async def genreinfo(self, ctx, *, arg): async with ctx.typing(): username = db.get_user( if username is None: return await ctx.send( f"`You need to first set your username with the command`\n```>set [your username]```" ) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: return await ctx.send( f"`You need to first set your username with the command`\n```>set [your username]```" ) genre_info_params = { "tag": arg, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "tag.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=genre_info_params) gidata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) try: arg = gidata["tag"]["name"] except KeyError: return await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description=f"This genre doesn't exist.", colour=0x4a5fc3)) genre_name = arg.lower() genre_info = gidata["tag"]["wiki"]["content"] genre_info = genre_info.strip() sep = "<a" genre_info = genre_info.split(sep, 1)[0] if len(genre_info) > 800: genre_info = genre_info[:800] + "..." if genre_info == "": embed = discord.Embed( description=f"*No info has been given about this genre.*", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) else: embed = discord.Embed(description=f"{genre_info}", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_author( name=f"Genre info for {lastfm_username} about {genre_name}") embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def profile(self, ctx, arg=None): if arg is None: username = db.get_user( else: username = db.get_user(ctx.message.mentions[0].id) if username is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username[0][1] await ctx.send(f"{lastfm_username}")
async def spotify(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): if arg is None: username = db.get_user( if username is None: embed = discord.Embed(description = f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour = 0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username [0][1]; if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed(description = f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour = 0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] track = rtinfo["name"] artist = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] np = "@attr" in rtinfo and "nowplaying" in rtinfo["@attr"] state = f"*Now playing for {lastfm_username}*" if np else f"*Last scrobbled track for {lastfm_username}*" sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials()) sp_track_url = "" results ="{track} {artist}", type="track", limit=20) items = results["tracks"]["items"] lfm_artist_name_lowercase = f"{artist.lower()}" for sp_track in items: sp_track_correct = sp_track["artists"][0] sp_artist_name_lowercase = sp_track_correct["name"].lower() if lfm_artist_name_lowercase == sp_artist_name_lowercase: sp_track_url = sp_track["external_urls"]["spotify"] break else: sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials()) results =, type="track", limit=1) sp_track_url = results["tracks"]["items"][0]["external_urls"]["spotify"] state = f"*Link requested by {}#{}*" await ctx.send(f"{state}\n{sp_track_url}")
async def nowplaying(self, ctx, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): username = db.get_user( author = pfp = author.avatar_url if username is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r1 = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r1.json() try: rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] except IndexError: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**You haven't listened to anything yet on!**", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) artist = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] track = rtinfo["name"] album = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] api_album_cover = rtinfo["image"][-1]["#text"] no_file_type_album_cover = api_album_cover.rsplit(".", 1)[0] higher_res_album_cover = no_file_type_album_cover.replace( "300x300", "700x0", 1) total_playcount = rtdata["recenttracks"]["@attr"]["total"] track_url = rtinfo["url"] track_info_params = { "track": track, "artist": artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "track.getInfo" } r2 = requests.get("", params=track_info_params) rtdata = r2.json() try: loved = rtdata["track"]["userloved"] if loved is "1": loved = "❤️ " else: loved = "" except KeyError: loved = "" np = "@attr" in rtinfo and "nowplaying" in rtinfo["@attr"] state = "Now playing for" if np else "Last scrobbled track for" artist_info_params = { "artist": artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r3 = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r3.json() try: artist_playcount = aidata["artist"]["stats"]["userplaycount"] except KeyError: artist_playcount = "n/a" artist_url = aidata["artist"]["url"] try: artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except TypeError: artist_tags = "" artist_tags_string = " ∙ ".join(artist_tags) album_info_params = { "artist": artist, "album": album, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r4 = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r4.json() try: album_url = abidata["album"]["url"] if abidata["album"]["userplaycount"] == "1": album_scrobbles = str( abidata["album"]["userplaycount"]) + " album play" else: album_scrobbles = str( abidata["album"]["userplaycount"]) + " album