filtered.append(s) stations = stations_filtered print("Retained {} stations.".format(len(stations))) sim_to_time = {} monthly_dates = [datetime(2001, m, 15) for m in range(1, 13)] fmt = FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: num2date(x).strftime("%b")[0]) locator = MonthLocator(bymonthday=15) fig = plt.figure() axes = [] row_indices = [] col_indices = [] ncols = 1 shiftrow = 0 if len(stations) % ncols == 0 else 1 nrows = len(stations) // ncols + shiftrow shared_ax = None gs = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows) for i, s in enumerate(stations): row = i // ncols col = i % ncols row_indices.append(row) col_indices.append(col) if shared_ax is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) shared_ax = ax assert isinstance(shared_ax, Axes) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=4)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits((-3, 4)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) axes.append(ax) # generate daily stamp dates d0 = datetime(2001, 1, 1) stamp_dates = [d0 + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(365)] # plot a panel for each station for s, ax, row, col in zip(stations, axes, row_indices, col_indices): assert isinstance(s, Station) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) if s.grdc_monthly_clim_max is not None: ax.fill_between(monthly_dates, s.grdc_monthly_clim_min, s.grdc_monthly_clim_max, color="0.6", alpha=0.5) avail_years = s.get_list_of_complete_years() print("{}: {}".format(, ",".join([str(y) for y in avail_years]))) years = [y for y in avail_years if start_year <= y <= end_year] obs_clim_stfl = s.get_monthly_climatology(years_list=years) if obs_clim_stfl is None: continue print(obs_clim_stfl.head()) obs_clim_stfl.plot(color="k", lw=3, label="Obs", ax=ax) if s.river_name is not None and s.river_name != "": ax.set_title(s.river_name) else: ax.set_title( for path, sim_label, color in zip(paths, labels, colors): ds = Dataset(path) if stations_to_mp is None: acc_area_2d = ds.variables["accumulation_area"][:] lons2d, lats2d = ds.variables["longitude"][:], ds.variables[ "latitude"][:] x_index, y_index = ds.variables["x_index"][:], ds.variables[ "y_index"][:] stations_to_mp = get_dataless_model_points_for_stations( stations, acc_area_2d, lons2d, lats2d, x_index, y_index) # read dates only once for a given simulation if sim_label not in sim_to_time: time_str = ds.variables["time"][:].astype(str) times = [ datetime.strptime("".join(t_s), TIME_FORMAT) for t_s in time_str ] sim_to_time[sim_label] = times mp = stations_to_mp[s] data = ds.variables["water_discharge_accumulated"][:, mp.cell_index] print(path) df = DataFrame(data=data, index=sim_to_time[sim_label], columns=["value"]) df["year"] = d: d.year) df = df.ix[df.year.isin(years), :] df = df.groupby(lambda d: datetime(2001, d.month, 15)).mean() # print np.mean( monthly_model ), s.river_name, sim_label df.plot(color=color, lw=3, label=sim_label, ax=ax, y="value") ds.close() if row < nrows - 1: ax.set_xticklabels([]) axes[0].legend(fontsize=17, loc=2) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("mh/offline_validation_mh.png", dpi=400) plt.close(fig) with Dataset(infocell_path) as ds: fldir = ds.variables["flow_direction_value"][:] faa = ds.variables["accumulation_area"][:] lon, lat = [ds.variables[k][:] for k in ["lon", "lat"]] # plot station positions and upstream areas cell_manager = CellManager(fldir, nx=fldir.shape[0], ny=fldir.shape[1], lons2d=lon, lats2d=lat, accumulation_area_km2=faa) fig = plt.figure() from crcm5.mh_domains import default_domains gc = default_domains.bc_mh_011 # get the basemap object bmp, data_mask = gc.get_basemap_using_shape_with_polygons_of_interest( lon, lat, shp_path=default_domains.MH_BASINS_PATH, mask_margin=5) xx, yy = bmp(lon, lat) ax = plt.gca() colors = ["g", "r", "m", "c", "y", "violet"] i = 0 for s, mp in stations_to_mp.items(): assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint) upstream_mask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices( mp.ix, mp.jy) current_points = upstream_mask > 0.5 bmp.drawcoastlines() bmp.drawrivers() bmp.scatter(xx[current_points], yy[current_points], c=colors[i % len(colors)]) i += 1 va = "top" if in ["05AK001", "05LM006"]: va = "bottom" ha = "left" if in ["05QB003"]: ha = "right" bmp.scatter(xx[mp.ix, mp.jy], yy[mp.ix, mp.jy], c="b") ax.annotate(, xy=(xx[mp.ix, mp.jy], yy[mp.ix, mp.jy]), horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment=va, bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='gray', alpha=0.5)) fig.savefig("mh/offline_stations_{}.png".format("positions")) plt.close(fig)
def plot_streamflow(): plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_pt=None, width_cm=19, height_cm=10, font_size=12) labels = ["Glacier-only", "All"] colors = ["r", "b"] paths = [ "/skynet3_exec2/aganji/glacier_katja/watroute_gemera/", "/skynet3_exec2/aganji/glacier_katja/watroute_gemera/"] infocell_path = "/skynet3_exec2/aganji/glacier_katja/watroute_gemera/" start_year = 2000 end_year = 2099 with Dataset(paths[0]) as ds: acc_area = ds.variables["accumulation_area"][:] lons = ds.variables["longitude"][:] lats = ds.variables["latitude"][:] x_index = ds.variables["x_index"][:] y_index = ds.variables["y_index"][:] with Dataset(infocell_path) as ds: fldr = ds.variables["flow_direction_value"][:] driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') data_source = driver.Open(path_to_basin_shape, 0) assert isinstance(data_source, ogr.DataSource) geom = None print(data_source.GetLayerCount()) layer = data_source.GetLayer() assert isinstance(layer, ogr.Layer) print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) for feature in layer: assert isinstance(feature, ogr.Feature) geom = feature.geometry() assert isinstance(geom, ogr.Geometry) # print(str(geom)) # geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(geom.ExportToWkt()) i, j = get_outlet_indices(geom, acc_area, lons, lats) print("Accumulation area at the outlet (according to flow directions): {}".format(acc_area[i, j])) cell_manager = CellManager(flow_dirs=fldr, lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats, accumulation_area_km2=acc_area) model_mask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices(i, j) cell_index = np.where((x_index == i) & (y_index == j))[0][0] print(cell_index) if not img_folder.is_dir(): img_folder.mkdir(parents=True) # Do the plotting fig = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, wspace=0.0) # Plot the hydrograph ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) for p, c, label in zip(paths, colors, labels): with Dataset(p) as ds: stfl = ds.variables["water_discharge_accumulated"][:, cell_index] time = ds.variables["time"][:].astype(str) time = [datetime.strptime("".join(ts), "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M") for ts in time] df = pd.DataFrame(index=time, data=stfl) # remove 29th of February df = d: not (d.month == 2 and == 29) and (start_year <= d.year <= end_year)) df = df.groupby(lambda d: datetime(2001, d.month, ax.plot(df.index, df.values, c, lw=2, label=label) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda tickval, pos: num2date(tickval).strftime("%b")[0])) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) ax.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), borderaxespad=0) ax.set_title("{}-{}".format(start_year, end_year)) # Plot the point position ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) bsm = get_basemap_glaciers_nw_america() x, y = bsm(lons[i, j], lats[i, j]) bsm.scatter(x, y, c="b", ax=ax, zorder=10) bsm.drawcoastlines() bsm.readshapefile(path_to_basin_shape.replace(".shp", ""), "basin", color="m", linewidth=2, zorder=5) # xx, yy = bsm(lons, lats) # cmap = cm.get_cmap("gray_r", 10) # bsm.pcolormesh(xx, yy, model_mask * 0.5, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1) bsm.drawrivers(ax=ax, zorder=9, color="b") plt.savefig(str(img_folder.joinpath("stfl_at_outlets.pdf")), bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig)
def main(): # stations = cehq_station.read_grdc_stations(st_id_list=["2903430", "2909150", "2912600", "4208025"]) selected_station_ids = [ "05LM006", "05BN012", "05AK001", "05QB003", "06EA002" ] stations = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(natural=None, province=None, selected_ids=selected_station_ids, skip_data_checks=True) stations_mh = cehq_station.get_manitoba_hydro_stations() # copy metadata from the corresponding hydat stations for s in stations: assert isinstance(s, Station) for s_mh in stations_mh: assert isinstance(s_mh, Station) if s == s_mh: s_mh.copy_metadata(s) break stations = [s for s in stations_mh if in selected_station_ids and s.longitude is not None] stations_to_mp = None import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # labels = ["CanESM", "MPI"] # paths = ["/skynet3_rech1/huziy/offline_stfl/canesm/", # "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/offline_stfl/mpi/"] # # colors = ["r", "b"] # labels = ["ERA", ] # colors = ["r", ] # paths = ["/skynet3_rech1/huziy/arctic_routing/era40/"] labels = ["Model", ] colors = ["r", ] paths = [ "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/water_route_mh_bc_011deg_wc/" ] infocell_path = "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/water_route_mh_bc_011deg_wc/" start_year = 1980 end_year = 2014 stations_filtered = [] for s in stations: # Also filter out stations with small accumulation areas # if s.drainage_km2 is not None and s.drainage_km2 < 100: # continue # Filter stations with data out of the required time frame year_list = s.get_list_of_complete_years() print("Complete years for {}: {}".format(, year_list)) stations_filtered.append(s) stations = stations_filtered print("Retained {} stations.".format(len(stations))) sim_to_time = {} monthly_dates = [datetime(2001, m, 15) for m in range(1, 13)] fmt = FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: num2date(x).strftime("%b")[0]) locator = MonthLocator(bymonthday=15) fig = plt.figure() axes = [] row_indices = [] col_indices = [] ncols = 1 shiftrow = 0 if len(stations) % ncols == 0 else 1 nrows = len(stations) // ncols + shiftrow shared_ax = None gs = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows) for i, s in enumerate(stations): row = i // ncols col = i % ncols row_indices.append(row) col_indices.append(col) if shared_ax is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) shared_ax = ax assert isinstance(shared_ax, Axes) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=4)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits((-3, 4)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) axes.append(ax) # generate daily stamp dates d0 = datetime(2001, 1, 1) stamp_dates = [d0 + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(365)] # plot a panel for each station for s, ax, row, col in zip(stations, axes, row_indices, col_indices): assert isinstance(s, Station) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) if s.grdc_monthly_clim_max is not None: ax.fill_between(monthly_dates, s.grdc_monthly_clim_min, s.grdc_monthly_clim_max, color="0.6", alpha=0.5) avail_years = s.get_list_of_complete_years() print("{}: {}".format(, ",".join([str(y) for y in avail_years]))) years = [y for y in avail_years if start_year <= y <= end_year] obs_clim_stfl = s.get_monthly_climatology(years_list=years) if obs_clim_stfl is None: continue print(obs_clim_stfl.head()) obs_clim_stfl.plot(color="k", lw=3, label="Obs", ax=ax) if s.river_name is not None and s.river_name != "": ax.set_title(s.river_name) else: ax.set_title( for path, sim_label, color in zip(paths, labels, colors): ds = Dataset(path) if stations_to_mp is None: acc_area_2d = ds.variables["accumulation_area"][:] lons2d, lats2d = ds.variables["longitude"][:], ds.variables["latitude"][:] x_index, y_index = ds.variables["x_index"][:], ds.variables["y_index"][:] stations_to_mp = get_dataless_model_points_for_stations(stations, acc_area_2d, lons2d, lats2d, x_index, y_index) # read dates only once for a given simulation if sim_label not in sim_to_time: time_str = ds.variables["time"][:].astype(str) times = [datetime.strptime("".join(t_s), TIME_FORMAT) for t_s in time_str] sim_to_time[sim_label] = times mp = stations_to_mp[s] data = ds.variables["water_discharge_accumulated"][:, mp.cell_index] print(path) df = DataFrame(data=data, index=sim_to_time[sim_label], columns=["value"]) df["year"] = d: d.year) df = df.ix[df.year.isin(years), :] df = df.groupby(lambda d: datetime(2001, d.month, 15)).mean() # print np.mean( monthly_model ), s.river_name, sim_label df.plot(color=color, lw=3, label=sim_label, ax=ax, y="value") ds.close() if row < nrows - 1: ax.set_xticklabels([]) axes[0].legend(fontsize=17, loc=2) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("mh/offline_validation_mh.png", dpi=400) plt.close(fig) with Dataset(infocell_path) as ds: fldir = ds.variables["flow_direction_value"][:] faa = ds.variables["accumulation_area"][:] lon, lat = [ds.variables[k][:] for k in ["lon", "lat"]] # plot station positions and upstream areas cell_manager = CellManager(fldir, nx=fldir.shape[0], ny=fldir.shape[1], lons2d=lon, lats2d=lat, accumulation_area_km2=faa) fig = plt.figure() from crcm5.mh_domains import default_domains gc = default_domains.bc_mh_011 # get the basemap object bmp, data_mask = gc.get_basemap_using_shape_with_polygons_of_interest( lon, lat, shp_path=default_domains.MH_BASINS_PATH, mask_margin=5) xx, yy = bmp(lon, lat) ax = plt.gca() colors = ["g", "r", "m", "c", "y", "violet"] i = 0 for s, mp in stations_to_mp.items(): assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint) upstream_mask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices(mp.ix, mp.jy) current_points = upstream_mask > 0.5 bmp.drawcoastlines() bmp.drawrivers() bmp.scatter(xx[current_points], yy[current_points], c=colors[i % len(colors)]) i += 1 va = "top" if in ["05AK001", "05LM006"]: va = "bottom" ha = "left" if in ["05QB003"]: ha = "right" bmp.scatter(xx[mp.ix, mp.jy], yy[mp.ix, mp.jy], c="b") ax.annotate(, xy=(xx[mp.ix, mp.jy], yy[mp.ix, mp.jy]), horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment=va, bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='gray', alpha=0.5)) fig.savefig("mh/offline_stations_{}.png".format("positions")) plt.close(fig)
