def linear_regression(data, ind, dep):
    y = data.getNumCol([dep])
    A = data.getNumCol(ind)
    A = np.hstack(
        (A, A.shape[0] * [[1]])
    )  # The matrix A.T * A is the covariancde matrix of the independent data
    AAinv = np.linalg.inv(
        A.T, A))  #  the covariancde matrix of the independent data
    x = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)  # solves the equation y = Ab
    b = x[0]  # the solution that provides the best fit regression
    N = y.shape[0]  # rows of y = number of data points
    C = b.shape[0]  # rows of b = number of coefficients
    df_e = N - C  # number of degrees of freedom of the error
    df_r = C - 1  # number of degrees of freedom of the model fit (if you have C-1 of the values of b you can find the last one)
    # the error of the model prediction
    error = y -, b)
    # the sum squared error,
    sse =, error) / df_e
    # the standard error
    stderr = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(sse[0, 0] * AAinv))  # a Cx1 vector.
    # t-statistic
    t = b.T / stderr
    #the probability of the coefficient indicating a random relationship (slope = 0)
    p = 2 * (1 - stats.t.cdf(abs(t), df_e))
    #the r^2 coefficient indicating the quality of the fit.
    r2 = 1 - error.var() / y.var()
    # Return the values of the m0, m1, fit (b), the sum-squared error, the
    #     R^2 fit quality, the t-statistic, and the probability of a
    #     random relationship.
    return (x[0][0, 0], x[0][1, 0], b[2, 0], sse, r2, t, p)
def linear_regression_extension(data, ind, dep):
    A = data.getNumCol(ind)
    y = data.getNumCol([dep])
    minind1 = A[:, 0].min()
    minind2 = A[:, 1].min()
    mindep = np.min(y)
    maxind1 = A[:, 0].max()
    maxind2 = A[:, 1].max()
    maxdep = np.max(y)

    A = np.hstack((A, A.shape[0] * [[1]]))
    AAinv = np.linalg.inv(, A))
    x = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)
    b = x[0]
    N = y.shape[0]
    C = b.shape[0]
    df_e = N - C
    df_r = C - 1
    error = y -, b)
    sse =, error) / df_e
    stderr = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(sse[0, 0] * AAinv))  # a Cx1 vector.
    t = b.T / stderr
    p = 2 * (1 - stats.t.cdf(abs(t), df_e))
    r2 = 1 - error.var() / y.var()

    # Return the values of the m0, m1, fit (b), minind1, minind2, mindep, maxind2,maxind2, maxdep, r2
    return (b[0, 0], b[1, 0], b[2, 0], minind1, minind2, mindep, maxind2,
            maxind2, maxdep, r2)
def normalize_columns_together(headers, data):
    selected = data.getNumCol(headers)
    extent = selected.max() - selected.min()

    r = (selected - selected.min()) / extent
    return r
def stdev(headers, data):
    selected = data.getNumCol(headers)
    sdlist = []
    for i in range(selected.shape[1]):
        col = selected[:, i]

    return sdlist
def normalize_columns_separately(headers, data):
    selected = data.getNumCol(headers)
    minval = np.min(selected, axis=0)
    maxval = np.max(selected, axis=0)
    extent = maxval - minval
    result = (selected - minval) / extent

    return result
def data_range(headers, data):
    selected = data.getNumCol(headers)
    mins = selected.min(0)
    minlist = [[mins[0, 0]], [mins[0, 1]]]

    maxs = selected.max(0)
    maxlist = [[maxs[0, 0]], [maxs[0, 1]]]

    minnmax = np.hstack((minlist, maxlist))
    return minnmax
def single_linear_regression(data, ind_var, dep_var):
    selected = data.getNumCol([ind_var, dep_var]).T

    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(selected)

    minind = np.min(selected, axis=1)[0, 0]
    mindep = np.min(selected, axis=1)[1, 0]
    maxind = np.max(selected, axis=1)[0, 0]
    maxdep = np.max(selected, axis=1)[1, 0]
    return (slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err, minind, mindep,
            maxind, maxdep)
def pca_svd(data, headers, normalize=True):
    # assign to A the desired data. Use either normalize_columns_separately
    #   or get_data, depending on the value of the normalize argument.
    A = data.getNumCol(headers)
    if normalize == True:
        A = self.normalize_columns_separately(headers, data)

    # assign to m the mean values of the columns of A
    m = np.matrix(A.mean(axis=0))
    # assign to D the difference matrix A - m
    D = A.copy()
    for r in range(A.shape[0]):
        D[r] = D[r] - mu
    # assign to U, S, V the result of running np.svd on D, with full_matrices=False
    (U, S, V) = np.svd(D, full_matrices=False)
def perc25(headers, data):
    selected = data.getNumCol(headers)
    pc = np.percentile(selected, 25, axis=0)
    return pc
def sumTotal(headers, data):
    selected = data.getNumCol(headers)
    return np.sum(selected)
def sumCol(headers, data):
    selected = data.getNumCol(headers)
    return np.sum(selected, axis=0)
def mean(headers, data):

    return data.getNumCol(headers).mean(0)