예제 #1
파일: train.py 프로젝트: dokal01/genie-kb
if "," in FLAGS.model:
    FLAGS.model = FLAGS.model.split(",")

FLAGS.observed_sets = FLAGS.observed_sets.split(",")

assert (not FLAGS.batch_train or FLAGS.ckpt_its <= -1
        ), "Do not define checkpoint iterations when doing batch training."

if FLAGS.batch_train:
    print("Batch training!")


kb = load_fb15k(FLAGS.fb15k_dir, with_text=not FLAGS.kb_only)
if FLAGS.subsample_kb > 0:
    kb = subsample_kb(kb, FLAGS.subsample_kb)

if FLAGS.type_constraint:
    print("Loading type constraints...")
    load_fb15k_type_constraints(kb, os.path.join(FLAGS.fb15k_dir, "types"))

num_kb = 0
num_text = 0

for f in kb.get_all_facts():
    if f[2] == "train":
        num_kb += 1
    elif f[2] == "train_text":
        num_text += 1
예제 #2
파일: eval.py 프로젝트: dokal01/genie-kb
    import os
    from data.load_fb15k237 import load_fb15k, load_fb15k_type_constraints
    from model.models import *

    # data loading specifics
    tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string('fb15k_dir', None, 'data dir containing files of fb15k dataset')
    # model parameters
    tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer('size', 10, 'num of models hidden dim')

    # Evaluation
    tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string("model_path", None, "Path to trained model.")
    tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 20000, "Number of examples in each batch for training.")
    tf.app.flags.DEFINE_boolean("type_constraint", False, "Use type constraint during sampling.")

    FLAGS = tf.app.flags.FLAGS

    kb = load_fb15k(FLAGS.fb15k_dir,  with_text=False)
    print("Loaded data.")
    if FLAGS.type_constraint:
        print("Loading type constraints!")
        load_fb15k_type_constraints(kb, os.path.join(FLAGS.fb15k_dir, "types"))

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        model = DistMult(kb, FLAGS.size, FLAGS.batch_size, is_train=False)
        model.saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(FLAGS.model_path))
        print("Loaded model.")

        eval_triples(sess, kb, model, map( lambda x: x[0], kb.get_all_facts_of_arity(2, "test")), verbose=True)

예제 #3
FLAGS = tf.app.flags.FLAGS

if "," in FLAGS.model:
    FLAGS.model = FLAGS.model.split(",")

FLAGS.observed_sets = FLAGS.observed_sets.split(",")

assert (not FLAGS.batch_train or FLAGS.ckpt_its <= -1), "Do not define checkpoint iterations when doing batch training."

if FLAGS.batch_train:
    print("Batch training!")


kb = load_fb15k(FLAGS.fb15k_dir, with_text=not FLAGS.kb_only)
if FLAGS.subsample_kb > 0:
    kb = subsample_kb(kb, FLAGS.subsample_kb)

if FLAGS.type_constraint:
    print("Loading type constraints...")
    load_fb15k_type_constraints(kb, os.path.join(FLAGS.fb15k_dir, "types"))

num_kb = 0
num_text = 0

for f in kb.get_all_facts():
    if f[2] == "train":
        num_kb += 1
    elif f[2] == "train_text":
        num_text += 1