def test(img_path, anno_path): # load net num_classes = len(labelmap) + 1 # +1 for background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.trained_model, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) net.eval() print('Finished loading model!') # load data dataset = SIXrayDetection(args.dataset_root, args.dataset, BaseTransform(300, dataset_mean), SIXrayAnnotationTransform(), test_set_path=(img_path, anno_path)) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True # evaluation test_net(args.result_folder, net, args.cuda, dataset, BaseTransform(net.size, dataset_mean), args.top_k, 300, thresh=args.confidence_threshold)
def test(img_path, anno_path): # load net num_classes = len(SIXray_CLASSES) + 1 # +1 background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.trained_model, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) net.eval() # read and put into a file test_sets = [] for anno_file in os.listdir(anno_path): test_sets.append(anno_file.split('.')[0]) testset = SIXrayDetection(test_sets, None, SIXrayAnnotationTransform(), image_path=img_path, anno_path=anno_path) test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, testset, BaseTransform(net.size, (104, 117, 123)), thresh=args.visual_threshold)
def test_voc(): # load net num_classes = len(SIXray_CLASSES) + 1 # +1 background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.trained_model,map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) net.eval() print('Finished loading model!') # load data test_sets = "./data/sixray/test_1650.txt" testset = SIXrayDetection(test_sets, None, SIXrayAnnotationTransform()) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True # evaluation test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, testset, BaseTransform(net.size, (104, 117, 123)), thresh=args.visual_threshold)
def test_voc(): # load net num_classes = len(SIXray_CLASSES) + 1 # +1 background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.trained_model)) net.eval() print('Finished loading model!') # load data testset = SIXrayDetection(args.sixray_root, [('core_3000', 'val'), ('coreless_3000', 'val')], None, SIXrayAnnotationTransform()) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True # evaluation test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, testset, BaseTransform(net.size, (104, 117, 123)), thresh=args.visual_threshold)
def evaluate_detections(box_list, output_dir, dataset): write_voc_results_file(box_list, dataset) do_python_eval(output_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': # load net num_classes = len(labelmap) + 1 # +1 for background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.trained_model)) net.eval() print('Finished loading model!') # load data dataset = SIXrayDetection(args.sixray_root, args.imagesetfile, BaseTransform(300, dataset_mean), SIXrayAnnotationTransform()) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True # evaluation test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, dataset, BaseTransform(net.size, dataset_mean), args.top_k, 300, thresh=args.confidence_threshold)
def train(): cfg = xray dataset = SIXrayDetection(root=args.dataset_root, image_set='train.txt', transform=SSDAugmentation(cfg['min_dim'], MEANS)) ssd_net = build_ssd('train', cfg['min_dim'], cfg['num_classes']) net = ssd_net if args.cuda: net = torch.nn.DataParallel(ssd_net) cudnn.benchmark = True if args.resume: print('Resuming training, loading {}...'.format(args.resume)) ssd_net.load_weights(args.resume) else: vgg_weights = torch.load(args.save_folder + args.basenet) print('Loading base network...') ssd_net.vgg.load_state_dict(vgg_weights) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() if not args.resume: print('Initializing weights...') # initialize newly added layers' weights with xavier method ssd_net.extras.apply(weights_init) ssd_net.loc.apply(weights_init) ssd_net.conf.apply(weights_init) optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(),, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) scheduler = ExponentialLR(optimizer, gamma=args.gamma) criterion = MultiBoxLoss(cfg['num_classes'], 0.5, True, 0, True, 3, 0.5, False, args.cuda) net.train() # loss counters loc_loss = 0 conf_loss = 0 print('Loading the dataset...') print('Training SSD on:', print('Using the specified args:') print(args) step_index = args.start_iter data_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset, args.batch_size, num_workers=args.num_workers, shuffle=True, collate_fn=detection_collate, pin_memory=True) # create batch iterator batch_iterator = iter(data_loader) for iteration in range(args.start_iter, cfg['max_iter']): # load train data try: images, targets = next(batch_iterator) except StopIteration: batch_iterator = iter(data_loader) images, targets = next(batch_iterator) if args.cuda: images = images.cuda() targets = [ann.cuda() for ann in targets] else: images = images targets = [ann for ann in targets] # forward t0 = time.time() out = net(images) # backprop optimizer.zero_grad() loss_l, loss_c = criterion(out, targets) loss = loss_l + loss_c loss.backward() optimizer.step() if iteration in cfg['lr_steps']: step_index += 1 scheduler.step() t1 = time.time() loc_loss += loss_l.item() conf_loss += loss_c.item() if iteration % 10 == 0: print('timer: %.4f sec.' % (t1 - t0)) print('iter ' + repr(iteration) + ' || Loss: %.4f ||' % (loss.item()), end=' ') if iteration != 0 and iteration % 5000 == 0: print('Saving state, iter:', iteration), 'weights/ssd300_SIXray_' + repr(iteration) + '.pth'), args.save_folder + '' + + '.pth')
def evaluate_detections(box_list, output_dir, dataset): write_voc_results_file(box_list, dataset) do_python_eval(output_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': # load net num_classes = len(labelmap) + 1 # +1 for background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.trained_model)) net.eval() print('Finished loading model!') # load data #test_sets = "./data/sixray/test_1650.txt" test_sets = imgsetpath dataset = SIXrayDetection(test_sets, BaseTransform(300, dataset_mean), SIXrayAnnotationTransform()) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True # evaluation test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, dataset, BaseTransform(net.size, dataset_mean), args.top_k, 300, thresh=args.confidence_threshold)
def evaluate_detections(box_list, output_dir, dataset): write_voc_results_file(box_list, dataset) do_python_eval(output_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': # load net num_classes = len(labelmap) + 1 # +1 for background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.trained_model, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) net.eval() print('Finished loading model!') # load data dataset = SIXrayDetection(args.dataset_root, args.dataset, BaseTransform(300, dataset_mean), SIXrayAnnotationTransform()) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True # evaluation test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, dataset, BaseTransform(net.size, dataset_mean), args.top_k, 300, thresh=args.confidence_threshold)
# SIXrayAnnotationTransform()) # if args.cuda: # net = net.cuda() # cudnn.benchmark = True # # evaluation # # test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, dataset, # BaseTransform(net.size, dataset_mean), args.top_k, 300, # thresh=args.confidence_threshold) # load net num_classes = len(labelmap) + 1 # +a1 for background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD # net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.trained_model)) net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.trained_model)) net.eval() print('Finished loading model!' + args.trained_model) # load ori_data dataset = SIXrayDetection(args.sixray_root, test_imageSet, BaseTransform(300, dataset_mean), SIXrayAnnotationTransform()) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True # evaluation test_net(args.save_folder, net, args.cuda, dataset, BaseTransform(net.size, dataset_mean), args.top_k, 300, thresh=args.confidence_threshold)