plays" except KeyError: album_url = "" album_scrobbles = "n/a" track_info_params = { "track": track, "artist": artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "track.getInfo" } r5 = requests.get("", params=track_info_params) trackdata = r5.json() try: if trackdata["track"]["userplaycount"] == "1": track_scrobbles = str( trackdata["track"]["userplaycount"]) + " track play" else: track_scrobbles = str( trackdata["track"]["userplaycount"]) + " track plays" except KeyError: track_scrobbles = "n/a" try: if artist_playcount == "1": artist_scrobbles = f"{artist_playcount} {artist} play" else: artist_scrobbles = f"{artist_playcount} {artist} plays" except KeyError: artist_scrobbles = "n/a" if album == "": embed = discord.Embed( url=track_url, title=track, description=f"By **[{artist}]({artist_url})**", colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_footer( text= f"{artist_tags_string.lower()}\n{track_scrobbles} ∙ {artist_scrobbles} ∙ {total_playcount} total plays" ) else: embed = discord.Embed( url=track_url, title=track, description= f"By **[{artist}]({artist_url})** from **[{album}]({album_url})**", colour=0x4a5fc3) if arg is "a" or arg is "album": embed.set_footer( text= f"{artist_tags_string.lower()}\n{album_scrobbles} ∙ {artist_scrobbles} ∙ {total_playcount} total plays" ) else: embed.set_footer( text= f"{artist_tags_string.lower()}\n{track_scrobbles} ∙ {artist_scrobbles} ∙ {total_playcount} total plays" ) embed.set_author(name=f"{loved}{state} {lastfm_username}", url=f"{lastfm_username}", icon_url=pfp) embed.set_thumbnail(url=higher_res_album_cover) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def whoknows(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): if arg is None: username = db.get_user( if username is None: return await ctx.send(f"`You need to first set your username with the command`\n```>set [your username]```") lastfm_username = username [0][1]; if not lastfm_username: return await ctx.send(f"`You need to first set your username with the command`\n```>set [your username]```") recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] artistname = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] artist_info_params = { "artist": artistname, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() artist_url = aidata["artist"]["url"] else: artist_info_params = { "artist": arg, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() artistname = aidata["artist"]["name"] artist_url = aidata["artist"]["url"] sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials()) sp_artist_image = "" results =, type="artist", limit=20) items = results["artists"]["items"] lfm_artist_name_lowercase = f"{artistname.lower()}" for sp_artist in items: sp_artist_name_lowercase = sp_artist["name"].lower() if lfm_artist_name_lowercase == sp_artist_name_lowercase: try: sp_artist_image = sp_artist["images"][0]["url"] except IndexError: sp_artist_image = None break listeners_list = {} listens = "" lastfm_username_url = "" users = db.lfmquery() names = itertools.cycle(users) for _ in users: next_name = next(names) artist_info_params = {"artist": artistname, "user": next_name, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo"} r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() lastfm_username = f"{next_name}" lastfm_username_url = f"{lastfm_username}" await asyncio.sleep(0.25) try: listens = int(aidata["artist"]["stats"]["userplaycount"]) except (KeyError, TypeError): listens = 0 if listens == 0: continue else: listeners_list[f"[{next_name}]({lastfm_username_url})"] = int(f"{listens}") listeners_list_sorted = dict(sorted(listeners_list.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)) listeners_ranked = "" for position, (name, listens) in enumerate(listeners_list_sorted.items(), start=1): listeners_ranked += (str(position) + ". " + name + " - **" + str(listens) + "** plays" + "\n") if listeners_ranked == "": listeners_ranked = f"*No one in this server has listened to this artist.*" embed = discord.Embed( url = artist_url, title = f"Who knows {artistname} in {}", description = f"{listeners_ranked}", timestamp = - timedelta(hours=2), colour = 0x4a5fc3 ) if sp_artist_image is not None: embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{sp_artist_image}") embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {}#{}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def combo(self, ctx, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): if arg is None: username = db.get_user( author = pfp = author.avatar_url else: username = db.get_user(ctx.message.mentions[0].id) author = ctx.message.mentions[0] pfp = author.avatar_url if username is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1000", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) try: rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] except IndexError: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**You haven't listened to anything yet on!**", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) artist_name = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] album_name = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] first_track_url = rtinfo["url"] np = "@attr" in rtinfo and "nowplaying" in rtinfo["@attr"] artist_info_params = { "artist": artist_name, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r2 = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r2.