def main(): direction_file_path = Path("/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Samples/bc_mh_044deg_198001/pm1980010100_00000000p") sim_label = "mh_0.44" start_year = 1981 end_year = 2010 streamflow_internal_name = "streamflow" selected_staion_ids = constants.selected_station_ids_for_streamflow_validation # ====================================================== day = timedelta(days=1) t0 = datetime(2001, 1, 1) stamp_dates = [t0 + i * day for i in range(365)] print("stamp dates range {} ... {}".format(stamp_dates[0], stamp_dates[-1])) lake_fraction = None # establish the correspondence between the stations and model grid points with RPN(str(direction_file_path)) as r: assert isinstance(r, RPN) fldir = r.get_first_record_for_name("FLDR") flow_acc_area = r.get_first_record_for_name("FAA") lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_for_the_last_read_rec() # lake_fraction = r.get_first_record_for_name("LF1") cell_manager = CellManager(fldir, lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats, accumulation_area_km2=flow_acc_area) stations = stfl_stations.load_stations_from_csv(selected_ids=selected_staion_ids) station_to_model_point = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fraction, nneighbours=8) # Update the end year if required max_year_st = -1 for station in station_to_model_point: y = max(station.get_list_of_complete_years()) if y >= max_year_st: max_year_st = y if end_year > max_year_st: print("Updated end_year to {}, because no obs data after...".format(max_year_st)) end_year = max_year_st # read model data mod_data_manager = DataManager( store_config={ "varname_mapping": {streamflow_internal_name: "STFA"}, "base_folder": str(direction_file_path.parent.parent), "data_source_type": data_source_types.SAMPLES_FOLDER_FROM_CRCM_OUTPUT, "level_mapping": {streamflow_internal_name: VerticalLevel(-1, level_type=level_kinds.ARBITRARY)}, "offset_mapping": vname_to_offset_CRCM5, "filename_prefix_mapping": {streamflow_internal_name: "pm"} }) station_to_model_data = defaultdict(list) for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1): start = Pendulum(year, 1, 1) p_test = Period(start, start.add(years=1).subtract(microseconds=1)) stfl_mod = mod_data_manager.read_data_for_period(p_test, streamflow_internal_name) # convert to daily stfl_mod = stfl_mod.resample("D", "t", how="mean", closed="left", keep_attrs=True) assert isinstance(stfl_mod, xr.DataArray) for station, model_point in station_to_model_point.items(): assert isinstance(model_point, ModelPoint) ts1 = stfl_mod[:, model_point.ix, model_point.jy].to_series() station_to_model_data[station].append(pd.Series(index=stfl_mod.t.values, data=ts1)) # concatenate the timeseries for each point, if required if end_year - start_year + 1 > 1: for station in station_to_model_data: station_to_model_data[station] = pd.concat(station_to_model_data[station]) else: for station in station_to_model_data: station_to_model_data[station] = station_to_model_data[station][0] # calculate observed climatology station_to_climatology = OrderedDict() for s in sorted(station_to_model_point, key=lambda st: st.latitude, reverse=True): assert isinstance(s, Station) print(, len(s.get_list_of_complete_years())) # Check if there are continuous years for the selected period common_years = set(s.get_list_of_complete_years()).intersection(set(range(start_year, end_year + 1))) if len(common_years) > 0: _, station_to_climatology[s] = s.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years_with_pandas(stamp_dates=stamp_dates, years=common_years) _, station_to_model_data[s] = pandas_utils.get_daily_climatology_from_pandas_series(station_to_model_data[s], stamp_dates, years_of_interest=common_years) else: print("Skipping {}, since it does not have enough data during the period of interest".format( # ---- Do the plotting ---- ncols = 4 nrows = len(station_to_climatology) // ncols nrows += int(not (len(station_to_climatology) % ncols == 0)) axes_list = [] plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_cm=8 * ncols, height_cm=8 * nrows, font_size=8) fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) for i, (s, clim) in enumerate(station_to_climatology.items()): assert isinstance(s, Station) row = i // ncols col = i % ncols print(row, col, nrows, ncols) # normalize by the drainage area if s.drainage_km2 is not None: station_to_model_data[s] *= s.drainage_km2 / station_to_model_point[s].accumulation_area if in constants.stations_to_greyout: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col], facecolor="0.45") else: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ax.plot(stamp_dates, clim, color="k", lw=2, label="Obs.") ax.plot(stamp_dates, station_to_model_data[s], color="r", lw=2, label="Mod.") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(format_month_label)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=1)) ax.grid() ax.annotate(s.get_pp_name(), xy=(1.02, 1), xycoords="axes fraction", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", fontsize=8, rotation=-90) last_date = stamp_dates[-1] last_date = last_date.replace(day=calendar.monthrange(last_date.year, last_date.month)[1]) ax.set_xlim(stamp_dates[0].replace(day=1), last_date) ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) if s.drainage_km2 is not None: ax.set_title("{}: ({:.1f}$^\circ$E, {:.1f}$^\circ$N, DA={:.0f} km$^2$)".format(, s.longitude, s.latitude, s.drainage_km2)) else: ax.set_title( "{}: ({:.1f}$^\circ$E, {:.1f}$^\circ$N, DA not used)".format(, s.longitude, s.latitude)) axes_list.append(ax) # plot the legend axes_list[-1].legend() if not img_folder.exists(): img_folder.mkdir() fig.tight_layout() img_file = img_folder / "{}_{}-{}_{}.png".format(sim_label, start_year, end_year, "-".join(sorted( for s in station_to_climatology))) print("Saving {}".format(img_file)) fig.savefig(str(img_file), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
def plot_histograms( path="/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_spinup_ecoclimap.hdf" ): fig = plt.figure() assert isinstance(fig, Figure) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(file_path=path) # slope ch_slope = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name="slope") ch_slope = maskoceans(lons2d, lats2d, ch_slope) ch_slope = | (ch_slope < 0), ch_slope) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ch_slope_flat = ch_slope[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram( ch_slope_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(ch_slope_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.set_title(r"$\alpha$") ax.grid() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # drainage density dd = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name="drainage_density_inv_meters") dd *= 1000 # convert to km^-1 ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) dd_flat = dd[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram(dd_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(dd_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) ax.set_title(r"$DD {\rm \left( km^{-1} \right)}$") ax.grid() # vertical soil hydraulic conductivity vshc = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_VERT_SOIL_HYDR_COND_NAME) if vshc is not None: # get only on the first layer vshc = vshc[0, :, :] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) vshc_flat = vshc[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram( vshc_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(vshc_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title(r"$ K_{\rm V} {\rm (m/s)}$") ax.grid() # Kv * slope * DD ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) interflow_h = 0.2 # Soulis et al 2000 # 1e-3 is to convert drainage density to m^-1 the_prod = dd_flat * 1e-3 * vshc_flat * ch_slope_flat * 48 * interflow_h print("product median: {0}".format(np.median(the_prod))) print("product maximum: {0}".format(the_prod.max())) print("product 90-quantile: {0}".format(np.percentile(the_prod, 90))) the_hist, positions = np.histogram( the_prod, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(the_prod, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title( r"$ \beta_{\rm max}\cdot K_{\rm v} \cdot \alpha \cdot DD \cdot H {\rm (m/s)}$ " ) ax.grid() # read flow directions flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) # read cell areas # cell_areas = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(flow_directions) acc_index = cell_manager.get_accumulation_index() acc_index_flat = acc_index[acc_index > 1] print( "acc_index: min={0}; max={1}; median={2}; 90-quantile={3}".format( acc_index_flat.min(), acc_index_flat.max(), np.median(acc_index_flat), np.percentile(acc_index_flat, 90))) # plot the range of the accumulation index ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) the_hist, positions = np.histogram( acc_index_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(acc_index_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title(r"Accum. index") ax.grid() # lake fraction # sand # clay fig_path = os.path.join(images_folder, "static_fields_histograms.jpeg") fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(fig_path, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight")
def draw_model_comparison(model_points=None, stations=None, sim_name_to_file_name=None, hdf_folder=None, start_year=None, end_year=None, cell_manager=None, plot_upstream_averages=True): """ :param model_points: list of model point objects :param stations: list of stations corresponding to the list of model points :param cell_manager: is a CellManager instance which can be provided for better performance if necessary len(model_points) == len(stations) if stations is not None. if stations is None - then no measured streamflow will be plotted """ assert model_points is None or stations is None or len(stations) == len(model_points) path0 = os.path.join(hdf_folder, list(sim_name_to_file_name.items())[0][1]) flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name="flow_direction") lake_fraction = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name="lake_fraction") accumulation_area_km2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) cell_area_km2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME_M2) # print "plotting from {0}".format(path0) # plt.pcolormesh(lake_fraction.transpose()) # plt.colorbar() # # exit() file_scores = open( "scores_{0}_{1}-{2}.txt".format("_".join(list(sim_name_to_file_name.keys())), start_year, end_year), "w") # write the following columns to the scores file header_format = "{0:10s}\t{1:10s}\t{2:10s}\t" + "\t".join(["{" + str(i + 3) + ":10s}" for i in range(len(sim_name_to_file_name))]) line_format = "{0:10s}\t{1:10.1f}\t{1:10.1f}\t" + "\t".join(["{" + str(i + 3) + ":10.1f}" for i in range(len(sim_name_to_file_name))]) header = ("ID", "DAo", "DAm",) + tuple(["NS({0})".format(key) for key in sim_name_to_file_name]) file_scores.write(header_format.format(*header) + "\n") lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(file_path=path0) # Create a cell manager if it is not provided if cell_manager is None: cell_manager = CellManager(flow_directions, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_area_km2, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d) if stations is not None: # Get the list of the corresponding model points station_to_modelpoint_list = cell_manager.get_lake_model_points_for_stations(station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fraction, nneighbours=1) station_list = list(station_to_modelpoint_list.keys()) station_list.sort(key=lambda st1: st1.latitude, reverse=True) processed_stations = station_list else: mp_list = model_points station_list = None # sort so that the northernmost stations appear uppermost mp_list.sort(key=lambda mpt: mpt.latitude, reverse=True) # set ids to the model points so they can be distinguished easier model_point.set_model_point_ids(mp_list) processed_stations = mp_list station_to_modelpoint_list = {} # brewer2mpl.get_map args: set name set type number of colors bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map("Set1", "qualitative", 9) # Change the default colors mpl.rcParams["axes.color_cycle"] = bmap.mpl_colors # For the streamflow only plot ncols = 3 nrows = max(len(station_to_modelpoint_list) // ncols, 1) if ncols * nrows < len(station_to_modelpoint_list): nrows += 1 figure_panel = plt.figure() gs_panel = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=nrows + 1, ncols=ncols) # a flag which signifies if a legend should be added to the plot, it is needed so we ahve only one legend per plot legend_added = False label_list = list(sim_name_to_file_name.keys()) # Needed to keep the order the same for all subplots all_years = [y for y in range(start_year, end_year + 1)] # processed_model_points = mp_list # plot_point_positions_with_upstream_areas(processed_stations, processed_model_points, basemap, cell_manager) if plot_upstream_averages: # create obs data managers anusplin_tmin = AnuSplinManager(variable="stmn") anusplin_tmax = AnuSplinManager(variable="stmx") anusplin_pcp = AnuSplinManager(variable="pcp") daily_dates, obs_tmin_fields = anusplin_tmin.get_daily_clim_fields_interpolated_to( start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, lons_target=lons2d, lats_target=lats2d) _, obs_tmax_fields = anusplin_tmax.get_daily_clim_fields_interpolated_to( start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, lons_target=lons2d, lats_target=lats2d) _, obs_pcp_fields = anusplin_pcp.get_daily_clim_fields_interpolated_to( start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, lons_target=lons2d, lats_target=lats2d) swe_manager = SweDataManager(var_name="SWE") obs_swe_daily_clim = swe_manager.get_daily_climatology(start_year, end_year) interpolated_obs_swe_clim = swe_manager.interpolate_daily_climatology_to(obs_swe_daily_clim, lons2d_target=lons2d, lats2d_target=lats2d) # clear the folder with images (to avoid confusion of different versions) _remove_previous_images(processed_stations[0]) ax_panel = figure_panel.add_subplot(gs_panel[0, :]) plot_positions_of_station_list(ax_panel, station_list, [station_to_modelpoint_list[s][0] for s in station_list], basemap=basemap, cell_manager=cell_manager, fill_upstream_areas=False) ax_to_share = None for i, the_station in enumerate(station_list): # +1 due to the plot with station positions ax_panel = figure_panel.add_subplot(gs_panel[1 + i // ncols, i % ncols], sharex=ax_to_share) if ax_to_share is None: ax_to_share = ax_panel # Check the number of years accessible for the station if the list of stations is given if the_station is not None: assert isinstance(the_station, Station) year_list = the_station.get_list_of_complete_years() year_list = list(filter(lambda yi: start_year <= yi <= end_year, year_list)) if len(year_list) < 1: continue print("Working on station: {0}".format( else: year_list = all_years fig = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4, wspace=1) # plot station position ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, 0:2]) upstream_mask = _plot_station_position(ax, the_station, basemap, cell_manager, station_to_modelpoint_list[the_station][0]) # plot streamflows ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:2, 0:2]) dates = None model_daily_temp_clim = {} model_daily_precip_clim = {} model_daily_clim_surf_runoff = {} model_daily_clim_subsurf_runoff = {} model_daily_clim_swe = {} model_daily_clim_evap = {} # get model data for the list of years for label in label_list: fname = sim_name_to_file_name[label] fpath = os.path.join(hdf_folder, fname) if plot_upstream_averages: # read temperature data and calculate daily climatologic fileds dates, model_daily_temp_clim[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="TT", level=1, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) # read modelled precip and calculate daily climatologic fields _, model_daily_precip_clim[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="PR", level=None, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) # read modelled surface runoff and calculate daily climatologic fields _, model_daily_clim_surf_runoff[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="TRAF", level=1, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) # read modelled subsurface runoff and calculate daily climatologic fields _, model_daily_clim_subsurf_runoff[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="TDRA", level=1, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) # read modelled swe and calculate daily climatologic fields _, model_daily_clim_swe[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="I5", level=None, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) values_model = None # lake level due to evap/precip values_model_evp = None lf_total = 0 for the_model_point in station_to_modelpoint_list[the_station]: if the_model_point.lake_fraction is None: mult = 1.0 else: mult = the_model_point.lake_fraction lf_total += mult # Calculate lake depth variation for this simulation, since I forgot to uncomment it in the model if label.lower() != "crcm5-hcd-r": assert isinstance(the_model_point, ModelPoint) _, temp = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point(path=fpath, var_name="CLDP", years_of_interest=year_list, i_index=the_model_point.ix, j_index=the_model_point.jy) if values_model is None: values_model = mult * np.asarray(temp) else: values_model = mult * np.asarray(temp) + values_model else: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot handle lake depth for {0}".format(label)) if label.lower() in ["crcm5-hcd-rl", "crcm5-l2"]: dates, temp = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point_cldp_due_to_precip_evap( path=fpath, i_index=the_model_point.ix, j_index=the_model_point.jy, year_list=year_list, if values_model_evp is None: values_model_evp = mult * np.asarray(temp) else: values_model_evp = mult * np.asarray(temp) + values_model_evp values_model /= float(lf_total) values_model = values_model - np.mean(values_model) print("lake level anomaly ranges for {0}:{1:.8g};{2:.8g}".format(label, values_model.min(), values_model.max())) ax.plot(dates, values_model, label=label, lw=2) ax_panel.plot(dates, values_model, label=label, lw=2) if values_model_evp is not None: # normalize cldp values_model_evp /= float(lf_total) # convert to m/s values_model_evp /= 1000.0 values_model_evp = values_model_evp - np.mean(values_model_evp) ax.plot(dates, values_model_evp, label=label + "(P-E)", lw=2) ax_panel.plot(dates, values_model_evp, label=label + "(P-E)", lw=2) if the_station is not None: print(type(dates[0])) dates, values_obs = the_station.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years_with_pandas(stamp_dates=dates, years=year_list) # To keep the colors consistent for all the variables, the obs Should be plotted last ax.plot(dates, values_obs - np.mean(values_obs), label="Obs.", lw=2, color="k") ax_panel.plot(dates, values_obs - np.mean(values_obs), label="Obs.", lw=2, color="k") # calculate nash sutcliff coefficient and skip if too small ax.set_ylabel(r"Level variation: (${\rm m}$)") assert isinstance(ax, Axes) assert isinstance(fig, Figure) upstream_area_km2 = np.sum(cell_area_km2[upstream_mask == 1]) # Put some information about the point if the_station is not None: point_info = "{0}".format( else: point_info = "{0}".format(the_model_point.point_id) ax.annotate(point_info, (0.9, 0.9), xycoords="axes fraction", bbox=dict(facecolor="white")) ax_panel.annotate(point_info, (0.96, 0.96), xycoords="axes fraction", bbox=dict(facecolor="white"), va="top", ha="right") ax.legend(loc=(0.0, 1.05), borderaxespad=0, ncol=3) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda val, pos: num2date(val).strftime("%b")[0])) # ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MonthLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) ax.grid() streamflow_axes = ax # save streamflow axes for later use if not legend_added: ax_panel.legend(loc=(0.0, 1.1), borderaxespad=0.5, ncol=1) ax_panel.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda val, pos: num2date(val).strftime("%b")[0])) ax_panel.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax_panel.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) ax_panel.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda val, pos: "")) ax_panel.set_ylabel(r"Level variation (${\rm m}$)") legend_added = True ax_panel.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) ax_panel.grid() if plot_upstream_averages: # plot temperature comparisons (tmod - daily with anusplin tmin and tmax) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, 2:], sharex=streamflow_axes) success = _validate_temperature_with_anusplin(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, obs_tmin_clim_fields=obs_tmin_fields, obs_tmax_clim_fields=obs_tmax_fields, model_data_dict=model_daily_temp_clim, simlabel_list=label_list) # plot temperature comparisons (tmod - daily with anusplin tmin and tmax) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 2:], sharex=streamflow_axes) _validate_precip_with_anusplin(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, obs_precip_clim_fields=obs_pcp_fields, model_data_dict=model_daily_precip_clim, simlabel_list=label_list) # plot mean upstream surface runoff ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2:], sharex=streamflow_axes) _plot_upstream_surface_runoff(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, model_data_dict=model_daily_clim_surf_runoff, simlabel_list=label_list) # plot mean upstream subsurface runoff ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2:], sharex=streamflow_axes, sharey=ax) _plot_upstream_subsurface_runoff(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, model_data_dict=model_daily_clim_subsurf_runoff, simlabel_list=label_list) # plot mean upstream swe comparison ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0:2], sharex=streamflow_axes) _validate_swe_with_ross_brown(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, model_data_dict=model_daily_clim_swe, obs_swe_clim_fields=interpolated_obs_swe_clim, simlabel_list=label_list) if the_station is not None: im_name = "comp_point_with_obs_{0}_{1}_{2}.pdf".format(, the_station.source, "_".join(label_list)) im_folder_path = os.path.join(images_folder, the_station.source + "_levels") else: im_name = "comp_point_with_obs_{0}_{1}.pdf".format(the_model_point.point_id, "_".join(label_list)) im_folder_path = os.path.join(images_folder, "outlets_point_comp_levels") # create a folder for a given source of observed streamflow if it does not exist yet if not os.path.isdir(im_folder_path): os.mkdir(im_folder_path) im_path = os.path.join(im_folder_path, im_name) if plot_upstream_averages: fig.savefig(im_path, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) assert isinstance(figure_panel, Figure) figure_panel.tight_layout() figure_panel.savefig( os.path.join(images_folder, "comp_lake-levels_at_point_with_obs_{0}.png".format("_".join(label_list))), bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(figure_panel) file_scores.close()
def plot_basin_outlets(shape_file=BASIN_BOUNDARIES_FILE, bmp_info=None, directions=None, accumulation_areas=None, lake_fraction_field=None): assert isinstance(bmp_info, BasemapInfo) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") print(driver) ds = driver.Open(shape_file, 0) assert isinstance(ds, ogr.DataSource) layer = ds.GetLayer() assert isinstance(layer, ogr.Layer) print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) latlong_proj = osr.SpatialReference() latlong_proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) utm_proj = layer.GetSpatialRef() # create Coordinate Transformation coord_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(latlong_proj, utm_proj) utm_coords = coord_transform.TransformPoints( list(zip(bmp_info.lons.flatten(), bmp_info.lats.flatten()))) utm_coords = np.asarray(utm_coords) x_utm = utm_coords[:, 0].reshape(bmp_info.lons.shape) y_utm = utm_coords[:, 1].reshape(bmp_info.lons.shape) basin_mask = np.zeros_like(bmp_info.lons) cell_manager = CellManager(directions, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_areas, lons2d=bmp_info.lons, lats2d=bmp_info.lats) index = 1 basins = [] basin_names = [] basin_name_to_mask = {} for feature in layer: assert isinstance(feature, ogr.Feature) # print feature["FID"] geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() assert isinstance(geom, ogr.Geometry) basins.append(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(geom.ExportToWkb())) basin_names.append(feature["abr"]) accumulation_areas_temp = accumulation_areas.copy() lons_out, lats_out = [], [] basin_names_out = [] name_to_ij_out = OrderedDict() min_basin_area = min(b.GetArea() * 1.0e-6 for b in basins) while len(basins): fm = np.max(accumulation_areas_temp) i, j = np.where(fm == accumulation_areas_temp) i, j = i[0], j[0] p = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT ({} {})".format( x_utm[i, j], y_utm[i, j])) b_selected = None name_selected = None for name, b in zip(basin_names, basins): assert isinstance(b, ogr.Geometry) assert isinstance(p, ogr.Geometry) if b.Contains(p.Buffer(2000 * 2**0.5)): # Check if there is an upstream cell from the same basin the_mask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices( i, j) # Save the mask of the basin for future use basin_name_to_mask[name] = the_mask # if is_part_of_points_in(b, x_utm[the_mask == 1], y_utm[the_mask == 1]): # continue b_selected = b name_selected = name # basin_names_out.append(name) lons_out.append(bmp_info.lons[i, j]) lats_out.append(bmp_info.lats[i, j]) name_to_ij_out[name] = (i, j) basin_mask[the_mask == 1] = index index += 1 break if b_selected is not None: basins.remove(b_selected) basin_names.remove(name_selected) outlet_index_in_basin = 1 current_basin_name = name_selected while current_basin_name in basin_names_out: current_basin_name = name_selected + str(outlet_index_in_basin) outlet_index_in_basin += 1 basin_names_out.append(current_basin_name) print(len(basins), basin_names_out) accumulation_areas_temp[i, j] = -1 plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=12, width_pt=None, width_cm=20, height_cm=20) gs = GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[1.0, 0.5], wspace=0.01) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) xx, yy = bmp_info.get_proj_xy() bmp_info.basemap.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, ax=ax) bmp_info.basemap.drawrivers(zorder=5, color="0.5", ax=ax) upstream_edges = cell_manager.get_upstream_polygons_for_points( model_point_list=[ ModelPoint(ix=i, jy=j) for (i, j) in name_to_ij_out.values() ], xx=xx, yy=yy) upstream_edges_latlon = cell_manager.get_upstream_polygons_for_points( model_point_list=[ ModelPoint(ix=i, jy=j) for (i, j) in name_to_ij_out.values() ], xx=bmp_info.lons, yy=bmp_info.lats) plot_utils.draw_upstream_area_bounds(ax, upstream_edges=upstream_edges, color="r", linewidth=0.6) plot_utils.save_to_shape_file(upstream_edges_latlon, in_proj=None) xs, ys = bmp_info.basemap(lons_out, lats_out) bmp_info.basemap.scatter(xs, ys, c="0.75", s=30, zorder=10) bmp_info.basemap.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 5), labels=[True, False, False, False], linewidth=0.5) bmp_info.basemap.