def test_u235_fast_constructor(): n = 11 nuc = "u235" e = "fast" d = decay_heat.DecayData(nuc=nuc, e=e, n=n) assert_equal(d._n, n) assert_equal(d._e, e) assert_equal(d._nuc, nuc)
def test_pu239_fast_constructor(): # TODO This should actually test for a warning to be issued n = 11 nuc = "pu239" e = "fast" d = decay_heat.DecayData(nuc=nuc, e=e, n=n) assert_equal(d._n, n) assert_equal(d._e, e) assert_equal(d._nuc, nuc)
def __init__(self, iso="u235", e="thermal", n_precursors=6, n_decay=11, timer=Timer(), rho_ext=None, feedback=False): """ Creates a Neutronics object that holds the neutronics simulation information. :param iso: The fissioning isotope. 'u235' or 'pu239' are supported. :type iso: str. :param e: The energy spectrum 'thermal' or 'fast' are supported. :type e: str. :param n_precursors: Number of neutron precursor groups. 6 is supported. :type n_precursors: int. :param n_decay: The number of decay heat groups. 11 is supported. :type n_decay: int. :param rho_ext: External reactivity, a function of time :type rho_ext: function :returns: A Neutronics object that holds neutronics simulation info """ self._iso = v.validate_supported("iso", iso, ['u235', 'pu239', 'sfr']) """_iso (str): Fissioning isotope. 'u235', 'pu239', or 'sfr' are supported.""" self._e = v.validate_supported("e", e, ['thermal', 'fast']) """_e (str): Energy spectrum 'thermal' or 'fast' are supported.""" self._npg = v.validate_supported("n_precursors", n_precursors, [6, 0]) """_npg (int): Number of neutron precursor groups. 6 is supported.""" self._ndg = v.validate_supported("n_decay", n_decay, [11, 0]) """_ndg (int): Number of decay heat groups. 11 is supported.""" self._pd = pr.PrecursorData(iso, e, n_precursors) """_pd (PrecursorData): A data.precursors.PrecursorData object""" self._dd = dh.DecayData(iso, e, n_decay) """_dd (DecayData): A data.decay_heat.DecayData object""" self._timer = timer """_timer: the time instance object""" self._rho = np.zeros(self._timer.timesteps()) """_rho (ndarray): An array of reactivity values for each timestep.""" self._rho_ext = self.init_rho_ext(rho_ext).reactivity """_rho_ext (ReactivityInsertion): Reactivity function from the reactivity insertion model""" = feedback """feedback (bool): False if no reactivity feedbacks, true otherwise"""
def test_u235_thermal_constructor(): n = 11 nuc = "u235" e = "thermal" d = decay_heat.DecayData(nuc=nuc, e=e, n=n) assert_equal(d._n, n) assert_equal(d._e, e) assert_equal(d._nuc, nuc) assert_equal(len(d._lambdas), n) assert_equal(d._lambdas, d.lambdas()) assert_equal(d._kappas, d.kappas())