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) first_artist_url = aidata["artist"]["url"] album_info_params = { "artist": artist_name, "album": album_name, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r3 = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r3.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) try: first_album_url = abidata["album"]["url"] except KeyError: first_album_url = "" tracks = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"] first_artist_obj = tracks[0] first_artist_name = first_artist_obj["artist"]["#text"] first_artist_album = first_artist_obj["album"]["#text"] first_artist_track = first_artist_obj["name"] first_artist_combo = 0 first_album_combo = 0 first_track_combo = 0 for track in tracks: if (track["artist"]["#text"] == first_artist_name): if 0 <= first_artist_combo < 1000: first_artist_combo += 1 else: break for track in tracks: if (track["album"]["#text"] == first_artist_album): if 0 <= first_album_combo < 1000: first_album_combo += 1 else: break for track in tracks: if (track["name"] == first_artist_track): if 0 <= first_track_combo < 1000: first_track_combo += 1 else: break second_artist_combo = 0 second_album_combo = 0 second_track_combo = 0 if first_artist_combo == 1000 or first_album_combo == 1000 or first_track_combo == 1000: recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1000", "page": "2", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] artist_name = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] album_name = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] album_info_params = { "artist": artist_name, "album": album_name, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r3 = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r3.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) tracks = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"] if first_artist_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["artist"]["#text"] == first_artist_name): if 0 <= second_artist_combo < 1000: second_artist_combo += 1 else: break if first_album_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["album"]["#text"] == first_artist_album): if 0 <= second_album_combo < 1000: second_album_combo += 1 else: break if first_track_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["name"] == first_artist_track): if 0 <= second_track_combo < 1000: second_track_combo += 1 else: break third_artist_combo = 0 third_album_combo = 0 third_track_combo = 0 if second_artist_combo == 1000 or second_album_combo == 1000 or second_track_combo == 1000: recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1000", "page": "3", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] artist_name = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] album_name = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] album_info_params = { "artist": artist_name, "album": album_name, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r3 = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r3.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) tracks = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"] if second_artist_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["artist"]["#text"] == first_artist_name): if 0 <= third_artist_combo < 1000: third_artist_combo += 1 else: break if second_album_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["album"]["#text"] == first_artist_album): if 0 <= third_album_combo < 1000: third_album_combo += 1 else: break if second_track_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["name"] == first_artist_track): if 0 <= third_track_combo < 1000: third_track_combo += 1 else: break fourth_artist_combo = 0 fourth_album_combo = 0 fourth_track_combo = 0 if third_artist_combo == 1000 or third_album_combo == 1000 or third_track_combo == 1000: recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1000", "page": "4", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] artist_name = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] album_name = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] album_info_params = { "artist": artist_name, "album": album_name, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r3 = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r3.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) tracks = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"] if third_artist_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["artist"]["#text"] == first_artist_name): if 0 <= fourth_artist_combo < 1000: fourth_artist_combo += 1 else: break if third_album_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["album"]["#text"] == first_artist_album): if 0 <= fourth_album_combo < 1000: fourth_album_combo += 1 else: break if third_track_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["name"] == first_artist_track): if 0 <= fourth_track_combo < 1000: fourth_track_combo += 1 else: break fifth_artist_combo = 0 fifth_album_combo = 0 fifth_track_combo = 0 if fourth_artist_combo == 1000 or fourth_album_combo == 1000 or fourth_track_combo == 1000: recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1000", "page": "5", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] artist_name = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] album_name = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] album_info_params = { "artist": artist_name, "album": album_name, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r3 = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r3.