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 5), labels=[False, False, False, True], linewidth=0.5) cmap = cm.get_cmap("rainbow", index - 1) bn = BoundaryNorm(list(range(index + 1)), index - 1) # basin_mask = < 0.5, basin_mask) # bmp_info.basemap.pcolormesh(xx, yy, basin_mask, norm=bn, cmap=cmap, ax=ax) xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() print(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) dx = xmax - xmin dy = ymax - ymin step_y = 0.1 step_x = 0.12 y0_frac = 0.75 y0_frac_bottom = 0.02 x0_frac = 0.35 bname_to_text_coords = { "RDO": (xmin + x0_frac * dx, ymin + y0_frac_bottom * dy), "STM": (xmin + (x0_frac + step_x) * dx, ymin + y0_frac_bottom * dy), "SAG": (xmin + (x0_frac + 2 * step_x) * dx, ymin + y0_frac_bottom * dy), "BOM": (xmin + (x0_frac + 3 * step_x) * dx, ymin + y0_frac_bottom * dy), "MAN": (xmin + (x0_frac + 4 * step_x) * dx, ymin + y0_frac_bottom * dy), "MOI": (xmin + (x0_frac + 5 * step_x) * dx, ymin + y0_frac_bottom * dy), "ROM": (xmin + (x0_frac + 5 * step_x) * dx, ymin + (y0_frac_bottom + step_y) * dy), "NAT": (xmin + (x0_frac + 5 * step_x) * dx, ymin + (y0_frac_bottom + 2 * step_y) * dy), ###### "CHU": (xmin + (x0_frac + 5 * step_x) * dx, ymin + y0_frac * dy), "GEO": (xmin + (x0_frac + 5 * step_x) * dx, ymin + (y0_frac + step_y) * dy), "BAL": (xmin + (x0_frac + 5 * step_x) * dx, ymin + (y0_frac + 2 * step_y) * dy), "PYR": (xmin + (x0_frac + 4 * step_x) * dx, ymin + (y0_frac + 2 * step_y) * dy), "MEL": (xmin + (x0_frac + 3 * step_x) * dx, ymin + (y0_frac + 2 * step_y) * dy), "FEU": (xmin + (x0_frac + 2 * step_x) * dx, ymin + (y0_frac + 2 * step_y) * dy), "ARN": (xmin + (x0_frac + 1 * step_x) * dx, ymin + (y0_frac + 2 * step_y) * dy), ###### "CAN": (xmin + 0.1 * dx, ymin + 0.80 * dy), "GRB": (xmin + 0.1 * dx, ymin + (0.80 - step_y) * dy), "LGR": (xmin + 0.1 * dx, ymin + (0.80 - 2 * step_y) * dy), "RUP": (xmin + 0.1 * dx, ymin + (0.80 - 3 * step_y) * dy), "WAS": (xmin + 0.1 * dx, ymin + (0.80 - 4 * step_y) * dy), "BEL": (xmin + 0.1 * dx, ymin + (0.80 - 5 * step_y) * dy), } # bmp_info.basemap.readshapefile(".".join(BASIN_BOUNDARIES_FILE.split(".")[:-1]).replace("utm18", "latlon"), "basin", # linewidth=1.2, ax=ax, zorder=9) for name, xa, ya, lona, lata in zip(basin_names_out, xs, ys, lons_out, lats_out): ax.annotate(name, xy=(xa, ya), xytext=bname_to_text_coords[name], textcoords='data', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.4', fc='white'), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0', linewidth=0.25), font_properties=FontProperties(size=8), zorder=20) print(r"{} & {:.0f} \\".format( name, accumulation_areas[name_to_ij_out[name]])) # Plot zonally averaged lake fraction ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) ydata = range(lake_fraction_field.shape[1]) ax.plot(lake_fraction_field.mean(axis=0) * 100, ydata, lw=2) ax.fill_betweenx(ydata, lake_fraction_field.mean(axis=0) * 100, alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel("Lake fraction (%)") ax.set_ylim(min(ydata), max(ydata)) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(direction='out', width=1) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(direction='out', width=1) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("none") ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) for tl in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels(): tl.set_visible(False) # plot elevation, buffer zone, big lakes, grid cells ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :]) geophy_file = "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/from_guillimin/geophys_Quebec_0.1deg_260x260_with_dd_v6" r = RPN(geophy_file) elev = r.get_first_record_for_name("ME") lkfr = r.get_first_record_for_name("LKFR") fldr = r.get_first_record_for_name("FLDR") params = r.get_proj_parameters_for_the_last_read_rec() lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_for_the_last_read_rec() rll = RotatedLatLon(**params) bsmp = rll.get_basemap_object_for_lons_lats(lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats, resolution="l") xx, yy = bsmp(lons, lats) dx = (xx[0, 0] - xx[-1, 0]) / xx.shape[0] dy = (yy[0, 0] - yy[0, -1]) / yy.shape[1] xx_ll_crnrs = xx - dx / 2 yy_ll_crnrs = yy - dy / 2 xx_ur_crnrs = xx + dx / 2 yy_ur_crnrs = yy + dy / 2 ll_lon, ll_lat = bsmp(xx_ll_crnrs[0, 0], yy_ll_crnrs[0, 0], inverse=True) ur_lon, ur_lat = bsmp(xx_ur_crnrs[-1, -1], yy_ur_crnrs[-1, -1], inverse=True) crnr_lons = np.array([[ll_lon, ll_lon], [ur_lon, ur_lon]]) crnr_lats = np.array([[ll_lat, ll_lat], [ur_lat, ur_lat]]) bsmp = rll.get_basemap_object_for_lons_lats(lons2d=crnr_lons, lats2d=crnr_lats) # plot elevation levs = [0, 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2800] norm = BoundaryNorm(levs, len(levs) - 1) the_cmap = my_colormaps.get_cmap_from_ncl_spec_file( path="colormap_files/OceanLakeLandSnow.rgb", ncolors=len(levs) - 1) lons[lons > 180] -= 360 me_to_plot = maskoceans(lons, lats, elev, resolution="l") im = bsmp.contourf(xx, yy, me_to_plot, cmap=the_cmap, levels=levs, norm=norm, ax=ax) bsmp.colorbar(im) bsmp.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, ax=ax) # show large lake points gl_lakes = < 0.6) | (fldr <= 0) | (fldr > 128), lkfr) gl_lakes[~gl_lakes.mask] = 1.0 bsmp.pcolormesh(xx, yy, gl_lakes, cmap=cm.get_cmap("Blues"), ax=ax, vmin=0, vmax=1, zorder=3) # show free zone border margin = 20 x1 = xx_ll_crnrs[margin, margin] x2 = xx_ur_crnrs[-margin, margin] y1 = yy_ll_crnrs[margin, margin] y2 = yy_ur_crnrs[margin, -margin] pol_corners = ((x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2)) ax.add_patch(Polygon(xy=pol_corners, fc="none", ls="solid", lw=3, zorder=5)) # show blending zone border (with halo zone) margin = 10 x1 = xx_ll_crnrs[margin, margin] x2 = xx_ur_crnrs[-margin, margin] y1 = yy_ll_crnrs[margin, margin] y2 = yy_ur_crnrs[margin, -margin] pol_corners = ((x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2)) ax.add_patch( Polygon(xy=pol_corners, fc="none", ls="dashed", lw=3, zorder=5)) # show the grid step = 20 xx_ll_crnrs_ext = np.zeros([n + 1 for n in xx_ll_crnrs.shape]) yy_ll_crnrs_ext = np.zeros([n + 1 for n in yy_ll_crnrs.shape]) xx_ll_crnrs_ext[:-1, :-1] = xx_ll_crnrs yy_ll_crnrs_ext[:-1, :-1] = yy_ll_crnrs xx_ll_crnrs_ext[:-1, -1] = xx_ll_crnrs[:, -1] yy_ll_crnrs_ext[-1, :-1] = yy_ll_crnrs[-1, :] xx_ll_crnrs_ext[-1, :] = xx_ur_crnrs[-1, -1] yy_ll_crnrs_ext[:, -1] = yy_ur_crnrs[-1, -1] bsmp.pcolormesh(xx_ll_crnrs_ext[::step, ::step], yy_ll_crnrs_ext[::step, ::step],[::step, ::step], edgecolors="0.6", ax=ax, linewidth=0.05, zorder=4, alpha=0.5) ax.set_title("Elevation (m)") # fig.savefig("qc_basin_outlets_points.png", bbox_inches="tight") # plt.close(fig) return name_to_ij_out, basin_name_to_mask
def main(directions_file_path: Path): """ compare drainage areas, longitudes and latitudes from the stations and model """ stations = stfl_stations.load_stations_from_csv() lake_fraction=None with Dataset(str(directions_file_path)) as ds: flow_dirs = ds.variables["flow_direction_value"][:] flow_acc_area = ds.variables["accumulation_area"][:] lons_2d, lats_2d = [ds.variables[k][:] for k in ["lon", "lat"]] # lake_fraction = ds.variables["lake_fraction"][:] cell_manager = CellManager(flow_dirs, lons2d=lons_2d, lats2d=lats_2d, accumulation_area_km2=flow_acc_area) station_to_mod_point = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fraction, nneighbours=8) lons_m, lats_m, da_m = [], [], [] lons_o, lats_o, da_o = [], [], [] for s, mp in station_to_mod_point.items(): assert isinstance(s, Station) assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint) # obs lons_o.append(s.longitude if s.longitude < 180 else s.longitude - 360) lats_o.append(s.latitude) da_o.append(s.drainage_km2) # model lons_m.append(mp.longitude if mp.longitude < 180 else mp.longitude - 360) lats_m.append(mp.latitude) da_m.append(mp.accumulation_area) print("m | s ({})".format( print("{} | {}".format(mp.longitude, s.longitude)) print("{} | {}".format(mp.latitude, s.latitude)) print("{} | {}".format(mp.accumulation_area, s.drainage_km2)) axes_list = [] plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_cm=25, height_cm=10, font_size=8) fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec(1, 3) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.set_title("Longitude") ax.scatter(lons_o, lons_m) axes_list.append(ax) ax.set_ylabel("Model") ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax.set_title("Latitude") ax.scatter(lats_o, lats_m) axes_list.append(ax) ax.set_xlabel("Obs") ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) ax.set_title("Drainage area (km$^2$)") ax.scatter(da_o, da_m) sf = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sf.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") axes_list.append(ax) # plot the 1-1 line for ax in axes_list: assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_xlim(), "--", color="gray") ax.grid() img_file = img_folder.joinpath("lon_lat_da_scatter_{}_{}.png".format(, "-".join(sorted( for s in station_to_mod_point)))) fig.savefig(str(img_file), bbox_inches="tight")
def main(): start_year = 1980 end_year = 2010 # model_data_path = Path("/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Diagnostics") model_data_path = Path("/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Samples") static_data_file = "/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Samples/bc_mh_044deg_198001/pm1980010100_00000000p" corrected_obs_data_folder = Path("mh/obs_data/") r = RPN(static_data_file) fldir = r.get_first_record_for_name("FLDR") faa = r.get_first_record_for_name("FAA") lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_for_the_last_read_rec() gc = default_domains.bc_mh_044 cell_manager = CellManager(fldir, nx=fldir.shape[0], ny=fldir.shape[1], lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats, accumulation_area_km2=faa) selected_station_ids = [ "05LM006", "05BN012", "05AK001", "05QB003" ] stations = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(province=None, selected_ids=selected_station_ids, natural=None, skip_data_checks=True) for s in stations: assert isinstance(s, cehq_station.Station) if == "05AK001": s.drainage_km2 *= 2.5 if == "05BN012": pass # Manitoba natural stations # statons_mnb = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(province="MB", natural=True, start_date=datetime(start_year, 1, 1), end_date=datetime(end_year,12,31)) # statons_ssk = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(province="SK", natural=True, start_date=datetime(start_year, 1, 1), end_date=datetime(end_year,12,31)) # statons_alb = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(province="AB", natural=True, start_date=datetime(start_year, 1, 1), end_date=datetime(end_year,12,31)) # for s in statons_mnb + statons_ssk + statons_alb: # if s not in stations: # stations.append(s) # (06EA002): CHURCHILL RIVER AT SANDY BAY at (-102.31832885742188,55.52333068847656), accum. area is 212000.0 km**2 # TODO: plot where is this station, compare modelled and observed hydrographs for s in stations: print(s) # assert len(stations) == len(selected_station_ids), "Could not find stations for some of the specified ids" station_to_model_point = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(stations, drainaige_area_reldiff_limit=0.9, nneighbours=8) print("Established the station to model point mapping") plot_validations_for_stations(station_to_model_point, cell_manager=cell_manager, corrected_obs_data_folder=corrected_obs_data_folder, model_data_path=model_data_path, grid_config=gc, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year)
def plot_station_positions(directions_file_path: Path, stations: list, ax: Axes, grid_config: GridConfig=default_domains.bc_mh_044, save_upstream_boundaries_to_shp=False): with Dataset(str(directions_file_path)) as ds: flow_dirs = ds.variables["flow_direction_value"][:] flow_acc_area = ds.variables["accumulation_area"][:] lons_2d, lats_2d = [ds.variables[k][:] for k in ["lon", "lat"]] basemap, reg_of_interest = grid_config.get_basemap_using_shape_with_polygons_of_interest(lons_2d, lats_2d, shp_path=default_domains.MH_BASINS_PATH, resolution="i") cell_manager = CellManager(flow_dirs, lons2d=lons_2d, lats2d=lats_2d, accumulation_area_km2=flow_acc_area) station_to_model_point = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(station_list=stations, nneighbours=8) ##### xx, yy = basemap(lons_2d, lats_2d) upstream_edges = cell_manager.get_upstream_polygons_for_points( model_point_list=list(station_to_model_point.values()), xx=xx, yy=yy) upstream_edges_latlon = cell_manager.get_upstream_polygons_for_points( model_point_list=list(station_to_model_point.values()), xx=lons_2d, yy=lats_2d) plot_utils.draw_upstream_area_bounds(ax, upstream_edges=upstream_edges, color="r", linewidth=0.6) if save_upstream_boundaries_to_shp: plot_utils.save_to_shape_file(upstream_edges_latlon, folder_path="mh/engage_report/upstream_stations_areas/mh_{}".format(grid_config.dx), in_proj=None) basemap.drawrivers(linewidth=0.2) basemap.drawstates(linewidth=0.1) basemap.drawcountries(linewidth=0.1) basemap.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.2) pos_ids, lons_pos, lats_pos = [], [], [] pos_labels = [] legend_lines = [] for i, (s, mp) in enumerate(sorted(station_to_model_point.items(), key=lambda p: p[0].latitude, reverse=True), start=1): pos_ids.append( pos_labels.append(i) lons_pos.append(mp.longitude) lats_pos.append(mp.latitude) legend_lines.append("{}: {}".format(i, xm, ym = basemap(lons_pos, lats_pos) ax.scatter(xm, ym, c="g", s=20) for txt, x1, y1, pos_label in zip(pos_ids, xm, ym, pos_labels): ax.annotate(pos_label, xy=(x1, y1)) at = AnchoredText("\n".join(legend_lines), prop=dict(size=8), frameon=True, loc=1) at.patch.set_boxstyle("round,pad=0.,rounding_size=0.2") ax.add_artist(at)
def plot_histograms(path="/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_spinup_ecoclimap.hdf"): fig = plt.figure() assert isinstance(fig, Figure) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(file_path=path) # slope ch_slope = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name="slope") ch_slope = maskoceans(lons2d, lats2d, ch_slope) ch_slope = | (ch_slope < 0), ch_slope) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ch_slope_flat = ch_slope[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram(ch_slope_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(ch_slope_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.set_title(r"$\alpha$") ax.grid() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # drainage density dd = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name="drainage_density_inv_meters") dd *= 1000 # convert to km^-1 ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) dd_flat = dd[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram(dd_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(dd_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) ax.set_title(r"$DD {\rm \left( km^{-1} \right)}$") ax.grid() # vertical soil hydraulic conductivity vshc = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_VERT_SOIL_HYDR_COND_NAME) if vshc is not None: # get only on the first layer vshc = vshc[0, :, :] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) vshc_flat = vshc[~ch_slope.mask] the_hist, positions = np.histogram(vshc_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(vshc_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title(r"$ K_{\rm V} {\rm (m/s)}$") ax.grid() # Kv * slope * DD ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) interflow_h = 0.2 # Soulis et al 2000 # 1e-3 is to convert drainage density to m^-1 the_prod = dd_flat * 1e-3 * vshc_flat * ch_slope_flat * 48 * interflow_h print("product median: {0}".format(np.median(the_prod))) print("product maximum: {0}".format(the_prod.max())) print("product 90-quantile: {0}".format(np.percentile(the_prod, 90))) the_hist, positions = np.histogram(the_prod, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(the_prod, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title(r"$ \beta_{\rm max}\cdot K_{\rm v} \cdot \alpha \cdot DD \cdot H {\rm (m/s)}$ ") ax.grid() # read flow directions flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) # read cell areas # cell_areas = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(flow_directions) acc_index = cell_manager.get_accumulation_index() acc_index_flat = acc_index[acc_index > 1] print("acc_index: min={0}; max={1}; median={2}; 90-quantile={3}".format( acc_index_flat.min(), acc_index_flat.max(), np.median(acc_index_flat), np.percentile(acc_index_flat, 90))) # plot the range of the accumulation index ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) the_hist, positions = np.histogram(acc_index_flat, bins=25, range=[0, np.percentile(acc_index_flat, 90)]) the_hist = the_hist.astype(np.float) the_hist /= the_hist.sum() print(the_hist.max(), the_hist.min()) barwidth = (positions[1] - positions[0]) * 0.9[:-1], the_hist, color="0.75", linewidth=0, width=barwidth) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=3)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # set a scalar formatter sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits([-2, 2]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax.set_title(r"Accum. index") ax.grid() # lake fraction # sand # clay fig_path = os.path.join(images_folder, "static_fields_histograms.jpeg") fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(fig_path, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight")
def draw_model_comparison(model_points=None, stations=None, sim_name_to_file_name=None, hdf_folder=None, start_year=None, end_year=None, cell_manager=None, stfl_name="STFA", drainage_area_reldiff_min=0.1, plot_upstream_area_averaged=True, sim_name_to_color=None): """ :param model_points: list of model point objects :param stations: list of stations corresponding to the list of model points :param cell_manager: is a CellManager instance which can be provided for better performance if necessary len(model_points) == len(stations) if stations is not None. if stations is None - then no measured streamflow will be plotted """ assert model_points is None or stations is None or len(stations) == len(model_points) label_list = list(sim_name_to_file_name.keys()) # Needed to keep the order the same for all subplots path0 = os.path.join(hdf_folder, list(sim_name_to_file_name.items())[0][1]) flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name="flow_direction") lake_fraction = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name="lake_fraction") # mask lake fraction in the ocean lake_fraction = <= 0) | (flow_directions > 128), lake_fraction) accumulation_area_km2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) area_m2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME_M2) # Try to read cell areas im meters if it is not Ok then try in km2 if area_m2 is not None: cell_area_km2 = area_m2 * 1.0e-6 else: cell_area_km2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME_KM2) print("cell area ranges from {} to {}".format(cell_area_km2.min(), cell_area_km2.max())) # print "plotting from {0}".format(path0) # plt.pcolormesh(lake_fraction.transpose()) # plt.colorbar() # # exit() file_scores = open("scores_{0}_{1}-{2}.txt".format("_".join(label_list), start_year, end_year), "w") file_correlations = open("corr_{0}_{1}-{2}.txt".format("_".join(label_list), start_year, end_year), "w") file_annual_discharge = open("flow_{0}_{1}-{2}.txt".format("_".join(label_list), start_year, end_year), "w") text_files = [file_scores, file_correlations, file_annual_discharge] # write the following columns to the scores file header_format = "{0:10s}\t{1:10s}\t{2:10s}\t" + "\t".join(["{" + str(i + 3) + ":10s}" for i in range(len(sim_name_to_file_name))]) line_format = "{0:10s}\t{1:10.1f}\t{2:10.1f}\t" + "\t".join(["{" + str(i + 3) + ":10.1f}" for i in range(len(sim_name_to_file_name))]) header_ns = ("ID", "DAo", "DAm",) + tuple(["NS({0})".format(key) for key in sim_name_to_file_name]) file_scores.write(header_format.format(*header_ns) + "\n") header_qyear = ("ID", "DAo", "DAm",) + tuple(["Qyear({0})".format(key) for key in label_list]) + \ ("Qyear(obs)",) header_format_qyear = header_format + "\t{" + str(len(label_list) + 3) + ":10s}" file_annual_discharge.write(header_format_qyear.format(*header_qyear) + "\n") lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(file_path=path0) # Create a cell manager if it is not provided if cell_manager is None: cell_manager = CellManager(flow_directions, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_area_km2, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d) if stations is not None: # Get the list of the corresponding model points station_to_modelpoint = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations( station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fraction, drainaige_area_reldiff_limit=drainage_area_reldiff_min) station_list = list(station_to_modelpoint.keys()) station_list.sort(key=lambda st1: st1.latitude, reverse=True) mp_list = [station_to_modelpoint[st] for st in station_list] else: mp_list = model_points station_list = None # sort so that the northernmost stations appear uppermost mp_list.sort(key=lambda mpt: mpt.latitude, reverse=True) # set ids to the model points so they can be distinguished easier model_point.set_model_point_ids(mp_list) # ###Uncomment the lines below for the validation plot in paper 2 # brewer2mpl.get_map args: set name set type number of colors # bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map("Set1", "qualitative", 9) # Change the default colors # mpl.rcParams["axes.color_cycle"] = bmap.mpl_colors # For the streamflow only plot ncols = 3 nrows = max(len(mp_list) // ncols, 1) if ncols * nrows < len(mp_list): nrows += 1 figure_stfl = plt.figure(figsize=(4 * ncols, 3 * nrows)) gs_stfl = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) # a flag which signifies if a legend should be added to the plot, it is needed so we ahve only one legend per plot legend_added = False ax_stfl = None all_years = [y for y in range(start_year, end_year + 1)] if station_list is not None: processed_stations = station_list else: processed_stations = [None] * len(mp_list) processed_model_points = mp_list plot_point_positions_with_upstream_areas(processed_stations, processed_model_points, basemap, cell_manager, lake_fraction_field=lake_fraction) if plot_upstream_area_averaged: # create obs data managers anusplin_tmin = AnuSplinManager(variable="stmn") anusplin_tmax = AnuSplinManager(variable="stmx") anusplin_pcp = AnuSplinManager(variable="pcp") daily_dates, obs_tmin_fields = anusplin_tmin.get_daily_clim_fields_interpolated_to( start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, lons_target=lons2d, lats_target=lats2d) _, obs_tmax_fields = anusplin_tmax.get_daily_clim_fields_interpolated_to( start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, lons_target=lons2d, lats_target=lats2d) _, obs_pcp_fields = anusplin_pcp.get_daily_clim_fields_interpolated_to( start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year, lons_target=lons2d, lats_target=lats2d) swe_path = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/swe_ross_brown/swe.nc4" if not os.path.isfile(os.path.realpath(swe_path)): raise IOError("SWE-obs file {} does not exist".format(swe_path)) swe_manager = SweDataManager(path=swe_path, var_name="SWE") obs_swe_daily_clim = swe_manager.get_daily_climatology(start_year, end_year) interpolated_obs_swe_clim = swe_manager.interpolate_daily_climatology_to(obs_swe_daily_clim, lons2d_target=lons2d, lats2d_target=lats2d) values_obs = None for i, the_model_point in enumerate(mp_list): ax_stfl = figure_stfl.add_subplot(gs_stfl[i // ncols, i % ncols], sharex=ax_stfl) assert isinstance(the_model_point, ModelPoint) # Check the number of years accessible for the station if the list of stations is given the_station = None if station_list is None else station_list[i] if the_station is not None: assert isinstance(the_station, Station) year_list = the_station.get_list_of_complete_years() year_list = list(filter(lambda yi: start_year <= yi <= end_year, year_list)) if len(year_list) < 1: continue else: year_list = all_years fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 15)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4, wspace=1) # plot station position ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, 0:2]) upstream_mask = _plot_station_position(ax, the_station, basemap, cell_manager, the_model_point) # plot streamflows ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:2, 0:2]) dates = None model_daily_temp_clim = {} model_daily_precip_clim = {} model_daily_clim_surf_runoff = {} model_daily_clim_subsurf_runoff = {} model_daily_clim_swe = {} # get model data for the list of years simlabel_to_vals = {} for label in label_list: fname = sim_name_to_file_name[label] if hdf_folder is None: fpath = fname else: fpath = os.path.join(hdf_folder, fname) if plot_upstream_area_averaged: # read temperature data and calculate daily climatologic fileds _, model_daily_temp_clim[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="TT", level=0, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) # read modelled precip and calculate daily climatologic fields _, model_daily_precip_clim[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="PR", level=0, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) # read modelled surface runoff and calculate daily climatologic fields _, model_daily_clim_surf_runoff[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="TRAF", level=0, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) # read modelled subsurface runoff and calculate daily climatologic fields _, model_daily_clim_subsurf_runoff[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="TDRA", level=0, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) # read modelled swe and calculate daily climatologic fields _, model_daily_clim_swe[label] = analysis.get_daily_climatology( path_to_hdf_file=fpath, var_name="I5", level=0, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) dates, values_model = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point(path=fpath, var_name=stfl_name, years_of_interest=year_list, i_index=the_model_point.ix, j_index=the_model_point.jy) ax.plot(dates, values_model, label=label, lw=2) if sim_name_to_color is None: ax_stfl.plot(dates, values_model, label=label, lw=2) else: ax_stfl.plot(dates, values_model, sim_name_to_color[label], label=label, lw=2) print(20 * "!!!") print("{} -> {}".format(label, sim_name_to_color[label])) print(20 * "!!!") simlabel_to_vals[label] = values_model if the_station is not None: assert isinstance(the_station, Station) dates, values_obs = the_station.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years_with_pandas(stamp_dates=dates, years=year_list) # To keep the colors consistent for all the variables, the obs Should be plotted last ax.plot(dates, values_obs, label="Obs.", lw=2) # no ticklabels for streamflow plot plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if sim_name_to_color is None: ax_stfl.plot(dates, values_obs, label="Obs.", lw=2) else: ax_stfl.plot(dates, values_obs, label="Obs.", lw=2, color=sim_name_to_color["Obs."]) # Print excesss from streamflow validation for label, values_model in simlabel_to_vals.items(): calclulate_spring_peak_err(dates, values_obs, values_model, st_id="{}: {}".format(label,, da_mod=the_model_point.accumulation_area, da_obs=the_station.drainage_km2) ax.set_ylabel(r"Streamflow: ${\rm m^3/s}$") assert isinstance(ax, Axes) assert isinstance(fig, Figure) upstream_area_km2 = np.sum(cell_area_km2[upstream_mask == 1]) # Put some information about the point if the_station is not None: lf_upstream = lake_fraction[upstream_mask == 1] point_info = "{0}".format( write_annual_flows_to_txt(label_list, simlabel_to_vals, values_obs, file_annual_discharge,, da_obs=the_station.drainage_km2, da_mod=the_model_point.accumulation_area) else: point_info = "{0}".format(the_model_point.point_id) ax.annotate(point_info, (0.8, 0.8), xycoords="axes fraction", bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.5), va="top", ha="right") ax.legend(loc=(0.0, 1.05), borderaxespad=0, ncol=3) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: num2date(x).strftime("%b")[0])) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) ax.grid() streamflow_axes = ax # save streamflow axes for later use if not legend_added: ax_stfl.legend(loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.15), borderaxespad=0, ncol=3) ax_stfl.