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) tracks = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"] if fourth_artist_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["artist"]["#text"] == first_artist_name): if 0 <= fifth_artist_combo < 1000: fifth_artist_combo += 1 else: break if fourth_album_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["album"]["#text"] == first_artist_album): if 0 <= fifth_album_combo < 1000: fifth_album_combo += 1 else: break if fourth_track_combo == 1000: for track in tracks: if (track["name"] == first_artist_track): if 0 <= fifth_track_combo < 1000: fifth_track_combo += 1 else: break artist_combo_text = "" album_combo_text = "" track_combo_text = "" no_combo_text = "" add_artist_combos = first_artist_combo + second_artist_combo + third_artist_combo + fourth_artist_combo + fifth_artist_combo add_album_combos = first_album_combo + second_album_combo + third_album_combo + fourth_album_combo + fifth_album_combo add_track_combos = first_track_combo + second_track_combo + third_track_combo + fourth_track_combo + fifth_track_combo artist_combo = add_artist_combos if not np else ( add_artist_combos - 1) album_combo = add_album_combos if not np else (add_album_combos - 1) track_combo = add_track_combos if not np else (add_track_combos - 1) if artist_combo >= 2: artist_combo_text = f"**Artist:** {artist_combo} plays in a row - **[{first_artist_name}]({first_artist_url})**\n" if album_combo >= 2 and first_album_url != "": album_combo_text = f"**Album:** {album_combo} plays in a row - **[{first_artist_album}]({first_album_url})**\n" else: if album_combo >= 2 and first_album_url == "": album_combo_text = f"**Album:** {album_combo} plays in a row - **{first_artist_album}**\n" if track_combo >= 2: track_combo_text = f"**Track:** {track_combo} plays in a row - **[{first_artist_track}]({first_track_url})**" if artist_combo_text == "" and album_combo_text == "" and track_combo_text == "": no_combo_text = f"*No consecutive tracks found.*" embed = discord.Embed( description= f"{no_combo_text}{artist_combo_text}{album_combo_text}{track_combo_text}", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_author(name=f"Active Combo for {lastfm_username}", icon_url=pfp) embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def lyrics(self, ctx, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): username = db.get_user( if username is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n**>set [your username]**", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n**>set [your username]**", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() try: rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] except IndexError: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**You haven't listened to anything yet on!**", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) artist = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] track = rtinfo["name"] genius = lg.Genius(skip_non_songs=True, verbose=False) song = genius.search_song(track, artist) try: lyrics = song.lyrics except AttributeError: lyrics = "*No lyrics were found.*" sep = "EmbedShare" lyrics_fix = lyrics.split(sep, 1)[0] lyrics1 = lyrics_fix[0:2000] if len(lyrics + track + artist) > 2000: lyrics2 = lyrics[2000:4000] embed2 = discord.Embed(description=lyrics2, colour=0x4a5fc3) if len(lyrics) > 4000: lyrics3 = lyrics[4000:6000] lyrics2 = lyrics[2000:4000] embed3 = discord.Embed(description=lyrics3, colour=0x4a5fc3) if len(lyrics) > 6000: lyrics4 = lyrics[6000:8000] lyrics3 = lyrics[4000:6000] embed4 = discord.Embed(description=lyrics4, colour=0x4a5fc3) embed1 = discord.Embed(title=f"Lyrics for {track} by {artist}", description=lyrics1, colour=0x4a5fc3) await ctx.send(embed=embed1) if len(lyrics + track + artist) > 2000: await ctx.send(embed=embed2) if len(lyrics) > 4000: await ctx.send(embed=embed3) if len(lyrics) > 6000: await ctx.send(embed=embed4)
async def toptags(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): valid_timeframes = ["w", "m", "q", "s", "y", "a", None] timeframe = "" if arg == "w": arg = "7day" timeframe = "of the last week" elif arg == "m": arg = "1month" timeframe = "of the last month" elif arg == "q": arg = "3month" timeframe = "of the last quarter" elif arg == "s": arg = "6month" timeframe = "of the last semester" elif arg == "y": arg = "12month" timeframe = "of the last year" elif arg == "a": arg = "overall" timeframe = "overall" elif arg is None: arg = "7day" timeframe = "of the last week" elif arg is not valid_timeframes: await ctx.send( f"`Invalid timeframe` <a:DubuAngry:773329674679746610>") return username = db.get_user( author = pfp = author.avatar_url if username is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) top_artists_params = { "period": arg, "limit": "10", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getTopArtists" } r = requests.get("", params=top_artists_params) tadata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) top_artists_names = [ name["name"] for name in tadata["topartists"]["artist"] ] first_top_artist = top_artists_names[0] second_top_artist = top_artists_names[1] third_top_artist = top_artists_names[2] fourth_top_artist = top_artists_names[3] fifth_top_artist = top_artists_names[4] sixth_top_artist = top_artists_names[5] seventh_top_artist = top_artists_names[6] eighth_top_artist = top_artists_names[7] ninth_top_artist = top_artists_names[8] tenth_top_artist = top_artists_names[9] artist_info_params = { "artist": first_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: first_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: first_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": second_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: second_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: second_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": third_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: third_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: third_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": fourth_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: fourth_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: fourth_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": fifth_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: fifth_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: fifth_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": sixth_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: sixth_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: sixth_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": seventh_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: seventh_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: seventh_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": eighth_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: eighth_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: eighth_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": ninth_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: ninth_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: ninth_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) artist_info_params = { "artist": tenth_top_artist, "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() try: tenth_artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except KeyError: tenth_artist_tags = [""] await asyncio.sleep(0.25) all_artist_tags = first_artist_tags + second_artist_tags + third_artist_tags + fourth_artist_tags + fifth_artist_tags + sixth_artist_tags + seventh_artist_tags + eighth_artist_tags + ninth_artist_tags + tenth_artist_tags random.shuffle(all_artist_tags) no_duplicates = set(all_artist_tags) all_artist_tags_string = " ∙ ".join(no_duplicates) embed = discord.Embed( description=f"{all_artist_tags_string.lower()}", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_author( name=f"Top tags {timeframe} for {lastfm_username}", icon_url=pfp) embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def artistinfo(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): username = db.get_user( if username is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) if arg is None: recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] actual_artist = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] artist_info_params = { "artist": actual_artist, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() artist_url = aidata["artist"]["url"] try: artist_info = aidata["artist"]["bio"]["summary"] except TypeError: artist_info = "" except KeyError: artist_info = "" try: artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except TypeError: artist_tags = "" artist_tags_string = " ∙ ".join(artist_tags) else: artist_info_params = { "artist": arg, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "artist.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=artist_info_params) aidata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) try: actual_artist = aidata["artist"]["name"] except KeyError: return await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description=f"This artist doesn't exist.", colour=0x4a5fc3)) artist_url = aidata["artist"]["url"] artist_info = aidata["artist"]["bio"]["summary"] try: artist_tags = [ tag["name"] for tag in aidata["artist"]["tags"]["tag"] ] except TypeError: artist_tags = "" artist_tags_string = " ∙ ".join(artist_tags) artist_info = artist_info.strip() sep = "<a" artist_info = artist_info.split(sep, 1)[0] if len(artist_info) > 460: artist_info = artist_info[:460] + "..." sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials()) sp_artist_image = "" results =, type="artist", limit=20) items = results["artists"]["items"] lfm_artist_name_lowercase = f"{actual_artist.lower()}" for sp_artist in items: sp_artist_name_lowercase = sp_artist["name"].lower() if lfm_artist_name_lowercase == sp_artist_name_lowercase: try: sp_artist_image = sp_artist["images"][0]["url"] except IndexError: sp_artist_image = None break embed = discord.Embed(colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_author( name=f"Artist info for {lastfm_username} about {actual_artist}" ) if sp_artist_image is not None: embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{sp_artist_image}") if artist_info != "": embed.add_field(name=f"Summary", value=f"{artist_info}", inline=False) if artist_info == "": embed.add_field(name=f"Summary", value=f"*No summary exists for this artist.