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: num2date(x).strftime("%b")[0])) ax_stfl.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax_stfl.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) ax_stfl.set_ylabel(r"Streamflow ${\rm m^3/s}$") legend_added = True plt.setp(ax_stfl.get_xmajorticklabels(), visible=False) ax_stfl.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits((-2, 2)) ax_stfl.yaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) ax_stfl.grid() # annotate streamflow-only panel plot ax_stfl.annotate(point_info, (0.05, 0.95), xycoords="axes fraction", bbox=dict(facecolor="white"), va="top", ha="left") if plot_upstream_area_averaged: # plot temperature comparisons (tmod - daily with anusplin tmin and tmax) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, 2:], sharex=streamflow_axes) _validate_temperature_with_anusplin(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, obs_tmin_clim_fields=obs_tmin_fields, obs_tmax_clim_fields=obs_tmax_fields, model_data_dict=model_daily_temp_clim, simlabel_list=label_list) # plot temperature comparisons (tmod - daily with anusplin tmin and tmax) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 2:], sharex=streamflow_axes) _validate_precip_with_anusplin(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, obs_precip_clim_fields=obs_pcp_fields, model_data_dict=model_daily_precip_clim, simlabel_list=label_list) # plot mean upstream surface runoff ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2:], sharex=streamflow_axes) _plot_upstream_surface_runoff(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, model_data_dict=model_daily_clim_surf_runoff, simlabel_list=label_list) # plot mean upstream subsurface runoff ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2:], sharex=streamflow_axes, sharey=ax) _plot_upstream_subsurface_runoff(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, model_data_dict=model_daily_clim_subsurf_runoff, simlabel_list=label_list) # plot mean upstream swe comparison ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0:2], sharex=streamflow_axes) print("Validating SWE for ",, "--" * 20) _validate_swe_with_ross_brown(ax, the_model_point, cell_area_km2=cell_area_km2, upstream_mask=upstream_mask, daily_dates=daily_dates, model_data_dict=model_daily_clim_swe, obs_swe_clim_fields=interpolated_obs_swe_clim, simlabel_list=label_list) if the_station is not None: im_name = "comp_point_with_obs_{0}_{1}_{2}.png".format(, the_station.source, "_".join(label_list)) im_folder_path = os.path.join(images_folder, the_station.source) else: im_name = "comp_point_with_obs_{0}_{1}.png".format(the_model_point.point_id, "_".join(label_list)) im_folder_path = os.path.join(images_folder, "outlets_point_comp") # create a folder for a given source of observed streamflow if it does not exist yet if not os.path.isdir(im_folder_path): os.mkdir(im_folder_path) im_path = os.path.join(im_folder_path, im_name) if plot_upstream_area_averaged: fig.savefig(im_path, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True) plt.close(fig) # return # temporary plot only one point assert isinstance(figure_stfl, Figure) figure_stfl.tight_layout() figure_stfl.savefig(os.path.join(images_folder, "comp_point_with_obs_{0}.png".format("_".join(label_list))), bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI) plt.close(figure_stfl) # close information text files for f in text_files: f.close()
def main(): start_year = 1980 end_year = 2010 start_date = datetime(start_year, 1, 1) end_date = datetime(end_year, 12, 31) ids_with_lakes_upstream = [ "104001", "093806", "093801", "081002", "081007", "080718" ] selected_station_ids = ["092715", "074903", "080104", "081007", "061905", "093806", "090613", "081002", "093801", "080718", "104001"] selected_station_ids = ids_with_lakes_upstream # Get the list of stations to do the comparison with stations = cehq_station.read_station_data( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, selected_ids=selected_station_ids ) # add hydat stations # province = "QC" # min_drainage_area_km2 = 10000.0 # stations_hd = cehq_station.load_from_hydat_db(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, # province=province, min_drainage_area_km2=min_drainage_area_km2) # if not len(stations_hd): # print "No hydat stations satisying the conditions: period {0}-{1}, province {2}".format( # str(start_date), str(end_date), province # ) # stations.extend(stations_hd) # brewer2mpl.get_map args: set name set type number of colors bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map("Set1", "qualitative", 9) path1 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-r.hdf5" label1 = "CRCM5-L1" path2 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl.hdf5" label2 = "CRCM5-L2" color2, color1 = bmap.mpl_colors[:2] fldirs = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(path1) lake_fractions = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_LAKE_FRACTION_NAME) # cell_areas = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME) acc_area = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(fldirs, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d, accumulation_area_km2=acc_area) station_to_mp = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fractions, drainaige_area_reldiff_limit=0.3) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw=dict(top=0.80, wspace=0.4)) q90_obs_list = [] q90_mod1_list = [] q90_mod2_list = [] q10_obs_list = [] q10_mod1_list = [] q10_mod2_list = [] for the_station, the_mp in station_to_mp.items(): assert isinstance(the_station, Station) compl_years = the_station.get_list_of_complete_years() if len(compl_years) < 3: continue t, stfl1 = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point(path=path1, years_of_interest=compl_years, i_index=the_mp.ix, j_index=the_mp.jy, var_name="STFA") _, stfl2 = analysis.get_daily_climatology_for_a_point(path=path2, years_of_interest=compl_years, i_index=the_mp.ix, j_index=the_mp.jy, var_name="STFA") _, stfl_obs = the_station.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years(stamp_dates=t, years=compl_years) # Q90 q90_obs = np.percentile(stfl_obs, 90) q90_mod1 = np.percentile(stfl1, 90) q90_mod2 = np.percentile(stfl2, 90) # Q10 q10_obs = np.percentile(stfl_obs, 10) q10_mod1 = np.percentile(stfl1, 10) q10_mod2 = np.percentile(stfl2, 10) # save quantiles to lists for correlation calculation q90_obs_list.append(q90_obs) q90_mod1_list.append(q90_mod1) q90_mod2_list.append(q90_mod2) q10_mod1_list.append(q10_mod1) q10_mod2_list.append(q10_mod2) q10_obs_list.append(q10_obs) # axes[0].annotate(, (q90_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 90))) # axes[1].annotate(, (q10_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 10))) # Plot scatter plot of Q90 the_ax = axes[0] # the_ax.annotate(, (q90_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 90))) the_ax.scatter(q90_obs_list, q90_mod1_list, label=label1, c=color1) the_ax.scatter(q90_obs_list, q90_mod2_list, label=label2, c=color2) # plot scatter plot of Q10 the_ax = axes[1] # the_ax.annotate(, (q10_obs, np.percentile(stfl1, 10))) h1 = the_ax.scatter(q10_obs_list, q10_mod1_list, label=label1, c=color1) h2 = the_ax.scatter(q10_obs_list, q10_mod2_list, label=label2, c=color2) # Add correlation coefficients to the axes fp = FontProperties(size=14, weight="bold") axes[0].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format(np.corrcoef(q90_mod1_list, q90_obs_list)[0, 1] ** 2), (0.1, 0.85), color=color1, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[0].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format(np.corrcoef(q90_mod2_list, q90_obs_list)[0, 1] ** 2), (0.1, 0.70), color=color2, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[1].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format(np.corrcoef(q10_mod1_list, q10_obs_list)[0, 1] ** 2), (0.1, 0.85), color=color1, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) axes[1].annotate(r"$R^2 = {0:.2f}$".format(np.corrcoef(q10_mod2_list, q10_obs_list)[0, 1] ** 2), (0.1, 0.70), color=color2, xycoords="axes fraction", font_properties=fp) sf = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sf.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) for ind, the_ax in enumerate(axes): plot_one_to_one_line(the_ax) if ind == 0: the_ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed $\left({\rm m^3/s} \right)$") the_ax.set_ylabel(r"Modelled $\left({\rm m^3/s} \right)$") the_ax.annotate(r"$Q_{90}$" if ind == 0 else r"$Q_{10}$", (0.95, 0.95), xycoords="axes fraction", bbox=dict(facecolor="white"), va="top", ha="right") the_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sf) the_ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(sf) locator = MaxNLocator(nbins=5) the_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) the_ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locator) x1, x2 = the_ax.get_xlim() # Since streamflow percentiles can only be positive the_ax.set_xlim(0, x2) the_ax.set_ylim(0, x2) fig.legend([h1, h2], [label1, label2], loc="upper center", ncol=2) figpath = os.path.join(images_folder, "percentiles_comparison.png") # plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(figpath, dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight")
def get_basin_to_outlet_indices_map(shape_file=BASIN_BOUNDARIES_FILE, lons=None, lats=None, directions=None, accumulation_areas=None): driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") print(driver) ds = driver.Open(shape_file, 0) assert isinstance(ds, ogr.DataSource) layer = ds.GetLayer() assert isinstance(layer, ogr.Layer) print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) latlong_proj = osr.SpatialReference() latlong_proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) utm_proj = layer.GetSpatialRef() # create Coordinate Transformation coord_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(latlong_proj, utm_proj) utm_coords = coord_transform.TransformPoints(list(zip(lons.flatten(), lats.flatten()))) utm_coords = np.asarray(utm_coords) x_utm = utm_coords[:, 0].reshape(lons.shape) y_utm = utm_coords[:, 1].reshape(lons.shape) basin_mask = np.zeros_like(lons) cell_manager = CellManager(directions, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_areas, lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats) index = 1 basins = [] basin_names = [] basin_name_to_mask = {} for feature in layer: assert isinstance(feature, ogr.Feature) # print feature["FID"] geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() assert isinstance(geom, ogr.Geometry) basins.append(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(geom.ExportToWkb())) basin_names.append(feature["abr"]) accumulation_areas_temp = accumulation_areas[:, :] lons_out, lats_out = [], [] basin_names_out = [] name_to_ij_out = {} min_basin_area = min(b.GetArea() * 1.0e-6 for b in basins) while len(basins): fm = np.max(accumulation_areas_temp) i, j = np.where(fm == accumulation_areas_temp) i, j = i[0], j[0] p = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT ({} {})".format(x_utm[i, j], y_utm[i, j])) b_selected = None name_selected = None for name, b in zip(basin_names, basins): assert isinstance(b, ogr.Geometry) assert isinstance(p, ogr.Geometry) if b.Contains(p.Buffer(2000 * 2 ** 0.5)): # Check if there is an upstream cell from the same basin the_mask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices(i, j) # Save the mask of the basin for future use basin_name_to_mask[name] = the_mask # if is_part_of_points_in(b, x_utm[the_mask == 1], y_utm[the_mask == 1]): # continue b_selected = b name_selected = name # basin_names_out.append(name) lons_out.append(lons[i, j]) lats_out.append(lats[i, j]) name_to_ij_out[name] = (i, j) basin_mask[the_mask == 1] = index index += 1 break if b_selected is not None: basins.remove(b_selected) basin_names.remove(name_selected) outlet_index_in_basin = 1 current_basin_name = name_selected while current_basin_name in basin_names_out: current_basin_name = name_selected + str(outlet_index_in_basin) outlet_index_in_basin += 1 basin_names_out.append(current_basin_name) print(len(basins), basin_names_out) accumulation_areas_temp[i, j] = -1 return name_to_ij_out, basin_name_to_mask
def get_basin_to_outlet_indices_map(shape_file=BASIN_BOUNDARIES_FILE, lons=None, lats=None, directions=None, accumulation_areas=None): driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") print(driver) ds = driver.Open(shape_file, 0) assert isinstance(ds, ogr.DataSource) layer = ds.GetLayer() assert isinstance(layer, ogr.Layer) print(layer.GetFeatureCount()) latlong_proj = osr.SpatialReference() latlong_proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) utm_proj = layer.GetSpatialRef() # create Coordinate Transformation coord_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(latlong_proj, utm_proj) utm_coords = coord_transform.TransformPoints( list(zip(lons.flatten(), lats.flatten()))) utm_coords = np.asarray(utm_coords) x_utm = utm_coords[:, 0].reshape(lons.shape) y_utm = utm_coords[:, 1].reshape(lons.shape) basin_mask = np.zeros_like(lons) cell_manager = CellManager(directions, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_areas, lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats) index = 1 basins = [] basin_names = [] basin_name_to_mask = {} for feature in layer: assert isinstance(feature, ogr.Feature) # print feature["FID"] geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() assert isinstance(geom, ogr.Geometry) basins.append(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(geom.ExportToWkb())) basin_names.append(feature["abr"]) accumulation_areas_temp = accumulation_areas[:, :] lons_out, lats_out = [], [] basin_names_out = [] name_to_ij_out = {} min_basin_area = min(b.GetArea() * 1.0e-6 for b in basins) while len(basins): fm = np.max(accumulation_areas_temp) i, j = np.where(fm == accumulation_areas_temp) i, j = i[0], j[0] p = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt("POINT ({} {})".format( x_utm[i, j], y_utm[i, j])) b_selected = None name_selected = None for name, b in zip(basin_names, basins): assert isinstance(b, ogr.Geometry) assert isinstance(p, ogr.Geometry) if b.Contains(p.Buffer(2000 * 2**0.5)): # Check if there is an upstream cell from the same basin the_mask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices( i, j) # Save the mask of the basin for future use basin_name_to_mask[name] = the_mask # if is_part_of_points_in(b, x_utm[the_mask == 1], y_utm[the_mask == 1]): # continue b_selected = b name_selected = name # basin_names_out.append(name) lons_out.append(lons[i, j]) lats_out.append(lats[i, j]) name_to_ij_out[name] = (i, j) basin_mask[the_mask == 1] = index index += 1 break if b_selected is not None: basins.remove(b_selected) basin_names.remove(name_selected) outlet_index_in_basin = 1 current_basin_name = name_selected while current_basin_name in basin_names_out: current_basin_name = name_selected + str(outlet_index_in_basin) outlet_index_in_basin += 1 basin_names_out.append(current_basin_name) print(len(basins), basin_names_out) accumulation_areas_temp[i, j] = -1 return name_to_ij_out, basin_name_to_mask
def main(directions_file_path: Path): """ compare drainage areas, longitudes and latitudes from the stations and model """ stations = stfl_stations.load_stations_from_csv() lake_fraction = None with Dataset(str(directions_file_path)) as ds: flow_dirs = ds.variables["flow_direction_value"][:] flow_acc_area = ds.variables["accumulation_area"][:] lons_2d, lats_2d = [ds.variables[k][:] for k in ["lon", "lat"]] # lake_fraction = ds.variables["lake_fraction"][:] cell_manager = CellManager(flow_dirs, lons2d=lons_2d, lats2d=lats_2d, accumulation_area_km2=flow_acc_area) station_to_mod_point = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations( station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fraction, nneighbours=8) lons_m, lats_m, da_m = [], [], [] lons_o, lats_o, da_o = [], [], [] for s, mp in station_to_mod_point.items(): assert isinstance(s, Station) assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint) # obs lons_o.append(s.longitude if s.longitude < 180 else s.longitude - 360) lats_o.append(s.latitude) da_o.append(s.drainage_km2) # model lons_m.append(mp.longitude if mp.longitude < 180 else mp.longitude - 360) lats_m.append(mp.latitude) da_m.append(mp.accumulation_area) print("m | s ({})".format( print("{} | {}".format(mp.longitude, s.longitude)) print("{} | {}".format(mp.latitude, s.latitude)) print("{} | {}".format(mp.accumulation_area, s.drainage_km2)) axes_list = [] plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_cm=25, height_cm=10, font_size=8) fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec(1, 3) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.set_title("Longitude") ax.scatter(lons_o, lons_m) axes_list.append(ax) ax.set_ylabel("Model") ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax.set_title("Latitude") ax.scatter(lats_o, lats_m) axes_list.append(ax) ax.set_xlabel("Obs") ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) ax.set_title("Drainage area (km$^2$)") ax.scatter(da_o, da_m) sf = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sf.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") axes_list.append(ax) # plot the 1-1 line for ax in axes_list: assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_xlim(), "--", color="gray") ax.grid() img_file = img_folder.joinpath("lon_lat_da_scatter_{}_{}.png".format(, "-".join(sorted( for s in station_to_mod_point)))) fig.savefig(str(img_file), bbox_inches="tight")
def main(): direction_file_path = Path( "/RECH2/huziy/BC-MH/bc_mh_044deg/Samples/bc_mh_044deg_198001/pm1980010100_00000000p" ) sim_label = "mh_0.44" start_year = 1981 end_year = 2010 streamflow_internal_name = "streamflow" selected_staion_ids = constants.selected_station_ids_for_streamflow_validation # ====================================================== day = timedelta(days=1) t0 = datetime(2001, 1, 1) stamp_dates = [t0 + i * day for i in range(365)] print("stamp dates range {} ... {}".format(stamp_dates[0], stamp_dates[-1])) lake_fraction = None # establish the correspondence between the stations and model grid points with RPN(str(direction_file_path)) as r: assert isinstance(r, RPN) fldir = r.get_first_record_for_name("FLDR") flow_acc_area = r.get_first_record_for_name("FAA") lons, lats = r.get_longitudes_and_latitudes_for_the_last_read_rec() # lake_fraction = r.get_first_record_for_name("LF1") cell_manager = CellManager(fldir, lons2d=lons, lats2d=lats, accumulation_area_km2=flow_acc_area) stations = stfl_stations.load_stations_from_csv( selected_ids=selected_staion_ids) station_to_model_point = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations( station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fraction, nneighbours=8) # Update the end year if required max_year_st = -1 for station in station_to_model_point: y = max(station.get_list_of_complete_years()) if y >= max_year_st: max_year_st = y if end_year > max_year_st: print("Updated end_year to {}, because no obs data after...".format( max_year_st)) end_year = max_year_st # read model data mod_data_manager = DataManager( store_config={ "varname_mapping": { streamflow_internal_name: "STFA" }, "base_folder": str(direction_file_path.parent.parent), "data_source_type": data_source_types.SAMPLES_FOLDER_FROM_CRCM_OUTPUT, "level_mapping": { streamflow_internal_name: VerticalLevel(-1, level_type=level_kinds.ARBITRARY) }, "offset_mapping": vname_to_offset_CRCM5, "filename_prefix_mapping": { streamflow_internal_name: "pm" } }) station_to_model_data = defaultdict(list) for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1): start = Pendulum(year, 1, 1) p_test = Period(start, start.add(years=1).subtract(microseconds=1)) stfl_mod = mod_data_manager.read_data_for_period( p_test, streamflow_internal_name) # convert to daily stfl_mod = stfl_mod.resample("D", "t", how="mean", closed="left", keep_attrs=True) assert isinstance(stfl_mod, xr.DataArray) for station, model_point in station_to_model_point.items(): assert isinstance(model_point, ModelPoint) ts1 = stfl_mod[:, model_point.ix, model_point.jy].to_series() station_to_model_data[station].append( pd.Series(index=stfl_mod.t.values, data=ts1)) # concatenate the timeseries for each point, if required if end_year - start_year + 1 > 1: for station in station_to_model_data: station_to_model_data[station] = pd.concat( station_to_model_data[station]) else: for station in station_to_model_data: station_to_model_data[station] = station_to_model_data[station][0] # calculate observed climatology station_to_climatology = OrderedDict() for s in sorted(station_to_model_point, key=lambda st: st.latitude, reverse=True): assert isinstance(s, Station) print(, len(s.get_list_of_complete_years())) # Check if there are continuous years for the selected period common_years = set(s.get_list_of_complete_years()).intersection( set(range(start_year, end_year + 1))) if len(common_years) > 0: _, station_to_climatology[ s] = s.get_daily_climatology_for_complete_years_with_pandas( stamp_dates=stamp_dates, years=common_years) _, station_to_model_data[ s] = pandas_utils.get_daily_climatology_from_pandas_series( station_to_model_data[s], stamp_dates, years_of_interest=common_years) else: print( "Skipping {}, since it does not have enough data during the period of interest" .format( # ---- Do the plotting ---- ncols = 4 nrows = len(station_to_climatology) // ncols nrows += int(not (len(station_to_climatology) % ncols == 0)) axes_list = [] plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_cm=8 * ncols, height_cm=8 * nrows, font_size=8) fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) for i, (s, clim) in enumerate(station_to_climatology.items()): assert isinstance(s, Station) row = i // ncols col = i % ncols print(row, col, nrows, ncols) # normalize by the drainage area if s.drainage_km2 is not None: station_to_model_data[ s] *= s.drainage_km2 / station_to_model_point[ s].accumulation_area if in constants.stations_to_greyout: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col], facecolor="0.45") else: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ax.plot(stamp_dates, clim, color="k", lw=2, label="Obs.") ax.plot(stamp_dates, station_to_model_data[s], color="r", lw=2, label="Mod.") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(format_month_label)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=15)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MonthLocator(bymonthday=1)) ax.grid() ax.annotate(s.get_pp_name(), xy=(1.02, 1), xycoords="axes fraction", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", fontsize=8, rotation=-90) last_date = stamp_dates[-1] last_date = last_date.replace( day=calendar.monthrange(last_date.year, last_date.month)[1]) ax.set_xlim(stamp_dates[0].replace(day=1), last_date) ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) if s.drainage_km2 is not None: ax.set_title( "{}: ({:.1f}$^\circ$E, {:.1f}$^\circ$N, DA={:.0f} km$^2$)". format(, s.longitude, s.latitude, s.drainage_km2)) else: ax.set_title( "{}: ({:.1f}$^\circ$E, {:.1f}$^\circ$N, DA not used)".format(, s.longitude, s.latitude)) axes_list.append(ax) # plot the legend axes_list[-1].legend() if not img_folder.exists(): img_folder.mkdir() fig.tight_layout() img_file = img_folder / "{}_{}-{}_{}.png".format( sim_label, start_year, end_year, "-".join( sorted( for s in station_to_climatology))) print("Saving {}".format(img_file)) fig.savefig(str(img_file), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
def main(): season_to_months = DEFAULT_SEASON_TO_MONTHS r_config = RunConfig( data_path="/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-r.hdf5", start_year=1990, end_year=2010, label="CRCM5-L" ) bmp_info = analysis.get_basemap_info_from_hdf(file_path=r_config.data_path) bmp_info.should_draw_grey_map_background = True bmp_info.should_draw_basin_boundaries = False bmp_info.map_bg_color = "0.75" station_ids = [ "104001", "093806", "093801", "081002", "081007", "080718" ] # get river network information used in the model flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file(r_config.data_path, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) accumulation_area_km2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=r_config.data_path, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(flow_dirs=flow_directions, lons2d=bmp_info.lons, lats2d=bmp_info.lats, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_area_km2) # Get the list of stations to indicate on the bias map stations = cehq_station.read_station_data( start_date=None, end_date=None, selected_ids=station_ids ) """:type : list[Station]""" xx, yy = bmp_info.get_proj_xy() station_to_modelpoint = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(station_list=stations) upstream_edges = cell_manager.get_upstream_polygons_for_points( model_point_list=station_to_modelpoint.values(), xx=xx, yy=yy) # Validate temperature, precip and swe obs_path_anusplin = "/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/anusplin_links" obs_path_swe = "data/swe_ross_brown/" model_var_to_obs_path = OrderedDict([ ("TT", obs_path_anusplin), # ("PR", obs_path_anusplin), ("I5", obs_path_swe) ]) vname_to_obs_data = {} # parameters that won't change in the loop over variable names params_const = dict(rconfig=r_config, bmp_info=bmp_info, season_to_months=season_to_months) for vname, obs_path in model_var_to_obs_path.items(): season_to_obs_data = get_seasonal_clim_obs_data(vname=vname, obs_path=obs_path, **params_const) # Comment swe over lakes, since I5 calculated only for land if vname in ["I5", ]: for season in season_to_obs_data: season_to_obs_data[season] = maskoceans(bmp_info.lons, bmp_info.lats, season_to_obs_data[season], inlands=True) vname_to_obs_data[vname] = season_to_obs_data # Plotting plot_all_vars_in_one_fig = True fig = None gs = None row_axes = [] ncols = None if plot_all_vars_in_one_fig: plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=12, width_pt=None, width_cm=25, height_cm=20) fig = plt.figure() ncols = len(season_to_months) + 1 gs = GridSpec(len(model_var_to_obs_path), ncols, width_ratios=(ncols - 1) * [1., ] + [0.05, ]) else: plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=12, width_pt=None, width_cm=25, height_cm=25) row = 0 station_x_list = [] station_y_list = [] for mname in model_var_to_obs_path: if plot_all_vars_in_one_fig: row_axes = [fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) for col in range(ncols)] compare_vars(vname_model=mname, vname_to_obs=vname_to_obs_data, r_config=r_config, season_to_months=season_to_months, bmp_info_agg=bmp_info, axes_list=row_axes) # -1 in order to exclude colorbars for the_ax in row_axes[:-1]: # Need titles only for the first row if row > 0: the_ax.set_title("") draw_upstream_area_bounds(the_ax, upstream_edges) if len(station_x_list) == 0: for the_station in stations: xst, yst = bmp_info.basemap(the_station.longitude, the_station.latitude) station_x_list.append(xst) station_y_list.append(yst) bmp_info.basemap.scatter(station_x_list, station_y_list, c="g", ax=the_ax, s=5, zorder=10, alpha=0.5) # Hide fall swe if mname in ["I5"]: row_axes[-2].set_visible(False) row += 1 # Save the figure if necessary if plot_all_vars_in_one_fig: fig_path = img_folder.joinpath("{}.png".format("_".join(model_var_to_obs_path))) with"wb") as figfile: fig.savefig(figfile, format="png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig)