*", inline=False) if artist_url is not None: embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value=f"[Link to the site]({artist_url})") if artist_tags is not None: embed.set_footer(text=f"{artist_tags_string.lower()}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def youtube(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): if arg is None: username = db.get_user( if username is None: embed = discord.Embed(description = f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour = 0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username [0][1]; if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed(description = f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour = 0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] artist = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] track = rtinfo["name"] np = "@attr" in rtinfo and "nowplaying" in rtinfo["@attr"] state = f"*Now playing for {lastfm_username}*" if np else f"*Last scrobbled track for {lastfm_username}*" video_info_params = { "part": "snippet", "type": "video", "maxResults": 1, "q": f"{artist} {track}", "key": os.getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY"), } r = requests.get("", params=video_info_params) vidata = r.json() else: video_info_params = { "part": "snippet", "type": "video", "maxResults": 1, "q": arg, "key": os.getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY"), } r = requests.get("", params=video_info_params) vidata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) state = f"*Link requested by {}#{}*" video_id = vidata["items"][0]["id"]["videoId"] video_url = f"{video_id}" await ctx.send(f"{state}\n{video_url}")
async def topartists(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): valid_timeframes = ["w", "m", "q", "s", "y", "a", None] timeframe = "" if arg is "w": arg = "7day" timeframe = "of the last week" elif arg is "m": arg = "1month" timeframe = "of the last month" elif arg is "q": arg = "3month" timeframe = "of the last quarter" elif arg is "s": arg = "6month" timeframe = "of the last semester" elif arg is "y": arg = "12month" timeframe = "of the last year" elif arg is "a": arg = "overall" timeframe = "overall" elif arg is None: arg = "7day" timeframe = "of the last week" elif arg is not valid_timeframes: await ctx.send( f"`Invalid timeframe` <a:DubuAngry:773329674679746610>") return username = db.get_user( author = pfp = author.avatar_url if username is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) top_artists_params = { "period": arg, "limit": "10", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getTopArtists" } r = requests.get("", params=top_artists_params) tadata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) top_artists_names = [ name["name"] for name in tadata["topartists"]["artist"] ] top_artists_string = "\n".join(top_artists_names) embed = discord.Embed(description=f"**{top_artists_string}**", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_author( name=f"Top artists {timeframe} for {lastfm_username}", icon_url=pfp) embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def albumcover(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): username = db.get_user( if username is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour=0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) if arg is None: recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] artist = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] album = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] album_info_params = { "artist": artist, "album": album, "autocorrect": "1", "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r.json() else: try: artist, album = arg.split("|") except: return await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description="Use the format `artist | album`.", colour=0x4a5fc3)) album_info_params = { "artist": artist.strip(), "album": album.strip(), "autocorrect": "1", "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r.json() actual_artist = abidata["album"]["artist"] actual_album = abidata["album"]["name"] api_album_cover = abidata["album"]["image"][-1]["#text"] no_file_type_album_cover = api_album_cover.rsplit(".", 1)[0] higher_res_album_cover = no_file_type_album_cover.replace( "300x300", "700x0", 1) try: album_url = abidata["album"]["url"] except KeyError: album_url = "" try: album_cover = abidata["album"]["image"][-1]["#text"] except KeyError: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**{actual_artist} - [{actual_album}]({album_url})**\n\n*No cover exists for this album.*", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}" ) if album_cover == "": embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**{actual_artist} - [{actual_album}]({album_url})**\n\n*No cover exists for this album.*", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}" ) else: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**{actual_artist} - [{actual_album}]({album_url})**", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_image(url=f"{higher_res_album_cover}") embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def albumcoverspotify(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): username = db.get_user( if username is None: return await ctx.send( f"`You need to first set your username with the command`\n```>set [your username]```" ) lastfm_username = username[0][1] if not lastfm_username: return await ctx.send( f"`You need to first set your username with the command`\n```>set [your username]```" ) if arg is None: recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] artist = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] album = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] album_info_params = { "artist": artist.strip(), "album": album.strip(), "autocorrect": "1", "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r.json() else: try: artist, album = arg.split("|") except: return await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description="Use the format `artist | album`.", colour=0x4a5fc3)) album_info_params = { "artist": artist.strip(), "album": album.strip(), "autocorrect": "1", "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r.json() actual_artist = abidata["album"]["artist"] actual_album = abidata["album"]["name"] try: album_url = abidata["album"]["url"] except KeyError: album_url = "" sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials()) sp_album_image = "" results ="{actual_artist} {actual_album}", type="track", limit=20) items = results["tracks"]["items"] lfm_artist_name_lowercase = f"{actual_artist.lower()}" lfm_album_name_lowercase = f"{actual_album.lower()}" for sp_track in items: sp_artist_correct = sp_track["artists"][0] sp_album_correct = sp_track["album"] sp_artist_name_lowercase = sp_artist_correct["name"].lower() sp_album_name_lowercase = sp_album_correct["name"].lower() if lfm_artist_name_lowercase == sp_artist_name_lowercase and lfm_album_name_lowercase == sp_album_name_lowercase: try: sp_album_image = sp_track["album"]["images"][0]["url"] except IndexError: sp_album_image = None break if sp_album_image is None: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**{actual_artist} - [{actual_album}]({album_url})**\n*No cover exists for this album.*", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}" ) else: embed = discord.Embed( description= f"**{actual_artist} - [{actual_album}]({album_url})**", - timedelta(hours=2), colour=0x4a5fc3) embed.set_image(url=f"{sp_album_image}") embed.set_footer( text= f"Requested by {}#{}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def albuminfo(self, ctx, *, arg=None): async with ctx.typing(): username = db.get_user( if username is None: embed = discord.Embed(description = f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour = 0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) lastfm_username = username [0][1]; if not lastfm_username: embed = discord.Embed(description = f"You need to first set your username with the command\n`>set [your username]`", colour = 0x4a5fc3) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) if arg is None: recent_tracks_params = { "limit": "1", "user": lastfm_username, "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "user.getRecentTracks" } r = requests.get("", params=recent_tracks_params) rtdata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) rtinfo = rtdata["recenttracks"]["track"][0] album_cover = rtinfo["image"][-1]["#text"] actual_artist = rtinfo["artist"]["#text"] actual_album = rtinfo["album"]["#text"] album_info_params = { "artist": actual_artist, "album": actual_album, "autocorrect": "1", "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=album_info_params) abidata = r.json() else: artist, album = arg.split("|") params = { "artist": artist.strip(), "album": album.strip(), "api_key": os.getenv("LASTFM_API_KEY"), "format": "json", "method": "album.getInfo" } r = requests.get("", params=params) abidata = r.json() await asyncio.sleep(0.25) try: actual_artist = abidata["album"]["artist"] except KeyError: return await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(description = f"This artist's album doesn't exist.", colour = 0x4a5fc3)) try: album_info = abidata["album"]["wiki"]["content"] except KeyError: album_info = "" actual_album = abidata["album"]["name"] album_url = abidata["album"]["url"] album_cover = abidata["album"]["image"][-1]["#text"] try: album_tags = [tag["name"] for tag in abidata["album"]["tags"]["tag"]] except TypeError: album_tags = "" album_tags_string = " ∙ ".join(album_tags) album_info = album_info.strip() sep = "<a" album_info = album_info.split(sep, 1)[0] if len(album_info)>800: album_info = album_info[:800] + "..." embed = discord.Embed( colour = 0x4a5fc3 ) embed.set_author(name=f"Album info for {lastfm_username} about {actual_artist} - {actual_album}") if album_cover is not None: embed.set_thumbnail(url=f"{album_cover}") if album_info != "": embed.add_field(name=f"Summary", value=f"{album_info}", inline=False) if album_info == "": embed.add_field(name=f"Summary", value=f"*No summary exists for this album.*", inline=False) if album_url is not None: embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value=f"[Link to the site]({album_url})") if album_tags is not None: embed.set_footer(text=f"{album_tags_string.lower()}") await ctx.send(embed=embed)