def main(hdf_folder="/home/huziy/skynet3_rech1/hdf_store", start_year=1980, end_year=2010): prepare() all_markers = ["*", "s", "p", "+", "x", "d", "h"] excluded = ["white", "w", "aliceblue", "azure"] excluded.extend([ci for ci in colors.cnames if "yellow" in ci]) all_colors = ["k", "b", "r", "g", "m"] + sorted([ci for ci in colors.cnames if ci not in excluded]) # Station ids to get from the CEHQ database ids_with_lakes_upstream = [ "104001", "093806", "093801", "081002", "081007", "080718" ] selected_ids = ids_with_lakes_upstream filedir = Path(hdf_folder) sim_name_to_file_path = OrderedDict([ # ("CRCM5-LI", filedir.joinpath("quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-r.hdf5").as_posix()), ("ERAI-CRCM5-L", filedir.joinpath("quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl.hdf5").as_posix()), # ("CanESM2-CRCM5-NL", filedir.joinpath("cc-canesm2-driven/quebec_0.1_crcm5-r-cc-canesm2-1980-2010.hdf5").as_posix()), ("CanESM2-CRCM5-L", filedir.joinpath("cc-canesm2-driven/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-cc-canesm2-1980-2010.hdf5").as_posix()), # ("CanESM2-CRCM5-LI", filedir.joinpath("cc-canesm2-driven/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl-cc-canesm2-1980-2010.hdf5").as_posix()), ]) obs_label = "Obs." labels = [obs_label, ] + list(sim_name_to_file_path.keys()) label_to_marker = dict(zip(labels, all_markers)) label_to_color = dict(zip(labels, all_colors)) # Get the list of stations to do the comparison with start_date = datetime(start_year, 1, 1) end_date = datetime(end_year, 12, 31) stations = cehq_station.read_station_data( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, selected_ids=selected_ids ) # Get geophysical fields from one of the model simulations path0 = list(sim_name_to_file_path.values())[0] lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(file_path=path0) flow_directions = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) lake_fraction = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_LAKE_FRACTION_NAME) accumulation_area_km2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) area_m2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME_M2) # Try to read cell areas im meters if it is not Ok then try in km2 if area_m2 is not None: cell_area_km2 = area_m2 * 1.0e-6 else: cell_area_km2 = analysis.get_array_from_file(path=path0, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME_KM2) # Create a cell manager if it is not provided cell_manager = CellManager(flow_directions, accumulation_area_km2=accumulation_area_km2, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d) # Get the list of the corresponding model points station_to_modelpoint = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations( station_list=stations, lake_fraction=lake_fraction, drainaige_area_reldiff_limit=0.1) # plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=10, width_cm=20, height_cm=18) fig = plt.figure() ncols = max([len(rp_list) for et, rp_list in ExtremeProperties.extreme_type_to_return_periods.items()]) nrows = len(ExtremeProperties.extreme_types) gs = GridSpec(nrows, ncols) ext_type_to_rp_to_ax = OrderedDict() ax_with_legend = None label_to_ax_to_xdata = {} label_to_ax_to_ydata = {} for row, ext_type in enumerate(ExtremeProperties.extreme_types): ext_type_to_rp_to_ax[ext_type] = OrderedDict() for col, rperiod in enumerate(ExtremeProperties.extreme_type_to_return_periods[ext_type]): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) ext_type_to_rp_to_ax[ext_type][rperiod] = ax if col == 0: ax.set_ylabel(ext_type) if row == nrows - 1 and col == ncols - 1: ax_with_legend = ax # Set axes labels if row == nrows - 1: ax.set_xlabel("Observations") if col == 0: ax.set_ylabel("Model") for label in sim_name_to_file_path: if label not in label_to_ax_to_xdata: label_to_ax_to_xdata[label] = {ax: []} label_to_ax_to_ydata[label] = {ax: []} else: label_to_ax_to_xdata[label][ax] = [] label_to_ax_to_ydata[label][ax] = [] ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") print("Initial list of stations:") sim_label_to_handle = {} for s in stations: print("{0}".format(s)) assert isinstance(s, Station) print(len([y for y in s.get_list_of_complete_years() if start_year <= y <= end_year])) df_ext_obs = extreme_commons.get_annual_extrema(ts_times=s.dates, ts_vals=s.values, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) mp = station_to_modelpoint[s] assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint) years_of_interest = df_ext_obs.index label_to_extrema_model = {} # label -> ext_type -> [return period -> ret level, return period -> std] label_to_return_levels = OrderedDict( [(obs_label, OrderedDict())] ) for sim_label, sim_path in sim_name_to_file_path.items(): label_to_return_levels[sim_label] = OrderedDict() label_to_extrema_model[sim_label] = OrderedDict() # Calculate the return levels and standard deviations for ext_type in ExtremeProperties.extreme_types: return_periods = ExtremeProperties.extreme_type_to_return_periods[ext_type] # fit GEV distribution and apply non-parametric bootstrap to get std label_to_return_levels[obs_label][ext_type] = gevfit.do_gevfit_for_a_point(df_ext_obs[ext_type].values, extreme_type=ext_type, return_periods=return_periods) return_levels_obs, rl_stds_obs = label_to_return_levels[obs_label][ext_type] # get annual extremas for the model output at the points colose to the stations for sim_label, sim_path in sim_name_to_file_path.items(): label_to_return_levels[sim_label] = OrderedDict() ext_field = analysis.get_annual_extrema( rconfig=RunConfig(data_path=sim_path, start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year), varname="STFL", months_of_interest=ExtremeProperties.extreme_type_to_month_of_interest[ext_type], n_avg_days=ExtremeProperties.extreme_type_to_n_agv_days[ext_type], high_flow=ext_type == ExtremeProperties.high) # Select only those years when obs are available ts_data = [v for y, v in zip(range(start_year, end_year + 1), ext_field[:, mp.ix, mp.jy]) if y in years_of_interest] ts_data = np.array(ts_data) return_levels, rl_stds = gevfit.do_gevfit_for_a_point(ts_data, extreme_type=ext_type, return_periods=return_periods) # Do the plotting for rp in return_periods: ax = ext_type_to_rp_to_ax[ext_type][rp] ax.set_title("T = {rp}-year".format(rp=rp)) # h = ax.errorbar(return_levels_obs[rp], return_levels[rp], # marker=label_to_marker[sim_label], color=label_to_color[sim_label], label=sim_label, # xerr=rl_stds_obs[rp] * 1.96, yerr=rl_stds[rp] * 1.96) h = ax.scatter(return_levels_obs[rp], return_levels[rp], marker=label_to_marker[sim_label], color=label_to_color[sim_label], label=sim_label) # save the data for maybe further calculation of the correlation coefficients label_to_ax_to_xdata[sim_label][ax].append(return_levels_obs[rp]) label_to_ax_to_ydata[sim_label][ax].append(return_levels[rp]) sim_label_to_handle[sim_label] = h # Calculate the biases for sim_label in sim_name_to_file_path: for ext_type in ExtremeProperties.extreme_types: ret_periods = ExtremeProperties.extreme_type_to_return_periods[ext_type] for rp in ret_periods: ax = ext_type_to_rp_to_ax[ext_type][rp] mod = np.asarray(label_to_ax_to_ydata[sim_label][ax]) obs = np.asarray(label_to_ax_to_xdata[sim_label][ax]) bias = np.mean((mod - obs)/obs) corr, pv = stats.pearsonr(mod, obs) print("({sim_label}) Mean bias for {rp}-year {ext_type}-flow return level is: {bias}; corr={corr:.2f}; corr_pval={corr_pval:2g}".format( sim_label=sim_label, rp=rp, bias=bias, corr=corr, corr_pval=pv, ext_type=ext_type )) sfmt = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sfmt.set_powerlimits((-2, 2)) for et, rp_to_ax in ext_type_to_rp_to_ax.items(): for rp, ax in rp_to_ax.items(): xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() x1 = min(xmin, ymin) x2 = min(xmax, ymax) ax.plot([x1, x2], [x1, x2], "k--") # ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(sfmt) sim_labels = list(sim_name_to_file_path.keys()) ax_with_legend.legend([sim_label_to_handle[sl] for sl in sim_labels], sim_labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.25), borderaxespad=0.0, loc="upper right", ncol=2, scatterpoints=1, numpoints=1) # Save the plot img_file = "{}.eps".format("_".join(sorted(label_to_marker.keys()))) img_file = img_folder.joinpath(img_file) fig.tight_layout() with"wb") as f: fig.savefig(f, bbox_inches="tight")
def main(start_year=1980, end_year=1989): soil_layer_widths = infovar.soil_layer_widths_26_to_60 soil_tops = np.cumsum(soil_layer_widths).tolist()[:-1] soil_tops = [ 0, ] + soil_tops selected_station_ids = [ "061905", "074903", "090613", "092715", "093801", "093806" ] # path1 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl_spinup.hdf" # label1 = "CRCM5-HCD-RL" path1 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_spinup_ITFS.hdf5" label1 = "CRCM5-HCD-RL-INTFL" path2 = "/skynet3_rech1/huziy/hdf_store/quebec_0.1_crcm5-hcd-rl-intfl_ITFS_avoid_truncation1979-1989.hdf5" label2 = "CRCM5-HCD-RL-INTFL-improved" ############ images_folder = "images_for_lake-river_paper/comp_soil_profiles" if not os.path.isdir(images_folder): os.mkdir(images_folder) fldirs = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_FLOW_DIRECTIONS_NAME) lons2d, lats2d, basemap = analysis.get_basemap_from_hdf(path1) lake_fractions = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_LAKE_FRACTION_NAME) cell_areas = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_CELL_AREA_NAME_M2) acc_areakm2 = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_ACCUMULATION_AREA_NAME) depth_to_bedrock = analysis.get_array_from_file( path=path1, var_name=infovar.HDF_DEPTH_TO_BEDROCK_NAME) cell_manager = CellManager(fldirs, lons2d=lons2d, lats2d=lats2d, accumulation_area_km2=acc_areakm2) #get climatologic liquid soil moisture and convert fractions to mm t0 = time.clock() daily_dates, levels, i1_nointfl = analysis.get_daily_climatology_of_3d_field( path_to_hdf_file=path1, var_name="I1", start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) print("read I1 - 1") print("Spent {0} seconds ".format(time.clock() - t0)) _, _, i1_intfl = analysis.get_daily_climatology_of_3d_field( path_to_hdf_file=path2, var_name="I1", start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) print("read I1 - 2") #get climatologic frozen soil moisture and convert fractions to mm _, _, i2_nointfl = analysis.get_daily_climatology_of_3d_field( path_to_hdf_file=path1, var_name="I2", start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) print("read I2 - 1") _, _, i2_intfl = analysis.get_daily_climatology_of_3d_field( path_to_hdf_file=path2, var_name="I2", start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year) print("read I2 - 2") # sm_intfl = i1_intfl + i2_intfl sm_nointfl = i1_nointfl + i2_nointfl #Get the list of stations to do the comparison with stations = cehq_station.read_station_data( start_date=datetime(start_year, 1, 1), end_date=datetime(end_year, 12, 31), selected_ids=selected_station_ids) print("sm_noinfl, min, max = {0}, {1}".format(sm_nointfl.min(), sm_nointfl.max())) print("sm_infl, min, max = {0}, {1}".format(sm_intfl.min(), sm_intfl.max())) diff = (sm_intfl - sm_nointfl) #diff *= soil_layer_widths[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * 1000 # to convert in mm #print "number of nans", np.isnan(diff).astype(int).sum() print("cell area min,max = {0}, {1}".format(cell_areas.min(), cell_areas.max())) print("acc area min,max = {0}, {1}".format(acc_areakm2.min(), acc_areakm2.max())) assert np.all(lake_fractions >= 0) print("lake fractions (min, max): ", lake_fractions.min(), lake_fractions.max()) #Non need to go very deep nlayers = 3 z, t = np.meshgrid(soil_tops[:nlayers], date2num(daily_dates)) station_to_mp = cell_manager.get_model_points_for_stations(stations) plotted_global = False for the_station, mp in station_to_mp.items(): assert isinstance(mp, ModelPoint) assert isinstance(the_station, Station) fig = plt.figure() umask = cell_manager.get_mask_of_upstream_cells_connected_with_by_indices( mp.ix, mp.jy) #exclude lake cells from the profiles sel = (umask == 1) & (depth_to_bedrock > 3) & (acc_areakm2 >= 0) umaskf = umask.astype(float) umaskf *= (1.0 - lake_fractions) * cell_areas umaskf[~sel] = 0.0 profiles = np.tensordot(diff, umaskf) / umaskf.sum() print(profiles.shape, profiles.min(), profiles.max(), umaskf.sum(), umaskf.min(), umaskf.max()) d = np.abs(profiles).max() print("d = {0}".format(d)) clevs = np.round(np.linspace(-d, d, 12), decimals=5) diff_cmap = cm.get_cmap("RdBu_r", lut=len(clevs) - 1) bn = BoundaryNorm(clevs, len(clevs) - 1) plt.title("({})-({})".format(label2, label2)) img = plt.contourf(t, z, profiles[:, :nlayers], cmap=diff_cmap, levels=clevs, norm=bn) plt.colorbar(img, ticks=clevs) ax = plt.gca() assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%b")) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) fig.savefig(os.path.join( images_folder, "{0}_{1}_{2}.jpeg".format(, label1, label2)), dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight") print("processed: {0}".format(the_station)) if not plotted_global: plotted_global = True fig = plt.figure() sel = (depth_to_bedrock >= 0.1) & (acc_areakm2 >= 0) umaskf = (1.0 - lake_fractions) * cell_areas umaskf[~sel] = 0.0 profiles = np.tensordot(diff, umaskf) / umaskf.sum() print(profiles.shape, profiles.min(), profiles.max(), umaskf.sum(), umaskf.min(), umaskf.max()) d = np.abs(profiles).max() print("d = {0}".format(d)) clevs = np.round(np.linspace(-d, d, 12), decimals=5) diff_cmap = cm.get_cmap("RdBu_r", lut=len(clevs) - 1) bn = BoundaryNorm(clevs, len(clevs) - 1) img = plt.contourf(t, z, profiles[:, :nlayers], cmap=diff_cmap, levels=clevs, norm=bn) plt.colorbar(img, ticks=clevs) ax = plt.gca() assert isinstance(ax, Axes) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%b")) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator()) fig.savefig(os.path.join(images_folder, "global_mean.jpeg"), dpi=cpp.FIG_SAVE_DPI, bbox_inches="tight") pass